#Shadowhunter downworlder relations
backpackingspace · 9 months
Alec purposefully making himself appear as harmless as possible in magnus's public spaces
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buffyspeak · 1 year
i get why people were concerned (though i can’t imagine alec cheating EVER, that’s just like, so antithetical to who he is as a person, he has plenty of flaws, that’s just simply not one of them), but i don’t see Any of his behavior with underhill as potential flirting. to me it’s like... alec doesn’t really have many friends outside of his family! aline, while i’m sure he genuinely enjoys her company and cares about her, was a Shared Family Friend, clary is not really his friend but HAS become family lmao (neither of them do anything by halves), he loves magnus deeply and there’s genuine friendlike fondness rooted in their relationship but magnus has a Distinctly Different role in his life.
underhill has like, no agenda, he just blatantly likes (and i mean this in a very platonic way) and respects alec and alec is tip-toing the idea of maybe not being misanthropic and actually trying to have a friend lmao.
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threewaywithdelusion · 6 months
The Land I Lost
Literally everything about Alec Lightwood in The Land I Lost makes me absolutely feral. The fact that he's trying to learn Indonesian for Magnus.
This entire passage:
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Like? The scorn from the idiot Shadowhunters? Lily's sass? The way Alec puts his hand on his weapon, fully willing to literally fight in defense of Magnus's (or Lily's) honor?
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The way he's absolutely convinced other Shadowhunters would try to murder him if they could get away with it but he uses his privilege to defend Lily.
This scene:
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relatable as hell. I, too, am bad at faces at names.
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The way Alec relates to Juliette's claim on her Downworlder children. The way he loves Max so fiercely.
This is literally from like 5 pages. Every single line of this entire short story is like one gut punch after another. I was giggling and kicking my feet while I read it. Alec and Lily's friendship is one of my favorite things and I love how hard Alec fights to make the world a better place and how he earns the trust of the Downworlders he protects.
Alec Lightwood is truly one of The Characters Ever. And I will never get over Alec and Magnus. They are the definition of love.
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lurafita · 29 days
Shadowhunter/Downworlder teamwork to not have to suffer their leader's bad mood
Alec gets sassier and saltier the longer he and Magnus get cockblocked. At some point, his subordinates just can't take it anymore, and countermeasures need to be implemented.
Both Alec and Magnus have important positions and are often called upon to deal with various things. So when the NY shadowhunters know that their boss is on a date with the high warlock, and something popps up, they do their level best to handle the situation quickly.
And if they need to establish better relations with the Downworld in order to get the help of another warlock for something just so they don’t have to call Magnus away from Alec, then that is damn well what they do.
New York shadowhunter/downworlder alliance as a byproduct of people not wanting to deal with their leaders when they haven't been laid enough.
"You think Lightwood gets bad? Magnus pouts. It's a lot more disturbing than you think! And he keeps sighing forlornly. And then he tries to distract himself by getting into everyone's business or inventing new things. Do you know how some things sound like good ideas at first, and then turn out to be horribly annoying? It's that 24 fucking 7 every time the High Warlock doesn't get to see his boyfriend enough."
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A group of downworlders choosing to trust in Alec over Clary, Izzy, and Jace. Alec getting recognition for 'his people' slowly but consistently improving relations, making compromises, and keeping promises vs pretty talk that promises the world but will strike you in the back for speaking against them.
Okay so like this went in such a different direction than I thought it would. I really don’t plan out the fics before I write them. Plots have never worked for me.
I see where the veins of the fic are going and try to flow along with them. So I’m not really sure how this ended up over 4k words of unplanned randomness but i hope you enjoy it
Like half of this fic was a complete accident.
Izzy seems shocked, the first time a seelie informant ignores her red lipped and heated smile.
Instead they head to Alec, and then stick by him. Watching the rest of the shadowhunters warily until Alec escorts them out of the institute and thanks them for their information.
“What was that?” She hisses and Alec doesn’t understand what is confusing for her.
“My job?” He asks, flatly but he offers the benefit of the doubt and when she sends him a glare and flounces her hair before stalking off, he squints in her direction. “I thought Izzy was still with Simon, is she looking for something new?”
“No idea, buddy.” Jace says but he also is looking a little putout and so Alec ignores it.
If he paid attention to every alarming thing his siblings and their entanglements did, he wouldn’t have time to breathe.
It happens again and again until even Clary is getting upset and Alec doesn’t get it.
“I’m more approachable! I have a better personality!” He hears Jace complaining at one point as Alec escorts a werewolf to Cat’s hospital so he can show her to the magical ward.
Alec once again ignores them as Izzy gestures to herself, “have you seen my outfit today?”
And Alec rolls his eyes because his siblings are ridiculous, thinking that people who are scared or in danger are going to focus on appearances.
And Alec knows he’s the least approachable looking, but that’s never been why he’s becoming the preferrence.
“Tell Magnus thank you.” The werewolf tells him, like it was Magnus who escorted her pregnant body to the hospital rather than Alec.
“I will.” Alec promises, because in all honesty, this has nothing to do with him and everything to do with Magnus.
He’s not being picked because he’s the most approachable or the strongest looking shadowhunter, or because of his personality. And he’s certainly not chosen for his position of authority.
Alec is picked because he’s Magnus’.
And Magnus will never allow what belongs to him to hurt what he protects.
And Alec works hard.
Not to be trustworthy himself, because it’s not his place to be.
He strives to never break the trust Magnus’ people have in Magnus.
The trust that Magnus put on the line when he declared Alexander a safe haven for his people.
And Alec will do whatever he needs to never, ever take this honor for granted, or to hurt Magnus by damaging it.
Because it isn’t that Magnus was declaring that Alec is friendly to downworlder.
He is declaring that he trusted Alec — Magnus’ Alexander — to never purposefully harm anything that was under Magnus' authority.
It’s not about Alec as a person.
It’s about what he means to Magnus.
And Alec is going to protect this, the strongest of Magnus’ declarations of devotion.
And if that means showing up at three in the afternoon to a traffic accident—
— half asleep and with pillow creases on his cheek from how quickly he got there —
— because when he’s being asked for specifically, by a very frantic werewolf who unsuspectingly went into labor in a cab, accidentally causing a crash and risking the exposure of the shadowworld.
Alec goes.
