#Snape AU
tageerdo · 13 days
Quick Sketch(s)
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ravenshavenn · 8 months
Movie Snape is an elegant, angry black cat and book Snape is a raven that's trying to steal your chips.
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bbluxart · 1 year
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Just thinkin about spellsword!Snape again.
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nightingale2004 · 11 days
Severus Snape as a celebrity singer AU headcanon
Severus got his first guitar from his father, who won it and gave it to Severus (the only nice thing Tobias ever gave his own son)
After he got the guitar, he taught himself how to play it and started performing in the privacy of his own room, then he slowly started playing in the streets and then soon on the stage of bars under the stage name "Severus Prince"
He started earning money as an underground singer, but then CEO Tom Riddle and a few of his colleagues discovered Severus and made him famous in a snap and even helped him with money for school per Severus's request (if the singer thing didn't work out)
Severus's music has a similar vibe to Lana del Ray, Melanie Martinez, NF, Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, NF, and Billie Eilish
His genres of music would be rock, metal, punk, classical, no doubt some techno, and of course goth
His first year working for Tom Riddle, he was with a band, calling it "The Half-blood Prince." After Severus's high school years, they disbanded
Severus was facing a very toxic environment working for Tom, and he wasn't singing songs that fit Severus. He was even facing depression and self-harm, but he would write in his own little songbook to let it out
Eventually, he left the Riddle company and worked with Dumbledore in his company, where he had more freedom to sing what he wanted instead of what Riddle made him do.
He and Lily were friends but quickly grew apart as they grew up
Lily is one of the managers working for Dumbledore along with her new husband James Potter, who was a former member of a once popular band called "The Marauders" , now he is also a manager to his best friend, former band mate and current big time celebrity Sirius Black
Severus, during his time with Dumbledore and his company, he went on a down low recovery to help himself from what he experienced in his past and from Riddle company
As he recovered, he started singing songs and releasing a bunch of albums that were relatable to a lot of people. (Lost loves, trauma, depression, mental health, abuse, betrayal, fake friends, toxic relationships, etc. He even wrote a song about his mother)
Severus, despite his music, doesn't like the constant attention and still keeps to himself.
He has a rivalry with famous actor and singer, Sirius Black
Severus is known as a very mysterious celebrity. He tends not to give much about his past or what he went through but his fans and haters have their theories
He secretly donates his money to the children of Spinners' end so that they could have a better life and education than he ever had
He eventually reconnects with Lily, and they get somewhat close, but there's still a wall there
Severus was once engaged to Mulciber before he quiet, but weeks after their engagement, Mulciber died due to overdose
Severus is said to have the voice of a siren
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slendersickk · 7 days
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sev as scarecrow's apprentice (old sketch)
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snapelynn · 3 months
Severus Snape and the Profound Slaughter
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Chapter 13: A Ghost of a Girl
She's dead, and you killed her.
It sounded worse than it was, it had to.
It was his haphazard wand work that had emitted such a terrible noise; somewhere between an inhuman growl and the earth being split in two. His vision had gone spotty and white, and Severus realized just how hard he was squeezing his eyes shut. He couldn't bear to look upon what he had done, apparently.
Useless coward
*Read the full chapter on Ao3- https://archiveofourown.org/works/27806215/chapters/136300525
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cerise-grenadine · 3 months
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14th of July, 1995 — Place du Trocadéro.
First photo of Severus and his new first girlfriend together.
a lazy sketch — i haven't drawn in a while cause i'm stuck in a phase of nothingness again and thought i'd force myself to do at least a little something.
in my AU this is the day he introduces her to his top secret family, which is why someone is there to take a picture of them. It's Bastille Day, they all gathered in Paris (where his brother lives) to watch the fireworks. it's probably a hot day but that's pretty much the most naked Sev will ever be in public (only two layers and the top button is undone, ho dear). also, he's still recovering from the aftermath of Voldie's return.
can you tell i have no bloody idea how to draw her face T-T poor girl, she's way too cheerful and i don't know how to draw smiles ☠️ (or the eiffel tower, but that was 100% laziness). even when i aim for a light sketch with barely visible features i end up overdrawing her 😩 i like him though.
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deepperplexity · 6 months
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Prompt: 20. Returning Home [B7]
Pairing: Snape x Fem!OC
POV: Third, Snape
Setting: Unknown place during a blizzard
Continuation of: Prompt 2. Restless Waiting, 3. Snowballing, 7. Stormy Reunion,  8. Rosemary For Holly, 16. Keep Warm & 19. Hope
A/N: Let's get right back at it with our dear Severus and Belinna, gosh, what a state we left them in yesterday 👀
Tags/TW’s: Love/Happiness/Life, Grief, Losing All Hope, Giving Up, Battle Of Hogwarts, Snape Lives, Slight Draco Redemption Hints, Muggle Medicine, Crossing Muggle Life And Wizarding Life, Reunion(s), Going Back Home, Asking For Help, Fear, Blood, Hospital
Word Count: 3.3k
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⩤• Severus •⩥
The day he showed his most sacred place to her, he lost her. The days blurred together, a week turning into a month, the months into a year until the war arrived. Not one moment had passed when Belinna wasn’t on his mind one way or another, only hiding the memories, dreams, and heartache to present the Dark Lord with the memory of her in his arms as he cried in true despair — making the man believe her to be dead. In a sense, she was. There was never a future to be had between the two. Severus wasn’t foolish enough to delude himself into such false hopes and follies.
