#Sonic c
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IGN gives Knuckles an 8/10 rating! ✨
IGN’s Review (spoilers in their article)
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beigerabbit21 · 9 months
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a lovely child.
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noeggets · 1 year
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the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
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mira0000000-blog · 5 months
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before sleep thoughts...how many takes did they need to make for that scene
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tatck · 5 months
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was trying to find something but i found these old style/proportion test stuff instead.
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son1c · 7 months
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only 1 year older, but 1 FOOT taller! fibula is the tallest hedgehog in the prickle... and he loves to rub it in whenever he can <3
although, he might change his tune if he were to ever meet the werehog, since they're both 4'1"!
@sonic-oc-showdown propaganda 🦔
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ultimashadowx · 10 months
Had a realization today...
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project-sonadow · 3 months
happy hour drabble # 2
Sonic had been dragging his feet all day. It was Monday again, which meant there wasn't much to do at Speedy's. Count the change, polish his roller skates, clean the fryers. That was his routine. By the end of his shift, it felt like there were lead blocks stuffed in his socks.
One of his coworkers gave him a strange look when he hung up his hat. "What?" he asked.
"Nothing," the girl replied. For some reason, her eyes looked sad. "Get some rest tonight, won't you, Arthur? We can't have you calling out; you're our best skater!"
Sonic raised an eyebrow, but before he could ask what she meant by that, she disappeared out the back door. Though her voice was muffled now, he could still make out her last request: "And don't forget to lock up!"
Rolling his eyes, Sonic twirled the keys in between his fingers and shook his head. This wasn't his first rodeo! After switching out his skates for his regular, non-wheeled shoes, he left the restaurant with his laces still untied. The door closed behind him, and he locked it with a soft click.
Shadow was waiting for him in his usual spot. The headlights on Shadow's motorcycle illuminated the dark parking lot with warm yellow light, and its engine filled the air with a weighty hum. Sonic hopped onto the back of the bike in one swift motion, and then wrapped his arms around Shadow’s waist like he'd been waiting to do it all day.
"No detours tonight," Sonic said. "I'm bushed!"
Shadow glanced back over his shoulder and was greeted by a mess of wild brown-and-blue quills. "Fine," he said. "That disaster you call a coat would give us away in an instant. Save your strength so I can fix it before bed."
If Sonic replied, it was drowned out by the sound of the motorcycle's engine as it roared to life. Sonic rested his head against Shadow's shoulder as the dark hedgehog drove them back to their apartment. The cool air felt nice against Sonic's fur as the wind whipped through it.
Soon, they arrived. Shadow parked the motorcycle in front of their apartment building before the two of them got off. Only then, under the bright white streetlights, did Shadow see the red flush on Sonic's cheeks. Without so much as a word, Shadow stepped forward and pressed the back of his hand against Sonic's forehead.
"Uh?" Sonic blinked. "Sh-- Lance? What're you...?"
Shadow dropped his hand from Sonic's forehead. "You're burning up," he said matter-of-factly. Then, he took Sonic's hand. "Come. Let's go inside."
Sonic let Shadow lead him up the stairs as he processed what he'd just said. "Wait," Sonic said as Shadow pushed open the door to their apartment. "I'm sick? But it's Monday!"
After both of them were inside the apartment, Shadow shut the door. Now, Sonic's face was screwed up like he was trying to solve a difficult math problem. "That doesn't make any sense," Sonic was saying. "I wasn't sick last Monday, or last last Monday, or--"
Shadow interrupted, "It's possible our minds aren't the only things that remain intact throughout time."
Sonic frowned, "So, someone's germs from the last loop are making me sick in this one?" He paused to think about that for a second. "That's not good, dude. That means..."
"Any consequences will persist regardless of our current place in time," Shadow finished. He was frowning now, too.
"Great," Sonic said, even though nothing about this was great. "Well, there goes my Plan A."
"And what was that?"
Sonic grinned, "'Run straight at the bad guy and hope for the best'!"
Shadow pursed his lips and sighed. Loudly. With agitation. "That's always your plan."
Sonic opened his mouth to reply, but a sneeze cut off whatever snarky remark he had prepared. His grin faded as he remembered how tired he was. Talk about a buzzkill! Next time he saw Tails, he'd have to ask him to make a shrink ray, so he could fight off germs with his fists.
Shadow shook his head as he watched Sonic's ears droop. "Go. Sit," he said. "I'll take it from here."
Sonic wanted to argue, but Shadow’s stern brown eyes made him feel funny. “Whatever,” Sonic muttered as he averted his gaze. “Just don’t take too long. I can’t promise I’ll stick around if you do!”
In truth, Sonic wasn’t going anywhere. Now that he was free from the constraints of his 9 to 5, and the horrors of capitalism were held back by the immutable strength of their apartment door, he was left with nothing to distract him from his fever. He shuffled into the bathroom and plopped down on the stool, waiting for Shadow to come in with the dye.
He sniffled. His bones hurt. He scratched his head, irritated. This never would’ve happened to world famous superhero, Sonic the Hedgehog. It was only because he was disguised as some random punk that he’d gotten sick.
“I seem to remember your fox friend recounting a tale to the contrary,” Shadow suddenly said. He’d appeared in the doorway, dye in hand. “Something about you and Arabian Nights…?”
Sonic waved his hand. “That was different,” he said.
