#Sharing this post is very appreciated!
cuterozhok · 1 year
One year
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Today is one year since the full-scale invading war started. Me & @aapaww managed to send over 400 USD by doing art to help Ukrainians. We are offering commissions & adopts, all money from which goes to Ukrainian funds that help people overcome the horror and survive. Commissions still will be open every day until the war will end, your requests are very appreciated.
A HUGE thanks to everyone who has commissioned us, who shared our posts, who donated, who has been there for us in the toughest times to share their emotional support, love and concern. You guys are the BEST! It all would be impossible without you. russian aggression already took so many lives, and we should do everything we can to send our help and support to those who are forced to fight for their lives every day.
Again thank you everyone very much! We still have a lot of work to do - but together we sure will make it. Stand with Ukraine✊🇺🇦
Support Ukrainian artists. Share information. Stand with Ukrainians.
One day their latest drawing can become their last.
Слава Україні! Вічна пам'ять Героям.
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vt-scribbles · 1 year
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that one very relevant-to-my-interests meme
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Title: Four Walls
Tags: slow burn, domesticity, friends to lovers, smut, pining post sias/pre am era
Summary: Disillusioned with LA and on the heels of a breakup, Alex goes to stay with Miles in London.
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sketchy-tour · 2 months
Its funny that I could feel my WH hyperfixation slowly morph into just my genuine special interest. I worried at first, cause I thought my love for it had died. Because it was duller. But no no. Now it sits comfortably and idly in my mind. Unshaken. Comfortable. At home.
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evuwus · 5 months
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Lan Wangji is a rigid, stern and emotioneless man on the outside but on the inside, he is just a silly guy with so much love to give. He is so overflowing with love and he is terribly afraid that others would see it; notice his vulnerability or even worse, feel like they owe him.
He raised Lan Sizhui and treated him as his own son and younger brother, taught him everything and even protected him from the world and the truth. Anyone can imagine how hurtful that was to Lan Wangji; the fact that he couldn't share the wonderful memories he had with Wei Wuxian to Lan Yuan, he couldn't talk to him about the man that was taking care of him as a baby, the very man Lan Wangji loved. There was no one in the world except Lan Yuan who saw Wei Wuxian in the same way Lan Wangji did. And yet he chose not to say anything, out of unconditional love. He didn't want to impose the burden of the past to him, he didn't want to selfishly take away his happiness. He even burried him in a pile or rabbits, in attempts to give him the joy that Wei Wuxian provided him.
I can't not mention here the fact that Lan Wangji took care of the bunnies of Cloud recesses, feeding them by himself and taking care of them, despite keeping pets being against the rules. He had been following rules his whole life and yet when an opportunity arose to take care of some bunnies, he willingly took them under his protection, not caring if he would be seen as childish or a violator. Even to small creatures like this, Lan Wangji is affectionate and involved.
He appears wherever chaos is, not paying any attention to things such as lofty rewards and fame-gaining expeditions. His actions are out of care for others and commitment to high ideals. His choice of becoming Chief Cultivator in CQL was done out of care for the world, out of his passion for justice and fairness. Holding such a position seems to be against his character; (him being ascetic and staying away from wordly affairs) but he later must have realized his responsibility to create a change in the world, for his people, for Wei Wuxian.
And at last, of course, Lan Wangji has so much love for Wei Wuxian. His love is unconditional in the way that he will take care of him,not expecting anything in return, scared that Wei Wuxian would feel like he owes him his love, to reciprocate his feelings. For this reason (in the novel) he never tried to clear up the misunderstanding with Wei Wuxian, he selflessly accepted all of Wei Wuxian's teasing and flirtations as he was content with giving his love even if there was no hope for anything further. The only condition Lan Wangji had for their relationship is to be able to see the person that he poured the most love into, thrive and spare him a warm smile.
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kettleghost · 1 month
hi tumblr, long time no see! i would like to announce i am opening commissions!!
all the details are here on my ko.fi! please check it out, it’d be super appreciated :D and please make sure to read the rules before commissioning me and all that stuff, hope everyone’s been doing well!
