#Shalria is just 'why'
heavenlyborne · 2 years
✏️ for Shalria and Kiriko ^^
Eᴠᴇɴ Mᴏʀᴇ Iɴᴄᴏʀʀᴇᴄᴛ Qᴜᴏᴛᴇs Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀ!
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Shalria: Hey, Kiriko. What kind of flowers do you prefer? Kiriko: I like sunflowers. Shalria, pulling out a bouquet of Venus Flytraps: Well, shit-
(And for a little extra fun...!)
Kiriko: I'm sorry. Please talk to me. Shalria: Kiriko: Hello? World's most amazing person?? Sweet pea? Precious cinnamon roll that's too good for this world, too pure? Shalria: 'Sorry' doesn't bring back my fucking M&Ms.
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bluegalaxygirl · 5 months
Celestial Wedding (ZoLu X Reader) P4
Plot: Reader gets taken as revenge for Luffy and Zoro's defiance against the Celestial Dragons, they were just going to kill her to make an example but now theres a wedding????.
Warning: Bad language, blood, Violence, kidnapping, forced marriage and salivary.
Thank you to @herwritingartcowboy for the suggestion. Reader is Female and a gunslinger, Zoro X Luffy X Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship.
P1 - P2 - P3 - P5 - P6 - P7 - P8 - P9 - P10 - P11 - P12 - P13 - P14 - P15 - P16 - P17 - P18
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Your skin was scrubbed clean to the point of it hurting, the skin on your arms starting to split a little with the ruff sponge and scrub they where using. You couldn't hate the two girls since they were just doing as they where told, and they would whisper apologies when you would hiss slightly in pain, helping you out the tub the two girls help dry you off and put you in pink shorts and bra, they brushed your hair and tied it back up before placing the cuffs back on your wrists. You hated the feeling of eyes on you mainly form the guard standing in front of the door, you couldn't see his face but you could tell he was looking at something on you, it made your heart race wondering what he's looking at and why. The guard form outside knocks on the door before opening it not waiting for an answer "The masters want to see you now" The guard states holding the door open and waiting for you and the two girls to walk out, following the guard you walk with the two girls, they haven't said much to you this whole time and a part of you hoped they would have talked to you more. The only voices you've heard so far are those who want to hurt you, it would be nice to hear someone who has no ill intent. Entering a large dinning room the guards and slaves bow to the three Dragons sitting at the table eating a large feast, you bow too copying the two girls "Much better" Rosward calls out after finishing his bite of food and holding his glass out for one of his servants to fill it back up. As the two girls stand back up you follow scanning the room with your eyes to see servants lining the walls waiting for orders along with guards.
The three Dragons sitting around the long white table stare at you, Rosward at the head of the table while his two children sit on either side of him. Charlos looks you up and down while taking a big bite of meat while his sister, Shalria sits across form him sipping on her crystal glass of wine "Are you sure about this farther? I don't want a lower life form to be a part of our family tree - su" The woman keeps her head high as she speaks seeming disgusted by the thought alone while her brother laughs out rubbing his runny nose "She'll be just like my other wives, The wedding is just a show, right farther?" Charlos smiles looking at his farther who nods sipping on his wine "Correct" Rosward answers seeming to make his son happy only to spot something on you making him frown and slam his glass down on the table. You jump along with some of the slaves not sure of what the dragon is angry at and what he'll do "What is that?" Rosward glares at your thigh as his voice grows with anger, his two kids look from their farther to you soon spotting what he's seeing. You now know why people have been looking at you ever since your legs have been showing, the straw hat tattoo on your thigh, your heart races wondering what there going to do or say. "We'll we can't have that" Shalria smiles standing out of her seat and making her way over to you, panic hits you as you try to step back only for the two girls next to you to grab your arms.
