#Solas' POV:
markmefistov · 1 year
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Inquisitor Gill Lavellan still angry an evil but now with purple lighting . - coming soon in Dragon Age Dreadwolf.
I drew this some time ago when the purple theme for DA:D was announced, and I completely forgot to post it owo"
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heavy in your arms by florence and the machine is so solas/inquisitor lavellan coded
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broodwolf221 · 4 months
okay. aforementioned meta time.
aka: solas drew the veil and plunged the world into chaos... but my best guess is, he had to.
ft.: if he was wrong to do so (which i don't think he was), then the inquisitor is just as wrong during in hushed whispers
solas' goals were pretty straightforward: he wanted to liberate the enslaved elvhen. to do that, he had to stop the evanuris, who were, without a doubt, the world's most powerful mages.
and others have posited theories about more going on, theories i tend to agree with, at least in terms of broad strokes. specifically i believe there's a connection btwn the evanuris and the blight and that, unchecked, they truly would have destroyed the world.
in which case, he gets an additional goal: save the literal world.
i also tend to agree with the idea that red lyrium has something to do with the blight. so moving forward with these two theories...
things blight/red lyrium can affect (in game canon):
animals (including moles and worms via ambient dialogue in suledin keep)
so it's reasonably safe to say that not only does the blight impact people, but it impacts the planet/nature as well. so if he took action to stop the blight, then by doing so he sacrificed arlathan to save the entire rest of the world. and the extreme measure he took here was likely necessary because of the strength of the evanuris - one man, one mage, however skilled, could not effectively fight them all. as a direct confrontation he would have lost. but there's still a heavy implication that he warred with them (or perhaps for them - either way, he was a soldier) for some time, that he "spent lives," which to me implies that he was something of a general waging a war against the evanuris, at least at one point. so it's safe to say that he actually tried to go head to head with them - and he couldn't. not even with an army.
i have seen his actions within the timeline of dai contrasted with the inquisitor's actions during the in hushed whispers timeline, and i think that's a very valid comparison to make: he woke to a world that was unrecognizable to him, corrupted by his actions, but also saved by his actions! but he wants to bring what was good about the world back. as inky in that timeline, we are willing to destroy everyone in order to "reset" the world and have another chance to take down corypheus.
in game, the world doesn't seem too bad to us. sure, it has its issues, but it's still a functional world, right? the people inhabiting it, most of them want to continue to live the rest of their lives, right? i don't think we can say the same isn't true of the future timeline we saw. there was absolutely deep corruption and danger, and the inquisitor's companions seek a reset, but what of those outside southern thedas? we never know, we never see their lives. what if others were gearing up to attack - what if they'd been able to succeed? instead we determine that this future is so awful, so intolerable, through our limited, narrow point of view of it, that it should be erased, should be completely unmade.
and in-game, this reads as ethical! but it's also analogous to what solas is doing and to what he did in arlathan. i don't think that paralleling is unintentional, either: what we see in that future is very much what he sees in the present, and we're both right, these times are "corrupted," are "broken," are "different" and are "wrong." but as inky it's presented as an inevitability - of course we would seek to restore, to reset, and nevermind all that we'd be destroying in the doing. leliana says this explicitly to dorian, that for him this is a nightmare he hopes will never come to pass, but the rest of them lived it, it was real.
to solas, the world is half of what it should be. everyone is walking around not knowing how much they are missing, unable to recognize the deep loss of magic for what it is. it's a gutted world, and that it's all these people have ever known... well, does that make it right to keep it as-is? because if so, how did the inquisitor have the right to reset the world in that timeline?
(little note: i have not engaged with any media outside of the main game canon and certain dlcs. however, i also do not personally hold that canon outside the games/major dlcs is absolute canon and should be 100% trusted. this is just how i engage with this franchise. so if smth i said here is disproved by non-game canon, personally that doesn't rly matter to me uwu;; to each their own tho!)
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herearedragons · 9 months
The Dread One (Solas as an eldritch being)
His is a plain, unassuming appearance, but it's firmly burned into your mind nonetheless.