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tianhai03 · 2 years
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guys wake up new C coloring pic just dropped <333 have some teefs i drew awhile ago that i probably never posted here
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feelslikegold · 1 month
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while I understand what this person is saying….the difference in how their partners are treated makes no sense to me lmao. I have seen the other partners (some who might argue are just as if not more private than josh’s) be included in fic??? with tabs kept on all of them to the point where fans even notice *instagram comments* left from them???? it’s so funny that only josh gets this kind of treatment when every other relationship (hannah doesn’t count) is obsessed over by fans…..
we don’t know for sure what jenny was to danny and yet why do I still see people casually mentioning her and posting about what she’s up to when her socials were private too while she was with him????? she was clearly very private and yet……?? people obsessed over talking about them…..
respecting their privacies should be happening, but respect all of them? the same? 😭 josh’s partner is treated like a curse if he’s mentioned which is pretty respectful ig, but why are there tiktoks of other partners along to the sound of “she’s getting that dick” like it’s just SO so fucking weird to me that this fandom does not respect women no matter what and has also treated josh so oddly when he came out 😭
#if ron’s photos were taken from a private account and leaked then that’s absolutely one thing but I will never get over just how weird this#fandom acts towards josh the second they learned he has a male partner 💀#if you’re going to play the respect card (which is appreciated/should be the standard as fans) you need to respect ALL of their partners???#if you’re weird about only josh………it’s actually weird :’)#ok rant over#I just cannot handle hypocrisy 😭#god josh himself is going to post wedding photos one day to his instagram and fans are going to be so weird about them 😭😭😭#respect josh’s privacy always but don’t basically re-closet him after coming out??? I just do not understand it#(in the terms of him posting wedding photos…not rn because he doesn’t share much of his private life still)#but if he had an issue with ron’s photos they literally would not have been posted ?????? ron adds all fans as friends and his facebook is#very public……..he’d know what josh is and isn’t comfortable with 😭#also don’t twist my words bc clearly if you’re cropping josh OUT and only posting his partner that is so fucking weird 🧍🏻‍♀️like.#just be normal!!!! just be normal oh my god#you don’t even have to make 3738392938 tweets like this like literally just be normal and leave ALL of their partners alone 😭#except miss hannah because she might die from lack of attention 💔#also ignore me bc I have to run my mouth or *i’ll* die#also hate to be that bitch but *some* treatment towards josh really is homophobic lmfao but I will not get into that rn when I have already#yapped this much <3
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littlebittyhollowbugs · 2 months
Hornet x Quirrel stuff
• Quirrel telling Hornet stories about the lands outside Hallownest and teaching her more about the world outside. And Hornet telling Quirrel stories of Hallownest and helping him to remember his old home.
• The two of them practice sparing with each other And of course Quirrel teases Hornet about the first time they met.
• Hornet easily relaxing around Quirrel but being upset about it later, after she's realized.
• Quirrel writing about her and sketching pictures of her. (He just finds her so intriguing!)
• Hornet loves dancing, she learned how to dance in the hive and she feels so relaxed and free when she does it. Quirrel would absolutely enjoy dancing with her, and learning from her. And he's a quick learner!
• Quirrel and Hornet doing tasks together and Quirrel gets so easily distracted. Hornet keeps him focused and he helps her to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
• Both of them love water, and swim very well. They spend lots of time at the blue lake, or dancing in the rain in the city.
• Hornet making Quirrel silk bandanas, he loves to wear.
• The two of them visiting the dreamers memorial in the resting grounds. Placing flowers by their stone.
• Herrah and Monomon watching over them, absolutely adoring how close the two have become.
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My friend is in an abusive home situation, they are disabled and have undergone emotional and physical abuse since having to move back home, and has recently been physically assaulted by their abuser (evidence in video). They are trying to grow an online career so that they can move out and gain some financial independence away from their abusive family - please consider checking out their channel if you are looking for new streamers to watch, and I have linked their don@tion page down below. They are an absolute sweetie who is in a lot of physical danger so please, if there is anything you can contribute to help, or even sharing this post, will be wonderful, thank you so much.
Link to Video || Link to Twitter Post || Donation Link
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miodiodavinci · 1 month
I made a Vocaloid channel but I'm having trouble getting views. I like making covers for fun but I wish I could get more than a handful of views, especially since I haven't even gotten 5 on my latest ones. I use Vocaloid 6, which may be the problem since not many people talk much about it as much as the older versions
Would you have any advice as to what I can do?
m m m m m , , , , , , i feel like it's hard to say—back in the day when i was doing UTAU work, most of the interaction i got with my work was from my friends from UTAForum. we all sort of just shared our work with each other and supported one another doing our fun little hobby. though the sort of forum culture that spawned that sort of friend circle has kind of disappeared by this point , , , , ,
but honestly, even still—find folks whose work you like and get involved!! share your work on other sites and shout out people you like!! support the folks around you and establish yourself as part of a community
(of course like. don't treat it as a transactional thing. if there's one way to ensure No One interacts with your work it's to. comment on people's things or shout people out and then get passive aggressive expecting a response back. doesn't work like that. you support people because you love them and their work—not because you want something in return.)
