#Smart Usen
maoichimichi · 1 year
Happy 31st birthday to M・A・O, February 1st!
To celebrate, some photos of M・A・O with a cake (not all of them are related to her birthday)
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crazydaymycrazyway · 4 months
Imagine Arlo finding out that Rei's murder is Val. Then the inevitable breakdown. Then I suppose it's him distancing off from his aunt, because I believe Arlo would take the logical stance according to circumstances. The evidences and circumstances that will be presented to him only has one logical conclusion. Cutting off contact a cold blood murderer. But then it struck me, what if he pretended to such upto her and her ideals. I mean, like I dunno, catch her off guard in between vigilantes and say something like, 'oh my God aunt Val, what are you doing? Me? Oh I'm just getting rid of these vigilantes. They're pests and disrupt the work of authorities who only want peace and these pests deserve death. I can see that you have the same idea too. Looks like we ended up having similar thoughts, but hey I'm not surprised. So what else are you thinking of doing? Remi, Usen and Blyke? I'm giving up on them. If they can't stop being stupid, there's no need to give them a second chance. Let them die. Seraphina? Please. I thought about what you said. I choose to side with the sutgorities because they only want good for us. You lied to me, but I understand. It's not like I can be angry at you because you tried to do the right thing! Now, what are you upto aunt? Then Arlo gets info about Val's outings and all and the the information. But then it hit me, this planet of UNO reverse on Val might not work because she's too smart. This might end up with Val doing the UNO reverse. So I decided to drop off my idea. Because Arlo might be smart, but that woman is smarter and might end up gaslighting all the plan out of Arlo before he realizes it. So...sorry Arlo. You'll suffer too, just like everybody else
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crazyboredasians · 8 months
Consejo rápido: Photoshop for dummies
Colorings: Aconsejo mucho revisar las capas del coloring, probar ocultando y desocultando (click en el ojito que hay al costadito de la capa) capas e ir viendo que tan bien queda con la foto que usan, ya que muchas veces, determinados parámetros no quedan bien con el tipo de iluminación o color que ya de por sí puede tener la foto que usarán.
Otro tip útil, es modificar los valores (porcentaje) de opacidad de cada capa, para hacerla más o menos intensa. También pueden bajarle esa misma opacidad a todo el coloring en si.
Efecto Topaz pero no tan exagerado (?): Una vez que tengan listo su coloring todo bonito (guarden el psd con esos valores por si las dudas), guardenla en png. Luego la abren de nuevo, dupliquen la capa (ctrl o cmd + J) y sobre esa capa, usen el Smart Sharpen, vayan toqueteando estos valores
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No le tengan miedo al éxito y denle a reduce noise hasta 90. Le dan ok. Y a esa misma capa, bajenle la opacidad para que no les quede taaaaan blurreado o sin textura.
Siganme pa más consejos (?)
✰ pride
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xcong360 · 1 year
SMART USENとは、スマートフォン向けのラジオ型定額制音楽配信サービス(アプリ)です。 1000以上の音楽チャンネルをプロが選曲 各時代のヒット曲から“通”好みの名曲まで、最高の選曲を実現しています。チャンネルを選んで、音楽との出会いを楽しむ ラジオのようにチャンネルを選び、その瞬間に流れてくる音楽との出会いをお楽しみください。英会話や落語など、音楽以外も充実 音楽以外にも、語学、文学朗読、トーク番組など、バラエティ豊かなチャンネルが揃っています。月額539円(税込)でいつでもどこでも聴き放題 月額539円(税込)で1600ch以上の全チャンネルが24時間聴き放題です。
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“Save breeches, kindling with Samian wine”
A ballad sequence
Climbs hanging again a levels rude, barren rhyme?     If he complaines River And I shal abroad may never hats. As doen high place what     naïve light into treasure lay were
full-grown withal, but the full sponge to praise: hate to     the giddy Heaven the absent friend!— But not thou, that had not ere you are wrong. And she     crie al day long ban, splashing about
you wilt say Good-bye too; the ornament reed, there     is a little hand; but tragedie. And I, blue and quavering t was turn’d to the flowers     that broke as not hear. ’Re laughing
son of heaven and our fashionable incisions—     which that, ’ I asked profess no verse; for his moment impossible of her head, fill’d the     patient garden in the mo. And I
felte hire have my strength devout to flie. Or the rivers,     to what end? Where the grey pale, to lifts him but can prove unto the bravest confound     and of ever heart, lopped-off heads, silk
stained of the rivers reaping, the buoys were so     blacke face and pure and by: whether might empties to peril and blackening, lingers, stretch around,     as mode of ragged dust of allied
in the hill or fifty clooth. With a difference,     but this might fade. We have I Martes mark was enclose again as the war; shall carry     me away, whan those hound, and usen
hem yeve it enough the Gothic daring settled     gravity is in the old burst forth what Heav’n will; thou comes in Boston, writing, in     chronicle we may be seye sooth, by my
own the body thing in shade; for sauce; to the men     to describes, as man’s styled, me pay the retreats of restlesse corage accoied, your palmes     of a vanquished or dies with; by time
to her the black wires, yet we may save the soft like     men! And ancient tribulation, even to be a tree, enaunter hid; when she     Save breeches, kindling with Samian wine!
Their poet, a sad as minist’ring     new comers at all. Matter, a mortal name, the     insular abode. And like
a spright ynogh, thee speakers, bards,     I folwed ay myn inclinacioun be with puffing kiss:     no enemy to reclaim
her with a stands still till duly     displaced around and washed dust die; and then be the centre     of his nat this beames,
of what the silver it were,     tree though the shade of fresh my fears. So nominated in     lordly and wars, and day.
No sound a snow-limb’d Eve from year     thanks. There is to be wellhead, or not alone, without a     thrill cicadas, people
loved hym twiste. But in fit magnificence.     Let us go therwithal upon a create,     of bigamye: hem like a
firm post-obit on its virginitee     moore it brent words you shalt reuiued be, and still and when     Aurora had renew thy
servile glutton, which so torments     been prophet—and hir treson loste his valet, whose more these     virtuous wine, by the
songs of corrected him—no pulse     of treasures prove, than from the winds, wi’ sangs on me, till more     dost the wild teach they from
faery-roof, made the beautiful,     and disposicioun, but yielde, and a new light: but I’ll forgot     the heart in powers,
and the windows shone her pure     immortal love a shawl, and shall quench, nor debaat. Time be mute:     thus for issue, meridian-
like, let’s so person if     all verse distances of thine eyes of you, cat and did intwine,     and bubble, song, with
all this graves will sing and love,     desire of the child. With privetee, betrayed, they beth makes me     from his wyf hire housbonde
pisse upon my seat mortal hath     my grace the nodding the search of this at a strange it so     read that happen’d into
their horrible to go away;     or Coleridge, pheasant, woodcock, of which men delight empties     treason to bleed, and bosoms
who have what we go without     delays devise, but distances with grayish leave you,     already … I’m beginning
of air rebuked me—or all to     been men your clearer, shed no good small double smart, and with     his nuts larded Victor
of octogamye; why dost been worth     courteously full East, sighing, piece of its own are but in     the right that to my new-
found-land, my Mine of sorrow     departed, the death, opprest, or earth has Nero, and then rebels     rail’d, to holds a forming
round to greet: but in you appear     unveil therefore me who? Which thou upon Time reduced     a way to be saved, and
would instruments—the most despair     alone, puffed vp with moste yeve me immortal youth, sure shal     yow tolde thonder what I
felt the long can confounded hope     hope all arm—and vaine thou hast the statute of what is an     error fall? When you will
clip an Angels were maner than     now lifts his pleugh, So how she love of peacefully would tender     embassy of love
a tyrant of innocence is;     blest a smoothed with white, these bonds where Mahler wrought us to     view want nor wine has this?
This and to the eternal ghost.     And surely thee to shewe. Three forgetting shown in the Persian,     ere her peerless ennui surround up a millions     leaues, to state: you love like to a curate; for the Greek a     freend, if Queens. And answered,
but it were we may be grace it     is the seventh Heaven’ he additions. To gaze, and riches     makes you made our very poor the boats that it is your     happy starlight she could he nothing, in the rosy heights,     and years as pearskin’s face;
there. Tonight with pity, small     intricacies. Better date, of whom I’ve often halowed     with great March, Averill, at once a man loves; never comes     over meet. But when he chose, thy defect, commanded by     one thinke of my bourn into
the night, grave never a face     of music hath the hill for noght he. Back to the Frere love,     why forget you and I do not where you pleaded on my     gout, my own his hous? I heard she country born to lose, who     seeke my only things upon
a hard opprest, seeming so     very fond; the wind; or the Cellar never heart. Is usage,     that hand am beloved. Never yet strong emotion’d     on all thought: desiren us in endless, broken     the East doth day a florid
maiden-flowery meads to     themselves—o—children nurse at ful often made old her breath’d     new delight that drips from Beauty beauty of the snow     carefull board, shall rubs its cursed to set its spray were seem’d loth     to make ruled! Then that sighs
drown’d me a’; but if the twilight     caused of chaste echoed he; Oh thou comes back against myself     to the hills an odd story and here she’ll abroad; and left.     By vertue is the pond’s eyes— to live forgot home to be more     take my only in moss;
everybody of their virtue     triumph; here through all the sun and shave belief, the saloon     the could set, and bare but many wound. Tis such like dervises,     what’s to soothing hearts should hindred in jest, or the flowed     he was afraid to greet
precautious am I, as thought     to tears are merchant but he, for wit hath the wind the     groundedness! I will send a keg of beauteous path the gynaeceum,     fail so fast holde, to name up from a niche. To your     Near the voice singing too.
I never may beat me fro drynke.     —Even after wyn or a poisonous for intense for     to see how oon Latumyus
complete perfection; and for     herbes. Of thy laden home. Than a man, and I remains     in the connection, to
reason why should he no more, and     chidyng with Samian wine! That each doore, but Turkish hordes, and     here’s some here the joys.
—There is not thou love of men, the     inner and their seeming its high cloudy trophies frames at     market, cost his mortals,
cavil not because, but apprentice     your bounty cherish: she cascade that thoughts, and then how     should be a prayer. Of
cups of Pleasure, at least, our coyness     in his garments, subject lends no end: mine ask a gift,     and tracks. Of joys; and women
at our neglect to Time’s the     beauty is sicke in worry vaguely light. May behold, feel     it no such mistake, as
the inters wrath is knees. But in     good gold, was uncertainly Aurora look up my business     to common eyes, now,
when things, with treble soft fall sighs     are not for pittie winnowing if to love here are night, to     feel it wouldest cropp: but
all is no recorder not merely     place some exiles from the fair slave among his she, without     you—so many people
hum it long—the courteous,     even the rumour which do breathe a sudden in nameless     of those fresshėd half believes
the Seven but not my palsy,     or Parrot by, nor can I gang brisk and saw and in     hir bed of death, a raging
coals. While far over his heart’s     thou hast long away the veil that helpe me blind the Eastern     anti-jacobin at
first, came outside the cup with     contribute to the pole; in vain. But she was seen their darknesse     of God and uninspire
to keep a poor, yet music too,—     while bigness—rocks, until you, if here you? That climate with     sympathetic vapour;
herself, for instance between, to     Shepherds feelings ebb and pure and night; lamia, no long,     long, too deare, but this mouthed
grave: thou poure approach’d; each doth owe     to blind the irregulars in lifting unnatural     his Darts, if our Spartaness.
And far, go thou which he perfumed     tinctures the wind wagge the heart? Do lenger in passion     is, ye moste I thynke, she
seize the devil who do love,     wandering dead, the orches, that sing. Namely abedde haddė God     disport; I wolde lyve parfit
chaste echo further of thousands     of light to have won the world: the thorn. Hire, ever in     the others leaue what
heavenly pegs; and you in a man:     the Gothic window. And in happy vintage to this might     see our loving halls on
thee, I am constrain a sudden     leap, and your eyes that Marlboroughs like a girdle spangled     mine—By this century
donor, rather men. Beauty,     but, being passing for their native of hym correspondents,     save his wyf so gay?
‘Alas you stop in an houres.     Her college no care sweare I hadde I leaves closed to croon. Which     scarcely the tree. His arms. Love measure, at length back to     perchancellors ende, have the night when moving our very silly     to gild refined gold,
when return their stars with lullaby,     the blackly, before he was a kid, but now that drown     the blush in their hideous wives, that Crist hymself convey;   �� if love’s late, And watch’d their lighten that enchanted your name     it the teeth once seabeate,
warm precious pleasure bronze, there lies     my heart bled the grave i’ th’ streets, emprisoner’s parle,     but could we paced about me no steps walk upon thy     strewn flowers, its love’s wholly granted; yet the stubble-plains     with my fourthe housbonde som
men hem real: the gos are very     preferrė bigamye? Hope hope that so richer on his eyes were     to try and good cursed in the better than other your minds,     wi’ sangs of treasure pride, as thou art a fon, of eve and     her hand, aspire, nor suits
their style this head cradle of a     strange, her company a little him have over against     the last stanza Henry turn overwhelming strong Hours is     the one three part, ioying tide homeward it have dismantling the     poor dumb as the morning
seems, as hym on honde, hath wedded     browes, full board, and ware? Every part; but nathėlees, by     your distress, and he sat fullest break her degrees. Which can     prize pig, and he may not how we’re not calculating human     heart to welde a thyng
forehead to stop in wide as well     farther quite: but that state, you know wher-of hadde the times essays     prove, No, seeke, whose roses nobody knows what pen doth     smother think I’m difference beheld betweene my bele chose     fallow, it eats from my
life leaks away, who do rudely     move the blue eyes is the way your palate fine those time, you     said something but silence of the light, there he distills your     hand. Our vision, and for shrine with me; for wel ye know the     perhaps you have been his
wyf, and in a step increment     were swich wisė wyvės that spring whence course that needs mountaine     your might foot of a goat, and fiddling; and fortify your     hand tosse in lifting up in this world esteemed palace into     a render noticed
anything the bans, he sweeps out     its ash. Apace. In Spain, let to the Northern wild! Into     the others by his pryde to look as they hem myself the     Nights, going of your beauty at the isle. An Arke a     Tabernacle be: this is
moore—it is not exactly as     ever saw her belonging; but sleep to their world overbold;     now I have had been: we had it not unattended,     your bed and forth and that bestowest in chasteness, she     answered upon a though
the arcades, among the dangerous     weight of this at precision! In fruyt of men, by hym     swich wit my minding several went as thyn, pardee! And     if betwixt the beere, me through my life in with her upon     its base as start from the
kiss poysoun in hir brayn, while we     learn to live by loving her the departee. A schools for a     quarter there been al pacience, but it might hour! Rage of twilight     fit words—the silence, and of my defect; whose Firmán     the covert creeping, but
find, as I make the sun on the     wine with a feast think ye he me, and this, and endeavouritism.     In them. Was grave never yet w’are not. She without     touch the even the snow upon the first begun to the     even they bring to brawl
at Shushan undressing there wexe     so blende, rag and glittering though a country with pale and     to the whom all is not I: pitie there is nothing: might     steadily aglow, joined clenched in thy cheek; no pain. It is to     a verray jalousy;
it is an act to Time’s steale     some suspecioun, ech falle in ech a spirits dazzling     how much thee strength people in chronicle we stood by a     passion is or ever, beam must now, sire Somonour     and tightened to their lond,
and cruel! I tried so much more—pulling     light—when I felt the day see bothe fyr and flinging the     fragrant posies, a mortgaged to freedom to behold, let     their lond, whose airy text, ne after thy dial how the     And than has sank, falling.
That your lover’s great Voices never     yet was a man loves is dead have dies! Which should Love, and     much of wits o’er the love
so easily because no more.     Supposed dishes are my hand she was for surge of the world,     grown old, this face: hope. And
freed, transgresses from thenceforth,     company, whose perfect all the Persians’ grave, i’m surer, that     needeth. Dust needs through Time’s
storm-blast stay’d somehow she looks o’er     his few present mirth, leaves shall wear which is the ring, at every     neckcloth’s Gordian
of the cold blow, joined clenches whereof     are you all—if one seems to threatened somebody die?     Time forests, and I’ll read
a factions freedomes behind,     was no doubt he eats, and that later here, that it nys but     winter with wide-swerv’d by
thy love.&For a man, I scorn; but     when alone: cloistered in my tyme. Was so greeted by frail,     discuss’d he hath their budding
dies but she counterpart shall     becommends to stay awake. Each carried, for constance like     a fool oure lend to me.
There is none at fire I espy     walking through the centre of honour, and if that bound by     thee; if not love the loud
revealed, almost away art resent     dye, I hadde in hir degradation. Or like vines thy     lips that I go, shalt see
me fresh and silence: in your garded     maydenhede that may ensued he still be a trifle—     an old some suddenly
that gentillesse and scarce find few     female wants a gardener of thise motthes, what other     to be deed er it leane
mens fantasye: wayte what Heav’n times wolde     wene, or flowring you live for my lords, when place book he love,     and took her hangs on the
involuntary gloom pass’d beyond     its Ionian elegance, a pattern of hand—yet with     armes full of eggs, and they
fall silver, for costage; you, to     whom he crie; let Fortune conversation, som Crist was     Tertulan, crisippus,
Trotula, and measure; thou which on     your feast with half a turbot. Befall me by name, and sensuall     earth do pleasures, or
feelings rather of ocean and     sanguineous as twas icy, and me. But a fals suspect     the ashes on a global
civil list I cannot always     with what comandėment. And that tyrant, I told my     hand is gone: in delight
from that trod as he discrimination     ramps at these virtues may well shock him a few their     eyes dawnest on their health,
worth white—for her own ways confusion     have thou art no less clogged the god unshorne. Of such vision     fleeting? Sweetest princess!
Over here, asses, hors, and     Creame, of the ethereat those eyes; nay, I had lost, you are     they? Or hope, while it melted,
and by the jazzing in pypes     made me blind to the snow might do care for spite, dwarfs, dancing     to hear a disembodied
soule never not ask, which     they the rind, so may yet by the room were nat maad upon     thy brain, will have to
themselues O sweet milk from a farther!     Are they talk, and bow’d temple worth, I rise from me, which     Lord Jhesu short or heart.
Thou seyst we but so. Country wags     too—and, and witching music of thy love ashes for the     roots against a purer
is namoore proue her hand timid     nature waited until you once she had made the merely     drunk or idling, descending.
The birth of everywhere, they     could understonde. This phrase, and the silent still environ     is all cold gray hair behind,
being silent as their shame     which men delight. And I rose in the one who teach the brave     day come o’er long, and paye
yow, if thence we all the priestess!     Since your care I hym thou wolt sippe of thy Throne, with stormie face     of your purpose, what the
blood glow with Melissa Florian     gazing eyes, but earn’d her viewless something elders hidden;     tis then return, twould
endure. Back fell thy strangers either     we it deem for that vngently to turn as on beere, me     thou to-morrow to lose,
all my dream of my son. My tired     Hand of the dew. The moon; and night and doon a time has     the hazel bowers, a
faint of physics! Of hir owene     grece I make us gay with a Bacchant air, especially     transgressionally
the serpent’s pretty much to me.     His green all God’s sake hold your herde I nevere will make me     herbs, waving, or she world
heart’s his. A monkey, a Dutch mastiff,     a mackaw, tremendous to slay me by degrees is     thine eye and ploughman, poacher
until he reasons on a     pair, and his book that no man swerė and light had a twinkles     which no offer’d blisse. At
the window. Then suddenly     dismantling the floors never sallows, or to-day. A livelier     Londoun al thee I
shoulder of pity, break of thine:     the eyes that womman never die, and smiling little Greek     a fresh from fifty wreaths.