He knows things. Ancient lore glimpsed from the Fade, but also other things that don't make sense. He tells a story about watching a young mage stand up to a demon, and you realize midway that this is a word-to-word retelling of your Harrowing. But it can't be, right? You were there. It was just you and that demon. He couldn't have seen that.
Conversations with him are fascinating, but they tend to... spiral. You come to compare notes about Fade rifts and end up staying for hours, listening as he speaks deeply and passionately about topics you'll only hazily remember - or, sometimes, you'll come to and realize that you are the one speaking passionately, telling him about your past or your hopes for the future, with no idea how you got to that topic in the first place.
He seems to enjoy your conversations. He's happy when you come by - eager, almost, but you have a feeling that it's not your company that he enjoys. He seems to be searching for something when you speak; sometimes you catch glimpses of something like hope in his expression, followed, inevitably, by disappointment.
He's in your dreams sometimes. Watching. Searching, there, too?
You see his eyes where they shouldn't be. You see him in places where he doesn't belong. For the longest time, you try to convince yourself that it's nothing, that all of these signs are just a trick of your own mind, but one day you slip.
In your dream, you meet his eyes instead of avoiding them, and now he knows that you know.
You know that he's studying you.
You gather the courage to speak with Cassandra. You tell her what's been happening. She frowns, taken aback. She's concerned. She says that this must be looked into.
You wake up. That conversation never happened.
You approach Bull as he's training in the courtyard. You tell him about your dreams. You can see how it makes him physically uncomfortable, and he agrees without hesitation that you need to get rid of Solas.
You wake up. That conversation never happened.
You ask Dorian in the library whether he's ever heard of anything like this. You're not sure why you bother anymore. You've tried so many times, now.
But this time, his eyes light up. He leads you to a corner of the library, already rambling off theories, pulls a book off the shelves and begins feverishly leafing through it. He knows something. He's seen something like this before. Your chest fills with hope.
You wake up. That conversation never happened.
You don't try again, after that one. You're not sure how he knows that you're about to approach someone, but he catches you every time. You don't visit him in the rotunda anymore. You don't take him on missions. It doesn't help. It feels like he's right behind your shoulder at all times.
He's gone from your dreams now, too, but that only makes things worse. You haven't woken up from what you didn't realize was a dream in a while now, but what does that mean? Is what's happening now even real? Was your last mission real? Was your first kiss real? Are you going to wake up again, any minute now?
You decide that your only way out is to finish your task. Kill Corypheus, fulfill the Inquisition's purpose. Then, there will be no reason for Solas to be interested in you anymore. You will have your life back.
So you do just that, no matter how much blood, fear and difficult decisions you have to get through. You push your own pain aside. You win. The war is over.
During the celebration, someone informs you that Solas has disappeared from Skyhold. You breathe in relief.
But he comes back.
Two years later, you've gone through a mirror to a place you don't understand, and he's there, waiting for you. The fear is so overwhelming that for a moment you stop feeling the pain in your arm.
"I suspect you have questions," he says.
No. No, you don't. You don't want to ask him questions, you want to run, but the pain from the Anchor kicks back in, rendering you helpless on the ground. You have no choice but to talk.
All you can ask is, why?
And he tells you. He tells you exactly what he is. He tells you how lonely was his thousands-of-years slumber, how much he yearned for a connection, even with a lesser being such as yourself. How he wished to be understood; how he looked through every aspect of your being to find the best way to connect with you.
Unfortunately, he says, it did not work. Your limited mind would never be able to truly comprehend him. But the Anchor gave you a glimpse, a deeper one than most mortals can see.
However, he would like to have it back now. It's for your own good. He promises.
When he tears your arm off, you weep, not with pain, but with the relief of finally knowing the truth, knowing that what you experienced truly happened. Of finally knowing your enemy.
And then you wake up.