The female dragon glares at you grabbing your face in her hand "Don't you dare step away from me" The woman growls only for her farther to stand out of his chair, the sudden action making his daughter turn to look at him "Not her face" The man sighs seeing his daughter pout a little but agreeing letting your face go "Or her back and chest, i know the dress i want for her and i don't want scars showing on the day" Rosward sits back down going back his meal as his son frowns, it seemed he wanted to pick out your dress but knowing the man it would most likely only be some shorts and a top, the young dragon seemed to like his wives showing a lot of skin. Shalria's laugh breaks you out of your thoughts noticing she's now by the end of the table picking up a sharp knife "Pin her down" She pats the table and steps away as some of her male servants walk over and grab you, you try to get away but the men are strong and with the drugs still in your system you don't have a lot of energy to fight. Being slammed onto the table the slaves pin you down, two holding your legs and two holding your arms, you struggle trying to kick them away, but they stay put using their weight to keep you there. Shalria grins as she steps closer running her hand over the tattoo on your thigh "No please" You call out as tears start to form in your eyes, its the first time you've talked since being here but it seems to make the three dragons happy hearing you plead and beg for them not to hurt you.
Shalria presses the tip of the knife to your thigh hearing you cry and beg for her not to do it, but she just smiles slicing your skin around the tattoo. The pain was unlike anything you've ever felt before, not only physical but also emotional, you got the tattoo because the crew means so much to you and you were loyal to them and them only but now it was being ripped away. Tears stream down your face as you scream out in pain and sadness the knife slicing under your skin to remove the tattoo from your thigh "She has a pretty scream" Charlos picks his running nose as he watches you scream and cry, his sister puts the knife down and places the piece of skin on a plate before holding her hands out. As you continue to sob on the table a slave walks over and wipes her hands clean of your blood while she looks over her work. "Much better" She comments walking around the table to sit back in her seat and drink her wine seeming very pleased with herself while her father snaps his fingers, the slaves let you go as two guards grab you and help you off the table "Fix her up and take her to the dress maker" Rosward orders his guards who nod supporting your weight as they walk you out the room "Farther can i have a say in the dress?" Charlos looks at his farther seeming to pick up the courage to ask his farther who simply sighs and nods, a big smile appears on his sons face who looks over at his eight wives all standing in a corner "Go with them, make sure the dress is pink and almost see through" His wives bow to him and walk after you and the two guards.
Making it back to the Docks was hard for Zoro and Luffy mainly because both of them where lost but luckily they came across Robin who was talking to a tied up marine "Robin" Luffy calls out running over to her with Zoro in toe "There you two are. We gathered a few but none of them seem to know where Y/n is" She smiles at them stepping away form the marine "We know where she is" The captain stops in front of the black haired woman who looks at him concerned since he doesn't have his usual big smile on his face "There's a lot to explain later, but we need to go now" Zoro states placing his hand on Luffy's shoulder who nods "We're heading to the red line, that's where Y/N is" The woman nods at her captains orders and leads the two back to the docks where the Sunny is now docked. It takes a few minutes to get everyone on the ship and head off but with Nami and Franky sensing the two's urgency they got away form the small island much faster. The navigator yelled orders as Franky set up the ship for a Coup de Burst, so they could get to the red line quicker, the crew became more and more worried as the ship took off wondering why you were taken back to the red line and the enraged look on their captain's and swordsman's face. "Hold on" Franky yells out near the wheel of the ship getting ready to press the button once everyone is holding onto something "Coup de Burst" The cyborg yells pushing the button launching the Sunny out of the water and into the air.
With the Sunny at full speed and back on the water Sanji hands out drinks to the crew as they all sit on the grassy deck, Zoro and Luffy told the crew what they knew trying not lash out in anger at the situation. "What? They can't do that" Chopper yells jumping up form his spot on the floor "Their celestial dragon's they can do whatever they want" Nami glares down at the cup in her hands anger taking over her, its bad enough that your a slave to those monsters but now ones marrying you as a show of power. Robin places a hand on her shoulder feeling saddened by the news, but she knew you were a fighter, and they would get you back. "Those bastards, how dare they. Oh, my sweet Y/N its going to be ok, your prince charming will come to save you" Sanji cry's out holding his hands to his heart swaying a little making Zoro growl, it only took one thing to throw the swordsman over the edge and the cook just stepped too far "I told you to cut that crap" The swordsman stands placing a hand on his sword "How many times have i told you, stupid cook?" Sanji jumps a little and growls at the green haired man stepping closer, he didn't want to start a fight, but he can't help it when Zoro yells at him like that "Hay man i just care about her thats all" The cook yells back the two getting in each others faces "Guys stop this isn't helping" Nami yells at the two as Usopp walks over to Luffy and sits next to him.