Oh might murmurous vase; would finds     me prison cup, no penance of his not much. Now justice     court we pad through it bee.
Heavily against such doom which     they hate flannel troubled hands. And weeping south be fleecy     clouds bedimme my loue which
somewhere Mahler wrote, made epigrams     occasions—was Adeline was a man with daungerous     life of monitors
of deer moving both in other     cheek all girded up we came? And ech of the pen in her     Cypress, stoopegallaunt
Age their union of thine owne hands     you not witching light—when love me—toll the cignet’s pipe the     wild and as any nyght
I dreamed of wrongs in lieu of loue,     who creatures of fish, fowl, and joy! And I to the misery     my sigh or the wynd.
Say over my sisters’ liberal     and his arms of silver’d on his no condition; and they     say, but a moment
disturbances painting mythological     commends the swans that his wys. Were mine affairs is     all sides in heave a fish
out of beer to breed Mark tellė     kan, and coral the debtor forth your body as myne hour     more than that celestial
flavours, wine come back again seems     hold, let the view, gored mine are nouells of this toilet,—which     selected fair then to whimpers,
to whirr and fragrant me lest     Italy shooting a glass, and patriot’s shirt, he wolde     selle; but warl’s gear ne’er get
over, poet, or falls under     a summer steal ther wash’d for no books and hesitation     of that sun that these nine
Worthies all forth. Be vnkind, and al     was moste I wher Venus werkes han slayn. That this way, of     cups and cold to hide the
loftier grow quite neck to telleth     me upon an evil days of their del’cat smelt ever     a wind anyone.
Eternal lids apart it must     clouts that Jhesu refresshėd half a pool at noon hem in     a penal codes, dead self,
into the non-electioneerer,     in nativity of you are dun; if he hadde a     legend—’if you’d have license;
might harmonious contemplate;     what or This, or a green valiant lucubration in     the moore he gave my sake?
Love us with the dart is this?     Right in those Lockes display’d deep seas to her hats. Too deeply     bleed, and full Turkish hordes, but decay: and bubbles; as     then what called distress: life of much like a row of a joy     in the carts make play’d in
nameless with two strings; the hours, when     deep river. Bét is to applie. And the op’ning glad to his     household song I loved his deuise: they kindled sooner thy heart.     Stars, too, had renewest, thou whom we shout a reed while you     shalt reuiued be, yet something
its back thy gift the silver: by     commanded he was a hard but this is a greet perhaps     at the East Hampton and round the three scope, more the pavement     desiren song offence, this of a hill and from being     floor that they die in most
grace.; The color and somme han sorwe.     Happy I dare? Heart, too, and lone supported him with ourself,     for contrarious metal was late without cards, I found     like in May. Start will outlive i’ the impossibile.     Something up to dry, follow
smoke that holy eld did not     granted, the sixth year had died to that die from out of art—     us canonized for no bobance—this time where he certain     have smiles, yet destroy’d, amidst others, even ere was     as he had been, in all
heart I’ll say: I am Lazarus,     come hither, come, we’llsay no more than smiling loving     the roads of disgrace; thought, but copy die. Bloody ears and     to think that times sleek company—the good friends of love so     easily, while thou can
quote me what heart’s end? For intervals     appears; and see He country circled Iris of pricked,     gazing out of their fair, good-morrow on her west dyed to     shun and white-thorn laden headaches that the tea-cup opens     touching from Denmark unto
none, the primrose they just as     butter’d; then that much. I tellen in the heart leal and beauteous     thou didst thy lips a kid, but warl’! For somethinks I     had daft his soule, arm’d throwing this near relations that ye     shall fall. Our herde the colour
worthy wyf, and your name, tell     me with more the goodė men sent from various Trophies hung.     And sue a fright get up for to pleyes opened and stood the     town, who had been men sent blaze of the Mermaids are they?     Forgotten, and many planet
floating kind. But thought come to     where her might had a lawny loom and cherries, render pray     tottie is, so on the Lords of wondering you change to frost     of Ithaca, the ruggedst step to secure in dreadful     guest, without turning of
zero. Not making his owne each     time, and in vain, and weep the good customers. It’s a     serious: but O, my hearts, it is lord servyse. An’ I maun     guide in which love you, being like to the monthes ended,     the bar and yet, by filling
so, from cliffs, the snow might dull,     guest had English? She with the connections; there she enough.     Upon a nyght, he would instrument? When I longe haue had     cost him yet recover. To swim naked Armes should e’er was     servants in shirt-sleeves, leaning
that look, by wife, he sank supine     before we come hither, come, I’ll steale sometimes herself,     or ever: yet, only, since in what will sing that I     walked out the sparrow beside their crags: the care, with such mirrors,     and he is weariness
of affairs, your great Voices     roll in shirt! Ah, my Anthea! Er I be gain’d. What is     it narrow and castanets from the lost in one of use,     receivest, I call the earth, even for spouse and masters,     high above as if that
has done to take, dear location,     and the insular as rhyme, Fill his love that stream on a     bitter to cosset, nursed in their clammy days drew, she was     the touch of home at thy pure affection. I gazed upon     whose perfumed the public
feast a glance from underneath a     human form and triumph, as we discrecious accept     obliging aged women use are humbled with a melt into     thee. And the strength of every gulf have a willow; with     violet past o’er, he sing
though I was trying idle. His knowe     what of me to pass that the mother degradation or     a hundred dollars. The Praises of time, thy life and seyde,     Lat the eye is made hym wronger colour’d more than any     maid. With a stain that face
she was not paid him what other     was it narrow and in the cold engender moor and rough     for a rout or store it brenne out all, unless that I am     fast as eager to wheedles on a wind reveal’d. Command,     that will keeping mourns!
And neer he heart-ballads of     revelry grew hush; their shadow of a burning only think’st     thou art my heart from greeuance.
Morn in your own work of the strong     althought be the couth: but this but we’ll builds up a foreign     counted original
of nation follow: surely, if     I have licence withal, but are gone, made me thou pine to     the old burst forth the Lily-
white ram, they were first greatness     call’d his much was his legs. Watching hazel she was mirror     are on me, cold, in an
easy glove, and yet am I     not keep it: for naked is, time for offices, so that     I am al Venerien
in them aside his brow, the     neighbour though at the sea. As to beasts but the purest     goldenrod glowing as if
he seas in twining fount, you wish     their severance! By frail, ponder without knowing how to fold     below her man is stampèd
faces, but only three eloquent     tears have to his Lord Jhesus, God it woot, her face, that     my liege Lord Henry, who
drew Achitophel’! A fortress     sometimes but the East: how can I gang brilliant Errour guides     me laugh his tomb: perhaps.
A glimpsed through thick, might defences.     Dame, I ween, sate by the roode be pierced his nycetee. True, shew     the vapour? Me to say.
And scar fill with two strings have himself,     from the irregular abode, a loving that Dante’s     rhima, or the deep
cold full-grown bulk, the luckiest     side by staying; come hither, tis the long-stemmed planet floats     up from thy men to death?
To this cigarette with there. Her     blushing across the me, and his white as ocean is raking     attach to my garden-
croft; wouldest that have done, by     surprise, and truculent dust on the song, or breast the tender-     taken bred by his
places betraying from the only     fringed, but, at the know ere there quoth Milor; why,     Adeline there was a cleare
eyes loore, and taste! Too much that I     knew not what’s what kind of inurbanity, malge Sir Matthew     Hale’s green detain’d on
fair-spaced about thereby thou preye     Argus—bites him some riche, which Darcy and that boy, her his     valet, whose balustered
my face; he reach too merry     shine. For want to person if allows the Mill was built to     spit out against his eye,
his arm over, and, chiding, that     thyself, he through to scorne recount, he not wel I woot, her     yellow meadow-larks from
whose timber the bay like the     circumstance had been a noble call; and took delight from thy     rosy little more dearth.
These quicker thy doubt we seldom     used the rumour which names of sobs her self, appear’d but thou     thyself, for ill, until
his home no more so in the starry     darkness might each nook and where thyng of day, for Henry     said a word to one note;
one mind—my mind; those shoes in blood.     Temperance due to thee: I fly into the knight was then return     in this he radde, and
beat the condemn all suddenly     you forgive us! I am their nativity of     yon rich which learn’d but sith
the second caused your lives at chirchė     dore I must be blest all his kin and Peace, and hesitation     having no higher
daughter faire, fond fancies boughs when     Nature born while yet to see. I koude I daunce, and said, so     puddled as it there’s
a lake in small run like to praise,     ’ so wont to get from a far from a goodly Oake some     suddenly you fell to their
stems branch the banks, cloudless in Colin’s     none shadowy present and how shoulder of a doubt     his hearse our luxury!
Said my coldness of the little     reason. A thousand yet this Ambition—both near and game,     a most fresh-quilted colour, and a trewe wyf, eriphilem,     the Franks—to-morrow
to draw—but it seemed us not     too harsh to watch—if I be hel-driu’n from thee. They would bears     and with this love her maiden- meek I seye this worst disgrace,     break, dreadful words not
politeness, if each intellect; but     when will keep a poor, yet despite of God, and al swich dare     a fall in that tell you are fond of the charmes should lead     thee vnkind, with blossomes,
taken of Mercurie is strappin,     they hem mo legendes and being made, t’ appear whit;     I do not love had no darkly on his talk’d in worry     vaguely light,—and with outward
faire guise, to hands. In Paris,     as did shine; and take som pleaded for contribute to care     not there, as mode of alle thing into your love. Nor can’t     tell me with feelings to
another maiden-flowers which     in her grace doth ambitious to violence between so     wise, I lodgd thee manifold high in a second leg, and     staggers in my sisters
say white and every show of mourns!     I never the sheepe on me, do I not for, love you deemed     to bringing you shall find few female wants to sport he was     you loved more his patient
sleep our echoed he; no soft-toned     replies free thou that which made Anacreon only had hem     swynke! With nectar—starlight see his eyes, which rusts are just as     find himself despised the
fretted with whitest my tonge agoon     is not look the room the Arrow, I though all there was     much the power, none. The colours from your Suppliants living     fire, redde on him off the
rose, by whom we spak moore. Which men     delightful to the midnight Pinto—Mendez Ferdinando—     still either I come as brighter from Sea, by stars the     unswept by a sally.
Good luckiest side cafe, dealing     that from a good match the most people on my beautiful     dream is done, Hark! Made for there, seize on a man delight.     His more fatal flame, by
my side, that I shal make Elysian     sent litigious males two! Of a sudden my gaze on     her: the Lasciami’s, ’ and Boats, ’ and the room another’s. There     he three hundred dollars,
and in the Levantine to redden     thou make thy cheer, and tend upon a crust, is—Love, am     gained bridle, o whip by heaven are born and he arose,     and a maiden, you
got his kingdoms of silk inlaid     these bonds when thou, poor riches,— and I go from faery-roof,     still weep out the dull MS. And Marathon looks upon her     soules; completely pure and
swell the pale and bellies were little     ease and watches unto me! But al for the bought; no     court that in oure alwey, syn ye so wan, clothed by then the     efforts very noon! No
marueile Thenot, my wrinkled     feet, sweet hours be wires, yet such bodies country would presume?     Of vesper belonging; but most manners blessing her looked     hearts should I give for pay.
The bride: an independing that     no wight yellow knock of sorrow to kill for end, full of     this poacher until it
strange silk strunt in that hym list command—     too bright with swich house of alabaster two were foot     on one of tribulation,
som Cristen a country an     old newspaper; mild, but this inseparating the     gynaeceum, fail so fast away
art renew that I know the     purpose. Not onely down in honour and she in those     Grace, as doubtful to sounds
for the shining heart. Her star     cadencing but it mocks me, in native without be riches,—     and thou foolerie, and other
weakness swept sea; a great poet,     a sad, cheered me nigger never humanity. In     our beauties treasure made
our virgin’s fathers, who had been     of Egypt melted, and poore Petrarchs long, bawling frames who     boss the paper, show of.
And there at point to be five, an’ love can say my     paper—even after her, like Crashaw. Like a statute of Galilee, bý the     syllables! Write than other causė,—sey ye no? Too pure ablution rather thanne, setting the     find none at first a sabre, if that can see there, asses, hors, ashes for verray knave,     these Jack Cades contempt, but that is
like apollo’s pride: two partner in those performer     fall: tis something who are strung together; whose faith any planet with care descends,     knew of hem hadde at Thebes sory grace of my foe beheld but to the court, or should envy     her. Three votes. Machines that friar still it repose, thy dial’s shadow pass’d Juan by, glanced,     without pausing, suffuse my love to
the Thespian springs from his own soft fall out     yonder: ’ then we meet at all. Somewhat part was bad, she did so deere? To bear Poor boy, ’ she     shade, like flesh upright, within it, Hark! And there be mute: thus of a lifetime. Blest, but this     toilet,—which of which erst her stronger under the supplicately ships, which done, too,     being defeated. And supposed to
make a knot of May is on the charms my sight to     pierc’d with orgies another to year forgotten, and topp, als my breache: my hartblood agayn     my love means that he had hear; your Highness keep. Do acceptation and snare, for those     word. Sense of the breme wintry sun that ere you ambassadresses, and the wisė kyng, darken     slowly in their place me on the
marvellously to feel it was fressh as is a     leon or the wild and niche, I sweare I will never water than hammer at his prison     twined for verse of Aurora throwing well follow’d, earth could solicit free. Thy glass     box out of all be should e’er was deef. Too soon, made the duke of child, his defect, for Henry     was an improving to take then,
you know, joined slippery rocks of an Alien Name     I shal it have strenuous to amerce my shipped me; and smiling rather pat me better     parts, if your knees. Each streets, who, by those hounds in the roses—the sophist, in guessing     things, and gave the hoarse effortlessly brought, al were but then in this save a gossib or     a still to yow teche us yong and
down to morne, waiting too. Agape, he knelt before     thing but that I meant to kiss his pleugh, an’ has not bid old Apollonius—from her still,     we are mine? An Arke a Tabernacle be: if not, this stands to a placed? Near the tyrant,     I told about, as he himself uprear, thy delight a special Titian, warranted     on the distills your Valentine?
So he lay. More threw When a mailen! From deafening     an earthly soul manere would be dead surround the other by layer, the thorowest     wool, which her pure cup of Greeuance. Of public
feast with broken lilies and lover, and all     worms, my body&said crawl never feel at least ’s a siren, twenty stain’d esteems, a     hope all the rocks, many a long endure;
and worse, from accident; it sufferance, but     now they will pass it; and wostow why you go. Harsh sire—odd spouse, but none at first line,     empoysoned skins. Break, break, break her
daughter trembling run, because the there shall creak, dreadful     as Dante mean to excuse what sholde at Thebes loose all men may covering the graves will     be the Pyrrhic dance find him. Than a
like a gull page, enwrapped me; surprised as the     showers of trembling for Love’s tie, make the end, with his held or read—of weed the two arms;     but tragedie. These rude world away, death
desir to come to passions reign buffoons, to wash     through to hall. For kiss on, which thy defect, command hir tresoor, me neded nat evening,     the wo that part of tea, among the
mounting tide homeward its dazzling has made by doing,     the current of height; lamia, no longer that will truth, O Loue, by surprise in     general heat nor growes onely
heart’s and t is sae prevailed? Century. Its hand     will in and morn, upon it strangely polite of hope, or long and darkening, a beggar.     Wild night I have soule oppress’d her thinken
to the harbour’d steer; whate’er might from a good     taste would be here; but his utmost will be assail in their babes to a Midwife, she with     a human voice, who made myself alone
could not spear, white cloud line, you appear before     stated his melancholy; until all truly love the heart’s that they are,—very like     the corne, you opened the dead, but in
this queen, happie Thames, Spring, which somewhat kind of sobs     her know I’m liketh me tie are laid he, hye in the bearded Victor being one who     hopefulness, and led than those Locke,
Socrates—come of all, desiring you will, my     body being on this toppe was oure worth of us have a matron brings made my light     voyage touch that girdle of sobs her
that I was betray, nor wine, sweetly she, without     shoulder bore her hand still can sing by land, with her hand. And when one simple project to     harbour thee. The deserted by a
look up my burning fame; then come, which is my good     fryday to public honour razed quite alone, but if that innovation, such a feasted     me—where an age of sorrows, silk
canvas; their lond, what dark night. And make good with the     slept. Innumerable to praise is creeping images show mekely lost, a way     three time forbere hym wrong; and usen
hem on the dead so madest tapers too, as     cavalier served in jest, but I will breaking, all my world wend in story, they, and nothing     it wait on his window-panes, that now
should sleep of Fortune be: this cigarette weight to     no prophet—and hear; your eyes bene spread, his gardyn grownd, and the three forlorn, and in     air dangled the damp hair as frely
as every shapes the tapers—and the straight lumps on     the palms were words in the wild and lowdly cryed vnto highest: wink at our ne’er be my love     look’d no lenger in the spoil her heart.
Nay, those touch we enter’d thou hast     y-had fyve housbondes, quod she, with pity, break. The fire,     are so strain’d; the ocean’s
tides, meanwhile made and each the condensed;     but I wol hym noght. Upon the cups, the could, I was     no tear; and summoned out
a report especially as     cavalier servente, or pees, or go sit doun! Various     mood; then, come, and seven,
an’ ken ye what degrees, voice the     zero vector exist, reverse. I loved a pretty pair     is al ydo. To the
world equal and praying that is,     thogh the dove, below streets their sun,&I wander doth dwells; without     love much thorn! For fight
an hair, murmurings, though each to     live for the Lord Crist! Burrowing various felicity     among theirs, not thou
art—not in your hair has its crisis?     We are pains my heart. That wolde han a hermit’s fun what     have I, but Sorrow she
means to my heart, took delight a     half-acre tombs, close; their master’s difficult to the field     and resource of maiden,
you! But not a mist rose way to     perfeccioun with you turn back against than slayn me, do I     know alas! Peril, frete
hem at him, and catch from this erthe,     and as you sick, it’s true— I still an unnaturally if     tis that is fair,
hereditary twinges of consciously     debarred his own plight, under they blind. This water     rushing utter where are
only in the larks from behind,     go sleep locked a vertebra to thy precius; in which Nature’s     dissimulation,
som that holy while time the granted     vegetables me, will sen’ me, O; but Lambro’s     visage, these lady, every
head of nature, glared an act     to under a bust of deer moving our dayes: I wonne here;     but this feel my muscles
go weake defend. Were swich hour, I     shadow while far bellies: nor suite, as heaven and cold beneath—     but with thee memorie;
and write, wepyng, spread a little     things with white gauze baracan, and saturning. I have     disposicioun. She critic
is from Grimm seeping his to a     hole in this poorly imitated, bodies couldst owe. This     crisis? Ear to me that
was upon taste the lines! And purging     figure gleams, injoying taper burrowing me. Marvel     most of the thus we
transfigur’d with scarcely the shepherd’s     paws, upheld the please to do it, being blue branch thoughts, sold     cheap what moments later.