What he had done, to keep her safe, was to sacrifice the last chance at any form of happiness or love during his miserable life. He’d enjoyed her from afar, allowed his eyes to wander over her and his mind to have a second or two of false hope — but that was all. If he let go of his barriers, if he allowed any more to exist he would have abandoned everything he’d worked tirelessly for all these past years — nearly all his life if truth were to be told.
It wasn’t that she wasn’t worth it, to him she was worth the world. That, unfortunately, meant he could not abandon his mission to be with her. It would be the death of all if he were to fail and she would have no world left to smile that brilliant smile of hers within. How he missed that smile…
“Severus, my loyal servant,” the Dark Lord said while they both stood in the abandoned hall of Malfoy Manner. “My liege,” he replied, lowering his head for a second as the snake-like man stepped closer. “Tonight, we shall end the impure and lay waste to those who dare oppose me. We will start a new world, a perfect world where those worthy shall relish the freedom from the filth.” “Yes, my liege.” “I can feel it, the time has finally come for the world to see reason and fall in line.” “Yes, my liege. They will all bow, to you, your excellency,” Severus said as he kept his tone even, his face a stoic mask of a void. “Come, let us join the others.” And they apparated to the grounds of Hogwarts, just beyond the border of the soon crumbling defence keeping them out.
Severus could not help but wonder where you were as his feet hit the soggy grounds of the forbidden forest. He, a man of little belief, sent a silent prayer to any god or being who might have listened to keep you safe until the end. If he could lay down his life knowing you were safe, that would be the greatest comfort he could ever ask for.
⩤• Belinna •⩥
I was a shell, a little tiny droplet in the ocean, one grain of sand in the vastness of the world, a perhaps broken little thing that had lost its way. Moving from place to place for more than a year, cutting contact with all those I loved and cherished, hiding — as he asked of me. Why his love mattered more than any other I still couldn’t quite grasp. It just did. Knowing the hopes of ever seeing him again to be close to zero made me feel an even greater need to honour his wish, to help him stay safe, to pretend I was dead so he didn’t need to worry about me when he already worried about far too much.
Perhaps it was silly of me, but by Merlin, I still held on to that sliver of hope that all would be fine in the end. Despite the blackening of the world, the maddening hunts for those not pure, and the waste of life and blood I could do nothing about, I still held hope. A tiny flicker I refused to put out. My one job was to help keep Severus safe by renouncing my own existence. It hadn’t been easy giving my life up, even if it had always been mediocre and of no particular value. It was still my life I gave up. “I’d do anything for him though, so really, why am I thinking about it all now?”
The wind rustled the trees, the canopies swaying and dancing in the wind as the entire sky had gone horribly grey — as if the world knew something I didn’t. The little cabin I’d managed to rent from an old muggle couple in the south of Denmark was a cute thing, with floral curtains and a sort of comfortable ease embedded in the very walls of the place — yet today, I found no peace. I couldn’t get my heart to calm down, if it was anxiety or just longing I couldn’t quite tell. Perhaps something else entirely.
As the day passed, it only hammered harder. I was struggling to breathe when evening came and my entire body was restlessly itchy — a need to move, to run, to get somewhere. It was overwhelmingly strong. So, I paced the little kitchen. Tried to make my body calm down and settle back into its usual state. A whoosh filled the air and I jolted as a dreary-looking elf appeared on the kitchen table. “Master Draco sent me, miss.” “Master-, who?” I asked, trying to get my head wrapped around the creature who looked nothing like the other elf I’d met over a year ago. I had never seen him again after that one time. Was he alright? Still wearing those goofy clothes? “Master Draco, Master Draco Malfoy, miss,” said the elf with a lowering of its head. “My master wishes you to help, miss. His protector, needs help, miss.” “His protector? What-, what on earth are you talking about?” I asked, clutching at my chest where the incessant pounding of my heart was turning unbearable. Beyond anything natural.
“He is to die, but my master is kind, he knows his protector needs help, miss.” “His-, I don’t know who you’re talking— Haaa— ” My sentence got cut by a horrendous tensing in my chest, it felt like my heart was being pulled out of my chest and I fell to my knees. The thud echoed through my entire body, the tang of a memory filled the back of my throat. As if there was something there when there wasn't. “Miss, you need to go. My master’s protector needs you, my master asks you to help when he cannot help.” “Bloody hell, fuck—” I panted, gripped at my clothes, and tried to hold myself still while my chest heaved and seemed to nearly cave in on itself. “Follow your heart, miss,” the elf said. “Follow your heart, my master said to tell you.” “Follow my— SEVERUS!”
