radiogornjigrad · 2 months
Žarko Paić: Zar mudrost ne vrijedi baš ništa? (Sokratova pouka „danas“)
Sokrat Govorenje o stvarima tzv. mudrosti danas ne može biti mudro, jer ova riječ ne odnosi se više na bit filozofije kao u predsokratskih Grka, već je postala gotovo samorazumljivo uporabljiva za praktično umijeće rješavanja teških spoznajno-etičkih problema. Mudrim čovjekom smatra se onoga tko posjeduje, rekao bi Aristotel u Nikomahovoj etici, razboritost, grčki phronesis. Kao što je poznato,…
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tehlikeli-oyunlar · 9 months
"Bedendeki hayat kötüdür, yalandan ibarettir. Bu yüzden hayatın yok olması bir nimettir, bunu arzulamamız gerekir," der Sokrat.
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globalmediaplanet · 9 months
Velika je beda čovekova što ni pamet ni vrlina ne silaze s oca na sina, ali je još veća beda što ni pamet ni vrlina nisu onoliko zarazne koliko glupost i porok. Sin čestitog Fokiona i sin plemenitog Katona bili su savršeno razvratni, a sin Geteov bio je potpuno blesast. Bokačo kaže da je Danteova sestra udata za Leona Pođi imala sina Andreju koji je imao isto lice kao Dante, njegov stas i kretanje, čak i bio malo poguren kao Dante, a bio je potpuno nepismen… Najveći ljudi imaju i najžešće neprijatelje… Nije rđavom čoveku dovoljno da otme vaš položaj nego da vas istovremeno uprlja i uništi; niti mu je dovoljno da sedne na vašu stolicu, nego da sedne na vašu grobnu ploču. To su najvećma iskusili najviši ljudi. Zato sve svete i velike stvari imaju tužnu istoriju… https://globalmediaplanet.info/10783-2/ *odabir jezika klikom na zastavicu ili iz padajuće liste **Choose your language (flags or dropdown list)
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spectatorzg · 2 years
Filozofska razmatranja na plus 35. U hladu.
Ćelavi bradonja Neki od vas vjerojatno su čuli za ćelavog bradatog tipa koji se zvao Sokrat. Tog ćelavog bradonju treba svakako razlikovati od tipa koji se za života bavio ganjanjem lopte u Brazilu, a zvao se Socrates, a za kojeg je većina čula. Razlika je velika. Ovaj Socrates cijeli je život loptu udarao glavom, dok je ćelavom bradonji glava služila samo za razmišljanje. Danas ćemo malo…
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cesiousblue · 5 months
It is afraid, and wounded, and it cannot know the power it gives without seeing it first in the reflection of a Candidate's eyes
Secret Samol time! @bronanlynch asked for some Sokrates/Integrity, so this is a lil comic from Integrity's perspective, remembering Sokrates.
(And maybe some incidental Thisbe/Integrity if you squint :3)
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TWs for under the cut: canon typical body horror, death of a parent, light nudity (there's undies), blood (but its purple)
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I had such fun with this one, sorry it's so SAD. I feel like i am best at lil bittersweet comics XD
This was the first time I've ever drawn a mech and I didnt know how to approach designing it- my references were the ones mentioned on the show (Anubis from stargate and Guyver) as well as traditional Greek clothing.
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As a lil bonus: I also made a couple phone backgrounds just for fun!
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blue-mono · 7 months
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Assassin's Creed: Odyssey & Twitter (3/?)
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filohazard · 3 days
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"We Demand To Be Taken Seriously"
[Eclectic Opposition, Gig Kephart, Mako Trig, Sokrates Nikon Artemisios (And the Divine Integrity), Fero Feritas (and Safewater), Exeter Leap, Lye Lychen (and Aterika’kaal) and Apparatus Aperitif, the Night Mayor]
Inspired by this tweet retained for posterity by @peacereturnedtothevalley
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glassgob · 11 months
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bad news folks. got into another sci-fi podcast [Image ID: Digital reference sheet of Sokrates and Cassander from Friends at the Table: COUNTER/Weight. Sokrates and Cass are both fish-people, Sokrates taking design inspiration from the red scorpionfish and Cassander the Mediterranean parrotfish. They are adorned in a modified version of Minoan fashion, featuring flowing garments with vibrant primary color patterns. They both have long, black hair greying at the sides. Cass is several inches shorter than Sokrates, excluding headspines. End ID.]
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heraldofsomething · 6 months
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Assassin's Creed: Odyssey Doing Time
Interesting... Death may be the greatest of human blessings, after all.
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master-of-the-stars · 7 months
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I can never forget them
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radiogornjigrad · 4 months
Kako je Sokrat pobedio bogate Atinjane
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moghedien · 4 months
Least annoyed reaction to Sokrates
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ttutunamayanlar · 4 days
Yaşamak için unutmak gerekirmiş yaşanmışlıkları.
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evegoldenwoods · 3 months
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Sometimes a prompt is just an excuse to practise posing and draperyfrom a Greek statue
And then I couldn't decide which version I liked more.
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thebestestbat · 5 months
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companion to my 2023 Secret Samol piece, Intimacy. Screenshot by @kalvin-brnine.
[ID: A screenshot of overlapping text. Some lines are clear, and the following are highlighted:
Integrity made its offer to Sokrates. Sokrates said yes. Integrity,
old to
shoulder, towards the familiar curve of their spine.
Please help me, Sokrates said. I need power. I need
help me, Sokrates said. I need power. I need divinity.
Integrity burrowed into their Apostolosian flesh.
brain. Touching it just barely, just enough to get a taste.
Sokrates uncurled slowly from their fetal position on the
Integrity stood, taking on their weight. It was reeling.
Reborn with a thought, a wish from Sokrates's insides.]
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pierppasolini · 6 months
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The Hot Month of August (1966) // dir. Sokrates Kapsaskis, Doris Wishman
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