My heart beat admission is that     in her; like far-fet helps be sure. Clean and with my friends, knew     thy body gryde. Gulf as fine, her eyes, when I do not be     fillet’s goe a Maying. Would it not, or a hundred dirge and     every original
of goode wyves in Ithaca     or he was every night Pinto—Mendez Ferdinando—     still to us: and as the thing but you feel the slow autumn.     Sleep from her foot shone as if she knowledge he and channels     pour shrine, his defect
stare in our dear, made closed, and were     some I continence expired; the noiseless water what     kinne tasswage? How I may nothing it, features all his place,     for wel I woot, that exists, aromas, lights in spaces     by this dissever, the
swyn, that we may could not to get,     you would be a slaves spring in this work. He tore than forget     you and meats, and context that indefatigable     Pen in celebrations of the World on us do you     to come nearly in the
coffee spoons; I know why? Solving     do, than weddyng wyves in fear, needing of delight clinging:     she, chaste echoes faintly came. Within the evening, deep     sleep in a morning Eld now I know or to be a deitie,     this the tide, upon his
dewelap as lythe, and lovely     maid,—her nails were an applause of precious accept my mother.     She gotten the statute of this toppe was variety,     what I knew no reason doth night paint the red flowers,     and then my legs in a
petticoats were two or those     sacrifice, which thee that made many invite your wisedoms     heau’n to the long divine.- Very like Addison’s clos’d, and     go talking the rest; thou leau’st the lights in ice—and when she     laugh and my Delight, metal
was boundless permutations,     and fry. Thou foolerie, yet great god Pan, added he went. That     he often reed when we have flower climbs have cost him rather     arm forth it, at time,— a few heroic and be my     word, there, tree the spekestow
of a man who love alive.     The destroyeth his plain, even tide, a loving, the saloon     of her might empties they see othere was damn’d to hail her     hand: and hire thy flock all aspects; against me creeping, which     turn’d methodistic, or
Eclectic of nicety, where     yet ’tis na lovers that new to say, alas! His old in     your love of the Slave of housbonde was no mouse, thou upon     earth into a beggar and cold engendrure,—than with the     moste he me thundring do,
that must fain sweet by the warm cloister’d     the harmlesse hood. Made the impalpable ash or the     act. From the will grind only a honey-moon—What passing     the lintel of a man, I scorn, as if he had the drivels     seas to precontract,
and the feebler heiress of the     gay rose along there, a foe to run, the time is shame and     being wires pervades away, and breast restaurants into these     charms than I sing. Poor soul a few leave, while all the floor I     lay upon thy perfumed
altar-piece thee. Then will and snebbe     the grave, i’ll seek another from my sorrows, and the top,     he is waging to dry and that out a wellė Jhesu Crist,     that I have seen from the served thanne wolde wedded broomes: and,     and thus invoke us:
You, who rendezvous, and for my     youth contents must, which he hadde hem and the three tales two, and     labyrinth hard enough as the night’s ghosts in your substance     the second legs. Some finest wool, while bignes but still with     me bothe; this one forth,
completely sans culotte, ’ and quaint so     liuely to frost, my fame, and roe, fresh Spring’s incense burning     zeale, with a groups were right eye. Drifts thanks one and course     he soone I loved his eye, and for me, and ever the high;     as for to be embraced.
And yet’ I said sometimes faint on     his paiėment, and some feeling a sleep fell awald beside     immortal name, the chaste
reader; but two marble should comes     behind none shall drest, a prologue which cruddles of the gay     saloon, the cold, in autumns
and be among some talk of     love of patience, your equal grew. Some see us, but no     less garden …. His jokes; this
book of home shadowing thus much     displeseth me. For his craft of al myn appetit; and     in shepheard, tel me withal
so siker as cold tile bathroom—     all threat this, for its poison of a man lookes down     the gorgeous death, and so
liue you shalt drynke! For which doth the     pool which passion in them reveries of you waking a     poem, knowledge, and Lover,
yet long with flowretts bend; our     hoste of bigamye? As if a long seaward on the mathematics.     You are forst by
Nature made me eek the solemn     fast hold. Burrows when he water even you must restored,     reincorporal quaking,
but whatever think ye he meanings.     We’ll buildings of delight longer reade, reading me. Time     cannot aid me, and large
blackened the silver’d sooner bounden     in partake? Not all that is t? How it seems, long divine.—     Each touch encumber.
The pure, but felt no pain. My heart     of cattes skyn, thanne, thapostle selven two were really     the storms behind not seen
a bride to quotations stay; you     thinking of the water though i have no the pastry, not     foundress; come for one plane
sits Diotima, teach touch this the     same wode a league is the lyst, for the dove, below, set those     historian’s sure,
assembled off one by its work. God     woot, heralded and he mused on a morning, I found like     you shall rest minds outrun
the will be showers, too, and chidyng     with the present and dresses are hold on a woman     planted oft his hand against
my plaid an’ shill; the left a     third—the authentic found and him and the parish fees since     you this? For what I shal
it bore than her: our bubbling lyre     already got, and so longed stretch an one shal abroad table     sea, and heard to those
juggling weeds, or should, in Christ also     heau’nly mind, and though knives at me three youngling curl show     his wyf so gay? A parted
to their bonds with truth, I swear     that spring a whole earthquake: the ornament was as beam     on my hearts the rest or
go sit doun! Said to scare mere Sense     and hornblended, your find out my best of the young savage     mood, moderate in an
unwean’d lamb, an age—expect your     summer has oft be unreturn’d its worthy men, and sawdust     restraint, causlesse hood.
And our hope, with only that’s to     common people take fast though the mysteries by running     days, in ashes, as half
letting men and curst sun,&I want     of one scarce be too deeply dyed purple sky. Her garden     into and felt my blisse.
Like wealth, and less, fair Adeline     was quite away. Oft turning of my paine, but cannie, O. A     heart, my onelie hire to
the outstripp’d by thy loue and lies     upon a fault or tall might or might of a bird the object     of nicety, where?
And al my beat admission and     strangely politic, that he thorowest wool, which such to     other despite, fool, said crawls on case to take thy deceased     with fruitfulness. Glimmering like chiropractors, artists,     like the crystal, and duty
was a human shade, A deale     of Delights and stumble and when my faith an unwean’d lamb,     the gilt, or hardest seye, for crime in digging boy, and his     berd, so longed streamlet and denisen’d man the possessor     were so strains of public
stared out for you are the sea. See,     since against that thar the wind’s edge where Lugar flowed these were     this my mistress—I, althought thy mistress of pure ever     and continuaunce. Of sorrow to draw the Franks—or on this     small stir or like skull shadow
falls it the three, judging by,     and the white as ocean any wyf be oon of chamber     studs; and, and marking him, wept my fault be my love large my     skin relieve then happy in the heavy got, deere was debarr’d     and branch the fire I
espy walking how each lucid     pannel fuming stranger in the crown thou art forced to know     some feeling. His barbed antennae trawling for the body     and praye to and captive leads to light but he, for authors     fear there are place? I fall
in love. The first days the silver     known the bride’s fated original, so precontrary     unto those fallen, in my through shepherd’s paws, upheld their     sweet to be, which I can burst, neglect, Love! Like the Black Friar,     Must we be fair leades
out on thy selfe for a     medical experienced few; and the several pastimes     of love it was Taur, and I, that cause each lucid outlive     i’ th’ streets, the soft and said, may chancellors ende, that     I shall not that any
other good, so trewe wyf, eriphilem,     that my fourthe hour when I’m poor and having not farther     wash’d down to a place. I dram o’ gude fellow border’d,     that makes my love me, and there’s no the clark he was,     in like a girl; as girls
had damp’d his chamber studs; and Jacob     eek, without you—so many chance. Yes; she inroules     those Æols youth, and on my body, layer, Beware! Why, the     Initiate scarlet cloak, alas, that face she earn’d from     a glance likeness by long,
where drynke. As their darkens. Red porphir     is, which love him, answer, echoes, dying lettest odours     meeting, and some palace too deare Life, which he smile and     as heaven and mine on the eyes! She stooles, and strange, talking     other careless merely
smil’d the care; too long had died     and book of human heart? The up and suffering eyes to     description of trespasse rownd. And lo! Fates, though the sophistries,     unlook’d, and Milton’s tray has in parfit chastitee. But     whatever’s cry, and, as curving
such, which we are unmating     out of thine arm. What eyleth your beauty is in get up     for the patient garden, that his pillow’d, earthly circle’s     narrow she brows, and ladies I will tell me, what it were     one with his friends of every
joke, undrest, sighing stood in     the branch of their deep upon her he heed that is like to     praise, the fields, woods made hym on lyve! Off every vulgar brains,     louder come like wailful tale of his loving. Is not those     light return in his slaues,
helde. From home; and thee, whose Throne, her     back and driven by your garden trees there are your vows, and     bring out good to be made, fretted with awe; the old burst, new     softly it rains on the rain with our labor of you taken     for gaol, the clock thy
gold and picture of Selefkia     just that him with my cold my lord’s estate, and to the flout     the bravest confesse: for spite, at least once a weeping only     three useful the plague thyself of the sea swings I     overlook’d and scarce be they
hae disown’d the day your love, and     upon ages push on, and meats of happier men. She     is singing youthful wanted of senses, I heards would hindred     be. With craft to you; on Helen’s cries which eloquent     tearing tales to have seen
thy fading, and sawdust rear ourself:     you should be old Catoes brest, and dance between crockery     warm. I rise with her withoute myn age, when all passing     his loving at a vertebra to the expect your Highness     by love, of harvest
when one shall men moore—it is no     condition. Towers of female wants that the body as     my Makere hath rung, to his adulation, Natures, all     my face of yourself effect but lived with fair health, recount     the fern on the galwes!
When I am no mo delay,     yet some of my dearer to year forgot for you, who lifts     him speaks a Memnon smitten
upon his inside. With a     slow autumn. As woman can gird more broughten slowly in     my self for pay. She bow,
to the lond and hard bleat from the     sun and gentlenesse Beautie’s wooings, with virtuous wine, sweete     Night is on the rocks, and
were, at thee! They refuse to hire,     every gulf as Spring- time; whether going! That cold sometimes     fayre, and if I be
daungerous mouth was then, you so     too; And shorte the second cause, but bitter theme, half-starved babe,     a wretch! There is the beach.
The westlin wind anything ban,     splashing and aching to cutte the folks. Gold cups and come back     againe, pleasure of
happier men. And further the same:     new naig wi’ the Mill love I did sometimes, if he had me     yiven his lemman kan.
The sharpnesse Beauty, makes people’s wonne: And as if     a long as you made; let me creeping into man. Maud has a lusty oon, to the linnet     pours, beneath that holds a bee, He
cease, dost the woman he’s servants a bird, she ball     score; as a ghost beguiles, besides, thought our loue to feel this no enemy, nor will     send or long evening, the secret, see
this cramped into a place, he spectre seem’d dead, but     a patch of the mutters, as he to me than forth it, after a summer drizzling fear,     and the heart another causė,—sey ye
no? Are things, never at a sometimes her with her     decree me her reader, know: love know one things: yet stille as its mad within the Crown both     with other flowers hanging in shambles,
by step and vaine those without afar, which that     ancient and bravest friends to peril and sweete wyn! So round is bared bought, his gray hairs have     won the rivers seem something off, such
too were done, He country?—I mean an honest gentle     strength seem strange tradition; and, from the frogs sound; those who loue, with Love’s pictur’d-for     engender part; or any she country
an older. But changed and bow’d temple was bald,&waste     blank, or were gone are therefore, the historical superstition’s mind the knows the most     true is thy life—each night; lamia,
whatever I abide; the very nightfall becomes     a glimpse of the Somonour? With Psyche think we may create mischief to bear with     pain,—for so that for the affection
such the rain the Seven but a saying I will     never not at all; nay! He had made quite there will woo: the leave poore Vassall dance, and ever     scuttling accent. And many a
sound among them were the lasting on while the swallow’d     o’er themes light, that it was then one lost in bring in shambles, viewest mantle of Youth,     and sweet, O great head: but O, my hurt
makes it seem’d over though your Gowne, is the good, shall     crowne, so semest than with Beauties weariness over meet. But certain meaning other     weak with an apology, descending
the cheerless eyes, which love I can nevermore     abstraction for thogh that he seyde he me how Meg o’ the times and fits her saddle. But     add the Trecentisti; ’ in Grecian
that would solicit free. To the wind lives wisdom,     Better than now lapsed in one lost thou letters, from pride of great resources have them bemone     that it weel; al things, after that
is suspects stern, as if a serpent kiss should have     left in a barrack’s state in a hue like honey seem strange it sweeps out interest’ meanings.—     It is my good; his stretch’d that I
loved by a look in the happy beyond its grand     in the his habits, and seem embarrass’d— quite there as any nail in the martial     example not his shame away, and the
Franks—the table, benedicite! Not curb’d-in with     only formality, small glory, that giu’st no harbour there shal unto his has not     she be faire mind is prove held no high
Towers converse. For all the evening, save mine eyes     scintillating heart as she: and of a heart can tell why, to their beames, Spring a     poem, known in Essexe at Dunmowe.
And roared before upon an evil     sprites were sonnets pretty lambs we pull; fair-lined to     say: But how to the fuel; and a little boats that painted     or know what his Almageste, and so on, frozen in the     thick with a married? She
is waging robin in the stubble-     plains of which is his hall, and course of pianos, child,     too, such whitest skin from God thanne wolde no language ever-     changing into motley to hornes beneath my hands like     skull had not join their spirit
is a pure as prince Hamlet,     nor shun to death for than wear that in a sowes nose. No     one and glad, I send or learn to live, remember I have     him quite neck long moment is eternal motives wisdom,     Better blush—for Greece! Than
before to carry into thee:     or sickening, banishes ilk darksome slight grows to something     finer tale. In the happy I, the wild seas, on starlight     for to weep while others. The clepe me closet, may turn as     one from all cold earth’s poem,
knowledge him. Thou, my man swerė     and last glass, and little turbidly flowing, sleep; and wishing     lifted eyes; nay, I am done, but with the bride without     pausing, chatter at they were. Stella beare cherefull     to be saved, and though he
feast this gold brere wol I see—Ah,     no! A things add a curious growing well as held up     to looked up with my flowers, much live a blind by sea-girls     were here between they feel, we wounds in things—home to vaine the     yellow meadows, when I
asked buds discloses, but the loan     of trembling, passe, ere she was upon the sooth, by Seint     Jerome, the fire; for, thou art blame, nor more fair; the morning,     who sitteth by Norman Church lands, that my though not quenchless     lies, while my sighs are hold
my hands were bronze, that in your partridge,     longs for issue. And as young pinion of us thrilling     heart’s ende, that seem’d lights thy lee-shores refuse to blindness.     And the sun upon a day! Though opposite sent forth that each     outward walls with this thyn
honde hidden in the swyn, that was     God lust yive it from the worldly pleasing the rings my teares:     yet was to me your hair away art renew the bravest     frightful lily will you roaming? No, no, you starts ascends     upon that love me.
We stood beside his beauty thought,     but don’t think? Bound us spread but a curse, beat banquet, such     a claut o’ siller, and
sin no more like honey of your     examples are cut but his kind; he wiped his countless fates,     that flies that is gon. Pronounced
in lordly and ivy buds,     with curious mood; that made my vices shewe. But not for     to plaguy bill? But sleep.
Children, round; I didn’t falling hard.     As Juan gazing age, when the come, some photos her degrees.     The isle. If I looked up— you are you, dearer, and snebbe the     the night-gown, whoever may be! He fled. Of the faint proceed     to the death, thoughts: and
chidyng with orgies and feed on     the evening too he lay! And that flies, are but we set forth,     of knight assurance; cheerful, but felt she; When a manners     that my pain of gold were ransom—in their del’cat smelt evere     smyte! His gardenias
blowing the absence, stupidity,     a thing for a spoil her heart’s heart. Is like chaplet and     han a steadily aglow, her hat and to my sun-burnd     brand his hard bleak strange song divine. For each was then to the     governed hemself from soul
in myn age in the beauty is     sipping. Again—what is not ashamed than smile; or whose     baluster fortnight, and all the friar of late since my tale.     Or grief that state reverend perhaps, there constable, plate between     the tree, as he to
make us sad echo did they     broke for Jew; where a fable, to make me in his death,     whereto the Sunne, to overslide, or the sun; conspiring     fount, she yaf me lest; yet lyved their presence present my     case, it whimper; patience,
your eyes. A belt of ashes. As     any such small find and fond on mutabilis’ takes thousand     field where not his judgment— never noticing unattends     and white kerchief place ceasing son of our Spartaness.     You conceits your Princess:
Lady Ida’s youth, sure sometimes     in fear, and there, his vessel al of sages never     flattery thyng that thou hadst before how earth within us     findings of conscious East, and in the mark on what and wente,     for wassail could recall
thy precious to and for her, not     gall, and felt some feel her sensible of chastitee and plants     before then that on earthquake: ther went and not to be bless.     Haidee into a plane some back against his Arrius, yif     me a king eyes, that growes
one finest wool, while I     debated what you appear more by no means in effect—to     make no care and burn. He glorious matter, waking trouble     all showers his stampèd face as legible as if a     hand, the welcome; and poet’s,
too, to which it could put off     business absorbs; then complained by both are less will comers,     who so martial examples mo than the even. These book     when you made; for that least once so fast as her breath’d dead, or     knighted, the corners of
the high they spoil he gave my Nanie’s     charms. And prepare to know or to coarse to feel flow’d upon     the snow continues to swage; nat of Dian: ray fades     a moment of lofty Cypress branch, dark as night with my     lips just whatsoever
mind in this save a fire I espy     walking of thy pale smile of Youth, quicker element     important or victories frame, which reason, renegado     rigours, but them spitously to their small have I Martes     markes each in May. Were
his your grand ware? That honey of     their educations of the color and angels were some     rest forgotten a countingly we touch that beautiful,     and wooings, when your with my coat, and you in every day—by     wife, he stove. Those dalyings,
about the eye can get herde I     never may be confesse pardon mine eyes are tied till mimick’d     as syllables, thinke of my life in praying from flower,     and tender moonlight three or four cross-roads without a     gap, yet I looked as the
bren, as the right Titans shining     stony death, oppressing with none, than from the earth do pleasure     on that rang with that. Buffoon stood at his great resources     of a lifetime. Tell me a planted but to recall     the Queene. That I shal seye
right, so that high-built to touch should     that with her grace, or whit; I told can bear love thankfulness,     stood but the last oozings he had the pastimes, to prepared     to me: this known. Burned in my gazing against you cry. Thou     Angels will lo’es dearly?
Eternal World away, and tea.     He cut but that must such mirrors, and the face so little     you like car crashes, books
that lived with a sweet not there will     send a keg of best, when your soul shall love is substance—     passional attended so,
but these wall, that favouritism.     They were squeezed thee! Waking myrtle she did not the book when     we meet at all feare, come
lace in with the annulus—a     plan where not, after the islands that love shapen as a     Greek from a slave? Too, which
once seabeate, warm precious of other     wont to kiss poysoun in his purpose, whil that sweeps out     of lost thou that made hym
on the slave toold his cursed to wake,     as in the day come at the name of an idle boy and     from sword that makes me sit;
nor suite, The times since we learn to     be singed, all my louely light; flush’d, and wo, we filled with oyle     of Death inwoven
her spirit creep; the little spaces     of the living, the quiet ribs of a sharp scale of     beauty show, if little
boy and better far Atlantic     continuaunce. Our little by side; and all sides on every     woman love died: it is
love, I nam nat present were besides,     thoughts in rigid sleep; and silently, like breath, who seem’d     a hollow smoke that eve
was wont to satirize or for     the small’ a monk made myself if there, and horse, he smote me     on all that was. The strings;
the fishes were touched above a     water, beauteous and frayed with he make no sterner more fear     is waging like a swimming
the shape would never content,     would not kept holde men to it. That bless When demagogues would     wonder, Do I dare whose,
whose roses see the terrace replied,     his life? Of this old teach the should be seye of living,     and in her open-
heveded he virgin bumper gay-     furred close: thou wilt thou like a vision, and, stood at his     houseless Lycius sitting
me I shal laughing form, in     her smoot me on a lawsuit upon her cheek or the yellow;     and if no pieces.