He leaves Magnus sleeping because Magnus has his own job and he trusts Alec to this.
Because a great deal of Magnus’ authority relies on his reputation and Magnus is not someone easily reached.
So Alec goes and he gets her there safely while his team covers up what caused the crash and then he activates his iratze so his fingers can heal as they’re broken and rebroken and he’s honestly relieved.
He’d rather have dozens of his bones broken over and over again than have to catch a baby from a stranger's vagina, but he would do it.
If he had to.
For Magnus.
“Oh thank fuck.” Alec barely manages to get out. He’s kneeling next to the werewolf, holding her hand with his jacket on the floor in case he needs something soft and cleanish.
Apparently they ‘had to wait’ which Alec thinks is hardly fair when her water broke while he was carrying her spasming and forcefully transforming body.
He is burning every article of clothing he’s wearing as soon as he gets home.
Alec gets to his feet and launches across the room, trying not to be too queasy.
“It’s not that bad.” Cat mocks him after the werewolf is magicked calm and wheeled away, and she is smirking at him.
“I wouldn’t touch a woman even if she had a dick.” Alec says dryly, because seelies have no shame and think threesomes should be offered like candy, “but it’s always so much worse when it’s that.” And Alec gestures with a grimace, “magical babies are so much less gross.” He mutters and Cat laughs, smooth and light and comforting after his trauma.
“Babies born from cannibalism, murder and soul destroying power are less gross?” She asks and Alec nods empathically.
“Cat, I have vaginal fluid over most of my body.” And Alec grimaces, “unless Magnus ever got bored of his genitals again, this was never going to be an issue I ever had to deal with. It’s part of our private vows.”
“Oh?” Cat asks like she’s humoring but Alec can tell by the sudden gleam in her tired eyes that she is thriving on his trauma.
“No traumatizing Alec with baby launching parts.” Alec paraphrases and he still feels a little lightheaded. “When Magnus asked me if I was willing to take vows that might set me against the clave, we spent months on it. Going over everything. Every pro and con. And Magnus promised me that while I might have to commit treason, I would never, ever have to deal with stuff like that.” Alec nods decisively, “I’m telling Magnus you kept his promise for him. And that you deserve a day away at the spa. Just the two of you, I’ll watch Madzie if you want.”
And Cat smiles at him, real and warm.
“You know, I didn’t think it would work. Magnus telling people you’d protect them in his stead if they could reach you.” Cat admits and Alec nods, just quietly pleased that she’s recently given permission for him to use her nickname. “But it seems that he’s getting wiser in his old years. Maybe it’s your youth that brings it out in him.”
“I’m going to tell Magnus you implied he is a cradle robber, again.” Alec says, but he’s fighting his own growing smile and Cat is grinning at him.
She reaches out slowly and Alec pretends to duck, butting into her hand like it’s an accident and she gets in a quick ruffle.
“I’d like that.” Cat admits, “if you remind him to bring the good stuff. Even magical spas have weak drinks.” She pauses and looks at him considerably and then adds, “Madzie would love to go to the aquarium again. She threw a fit—“ and when Alec raises a pointed brow Cat laughs and adds, “a very quiet fit, but still a fit. Apparently riding my shoulders isn’t the same as riding yours. She wants you to lift her so she can be up near the sharks and fish.”
And Alec nods, a soft smile on his own face even if his shirt is growing tacky and cold from the… disgusting evidence of new life.
It’s a slow thing, their friendship.
They’re always polite for Magnus’ sake but they both love him too much for it to be enough.
And they all love Madzie and she loves all of them, so they need a genial if not warm relationship.
But Alec is terrible at these things so he gratefully lets Cat lead the path of their friendship and he simply follows.
It’s a big deal for a downworlder. Letting a shadowhunter touch them or touching one. It’s a big deal, Cat letting Alec watch her daughter without Magnus.
Shadowhunters are born to be weapons.
Alec’s body, right down to his bone and blood, is designed and trained and tempered into pure danger.
And the clave doesn’t suffer their warriors to be sympathetic, or empathetic.
Alec’s bare hand is just as dangerous as any blade and unlike shadowhunters, who get to live and die and inflict more pain and trauma in a vicious cycle without consequences.
Warlocks have to live and remember and adapt to never getting justice and always watching the shadows for another glowing blade.
And Alec will never forget the pain in Magnus’ eyes when he explained why some nights, he has to ask Alec to wear a long sleeve turtleneck or a glamour over his runes.
The bad nights, where Magnus is troubled by memories and worried he’ll wake and see runes and think ‘enemy’ instead of ‘mine’.
And Alec stays still and pliable those nights. Covered up with fabric or magic and lets Magnus direct how much they touch and how far they go.
Magnus always marvels at his willingness to adapt to his needs.
And it only makes Alec want to do better, to be better and help heal every single hurt that life has carved into Magnus.
But he keeps his hands where Magnus tells him and he kisses as softly and adoringly as he can when he’s kissed and in the mornings, it’s a little better.
Alec stays still if he wakes first, letting Magnus set the pace for their day and canceling plans if needed.
And he waits to see if Magnus will go to the shower first or sit and slowly strip Alec.
They both always know Alec’s awake at that point, but Alec keeps his eyes closed and his breath even.
And Magnus slowly uses his magic or hands or both to bare Alec’s runes.
And Alec aches to hold Magnus, to thank him for loving Alec inspite of how painful it sometimes is, but Magnus doesn’t want to hear that.
It won’t help.
So Alec bites his lip and lets fingers trace over his runes as Magnus makes sure every rune is in its proper place.
Because even though they sometimes bring up old unhealed hurts, Alec knows that Magnus loves every part of him. Has proven it with mouth and words and kisses as he’s decorated and claimed each angelic mark.
So Alec doesn’t press, doesn’t promise.
He just nods, because this is supposed to be something nice, not stressful.
“I have several days where I'm allowed to be disconnected from the Institute.” Alec shrugs as he talks, “even my phone goes off and Magnus typically hits me with a spell that redirects fire messages. It’s rare but we worked out protocols for it after they almost ruined our anniversary. I can use one, for this.”
It’s a promise that Alec will ensure Madzie never has to see or meet or look at any shadowhunter Cat hasn’t personally vetted.