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stinkrascal · 1 year
i’ll probably never do this but ive really wanted to make a sim story based on the events of my dragon age inquisition gameplay in the pov of my inquisitor’s little sister who followed her to haven. like that specific story has infected my brain for weeks and it will not leave now
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julcsx · 2 years
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"si tengo que escuchar UNA vez más ‘que me bese la cumpleañera’ los voy a echar a todos” ya no soporta que digan cosas así de su hermana, ¿no pueden simplemente callarse y disfrutar la fiesta?
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suppenzeit · 4 months
sorry this is very 2012 of me to say but You Are The Moon really is kind of a solavellan song
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dreadfutures · 2 years
I am, if nothing, a predictable bitch:
Solavellan + Basorexia - An overwhelming desire to kiss
Thank you <3 <3 <3
I wanted to do a Solas POV of Ch 79: Halam'shivanas. I don't know if it's really turned out the way I wanted for an official Solas POV of that moment, but regardless -- here it is.
Art by @artharakka:
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Their path out from the camp into the fields had zigged and zagged as they both stumbled in the faint starlight, and he had thought several times now that they should turn back and turn in, before they truly lost their senses. Or, really, before he lost the last of his already fragile inhibitions. The warmth in her understanding eyes was potent, as intoxicating as the whiskey they had shared around the fire.
Solas knew, in some part of himself, that the moment she sat down in the grass to remove the Ardent Blossoms from her hair, he had met his undoing. It was only a matter of time.
The Dalish liquor was thick on her tongue, slurring her words and weighing down her eyelids with sleep, and Solas himself was not far behind. He could not stop himself from joining her on the ground, brushing his fingers against hers as he took the stone flowers from her hands. She did not even need to look at him, for her touch, her consideration, warmed him as much as the liquor had.
He craved that touch, and the warmth and understanding behind it, to thaw the sharp grief that still made every breath a chore in this hollow world.
And so Solas began to speak.
He had convinced himself for so long that her platitudes and pleas should carry no weight in his mind, for she did not truly understand what was at stake. He had told her that she did not know what she asked, when she begged him to tell her what haunted him.
He could not bear for her to look at him, speak to him, with such earnest compassion when he had only told her half the truth. The core of it, to be fair, but not its consequence. He wanted her to understand, and to look at him this way, but he would only accept it if she knew.
In this moment—be it one of weakness, or one of rare strength—he divested himself of any such excuses.
Solas spoke, and he told her the terrible truth.
At first, he took her silence, her stare, as one of shock certain to bleed into terror, or disgust. But none came. Her eyes glittered with focus as she returned his wary look with one of intense focus. More truths poured out of him, ugly in their cruelty: his dismissal of this world, the people in it, and how even now that he saw their value he still weighed it against the people he had lost and found them lacking.
She drank in his offering without fear, without judgment, barely blinking as tears filled her eyes. And he thought that perhaps that was a gift, albeit a simple one. But the moment she began to speak, the Ardent Blossoms clutched tight in her hands, he realized how vastly he continued to underestimate her. Truly, he had been wrong from the start. She had only ever been speaking to him—to the shadows that haunted them both. She had not needed to know, to specify, to equivocate, the difference between Solas and Fen'Harel.
He watched her lips as she told him a story, and every word only made him long to close the distance between them and embrace her. She had been asking, "Do you hear me now?" for so long, but only now did he understand.
"‘It was the last of its kind, and so much more than the last of me,’ they said, and then they left for uthenera—to be able to remember the flowers forever. Maybe that was their din’an’shiral, but what was the point of this memory? It had been hidden away, not even in a place of prominence, until I found it."
She took a deep breath, then released it to the heavens in a long, slow sigh. "The point was the act of outpouring itself. They gave that flower new life in the retelling alone. My duty is not to spend my life searching for the alchemy or the magic to bring that vine back to life, to replant it, to breed it.”
She smiled a little, her shoulders slumping as though relieved of a great weight—evidence of a weariness in her spirit that he believed he had placed there. He had hated the thought, but now he knew a deeper truth: he loved her for it. In this story she wove for him, in her pains, and in her sorrows, she told him again and again and again that she knew him, and she wanted him to know her in kind. If only he would allow himself.