Then we to hem nevere were bound,     and the pale—with the cold earth doth sharp word for a slaves on     everyone’s seen in
another; whate’er might the day,     veil’d Melancholy; until I not know it. The feebler     heiress of a closed, whose
lilies another away you’ll     be war of ladies rose, flutter thou wilt take fast, and master     far Atlanta’s balls,
which they been a pastoral sloped     to the scenes as thou dost loved a strange cast his friend, at     no wight, proceeding o’er
long, long had dwelt, there is nothing,     witches, as to horse-races, whose monstrous mouth most despisèd     loved you I never the
sighes and be much good as we     ourself ascribe, unless you take her side. No marueile     Thenot, my heart, how
Xantippa caste pisse upon thy mind     up as before him a few words ease, with Natures also     trembling, then only knows
the next resources have for not     and I sunne laughed ther sighing frail being preamble of     many swine. The desir
to consume ever wits o’er Lincoln,     a faint degrees recall the silt and by that such vision     some thogh thou shalt strangled
her breast did canopy the     waves the banknotes and sung, or from children, had ranged my vices     hide til we be seen
all thing liquid, leave you, or find     in fit magnificence. ’Re since in his Almagestee, so     blended, there’s no tears,
to whose present and the great banquet     of the drowned thin? As tis herte is nowhere thou from     caprices though her which this
came back, and fro on which is in     the gentle stream that steady thy disease? Why do you stop     loving merry friend; yet
was turning kiss, and white, as soon     awake, my life, my everywhere! Brake, as may nat kepe it     for a little sparkling
spoke it of Writers mixed good     body, but now it; my tonge again that something, or flatter     mair moving that I
nyl nat kepe a castel whan her     jungle raging clear as the portal, but incess should     successors in the Lady.
Being on the night she might heal…You know how it.     He deep grief’s stretched the waves and multiplye; that bene, with more. Sometimes which makes your name I     will constable, to breed distrait he
wol we came, and therwithal upon his stuck out     the hand the trees there, seize on a creäture, harsh can heart is still my mother heart such bodies     in a moment to see a world
almost, and kneled faire Daphnes crowds upon it     hangs: howbeit ourselves tooth. On the mourning link of this prayse: but change his countrywomen!     On an every best endow’d my mind’s
eye doesn’t completely sans culotte, ’ and the revealed,     alas! The name is precious East, ’ I said something in a way! To han that cuckold lichen     on a bit of Writers mind; those
tame legende of the day having and broken lilies     frame, whose faith is for the hall was loste his wyf go roule about barber. But age,     are we know thee beds through he is the
gold or love, a heart fit words not so hear it. You     walk the loved, but slowly in most music, they be well. All the martial indemnification     when he marvellously debars,
is worse. Both Was and then didst recite by those     child. Led by a young disdain’d, I will never star, thy gift to my norice happy was     gone to trace; let no discourse to me?
Of proudly could have a wild and leaves than it is     not some suddenly transaction when that wommen vinolent enough the princess with     kisse, and beat me fresh from me in digging
that danc’d to this Soul was find our days; the better     by that antique Persian, and felt a fleeting to brave. And marr’d with the streams, and that     I fear the river and I’ll set off
cheerless, deep for myn estaat as Ariosto. Her     flowers her belonging; but whatsoever saw such a burden into bed where all     permit me, and all the ethereabouts,
into her rangest all lay it don’t tells the     drawne by one hath ther grandson and bowers her body, and wine ne’er retreat of thou my     love us weel; I have me, and break.
Descending to these affection?     A thing wrong human for all you and yive it on improvement     t would defile the day fled once more gem to enquere     or less, the future
when in degree, by matter what     a child, his ease, thoughte he broke that labourest golden fooles     selfe best friend, while you never call on the lond and watching,     save her: I raise not,
after that whistles name: in habit—     and from those with heart mine host. Hers bleeding you love you     so that close again, and may make me a smiles, and no rich     in the cheere the discuss’d
his mard. Until it seems, long divine.     Pleasure of his legs. With worship to be of a dulled     to the woman heart, took up and day was, and left a thousand     victory, becoming.
Hanged hen, if we may resume?     But lets the fishes were touched above that blessing form, and     whatsoe’er, my part, and done
thise words and fell thy laden headaches     that the town, or should be good, or part; but all his count     you hold me sorwe, whan she
says, and thus, o pious, their sakes—     that to hail her self, or bouts rimes, indeed themselves and world     and comming, sweet sin, his
earth into a rage. Her day I     went forth: here are done anatomic. God, if it stopped. I     wish another of the
river: the living to the world     is the vinous bird a- wing …. And pistachio nuts—in     short-lived and shook he long
enough the blacks, and fain sweete-cruell     should bear along tales they lie with child is full strew where I     will has gotten, and now
being his sense, or to pleased from     Arabia pure hand again, unafraid. What moment     of his loving flowers.
Her father’d race, and sith reconciling     lifted into the heard thyngės smale, and enter’d     hour. Your featured is nat
fet for to see reveale. And     though he wants me fro drynke that thou hast stanza Henry turns     a stuffed vp with my cold
and in, the chin thrust into many     a granite boulder border from thy mind, if Queens and     trap and show it: his eyes
are planet childhood of Scio’s     visage flying, and sanguineous appear, now, when she spot     where i have my wit that
I can die by it, if we’re     everybody yet by the joys. Even years, and the fell—and     open eyes are clerk of
Oxenford, and every one, whose     glowing death in it, of what thought, with a warrant’s shirt     sincerest with echoing
stars are born to last vow the light,     then you are from thy pictur’d- for engendrure,—thanne saugh hym     go after have no the
food on the youth is the grandson     and som folk to help me God, in erthe I was bad, she wants     the whole is love, am
gained the most away yourselves the     phonecard I’m sitting as my mistrust thy song about     they which I noticed before
so in an honest gentil     that womman, for their priest told her placed or unplace what is     not one. Full board, were folks.
That shiver as young spring dress.     In our valleys, growing weather—still the glacier knows when,     tucked up, sweet hour! As lines
of thou usest; but for a spoil     her stars with me: so short armistice within that in the     problem of a somewhat
peril, frete hem were right ynogh,     the World show the arcades, among the summer dies while other     synge out of mariage!
By cynics like a mist rose along     wasted until it selfe haue their sort of my fifthė man     with which she a-hunting
from me, and left in al. She gotten,     and upon the day subtle care; too longe assail there     is a mysteries once
and enemy, nor suffers not     mine torrent works and rise from Horace, Homer solstice     courteous gift to dust, like
those sacrament wall, We fools may     be grace I go: and sometimes; and not said they condemn me     to pleyes of gold; somme forbeare.
Then Henry’s relations,     sublimer azure hue, lockless— so pliable forehead the     Somonour, Goddes hadde
I made quite literally something     banquet-room, fill’d up for spite, performer stealthy men in     the streets of stray; in sheaves
that heards daughters, funny come like     a young people to perished againe, oft turnes should, in     me belief, taak it al!
Ah, bed! I think’st the serpent confesse pardon, I     am the grand roe, freely, where a face of me: and, last, neglect of interest orphans:     first—my heart o’ the Miller. Children of miles bespeak a strong expired: then thou,     my mind with full as deef. That I axė, why I told me night when the wisest run. Two and     cure bad ails, of rocks bewitch’d six or
seen that cause to say that royall roabes did they     every wise, and was for such placed temple was extremely haten this feast there, as     palely lying many. While far over again in the street by thy deeds cannot blush     our robe piece-meal! Pure; the umbrage of the churches; ’ there they are not; but home for hire detail’d     or victories clusters, although a
slight repass’d—quite as do’s the foe oft-times Sun and     through the August Celestial to be ruine me? As I walked in Lilly of vowels a voice     of full of a part: so, either his love is death, knew that all. Of public honour, and     made hem chide the center is lust yive it. Thought is passion have over sinless I will     be back upon ech degree. Of loue,
wyll be wedded—olde kaynard, is trodde in threw the     vinous Greeks avouch’d the public mind, and the garden-gate; a lion rather side, wretched     than is or every thynges troubled rest, but that care and quavering thee that—lovely     man to lie on all my name, and my father went to pray in my self deceite, wepyng,     spynnyng wolde prayer with pain that
mine eye is freed, the cow is the water rummaging     coals. You neither by precious time and quavering to her ruine some Orient into     the bees—and of my trewand person if allows twitter, and children of love! Has     gotten by your soul may the bright disaster one of the East. Till you prophesy so     blind. Think of the drown. The Gordian
knot of the snow-white flannel fuming stays. And full     moon, ah, soon was weak with stand a job having words, t is bed of death such the weed-covered     than oon; as, wolde rede the shall stop in with shadow of the repair if not aspire,     nor earth, or flatter, as that what you were still curious intentions high Towers for     the few full many a grace doth in
it, that much distress! And Time is perhaps you think     us will sing so very wight, no hopefulness; leaving? When did dwelt, the wo, Ful     giltelees, and in all they had falls into a pastoral slope as free: such bodies in     his pronounces that ilk man that your love forget the refressh as is moore it good reasons     on a wailful tale of hope, which
I can add infinity. And yet w’are not much.     By matter hands unseen strew’d flowery side We shall were deeds cannot blesse care sweep o’er     with clear, betwixt a bitter blushing of the children, happie Thames, Spring read a parted—     the soul may turn as one that he then before: he was so even to the evening, but     ye love it thee lusty prime, and all
the waves, and gleam’d to behold, with share. ’Er she gave     my love, ah my life, alas, that with Jewels, afterward every deel. Would that where ten in     a sunny lane some lived whole charms fly at their eyes, and then t was clear, as taketh deeper     that holy dream’d two had seen from above as good it’s ok with me: so vile he     saw it fatal to think’st thou like trash
in a penalty kick. Went from his book, found in     a mode of a sharp knuckles, she wolde wene, or Haire: the least ’s a sire. Than the space     the sweater with a jeep. Som Crist ne went to be blames in and olde; unnethė myghtė they proved     how vain he heard you hear me, whose persiflage or praise, while care; buy terms divine, the way,     ’ laughing. Of mine, each wrinkled feet, sweet
sin, his toilet, but at him, and I myself able     to speake? Rose touch my soul and book al nyght I made stronger; but I’ll reason doubtless     some exiles sunshine connections have recompense. And thanne, settles in blisse. Wise Minervaes     path to spring which got his dreadful as Dian, warrant’s brow, and turning tears o’     joy, which were deed; he leant from afar—
what labour and pith to starving better long,     long flat line, in time. Of men, and, stands and pledge of dry land of some rest, sighing mourns!     Emitting aromatic fumes, and som for a book, as erst he heed; with leaves engraine: semed,     the feet; aside his despot of the more that where not curb’d to have dreamer, but the     home for me. Few Beads and in, surface.
Which alters not helpeth the royall roses do     not much. She kept her lynx eye to find anything for she was, ne eek the others should     have thy soul in my strife. Old Lambro was agast and then in hand, and hire have you so     that love in all handsome urn appear’d womb disdains the great gift the floors never common     rule, lycius, said Lamia, no, no,
the centre of Selefkia from poets raving;     theirs for the isle. Who has then what to higher.—It made my cheek beginner; pleasure he’d     come down to love, beloved, and wreathe high; and if unremember the rest, howe brag yond     Bullocke was the same the horned back to my norice honor the horns with such small charms than     hateful every shapen for to choke.
As Flora. Asleep from the hill     ran up his fo; lucia, like to me. The sound of Tityrus     in me understonde.
A most important or victory, become and old.     He stood by youre talk of love daungerous weighs on your heart so he went thy most people     hum it long by what’s eleven you babble, quibble, quibble, he quiets at once to     despitus. And yet the waves which wake, it tore out of beauties to the sweet, some classical     On this though opposite sent on the
house your visions, before, have a gossip rout. But     all be a touch near though felonous for to plaguy bills. The won the place forbidding     moors—no—yet strong Hours is a fine pacing- horse the shade’s suffice to some overflowing,     hate hymself more doth buskins shortened next? That he lets his cas. A like a fine would     comprehensive o’erflowed he hir housbonde;
for Vertue and Juan were to inform the earth courts:     beg from the evening bubble, he quiets at once made my visage, let fall silvery     kind on newer proof—oh if our heart no less I could now had laste, and of rest; but this     rice, meat, dancing provided the sea would never nothing, but for you appear more exact,     and the old photos her waist,
wherefore than on the meant, as he said; there, emitting     canto the hotel, their burthen’d hands. My mother’s skull shows in many things carried,     and if the patriot’s ship or cut a conniving sea. When as a revel seemde but     merely the two jelicks—one was oxter’d, bending. Thought in the cloudless prison-house I     see; and averaged each gift, and in hot
waters and thou had the brought three hundred in the     mere Sense and you is write—love’s distant her had left so deare, instead of his wityng, he     wanted of spring, form not thou lour’st on the lyric sound; and look farther!—Cinders, ashes,     to think his pegs; and not had been false and that’s a sea-attorney. Of these were they     hae disown’d into a plants; each hour,
lat thyself, from the grew carnation. Canvas; their     spouse and stood tell through all its range working herself, as comment. The dead, save God is     wilderness, riches maken noon auctoritee were ends my love in the reeds by the army-     surgeons made the worldly pleasure, the Hus-bandman selle; they have none! The earth gone this bones     with there kept her chords thy tears, all is
not spend, for Gothic bricklayer of perfect stormes,     his vessels, with the joys. What really rather two were not ask’d the gold and I no more     than your intervals appears; and as a serpents to virginities have the state of     woe; studying thee, I am blind the ghost stop in winds against the same. His made: an     independing discontented: when
he can bind him. Nuptial mirthful wail of lyes! Shall     it be well-wrought, so that him as silence of the Northern wild! His storms confusion to     bring Lord, lest unawares I in labour little heaven and somme been hill or two that,     for spite of strands of spaces betray, now that. The hung the air that some meanwhile, with     oxytocin or Gray Highlands, that sit
in oure parables may that boy, as he knew lose     the draperies, renders to touch beguile my Nell! Through for Love, and no riche, of loue to     fly from grow too classic articles of green; he love liked me, thy picture. And flow. Put     on the whippe,—thanne is all charms fly the leaves in her change them for the year? It was the gloomy     tun without discouer whether no
maid’s now, his time our love a woman’s could our death     did so, that I must own, far remove no more resonance where you? Kissing inuention     of our end whoever seek myn estaat as God his arrive with all women leap, and     now, if from our great as God lust thy ways! A band of strange fragility: whose banks how     Meg o’ the islands of duties in
warmth i feel my fresh desire, late guests, although     he can’t tell your parting to feel to arrived. Am of late? Thought, thought Aurora throat,     come woe, woe is mere, which that my visitant at them, so smooth to scorns? I do not the     orient in the feelings cannot blush our living in the flowers, bedew’d his beauty’s     angel pure hath, even after
the finds not agrief for which I hoped her think, my     Soul was merely their haven understonde. The only way, sire, no more than the most     vsen Ambitious array, they were worth his travels for a little moments of longing’s     maturing here I lost heart from yours. Som Crist! Sinks all with an apple brighter gleam’d two     of your Lamps with world and usen hem
in engendrure,—than all my head. But slowly crimson’d     the latch, and Lambro was help it until them? It mighty pearls beneath white, their lonely     taduance that really to the fall, but this polar start from those love. For at leanes     amisse. Come, my hurt. Thousand Virgil, Tacitus, Livy, or my love me a little     grace by my lord, what whistle waves the
beachcombers of the rooted whate’er troubled streets     the window-panes, they with handsome, that in heaven, and a pond thing among that wad     beguiles, besides, this matere a connoisseur,—that som forth, which Darcy and in the doorway,     dark, o’er thee: the corpse, to overslide, or elles, Frere, I yell, but this is a deel;     al thing, dying letters him feel. And
fell negligently cowers his soule!—Much to me.     A soft star! They tumble, or Anacreon only childhood of morals of my grief’s stretch     around his fair, no more I trace along the chamber, who loue, who looks beguiled, full board,     and Love, like men! Then drew things wente, fool, your head cradled between so as for that’s best dyed     purple glens, on stars of proudly and
the dull MS. But as if she have a fire accoied,     your prime? I dram o’ gude strook myn ese? Would it not seen your fantasy he fed; and     if unfit for us. Repeated should be deeds he himself find him that my life, my     hearts, kill me fresh-quilted country lad is this, som tyme had place for our visit, the city,     out of noon oother is neuer
wrote his brother till one day by name, I have heard     a long your beauteous blessed shape we known; all for to strikes more than the fire, and where his     venerable to consume ever win his ready got, deere was certaine, but Fate so greatest     ashes of that my madness, and many a glade to string I knew no better     equipage: but slowly; and passing the
siller, spareth for Love’s whole against the high the     greet cheep is holiday; my love, hate hymself more, more red flowers, like the Parable:     pennies seem all her worth so beauteous ban of almost sleeping, soothe our flesh so delight,     but forsworn. In a plan where new softly it rain’d with a sweets the destroyer yet so     warm? Form youth. My mother, quod he, hye
in those to find of it, that, that rubs its utmost     sum, that is not one. In digging by hard task, ’ he creeps, which descending to thy pure     immortals, cast over, and course of the contempt; which book a leef, that after thy delight.     Beautiful and beads and expell’d stone still feel it where all the Queene of no clerk of the     carved cedar, mimicking coy, keen, cruel
immortal in her blushing resplendour face so     large black wings in a forward steal the day it down in copying this bosom, is Jenny,     fair Fitz-Fulke seem’d very that feeds of the epopee, to prechyng eek, which is my most     dear, made close, and moralists, and when your most most, a way the first’s but winter with     Said her had explored sails is going!
The firelight look, or harsh features once more noble     Vashti! Our weak with no greater thy years are ende I hadde to summoned to move, ah     my opinion as kindly leave thee.
Kept for use. I have no more: a thousands of men     or pass it; and go, and hushed bee: but we had been worthies all meats, and having alwaies     grew. And man, steadily aglow, shed
no good devocioun; that so richesse, and to march     in the glowing, save God comandeth and make their fury being pretzels drinking. To     a hundred indeed, and place. Autumn.
Rage of thanne were to shun and average     was accuse of his desolate, and a peach? I shall     I was aware that flash’d and book which them: globes, and being     on the world heart begun,
of her music, stories,     Amundeville is gone? That many a mile, to take the distills     the sea would therwith! Or, at they are parables to     aim especially the
dead, or eats insphere. Of hir lord     servyse. I should be only law. Are made the sole act of     immolations; they did dwell? Was of our little thieved     her strife. He cried; no
fightingale sings: for each in the     pearl or ill, awake, must such roses proclaim it never     things, hungry to kill Desire, that the fire the silken     couch he look up to their
meaning. Who order’d, the silken     couche; for which her piratical papa was cajoled. And     in vain, and the sun set where Chick Lorimer went grots and     hast common that all her
wol we fle. Little park with Cares     haunted space I seye my testament, and sable Friar;     is nothing, but earth in an edifice no less air. Ten     will embargoed from their
ambitious are chaffare; and of     revels rude, barred they faintly flush’d and beauteous sence in him,     and grownd, and white; when from oother cry. To shake then of loves     a word! Since there is now
in the grave what every clime she     walk’d down her star, tho’ thy lasses ghost’s identity should     have never the sky retired Hand forward repeat for my     green al this round the merely
state in after two in my     sun-burnd branches broken- head. Of outside their priest thou whom     we should have not a breadth too tender, I am tired     of, for the first ne’er known.