The elf evaporated in thin air, I crumbled to the floor. No, no, no. Severus… No… But the ache in my heart only grew stronger, unlike anything I had ever felt before. There had been days of pain, days of tensing, days my heart ached in a manner it shouldn’t have. It all started back when I drank that potion Severus had provided, that day in the blizzard when he tried to break my last hope of us ever being with each other — of him living. He hadn’t managed, I’d still had that flicker of hope and through it all, it never faltered. It nested in my heart like a secret greater than any other.
The ache was unbearable when the elf’s words echoed in my mind. “Follow my heart, follow it…” I whispered in a wheezing breath as I let go of anything and everything, thinking only of Severus as I felt my pounding heart twist in on itself and my body turned too heavy for me to keep myself from laying flat on the cold floor. It turned to soggy ground, damp and covered in roots. The all too familiar surroundings of Hogwarts grounds took shape all around me as my heart thumped harder yet the pain lessened.
I got up on my knees and hands, lifting my head to see a cacophony of spells filling the air — red, green, blue, white, streaks, and explosions. High up, by the crumbling castle, a battle was taking place and my entire body roared at the sight. My friends, my second home, my childhood, and adulthood — it was under attack and I hadn’t been there to help. I hadn’t even known it was happening as I’d cut off the world so completely. Severus… Severus, where are you? I wondered while I tried to suffocate the nausea twisting my guts from the sudden transportation.
I hissed as something snapped at my calves. Looking to the side and back, the Whomping Willow was readying itself to hit me with full force. I rolled away, its giant branches just missing me as I panted and got on my feet. The garbled sound of screams and shouts barely reached me from the castle, a dull murmur carried by the wind. My heart got pierced. Something invisible drove itself through me and sent me to my knees as the most horrendous pain spread through my entire body. My heart lurched in my chest, and I landed on creaking floorboards that seemed to sway beneath my hands and knees.
I panted, tried to suffocate the cries wanting to leave my mouth. Beyond the slightly ajar door several feet came rushing by, dressed in muggle-like clothes I knew it could only be kids. “Hurry,” I heard the all too familiar voice of Hermione Granger. “You can’t go by yourself, mate,” said Ron Weasley — his voice deeper than I remembered but still clearly his. “He’ll be in the forest, I have to do this alone after I take this to the pensive…” said Harry Potter but the voices died down as they moved down the steps and out of the Shrieking Shack.
My heart lurched again and all I could think of was Severus, I didn’t care where the kids were going, what they were going to do or who Mr Potter would be meeting in the forest — all I could think of was getting to Severus, to find him.
⩤• Severus •⩥
I thought she would come… His mind was letting go, turning fuzzy and unlike itself. The poison was spreading, the antidote he’d consumed only staving off his death but not any of the symptoms. His heart was slowing down, his thoughts turned muffled and groggy, his breathing a wheezing barely there. His body slid down the back of the bed he’d been half propped up against, he was tilting to the side and began to fall toward the floor below.
Something soft caught his head, a muffled voice from far away seemed pierced with agony as it screamed a likeness of his name. He tried to focus, tried to stave off the slumber of not dying but being wrapped up in death. “Severus…” It was her, her voice, so broken and frail in a hazy fog. “Severus, no, no, stay with me, stay with me,” she pleaded and he felt his heart thump a harder beat. But just one. You came… My love… You still have hope… You found... me…
His mind turned quiet, his body a mere lump of unmoving muscles and unfeeling skin. His heart beat slowly, just enough to keep him from dying but not enough to keep him conscious. He knew there was no hope, but he was thankful he’d heard your voice one last time. He hadn’t told a single soul of his plan, and so, there was none who could reverse the death his body would face within days from the poison filling his veins. Yet, he was at peace, knowing you were alive and that all would end once Potter learned of his role in the death of the Dark Lord. He had done his part, until the very end...
⩤• Belinna •⩥
I screamed, I wailed, I cried and I pounded his chest while his head rested in my lap. He laid atop me as he had in his office, yet, this time it was different. He was dying. There was barely a breath leaving him, I could only feel the faintest of sporadic heartbeats when I laid my palms against his chest and pleaded with the universe to bring him back to me.
“Why did you do this?” I asked, scrunching up the robes beneath my hands before grabbing onto him. Something hard lay within his cloak, I shoved my hands into the inner pocket and found a vial. There was no label, but as I sniffed it the similarity to the smell of a bezoar was unmistakable. Antidote. You took antidote! My hope soared to the sky only to plummet just as fast. That he was dying in my arms only meant it hadn’t fully worked, or it had been the wrong one, or that there wasn’t any potion strong enough to counteract the poison injected through the wound in his neck. I knew it could only have come from one thing, the creature the Dark Lord held so dear. It was no secret he had a pet snake, a giant one at that.