“You’re very accommodating about this.” Cat says instead of answering and Alec sighs and grimaces when he goes to rub his face and remembers what’s tackily drying on his hands.
“Not really. I mean, the institute isn’t what I would consider a vetted and safe place for her yet.” Alec sighs and closes his eyes, ignoring the hiss of magic and giving Cat a grateful smile as he feels the grime disappear.
He doesn’t like asking for favors and it would be awkward to make an official request for something so small to a newly budding friendship but the cleanliness is a relief.
“It could be years before I have enough respect and control and loyalty over every shadowhunter. It might never be completely safe. And I know you got her right after the event, you know what she was like. What she went through. What she was forced to do there. I don’t want her going there ever again unless we know that the worst she’ll get is a papercut because she tried to color my archives.” Because Alec still remembers how desperate Madzie was to save him, even being threatened and blackmailed and all because they’d shared a quiet smile.
“She’s been asking to visit you there.” Cat admits, “her therapist thinks she might need to walk through it. To process and get past that trauma. She’s not ready to talk about Rouse yet.”
And Alec sighs and he pinches his nose and is relieved when the pressure of his head ebbs a little.
“Okay.” He mutters, “okay I can work with this.”
Cat is giving him a weary but amused look, like she’s exhausted by reality but enjoying his attempts at fixing it.
“Okay. I need to have Magnus come check out the core. We never did a followup after the leylines. And it really is volatile, the clave has reports about it dating back months. I can order an official, clave sanctioned lockdown. It means only myself and my personal team are allowed out of our rooms. Everyone else is sealed into their own rooms with location monitors so sabotage can’t happen.”
Alec ignores the incredulous look he’s getting.
“A lot of shit happened because we didn’t have the right protocols and everyone ignored what we did have.” Alec admits roughly, “so I’ve changed a lot of things. The clave is tentatively letting me, since no one wants to outright argue after the last time they tried to sanction me.”
Magnus had been furious at the attempt and was Alec’s self-appointed advocate. Jia and Imogen both still wince when Alec mentions the love of his life.
“So, after your spa day. Because you’re definitely going to need one after whatever happens and she’ll need a good one before. We can do it. Issue a lockdown. Give Madzie enough time to process a walkthrough and then you’ll get her out of there so Magnus and I can actually do what we need.”
“And your team? Are they loyal? Do you trust them with her?”
And Alec looks at Cat and he grins, dark and feral and furious that he has to protect the child he loves from his own people.
“They know that if they so much as allow Madzie to be hurt in their presence, I’ll take the tripled equivalent of it out of their flesh.” And Alec grins even wider, his lips curling around his maw, “Mirai is my second-in-command and would sacrifice every member of our team and herself to preserve my life and authority. And they all know that I would sacrifice all of them for Magnus, for Madzie.” And he looks at Cat, whose loss would crush Magnus, “and for you.
“My team doesn’t love me, they respect me. They honor me. If they die they want it to be for my cause and in my stead. And it’s what I need, because love can be very fickle. You’ve never met any of them—“ because Alec knows that Cat is trying to ask if his siblings and Clary are a part of his personal team.
They are not.
“But they know the very basics of your identity and Madzie’s and why you’re so important to me. I’ll send you their files later. The unredacted ones.”
The ones even the clave doesn’t have.
“I’ll review it. But if I ask for it, will you be able to keep them away without tipping off anyone else?”
Alec nods, “they can stay in our war room if needed. It’s a new addition, Madzie won’t need to see it. Magnus can seal some of my energy to my tablet so you can use it and watch where each shadowhunter is. Will you need to bring her therapist with her? Magnus will have to trip the wards so their presence isn’t detected.”
The only other person who knows who Madzie’s therapist is, is actually Magnus.
Even Cat doesn’t know for sure.
Alec knows she vetted a group of shadowworld trauma specialists and then gave the only copy of the list to Magnus after they sealed a complicated geas that made her forget the contents.
There’s too much a risk of someone wanting the information Madzie has from Rouse and from Valentine.
So they keep it secret.
So that Madzie is safe.
“This is going to be so incredibly illegal.” Cat mutters but she looks relieved and a little less stressed despite how many clave rules they’ll be… bending.
“Even the portals from Idris go offline.” Alec tries to offer reassurance, “the risk of angelic power backlash is too much of a risk. If anyone catches on to your presence, we say we needed a healer on hand and you couldn’t get a babysitter. No one’s going to be stupid enough to press and not a single person is going to assume it’s happening because of Madzie or her therapy.”
And they wouldn’t because Cat had made her opinion clear on the subject of Madzie being any of the claves business.
Mainly that she was not in fact, their business.
And Magnus and Alec had backed her up.
“Okay. Let me talk to Magnus, and I think if we’re doing this, I'm going to change my mind. I don’t want to, but I think I will need to see all of your memories of her before she came to me.”
And Alec has to suck in a deep breath. Because he offered months ago and the option has been in limbo, Cat worried and unsure if it would help or make things worse.
The door to the maternity ward opens and Alec blinks, astonished that the baby is already born to interrupt their discussion.
Mother and child look thankfully clean, but Alec is still understandably wary as they’re wheeled over to him.
“Do you want to hold her?” The woman asks, eyes glowing as she smiles adoringly over her babe, “maybe Magnus Bane’s magic on you will bless her.”
“Is she—“ and Alec grimaces, “safe?”
And the new mother bares her teeth in offended disdain but Cat just snorts, “yes Alec, the baby is clean. You won’t have to touch ah, what was it you called it earlier, oh yes. ‘Baby launcher fluids?’ You won’t have to touch those again anytime soon.”
And Alec flushes because Cat is paraphrasing and then he’s being laughed at by two women and one of them got very intimate with him medically and the other emotionally.
He scoops up the baby, relieved that she’s clean and warm and healthy and he pets the soft downy hair.
“You’re going to grow up to be very strong.” He soothes as he rocks back and forth on his heels, “and maybe you’ll grow up to have a chocolate allergy but that’s okay. Unlike what Magnus insists, chocolate is not the superior flavor. And even if it was, you’re going to be able to taste sunshine on your tongue and see in the dark and—“ he watches the baby yawn and marvels as a little fist sleepily clutches his finger. “And Magnus is going to keep your home safe—“ he finishes, feeling a little lame because his brain is short circuiting at the strength in the little fist.
