#Simon Concepts
thecollectibles · 10 months
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Concept art for Barbie (2023) by Karlsimon
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bleuu-moon · 5 months
💭 soulmate au, where your dreams are filled with whatever your soulmate has done that previous day…
simon riley, sits and wonders why he’s never had any true nightmares, even with all of the violence and turmoil he’s faced and remains experiencing. he’s never once woken up, questioning his sanity. instead, his nights are often filled with peace and tranquillity, reading books perched on a porch swing or lay beside the sea. watching blurred out figures, run around and fill his absent ears with echoes of laughter, not knowing who they could be, but knowing for certain it overflows his chest with warmth. nothing ever scarier or more worrying than a minor crash of a car, or the gutting feeling of heartbreak from a faceless stranger, fills his dreams.
but then you, frightful when the night comes around. terrified of the urge to close your eyes. the countless therapy sessions, meetings with psychologists and somnologists, an aid to try and fix the terrors that haunt you as you sleep. the ones that randomly came one night when you were young, and never left. images of places that can only resemble war zones, tragic catastrophes that force you awake with beads of sweat on your forehead. but, there are the rare ones, where your dreams are filled with the restful nothingness. the nights where you’re able to sleep through, your mind taking you to a dimly lit room, lay within a spacious comfy bed and the overwhelming feeling of safety. but that one is a temporary haven, for the both of you.
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qiinamii · 8 months
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crown swap
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gravitycoill · 9 months
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wish we could’ve seen baby marcy in the baby universe. would’ve been cool to her and simon i guess
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gatorlovebot · 5 months
inspired by @ghouljams ghost distribution system posts <3
thinking about neighbor simon who watches you move in to the little 1 bedroom rental property next to his own. it takes it a few days for it to sink in that it’s just you living in the home. seemingly no partner, no roommates, no family. it makes his skin itch and his fingers twitch.
he doesn’t know why he introduces himself to you, but when he walks out his front door with riley, leash in hand, his feet start moving himself closer to your porch. you're struggling to hang a potted plant on a hook and even though he desperately wants to take it from you and hang it himself, end your struggle, he stays firmly planted right in front of your porch steps.
the look of triumph on your face sets something off in his stomach before you finally notice him. he can tell you're taken aback by his presence on your stoop and he's not surprised. but your eyes cut down to riley whose standing at attention by his side and your eyes soften and a smile threatens to split your lips because of his boy.
"oh, hi," you greet him, still kind to him regardless of his intrusion.
"hi," his voice is gruff, not the kindest it's ever been. he doesn't want to give away too much, how he felt compelled to come to you. "you just move in?"
he watches as your eyes slip down to riley again, probably easier to look at the grinning dog by his feet than him. "yeah, just last week." you confirm.
"just you in there?" he's prying and he knows it, but he couldn't stop even if he wanted to.
you look back up at him and he allows himself to look at the column of your throat. "yeah, just me." you sound weary, good, he thinks. "is it just you and the dog, then?"
tit for tat. "ya', just me and riley."
your face softens and a smile graces your lips as you look back down at riley. "riley?" your voice is soft, like you're talking to something precious and small, it makes riley's ears perk up. "good name for a good boy."
simon huffs a breath, a tiny little chuckle of a thing. he can only imagine how ths interaction would go if he hadn't had riley with him. he would have hoped you wouldn't have been that forthcoming with a complete stranger at your doorstep. his mind is screaming at him to leave, to get off your stoop and to leave your life as quickly as he inserted himself into it. but your kindness eats away at him, settling low in his gut. he's always had an easier time listening to his body than his head.
he watches as you reach your hand out for riley to sniff, it’s not often that him and riley get approached by strangers so riley revels in the attention, nosing at your hand for pets and scratches. “i’ve been thinking of getting a dog, maybe riley can have a friend in the neighborhood.”
of course you’re thinking of getting a dog, a young thing like you on your own for the first time, your first taste of freedom getting something of your own. he shouldn't make assumptions, but he does. you had only been in your own place for a week and you're already thinking of getting something to take care of. maybe he'll have to get a tight leash to keep you on.