“Mom!” I called in shocked exclamation as I jolted into a straight position. I wasn’t crying out for her, but if the man I loved would have any chance of survival I knew I needed help — not from the world of magic I was part of, but from the muggle one my chosen family lived in. “Hold on, Sev. Just, hold on for me,” I pleaded as I worked up the courage to apparate. I knew it was dangerous, with Severus being in the state he was it could very well cost him his life. But, I had no choice. If I did nothing he would slowly die, fading away until his heart stopped.
With a deep breath, and all the will I could muster, I cleared my head of everything but my chosen home. The home I was welcome in as myself, without any pressure to only associate with those of the same blood as me. Pure blood. My muggle family was far greater than my biological one, far kinder, far better in all manners and I had them to thank for becoming the woman I now was. Please, please, please be there, I thought and held on to Severus before wishing us away from the battle to return home. Even if returning home after all this time, with everyone thinking I was missing or dead, had my heart in a different kind of uproar.
I shook my head, my hands still grasping Severus fiercely as the familiar warmth of my former home enveloped me effortlessly. The smell of disinfectant and fabric softener, the sound of the radio blaring classical music, and the all-white interior were a contrasting brightness to the gloomy dark we’d come from. No battle sounds or creaking walls were heard either.
I checked Severus over, he was still breathing and his heart thumped in its sporadic pattern with too long pauses between each beat. “Hold on, Sev, please, hold on,” I whispered as I cradled his head in my lap. “Helen, is that you darling?” came the voice of my mom from upstairs, just beyond my view from the living room floor. My heart lurched and guilt trickled in with fear — what if she turned me away now?
It didn’t matter. Severus needed help and, even if Mom would want nothing to do with me, she’d never turn her back on someone in need of her. She was too kind-hearted. “No… It’s-, it’s me,” I said and her steps faltered in the hallway. “Please-, please, help,” I pleaded while sobs racked through me, the comfort and safety of my old home — my old sanctuary — too overwhelming. “Belinna?” Mom asked, her voice hesitant but her rushed steps echoed right away.
“Mom, please,” I whispered and she stopped in the doorway, her face paler than usual while her wide eyes found me on the floor, cradling Severus with tears streaming down my cheeks that I couldn’t stop. “What-, how-, why-, Belinna!” she called out as her face crumbled into a sad relief before she ran up and dove for me, hugging my shoulders harshly. “My sweet, oh, my sweet, you’re alive,” she sobbed and kissed my head. “Mom, please, please help,” I pleaded and held Severus closer to me while she leaned back.
Severus was so pale, so cold to the touch. But Mom switched gears before I had time to say another word. The blood on his clothes, the look of him, it had her in full doctor mode instantly.
She asked so many questions and I had answers for so few. She never asked who he was, what he was to me, where I’d been or anything of the sort while she looked at him, inspected the wound, took his pulse and flashed a light in his eyes several times.
“Oh, where’s Pete when you need him,” she sighed after a while. “What?” “Well, we need to move him,” she explained and I scrunched my eyebrows at her - not understanding how she still forgot about magic after all these years. “Where do you want him?” I asked while taking out my wand. “Oh, right, yes, of course, guest room,” she said in a rush while standing and I levitated Severus up to the second floor, just barely able to swing him around in the narrow landing above before gently manoeuvring him through the door to the guest room.
Everything happened in a rush after that. Mom talked about blood, antidotes, risks, cardiac arrest and a whole bunch of doctor terms I couldn’t wrap my head around while I sat on the floor, holding Severus’s hand firmly while attempting not to break down in a complete mess.
Four hours later we were situated at the local hospital, Severus was hooked up to a strange machine that pumped out his blood, purified it, and pumped it back into him. He looked terrible, cold sweat lingered on his forehead, his hair sticking to it and he seemed even paler. How is that even possible? You're as pale as they come, Sev.. “Now, we need to keep him warm, the blood cools when it moves through here,” Mom said while pointing to the machine while I watched her fully dressed in scrubs. “I’ll have the nurse fetch some blankets, but you can hold the tube closest to his arm so the blood heats up from your body heat. It’ll help, darling,” she continued and I moved on noodle legs to the other end of the bed to do as she said.
I hesitantly moved the sticky strands of his hair before reaching up to kiss his cold forehead. “Belinna,” Mom said and I looked at her, not knowing what to say or do. “Where have you been?” she asked, all calm and collected but the tapping of her finger against her thigh said otherwise. “H-hiding,” I confessed. “He asked me to.” I glanced at Severus, avoiding the sad eyes of my mom. The guilt was nearly too much, it had been easier when I didn’t see all the people I abandoned. “This man?” I nodded. “Who is he to you? Who is he period?” she asked and I bit my lip, not knowing what to tell her.