The sniper puts an arm around his captain trying to comfort his angry and slightly shaking friend, "We'll get her back, at this speed we'll make it there in time" Luffy sighs and looks at his friend with a small smile and a nod "I can't wait to punch that guy in the face again" The captain laughs a little while punching his fist into his hand making the sniper crack a smile. "Guys i said stop" The two are brought out of their conversation by Nami yelling at Zoro and Sanji who are kicking and punching each other "Knock it off moss head, i just care about her" Sanji yells dodging a punch and trying to get away form the very angry swordsman "I said cut that crap, you know how i hate it when you fawn over her. Its bad enough those assholes have her but now your making comments too" Zoro yells grabbing Sanji by the shirt and shoving him into the wall, the cook stares with wide eyes watching the swordsman's eye tear up a little. Luffy stands and tilts his hat down before walking over to the two prying Zoro's hand off Sanji and lightly pushing the swordsman away. The swordsman didn't put up a fight and stepped back his hands gripping his swords but had no intention of pulling them out. "This isn't helping." The captain states keeping his head down as he stands in between the two, Sanji nods and looks away while Zoro's eye's shift to the ground.
The tension was still thick everyone waiting with baited breath for something to happen, Zoro made the first move turning and walking up the steps to the kitchen "I need a drink" The swordsman groans walking into the kitchen and slamming the door closed. The crew lets out a collective sigh of relief now that the moment was over, "I'm sorry" Sanji sighs lighting up a cigarette as he looks at Luffy who's eyes are still covered as he looks at the ground. The captain simply nods before heading up the stairs and into the kitchen knowing he needed to have a talk with his first mate, Its normal for Sanji and Zoro to fight but this was different , Luffy could see the hurt and rage in the swordsman. Robin stands and takes Nami's hand as she watches the kitchen door close behind Luffy "We should get everything ready for tomorrow and get an early night" Robin's calming voice brings everyone back down to earth and nod heading off in order to get their weapons or the ship ready but Sanji stayed leaning against the wall smocking his cigarette trying to calm down from what just happened. Zoro downed another bottle while standing in the kitchen, he needed to take his mind off things for a second in order to calm down but all he could think of was a stiff drink. The swordsman sighs hearing the door open but upon feeling Luffy's aura he relaxes a bit glad that its not the cook, placing the empty bottle down along with the others he grabs another and pops off the top "Zoro" Luffy's voice soon calls out from behind the swordsman, but he can't bring himself to turn around and look at his captain.
Zoro knew the captain must be angry with him for the way he acted and didn't want to see the sad or angry face of the man he loved, at least not right now. "I'm sorry Luffy" Zoro sighs downing his drink, Luffy steps closer moving around the swordsman and leaning against the counter now able to see his face, tear stains on his red cheeks and a slightly blood shot eye. Its very rare for Zoro to cry and it broke the captain a little "I'm not mad, just wanted to see if your ok" Luffy leans a little closer as the green haired man slams the now empty bottle down but keeping a tight grip on it "I'm fi-" the swordsman goes to say but stops himself his hand loosening on the bottle as his eye finally looks over to Luffy, the two stared at each other for a minute until Luffy wraps his arms around the swordsman burying his head into the mans chest "I miss her too" The captain lets a few tears fall as he grips onto the back of Zoro's shirt, with a shaky sigh Zoro hugs back running his hands up and down his lovers back "It hurts Zo" Luffy looks up tears running down his face making Zoro's eyes soften and lean closer while wiping some of the tears away "I know... i feel it too" The two no longer feeling alone in their feelings hold each other close letting their emotions show even though Zoro try's to hold back as much as he can but soon caves in burying his head into Luffy's neck who starts rubbing his back. "We'll get her back so don't worry" The swordsman whispers into Luffy's neck trying to reassure the both of them "We will Zo. i promise" The captain says back placing a kiss on Zoro's shoulder who returns it with a kiss on the captains neck.