“Are all babies this strong or is it just werewolf and nephilim ones?” Alec asks before he can think better of it, he doesn’t see the amused looks pointed his way. He tries to wiggle his finger free but the baby’s face bunches up and Alec freezes.
“Cat—“ he whispers, “do magic. Quick. I can’t tell how much strength to use. What if I break her?.”
And Cat stares at him for a solid minute before she turns, leans against the wall and starts cackling.
Alec counts in his head, trying to keep his breathing as even and slow and possible. Babies are sensitive and if werewolf newborns are anything like nephilim ones, then they come with a set of instincts to protect them.
“Please take your baby back so I don’t wake her up or break her.” He whispers desperately and he gets instead a belly deep laugh and he pettily hopes she wakes up her own baby with all her damn howling.
He stands there, still as he can until Cat finally takes pity and rescues him.
However he’s still holding a grudge and he mutters to her, “you better remember to tell Magnus about what to bring yourself. I am going to conveniently forget.”
It doesn’t make him feel any better when Cat insists on opening a portal and then she shoves him through to the loft’s front door.
“Alexander?” Magnus asks sleepily when Alec finally gets into their room and Alec sighs, trudging over for a kiss before he remembers that magic aside, he’s not actually showered.
“I need sterilization.” He says and misses Magnus’ outstretched hand and startled gaze. Alec is too busy complaining to Cat via text that he can’t take a decontamination shower at Magnus’ and now he has to worry about infecting the loft.
She sends back twenty crying laughing emojis and a kissing heart and a middle finger emoji and Alec gives up.
“You're taking Cat out for a spa day.” He yells as he strips his clothes, still grumpy but sincere in his promises. “But if she asks you for the good stuff to drink, make her work for it!” Because Alec is learning to be petty right up there with Magnus, who is the best.
And Alec is a devoted student.
Alec is very content with himself as he uses his stele to draw a rune so his clothes begin to burn.
Magnus is standing in the doorway, staring at Alec in what he thinks might be shock when Alec finishes.
Which is fair.
Alec is still pretty shook himself.
“Clean first.” Alec promises, because in staying away he’s also denying himself kisses but he won’t subject Magnus to being equally infected.
And then Alec shuts the shower, draws a locking rune on the glass door for good measure and turns the water as hot as it can go.
Magnus is saying something muffled and Alec ignores the flare of his skin as it’s beaten by scalding angry water and just starts dumping bottles of soap over himself.
He manages to get what he feels is decently clean, and then Magnus is ignoring the locking rune, vanishing the entire shower door as he gets an arm around Alec’s waist and hauls him out of the lava masquerading as lava.
“What then actual fuck, Alexsnder?” His amazingly wonderful and incredibly magical Magnus is saying.
“Why is Cat sending me so many emojis? And what does she mean when she says you have occupational trauma?”
And Alec groans because he will forever be haunted.
“I love you.” He tells Magnus, “so much. But please, babe. I will literally happily go back to Edom or commit treason for you, but I cannot handle that again.”
Alec is too relieved at being clean to notice all the things he normally picks up.
So he doesn’t stop Magnus’ frantic call to Cat or Magnus’ horrified amusement at whatever she tells him.
“My poor, traumatized darling.” Magnus says and he presses his mouth to Alec’s forward.
Alec can feel his lips wobbling and he graciously ignores that it’s humor and not sympathy.
“I am.” Alec grumbles, tucking himself closer to Magnus, “traumatized. It was traumatic.” Alec lets out a little mournful sigh, “I really liked how much you liked me in those pants.”
“They could have been washed.” Magnus reminds him and Alec scoffs.
“They. Were. Contaminated. If I’d realized she was going to send me here, I would have refused. I wanted to decontaminate before I came home.”
“How about I draw us a bath?” Magnus asks and he kisses Alec’s shoulder. “
Alec nods and then sighs, “Magnus?” He asks and Magnus immediately makes a listening noise as he sets up the tub. “Can I have a full night's sleep before you never let me live this down?”
“I would never torment you with such a horrific experience.” Magnus lies, like the liar he enjoys being.
Alec gives a deep sigh and Magnus chuckles and kisses his forehead. “For your heroic actions in the face of such dangers, I will give you a full forty-eight hours and I won’t share Cat’s delightful puns until then.”
“How luxurious.” Alec mumbles and he’s falling back asleep, against Magnus and in the water.
Safe and clean.
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bubblespalace · 4 months
The Accords (Reader Insert Version)
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Chapter Four
Fuck you had to get up.
Nine-year-old you pressed your hand on the floor and tried to push yourself up, but the bloody slash on your stomach caused you to feel weak against your captor. “Watch your friend die and we'll make everything less painful, okay little one?” The man over you crooned.
You foolishly turned your head, capturing the eyes of the girl you had known since you were five, your oldest friend. Victoria was tied down to a hospital bed in the laboratory they had been stuck in, a machine attached to her, sucking out her blood. Her eyes cried out in pain and tears to her as she bled out, her life slowly being pulled out of her while she was still breathing. “(Y/N), please…” She wept, her normally cocky personality gone with the wind.
You looked up at the man keeping you pinned to the ground with pleading eyes. “She doesn't deserve this! Please! Take me instead!” You tasted your own blood in your mouth, a metal-like taste. The tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
The men in the room laughed, a horrible sound to your ears. “Oh, but we are taking the both of you. Your blood sells, Morganstern.”
“Don't call me Morganstern. My name is Wayland.” You grit your teeth, whimpering when you heard Victoria scream out in pain.
He leaned down and told you in a hushed voice. “Keep telling yourself that, Morganstern, you’ll always be related to him..”
Your gaze snapped to Victoria as she wailed out in pain once more before going limp on the bed, her blue eyes wide open and vacant. “Vic!” You screamed, in disbelief she was gone. Victoria didn't move, didn't spit out a witty remark, didn't blink.
It was all your fault.
The man pulled you up by her hair, and you obeyed, knowing the consequences if you didn't. “Now, ready for your treatment, Morganstern?”
The vampires around the room all smirked at you, baring their teeth.
You awoke from your dream of your past in a gorgeous parlor room, you were laid down on the velvet blue couch, and a fire was roaring from the fireplace, warming the colder room. You whimpered, believing you were alone so you could show pain or discomfort, and slowly sat up straight.