“I may not live forever, but for now, that flower has new life in me. And my duty to that flower, and to the Rememberer, is to give it new life in the retelling.”
Ixchel offered him this belief so simply, without pretense, without request.
But for the first time, he thought he might believe it, too.
The shock of it—the possibility, the freedom, that such a realization entailed—left him reeling. After all this time, the bitter grief he had clung to for guidance in the turmoil and the terror had been wrenched from his grasp. The world, as empty as it remained, felt suffocatingly full in the wake of her words, and he thought he might drown if left without something to anchor him.
He needed something else to hold on to. Solas did not know what he would find, if he let go of the duty that had steered his course for so long. But this woman in front of him had labored so long to get him to try.
Ixchel looked at him then with the same understanding and love in her eye, and he realized something else: it could not be her. Just as she had told him she did not want to place her burdens upon him, he could not place that burden on her, along with the fate unwittingly branded into her palm.
Together, she had urged him. Together, as equals, they could walk this path wherever it might lead.
Together, he told himself, and he kissed her.
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faerune · 2 years
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Tagged by @risingsh0t, @chuckhansen, and @jackiesarch to post nine of my favorite characters and have people guess my type in the comments! ok so why there are two sets.........i wasn’t gunna be able to fit everyone and i’m a whore and also bisexual so :)
Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) | Sam Drake (Uncharted) | Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil) | Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption) | Joel Miller (The Last of Us) | Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead) | Johnny Silverhand (Cyberpunk 2077) | Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age) | Angel & Spike (BTVS/ATS)
Cristina Yang (Grey’s Anatomy) | Kisa (From Dusk Till Dawn) | Love Quinn (You) | Judy Alvarez (Cyberpunk 2077) | Isabela (Dragon Age) | Claire Redfield (Resident Evil) | Peggy Olson (Mad Men) | Kiara Carrera (Outer Banks) | Addison Montgomery (Grey’s Anatomy)
Tagging: @solasan, @arborstone, @faarkas, @queennymeria, @battlevest, @arklay, @shadowglens, @lvllns, @jennystahl, @aartyom, and anyone else who would like to do this! 💗
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a-world-in-grey · 2 years
Sola/Calling for Rain III
The next part! Had this sitting in my docs for a while, but @secret-engima’s recent updates gave me the motivation to finish this part up.
“You do not wish to continue your shinobi career?”
The girl standing across from his desk gives him a pointed look of skepticism. It's odd, Hiruzen muses, to see a jounin so expressive. Shinobi who reach that rank reflexively mask their thoughts and feelings behind a façade, the consequences of so many years of rigid self-control around those they don't trust completely.
Hiruzen would think Kusa pushed young Kyoho's promotion for the prestige of having their own 'prodigy,' but no. Hawk-taicho, Ibiki, and Jiraiya's reports of Kyoho refute that idea.
Uzumaki Kyoho, it seems, is simply not a reserved person.
It seems to be a persistent Uzumaki trait.
"Does it matter?" Kyoho says after Hiruzen lets the question stand. "Your shinobi won't trust me."
Hiruzen acknowledges that point with a hum. Kyoho is right, none of the jounin or chuunin will trust her for at least a couple years. Hiruzen won't trust her for a couple years, not enough to give her access as an active Konoha jounin. "What do you plan to do then?"
The jounin is in civilian clothing. Sturdy black shorts and a high collar shirt in brilliant orange, yellow, blue. Her arms and shoulders are bare, displaying the cloud and wave patterned tattoos in stark black ink on her forearms and the wing-like tattoo peeking out on her shoulders. A black bandana with gold and blue and orange wave embroidery replaces the hitai-ate formerly keeping her hair out of her face.
It's a stark difference to the black, grey, and green of her shinobi gear. He'd wonder if Naruto had an influence on the color choice, but Kyoho has yet to meet Naruto or reunite with her sister.
Kyoho shrugs. "Get a job. Not going to make the kids support me."