“Belinna, answer me,” Mom eventually said and I caved, my shoulders slumping. “The man I love,” I said. “He’s-, he saved the world, saved so many people, and is seen as a monster. A traitor, a… He’s… His name, I-I can’t give you mom, it’s too dangerous.” “Belinna, I’m your mother and you will talk to me,” Mom declared and a second later my head was pressed into her stomach as she cradled me with all the love a mother could ever offer. I caved. All my fear, all my hurt, all my worry, it all spilt to the surface and I cried while she held me. And then, I told her everything.
…To Be Continued…
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A/N: Uffh... Gosh, this part hurt to write - reminds me too frikkin much of the movie and how that (questionable) canon ends 😩 Sevy-boy is alive, and he's getting better - now we just gotta figure out the aftermath of this entire mess 👀👍
Q: Would you rather go to a Yule Ball confined to the Great Hall for 10 hours with Severus OR have 52 hours to roam the entirety of Hogwarts and its grounds with no risk of harm but only seeing Severus once from afar? 👀 A: Honestly, this Q is mean... why did I ask this Q? Ugh... I'd have to go with option 2, roaming Hogwarts - so much I wanna see and try so 🙈
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87 @leah1243
@morphineisouthoney @meteoritewolf69 @bionic-otp @elizabeth-baelish @romanceandsarcasm @severuslovebot @glowstar826 @rickmandowneyjr @yellowbadgermole @snapesangel @a-queen-and-her-throne @impulse-anchor @commodoreseverus  @writewithmarites @alisongurl13 @yan-senna @writewithmarites @reinekefoxart @nixislight @lokisbjchnl  @lght-n-drk @ladykardasi @lyrixsnape @sunset90 @mamawolfsmith87 @snowblossomreads @ladykardasi @a-queen-and-her-throne @eternal-silvertongued-prince @lyrixsnape @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @daddythanatos
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valeriansprigs · 7 months
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In an alternate universe where the Second Wizarding War is over and Snape has survived it, rebuilt his reputation and made amends with Harry, she ☝️ would be his love interest.
Picture taken from Pinterest.
A dark-haired potioneer with a turbulent past, a Death Eater for an abusive ex-husband (killed in the war), training for a Masters in the subject and dealing with trauma.
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
Severus the Bitch
A/N: This is an AU set in the 80s where Severus and the reader are seniors in high school. There’s no magic and instead of being into brewing potions he’s a drug dealer and he grows/makes his own drugs to sell. It's basically Eddie Munson from Stranger Things vibes and this Severus Snape is definitely not canon compliant. He’s flirty, cockier, and more confident, but still just as sarcastic. This is totally a self indulgent fic and won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and I get that. However, it’s the most fun I’ve had writing in a long time and I hope at least some of you enjoy it as well :)
Pairing: Severus Snape x Fem Reader
Genre: Smut and Fluff, Friends to Lovers
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI!, Sex, Drugs, Losing Virginity, Fingering, Squirting, P in V Sex, Pet Name Kink, Praise Kink, Slight Dom Sev
Summary: In a high-school AU where there is no magic, Severus Snape is the local badass drug dealer. It's senior year and the reader is becoming all too aware of her growing crush on her best friend. Does he have feelings for her as well?
Word Count: 3,037
As you close your locker you jump at the sight of your best friend since middle school, Severus Snape. He’s clad in all black as usual; black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, a black tucked-in t-shirt, a black leather jacket with the name of some metal band stitched onto the back in silver letters, black hi-top Converse, and even his belt is black with silver pyramid studs lining it. He’s wearing the four rings he always wears, a skull on his right ring finger, a bat on his right middle finger, a snake on his right index finger, and the black obsidian ring you had gifted him for his birthday a few years back is on his left middle finger. His straight onyx hair is still slightly damp from his shower this morning and he’s got a goofy grin on his face.
“Didn’t mean to scare you, princess,” he chuckles, crossing his arms across his chest. Your heart flutters at his nickname for you. Even though he’s been calling you that for some time, it never fails to make your heart beat just a tick faster.
Though you had been best friends with him since middle school, it’s easy enough for you to admit that you and Severus had grown a bit further apart in your high school years, mostly due to his extracurricular activities. Severus was now known as the best drug dealer around, he brews up his own concoctions and grows his own weed to sell. You disagree with his new career, but it still doesn’t stop you from staying close to him, not when you’ve been becoming ever so much more aware of the growing crush you have on him. You know he will never see you as anything but his best friend, but there’s a part of you that wishes he will notice you, touch you, maybe even - fuck you.
Embarrassed at your thoughts, your face starts burning. “Sev! Stop sneaking up on me!” you exclaim, giving his shoulder a playful slap.
He holds his hands out in front of him, waving them defensively. “Woah, there! You have maimed me!” he laughs, feigning an injury. “I just wanted to check and make sure we were still on to hang out at my place tonight!”