“Nfu~ Bitch-chan number two is finally awake.” You softly gasped in surprise and turned your head toward the source of the voice. He was, of course, gorgeous, but now that you knew everyone here was probably a vampire, you knew why. Vampires had to be attractive to get their prey. 
He looked a lot like the man at the gas station, same emerald green eyes with only slightly lighter red hair. The eyes he had seemed more playful, however, while the others had seemed more demanding and bossy. You couldn't help but wonder if they were closely related. He was wearing a fedora with a red ribbon tied around it, and he had a small mole on the right side of his mouth that seemed to enhance his natural beauty. His school uniform had two buttons at the top undone, probably to show off his chest a bit, and his tie was loosely knotted. God, you couldn't help but think it sucked that Nephilim were unable to date vampires and other Downworlders. All of them were so attractive, especially these men, but The Accords outlawed it because The Clave wants Shadowhunter babies, not any other race. It was understandable since Shadowhunter's population was low, but it was horrible how you couldn't marry or date who you fell in love with.
This vampire man inched closer to you, a suggestive smirk on his face. “Does the new Bitch-Chan speak? Kanato told me you only understood English.” He had a very cruel tone when taunting that some might have mistaken for flirting.
You scooted back a bit, uncomfortable under his stare. You have always been attracted to eyes, it's one of the first features you noticed, but you felt oddly uncomfortable under the eyes of anyone but Nephilim and loved ones. “I don't only understand English, I speak some other languages, but I have a name, you know.”
The unnamed man chuckled, grinning widely and showing off his fangs. He had cute little dimples on either side of his mouth. “What is it, Bitch-Chan? Whatever it is, I'll keep calling you Bitch-Chan too.” He winked at you teasingly.
You scowled, staring into his eyes with your (E/C) ones. “It's (Y/N), and you'll use my name, bloodsucker.” You attempted to stand, straightening Yourself up before your legs collapsed underneath you. You started to fall to the carpeted floor with a yelp, but this man caught you in his arms.
His grip felt very secure and safe, his arms wrapped around your waistline. You weren't used to being touched much, but you absolutely loved it when you had skin-to-skin contact. “I'm Laito, Bitch-Chan. The most attractive man here.” He smirked, which made you want to fawn over him for a second, but you knew better. No good came from Downworlders, you learned that at an early age.
“Such a liar, it's obvious it's Ore-sama.” You looked up at the owner of the voice, recognizing it.
“I should have guessed you were related.” You spat, pulling yourself out of Laito’s arms and onto the couch. “You both have that ‘egotistic’ quality.”
The man glared at her, his green eyes annoyed. “Oi! Shut up, Melons!”
You glared. "Don't call me melons, Christmas!"
“Be quiet… You're ruining my music…” You glanced at the blonde who was lying down on the other couch, his eyes were closed, probably sleeping. He, of course, was also good-looking, you just wished you could see what his eyes were like.
Kanato teleported into the room using his vampire powers, he was pretty beat up, but he would heal quickly. You had definitely done a number on him. You wondered if he was still pissed. “Look Teddy, the new doll is finally awake.”
You sighed, instinctively feeling your sheath for your Angel Blade while your eyes darted around the room, searching for exits. The white-haired and red-eyed man, who was leaning against a blank wall, scoffed. “ Tch, we aren't dumb, Nephilim. You don't have any more weapons on you. We confiscated them.”
You glared, putting the fury into your stare. “You aren't allowed to keep me here, it's against the Law.” You said, tapping your boot against the marble floor.
Laito smirked, sitting down next to you, although a little too close. “I'm sure The Clave will make an exception for us. Especially since it's illegal for you to be trespassing on Vampire's property in the first place.”
“You're fair game, Melons. Should have looked before you came to us.”
“I was hunting!” You retorted angrily. “I had direct orders from The Clave and there were no restricted places on my mission information, I wasn't informed there were vampires!”
The blonde groaned and pulled out an earphone and opened his eyes, giving you a death stare. Now that you had a better look at him, you saw just how gorgeous his eyes were, a beautiful ocean of calm. As blue as the sky. You were entranced for a moment. “Stop being so noisy. You broke the Law, so these are the consequences.” He closed his eyes again and put the earpods back in.
You felt speechless, like your life was being sold to yet another individual. “The Clave will come after you. I'm a top agent.”
“They have the guts to come after the Sakamaki's?” Ayato teased.
Your jaw went slack, a feeling of dread washed over you, you had known you had recognized their names. Kanato, Ayato, and Laito were the triplets of the Sakamaki family. Which meant the white-haired man and the blonde man were also their brothers. “No, no, no. There's no fucking way…”
Laito smirked, leaning in close to your face. “Surprise, Bitch-Chan.”
You quickly stood up, forcing your legs to be strong enough to hold your weight and backed away. “Holy shit…” You bumped into someone and quickly turned to face him. He was also a vampire, with those looks. Shiny magenta eyes that looked as though they could see through everything and also understand everything. He seemed very knowledgeable. He had such dark hair that you couldn't tell whether it was black or very dark blue.
“How unladylike, don't you know you should be aware of your movements? You aren't a very graceful woman, are you?” He said, there was something about his voice that gave him a commanding demeanor. You could tell he was intelligent and strict, and knowing this you knew you should apologize politely, but all you could do was freeze in terror. You had faced and killed many vampires before, but these were the sons of The Vampire King. Karlheinz was the only leader of Downworlders who had trouble agreeing with The Law, werewolves, faeries, and warlock were easily swayed to The Clave's side. The Clave knows not to piss off Karlheinz. He could, without a doubt, go up against Shadowhunter kind and win within a week. “It's customary to answer when someone talks to you, honestly.” 
You broke yourself out of your shocked state, stammering out a response.“Fuck, I'm sor-” 
“You curse too? Dear lord, I'm going to have to train so much out of you. The only good quality I see so far is in your bloodline.” The magenta-eyed man spat, disgusted.
Laito chuckled, his fangs peeking through his lips. “Her blood does smell delightful. May I have a bite, Bitch-Chan?” In a flash, the fedora-wearing man’s face was buried in the crook of your neck, you yelped and flinched back, attempting to push away Laito, but someone else did before you could.