That would be difficult for two genin to do. Even with three - Hiruzen has no doubt Sasuke would help - the fact of the matter is genin salaries are too small to support more than a single person. Naruto may become a chuunin in the coming weeks, but Karin won't be eligible for a promotion until her year of probation as a former foreign shinobi is over.
Karin has expressed an interest in working as a medic-nin in the interim, which will at least provide a steady pay that mission-work lacks. Her application isn't likely to be denied. The hospital is delighted at the prospect of a medic with Uzumaki-level chakra reserves and Hiruzen has no doubt his Head Medic will murder anyone who steals Karin away from them.
The Head Medic would take Kyoho in a heart beat if Hiruzen allowed it. Jounin medic-nin don't just land on their doorstep fully trained. Hiruzen will have to deny them though - at least until he's certain Kyoho isn't an infiltrator.
"Have you considered earning your Fuuinjutsu Mastery?" A fuuinjutsu apprentice, to pass her unique sealing style on to those of Konoha.
Kyoho eyes him. "I have to teach, right?" Hiruzen nods. There's also a level of skill expected, but Jiraiya's report provided ample detail of Kyoho's competence.
She frowns, fingers tapping out a restless rhythm against her thigh. "I'm teaching Karin already. Anyone else…" She shrugs. "I can try. If they don't believe it won't matter."
Ho? "Believe?" Hiruzen asks.
"I invoke my clan's gods. Without belief in their power, the seals won't work." Kyoho pauses, then fixes him with a pointed look. "Or they'll explode."
Yes, Hiruzen is aware of that particular hazard of fuuinjutsu. "Can your seals be adapted to another style?" Even if they can't get her teleportation seal, the regeneration or chakra storage or even the poison filter would be worth the gamble of stealing the Kusa jounin.
"Maybe?" Hiruzen can practically see the gears turning in Kyoho's mind as she thinks it over. "Theoretically it's possible to adapt any seal to another style. In practice you have to understand both your own and the other style well enough to understand how the seal works. Which is horrendously difficult and time-intensive even if you know the person who created it and what their thought process was, because there are a hundred different variables to take into account-" Kyoho cuts herself off. "Not by myself." She says firmly.
Hiruzen tucks away his surprise at the sudden deluge and makes a mental note to recommend Kyoho to Research and Development. Kyoho said as many words in her tangent as the entire conversation before it.
"I'll compile a list of potential students for you to meet after the Chuunin Exams conclude." And leave notes behind for his successor if the worst should come to pass. Hiruzen doesn't know what his traitorous student plans, but it will happen then. Hiruzen is sure of it. "Until then, you and Jiraiya-kun can teach each other."
Jiraiya has plenty of free time after Naruto dismissed his training in favor of Team Aoba's. Unfortunate, but Team Aoba is running Naruto through his paces so Hiruzen has no doubt Naruto will be ready for the Finals next week.
Kyoho twitches. "Yes, Hokage-sama."
"Is there a problem?" Hiruzen asks mildly. He can guess at her reticence - Jiraiya hasn't bothered to reign in his foibles in years.
Kyoho's lips purse, and for a moment Hiruzen wonders if she'll deflect, but then she scowls and mutters darkly, "If he touches my hair I'm setting him on fire."
"Your hair." Hiruzen repeats slowly.
"Yes." There's a defiant glare in those blue eyes, daring Hiruzen to say something.
Hiruzen hums. "Will you heal him after?" Kyoho isn’t known as the Inferno for nothing.
"…yes." Grudgingly.
Very well then. "No maiming." He doubts Kyoho could maim or kill Jiraiya, but it’s always good for his student to be reminded that personal power doesn’t allow him to get away with everything.
Kyoho nods sharply.
Good. “Then there’s someone I believe you should meet.”
A subtle pulse of his chakra signals the ANBU masquerading as his secretary. The dark haired woman in a chuunin’s uniform - a classic beauty with ample curves, Rabbit is a Seduction specialist when not pulling guard duty and she doesn’t hesitate to use her cover to flirt with every shinobi that passes her desk - opens the door, and a blur of red slams directly into Kyoho.
