starsurface · 3 months
Ik you just did this but can you do more regressor tomas with CG Johnny and Kenshi plss🙏🙏
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CG Johnny & Kenshi w/ Regressor Tomas
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
💨 Tomas can be a bit shy while regressing, really shy honestly
⭐️ ^ But over time he's become a lot more comfy being small around them
❤️ The only ‘problem’ be still has is that he still gets really shy baby regressing (restating but he regresses from about 1-4, and puppyspace)
💨 Mostly since he becomes very vulnerable and dependent in his babyspace, but he's slowly getting there
⭐️ Johnny and Kenshi ADORE Tomas when he small
❤️ Babyspace? Oh my goodness, he's so adorable, Kenshi!! Toddler? Johnny, Tomas drew me a picture and now we need to frame it. Puppyspace? My my, what a fierce little guy we have!!
💨 Tomas a small problem of pushing off his regression to the point that he involuntarily regresses, most times to babyspace, and desperately needs someone at his side
⭐️ Unfortunately most times Johnny and Kenshi are really busy, but they'll have Kuai Liang or Harumi or whoever with Tomas call them
❤️ Tomas is usually good with technology, but has a bad habit of gasping when he sees them and hitting the phone by trying to grab it, and ending the call by accident
💨 Que to him cryingly giving whoever watching him the phone so he can call them back, he's very upset that Daddy or Dada disappeared on him like that and will make sure to inform them >:(
⭐️ If he's a big bigger and regresses at the Shirai Ryu or Lin Kuei, they'll still do mostly facetime or Skype
❤️ If he regresses with them, most times at Cage's mansion, he get babied to the MAX
💨 Whether hes actually baby or not, he gets so, so spoiled
⭐️ Tomas eyed a new sippy cup? Oh, well it looks like Johnny got it already, and a bottle to go with it
❤️ Kenshi knows Tomas can easily walk or waddle, but its just easier to pick him up and carry him, isn't it?
💨 Johnny favorite activity is pinching Tomas's cheeks like a grandma and it makes Tomas so fussy and whiney
⭐️ Kenshi's favorite activity is when Tomas hides his face in his chest because he Johnny pinched his cheeks and now he has to hide his face from him >:(
❤️ Sometimes Tomas will babble and then hide in one of their shoulders, and he becomes really blushy and giggly afterwards because he's embarressed
💨 Johnny mainl nicknames for Tomas are Kiddo, Baby Boy, Smokey, Smokey Bear, Puppy, Sweetie, Tommy, and so, so many more
⭐️ Kenshi's main nicknames for Tomas are ‘Hun and Precious, sometimes he'll steal some from Johnny
❤️ Tomas calls Johnny ‘Daddy’ and Kenshi ‘Dada’
💨 Tomas really likes Kenshi's sword when he's small but will try to chew on it and pouts when it gets snatched from him
⭐️ Luckily though, Johnny can easily place his sunglasses on Tomas's face and Tomas has a new favorite item (will also try to put it in his mouth, but mainly likes judt wearing them)
❤️ Tomas really likes playing dress up with Johnny and Johnny adores jt!!!
💨 He can put Tomas into the cutest outfits if hes smaller, but if his about 4, he'll dress up in some of Johnny's old movie outfits
⭐️ And they'll have a mini photo shoot too!!! Johnny sometimes can convince Tomas to let him take really nice pictures of him doing certain poses from old movies (and they're like, nice professional photos with good lighting too, Johnny has a section dedicated for when he takes his own photos)
❤️ Luckily though, Johnny isn't as fussy about them being as perfect like he would be if Tomas wasn't regressed, he gets that they're just having fun
💨 Sometimes Tomas will dress as Johnny or Kenshi and try to act like them and gets very giggly if they cross their arms and give him the look
⭐️ Kenshi's really likes watching a movie and cuddling when Tomas is little, mostly because he can hold his baby for hours with little to no fuss
❤️ Personally, Tomas's favorite movies are almost every and all of Johnny's flicks, but Kenshi decided that he was too young for most of them >:( (too much gore or fighting that makes Tomas get really upset and start blubbering, asking if Daddy was going to be okay because he got beat up on screen 🥺)
💨 Tomas will insist that Kenshi picks most times, bjt Kenshi almost always persuades Tomas to tell him what he really wants to watch and then recomend that
⭐️ He doesnt actually care about the movie part himself, more that Tomas gets super clingy and will share his yummy snacks
❤️ Tomas knows he can get a reaction out of Johnny, and he'll use it to his advantage
💨 He’ll have Johnny open some oreos, then steal the whole container, and then offer Kenshi one and giggle as Johnny pouts about not getting any
⭐️ Johnny knows Tomas likes his facial reactions, and will over do them sometimes just for him