"haven't been on your own for very long," he doesn't phrase it as a question, instead it comes out as a statement, a fact, because it is. somehow he just knows this is your first chance at independence.
"yeah, you're right," you agree, still rubbing riley's ears but your eyes look dejected.
he can't bare to look at your far away eyes and down turned lops any longer, tugging riley closer to himself clearing his throat. "well, we should get going." he watches you give one last per to riley, cooing at the dog with a little wave. he feels something in him shift.
the next day when he leaves his house with riley his feet take him back up your walk and onto your porch. you aren't out today, so simon needs to knock on your door. he doesn't expect you to answer after he raps his knuckles against the wood grain, but out the corner of his eye he sees you peek out the front window to look out your porch. good, can't have you opening up the door to strangers.
you look surprised to see him, but your eyes brighten when you see riley. "oh, hi guys," you greet the both of them, your voice sweet and polite. simon takes in your appearance, wrapped up in soft, comfy clothes. he knows he should feel a bit of remorse at interrupting your time, but he doesn't, too preoccupied with the way you crouch down to stoke over riley's ears.
"thought you may want to join us," he says in lieu of a greeting. you look up at him with a confused expression, eyebrows furrowed. all he does is tug loosely on riley's leash as explanation.
"oh," you put the pieces together, smart girl. "really?," you question, "i don't want to bother you-"
"if i didn't want you to join us, i wouldn't have come over." he contends, shutting his mouth before begging words are able to slip past his lips.
your expression smooths out despite his gruff words and you give riley a meaningful look before asking him, "can you give me a minute to put my shoes on?"
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kingofooo · 9 months
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Simon Petrikov flying gondola concept drawing by storyboard supervisor Nick Edwards
This was based on some miscommunication and the difference between a gondola and a gondola lift.
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casiia · 6 months
pervert simon get turned on when you eat phallic shaped objects, a banana, a popsicle, a fucking hot dog — it doesn’t matter. he just imagines how much better you’d look with his cock stuffed in your mouth instead.
he thinks he’s being nonchalant when he stares at you, but it’s so obvious. simon’s glaring down at your lips as you wrap your mouth around the item, watching at the edge of his seat and waiting for you to take it deeper down your throat.
such a perv, he knows it too. if you happen to catch him he’ll straight up turn and look at the blank wall. hoping you don’t look down and catch a glimpse of the erection that strains in his pants.
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l0v3tast3 · 7 months
ghost with a cute lil succubus gf :3
mdni! f!reader
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simon loves having a succubus as his girlfriend. he loves when he's finally coming home from a mission and barely has the door closed before you're jumping into his arms— it's sweet and romantic at first, kissing him deep and slow and clinging to him, but it doesn't take very long to turn dirty. your legs are wrapped around his waist and it's just too easy to grind your soaked pussy against his growing hard-on, too easy to sink your nails (claws) into his shoulders and suck on and nip at his neck.
simon loves having a girlfriend with a long devil's tail topped with a heart and little horns poking out of the top of her head to match. he loves pulling your head back and rubbing around the bases of your horns, feeling you melt while he walks you both to the bedroom. you'll whine and beg for him to touch you more, more, more, and of course he obliges. simon lowers you to the bed and puts his hands and mouth everywhere. he sucks on your nipples while you're whimpering and (futilely) trying to push him down further. he leaves indents of his canines down your belly before he's kissing your thighs.
simon loves to get you desperate for him and especially loves how easy it is to do. it's basically your default setting around him— until he's rubbing the tip of his cock against your pussy. up and down from your hole to your clit and back, "y'think you deserve my cock? huh?" muttered while his free hand is keeping your hips from bucking up. you're nearly teary-eyed while you beg and plead until he shuts you up by finally pushing into you. you can take him, you're meant to take him, and still, by the time he's buried to the hilt inside of you, your eyes are rolling back and claws are leaving more scratches on him than he had gotten during his last deployment.
simon loves hearing your vocabulary reduced to whiney pleas and praise— "fu-ck- i missed your cock- missed it so much- ah-!"— and other mindless babbles. he loves how your capacity to speak noticeably diminishes with every new way he manhandles you; hunched over you with a hand on the headboard as leverage, then lifting your lower half to meet his hips as he kneels, then folding your thighs to your chest in a breeding press that makes you go nearly limp. "missed this cunt," he'll groan, "made just for me, right, princess?"