Your leg was bandaged up and the blood washed form you leg but the pain was still there even though your heart and body felt numb, a part of you felt so empty as the old dress maker measured you and pressed different shades of pink cloth to your skin. The other girls in the room watches sitting together on a sofa with vials covering their faces, they told the dress maker what Charlos told them and it made your skin crawl. "All done, your dress will be ready in the morning, congratulations" The dress maker smiles walking out the room the guards following her and locking the door behind them, why would she say that? Congratulations? For what getting married to the most disgusting, Arrogant and cruel man in the whole world? One of the girls stands and walks over lightly touching your hand as you stand in the middle of the room "Come sit" Her soft voice calls out as her hand takes yours and walks you over to the sofa helping you sit down. "Its over now" She whispers pulling her vale up so you can see her face, the other girls do the same moving closer to you so the eight women can hold each other. You felt a little bit of comfort as the girls hugged and tried to tell you I'll be ok, you know things won't be ok but you appreciate their kindness and effort. "What are your names" You finally speak some of the girls tearing up a bit, the girl who walked you over takes your head and lays it on her shoulder stroking your hair "It doesn't matter" she whispers with a sad voice.
You shake your head and lift it up form her shoulder now getting a good look at the girls, their either wearing blue or pink belly dancer outfits with long hair and very skinny waist's "It does to me" Your words seem to cut deep for one girl who breaks down crying being comforted by one of the other girls trying to shush her "You'll learn that they never use our names here so there's no point in telling you" Another girl speaks up gritting her teeth and looking away from you but you reach over and take her hand "It doesn't matter what they do or think... I'm Y/N and want to call you by your names" you state looking over the girls who seem to take a second to think about your words "Sakura" You look at the girl next to who helped you before, she smiles a little as her eyes meet your, smiling back you take her hand in yours "It's nice to meet you Sakura" the girl tears up at the sound of her own name and quickly hugs you slightly crying into your shoulder. "I'm Emi" The girl crying soon wipes her tears away and looks up at you with a small smile, the other girls decide to tell you their names too, Rin, Claire, Marie, Lina, Kashvi and Jae. You greet all of them hoping for once that they feel seen and acknowledged, they all seemed so sweet even though they've been through hell, At that moment you decided that when you leave they will be coming with you, their not going to suffer anymore.
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eroguron0nsense · 1 month
Chapter 1114 Thoughts/Spoilers
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So generally speaking, Joyboy being the first pirate to have ever lived makes a lot of fucking sense, as does Nika being a God of Elbaf (sun rituals and whatnot), and Doffy was obviously clued into the Red Line elevating them above everything for safety from the flooding, but I'm very interested in this one panel implying that Shalria and most of the Celestial Dragons themselves are completely unaware of their own history, and that whatever propaganda they've indoctrinated their own children and subsequent generations with has seemingly kept them just as in the dark as most ordinary people with regard to any of their true history or reasoning behind why they need to be in the location they do or enjoy certain privileges
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littlemissleapyear · 2 years
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@heavenlyborne​ asked: 👄 + Doflamingo?
send a ‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will talk about that character {Accepting} 
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        🕷It took a lot for the new songstress to not spit her tea back into cup at the Celestial Dragons question. Sure it wasn’t odd for a random question to pop out of her mouth now and again but this seemed like a direct strike for some reason. A heaviness the spider couldn’t really place, like stumbling on something one shouldn’t talk about. 
           Why did it matter? Doflamingo was one of the warlords, they did work for the world government and she did work for him. It was also no secret who was funding her rise to fame either. The blond had picked her up out of the gutter of her life and given her a second chance and this one far better then her previous captain. 