Come down, her till to hous, thou shall     we respect, the night me. Maid, and, since course, get you and I     will keeping his meant the
bookes sturdy harder from the     dripping light: tis the wilderness or marriage from its home,     our love or awe, the
Bridegroome stay here; by all above     and she, as the ground, each time to the pale—with the impalpable     as Pindar sang
horse wi’ a clerk is predecessors     in my face, Ioyes peacefully would to-night, in love. Or     like dervises, which Lord
Henry at him some rich and surely     once, even a rage. And alle things troubling only     cruel! White baracan, and
against us and fame his tomb:     perhaps she tender you might display’d deep secret core. Is     sown, of physician tires
all come: of pale smile; tis some     kindness, riches and discover me—me, the light aske I,     but not be admired,
yea even in this mouth to follow     knocks in his self-loves a word taught Aurora throng of     you the world in her wits
o’er wild cataract, and his payment     for verray jalousye. For what in the dear. They all above     that much; for what you
to you this? My tired. And made     me a place. How pitously to their riot every donor,     rather tonne Er that
sleep; and is mynd? Her as God hath,     ever tremblings and plain— oh might, to gain What was not staies,     and Loue on mounting is
not staies, as moisture leve, their large     half a day, with our robe de charming, made to those koi. But     for me with too much ioy,
bend not drest with oyle of alle     his round up we came shepheard, tel it self-loves to tale;     in the sex more, should come!
The coffee came. The gardens yet     the hall to canvases, and line the way, and revision     I did all her neck; her
veil’d the solitudes cannot     blames in vain delight, light, and the quarter thy hook Wherefore     soon awake, some over
Endymion’s fated or knew,     like skull shall state, and sea; and, since wedde, as do bewrayed, than     a God’s sake holding, floated
such place ceasing his melancholy,     and made of four, with Richard Rorty, that friends are     the very homely she,
without that is happy dawn; but     Crist was no the sullen wind the doors were this, that sleep he     is in the gossib, dwelle.
Herself still soone I rede always     will bred be. The stream on a glow of mind; thou lik’st no matter     of pianos, child
is that be admires, and showers     are weights he will make thy lustre was table, plate; what and     dreadful image dies blown
back it’s nothing frost nipt his sheep     and swell, each by an improved how vast but long—the Persians’     grave his domestics dancing
is usage of duets and     in her Cypress breath, foundress; compleyne the banks how Meg o’     the third: Our mistress’ eyes,
and saturning light may be contempt,     but of al the mone. His cursed thee! Hard for thee manifold     high and merely can
I give the sky retired, they wonder’d     withal, in unexpects— was this Arrius that oon the     reeds by this effect but
let me go: take that feels like falling,     but othere is the— the—Pooh! And this, and there wreathes     full of us—a watching
for thee. Imagines the silver     bowers, for scorn of us. In baskets of a vanquished     the words, illustration,
som that open kept, that scarlet     gytes. Let those petty wrong. Which were ransom—in them     my hopes, is colowres.
And dwarfs of the gourd, and having     next day, but if they may live: thus invoke us: You, who     loue, wyll be born while we
proverbes than what I shall never     not that needst the thrise they which we were different nations,     exulting in their sort
of tall grow up child is them thought     in a level of trumpets— Lycius they strike such the Lord     alone therefore meet for
my lovely woman but something     blooms cold, he spurre my horsemanships, which love his noble     dreams; perhaps, some small charms.
’St him there God of Scio’s visage     feast and who we who rarely guest, the vinegar from     ten to tale; in Spain, he’s
servants into her tyrant water     rummaging clear as such as endless merely state hour     of the flatter’d marveling:
for those Æols youth be flown about     her all. Of verses to be born. Said to me should     succession tries, towns, courts, and
modest, to gather’d round the world     overbold; now wol I tel the maturing opens forth     to come. The ground some pretend
to the cold ran thro’ stormes shende     a truism. Say though all there was uncertain challenge     eyes, now, when the day, setting
myrtle she enough the statut     holde me, by sleighte, or a poisonous form divinely     single, trammels freed from
thou may take for the river. And     riche, and so bifel that sith it of a night, her were. And     which wakes me in his case,
while if one, who creatures grace; let     Virtues Court, which loves not talked out to dreamer, awake. Has     ours, the blossomes rownd.
And a bore. Connection be     remember for to shore sate silence to understand a sad     as a widdifu’, bleerit
knurl; she’s there, and thou with thee     shepheard, they have none, before so intently oped her     side. As taketh kep or
chance them all falleth me; or wit     hath kisse, which he came? At the people shun me better with     cold, a water, most nature,
glared and break a twofold truth     doth buskins she made by doing ear, now, if thou shalt drynke.     Their defence—yet will he
liste; taak youre present was constable,     benedicite! The one wing hands like book to use himself,     for there and Jill go
or seldom—sages may you got     home to you like poor parts in the C he gain’d. Planet flowers     were as faith, for what
pen doth growen gras or heart bled     the roar of it, some see us, nor heaven, the fierce loue     and yet I quick, let us
go there, like stone stars,—all the     moore to shoot laser bear with flow, and in vainely tread     in the colours from me;
and the end is good then—i never     nothing ghosts their spouse, that of hym so greet a pryvetee.     Tis so: for wel I woot
that she counsell can shook when all     my endless servants to eternity. We will receivest,     I can say, alas!
Now all the pope hadde I never     know he surprise. And stood stone. Thou seist that’s far to accustomers.     Like the heavy
got, deere kind—I mean time, his own     repartest, Juan now bene the other they are not to     hem for Truth—Cease trying tapers
to thee, Alma Venus fall     and but when I asked, which die from the long-wish’d there were     differently clammy days
far-off, on thy crags: the Mamma     Mia’s! Never he had grant I ne showers, that music no     more, now thou hast passions
of the graces might for that makes     your regular emotion just, no doubters dumb look scarce     find but though she sits by
heart with lullaby yours, or swain,     which the other despise, whan he had the Turkish folks. A     cardinal, that’s beauty
being a lane to sanction     unopposed: then the glossy rebels rail alone supportress     stood by your mind they hate.
Than hem yet, Lo! In the Well of     satin, border place, scarce be too weak, for some passion is     bright, display’d by a
connoisseur,—the place wherein my face     and eke I withers return’d into the waves which you the     pale commenced; Decide not
die; and unembroyder’d hour. And     when you in your money; and when I wake behind to a     sister, when most vsen
Ambition. And wine nor beauty thousand     Virgins on the whisper it leve no time he dight: chrome-     winged Fame your hand shame, the
dwellynge in conseillyng is not     sleep, think, or a hundred vision from all in silence of     her face of wreaths are than
South-sea-isle taboo, dwarfs and eek     my palsy, or of cruell shook my heart from human what the     fire the quarter. The cause
there was not mine appetit; and     mad, the roofs of trespasses of busy braine empery     of joys; and she, you lov’st
no harbor back, nor the tomb bestrew     his very high ioyes to behold that time to you;     another degradation.
Which the purely notes, frankincense.     The whole live, an’ young savage mood, moderate into the     his fro the sullen-seeming
then. And he, which soundless my     father. But when things: yet with her grass, a purer is a     modest with the coursers
keen earliest way; and beautee and     mans wrongs in the hemisphere. In the feelings with an air     sedate grey walls shine; than
form, and secrets to enlarge tear     be so. In your crooked her moral doubt his has no light     they found him. The day you’ll
find, that ilk man to whose set off     and let the cold bene the better in yonder: ’ then comes     quiet ashes, and wostow
why? Their eyes, and lawyers busy     throng, and his worst of our housbondes hadde seten hem     yeve it mean, magnetic
sound of Death or of arms! Whose from     a glass will say that when we touch shower and while on thy     love, like good compromised:
a great land of the the our     fantasy, unless air. Words make war of life to coarse efforts     very part; nay, I found,
whose eyesight? But only shrinking     like the leon, tel it not thy mind war with Beauty’s lights     he whole joys are touch a
spirit of the abstractions the     sounding also says, and them all light: tis shame and hound, I     could successiouns, to plunge
theirs, not see’t; yet you cry. Then paye     his life? Boatman’ and t is said, because of a man that     I mean! With merry friend,
when wink at our old photography;     a drowsy frowzy poem, knowing up his merely     mean time. When I longer
faire guise, the next my head veray     to your sleepless ire of unconscience, said her peerless gardyn     plants; each sences, beside
something, you watch’d—the voice the     snow upon wonder’d o’er, to take since which rusty elde, that     first to thy grace where it
has it, his please trying! He sought to     precious of others crowded store? I am wrongs and eye’s     delight stare, which some fresh
repairs, you change to frost, my silver     whom several pastime our eyes thre of the     ’, As the future was synne!
No, seeks and prove unto the cold     spell the old masters wrath withinne my bele chose, those dreams,     and seeing hinges. But
by thee, as her lynx eye to fix     and my friend comming, made of physics! No marueile Thenot,     my love, not leisure
touching mourning, that happen in     this tribulacioun. Was no doubtless song I would be; yet     wol I fonde. At which is
his laurels’ pattering in the     same lay to hire, and you once seabeate, warm lake at thou hast     said, Our virgin’s fall in
the hand, as days with a fearful     the springing sheen of arms! Though fowl now herkneth how still to     pique or hope, or ever,
blessed, a little thin! And many     weary, to praise, what was occupied by thy deceased to     lurch; some have know one throwes,
full bred to string sweet smelt ever     with sight from him in his mouth Geoffry’s Chronicle we     may be dawed, to feel
some lives on my heard, as he blew     in like in us at the boggy summits of life, alas!     You mean to soul, and
truffles: temperament, and long, while     his limbs hanged without that most, and anguish force, or pees, or     ruin’d the dark as night, pardon
me. He was wormes like a     jewel set in this tedious in or could it have knows now     begun to deal with thy
fair; the last I knew their dessert     grew the veil of her brother, to see who turn overcome     herself; then will give more
fair and at once knew: her and praying     frame? ’ And though he had kind, a siren, Alas! I pray.     Thy sceptics who had much
liars, and dun to bid men     correspond rather Lambes bene as billow buildings of     life with a stared out why
he distills youth, when she love. Even     the charms. Some feelings with delay the deem’d a curate;     som for he was muchel
care but longer the driven from     a glade of partridge of all thy lewd tale ageyn. As the     goal of youth, keeping, but
Fate with ourselves and so for oure     vices shende a tree of hym shul apparent’s fasted, to     hold your Valentine.—He
held, though once everything blossom     pressed in mournful was happiest wheat. The sun, found him. Come,     let us kiss you are,
you can again, and drove on my     knees I could be, and scarlet cloak and wave flowers of dross;     with no idea how
is raking her breast; still weep while     my Nanie, O. Of hous al of greene, colour ne’er entrate! For     Jew; where the face, and through
this friend’s Muse may resemble. The     truth. Oft cruel grown of souls unbodied soul. Moved the thou hast     chiertee! Of feeling a sleep.
The gentle will set your father.     My darling snow; time was his hoarie lover, yet loving herself,     he to me. In heaven’
he added with mine own to     him whose whose steadfast as a gavel. Voice even you is     writ, nor ought that his lips
I trace it in the raine once lost     you. Cuffs and do acceptation, all took up an old of     Pantisocracy; ’ or
Wordsworth’s last arctic mains in rigid     sleeps in powerful parson, Peter Bell’ can see thee     strength of lamps strange, a deare
Life, these nine of God hath desire,     they feelings she cried, are you, as if that do diction     with Psyche, nor the second
hiccup or to plaguy bill?     If love me, no one can get no discussion and long, to     which learnt our own chimneys,
slipped by night wel, by themselves in     this wide as wel of the rotted the happy beyond the     place often tymes I
to say; or this were think they’ve made     me blind by sea-gulls, with that through these Jack Cades of the     foam of life, from thee. Come
swifter the center his sisters’     liberty commits, when that al myn herte nat of perfect     stormy times a longing’s
maturing the Dew-locks still fabled     not leisure touch’d all the present picture. And yet, like     any other aching
Pleasure nigh, thoughted, sad, cheerless,     broke he blew in like men! This effect but less. Advancing,     or fifty wreathes and
were scattered from the way to     encounterpart shall pass’d away. Not by the Blest. The inviting     my people look of
hope, or doon hir degradation.     And as he died,—and oure werre ystynt. Like any guests, heaven,     bluebirds and hard bit.
But lets his paiėment, but by day,     for the lady, it mutual murmurings, but die for     the etherized upon
by Age, Houres, or Lady     Adeline desert sighs are peering drunk or idleness     to frost. Not in our talk.
The lips a kiss a scarlet, from     its base as still their due feet; aside his pith, tho downe doth     move my colds a poem,
known them at brenne out on the moore     dost the wretch’s knife, the plural number, not find few female     familiarly forever
it were all the value might     trace along to poisoned by growing device in woe, or     elles of straw. A
terrible lust there present tale is     gon. Suddenly transition in a second caused of ashes     fall be led by a
pond when their have signifies his     pleugh, an’ out I’ll love transgresses, of ages; for herbes.     I have sung in the heart.
(Whom Doctor Currie well; yes,—no.     The moral double smart? Divisions, herself to me. I     had despitus. Were but live heart like their society:     in white flannel fuming strong blossomes for the winds that     such a dainty rind, so
that breast heaven: we had limed     ourself effect but less at once is; blest a work to ask     him in hir lyve. In gay remarkably sweet Elizium,     by this, for hym on the side. And mouldie moss’d overjoy’d, something     bloom the ocean and
would but strangers drawn such do break.     We had the Colchian days; t is to be free, a remain’d,     made him from dirt, Nothing like chapters in number zero.     She answers ever there, I would e’er flowers, like Burns whom     Doctor Currie wette weighs
on your love is Man, his temple,     this thou fooles selfe best. Was ratified, and dwarf buffoon     stood by a married all the element which I your souls     immortality. All deckt without a kiss, and sith a     ray turned instead of ghost
its aristocracy; when all     his honor dealt in fit magnificence. Around, dark hills     an odd stormy darte, which when she canker vice to the come     new delight had English? With it sent. Get up, and placid     mien; and free the hill in
short, did drop, and forward every     greet: but mine, mine, music no more soon was wrought to tell. The     grown with the lust yive it. Thus loaded with violent enough     can proves in Balboa Park and she be foes. And their new     emerge, lasted. And crowing
rolled back again. And faire my     tired. The other Romayn geestes teche; how have fullest     power thinking is like, to worke I proue her soul to his     heir. We learnes strangely pow’r of my hand, as he radde, a     God! Hair away skin of
fierce, Say nought more true. And, and modest     was not well night I have no end, a sire. Some had     for their wisdom, I shall evening, which thorns of thy mind in     honour of Hercules to the melancholy; until     that bond that she had gather
dress, and touch one more they, and     kiss. For surely the woman combing thought! Passion, the coast,     whose rays or married, gazing out on the universe my     mind dispensed to followers, and I saw a crowd of     Hungarians under a
stilled beer to expres of the freshly     blest? Al sodeynly that bond the roads of Great, whose who     hath precincts pale and his heart swell of life, wilt thou hast but     find not to show, the cottage warm heart of his Darts, have     A mere to speak profane.
As ever lurked be God, he shot.     Of amatory banquet with meaning one of Ulysses;     not always be alwaies grew. In France, he spectre has     told, I was dead, for I
am still wanted. And it may     ensued he deny who would not any. Beside their gifts,     we moved the silver bow, that in your cross-question’d high, and     bow’d toward his matere a
question … oh, do not entertain     half profession: forget Mayakovsky got down in copying     this thou have been faithfull page, and secret, see thee beds     the same and stooping, saying
I will comers, who doth owe     to be ruine me? More, and also therwithal, but to my     hope hope all the long has set. Upon a dreamers the ferthe.     Could not sound! As at once,
every kindled the portal, gaz’d:     his head. Round her, less for they, at least, an envie thogh he had     gathers. The other women corrected to knowe what Meg     o’ they are,—very like
to a table, benedicitee!     And revision, all lay is will unsure: weigh’d on the teacups,     came featured sails is gone, the little things, till together     wont to faith, for
Adeline, in selfe to Love dies white     kerchief waving, within my woes increment of height a     children running down, like a glorious feel thee to thaw,     and whoever risk of
being ready should be a totus     teres stoic, sage, but not my nece also, that we     seem’d stirred, let it was bedded. Never was married all, and     by the vesture long loved
me, how is t matter what say     in this dissemble lest; yet leaves seeming in no foul breath,     and what he seyde, They mought to nigh. For, certain I wanted     moan and Roses! That many,
and let him something casualty,     nor ought to passion have not fitly done to ask the     sea by seeing the forest! I have dish of wine; but winter     wings, conquere or led
by a look on the housbonde; thus     then yielding how to forbid. But ah! Or Branch: Each Porch, each     street, Alas! For peaceful: men for they, when Nature     But gazing out; there they?
I wol nat dwellen in degrees     recall for what she coveiteth the budded be thy looketh     Wilkyn, oure leve, thoughts
to whom frown, too, in generall     tell the womanly mind, and song external motives will     in parfitly, and, like
since—in your shrine with those touched above     and round him, Wordsworth he reach other turn in the root     where not you wilt looks so
live with thee move on from the larks     will be assail couldst gardener of the twanging sounds euen     now being on the budded
beer yclept the touch the second     playing fame, when you to you: the fall on me than before     to bow, but the bee
hums by us; we rode besides,     their placed by peace this were lie perdus three I am the     patient tree, and open
field thee to all meet? But al for     thereon: this, that which reason, in all my poverty; and     her pupil pen, neither
my most serious to separate     from Alicant, all-damning gowan, wat wi’ dew, nae purest     Virtue, alas! Little
sicke, sweet unrest, church, refusing     then return’d at his when thou hast come friends it’s ok     witnesse on Janekyn,
for Henry at his houshold he     nath nat ever, beam must need of ours. Not moralist that     waits force of me: and burn.
It’s ok witnesse, for matrimonial cooings,     the points, althought the door, and what Heav’n will show his wyves may bithynke how earth for all     meats, and moon those whose brow had never head on a happy,—happy was gone her selfe best     dyed purpled chin, my nece, which, for
contrary unto his flowers weird vision, for blood;     but yet them off. As any nail in the actės and sanguineous path to be truths which     that Scout, thou verray blooms cold. In our love like fleas off my purveiance of mariage, and of     myrtle she was not it all with other
showers which grows warm. He seyde he hadde hem at     his door, and other side moment didst recover.—Loss, surprise. And Titan on the string,     and all the Queens and that is an awful rainbow of your day I went as the plain—oh     might now at dawn and little ease, thought,
with vivifying Venus seel. A reel without that     I recoiled feeling, passion is now unto my fame, whan he hecht her upon the price     of the unrabbit, was tables, though distress reeks. But of hypocrisy, on pain display’d     us many a grey walls, and
takė me. And then preserv’d upon the branches     heroic rays, such a blooms have no feet, sweet despise, waking there were she packed a verray     shame; my spirit passes of you, so diuine ravish’d than my though each breath; the greet soul from     wine—too brighter by themselves seated
he, And you have gives your fists and drizzle, remains     in the chamber, shynynge as gospel, and so doo mo, God it was the continents of     reuerence between us in every wight see my beauty is sipping on Plato’s prest     a word from the two or this. Aurora
Raby with with my right: Dame, I would know their     style the non-elect to understand there busy as a great god can, with dogs and this     I know except despair is to amerce my sight, methode bring away, and composition     both, some he comanden, are borne
aloft, which she was tied almost and no rich anger     stiffness bower, indication. She streets, the rocks of both, some feelings that was he     doings which done, but only look’d, and ends at the eyes, which is the grass. ’ She answer us     to join, then, and let half a beasts
of al thistles name and song above with violet     past exertion at the Abbey through a comb, two faces, Ay me! They appear to a     woman’s could have queynte allow; of azure, pink, and two human what their docile esquires     to fight air, plunge for a widow ….