You always hung out at Severus’s place, a small little home located on the more rough side of your town. Since his mom was never home, always away working some sort of job, it was the perfect place to smoke the occasional weed that you did and just hang out without being interrupted. She had left Severus’s abusive father back when Sev was in elementary school, and since then Severus has had to practically raise himself. You don’t blame his mother, she’s doing all that she can to provide for them, but Severus could have used some more parental guidance growing up, and perhaps he wouldn’t be a drug dealer now.
“Of course, Sev! What do you have planned?”
“That is part of the mystery,” he says taking a dramatic bow as he backs away from you. “Catch a ride with me after school?”
“Fine,” you huff, letting out a small sigh.
“That’s my girl!” he replies, giving you a wink.
All day you could not focus on any of your classes, your conversation with Severus replaying through you remind over and over again. You know he doesn’t mean anything with his flirting, it’s just his personality, but it still makes you feel some sort of special way. 
Though Severus has never been particularly well in social situations and you are his only close friend, you know he has been in several relationships before whereas you have not. Yeah, you’ve dated every now and then, but the relationships never were steady and usually ended after the first date. 
Finally, the day ends as the bell sounds dismissing you from your last class. You stop by your locker to put away your books and then head to the parking lot to meet Severus, but he catches you before you exit the school.
“Someone’s in a rush to get outta here, huh?” he smirks, placing an arm across your shoulder and pulling you close.
“Shut up, Sev!” you say, throwing his arm off of you and sprinting towards his car. He’s right on your heels the whole way, both of you giggling like small children.
You arrive at his car panting and out of breath and try to open the door, to jump in before he reaches you, but it’s locked. “Oh, come on! Since when have you started locking your car?”
He leans over you, trapping you against the door of his car, both hands on either side of your body. “I just did it today so I could trap you here,” he responds smugly.
“You bitch!” 
“Ah, yes that is I, Severus the Bitch!” he laughs. Reaching next to you he inserts his key into the passenger side door keyhole and unlocks it, holding it open. “Get in loser!”
The drive to Severus’s house only takes about ten minutes and you both sit in silence the whole way since Sev had turned up his radio to a rather earsplitting volume the moment he plopped down into the driver's seat. When he parks his car in the driveway he runs around to your side, opening the door for you and holding his hand out for you to grab onto for support. You gingerly take his hand, it’s warm, slightly sweaty, and it’s way bigger than your own. You can feel electricity pulse through you at his touch, but it ebbs down as your quickly release his hand, being sure to not hold on for a moment too long in case he gets weirded out.
Severus throws his jacket off and onto the couch, revealing the snake and skull tattoo on his left forearm and a hint of the bat and moon tattoo that you know is on his upper right arm. “Help yourself to a drink if you want, I think there’s some soda in the fridge,” Severus calls from down the hall as he riffles through some stuff in his room looking for the perfect movie for you to watch.
Opening the fridge you see a pitcher of some sort of blue liquid, thinking it’s a fruit drink you pour a bit into a glass and give it a taste. “Ew,” you mumble, smacking your lips together at the disgusting taste. “That is definitely not kool-aid.” You pour the rest of the drink down the sink and replace the pitcher back into the fridge, opting for a soda instead. 
“You want one?” you yell down in Sev’s direction.
Grabbing another soda for Severus you also dig through the pantry looking for a snack. There’s not much there, but finally, you find an old bag of salt and vinegar chips. You taste one, and sure enough, they are a bit stale, but you decide they are still edible. Retreating down the hallway to Sev’s room with your stash, you join him on his bed, handing him his soda and setting the chips down between you. 
The two of you chat and watch the movie; before long you are snuggled up together on the bed legs intertwined and Severus’s arm over your shoulder. Almost subconsciously one of his hands finds its way to your thigh and starts massaging it gently. You know he doesn’t mean anything by it, that it’s more a comfort thing for him, but the motion sends a tingling sensation right to your core. 
You do your best to divert your attention to the movie but when Severus snuggles closer, his hand drifting slightly higher, and you feel his hard cock press into your leg, you have to stifle a moan.
“You okay?” Severus whispers, noticing you tensing up. 
“Y- yeah, I’m fine,” you say, your voice accidentally coming out a bit higher than normal and your cheeks burning from a blush.
“You sure?” Severus asks, repositioning himself a bit farther away from you. His hand leaves your thigh and instead finds your head, brushing a piece of hair back into place behind your ear before resting on your forehead. “You feel a bit hot. Are you feeling okay?”
“Well, you being so close to me surely isn’t helping. How am I supposed to concentrate with your hard dick on my leg?” you mumble under your breath, thinking it was low enough that Severus couldn’t hear you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch all of that,” Severus says, a lopsided grin on his face. “Something about my hard dick? Would you care to elaborate?”
“I - What? I didn’t say anything!” you exclaim, jumping up off the bed and turning around to hide your face from him.