“She's my doll! I saw her first, I get the first taste!” Kanato yelled at his younger brother, fury in his eyes. Laito chuckled, amused and not scared by his brother’s outburst. He stayed down where Kanato had pushed him, resting both of his arms under his head. “(Y/N), dolly, stay still,” Kanato spoke softly, it almost calmed you, his voice was just so hypnotizing. However, you knew what would happen if a vampire got a hold of your blood. As he leaned down, his teeth bared, to pierce your collarbone, you did something you would probably regret, you slapped him across the face. The room went completely silent, nobody said a single word, it was so very eerie. You didn't dare move a muscle, frozen from fear. Kanato slowly turned his head toward you again, a scowl on his face. “You really have to be put in your place, doll.” To your horror, Kanato wrapped his hand around your neck, squeezing lightly at first, seeming to test you. 
Your hand jumped to his wrist, in an attempt to get him to let go. “Kanato-” The vampire squeezed slightly tighter, probably restraining himself. “P-please…”
He glared down at you. “You have lost the right to beg for my mercy, Shadowhunter. Endure your punishment.” The purple-haired man tightened his grip even more, it took everything for you to not cry out in pain, your training never taught you what to do during a fight with one of the strongest pure-blood vampires to date.
Finally, You blacked out from oxygen deprivation, you did however spare your dignity as you didn't once scream. Kanato let go of your thin figure, blinking. “She's more fiery than the brides,” Ayato grumbled.
“Tch, she won't last a day here.” The white-haired man spoke from the other side of the room, his red eyes gleaming with curiosity and annoyance.
The youngest triplet chuckled. “Fufu~ She might surprise us. You never know.”
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edwinspaynes · 11 months
the shadowhunter chronicles ask game!
i've seen this for other fandoms and am interested in doing it for tsc too, so i'm compiling a 30-question list for people to use as an ask game!
which tsc series is your favourite overall? why?
which tsc series is your least favourite overall? why?
which tsc book is your favourite?
favourite short story collection?
favourite short story in any collection?
who is your favourite main girl (tessa, cordelia, clary, or emma?)
who are your top 3 characters overall? why do you love them?
who is your #1 god-tier all-time fave character? gun to your head, you can only choose one. don't be waffly.
favourite modern-day tsc character and why? (not immortals.)
favourite historical tsc character and why? (again, not immortals.)
who is your favourite antagonist?
do you prefer the modern or historical side of tsc?
who is your favourite tsc pet? (church, chairman meow, oscar, etc)
who is your favourite shadowhunter?
who is your favourite downworlder?
what is your favourite type of downworlder?
tell me your favourite tsc ship and what you love about it. you can choose 2 if you so desire, but no more.
tell me your favourite platonic pairing and what you love about it.
tell me about your favourite sibling set and what you love about them.
which character do you most relate to/identify with? (does not necessarily need to be your #1 fave)
which character do you think you would be good friends with? (does not necessarily need to be your #1 fave)
are there any popular characters you just don't care for?
are there any unpopular characters you absolutely adore?
london institute, new york institute, or los angeles institute?
you can spend one day with a character of your choosing. who are they and what are you doing together? (does not necessarily need to be your #1 fave)
you can choose to own any one item that exists in the tsc world. it will not function in our world and will only serve as a keepsake. what are you taking?
would you permanently hop into the shadow world if you could?
do you have any tsc merch? what is it?
have you ever met cassie?
have you made any close friends in the tsc fandom?
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soleilceirinen · 3 months
When the darkness comes | Tommy Shelby x Shadowhunter!Reader - Part 4
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Summary: you are a shadowhunter investigating the sudden rise of yin fen in the Downworld, the trail leads you to Small Heath and a blue eyed gangster.
A/N: I'm not sure about how this part turned out. Anyway, thanks for reading it. English isn't my first language, sorry if there are mistakes!
Warning: nothing.
Part 3 - Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Usually, patrolling the streets was boring. Not tonight. You had been following the trail of a ravener demon for about half an hour without it noticing. It was the first demon you had encountered in Small Heath since your arrival. 
Luckily, it was a minor one and not very smart. Its disgusting appearance, a mix between a centipede and crocodile with some scorpion parts, made your stomach turn. Sometimes these kinds of demons were used to follow someone or to keep an eye on something. 
That’s why you weren’t surprised when the ravener moved around all the places that were clearly Shelby territory. More specifically, the parts of Small Heath dedicated to their non legitimate businesses. So, without any doubts, the demon had something to do with the yin fen.
However, you didn't think it was directly related to the Shelbys. 
That is, someone external, maybe the one responsible for sending them the drug so that they could distribute it throughout England and export it to America, was the one controlling the ravener. It could be a warlock’s work. Also, there were probably more than one demon, although you hadn’t seen others, which could be a problem if they decided to attack you in group. 
Tired of walking around the city among piles of garbage and puddles from the same place to the next, you took out of your coat one of your seraph blades and got ready to finish off the ravener.
“Uriel,” you said out loud, giving a name to the blade. Instantly, it lit up, filled with angelic power as it brought light into the darkness.
At that moment, the demon noticed your presence. You already knew that the poor thing wasn’t very clever. It lunged at you with quick movements, trying to reach you with its disgusting insect-like legs. You moved faster thanks to a heightened speed rune. The seraph blade traced luminous arcs through the fog as well as the ravener’s body.
With a screech and a gush of dark ichor, the demon disappeared. They didn’t die, instead, they returned to their own dimension. You observed the light from the blade fading away, it was covered in ichor and it was starting to corrode so you dropped it, no longer useful. At least the ravener’s blood hadn’t splash all over yourself or your clothes. 
You scrunch your nose for a moment, looking around. There were no signs of more demons but the night was still long until dawn. With a sight, you closed your coat to protect yourself from the cold wind and continued patrolling. 
A couple hours later, you headed to The Garrison. A drink or two wouldn’t hurt. 
The warmth of the pub welcomed you like a hug. You appreciated the cosy atmosphere, despite the noise of the drunk customers laughing and talking. So you headed to the bar, where you sat in one of the seats and rested your head on your hand. 
After a while, you felt the presence of someone next to you, so close that their arm was brushing against yours. Slowly, you turned your head and watched him through your eyelashes, blinking lazily. “Good night, Tommy.”
He nodded, watching you closely. “Long night?”