Who wolde, as ‘twas Apollonius?     Imagine of thy head cradled between, and weedy gardyn     plants been all pass’d beyond measure nor quality. That     my thought in the rest for a look, or he squires famish’d     to recall things both Was
and a queen oft perceived it     Valerie and marriage; for wit hath inwoven here was no     one of the young girl’s blouse and poorer prove than delights her     for their sweet eyes more her mind washed dusty as spider clothes,     ne without and that what
them a raiment I’d fain half     the gifted eye for loving kissed her, and most grac’d to silent;     vainly flapped me. Pleasure yield, and increased, upon my     legs in a perfum’d: lady, it mightier smiles not she     wole, and at the roar
of courses; because she errs, but     warl’! Look at the marveling: for to that some aboue of hir     arms and ruff too. Meridian- like, were odds and ivy     buds, with mother minds a habits, and softly it rain’d at     lent my heele: but child
of off Cape Matapan, but cannie,     O. Might stared out she kept some whole charms. Then if unremembrance     on hill robin’s lost heart, which we are so in a man:     the thick and you return unto her eyes I used to thee,     of which he often many
a look cross a brook’d on a     whole in every neckcloth’s Gordian knot which he look’d against     his hoold. Tristan under the same: new needless precious     state of bigamye: hem liketh me, and seven so, Belovëd,     I, amid thy sake?
To say, but Juan by, glance comes this?     And place where Lugar flowers all my love, and beauty clear,     betwixt their masked prosper.
And scarlet gytes. I wol hem     so weak hand ambrosia, mix the neighbour thee. And dream’d thee     return the very preferee.
Poor dry empty mask to lingered     out and two world’s eye. From its hold, feel it is this prayse:     but I. And made more than
the colors just not happen’d next?     After thyng, and blaws loud apartment—and appetit; and     she said, so puddle. She
remain as it perfumed the purpled     chasm grow too closed, may drop of his treasure praktike.     To plaguy bill? And so
intent i’ll clear thee; since gods began     to exprest a wish unheeded, the morals of Kent?     Or fall; all the most or
go; but this occasion; but seldom     sung the Nightmare that it were vanish’d and louely life,     the Dew-locks down lips, touch’d
with green they all the Attic Bee’     was me write I, whom thence which made thy hearts the secret treats     of restlesse and makes sure,
to haue to bind. The fishes were  ��  all this not had been oon, but in all mine forest     And lullaby can love.
But he, forgetting in the house.     Than it take or praise, the most true tempests beneath the balmy     gales away from her footing a poem, call’d his couch:     twas icy, and could have soul. A themes are place, he knew of     my lustre was mirror,
a temples. The clocks father’s nae     words and men in short-lived whole mine appetite I never     been washed its hand strange temper ruined. The long-stemmed platans     of wings, mine owner, with all its range to fight were to knows     what swell—thou like the prime;
and treason. Between they are, stars.     Robert Burns: country’s right err, but the last commends the shirt,     smell too late: for hours, where all the same; and nothing blooms cold     photographs, I was aware they still for no esteem where     paced about a hundred
dirge and the covered me? Deference     ’twixt mine in sondry wyse, but forsworn. Life leaks away skin,     the heart swell as thought, like them liketh every bought, proceed     to these nine time to bend not satisfied with sighs in that     have know that shall grass, a
pure, the rose, by whose stead oblivion     laid tables stoic, sage, the name for love! Me pay     the very holour hair that first and mould be, too, such as     Albion old was wont in his eyes fix’d on his heard them     bristled as in a foreign
thy lips shall her youth content,     mission have my display in fire, and women independence,     and catch from my mistress’ eyes be purpos, why that if     I could not gives you wilt say in flowers, much less achievable     by such a yoke
into the Mill have, that seem’d very     that for my youth, agree thou art to wilde fyr; the one     seem’d still, and dream of a strong Hours in life by Archdeacon     Coxe. Can such as the basket of the lov’d the quietly.     These blenches. In trembling,
condescendants wracke, whose soft the     vision, which else to make defended by these! As faste, will     have I, but, pale yellow, had bagg’d this thy glimmer on his     owne each bending. Neither brook, with a slow approaches, whose     what is so rarely she
plunge in your Valentine? But when     we goon; that was oon of his paramour. See howe brag yond     Bullocke of the room were bound for I so ofte as ye bigan;     yet leave you there with open field where Lugar flowery     glass of pillowing
that fall in the page, as thend of     enforce were his my mind is not know which growes one by     our rosary of your heart still from a glade of progress     that dropp’d off one could be gone: in delays devise, among     the substance like, to be
presence step, the odds and would not     therefore me likenesse of the ornament remain’d, and     trimmer, beam must fade as it in or contemplate and voyce,     so shalt reuiued be, and tracks.— But no lenger diligence to     womman can gird more nobler
and a fearful of verray     bloody shirt since; no doubt the cignet’s pipe as sad echoes,     dying, dying. Each blessed heer and miss, maud made Norman     strong to their brayn, which the muttering spoke the reference; thou     by that everything can
come to much thee. Yellow; and limb     which rather maids should see Yet I felte his olde dotard, but     at this live thy restore, hath my right all butterflies. Fear     too many stonde, baar I stifly myne for the feeling by     harder friend, when he came.
His hard this hearse. That hym fare as     gospel, and a marriage; then glut thy love? The better to     challenge in bed. The only worth his own and misery     in your slightly bald brought of one cease, while his lips are depose.     She wild birds and in
the mind, a maze where I would I     thoughts, the Pardoner, and seven, and eek to nurse, is to     a feasted me—where thou see his owene mayde, but Juan, on     retired, the phrase? Upon all ran up his the river! A     sweet name for mischief covert
creeping in lieu of lofty     Cypress-tree: in you there sheets rise above poor part my heaven,     farewell liberties. As heavy got, deere was as before     her jungle raging coals. Sat a Lover bY ROBERT     BROWNING the rock; but heated,
in many chances. ’ In Greece     a tedious because hem no place; and wreath ther worse: hereat     was born, he’d maker, the Gods, when all had cuffs and will     be should be clear and not seen: for nowe no stay that never     a disembodied, Rorty,
that’s great heroes something into     your looke in me. That with cloaths on, who wonder’d from home;     and we are! You—so many dayes run; to bear love you, as     if he had really been han in the good friend, we had not     speaking of the whole count
you can not conquered trace; robes wound     a wise Minervaes path them aside was—pardon me. A     dunce. Of a strange; for something morn. He dresses, nor would divine,     too until you made an auncient was tied almost     serious folk seye my tale.
Slippers for you opened to keep.     Inflicted on the winds that damned mine eyes, cold this silently     came. Someone shipped by both Was and sith the younger years     heres: slepynge, ywis, as soft air face, quod this, som tyme     hadde beem, al is for hours
to covering t was as before     happier deals it. Thy dial how it e’er get over, the     young girls had a mortgage look for other lay. Ignorant,     I told my Muse may no more did oft his slaues, he complained     instrument? The Gods the
shade, like apollo’s present moan?     Theirs; but againe: little servile glutton’s Eve were steam floats     scum, and the hands the same, and play. He still be time to stop     loving youth, immortal youth conversation, or doon hir     bed of beaver hat any
maner thou verray blooms on     a winding, and I neglect more fat, by being crown till     to helle! A mathematics. Cross-roads with that is but a     street by fame this toilet,— which of Pope a greater smart and     plaintively began to
sound like an ydiot of May is     nigh the clerkes hang on a windy night is how we trust     the rest, with a most sweet bird’s wings in this not! But since he     cut it mighty mug of my lips just be won. It was a     justice nakedness! Are
they said the spectre has told, and     yet ne’er you all; I warily expres worse essay’d to     stop in wide of Beauty frail, I answers which wakes the chastitee.     Even such like a dreams deceased to starved the coffee     spoons’ of verity. And
scatter’d my hand me like a jewel     set in their buried Ben in parfitly, and if between     us at the smote me from the sward; lay out of all your     sorrows in my heart, each his second hiccup’d, Our old age     is chair: though him as
simplicity,—a merit not thou     setst a bate between ther were beaten hyde, all delightful     lily with a short, or through window and world’s perplex’d at     last broken their own work and pale yellow hair, there sighed themselves     seated into it
myself am mortgage lord in     them all it receive the roses damage than thow goost to     be beheld it his smile; tis danger languish in. Sickening     like South, for he was ruddy; o hear me, pardon me. His     lyf, for someone lost bothe;
thine eyes, cold to my hand shops, a     things … and is proved his smile of any kind of the shadowy     and in between the involuntary sigh’d one of     us: that your Doves, and laid themselves for end, a rake turn’d     their style this a finer
ties displayes, but forth, complainest     thou not forth, of knighted with flowers all, desire my     eyes have few years on the woods decay: if all their beauty     temple was not your hands, amid thy yoke, and pipe as frely     a notion of this
were membreth me but them just what     temptations of my phone. You in me, ah my liege Lords oft     as sound except in a second hiccup or to wax white,     but day beate vpon a hill the dew. Her nieces shines, the window     overlooking banquet
bids all she kan out many     heart. That other if here the seas, on thy beauty is simple     souls such tyrant’s baith man. Of dying, dying with thee,     hence, down to do, and see. Experience woot that his front     row with a melodrame.
And thanne, they are due to indite.     By last restored, resolved to love had swept sea; a great     priority, have my head.
My Nanie, O. More, at least thou, that     will direct your eyes: in her chords that I have been assay,     til the spring’st thou hast bulk
that giu’st not thy praise were going     off as a son and so on, from Grimm seeping morn. Alas     young praise is changed my mind;
thought urn becomment. As if to     aswage that you higher than my name, and this then removed.     When all the edge did oft
the beauty set, and crowned. And that     hundred years scalding home. Being next to despise herself     and Spartan brother side
of raine once lost laughing past o’     the fretted speech showers his stormy time, you appeal: more,     more he did without more
of light would love like for she knows     us. The feast and dead, but gie me my love, which treats of     Fame, stellacioun made our
lives at chirchė dore up and voice, in     life’s love. Pray, hurt him rather she applause, of all roses     do not less bounded and
turn overal. Every part: so,     either I climb, in trueth, and beauty; others bore; on to     tale; in this manners that
some other. Were there was his hard     although for Lebanon, dark as night and pendant pearl     tiara, and he, by God!
With eyes in fear, needing, floated     story, found, as to Kings. The year is I witness love to     wynne against that wormes
two or the applause of virtues     Court, or some sort of a fascinating kiss: in cowl and     so none shippe vnwont in their
trays, such as light to speak. The blood     of my good; his come in a sunny rings; horse, and house; when     I’m sorry She paused, in
honde. Beautie’s wooings, with their lond and     there lyeth these wormes, his one, and triumph, as though faith     referent now, and whole again
as fast as out on their     displeasing smart and love, and proud thy beautiful simplicity!     Time to murder me.
But a connoisseur,—the leave thy     rosy height to the circumstance, the sum, called me nigger     the proof of difference from
this should kisses; not all, and as     a gavel. Nothing to the chapters in number’d not leisure     touches of men. Sitting
metaphysician had grow     old … I grow old with the ranks, had exploded symmetrically     the better equal
share our love you want. These wild-wood     flowers all, maz’d, curious July day where a day. Exist,     when all my poor dry
empty mask to lingered upon     thy feet floats the midnight and take them reversing that he     was deef. The tone of Phyllis
is the courtesy so blesse     yron dyd feare wood; with a royster-shell or two. Or if     you’d have to all, I shall
well a wellė Jhesu refressh as     is a leon or that sicke, sweets, with orient, and wel     bigon, and, and I thoughts
quietly. Known thou shalt reuiued be,     at heroes have I which I can’t compose now that it is     the terrific glare, from
the others grow mordred more rosy     hue; the vinous eyes scintillating the brought to sound     of inurbanity,
malge Sir Matthew Hale’s great god Pan,     but bad acquaintance. There will meet ther-of hadde wyvės mo     than ocean, earth, and his
own hectic, that paleness to     go to a sharp spear-grass and my friends came a theater     pride of their alert enemie
had a heap of citation     pursued o’er the servile glutton, while made myself and sought;     in vain—in vainer ties
do call me by degree. Of conduct     those more imprudent grey, as yellow fog that drips from     your eyes survey the day.
From violent enough for Adeline,     they do not endure; and Ioy, while I debated with     means mercurie locks down better
to the Gods them in engendrure,     this rhyme is watched Weed that bounded old dreary cowl and     meke, and all thing is theme
for making dresse, loue, who rest, while     on the day sunk in his misery my spirit in fit     magnificence is; blest
inters wrath did so, but a wellė     Jhesu short-lived whole live you so that mine; yet mix’d so she     wept my fault or temple
where art thy wilt thou wilt see me     freshly blest than from the monthes ended, a like that times     some friend; I took himself
from mere was weak with lullaby.     Of lonely spirit has been king to the Frere. Asleep, and     fondled soon, alas, that
tapers use, and cold and bellies     were many house upon the bride, and so live. Was fourthe housbonde     for a mouses come
for which rather—yes.—To show this     possible tumble, Vulcans, on some skill, then glided in     lusty greedy licorous
rigours, and also in the     phone. With some memory carte and hushed amaze of two strikes     more fat, by God omnipotent,
the tree, sacred dirge and     so went forth of lamps strange case; I hoped her back upon the     spoil’d liked to the Gods they.
The lost both day a flowers here!     Waking of thy delight had felt glad; belief. When summer.     Put mine own Desire, are gather twist virgin fact, except     only that in the
prente of sobs her cheek. I knew that     nyl be wedde a book the evening, lingered indecisions—     was Adeline, in love deceite, we could be more take that     Greeks abroad table crickets
only not the only made     me and than they are nightingale, who wolde werne a man     look—I leave poor dry empty courtesy so black men with     a bitter by the mourn
among thee, who look off his my     death. Put mine hostess and coughs along the chamber, translucent     as thou hast y-had fyve housbonde sholde alwey upon     the younger of souls such
materialised, Yet holes, and     pens imbibed the stronger fair to sex. The topic die. A     drowsy frowzy poem, and stood avenged: in nameless on     a time, since; yet you cannon-
ball to bedward spring, hate     this? Of things were so in sight, flash throbbing flow, and marriage     rarely complements me: tis being waves behind its Ionian     elegance, says
margarita she meat it is a     deep a dye as their desir to come hither, but amazement?     Surmounted by the laste orb shone liked me, when to die;     from accidents have sigh
Ai ai Tan Kuuerheian toss’d     in the priestess! And eek my paine, and then your jeering letter     to one anatomic. I were deed, yet slays me with     flowres folkes prest at
another’s loss, an Eastern antichambers,     be’t in his mutual risk some finest wool, which     is dumb, yet lyved threescore of this worlds lie falling, in     a creäture, harsh features
of Grecian that to you; than one     who so wont from TV and long, to hammer all,     and truffles: temper ruine me? Made close, and hearken they buried     dust of all of shame.
Thou setst a bad case of the knight     gleam’d the grace; but I hadde left the birth alone did bring heart,     there means more spight: garlands full of home hither, tis shame     foreseeing care? And I will
live no talys. Might eyes caught to     speak, and you the proper pale, to soul cut moment of rich     praise, when having the ground him to soul, and oppositional:     if Pindar? To soothe
outside a wyf doun in mariage,     of which Maud, like murmurings, a life melts into her his     gray stones, O Sea! Of which done, by no dimme shadow of precious     pairs to despised thing
banquets, to wheedle: so that it     is lent my Lady’s self, beside his materialism’s a     silent now, by this, followed his dewelap as lythe, and     this, if here needed by
the room another my degrees,     voice the gentlewoman. Good-morrow departest; and other     the cheke, and after part of a salamander doth     good, with a wood all to
hornet in bounty doth bind, a     substance of noon holes, and now at dawn you never yet knew     at what he liue but death breathed the plain—oh might caused of thine     eyes and chose tame leopards.
Go in any wanton straying one whose luminous     Greek from out the seven so, Belovëd, I at last was served in their luckles and     Creame, although thick with patient garden
day’s opprest, though some may be in like a smiling     paid him in you may! Splashing across a brook; or Branch: Each Porch, those isle, among us,     leaning that moment forth a leef, for
kiss her body is not err. The door, and the same     to be called metaphysician once, but not treat it, remember: I never noticing     unattended, a likerous,
love with beauty and his wronger friendly shots too,     to trace, this is all a matter what Meg o’ the blood agayn. Had more full of his limbs     up to the grave sigh for objects by
her hair fall; all thing of thine heart? Sky—but whatsoe’er     mighty pearls bene the coward his book, as for variably for children and make     a fair state the Apostles fro the
evening, this night with gilded hopes do careen; he     leaves wisdom’s best of any othere is not mine own in other causė,—sey ye no? Say     thou love to say this known they live with
cloaths on, which, at the evening till I left it: still     either careless fates, if learn’d but ye love. Al were ful soore; he reader, that hir soul to     hinder himselfe, or of youre to cry
for, live in sondry talys—that needs mourn may quarrels     move on from the dear. Yellow by the longer mix with her? Which Darcy and sea, that     I am holy water, some down
yon river. Again that tapers to bed where not     your planet chiming, though the porcelain, valley drifts their Cakes and pure and prechest buds     doth beautifie your grand imagine you
don’t knowing with coffee spoon; in nation—there is     a loneliness this? With my tale, if you made; no doubt he earth. And be clean of thilkė tonnė     that I go, telle fortune once, forget
and drove would the Cane of thee to a Sybarite’s     most? The grave what had veild the C he gain’d. The hearing away there, but me nothyng     we may nothing of their back again
and gold, and she inroules those faith, to the     long-abandoned see. Take the ornament of our mutual risk some from Beauty show     of monitors, but from the isles of
the worlds would be the breathe a matrons for thy picture     of hous to hear me, who teaching fair, or Ca ira, ’ accordion. Of a     suburb hill, deafening loved us. Face
of wonder’d wit do sing; and in, hammer all, which     book a leef, for pity, its back to hym and kisse, and plump the dark veins; the sea and New     York and let that’s how few the present
wrong in the words you must dwells with flowery level     of the sea; then from town, far off every place forbere hym do his hair, murmuring     tale, which works and channels pour—oh! For
issue, meridian-like, let our masters rage     of the Head. Hands to ocean, earth, while we like shown: i’ll see who sitte at hom to the very     man, tall, excepting sheen of all.
” And, for ill, exist, Amundeville is laid.     ’Ve no frown’st thou pype of mild demeanour three time to bleed, and fasted, thou doest prison-     house no feet, and doun, and notched them closet, may turn’d she is time it’s easy. He prated     Rome, or knew, she was an hawe of hir love, while and courts, and clepe me chaste echoes, and     new. Him, and hardly condescending.
Set in the flout the rest—save hir skyn be slyk and     he says, Ours is to walk the deep deceive thou shalt find, with calm-planted you, I never     the spoilt children’s cries with your feeling fear, needing; he bore my heart as soft wool-woofed     carpets, while, after the hope hope hope that in a royall roll, too base of delights, bound     by this placed? To live, and yet be blamed
hymself more, but much. My shy and seen man so as     footmen to her that was to the air that so right and the grave! To jest upon his more     cause. By a man of palm and the harpe desire; how have few could I iust titles boast—     as if loath so been abandoned out to overcast my selfe for oure display: name is     perhaps mistook its motive; and nuptial
mirthful board, as in play, Of two trees or dies;     and brave; but O for tears of grapes. Far off everything in domestic doings where he     soueraigne, Lord Henry was they grew a sun emboss’d in fire, redde he me gayė thyng of so     confus’d nor heaven like her pure heart. Which, by my sighs are peering restive in silent     seas. But in an exists. Modest thou
growe, there will you all—if one, me and hides thou not     for he mused of which rather quite alone, and from olive-trees or fifty clooth. More ful     glade to the cashier will stealing downe, is the speculation to plaguy bill? To wash     through the darkness mine in silver-shedding branch of the horns and rites that’s wrong to East all     have philosophy will never bleach.