            She was lucky to not be in jail with Crocodile right now after all. Still, Layla went back to her tea sipping it and looking for the words. Weaving them slowly before presenting them. This was her captain and the head of her new family after all. 
            “He’s a very charismatic man, full of a light I’ve never seen in a person before. His planning and forethought are even rarer. He holds his family and kingdom in great regards and care. I have a real home and family for the first time in my life. Not just people I ‘tolerate’.” The spider went back to sipping her tea,” That and he’s ever so easy on the eyes, full color spectrum or not~ Who doesn't like a man whos mere precise speaks before him?” 
              “.....I have to say that becoming a business partner of his as well was a bit of a shock to the system but it works out. I don’t have to go to the ends of the seas for work anymore, I get to keep my nice tight knit circle of clients. He’s even helped with my preforming career....then again i’m sure that’s been noted even up here....” Layla had taking a few private performances for a few of the Celestial Dragon households even before Doffy had helped make her name bigger. 
               “Do not fear though, even though he keeps me busy I shall always have time for you Your Enlightenment~” Besides it seemed that the warlord wanted to keep his hands washed of theses trips as much as possible. He didn’t say it but there was always intensities in the air when explaining that Shalria had called upon her once more.   🕷
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sicklexclaws · 3 years
“Send me a number from 1-500 and I’ll tell you how I feel about you in a post without anyone knowing your identity.” - (not sure why the numbers matter but gotta go with numba 5.)
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Not gonna lie, this icon was TOTALLY my reaction when I saw you’d sent this in?? You’re another person with whom I haven’t spoken to very often despite both of us seeing each other around for some time... even now I feel a little intimidated to even be typing this given your sheer koala-tea, but you’re a well-known and well-liked person in the RPC for good reason and it’s more than just you being an amazing writer? You’re friendly and affable, vibing well with many types of wrtiters which isn’t a surprise given that your writing and portrayal is top-notch and far away one of the best examples of a dedicated roleplayer? Your characterization is always on point no matter who you are writing and your sense of humour and style knows no bounds! Seriously though, thinking about what what I’ve written a moment ago... we have interacted a tiny bit, which reminds me that I still have yet to reply to you over on Shalria if you’re still down with that? Not been feeling the most confident when it comes to writing for god knows how long now; sometimes I just FREEZE when it comes to thinking how best to respond, which probably sounds silly in hindsight given that you’ve always come across as a really chill type of person who is honestly just down for having fun? If not, I don’t mind - you’re a delight to see around either way and are all in all a most wholesome person!
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somftchilds · 3 years
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@heavenlyborne​​ said:
Sharp eyes locked onto their target, having caught a glimpse of something fluffy scuttling around on such little legs. What was it? Shalria had never seen any animal quite like it before, covered with a thick white coat none too different from her own... but it also a pair of horns, bore no collar and looked very cute. "You there, little thing... come here," Shalria cooed, extending a gloved hand towards the tiny creature. Obviously it didn't /belong/ to anybody, so she'd better take it home.
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      What should have been the warning sign? The plants screaming to run away? Why were they so loud and most of all urgent. So many warnings to run run run. Even the grass was talkative on it. Or perhaps it was the fact that this lady called her a thing. But she could have crossed that for someone just...not knowing anything--Galapagos could definitely look like an animal...if you squint...a little. Rummaging thoughts nearly made her miss the gloved hand reaching out and the anyagi quickly backed away, nearly tripping on her own fluffy tail...
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      “ umm...s sorry- w who are y you- not supposed t to umm....mm.. talk t to strangers- ”
      Galapagos’s expression shifted to more confused as she tried to decipher all the meanings around her. She wished they wouldn’t all talk at the same time- It made it really hard to focus. The marks on her face glowed as well as just her skin as a whole as she tried to listen and figure out what to say further--was she supposed to be careful? Why was she supposed to be careful?? 
      Thoughts stopped however, when the Anyagi lost focused--and her step, tripping over her tail and falling onto the ground.