You nodded back. "You have no idea. By the way, I'm not following you, in case you were wondering. I just wanted to get something to drink," you said quietly.
Tommy chuckled and turned to the bartender. He ordered a couple of bottles and glasses before turning to you, placing his hand on your lower back. "Come with me, we can talk in a quieter place." 
Without removing his hand from your back, he guided you to the private room at the side of the pub. After closing the doors behind him, the noise was muffled and distant. You took off your coat and sat down on one of the seats, resting your head against the wall. Tommy sat by your side, watching you like someone does with an exotic animal. He lit a cigarette and started smoking in silence.
The small window opened, revealing the bartender with Tommy’s order. He got up to pick it up and left it on the table. Your eyes followed him, too tired to move.
"I'd like you to try something," he said, pouring a clear liquid into one of the glasses and setting it down in front of you. 
You grabbed the glass and brought it to your face, smelling the contents. "What is it?"
“Try it,” he replied, leaning back in the chair, never taking his eyes off your face. At your expression of rejection, Tommy rolled his eyes and took the glass from your grasp, brushing his fingers against yours and drinking it in one gulp. “It isn’t poisoned, see? I just want you to try it and give me your honest opinion.”
You had learned the hard way not to drink or eat things offered by strangers, more specifically if those strangers were fairies. One could never trust them. However, you had already ruled out the possibility of Tommy being a fairy, right?
"Okay, I'll try it."
Tommy poured another glass and slid it in front of you. You took a small sip and hummed softly.
"Well?" he asked, putting out the cigarette in the ashtray.
You shrugged. "It's sweet, I suppose," you said unconvinced. "I don't drink regularly, so I don't know. It's not bad." 
"Not bad..." he murmured.
You grabbed the bottle and turned it in your hands, looking at the label. "Gin," you read aloud, "distilled for the eradication of the seemingly incurable sadness... Shelby Company Limited, it’s your own gin?" 
"It's part of the business," he explained as he sipped his whiskey.
As you finished the contents of your drink, a sudden wave of warmth spread through your chest, so you rolled up your shirt sleeves. That night you had discarded your shadowhunter gear and had decided to wear a simple white shirt and trousers. You loved wearing pants, it made fighting much easier than a dress or a skirt. 
Actually, from a distance you could pass for a boy or a young man. If you had worn one of those peaked cups, you could infiltrate among the Peaky Blinders and they wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Up close you couldn’t fool anybody. Tommy was delighted in the way the pants hugged your waist as well as the dark runes spread throughout your body, barely visible through the thin fabric of your shirt. 
"Do you like horses?" he asked suddenly.
You watched him with a raised eyebrow and nodded slowly, finding the question quite odd. "When I was little and lived in Idris, we had a horse. I used to ride all the time, it made me feel like Boudica. Why do you ask?"
Tommy shrugged. "Have you ever been to the races?"
After seeing you shake your head, he slapped the table cheerfully. He seemed to be in a good mood. "Tomorrow I'll take you to the races. Wear something nice."
“Alright,” you agreed, laughing softly at his enthusiasm.
He sat closer to you, throwing an arm over the back of your seat. You suppressed a smile, men were so easy to read sometimes.
"So, you don’t ride anymore?" he asked after a while. The tips of his fingers began to brush against the side of your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
You heaved a long sigh. "No. Unfortunately, I had to move to London a few years ago and it's not the same. In Idris I used to live in the countryside,  where I could ride freely, here I feel like I'm in a cage. Everything is grey, smokey and smells bad."
Tommy laughed. "I don't really understand what you mean about Idris but it sounds like a  good place. What made you come to London?"
You looked into his eyes, he seemed genuinely interested. Still, you looked away, focusing your attention on your hands.
"I'm a Nephilim, remember? A Shadowhunter," you saw Tommy nod out of the corner of your eye, "although we're all over the world, because there are demons everywhere, our home country is called Idris."
“I’ve never heard of it,” he commented, sitting a little closer to you.
"Of course, because it is non-existent for mundanes. It is located between Germany, France and Switzerland. Mundanes cannot access it, it is our sanctuary," you explained. "Years ago my parents were sent on a mission, it seemed like something routine and simple but they were ambushed and it didn't end well. They..."
Finishing the sentence wasn’t necessary because Tommy had understood. He squeezed your shoulder gently. "I'm sorry," he whispered.  
You looked at him with a frown. "Don't be sorry, that’s how life works. We are warriors, we must fulfil what has been entrusted to us since our creation, keep the Earth free of demons. Most Shadowhunters die young, that's how it is. We have been trained for it since we were children."
Tommy seemed surprised at the sudden vehemence of your words. Out of the blue, your face had become a hard facade, lacking the typical sparkle of amusement in your eyes. Instead, it seemed to have been replaced by a layer of grief and resignation. 
"They sent me to the London Institute to finish my training there and I stayed. I had nothing to return to in Idris," you said with a sad smile on your lips.
He closed the little space that separated him from you and pressed his lips against yours. You closed your eyes, tasting tobacco and whiskey. Then, you reached up and placed your hand on the back of his neck, where his hair was so short that it was barely there. Tommy grabbed your waist, pushing his tongue deeper in your mouth.
As you began to feel your crotch getting wet, you pulled away from him with a soft whimper and held his sharp jaw in your hand. “At what time will we meet tomorrow?" you asked in a whisper.
“Meet you here at five,” he muttered, staring at your lips hungrily. You released him, connecting your mouths again. 
An overwhelming feeling started to grow inside of your chest, so you got rid of his hands on your waist and stood up with fluid movements. You grabbed your coat and leaned to give him one last kiss. “See you tomorrow, Tommy.”
"Stay a little longer," he pleaded softly, trying to catch his breath.
You shook your head. A small smile threatened to peek at the corner of your mouth. It didn’t reach your eyes though. “I better get going, my night is not over yet,” you said, walking out of the room into the crowded pub. 
Tommy remained there as he watched you disappear without looking back.
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drusilla-carstairs · 4 days
Waittt I’m on a TWP tag bender and I saw your theory about Clary dying in it… you should totally elaborate more 😋😋 How do you think it’ll affect the characters around her??
I absolutely would love to elaborate on this post.