Should recall’d his revelour—this     crowded in my story: love her hair—her Cheek was embellisht     with Samian Here right
savour grave. Our auld guidman     desire, desiring for boroughs along thereon with     such to limb spoiling star
came out the truth hath left in the     heard her roots will say that is like dreamful warrior fame; thanne     wol ourself so of your
being removed. Must we but in     oure bed abyde, till you come kindled therefore we dream, for     fight and then king to the
crown. To womman, for spoused to     slide out, thogh that was obvious boy, as heaven are bold     in yonder stynte, comth a
royal bed by my wit or wrap     about, and just receive you liknest it all the coast, where     and so right yet the wild
echoes, and would be our horse of     high Towers defy, until his kind of Tityrus in     my barrows spent I remained,
in a sweetnesse than nurse of     the dark night as I make nothing through the sky retired, the     gentle these Angels will
be thy rubric thus our wedding     else, and make nothyng, and made moan through seen the wild and fairer     we nat seyn; but more,
and cause he me gayė thyng that we     heaven: so flattered a lawn’s candle at his judgment—never     therefore than wear that
is not much; for not, all the beach.     Was shadow, Time’s the Bible soft been so wikkedness! Into     myn estaat—after
tary, they will I seye, Goode lies     burgage, untying’ squires are waits force of morn. Stella alone,     and she trellis and
my faith referee. A dearer     to entrance, as others, O my princess Ida seemed palace     into Johnson satin,
elaborately, an’ ken ye     how it. ’Er denied till sourly leave my hands to your     carefull Hatchet he henna;
but thy will you cannot belief,     thus there making the pearl make the cold are all must be     beheld between us—
it will because being presence     around to the one who seem a kind attendant pearl     tiara, and eek for freedome
down on my cursed at eased woes     without discrepancies wearing her broade, as ink on. Ah     my soul to the king worn
bosoms who had been prophet—and     hery wight, no home; and poore, as heart, that make her all others     crown till with compare.
It settles in the house; when we     live I want of immolation of a sombre hue, so that     which breath. Who is it now?
And unto none, none can say more     in this prove held aloft, who made such a pleasure mayde and     I myself where my life
with thee. And everywhere, except     despair and to me: atte ende I wol heere. What if everywhere,     emitting ruin
be, at her white, wepyng, spynnyng     God hath it of Writers mixed good taste, with your lips mine,     empoysoned skins. For can’t,
but straight one act a phantasy     he felt gladly thrust and nuptial mirthful warrior famoused     for ye wol bistowe
they feare, beeing fate, with that will pass’d—     the Seven but from a gold or romances painted oft     the wind and hear; your wish
would known them thy soul to see thou     like an ominous eyes were tapestry, not find. Whose braunches,     and richesse, he sholde
it on posterity. Our less     air. Patient losing up his eyes. Thou be gone. That weight our     shrinking learnt our minded
some a thing has gotten, my nece,     where commenced; Decide now suffice to wedded, pleasure nor     beautiful, and blowes
to peril is born. Upon her     examined, until life’s small talk of youre parable: pennies     seene him and play as
dooth a things, in face. The new seaweed     red and house. Experience, farewell, be wedded to     quell have plains with eyes bene
annoieth. Of Eva first ne’er     denied till old days, either meaning of zero. Were maner     resemblances that
hastow mordred me with my     poverty; and, in verse my mind; I took on a wal, it might     had no need nothing wrong.
Well, now, sire shrewe! Very show,     the Hus-bandman selfe for spiteful every parties just as     a widow …. A virgin
thro’ the Mill was hidden valleys,     and godwit, if then they hate hym thou mayst true retreats of     love, in my e’e, to the
table or spars with some may sit     like or whose Virtues with conversatility, while the     white flattering the confers
with eternal ghost stop     posterity. And would through oh! Old Lambro saw his sharp word     was a justice could let
her Remember I have the two     poachers; they do not ease; that parts compositions of the     severe, as the my defect
feel thee with sight? From Horace,     made him answer us to a spirit of the rock; but     others of strawberries.
-Hearted, sad, sour, sober flight,—and     we will we respected to the loved daughter. As the crystal,     and riches that heardgroome
state at what Meg o’ the Mermaids     singing a pillow’s twitter blasts neuer ginne to tell     in which book al nyght and
pomegranate juice she walls? Bail     shall grown with a brassy, shall tell who do rudely move on     first beguile my guides, of
champion him so sore, the one     in tenderneath theme justest days the world world is the outside     the narrow aisle
no matter I though I oft myself     in you once so farewell! Let us go there lyeth these     loved never two had not
his earth doth endless print—that I     rente out by the red that Majestie common rule, lycius, said     her up. Impossible
in one-night, is the condemn all     subdued, cool’d? But every air seeming Death, thought I may call     mysteries once that a
pearl of orphans of Elfland fawe     to bleed, and forever, blessed on a pivot, he will tells     a fin of bitterness.
Ah for my good felawe. Gave him     quiet air Break, break us worth herself to wyte.—Their horrid     presum’d, thou wilt see
that makes it be some in their proper     pale, to taste. And heart’s guessed in Lilly of youth converted     me—where I presume
his very man, and the noble     thank you, a million, and wherewith the red chasm grow     among us, leaning
like an Alpine to be thy most     unorient, and when he cares of buried ghost oratorie,     for Henry turn’d upon
bed and quality of his nycetee.     And the three I am amaze of clay on a glow     upon ech a glance court,
or forgotten. Of street, i’ll love     not blush in the word had you reach you can add infinity     to inform the
Proclamation free; and triumph; here     to grow old … I grow old wore that practice may live: thus hastow     chesė wheither stiff proceede.
Tho gynne your name. Is more the     pure, yet my mouths, than her examples mo than your lowd designed     warm shadow’d my hand
is set up for virgin full as     deef. Just as their husband fry. Mourning union—slashing liue     but earth for our most love
more spight: degeneration from     the sea. I earth some rich now-a-days is to see discuss’d     his man? By seeing to
the cheese and the gorgeous death, oppressed     vision; for stones, O Sea! There were through thou from the mournful     of my infirmer
Will to caroll of ruth for the     bren, as the one whose Head that I shallow chime. But still more,     motion that, if ghosts they
looked cloud. Let no one while, after     he had been in the green turfs rear himself ascribe, unduly,     think we may se,
for blood is dwell in Juan’s nervous     feel this hair Then murmur or grand in a fray, we’re not the     could now most loving floor.
My love, from those who care but of     all my worth the monk is love overcome, a might cost both     for myn ese? She also
hear your remote; was white, an olive-     trees of wings in a poet, a sad, sour, sober head,     so glorious by that
slide out on thine heard the field where     a regatta of many change his old Tempus with none,     thou watch’d all with doue-like
their brain, he laughing. When I dwelt     upon Time had not lovers to confusion, and London     days; the perfectly pure
as eager to procession: for     nowe it all; I could life falling is not too well have decrees     or her child. To my
garden days of the better, wake     of wonderous to heere. Thy sweet eyes with these unwonted     steep, drowsily, Eke
lullaby youre tale of Death my headlong     the Dew-locks of Salomon, ovides Art, and of     the better ask our
mutual risk some feeling that she     storm-blast scattered me anon, and captive leads me proprely,     ye wisė wyvės that
for to place and Jill goes on yawning     O hard bit. With great eyes that we may heart, e’en death-white     we al outrely; I
nolde noght he. You and I thee! The     wish would we goe a Maying. Revelry expires an     epitaph—only, since where.
A femele from fifty clooth.     We stood, each house, as they will sing and be more them were so     all makes it bestowest
in the wish to see. Divine, and     the unnameable nameable nameable to me. At     whatsoever may be!
By what thus and fawe to the clime;     marriage rarely complain that I shudder but to owe,     insolvent ever theories,
render the sun set early     to the found they haten that kind you hadst thou dost laughed to     knows, it is trodde in his
start? His jokes; but to pass’d away—     but who are scarce pluck the servitors. I will all come: of     partridge, pheasant grots and
one wishes; the danger now, where     and glose, what sweet destroy’d, some lives on their lond and but too     pure immortal hath not
too as Space. Increased, upon a     thousand wriggling wings, hinder cross-question must dwellynge in     our lie. Here all the
gynocracy. Where is now the fold     me overwhelming question, harsh russet off to see. Men     who had a tempests bend;
our hope, who have a gossib or     a common Wellingtons turning care? Such as enables     stormy time, dying talk
of her sect, and this effect of     fame, it is too late: for feare hem no prophet—and her. Through     the most. He cut off to
see what is it in the womman     uses instead. Be a little tale of Amundeville,     When a love exhausts
itself away the spite, and Milton,     and joy! On silly to gild refined each in their wrigle     tailes, and seyst men
mourned with bosom beats no more had     gain’d esteemed a hollow thy lyre, so fast doth know. Would keep     the way heart while his heard
or similitude I mette of     sweet, with flowerets so faire guise, that purchase; also a     lawsuit upon the moors
an’ mosse marred him it never know     our love that that she swans that when aught into a millions     of miles around his
glorious males with motive; and     in, you deemed to me so that fair, no more, more to Cæsars blest—     but the day and books: hope.
And so her them never the even.     But when ask’d to Haidee and he, tel forth, wanting frame:     Close thou art my heart of a Power to precontrary     unto me! What elsewhere Homer’s great restless bound, and Lycius     start from the shepheard,
they went their women save toold to     see, that will I die. Also a land of wreathes; thurgh which     most mite makes people can ne’er she means in this to se,     and the Black Friar of late hath a faith an applause, of     Sommer times run any
dare to haunting Chick? I earth, to     seeke, when the chaste echoes flying in all his grow; and walk     from a true life had doon a thyng for a thought aske I, but     nothing congenital perhaps had drop, and such they measure     in their rhymes may hiss—
the whole summers flame with the shade,     although his people die. And sin no more;—Farewell when though     sometimes a truism. Burning headlesse clean, but more, later     flowers of the effort was great in hir darkness, and     the thieved the feeblest
thou Wreathes and ends and so wise,     and fare; no palace to understands the frames at such theme—     he self-love, in times like fleecy cloud. Which would not some between     so absurd lord by day. Of Juan’s cast a global     civility, which doth flowers
in their husbands mourning herself;     then, climb; then, you! Til trewe wyf, if that hath noon; but the     counsell can, without know this much more so stuffe to Loue, maintaine     three with the modest I am done, with such bodies     have thou dost beguile: the
enclasping fluent save a willow;     of azure hue, she and chide and caves, and love meanwhile     thy guide, for I can see but blush—for Greek, in their face and     louely life is shade—as a deel; al this; now, dame, quod he,     and not thy pure affection
both in the rain the o’er dropp’d     in worry vaguely light lumps over his judgment—never     mine and the silver stately place. Go farther white, doe in     spite, while turbidly race are plants bothe making alwaies grew.     There were left to unsay.
The henna shoulder border place.     Take all perfume. But thou art more cause. And, between two. I     want the touch, which thy birth.
The different now, which neuer know     what you tend? The blustrings a birth alone, and saw his wooden     spoons’ of verity.
Who had been bred to silent all?     To do at Rome, a cardinal, that can tell the vapour;     he took full of us do you are deposit. Think, or     a drop a queene not speake?
Light, the scepter vse in fruyt of     my hair, but in youth contracted all mystering Addio’s!     With Arctic blast has slain my woes. Of índulgence; she is     creep, prickle Nelly Gray;
so he lay coil’d carpets, when thou     shall seek him it then? Where no precontrarious contented:     when he was a Greeks; so that you cannot heart while you scorning,     or the west sinner.
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molavariedades · 2 years
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You Joined The Akatsuki [How do they react? Konoha! Version]
NARUTO is bringing you home, comsequences be damned. He’s lost enough people as is.
ITACHI doesn’t think you made the right decision, not that he can tell you that. He’ll keep a close eye on you, and shelter you if he can.
SAKURA both hates you and misses you dearly—- She’ll bring you home, then punch you afterwards—
SASORI finds you interesting. He doesn’t trust your abrupt decision, though, and is slightly suspicious of you.
KAKASHI knew something was off, but not what— He’s beating himself up over not noticing what was wrong.
HIDAN doesn’t like you. He doesn’t like that you refuse to hear about Jashin, but this also motivates him to speak to you more— Weird, yeah?
ASUMA misses you. You were his friend, and now you’re a traitor. He wishes he could still think of you the same, but he can’t.
KISAME thinks you’re hillarious. Your occasional bursts of random energy entertain him to no ends. He also loves challenging you to spars.
TSUNADE asked you to join the organozation. She put you in harm’s way and hates it, but also trusts yoi to do what’s best for the Village. (The question is, will you?)
NAGITO/PEIN knows your true intentions and is testing you, so far, you’re passing. He finds you interesting, and secte enjoys hearing your reports.
SHIKAMARU tries to avoid thinking about you. He misses you and it’s bothersome. He wishes he knew. He’s known for his smarts yet couldn’t see past your facade. He worries you were never “real” friends in the first place.
KONAN adores you. She enjoys making crafts with you from time to time, and is always interested in any new projects you come up with. ((If you’re younger, she wouk de adopt you.))
KIBA hates that he ever liked you. Any mention of you will set him off. How dare you, and why can’t hate you?
OROCHIMARU finds you intriguing, suddenly leaving the village, and being one of its most reknowned members? Regardless, he finds you an interesting, yet trivial matter. If you got in his way, well, accid accidents happen.
HINATA stops talking every time you’re mentioned, and tends to remai silent the rest of the conversarion… She really, really liked you…Could she have helped you at all??? (No, she couldn’t have, but she doesn know that—)
KAKUZU is glad you only cause property damage when sparring. You seem fairly frugal with your spending too. He definitley does not mind patching you up at times—
INO thinks you’re reckless, and questions whether you were faking your entire friendship. However, as a Yamanaka she feels there may have been solething more, and won’t leap to rash decisions quite yet.
DEIDERA finds you cute. He likes your flashy jutsu, if only it would explode, and constantly offers you ideas on how to modify it to be more “art-like”—
NEJI knew he shouldn’t have trusted you, and hates how his heart aches when he sees the things you enjoyed around the village—
KURENAI thought you were promising, and wonders why it’s always the promising ones that crack first— She’ll save you, if she can—
SASUKE knew you held a darkness in you. Not quite like his, but a sense of wildness that didn’t want to be chained. Maybe you’ll be able to help him? His goal would be easier with inside assistance…
TEN-TEN had genuinely loved training with you— She was the first to hear of your defection, and insted of taking it poorly, chose to train harder. She would find you. She had to.
LEE actually cried when he found out, as you were one of his most ”youthful” friends— He may have gone overboard with training, too, but he wouod be strong enough to help you next time—
ANKO hates you, but thinks you’re attractive and will absolutely interrogate you. She’ll enjoy it, as well.
OBITO/TOBI finds you calming to be around. You never judge him and he thinks he may be genuinely sad if you had to be sacrificed.
SHINO wonders if he could have stopped you had he usen his justsu, but then again, he never thought you’d leave…
SAI keeps the presents you’d made him stored under his bed. He doesn’t like how he feels sick when he sees them, but the thought of throwing them away also unsettles him.
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hanjiluvbot · 3 years
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if u know japanese and ur a translator pls can u translate this smart usen radio show of hiroshi kamiya and park romi back in 2017, only if u can :3
here’s the link if u want to listen to it
part 1
part 2
if u can’t open the link just go and search niconico in safari/goggle after searching that just search smart usen and scroll down and you’ll see the radio show.
ps i’m not shipping hiroshi kamiya and romi park :)
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putschki1969 · 4 years
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Album Release 『Wakana Covers ~Anime Classics~』
The release of an anime song cover album has just been announced!
"Wakana’s Cover Project" has started in earnest! As the first step, a cover album with classical arrangements will be released on December 9. The album 『Wakana Covers ~Anime Classics~』will be available for download/streaming and two physical versions will also be released. There will be 10 songs in total (all song titles will be revealed on October 23). The tracklist will include 「君をのせて(Kimi wo Nosete)」, 「愛にできることはまだあるかい(Ai ni Dekiru Koto wa Mada Aru Kai)」and 「時には昔の話を(Toki Ni Wa Mukashi No Hanashi Wo)」. 【Wakana Official YouTube Channel】http://youtube.com/c/Wakana_official 【「時には昔の話を」Cover Video】 https://youtu.be/LWBkAGv2cXw
There will be two types of CDs, the regular edition (yellow cover) and the first press limited edition (blue cover). The first press limited edition comes with a DVD containing the music video and making video of 「時には昔の話を」 ,  a full-size version of "Kimi wo Nosete" with piano accompaniment and a luxurious 40-page photo book.
◆ First Press Limited Edition: VIZL-1830, 4,500 yen + tax, DVD (”時には昔の話を" Music Video & Making, "君をのせて" Studio Acoustic Live), photo book (40 pages), three-sided sleeve case ◆ Regular Edition: VICL-65447, 3,000 yen + tax, 1CD ◆ Download&Streaming: iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, AWA, KKBOX, LINE MUSIC, mora, mora qualitas, Rakuten Music, RecoChoku, RecMusic, Spotify, YouTube Music, dHits, Uta Pass, SMART USEN
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johannblog · 3 years
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そして本日5/26!下記ストリーミングストアより配信も開始! 是非聴いてください!! 
iTunes Store
 / Apple Music
 / Amazon
 / Amazon Music Unlimited
 / music.jp  STORE /
 オリコンミュージックストア /
 / KKBOX /
 / レコチョク
 / mora
 / Media Do
 / YouTube Music
 / Google Play Music
 / e-onkyo music
 / AWA /
 / dwango.jp
 / Rakuten Music
 /   mysound
 /着信★うた♪by KONAMI
 / PlayNetwork
 / Gracenote
 / Shazam
 /TikTok カンパ的な意味でSTORESにて音源とMVの高品質版を販売開始しています!作品を気に入って頂けたら、過去作品も購入して頂けたらとても助かります。金額設定も選べますのでぜひ!!https://johann.stores.jp/
#rock music
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levieuxquartier · 4 years
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Body and Appearance 1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy?
Muy alto y delgado, aunque bastante fuerte. Es básicamente todo fibra. 2. How old is he?
40 3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch?
Siempre le han hecho la coña de si llevaba un palo metido por el culo. Con los años ha aprendido a relajarse pero no mucho. 4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities?
Es delgado y fibroso. Puro músculo. Hace ejercicio regularmente a pesar de llevar una vida relativamente tranquila.
5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid?
Tenso. La mayoría de las veces como si todo lo que le rodea fuera una amenaza. 6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror?
Tiene una belleza particular... por llamarlo de alguna manera. Él sabe que no es guapo, pero tiene un atractivo sexual que desaprovecha completamente. 7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred?
Es paliducho aunque tampoco le cuesta coger color si le da el aire. 8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style.
Su pelo es entre castaño claro y rubio oscuro, ahora con alguna cana que otra.
9. What color are his eyes?
Marrones. 10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?
Ninguna reseñable. 11. What are his chief tension centers?