but even more than that, honestly just keep doing what you do and the love in your work will come across in heaps and bounds, and someone will be bound to listen. people also tend to get interested the more you put your own spin on something, whether it's creating your own PVs, adding your own harmonies, sharing some of your files, or linking multiple covers together as part of a kind of overarching story. if you make it yours, it'll be yours for good.
like, at the end of the day we can all agree that views are just a number on a screen and are kind of meaningless and no one should base their worth on them, but also yeah it kind of wears you down after a while to keep sharing things you've put a lot of love and effort into with no response.
i'd just like to encourage you not to lose your passion for it—views or not, there's a lot to be gain by pursuing something you love. your VOCALOID endeavors are only just beginning, and who knows where you'll end up ! ! ! ! take the journey as far as it'll take you, and have fun all the while ! ! ! ! ! ! !
also send me your work i want to listen 👁 👁
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starswirly · 2 months
[ * Pros of self indulgent art: making what you crave and want to see in the world! ] [ * Cons: It’s not everyone’s niche ]
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themessengervevo · 6 months
Hello my followers. Today I'm posting something that's not a piece of art I made or a responce to an ask, because I need your help. Several days ago, with the help of my very supportful art teacher, I made a Google account and a Youtube channel as well. She wanted me to post my music on there because she liked it alot and wanted other people to discover it as well. I shared those thoughts too. I also wanted to have a Google account as well because I had one up until 2019 where a phone number being removed caused it to instantly remove my access to the Google account, and thus the Youtube channels I had, which included an earlier instance of a channel dedicated to my music. My most succesful channel only had a slight big over a hundred subscribers.
So I got the Google account, and the Channel set up to where I wanted it and started work on the first upload. It was supposed to a full upload of my album "Suffering Embedded in Logic" with a remastering done by me. I completed the full upload, and even gone through the effort of verifying my account for the purpose of being able to upload a one hour video without hassle. I uploaded it, the copyright checks went through fine, and I uploaded it to the channel. I, obviously considering the big steps I took to getting here, advertised it everywhere, and I wanted to advertise it on this account as well. But then, after a total of three days since creating the account, and not even a day after uploading the video, I was greated to a screen.
It said my video was removed because my account has been terminated. I was obviously very much distressed by this. What could've caused this termination? Why? Was it the full album I posted? Was it something completely different? Did I spent all this time wishing to have a channel again to then be euthanized like that? So I sent an appeal to Youtube regarding my channel.
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I got an email confirming that they were looking into the appeal, and that I would get it in around 2 business days.
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All well and good, right? Well, I woke up today to this lovely message in my Inbox:
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This was obviously shocking to me. In the email regarding my termination, Youtube said my channel had "severe or repeated violations of [their] Community Guidelines". I believe that I wasn't doing anything that could break their Guidelines. What part of the Guidelines I was apparently breaking was not detailed in any way, so in my appeal I said for them to atleast guide me to where in the Guidelines I was breaking these rules, but in their reply not only did they not tell what I was apparently breaking, but doubled down on their decision and are keeping me terminated. Fun little fact, you can only make ONE appeal to them, and no more.
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This was infuriating to say the least. Not only did they banned someone who didn't do anything, they didn't even include a reason or anything so at to why they did this. So in their Feedback form thing, I wrote them this:
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Please, PLEASE read this fully if you want to see my thoughts on this, but if you really can't, here is a "tl;dr" on my thoughts.
I have 2 working theories that might explain why I was inexplicably banned from this platform. And both arent the brightest in their image.
The first theory I have is that this is all a work of a Bot that just so decided to screw over a person for some false reasoning that it sticked to. This theory is confirmed by several support threads on Google's own support forums regarding this exact issue (which are still being made to this day), the one linked as an example. From there, I saw many a person talk about their channels being unfairly banned for unexplained reasons, including a small martial arts group that were only uploading clips of them. that martial arts group got the reasoning of "spam, deceptive practices, and misleading material" for their ban. I believe their network of bots sometimes falsely flag people and terminate them, and that human support doesn't come to correct these bots for many of the smaller people, resulting in an unfair permanent banning. As such, I proposed for them to give reasons as to why they ban people, as well as up the amount of appeals you can do, as well as for them to make their bots better.