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medicus-mortem · 3 years
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@heavenlyborne​ asked: "Why, if it isn't Trafalgar Law..." Shalria said, smirking lightly at the surgeon as though enjoying some private joke. "I read about your little stunt in Dressrosa and what you did to Donquixote Doflamingo. On behalf of all Tenryūbito, you have our thanks for dealing with that rogue but now I hear that Kaido is set firmly in your sights. My father and I have a bet, you see... I don't think you'll last ten minutes against him. Father disagrees. He thinks you won't last five," she laughed.
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   “Ah, yeah. You can take your thanks and shove it up your ass. Don’t give a fuck about any of you inbred scum,” Law says, his relaxed posture at odds with the hate in his eyes.
   There are some questions he should be asking. Like, why exactly is this Celestial Dragon interested in him? Or maybe he should consider the reasons for her to have decided to venture down from the safety of that heaven they like to hide within. Might even be prudent to wonder if she is being protected by someone powerful while on this little excursion of hers but Law finds himself not caring. If that becomes a threat soon then he’ll deal with it. All he is considering is the regret he’d feel if he didn’t seize this opportunity.
   Law takes a breath and straightens from his slouched position. Hand settles on the hilt of his sword. He can feel Kikoku practically shiver in anticipation. It can feel his hate and knows he doesn’t want to hold back. He doesn’t completely draw the sword, only pulling the blade free enough to make the threat clear.
   “Interestin’ that you’re considering that kind of thing.”
   There is a sigh and a sinister smirk spreads across his features. Now he exudes nothing but malice, all his hatred for the World Government and anything that represents them oozing from him. Such obvious murderous intent.
    “‘Cause I was just wondering how long you’d last on my operating table. It kinda depends on how curious I am and right now I’m real curious to see if your insides are as rotten as your personality is.”
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fear-fuel-dragon · 3 years
♭ - Her gloved hand moved with surprising swiftness as she reached for his jaw, the weight of her fingers almost delicate as her thumb rested on the very tip of his chin. There was no need to -grab- so harshly, not when she was just curious. Those eyes, they were red as precious rubies but more than that, Drake's body was WARM. Already it was seeping through the protective fabric concealing her flesh, and briefly she wondered how he might feel without them. "Drake. I shall remember your name."
♭ - grip my muse’s jaw to make them look yours in the eye
There was an invasive way to how Shalria looked at Drake, which is why he disliked making eye contact with her. It made him feel like something she was examining and probing, not someone she was looking. As he had his head turned away from her, trying to tune whatever she was saying, he instantly felt her icy cold gloved hand grab his face and pull close to her.
Chills ran down his spine as felt her hand through the fabric. Like a frozen over mannequin, her grip wasn’t strong, but it was tight and commanding. 
She was close, the only divide being that ridiculous bubble around her head. He glared fiercely at the Celestial Dragon. He wouldn’t let his anger get the best of him though. She wasn’t worth it...no matter how satisfying it would feel to put her in her place. 
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“I should feel so honored...” he said, dripping with sarcasm. He held back the urge to spit in her face. Wouldn’t make a difference. Would probably just slide down the side of that bubble. 
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heavenlyborne · 1 year
“It’s hard to recognize the light when you’ve spent your whole life in the dark.”
Sentence Starters - The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance
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“Is that why you shine as brightly as a star? To keep the darkness at bay?” Shalria inquired cooly, sipping at her wine as she slowly mulled over his words. The costly beverage was cold and fresh, taste sweetening upon her tongue. Tesoro was likely enjoying his drink too, especially since it was the first time he’d ever mentioned anything about his life other than as a man of talent. It was difficult to believe that a man so full of personality could have indeed spent his whole life in the dark but Shalria knew it wasn’t impossible. Gild Tesoro wasn’t known as the World’s Greatest Showman for nothing and the idea that the King of the Gran Tesoro, Lord of the World’s Largest Entertainment City might have his own dark secrets hidden beneath the veneer of glorious wealth and gold decorating his vast realm wasn’t really that far-fetched. After all, she’d seen many of his ’employees’ scrambling to serve his every whim,  no different than how the slaves behaved back home in Mariejois. Honey brown eyes slyly flickered up and down beneath the orange-tinted lenses of her eyewear. Tesoro wasn’t terribly old, just shy of forty years but in that moment between sipping his wine, the atmosphere shifted and suddenly he seemed so much older, the premature lines of his face looking heavier than she’d recalled ever seeing before. The blueness of his eyes, bright as his gaze was, had a faraway look to them as though his thoughts had drifted back to less pleasant times, when he hadn’t always been the illustrious ‘Casino King’ so many people had grown to love and fear.