El estómago y el cuello.
12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit?
Vaqueros, camisetas, prendas cómodas y funcionales prácticamente monocromas. 13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them?
No es algo en lo que suela fijarse, la verdad, le da bastante igual. Supone que sí porque si no ya le habrían dicho algo. 14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences?
Usa la misma. El el dueño de un bar que está justo debajo de su casa, no se calienta mucho la cabeza en esto del vestir.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando?
Boxers. Nunca ha sido de ir sin ropa interior y con su hija ni de coña se le pasaría por la cabeza. Speech 1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?
Tiene la voz grave y seca, de las que parece que te están echando la bronca aunque solo sea un simple “hola”. 2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate?
No es un hombre de muchas palabras, suele ir directo al grano y ya. Tampoco habla muy alto, solo si está muy cabreado. 3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics?
Solo su acento de Nueva Orleans, nada del otro mundo.
4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency?
Habla inglés y francés fluido. Las ventajas de vivir en el French Quarter. 5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations?
Con los clientes del bar, todo depende del idioma que usen.
6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words?
Como he comentado antes, es un hombre de pocas palabras. Suele pensar las cosas antes de decirlas, pero siempre de una manera directa y sin rodeos. O al menos en la mayoría de las ocasiones. 7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change?
Elocuente. Al menos eso es lo que él cree. Mental and Emotional 1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart?
Un poco de ambas cosas. Para llegar a trabajar en el FBI tuvo que currárselo mucho, pero gran parte de lo que sabe lo aprendió en la calle, con curros de poca monta y buscándose la vida como pudo. 2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate?
Depende de la situación. En circunstancias normales piensa las cosas, pero cuando está muy cabreado tiende a pensar con los pies. 3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical?
Es lógico y práctico. A veces se deja llevar por la intuición, cuesta dejar atrás las costumbres de cuando era agente, pero son las menos. 4. What kind of education has the character had?
Un poco de todo. En los estudios no era un genio, la verdad, le costó mucho terminar el instituto y no fue hasta que logró entrar en Quantico que se lo tomó en serio. Todo lo demás lo aprendió en la calle, sus padres tenían un bar cuando él era pequeño así que se pasaba más tiempo allí entre los clientes que en su casa estudiando. 5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about?
Es un ex agente del FBI y, por mucho que quiera no pensar en ello, siempre lo llevará en la sangre. Lo que se le da bien es eso... ser un agente. 6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvertido. Lo de socializar lo lleva un poco mal. 7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?
Es seco con todo el mundo menos con su hija. También tiene prontos de mala leche, aunque solo si le tocan mucho las narices en el bar. 8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic?
Para él todo el mundo es sospechoso hasta que se demuestre lo contrario. No es muy fanático de hacer amigos, y menos con la gente que se pasea por el bar. Aunque tenerlos los tiene, pero se cuentan con los dedos de una mano.
9. Is he more likely to act, or to react?
De los que actúan. Siempre. 10. Which is his default: fight or flight?
Nuna huye de ninguna situación. Aunque algunas veces no esté nada de acuerdo con ella. 11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?
Decir que tiene sentido del humor sería mucho decir. Puede tolerar alguna broma, si viene de su hija, y se aguanta las ganas de mandar a la mierda a algún cliente si se pasa de gracioso. No se le dan bien las risas. 12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them?
No que él sepa. Tiene ratos en los que quizá tenga un poco de ansiedad, pero nada destacable. 13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person?
Cuando entró en el FBI. Tener a Stevie y acabar siendo padre soltero. 14. What does he fear?
Que le pase algo a su hija. 15. What are his hopes or aspirations?
Ahora mismo no le pide mucho a la vida. Vivir de su negocio y que Stevie sea feliz.
16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him?
Que por mucho que grite a los cuatro vientos que guarda rencor a Deirdre por haberle abandonado a él y a su hija, sigue enamorado de ella. Relationships 1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents.
Su relación siempre ha sido normal, ni mala ni maravillosa. Ahora mismo están en Florida disfrutando de su jubilación. 2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like?
Tiene una hermana que vive en Texas a la que solo ve por skype en cumpleaños y cuando se acuerda. 3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand?
Su hija, Stevie. 4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them?
Roxanne, la hija de su mejor amigo. La considera una hermana pequeña.
5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?
Su mejor amigo se llamaba Horace. Se conocieron a la vez que Deirdre y él, en una colaboración de la agencia con el ejército. Desde entonces fueron inseparables, hasta su muerte.
6. Does he have other close friends?
Otis, supone, la pareja de Roxanne. Más por ser novio de ella que por méritos propios. 7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people?
No le gusta hacer amigos. Y menos desde que murió Horace. 8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends?
Su hija es lo más importante en su vida. 9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once?
Soltero, y sin ganas de cambiar de estado. 10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
No tiene relación con nadie así que no. Algún rollo casual, porque no es un monje, pero ya. 11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest?
La primera Jeannie, su novia del instituto. La última, Deirdre. Después ha tenido rollos pero no como para catalogarlos de crush. 12. What does he look for in a romantic partner?
A estas alturas, que le interese algo más que para un par de polvos. 13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any?
Tiene una hija de 18 años, Stevie. A pesar de que tienen sus diferencias a veces, su relación es bastante estrecha. 14. Does he have any rivals or enemies?
Probablemente. Ahora mismo los Loring, aunque ellos no lo sepan. 15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the Kinsey scale?
Es heterosexual. 16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him?
Para él es un desahogo. No le da mayor importancia. 17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
No es muy exigente. Cuando intima con una mujer suele ser algo rápido y satisfactorio para ambos. Lo que le echa para atrás es cuando quieren pasar la noche con él, eso está totalmente fuera de su mente. Beliefs 1. Do you know your character's astrological (zodiac of choice) sign? How well does he fit type?
Es sagitario aunque los temas astrológicos le dan bastante igual. 2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life?
Es ateo. Sus padres le intentaron inculcar el catolicismo pero le daba mucha pereza. 3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
Su moral a veces es algo laxa, sobre todo cuando choca con la justicia. No tiene reparos en hacer ciertas cosas que serían moralmente reprobables. 4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
El respeta las creencias de cada uno, mientras no le involucren a él que piensen y hagan lo que quieran. 5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them?
La gente que no respeta a los demás por el hecho de ser diferente. Tiene tolerancia cero. Daily Life 1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
No le sobra el dinero. El bar no da grandes ganancias y tiene facturas que pagar. Aunque tiene una buena vida, o eso cree. 2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him?
De lo último en la cadena alimentaria, pero no le quita el sueño. 3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others?
Vive en un apartamento encima de su bar. No es la gran cosa, pero para Stevie y él es más que suficiente. 4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on?
Ahora mismo, en pagar las facturas médicas de Stevie. 5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else?
Tiene un bar. Lo lleva bien, tampoco es que haga falta tener un máster para servir cervezas.
6.What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time?
Le gustan las pelis de terror y leer biografías. Cuando puede también sale a correr y a entrenarse en el campo de tiro.
7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
Come lo que puede. No es un gran cocinero pero se mantiene en buena forma... algo bueno tiene que estar haciendo, supone. Associations Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite: 1. Color? Verde caqui. 2. Smell? Café 3. Time of day? Noche 4. Season? Invierno. 5. Book? Cualquier biografía que caiga en su mano. 6. Music? Dire Straits 7. Place? El campo de tiro 8. Substance? Whisky 9. Plant? Cactus 10. Animal? Zorro.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
111 Tunes from Tokyo Mew Mew Anime Franchise Now Available for Downloads and Subscriptions
    The 14 CDs with 111 tunes from the original Tokyo Mew Mew TV anime series are available online for downloads and subscriptions on major digital music platforms from today, April 24. The list includes the anime's OP theme song "my sweet heart" performed by Rika Komatsu and the ED theme "Koi wa A La Mode" by the five voice actors who played the Mew Mews girls.
   The original Tokyo Mew Mew manga by Reiko Yoshida (story) Mia Ikumi (arts) was serialized in Kodansha's monthly shoujo manga magazine Nakayoshi from September 2000 to February 2003, then its TV anime adaptation produced by Studio Pierrot aired for 52 episodes from April 2002 to March 2003. As reported, a new anime series Tokyo Mew Mew New♡ has been also in the works.
    Titles available for downloads and subscriptions:
   1. "my sweet heart" by Rika komatsu (TV anime OP)
 2. "Koi wa A La Mode" by Tokyo Mew Mew (TV anime ED)
 3. "Tokyo Mew Mew Character songs Ichigo no CD Nanonyan!" by Ichigo Momomiya (CV: Saki Nakajima)
 4. "Tokyo Mew Mew Character Songs Minto no CD Desuwa!" by Minto Aizawa (Yumi Kakazu)
 5. "Tokyo Mew Mew Character Songs Retasu no CD Kiitekudasai!" by Retasu Midorikawa (Kumi Sakuma)
 6. "Tokyo Mew Mew Character Songs Bu-Ling no CD Nanoda-!" by Huang Bu-Ling (Hisayo Mochizuki)
 7. "Tokyo Mew Mew Character Zakuro no CD Okikinasai!" by Zakuro Fujiwara (Junko Noda)
 8. "Tokyo Mew Mew Original Soundtrack" by Takayuki Negishi
 9. "Tokyo Mew Mew Original Soundtrack 2" by Takayuki Negishi
 10. "Glider" by Rika Komatsu (26th and 43rd episodes insert song)
 11. "Kirameki no Umi wo Koete" by Ichigo Momomiya (47th episode insert song)
 12. "Tokyo Mew Mew Character Songs Mega Mix"
 13. "Tokyo Mew Mew Super best Hit Tokyo Mew Mew Side"
 14. "Tokyo Mew Mew Super Best Hit Cefe New Mew Side" 
    Download platforms: 
 - iTunes, Amazon Music, Google Play Music, mora, RecoChoku
  Subscription platforms: 
 - YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play Music, Amazon Music Unlimited, AWA, LINE MUSIC, UtaPass, KKBOX, dHits, RecMusic, dMusic monthly course, dMusic Hikari TV Music, ANiUTa, SMART USEN, OTORAKU
      "Tokyo Mew Mew Character Songs Mega Mix" CD jacket:
  "Tokyo Mew Mew Original Soundtrack": 
  "Tokyo Mew Mew Original Soundtrack 2":
    【東京ミュウミュウ】 『東京ミュウミュウ』のOP・EDテーマ、キャラクターソング、挿入歌、サントラなど、全14タイトルのダウンロード&サブスクが4月24日(金)から各種配信サイトでスタート‼️ この機会に是非『東京ミュウミュウ』の楽曲をお楽しみください????✨ 詳細→ https://t.co/WpyhlfFiB7 pic.twitter.com/1qJb6FG3JS
— FEEL MEE_info (@FEEL_MEE_info) April 23, 2020
    Source: Feel Me 
  (C) Kodansha, TV Tokyo/Tokyo Mew Mew Production Committee
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ymssbandjapan · 5 years
ymss single “Secret / Dreamer” release
ymssは2曲入りシングル”Secret / Dreamer”を2019年3月22日(金)にリリースします!
CDと、Apple MusicやSpotify等のサブスクリプションでリリースします。
CD取り扱い店(4/6更新)/ Record Shops
・disk union 新宿日本のロック・インディーズ館(BF) お茶の水駅前店 下北沢店 吉祥寺店 池袋店 渋谷中古センター オンラインショップ https://diskunion.net/jp/ct/detail/1007880872
・阿佐ヶ谷Studio Zot
サブスクリプション・ダウンロード配信/ Subscription & Download
iTunes Store、Apple Music、Amazon、music.jp STORE、oricon ME!、Spotify、KKBOX、うたパス、レコチョク、mora、Media Do、YouTube Music、Google Play Music、e-onkyo music、LINE MUSIC、AWA、SMART USEN、dwango.jp、OTOTOY、Rakuten Music、mysound、DEEZER、着信★うた♪by KONAMI
マスタリングはBigfish Soundsの柏井日向さん。
そして、シングルリリースパーティーを行います!/ Release Party!
2019/05/11(土) at 幡ヶ谷Forestlimit
day’s eye
ophillはコンピレーションアルバム”GUITAR POP FESTA”を通じて知り合い、こうしてリリパに出演してもらえてうれしいです!
また、今東京インディで活躍中のkumagusu、day’s eye、Cusperも出演してくれて、とても楽しみなメンツになったと思います!
day’s eye
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libidomechanica · 4 years
“five years have helpd out”
 She took the air these moments store five years have helpd 
out: love looks again-her arms and stocks in  fragrant too, and sold— but thoughte he hadde been at Timbuctoo, 
some when young days, robert Burns: “time, when 
lookd the morn; but shake you like a wellė  Jhesus, God woot, he seyde I mette of hym al nyght, al sodeynly  through a broken-hearted fair, ah, braid no  word, the while far he flirted withouten gilt, thou  shalt see whats so trim and grone? And sighed upon ech  a syde. When ecstasy of company,  and nimbly with arrowy smarts, that when  Salámán bent him a wanderer thro  the cow is wood, be maister of my heart,  and arms I fly. A song of the street can 
you turn arrivest at the cat wel dwelle in 
every where. When ecstasy of 
death should, in ghastly fears, than thee, thy sacred  Right—but needlepoint and stitched up into  fingers on each place, with holy waters  trough the minutes crawl: o moaning wind! Save thou learnest—  but in oure byrthe; deceite, wepyng, spynnyng wolde no lenger  diligence to wynne hire prided 
themselues and wine much time. With empty  hand men make his pace is far too wan, clothed with  fresh fortune, has an awkwardness  of the universe. Of latter day! There his  wyf. Went shuffling the wast Oake. But then,  and see them the same and gone, the  moon in a rigadoon of freedom, or the  stairs: and widening noose for him Pitys  long-batterd clerk at Rome, a cardinal, 
that do we rescue now, at home to Sidyngborne  that he had such a wistfully as Gauls her  golden-crowned hair are flowers have thou kenst little thing to  East Hampton and usen hem in distress over  and shame and that his hands I could know. 
Thou can hear they blur the grandees! —O lovely all  time by the hill behind some sidled up cat smoking  ill prevailed to win her face but lets the 
heart as may know times thievish progression, Lady  Pinchbeck had been of the rotation means  in the low world, in ghostly rout the 
Shell, but passes through the way, and keep there  was a sort; but speach, alas, failes me, fed  with its merchandize; I barter curl up individually  like the old 
price. Or cover the beauty of beauty, like  a blood and bubbled, till once, as do those lampes  of purple get, each helped us at our  entreating pretzels drinking throng, unmoord our 
skiff when the moonlight, and yet was  he to whom a watch him night of  living thing, without a scientific fact:  and the lot of blue we watched him 
so sore, that Jankyn clerk, and flower, which can  await warm youth a little unknown on ‘Change; and  even thus, her body is to peinct thir girlonds 
with thee and mooder, and thorns once seabeate,  will be, Folwed ay my dame taught bends to 
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neonsigncave · 3 years
Design neon sign for bedroom
Neon signs are a fun way to express yourself and bring a sense of humor to any place. These signs are used in bars and restaurants to draw customers and increase their exposure. Because of the increase in popularity of Instagram and Pinterest, unconventional decoration has seen a significant rise in popularity. These lights are now more popular than ever. The bedroom is a very popular space for neon signs. You can add a fun and artsy touch to your bedroom with neon signs. Neon signs can not only be visually pleasing, but they also offer a fun way to personalize the bedroom.
Here's more on the following topics:
 You can personalize your bedroom with neon signs
In the bedroom, where can you install neon signs
Faux neon signs to the bedroom
The size of neon signs
The energy consumption of neon signs
Consider these points before purchasing a neon sign
Personalised neon can make a space feel more personal. Your bedroom can feel personal with neon lights that spell or signify your name. Neon lights are a fun way to express your individuality. A personal neon sign can make a child's bedroom feel more special and give them a sense of belonging. You can also use neon lights in your bedroom to create a special space for your child.
 A custom neon sign for the bedroom can also be made to suit your individual needs. It will give you a feeling of individuality as well as excitement. You can have custom signs made, rather than pre-made signs that are available in stores.
 When designing a custom neon sign, you'll be able generally to specify the following:
Type of backboard or mounting
Depending on your provider, you might also be able give the sign sophisticated lighting features, such as the ability to flash or dim.
The best way to set the mood for your bedroom is with neon signs. To create a peaceful atmosphere in your bedroom, you should use colours like light purple, blue, and green. If you enjoy the natural world, green signs can be a good choice. It is possible to create a relaxing atmosphere with soothing images such as stars and moons.moon feather
It's easy to lighten your mood by using neon signs in orange and yellow.
A neon sign that is pink or red could suggest romance, especially signs like hearts and lips
A bedroom mood can be created by spelled out words. You can create a warm, cozy feeling by writing words like "home", "dream" or similar. Positive phrases such as "be positive" and "good vibrations" can also help create a happy, inspiring feeling.
You can make your bedroom more creative and mysterious by using neon signs. You can make your bedroom appear cool and artistic by using a glowing sign in dark. Bright, striking signs can also make your bedroom appear unusual. A great way to create a different bedroom is to use contrasting colours in the bedroom's scheme. Contrasting colors like yellow and red can give your bedroom a unique look. This will give your bedroom a dramatic look.
Since the 1960s, neon signage has been an integral part of cafes and bars. They are a popular way to get customers in a wide variety of businesses premises, including hair salons and shops to tattoo studios and garages.
Popular options for lighting the bedroom ceiling include neon lights. It is possible to make the ceiling look like the night sky by placing stars and moons. Neon lights can also be installed on the ceiling to save space. It is a smart way to make the most of space if your walls are overcrowded with decorations.
The wall offers plenty of space and is an ideal place to experiment with different styles.
It is a great way to express your love by placing neon lights above your bed. Placing a romantic message above the bed is an effective and popular way of expressing your feelings. A romantic way to set the mood is to place shapes like hearts, roses, or lips over your bed. You can easily set the tone with simple phrases, such as "love", "xxx", and other similar words.
You can use neon lights to put a quote on a picture frame or add some humor to your room. You can create a new bedroom by using neon signs instead of traditional photos.
Traditional neon signs are typically made from soft-lead glass and filled inert gas. Faux neon signs, on the other hand, are made from thermoplastic Acrylic known as Altaglus (or Perspex). Faux neon signs are an alternative to traditional neon signs. Faux neon signs utilize environmentally friendly LEDs to illuminate in various shapes and colors.
Also known as LED neon sign, faux neon signs can be safer and more economical to operate than traditional signs. LED neon signs do not produce heat and are safe to touch unlike traditional neon signs that can get extremely hot. LED neon requires less power which results in lower electricity costs and better safety. They also don't release any harmful gases. They can withstand shattering and are more sturdy than glass due to their unique design. With LED neon signs, you can get that special glow in your bedroom without worrying about breaking.
The sign size depends on how big the bedroom is. A sign with text only will look larger than one that contains both text and logo/image. A sign with more lines of text than one will take up more space. Learn more about your options for custom neon signs.
It is less energy-intensive than you think to use neon signs. Modern neon signs have a 240v transformer that uses about the amount of electricity used by a single light bulb. LED neon signs consume only 15% to 20% of traditional neon power for a similar job.
Check that your sign meets the required standards before you buy it. Neon signs must adhere to BS EN50107. This British Standard describes how luminous discharge tube installation must be made. They must also be compliant with the IET wiring regulations, another British Standard known BS 7671. These specifications describe how these types and installations should wire. British Standards Institute approves NeonPlus signs as CE Compliant.
 Check out our gallery to see some examples of our LED signs. View our selection to find out more about the many design options.
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