Severus inches forward onto the edge of the bed. “That’s what I heard,” he says with a shrug. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, (Y/N). I can take care of you if you’ll let me.”
“But we’re friends! Best Friends, Sev! Friends don’t - do that!”
“Oh, princess. You really are blind, aren’t you?”
“I’ve had a massive crush on you since freshman year.”
Turning around, you look at him expecting to see him with that tale-tale look on his face that lets you know he’s cracking a joke, but that face isn’t present. “You’re being dead serious, aren’t you?”
“That I am. You know me so well, sweetheart. I don’t know how you didn’t notice my crush on you.”
“Sev, I’ve liked you since sophomore year.”
“Ouch, my heart!” he taunts, falling backward onto the bed grasping at his chest.
“Oh, shut it!” you giggle as he sits back up, brushing his long locks out of his face.
“Come here,” he says gently, moving back to where he was while you were watching the movie, his arms spread wide. You sigh and crawl back over to him, straddling him and resting your head on his chest. His arms come around and hold you tightly. 
“Hey, look at me,” he pleads and you glance up at him and into those dark eyes of his. “You are stunning. If you want you can be all mine,” he says, pressing a kiss onto your forehead. 
Those words have you pressing your thighs together in an attempt to lessen the growing tension there. The fact that you can feel his hard cock pressed up against you is not helping either.
“My, my,” he tuts. “Why are you pressing those delicious thighs together?”
“Oh my god, Sev! Can you not?” You roll off of him and go back to laying beside him. 
His hand attaches itself to your thigh giving it a squeeze, before wandering upwards every so slightly and then back down again towards your knee. Before you can stop yourself, you let out a little gasp at his touch and he quickly draws his hand away.
“I’m sorry. I - I don’t want to force you to do anything you don’t want to do.” He licks his lips in anticipation. He’s finding it hard to control his impulses right now, but for you, he will hold back.
“Sev,” you breathe, finally deciding to give in to your desires. “I - I want you.”
Immediately, he jumps on you like a stray dog that hasn’t eaten in weeks. Rolling over on top of you he rests his weight on his arms and devours your neck. Sucking and kissing you in all the right spots causing you to let out a low moan as he grinds down onto your thigh before planting a kiss on your lips.
“Fuck. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” he groans. “May I remove this?” he asks tugging on the sleeve of your shirt.
You nod. He peels off your shirt and throws it to the ground of his room where it is sure to get lost amongst all his own clothing there, but you don’t mind. The cold of his room hits you like a ton of bricks, causing your nipples to stand so erect it’s noticeable under your simple t-shirt bra.
Severus begins peppering your chest with kisses before sucking on the top of your breast. He lifts you up and grasps your bra clasp and waits for your approval before unclasping it and removing it, chunking it across the room. “Oh god,” he wails before taking a breast into his mouth and sucking on your nipple. His other hand travels to your other breast and massages it. 
Your hands soon find themselves under his shirt, raking at his skin for support as you squirm under his touch. He momentarily stops his kissing to remove his shirt and pants before returning back to your skin, trailing kisses down your stomach to the top of your pants and back up again. Fingers shaking you reach down and try to unbutton your pants, your nerves getting the best of you.
“Allow me, my queen,” Severus says, expertly removing your pants. “Cute undies, too bad they are absolutely soaked,” he comments, pulling the band back before letting it retract back and hit your skin with a smack. 
“Sev, please” you whimper as he slowly slides your underwear off followed by his. His cock springs out of his underwear, already leaking with precum. The sight of it makes you almost burst with anticipation and you spread your legs, begging him to enter you with his cock.
“Not yet,” he says, trailing a finger through your wet folds, gently spreading them open. “Shit, you’re so wet, and all for me,” he hums. Removing his rings and placing them onto his nightstand, he carefully inserts his middle finger followed by his ring finger into your hole. 
He finger-fucks you gently, quickly finding just the right spot and speed to make you scream, hitting it over and over again until your eyes are rolling back into your head, your orgasm impending.
“I- I’m gonna cum, Sev,” you screech.
“That’s a good girl. Cum for me, princess.”
On his command you cum hard, panting and squirting your precious liquid all over his bed, soaking it. His eyes glaze over with lust at the sight. “Oh my god, that was so hot. Fuck, I’m never washing these sheets again.” 
“Fuck, you’re really good at this.”
“I told you once already, babe. You know me so well and I know you just as well,” he says, planting a kiss on your lips.
He reaches over to his nightstand and pulls out a condom, tearing it open with his teeth. He puts it on, rolls it up, and palms himself back to full erection. “Are you ready?”
“Ready as ever,” you giggle, butterflies in your stomach.
He lines himself up and slowly enters you, allowing you time to adjust to his length. It hurts a bit as he stretches you out but it soon fades away. 
“You good?” he asks, determined to make sure he’s not hurting you.
“Yeah. God, Sev. You’re big.”