 “Be that as it may, there is plenty of light in your life now. The Gran Tesoro shines like the moon itself even when sailing through the darkest waters and your performances bring light to the lives of those worthy enough to see you. Surely that’s something to be proud of?” Shalria said in her most pleasant voice, wondering if the showman would continue his line of thought or leave that conversation for another time...
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heavenlyborne · 2 years
Eᴠᴇɴ Mᴏʀᴇ Iɴᴄᴏʀʀᴇᴄᴛ Qᴜᴏᴛᴇs Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀᴛᴏʀ!
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Rya: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes? Shalria: For the dogs. Rya: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs? Shalria: They don't know how. 
(For that little extra fun, there’s more!)
Shalria: *nudges Rya at 3am* Pretty fucked up that we depict the moon as a girl and the sun as a boy. They're just floating rocks in space. Rya? Wake up, Rya! Listen! They're sexless! Rya: The sun isn't a rock, go back to sleep.
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heavenlyborne · 3 years
Why does your brother like mermaids so much?
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“You will refer to my great and honorable elder brother as Saint Charlos, peasant...” Shalria said quietly, her voice soft as silk but carrying an indefinite edge of thinly-veiled annoyance at the lack of respect used in reference to her older sibling. It passed as suddenly as it arrived however, the Celestial Dragon frowning thoughtfully as she pondered upon her brother’s curious obsession with the colourful fish-people of Ryuga Kingdom.       “It had to have been... oh, nearly ten years ago, shortly after our beloved mother’s passing. I was seven at the time while my brother had just had his twelfth birthday. He hadn’t enjoyed it for reasons you can easily understand, for our dearest mother’s loss was still raw in our hearts. Nothing could make him smile as he believed mother had gotten lost, that she needed to be found. He didn’t understand that she wasn’t ever coming back...” Shalria continued, a pitying expression crossing her face as she thought back to that day... Poor Charlos. He had never been the quickest thinker in the family despite their great and honorable father’s attempts to help his son understand that heaven eventually reclaimed their people. Every Tenryūbito would hear those hallowed calls when their time on this mortal plane was done, and knowing that mother would be waiting patiently for her family to rejoin her soothed the young woman’s cold heart.       But then Shalria remembered, when that abominable Donquixote Mjosgard had returned from his ill-fated voyage from that dreadful ‘Fishman Island’ after having failed to recaptured his escaped slaves. The very place where that filthy red fish had spawned from, having dared invade the sanctity of their home and free their slaves! The Celestial Dragon hissed at the memory of Mary Geoise still burning in her mind, thousands of slaves lost overnight and lo and behold, that green-haired idiot had actually brought one of them back - not as one of his slaves, but as an ally of their people-!                        Really! Those disgusting fish, becoming allies of dragons! Charlos had not smiled once since their mother’s passing and yet it had been that thing, that pestilent plaice that had dared hold some passing resemblence to the Rosward Matriarch, Rosward Nolaloth - that actually made her brother happy! Queen Otohime, it had been called, flashing a beautiful smile with painted red lips and pearly white fangs at the sullen child while extending it’s condolences for their dear mother’s loss along with the deepest respects from Ryuga Kingdom...       But Shalria saw the scheming creature for what it was, thinking it was actually a person but alas, her dear simple brother fell for it’s lies hook and sinker. How he’d finally smiled again upon hearing those treacherous words, taken by the others as a sign of blessing that negotiations should go forwards. From that moment on, the youngest child knew there was nothing she could have done to prevent relations from taking place, thus unable to prevent the fish from charming Donquixote Mjosgard into thinking he was human. He’d even freed his remaining slaves eventually, becoming just like his nameless cousin whom all Tenryūbito had stricken from the family records but still spoke about in hushed tones, especially when Mjosgard proved himself to be just as mad as his relative after all.