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(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ likes, comments n reblogs are always appreciated!!
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temeyes · 4 months
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happy valentine's day, everyone!! here's some soft pieces i've made for the lovely cecipeebles on twt a while back!
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bluegiragi · 1 year
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i gave in to the urge and drew how i imagined ghost and konig under their masks...this feels illegal somehow
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yanderestarangel · 5 months
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TW: stalking, implication of smut, yandere themes, dark behavior, kidnapping, manipulation, use of power, obsession, objectification, dollification, no pronouns used other than "you".
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yandere!ghost - that the first time he saw you, it was on a train, where you were oblivious to the dangers that surrounded you and one of those dangers, was himself, he thought of so many things the first time his eyes looked at you through the dirty balaclava and dusty jacket he wore in the army - And you didn't even notice a strange man looking at you... What a cute little thing you were. He felt a click in his mind, as if a sick part stored deep in his core was brought out at that moment, it was like a predator looking at his prey.
yandere!ghost- who chases you for days, without any rest, he knows your entire routine, from what time you wake up to the things you eat, he set up a schedule, every day he leaves the house early to hide in your backyard and tell you watching - and this also applies to watching you sleep or in the bath. He loves to scare you, it's cute to see how you shake like a scared kitten when he enters your house and knocks over some kitchen utensils, he hides in the shadows watching you shake in fear and look out the windows... Poor little (Y/N) did you know that the dangerous thing was already inside the house.
yandere!ghost - who makes it very clear to you that in the last few weeks you had someone inside your own house, leaving things out of the fridge - Simon knows that you would fear and seek help from some authority, and luckily for you, he had enough authority to do so task. You will wake up one day with the imposing figure of a burly man at your door, telling you that your neighbors warned you that you were being harassed by some crazy stalker, he would try to manipulate you and convince you that he could make a private patrol around your home. home daily... A perfect excuse to just stay legally close to you, it was even comical to the soldier how you trusted the first figure who offered you help... Your desperation was captivating, your formula trembled every time he lied who saw his stalker on the outskirts of the neighborhood, and how such a guy escaped from his hands like sand in the desert; obviously, Simon was there to welcome you into his strong arms... The person causing your pain was the same man who welcomed you, the same pain and doubt caused by him in the shadows.
yandere!ghost - who probes your entire family history, studying you from head to toe, collecting enough information to know whether or not someone would miss you when he finally completed his plan... Kidnap you and place you in a bunker isolated from everything and everyone. After all, you were his little thing, such a fragile and sweet person... He also wanted to beautifully devastate and destroy your beautiful holes, he wanted to see how beautiful you would look, writhing with pleasure for him, begging for his mercy.
yandere!ghost - who finally finds the right opportunity to take you away from your safety, waking you up inside your house, feigning false despair and saying that your stalker is close to your house, that he was warned by a teammate who saw strange movement in the perimeter and that you and he need to get out of there as quickly as possible... Something you do without questioning Riley, after all, he was your savior... Wasn't he?. You were inside the masked soldier's car, while he told you about how you were in danger and needed to go to a place away from all that... However, you noticed that the two of you were entering a trail, deep into the forest. You also noticed some information that Ghost had about you that you hadn't even told him, mainly the fact that you hid, that the stalker was going through your trash and messing with your kitchen utensils. The Brit's previously calm and resilient posture changed completely, before he let out a dark and hoarse laugh behind his skull mask, slowly turning to look at you while his blue eyes shone with an ethereal and almost murderous shadow. "-Oh my dear... You had to be a dumb little thing. Tsk tsk tsk... Don't use that pretty head, you just need to be a little doll." he said as he made a quick move to grab a cloth with chloroform, immobilizing you and passing out on the bench, while he smiled contentedly under his balaclava.