❤️ If Tomas does do something naughty and he's a bit bigger, Kenshi's usually the one to set his foot down
💨 Mostly because Johnny will let a lot of matters drop
⭐️ One look of ‘🥺’ and Johnny will fix up Tomas's mess and tell him why he can't do it again
❤️ Meanwhile Kenshi will help Tomas fix his mess and explain why he can't do such and such
💨 I'm totally not prompting my ao3 again, (id never do that you have no proof >:3), but there was a time period where Tomas refused to regress with anyone because they were all busy and he firmly believed that that meant he was wasting their time by regressing
⭐️ When the Kenshi and Johnny finally found out about they, they were actually so sad that they didn't realize beforehand
❤️ They just thought Tomas had a hard time regressing and got him some regressing items and it made Tomas break down
💨 It also kinda made Johnny break down because it reminded him of his time with Cris and how alone he felt while small
⭐️ Don't worry, everything's better now, and Tomas is getting better on communication <3
❤️ They think Tomas is the funniest thing when he's puppy regressed
💨 Mostly because he'll go from chewing on his stuffie, to trying to pounce the pillow because it looked at him funny, to falling off the couch because his hand slipped
⭐️ (^ He was okay, he just pouted as both Johnny and Kenshi laughed, the meanies)
❤️ One time Tomas was nawing on Kenshi's arm and Kenshi was totally fine with it until Tomas bite slightly too hard and Kenshi had a bite mark for a good few hours
💨 It also made Tomas absolutely blubber and apologize a million times because he didn't mean to!! He was just trying to mess around, he didn't wanna hurt Dada on purpose 🥺
⭐️ Luckily no true hard was done but Tomas was no longer allowed to naw on Kenshi's arm (he pouted but understood that he could hurt Dada again and didn't protest much)
❤️ Luckily though, Johnny got Tomas his first baby chewing toy and Tomas absolutely loved it
💨 Hates to admit it, but gets to distract when things jingle above him
⭐️ He could be pouting about being unable to have a sweet or because he did something naughty and got in a bit of trouble, and Kenshi will jingle his keys and suddenly Tomas thinks has a new toy to play with
❤️ Anything they jingle will become his until he finds something new that's his (found that out the hard way when they tried to take back Kenshi's keys)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all I got so many more just of them, it's crazy. I like Smokencage so much 🥺
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starsurface · 4 months
Hii! Can you do hcs for little Kenshi from mk1 please?
Man I adore Kenshi!! He's super cool. :3
TW: Mentions of the Yakuza, references to hitting, and references about his eyes
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Regressor Kenshi Takahashi HCs
❤️ Regressed to about 3-6
❤️ Very rarely, but sometimes he'll regress to almost babyspace
❤️ Found out about regression from Liu Kang
❤️ The God was worried because before age regression, Kenshi's coping mechanism was fighting/sparring or training until his feet gave out beneath him
❤️ Was a bit, lot, skeptical of it at first but ended up slipping very quickly with Liu Kang's help
❤️ His main CGs are probably Johnny and Liu Kang (Tomas too, avid Smokencage shipper over here)
❤️ Likes having Raiden, Kung Lao, and Syzoth baby sit him from time to time
❤️ Sento will also help too!! That's their grand baby after all!!
❤️ Sento’s actually a slightly difficult provlem because sometimes Kenshi wants to see when hes small but also has a habit of unsheathing the katana
❤️ ^ Luckily Sento's Guardians will scold him because he knows he's not suppose to play with the pretty sword
❤️ Which is so totally unfair btw, he might be small, but that doesn't mean he'll hurt himself!! >:/ (has accidently cut himself multiple times while small and came blubbering to you about it)
❤️ Well, he can't exactly cry because, uh, he has no . . . eyes
❤️ But his lip will start quivering and his face will get all red and he'll make the sounds of crying
❤️ It also kinda stings a bit, since his tear production will works, even if it's damaged, but doesn't have anywhere to go
❤️ Will sometimes freak out over his eyes and start gawing at them with his hands
❤️ You've gotta gently grab his hands and tell him that he's hurting himself and can't do that
❤️ In moments like these you just gotta hold him and rock him, letting him feel your heartbeat and hold onto something soft like his blankie
❤️ He's normally very good with the rules and doesn't like breaking them
❤️ Like, he knows if he draws on the floor or the walls, he's gonna have to clean it up and his pretty art won't stay, so why try it?