The second theory though has more serious allegations. I don't usually talk about where I live, mostly for privacy concerns and also that I believe you shouldn't give out all your information for strangers online, but I have to talk about it for this part. I live in Russia. I have been living in Russia for my whole life. It isn't the best place to live in my opinion, but I've been stuck on this patch of land since I was born. Ever since the Russo-Ukranian War started, the already somewhat negative outlook of people outside of Russia has dropped significantly, many people from there who catered to people outside of Russia received many threats. One of my best friends, who I like to call Reggie, that is working in a store dedicated to people with Autism, had to stop working in Global markets because there was so much hate for Russians at the time that the Dollar-to-Ruble ratio dropped massively, and it was just too much. Many sites put sanctions on Russian sectors, including PayPal, which led to many Russians who used it to basically be poor. Which leads me to believe this: The reason why Youtube terminated my account with no explanation is because either it's human support is xenophobic, or that Youtube itself is xenophobic. I do not like this though, but I'm more and more convinced that this is the case.
Which leads me to a wider discussion of how Youtube is fundamentally broken. From letting big youtubers to stay on the platform despite them breaking their own rules, to many spam comments and scam accounts that exist solely to harvest subscribers and unsuspecting victims, to the whole ElsaGate debocle an how it returned in BIG amounts with Youtube doing nothing, to innocent channels getting silenced and punished for just existing, I believe that what Youtube meant in "making sure that Youtube is a safe place to all" is that they would make sure that Youtube is a safe place to all the big channels that are making money for them, which include scammers, botted accounts, hacks, and big television networks. I say NO to that. I say
Youtube has shown to be late to things that should've been resolved way earlier, that they do not care about serious violations of their rules unless it is explicitly called out on Twitter, that they are inherently racist, homophobic, and xenophobic as was shown in many cases prior to this one (CoryXKenshin immediately brings to my mind), and that they will let their biggest cashcows to continue thriving on their platform and giving them money, even if they are the most scummiest creatures of this earth. This should NOT be how Youtube is. It should be a safe community for many people to go about their lives posting things they want to do, knowing they are safe from the threats of people who would gladfully steal their work knowing they are bigger than you and can get away with it or the system not banning them for arbitrary things they dont know. It should be safe for all, but its only safe for the biggest. So I again say
Please spread my story everywhere you can. Reblog this, crosspost this, blaze it, share it anywhere (but especially on Twitter) you can to let my story be known. Please let everyone know how broken Youtube is, and keep fighting. Even when my Youtube account gets restored, keep. fighting. Keep fighting for the hope that Youtube will FINALLY listen to their cries, and that they will start fixing their shit, because any win we have is one step towards a truly safe place for all. If you have/had any experiences like this, or you live in Russia as well, tell me your thoughts and your story! Hopefully, this will lead to more stories of Youtube being in the wrong, and this will lead to a better future.
Hope you read and understood all of this.
So now that you have read of my channel's unfortunate sudden end, you might be wondering this:
"Well that was sad to hear, but how can I help YOU specifically?"
Glad you're asking that! I would love to have your support in any way. So here are places where you can help!
Obviously, considering you where you're currently are, you can support me here on Tumblr by reblogging and following this blog, as well my side blog @mailyftw! Here I post the art I make, as well as any serious announcements, while on the side blog I like reposting various things and showing whatever doodles I made today. It would be very helpful for me. You can also support me on Newgrounds, it's basically my side art archive, and also a music archive! Speaking of music,
This is where I primarily upload my music on. I've been making Caretaker-like music since 2020, and I would love for you lot to hear it, espcially since I improved from that time. I may upload the remastered version of the album I mentioned earlier with some new tracks added, since I was planning to do this for a while now. I also host on there my supergroup The Haggstrom's albums. We've had some stuff out for a while to enjoy, infact we're making an album ABOUT the problems Youtube has! We have a dedicated server where you can talk about them and even make a submission for our projects, so if you want to support not only my work but the collective works of many people, you can do so by clicking this sentence! It would be very much appreciated, since work has exponentially slowed down there.
WeVidi and BitView
These two Youtube alternatives is where I currently upload my work to. On WeVidi, I upload content related to my music, particularly my albums. And on BitView I upload everything else basically, including memes and animation (hopefully soon). If you want to support me on there, please make an account on these platform and subscribe and share my videos, it will not only help me to be seen, but also help these revivals to thrive as more people see them. Hopefully, they won't lead to a Vidlii situation! Hopefully.