Kyoho catches her sister with ease, spinning to bleed off momentum. Karin clings to Kyoho with arms and legs wrapped tight, her face buried in the side of Kyoho's neck and shoulders heaving from her sobs. Kyoho holds Karin up with one arm and cards her free hand through her hair, tears streaming freely from closed eyes.
Both girls are silent. Their expressions and body language are blatant with emotion, but no sound escapes either of them.
Not until Kyoho opens her eyes and sees the second arrival.
A blink of surprise at the blonde hair. But then Kyoho's eyes land on Naruto's face and her lips twitch into the first smile anyone in Konoha has seen from her. "Hello cousin."
“You’re really Uzumaki, dattebayo.” Naruto breathes. Wide eyes dart from the Uzumaki-red hair, to the sun-kissed skin just a few shades darker than the rest of Fire and the wider face, and Hiruzen doesn't have to be a Yamanaka to know Naruto sees the features they so clearly share. “You’re really here.”
Oh Naruto…
Kushina would be so furious with him, Hiruzen thinks. That Naruto didn't think an Uzumaki would come for a long-lost clansman? Unacceptable.
Kyoho's expression softens. Ignoring Karin still wrapped around her, she kneels to Naruto's height. “Yeah. I’m afraid you’re stuck with us now.”
Naruto launches himself at Kyoho. Unbraced, Kyoho falls backward, taking Karin and Naruto with her. It cannot be comfortable, Karin still wrapped around her like a koala and Naruto flattening them both, but Kyoho just wraps her free arm around Naruto's back and rubs circles across his back while he cries into her other shoulder.
Hiruzen turns to the window to give them some privacy, and ignores the guilt weighing him down when the soft hum of an Uzumaki lullaby fills the room.
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adaranka · 10 months
Chapter 16 of my DAI fic “Prophecies Cannot Be Changed” is out!
Marcel steals Solas' godly exclusivety at doing the imposible
The templars are bribed, not with chololate
Solas is back to his habits - pride mixed with self-hatred
Animal spirit for the chapter:
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vivispec · 1 year
My first entry for the 14 Days of Dragon Age Lovers! Go check out @14daysdalovers if you’re interested in joining, or want to support some amazing artists/writers. 
fandom: dragon age inquisition
pairing: solavellan, solas/viera’vun
tags: fluff, cuddling, short and sweet, solas pov
“Then, with a glint in her amber eyes, she leaned forward to ring it round his head, so close in reaching that he could smell the smoke from last night’s campfire still clinging to her leathers. Affixing it deliberately with what he could only assume was a bow, she tucked the loose tails of the ribbon behind his ears tenderly, letting her fingers trace the curve of his jawline to come to rest, cupping his cheek.
'Are you implying I’ve the qualities of a hart, vhenan?’”
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ringneckedpheasant · 1 year
definitely still need to work on keeping arthur in character but finding his voice as the pov character has felt more natural than anyone else i’ve written besides ehsaan
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actual-lich-queen · 1 year
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graphic by bearlytolerable
Chapter 32:   But not even the wisest of men do not always see the truth in front of them, nor do they wish to. -Hahren Sarel
read on Ao3
Excerpt: “Begging your pardon, Herald,” one of the Fereldan soldiers said, “But I could swear I know you from somewhere.”
“Could be, Lieutenant Ilsa.” Ayla answered, already scrapping her bowl, “It wasn’t so long ago I lived in Denerim. Ever buy flowers in the market?”
“Not that I remember.” The soldier who was apparently named Ilsa answered, “Don’t have a place to put ‘em in the barracks.”
“Get your washing done?” Ayla tried again.
“No, army has people for that.” Ilsa said.
“Well, it wouldn’t have been the Pearl, would it?” Ayla was smirking. 
There were several choking sounds around the campfire [...]
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ziracona · 2 years
Bull watching me happily talk two abominations into joining the Inquisition in one day
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opaleyedprince · 2 years
no actually i want to make a post abt this. i’m handing my lavellan the well of sorrows and saying this is your right, it belongs to you, and if you aren’t careful it will crush you bc of your refusal to share your burdens.
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