❤️ But if he does get in trouvle, he has a small habit of throwing hissy fits
❤️ Foot stomping, raised voice, throwing whatever he has in his hands at the ground (never you though, even in these moments he doesn't wanna hurt you)
❤️ These can usually be delt very quickly with an arms crossed and that look that just screams he's in trouble
❤️ I know he just yelled at you, but don't yell at him please
❤️ Stern voice is okay, but he will be fearful if you raise your voice and try to go hide away somewhere to feel safe again
❤️ Don't hit him either. There are times he might flinch when he knows your upset and then go completely silent on you
❤️ You've gotta just hold him and remind him that he isn't with the Yakuza anymore, they can't hurt him anymore
❤️ Best punishments for him are the naughty corner, but he has to be able to bring his blankie (more on that later)
❤️ He doesn't exactly baby regress but on days where all he can think about is his Yakkuza life, he feels very small and fuzzy and all he really wants is to be held, comforted, and loved
❤️ ^ These days he goes mostly nonverbal, and can get fussy if you don't immediately know what he wants
❤️ It's not your fault, nor his fault, he's just feeling a lot of negative emotions right now and doesn't know how to process them
❤️ When he does get that small, I can see him being a padded regressor out of comfort, but I dunno
❤️ Absolutely adores sippy cups (and cried one time because Johnny teased him for it, don't worry!! Johnny apologized for it and they made up)
❤️ Favorite regression item he owns is this smallish soft, fuzzy blankie he owns
❤️ He had to kinda hike his knees to his tummy if he wants to be wrapped in it, but it's still his favorite
❤️ This blankie is his best friend and he will drag it everywhere (never actually draws it though, kinda just holds it in his arms or on his lap)
❤️ His favorite part of the blanket is how soft and fuzzy it is because he can just shove his fave in it and appreciate the textures
❤️ Gets absolutely destroyed when you have to wash it
❤️ No amount of explaining will help your case, he'll either sit by the washer going ‘🥺’ until it's done, or will steal your blankie because it smells like you
❤️ Cuddles and physical affection is a must, especially is Sento isn't around
❤️ ^ Even if Sento is around, he still wants (silently demands) cuddles
❤️ Favorite little nicknames are Kenny, Honey, Little Guy, and Baby
❤️ Although if you called him any nickname, he'll be all giggly and hide in your shoulder
❤️ I can also see him as a kitty regressor
❤️ Will paw at your leg and snuggle on your lap, demanding head scratchies
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
He's my baby, I love him. 🥺
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starsurface · 4 months
Could you possibly do regressor Johnny Cage (MK1) headcanons please? It’s fine if not!
My favorite!!! :D I absolutely love Johnny Cage!!
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Regressor Johnny Cage Hcs
⭐️ Regress to maybe about 2-7
⭐️ More of a big kid, usually about 5 most times, but after really stressful trips or when he's worked really really hard he'll regress into more of a toddler headspace
⭐️ Lemme just say this:
⭐️ IPAD BABY!!!!
⭐️ Can and Will watch something on it for HOURS.
⭐️ Also a really great distraction if he's small in public
⭐️ ^ Favorite show is Octonauts because he gets to learn about cool ocean animal facts and everyone praises him for all his knowledge (and Octonauts is the BEST show hands down)
⭐️ ^ Pookie over here probably watches Cocomelon too, but you didn't hear that from me 👀
⭐️ Loves to take pictures when hes small!!!
⭐️ Whether its a cute outfit he's wearing, or his absolutely beautiful picture, or what yummy food he's eating
⭐️ ^ If he was a set CG, they'll probably have an entire camera role, ngl
⭐️ Kenshi probably watches him the most, as well as the Earthgang (+ Liu Kang)
⭐️ ^ Maybe even Tomas too 👀 (I'm projecting as a Smokencage shipper >:3 )
⭐️ Isn't exactly open open to sharing his regression?? Or having others babysit him?
⭐️ Was too scared to fully regress around Cris because she didn't always act the best around him and didn't want to get involved with it
⭐️ So he's a bit scared that someone he trusts won't want anything to do with him either
⭐️ If you do get his trust, will absolutely cling to you like a little puppy, all he wants is praise and attention 🥺
⭐️ While his favorite CG is probably Kenshi (and maybe Smoke) I think he'd also adore Kung Lao
⭐️ Mostly because Kung Lao won't tell him no sweets before dinner and that means he gets to break rules and be naughty >:3
⭐️ ^ Whines to whoever will hear about his tummy ache afterwards though, it's all Kung Lao's fault!! >:(
⭐️ Really likes playing dress up!!!!
⭐️ Likes dressing up in whatever nice, fancy clothing he has and doing fashion shows
⭐️ If he has the costumes, he likes pretending to be old characters he's done in the past
⭐️ If anyone is watching him, they'll probably get dragged into dress up too
⭐️ ^ ‘Sides, how could you say no to his big puppy eyes? :(
⭐️ Absolute brat, no if’s or but’s
⭐️ Will establish a rule, and break it two minutes later, most times on purpose
⭐️ Whines and stomps his foot I'd you send him to the naughty step or time out corner but will eventually do so
⭐️ Although do remind him later that your not actually mad at him and you know he's not really naughty
⭐️ No. Not. Ever. Yell. At. This. Man. When. He. Is. Small.
⭐️ He will absolutely NOT take it well
⭐️ If he does break a rule on a bad day, just baby him and he'll be absolute puddy in your arms
⭐️ Just wants to be loved and praised honestly (and a little naughty, but that's only because you give him your entire attention >:3. )
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I made his theme orange, I wanted to do yellow because he's a star but they didn't have it >:/
^ (edit) Actually, changed it to purple because someone gave me the idea and I'm tired of using orange. (Good color, but I gave it to like, 7 other characters :(
Also I'm so sorry my favoritism is showing, his list is so long and I could probably do a pt 2, ngl
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