Socials, also known as "Other"
If you want to support me somewhere else, here are some other places I frequent: - SpaceHey! It's a revival of MySpace, and it's really great. I'm always on there, and I sometimes make bulletins or blogs. Friend me if you want! I'll accept most people that are sane and like the things I like. - Discord! Message me at the___messenger and maybe friend me too! Again, I'll accept most people that are sane and like the things I like. If you're one of the "big people", and you want to interview me, go ahead! Though please, link this blog post and the big places I'm in, and be mindful that I don't have the best camera in the world so I'll most likely be doing this in text or on phone. - Reddit! I'm active on there under Spot_Mark, you can message me if you want. Again, I'll accept most people that that are sane and like the things I like, or people wanting to interview me. - Escargot! If you are particularly privy, you can message at [email protected]. Once again, I'll accept most people that that are sane and like the things I like, or people wanting to interview me. Note that you'll need an escargot account and a copy of Windows Live Messenger, preferably 8.5, to even begin messaging. - Anywhere else! I'm on many platforms and places, usually on the smaller side. You can find me under "TheMessengerVEVO" or a similar name on a place. Any support will be thankful. - I'm considering getting a Boosty account for people to help me monetarily, since we here are basically scraping by, plus the wole PayPal nonsense. Hopefully yall could help when it comes out, if at all.
If you supported me because of this, I have nothing but the biggest thanks for you! I'll try updating you on this situation as it goes on, and hopefully it will result in things actually being done. I'm very scared of whatever might come, and also relieved now that I revealed the whole Russia thing. I wanted to reveal that anyway for the past couple of months. Anyway, I hope this gets big and gets the attention of Youtube!
- May our strength guide us forwards, The Messenger.
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triangulum-mori · 5 months
half-finished drawing ill probably never finish, which is disappointing bc i really wanted to. its some oc lore stuff, specifically an android's three creators !! ask about them all youd like ^^
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dynamitekansai · 5 months
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The academic debate for the ages continues.
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fiepige · 5 months
More Sea Serpent Hobie thoughts!
(been thinking about this au all day, it's completely consumed my mind!)
I was kinda toying with the idea of Hobie being able to take a human form. (In this version most people wouldn't know that sea serpents exist so he uses it as a way to interact with humans without revealing his true nature to them)
He visits a small local fishing village from time to time to hang out with the locals- mostly at the pub, but he also likes hanging around at the harbour
Cause he just gets lonely sometimes and humans make fun company- he finds tales about daring trips to sea entertaining, but he also loves to hear stories about places from far within the mainland as he's always stayed close to the ocean.
Nobody in the village knows what he really is- they all just think he's this odd but kind loner who visits from time to time.
He's well renowned by the people in the village, both for being a nice and helpful guy and because of his unique skills*
He never pays for anything in cash but instead in old trinkets and treasures he finds while out at sea - this resulted in a few arguments at first, but now people have come to accept it, some even look forward to seeing what he'll pull out as payment whenever he visits
if he doesn't have any treasure to pay with he'll offer to pay in favours- specifically favours that involve diving.
*If you need a diving job done he's your guy
He can stay underwater forever and go far deeper than any of the locals.
So if you need to retrieve something from, let's say a sunken ship, he's your guy!
He insists on going on missions alone- it's just easier to get it done if he can dive unseen in his serpent form.
The only people he doesn't get along with are authority figures and whalers!
There aren't any whalers residing in the village but sometimes a whaling boat will come by to restock. Every time they do Hobie terrorizes the crew as much as he can get away with. While also being very vocal about his opinion of them in general. He's gotten in fights with them more than once.
It's also not unusual for the whalers to find their ship vandalised if they stay overnight.
When he's in his human form he lives on a small island near the village, but far enough away that he can't be seen changing from serpent to human form and vice versa
He has a small hut where he keeps some fishing equipment (mostly for show in case a human comes by and wonders how he's able to feed himself on this tiny island) as well as a small garden where he grows different greens.
He'll trade his food for stuff with the villages, he mostly trades for clothes, sewing equipment or beer at the pub
Sometimes he'll disappear at sea for weeks at a time- if any of the villagers question him about it he'll just say he was out fishing- despite him only owning a small rowboat with a small engine, that doesn't work half the time. - He uses it to get to and from the island in human form as to not alert the villagers to his true form.
At some point he befriends Gwen**, who's a newcommer, when a local overhears her lamenting the loss of her mother's trinket at sea, and they suggest she asks Hobie for help- since the guy has a way of finding things lost at sea
Gwen doesn't really believe he can actually find it but seeks him out nonetheless cause it can't hurt to ask
Hobie accepts the job. In exchange he wants Gwen to tell him about the places she's been to before she moved to the village.
(** you can kinda replace Gwen with any character you want. I'm kinda considering making a small fic for this au where the reader takes Gwen's place, but I don't have the time nor energy to write it any time soon. Also I've never written a fic from the first person point of view so I'm not sure how it would turn out lol.)
Lemme know what you guys think! 💙Any input is welcome- it can be world building stuff, story stuff, ideas for hobie's serpent form or something else!
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