Shadow popped the lid off a bottle of brown dye. “Oh? Is that so?”
Huffing indignantly, Sonic replied, “Yeah. That time, my worst enemy was a super powerful genie. This time, it’s customers!”
Shadow lowered his head. Sonic could’ve sworn he saw him smile. “Hold still,” Shadow said, his hands freshly gloved up and covered in dye. “I’ll be quick.”
Regardless of the truth of that statement, Sonic was physically, mentally, and emotionally incapable of holding still. He tried. Of course, he didn’t want to squirm around like a worm in the rain. But he couldn’t help it! Just like he couldn’t help but tap his foot against the linoleum, his claws clack-clack-clacking against the tile as he did so. That was, until one of Shadow’s hands moved to the back of Sonic’s left ear, and Sonic froze.
Sonic felt Shadow rub the dye into his fur. He felt his claws brush gently against the softest part of his ear. And Sonic stopped thinking about how lame it was to be sick. He didn’t worry about holding still. His heart fluttered in his chest and his eyes closed, totally focused on how good it felt to have Shadow’s fingers in his fur.
Shadow paused, having noticed the strange shift in Sonic’s behavior. But there was no time for him to lean forward and investigate, because a gentle pressure was now pushing against the palm of his hand, urging him to continue. 
It was Sonic, leaning into Shadow’s touch. 
Shadow nearly choked, but he managed to keep his composure. He isn’t feeling well, Shadow reminded himself. That’s all this was.
And yet, when Shadow resumed styling Sonic’s quills, he wasn’t thinking about covering up all the blue spots anymore. Instead, he focused his attention on just that one spot behind Sonic’s ear. He didn’t know why. Maybe he pitied Sonic. As the Ultimate Lifeform, he would never know how it felt to be ill.
Sonic leaned deeper into Shadow’s touch. His tense shoulders relaxed. His job, their mission, the time loop–none of that mattered anymore. Somewhere inside his chest, next to his heart, a soft rumbling began. Purring.
Sonic was purring.
Abruptly, Shadow stood. He turned away from Sonic, so he didn’t see him blink his eyes open sleepily. 
“That’s all for now,” Shadow said stiffly. “Count yourself lucky. If not for your… illness… you would’ve been sitting there for much longer.”
And then he exited the bathroom, leaving Sonic sitting there as the last of his purrs quietly faded away.
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houndfaker · 5 months
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Even the shadows swallowed he, To fill his empty soul
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9474s0ul · 11 months
about the last question from that guy, karkat is a character from homestuck and he's really similar to your take on organic metal, yeh it's a fun comic but it's really long :P
Thanks for the insight, but my little post was a jOkE ;o3 'twas referencing this specific panel.
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littlefleamart · 8 months
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Wait hold up if G.U.N was created as an after effect of Sonics and Dr. Robotniks fight in San Francisco, what does that mean for Shadow?
Wasn’t G.U.N the organisation that hunted him down and was the cause of Maria’s death? Unless I’m remembering it wrong, which I might be tbh. Does that mean there was another unit monitoring Gerald and deemed him too deadly or was it still G.U.N that just reformed on a larger scale after the SF fight.
I can see higher ups being aware of Project Shadow but how much do they really know?
Aaahhh the SCU actually looking at consequences of the previous films is refreshing and interesting to consider, it’s actually a really intriguing part and hopefully it’ll be done well!
Hey Hon!❤️✨
You’re correct in G.U.N.’s origins in the game! Don’t worry, I promise. I know that the Adventure games and Shadow’s game are a bit hard to come by, but you’ve got the general idea correct. (This is the post in reference if anyone is curious).
We must remember that these movies are going to be a bit different from the games. The movies use the backbones and “meat” of the games in order to tell their versions of the story. Some of it will require knowledge of the games while others may try and spin a concept in a different light.
We know what Guardian Units of Nations is because we’re diehard fans. Beginner and casual fans might not know. And that’s okay! We know that they’re a nation’s defense force; a military organization established to respond to major criminal cases and domestic conflicts (SA2’s Hero/Dark game guide). That’s kinda like saying they’re the equivalent of modern day military, right? The movie’s explanation for G.U.N. might be that they’re a military branch that responds to conflict both domestic and international. It would make sense. General Walters works at the Pentagon, wears various combat badges, share his unit ranking, and all that jazz. So, yeah! It’s quite possible for G.U.N. to be a newly established task force, but have recruiters transfer to a new branch. They probably are relatively new.
As for knowing who Shadow is, it’s quite possible that he could be an X-File of sorts in this scenario. In all honesty, it really wouldn’t surprise me if he was classified as something like that. We know that Shadow’s both a weapon and a cure. It’s very possible for higher-ups to know his existence, have it filed/redacted somewhere in archives, and having high-ranking officials know about him. As of right now, we don’t know what Shadow’s fate will be. It’s really up to him to determine that.
Honestly, anything is fair game at this point! I’m excited to see what’s brought to the table for this one.😁
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achirding · 11 months
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Sonic finds that there are some definite perks to being the king. C:
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noeggets · 2 years
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The interactions in this game is wild love seeing them actually be friends
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scrunglepaws · 6 days
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Sonic: Did you know a lot of people ship you with Tails Doll? xD Tails: NO ONE DOES THAT!!! >8C
Tails Doll: *RIP in pieces*
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sharks3ye · 9 months
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post SA2 stuff ?
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