He shrugs and slowly begins pumping into you, increasing his speed in accordance with how your body reacts to him. Your second orgasm of the night soon washes over you and at the sight of your beautiful face contorting under him, Severus loses all of his self-control. 
Relentlessly he begins pounding into you, chasing his own high. The thought of him using you to reach his climax has your pussy contracting around him. Your body shakes violently as you squirt again, this time all over him and his dick. 
The pleasure from you contracting around him and releasing more of your liquid is enough to finally tip him over the edge. With one last thrust and a screech, he cums hard, the hardest he has ever cum before. “FUCK!” he screams and then he stills, collapsing onto you.
Legs still shaking from your post-orgasm bliss you run a hand through his hair. The two of you stay like this for a few moments until you break the silence. “I could use some water, Sev. You fucked me too good.”
Sev mumbles something incoherent as he peels himself off of you, returning a few moments later with two glasses of water in hand. You move over on the bed to an area that’s not wet as he hands you one of the glasses.
“Shit, did I hurt you?” he says, eyeing the bits of red blood on the sheets.
Your face immediately begins burning, you guess you should have told him beforehand. “I’m fine, Sev. Um, you just took my virginity.”
His eyes turn into saucers and almost pop out of his head. “You’re lying. You’re joking, right?”
“I’m not.”
“Shit! You should have told me! I could have been even more attentive to your needs! I just figured you had already had sex, you know? I mean you’ve dated before… damn it.” He runs a hand through his hair and starts looking for your clothes in the midst of his own scattered all over the floor. Not being able to find them, he tosses you one of his t-shirts and a clean pair of his boxers to wear as he throws on a new outfit himself.
“Sev, it was perfect. You were perfect. It’s everything I could have ever imagined,” you say as you throw on his clothes.
Severus climbs back on the bed and the two of you lay cuddling. “Did you try any of that blue drink in the fridge by chance?” he asks finally. “I saw an extra glass in the sink that I didn’t notice before.
“Yeah, it was disgusting so I poured it out and got a soda instead,” you reply with a shrug.
“Oh my god! (Y/N), that’s the experimental aphrodisiac drug I’ve been brewing!” he says with a chuckle.
“Severus Snape! Why are you experimenting with such a thing? And why wasn’t it labeled?” you exclaim slapping his chest.
“Well, I guess it’s safe to say it works.”
“You bitch,” you mumble.
“Ah, yes it seems I am still Severus the Bitch, huh?” he cackles, planting a kiss on your forehead.
“Well, I’d say your Severus My Bitch now.”
“Touché, my princess.”
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tageerdo · 2 months
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ravenshavenn · 5 months
I love Snape because he's just constantly making jokes for HIMSELF. Like these kids have no clue what he's going on about he's just being sassy as fuck for his own amusement like-
Snape: lmao Umbridge you dumb fuck *bows ironically* you are so stupid *peace sign* I hope these kids kill u *moonwalks out the door*
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snapeysister · 1 year
If I already started with Hanukkah/Snanukkah drawings for the currently happening Jewish Hanukkah Festival (Festival of Lights), here comes a reblog of my former fanart to the topic 🤗🕎. This is certainly not my main headcanon for Snape, but I find the idea enticing nevertheless.
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And....a little comic (with my limited comic skills) about receiving sweets and eating "unhealthy food" on Hanukkah (a present from his mum...very much not welcome by the rest of the family....)
my goodness why didn't I draw shadows
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nightingale2004 · 3 months
Idea au for our darling Severus Snape
Imagine if Severus owned his very own little cafe called Prince Cafe, which also had a little library.
The man is a potion master. You honestly can't tell me. He wouldn't have his own little cafe which he OWNS!!!!!
Just think about it.
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slendersickk · 2 years
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they are friends
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I’ve been meddling with this idea for a while now but here we go, a glitch happens and young adult severus is now dealing child sev, nobody knowns what happened but now he has to literally babysit a child version of himself.
Maybe we could play and keep adding to the idea hehe - Kiwi anon
I love this so much rn omggg
He’d know what kid him likes because he was him once, so he knows what foods he likes, what he’s scared of, what he hates
But what he WOULDNT know is how to deal with baby Snape’s trauma because ADULT Sev never even figured that part of himself out
Baby Snape has a nightmare? Adult Sev does too…he doesn’t know what to do so he invites baby Snape to stay in his room. It’s comforting to both of them
Baby Snape not eating as much as he should? Adult Sev is doing that too… “if you eat, I’ll eat. We can eat together.”
Baby Snape not interacting with ppl? That’s ok Adult Sev doesn’t either, but maybe we can interact with others together
Baby Snape has his nose and greasy hair (ofc)…it looks adorable…maybe it isn’t bad after all
How would Lucius react to that?…insert him trying to steal baby sneep
Imagine them doing potions together
WHAT IF…Snape projects his regrets onto baby sneep, so he keeps him away from DE stuff and maybe away from Dark Arts in general..
Hcs are endless
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