yandere!ghost - who waiting for you to wake up, he had tied you up naked with beautiful red ropes, and a gag on your body, while he was sitting in front of you - watching you as if you were a work of art in the making - his muscles would be rigid on the tight fabric of his shirt, he even had a tattoo with your name on his stomach near the amount of muscles, where it was easy for him to hide from prying eyes... He was completely crazy, crazy about you. Simon's thick and large hands found your thighs, exposing you vulgarly and beautifully to his gaze. "-Do you know how much I waited for this (Y/N)? Seeing you like this at my mercy." he sighs, as he meets your gaze. "-Let's see how much you can take... I'm going to make you finally and completely mine." Ghost whispers against your skin, muffled by the fabric of the mask, there began his paradise and his hell.
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𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 ©𝒀𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 2024. 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒑𝒚, 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆.
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mangowafflesss · 10 days
You’re blindfolded and have to guess which one of the 141’s cock you’re taking. If you get it right, you get to come. If you don’t… well you don’t :)
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geosaurus · 1 year
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sinner, you better get ready
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sbeep · 10 months
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🛡Knights of the Silver Ark (and the sorceress, Leven)
Characters from Penumbra, an original dark fantasy setting co-created with my best friend.
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konigsblog · 7 months
kidnapper!ghost and his two prized possessions; you, and johnny ;3
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mdni. tw: stockholm syndrome, kidnapping, guilt tripping, dub-con/mentions of non-con included !!! (don't whine about it, just scroll if you don't like it :p)
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☆‧₊˚. simon was so cocky when he realised how he had you wrapped around his finger.
even johnny noticed the way your gaze would linger on simon when he visited the two of you in the basement, all tied up and ready for whatever type of fucking he'd give you.
your eyes would widen and you'd become bashful and shy. smiling at him softly, giggling at his stupid jokes... and eventually pleading for simon to just fuck you!! usually, simon would just take you -- not caring about whether you wanted it or not. you'd take whatever you were given and you'd be thankful and grateful to be treated like you were even remotely human.
so when he found you pleading with him to fuck you, not only was he surprised, but so was johnny. a rush of worry was plastered on johnny's face, but you were too desperate and horny -- beginning to get attached -- to care.
simon cut him off, taking off the rope that binded your wrists together and pulling you close to him. you stood bare infront of johnny, with simon's burly, towering and tall figure behind your back. simon's arms hooked underneath your armpits, pulling your arms behind your back as he began easing his hard cock into your swollen folds. your jaw fell slack and your eyes shut tightly, the feeling of his dick stretching out your hole making you whimper and whine out.
“oh, you're a dirty one’...”
simon teased you, bucking into you. the force of his broad, thick hips smacking against you knocking you forward with each hard thrust. you panted, thighs twitching and your cunny squeezing around his thick shaft. drops of your cum ran down your thighs, covering his balls; heavy, full and emptying into you. simon made sure you were covered in cum, begging him and telling him how amazing he is for doing this for you... forcing you to worship him while he rubbed your clit and twisted your nipples.
all whilst johnny stared with shock and fear, bottom lip quivering as he saw you falling victim to simon. he yelled at simon to get off of you, only earning himself a sly smirk, forced to listen to how you'd tell simon how amazing he was, how you loved him, how good his cock felt... your moans echoing.
“please--!! feels -ah-... so-sooo... good, hahh-...”
once he was finished dumping a load in you, he threw your forwards onto the harsh concrete floor, making you yelp and cling to johnny as the pain in your knees increased. simon's black shirt was sweaty, sticking to his burly, muscular chest while his jeans were coated in drops of cum. fastening his belt, he left you raw and sore.
for a minute, you actually thought simon would be sweet. but now you were crying for johnny to help because it hurt.
but, johnny felt betrayed. giving you the cold shoulder and burying his head in his hands, gritting his teeth and sniffling while you rubbed your pained, bleeding cunt. he wouldn't help you, not after seeing how you'd go against your promise.
you got what you wanted, right?
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jay-wasstuff · 1 year
Official Character Concept Artwork for DnDHAT
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from the 4K book flipping of The Art and Making of Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves
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