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      “When Mjosgard returned from Fishman Island, he brought their fish queen with him and somehow it worked it’s nasty fish magic upon that man and my brother! Since then he’s not stopped wanting one for his very own and becomes quite fixated whenever one is around or spoken of in conversation. So there you have it, why my dear older brother is so besotted by the things. Now, speak of it no more. It is an unpleasant memory to dwell upon any longer and may cause me to say something I’ll regret.”
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heavenlyborne · 3 years
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// tw animal abuse mentioned ~
As much as Shalria loves her father, he does grate on her nerves a lot. One of the things she hates most about him is meal times together, for Rosward’s favourite happens to be monkey’s brains. It makes her sick watching him eat away when the poor thing is still alive and is one of the reasons why she doesn’t eat very much, preferring to stick with her caviar and pieces of fish.
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heavenlyborne · 3 years
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One thing I really want to drabble about in future (should I ever get the energy and motivation to do so) is about Shalria’s earlier life since I imagine she’s not exactly ‘natural’ and Dr. Vegapunk’s assistance was possibly required to ensure the Roswards had at least one healthy child since Celestial Dragons only seem to have an average of around two throughout their lives. This coupled with Shalria’s genetic sleeplessness meant that Rosward wanted to make sure nothing happened to his precious heir therefore he entrusted Dr. Vegapunk to look after his daughter for a while, monitoring her health and condition while entertaining her with his many projects.
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heavenlyborne · 2 years
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“Shalria! Your time in this world is too short, you must get married as soon as possible and carry on the family name!”
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“Didn’t you only have children once you finally settled down at past thirty, father?”
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heavenlyborne · 3 years
@the-robot-universe​ asked:
So, Charlos, can you tell us what do you think of your sister? (OOC - sorry if I'm obsessed with him, he's my comfort character and I love and hate him atst)
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“Ehhhhh, Imouto-sama? She can be really scary sometimes!” Charlos grumbled while picking his nose absent-mindedly. Shalria was... difficult for him to comprehend at times, being his younger sister of at least five years but armed with a tongue even more biting than that of their father. She could make him feel just as small at times too - a withering glare or curl of her lip at something he’d said or done, and rarely could he gain either of their approval. Once upon a time, things had been different. Mother had loved them both, but then she’d passed on years ago, leaving their father behind to raise them both instead. Like all siblings they’d quarrelled, but no matter what the argument was, she always won - which just wasn’t fair, because he was older, so father should listen to him like the others did with their firstborn sons! Charlos simply couldn’t understand it, why Shalria had been picked to become head of the noble household instead of him once Rosward finally stepped down. He’d asked why once before too, since that was his birthright but he’d received such a nasty look from the older man, he hadn’t dared ask again. Charlos sighed. ”She’s smart, always has been just like mother. She looks and acts just like O-Chichiue-sama though, but I’m just as good as she is! Father will see one day!”
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heavenlyborne · 3 years
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Started drabbling. I’m enjoying it.
he had the unhealthy look of somebody who had lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time, his thin cheekbones even thinner and more pronounced than usual as he sat up in bed wearily.
“it’s just a goblet of wine, o-chichiue-sama. perhaps a small drink will help sleep come more easily?”
of course father trusted her above all others raising the rim to his lips but then he paused just as he was about to take a sip,
“And how do I know this is not poisoned!?” “Poisoned? By your own beloved daughter? Father, you’ve lost so much sleep, you hardly know what you’re even saying.” “Here, I’ll even prove it to you that this chalice is not poisoned. Mayhaps I’ll enjoy drinking from it regularly when I take over this household!” Shalria laughed, knocking back a mouthful before Rosward angrily snatched it back
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