The way I see it, TWP has 3 main threats, as far as we know. There’s the Princes of Hell, Janus/The Seelie Queen (lumping them together because thematically they’re both entangled in Ash’s plot), and the Cohort.
We have already had quite a lot of set up for all three of these threats. I feel like thematically these three also represent the main three things that have plagued shadowhunters in every one of these books.
The Princes of Hell: Demons and demonic threats
Janus/The Seelie Queen: The downfalls of their relations to the downworlders, and their own corruption.
The Cohort: The fundamental issues with how Shadowhunter society has been structured.
I think a lot of people reading TDA hated the Cohort and Zara, because their views and actions constantly made things harder for the MCs, but overall, the Cohort has not been established as as big of a threat as it—and what it represents—really is.
Leading up to TWP I see a lot of people theorizing about the first 2 antagonist groups, but not the Cohort as much. Because right now they are literally stuck in Idris, and are more of a political threat than anything. I think to rectify this, around the second book of TWP, CC will cement the Cohort as a physically present threat that has to be overturned with the same urgency as The Princes of Hell. (I also think by book 2, the Janus threat will be mostly resolved, but I could be wrong with that).
The best way to do that is to have the Cohort fundamentally alter something that is core to this series. (Like killing Clary) I feel like TWP as a trilogy is set up to do that. It will change the status quo forever.
Killing Clary specifically is thematically relavent because 1) we just came from a death scare with her, so it would be all the more surprising, 2) Clary is the Cohort’s darling in their propaganda—they don’t really care about her, but her and her extra angel blood make her the poster child for their eugenics, 3) It would give Jace the option of turning out like Janus, something he will have to actively choose not to do.
It’s just a fun little theory/idea, I won’t be devastated if this doesn’t happen, it’s just something I could see happening. Plus we all know CC loves to end her second book in a trilogy with tragedy.
As for how those around her would react, we already kind of know from Thule, but it would be interesting to see how our universe TMI gang would change their reactions knowing how Thule turned out.
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
Jonathan Christopher Fray, how he would have been like (Headcanon)
A/N: Alright, remember when I said that whilst I'll mainly do KNB content, I want to branch out to other fandoms on occasion? This is one of those!
Now for the Shadowhunter fandom; my headcanons are usually me picking any topic I have a headcanon about for a character, whether its a subtle element I feel like others are missing, a character analysis kind of thingy, where I can see them in the future that sort of thing.
So hereby, I'll dedicate myself to Jonathan Christopher Fray, the boy Sebastian should have been. Here are my headcanon's for a version of him where he never was experimented on by Valentine and grew up with Clary in New York.
-He's actually the total opposite of his father. Whilst confident, he's a total sweetheart and a caring brother. I mean, we have seen Sebastian from Thule, and how all of his humanity has burned away in that world. Yet even then, he's more generous of a father and spoils his kid way more then he's ever been. If he can do things better then Valentine when he's pretty much a demon now- just think of how good of a soul Jonathan actually must have been. For it to have hold out against Lilith's demon's blood for at least 17 years also makes me think he has a very strong will. -He's the perfect older brother, Clary is very lucky. -Jonathan and Simon actually also get along pretty well. I have a suspision he'd actually could be convinced to game with Simon considering he did allow Ash to game. -In regards to the topic of gaming, by the time Jace would come around, the three of them would have annual gaming sessions. They even have their own mancave for doing so. -Alec and Magnus, tease them for it on occasion. -On occasion, Luke supplies them with beer as they decided to use Jonathan's old room as the mancave (he moved into the Institute). -Considering Jonathan grew up happily alongside Clary in this perfect world, he's actually fond of Luke. He considers Luke the father figure and role model he needed, and is glad he was raised by Luke instead of Valentine every day. -Actually also would have picked up some form of artistic pursuit.  With Jocelyn being a painter and Valentine having had carving skills, it's very much possible Clary isn't the only talented one. I have a feeling he would have been into ceramics, considering the way it can feature both sculpting and painting. -I literally have this scenario for a one shot in my head about him and the reader having a cute pottery date, with him trying to teach the reader, since being introduced to the concept of him in City of Heavenly Fire. -Considering his resemblance to Valentine, Jace pretty much was onto them being related right away, yet it did not stop him from falling in love with Clary anyway. He went into the tormented anguish of thinking he's in love with his sister right away. -After finding out the truth, Jonathan did not object fo Clary and Jace even though he found it a bit weird at first as Jace was still their adopted brother. -I imagine he's actually not too keen on fighting. Now, don't get me wrong he's still fighting alongside everyone when necessary but I can imagine he'd actually feel some responsibility being Valentine's son, and trying to work for Downworlders's rights politically rather then being active on patrols all the time.  -Valentine totally would have loathed everything he'd stand for. -Considering his pranking of Valentine, Jonathan totally has a mischievous, prankster streak. Especially when he was a young boy, he was a force to be reckoned with. -And he'd target any kid bullying Clary. -Which often got him into trouble. Jocelyn had to be called by the headmaster more then once. -But because he was a sweet, adorable boy they'd often just end up giving him a slap on the wrist. He definitely has that in common with Valentine, but sometimes Jonathan just creates too big of a mess to ignore. -Like, any April Fools. -Clary very much tries everything in her power to stay away from him during April Fools. He definitely got her good more then once when they were kids. -His creativity only makes it worse. -Jonathan was the one to carry the rings on Jocelyn and Luke's wedding. -And unlike Sebastian who's fashion sense is influenced by Valentine, these sort of occasions are the only time you'll spot Jonathen wearing a suit. Considering he's an artist, and probably wants comfort on the days were he isn't fighting, he dresses very casually.
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backpackingspace · 1 year
I have many feelings about the shadowhunter children and immortal downworlder dynamic. Like you have these ancient people "cornered" by these 14 year olds. They are demanding you're help. They are the children of your enemies and you know they have been trained to kill from birth trained to hate you from birth the 14 year olds think they are adults they way all young ones do but be shadowhunter standards they probably are, blooded in battle and all that. You've been silent for too long and the shadowhunters are getting ansy and you know they'll reach for a sword next. They're rude demanding the children of your enemies dangerous in their own right. And they're asking for your help and you are painfully aware that they are 14 years old.
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liesramblings · 4 months
Thinking about how in the City of Bones movie, the fact that Valentine wanted to genocide all Downworlders isn't mentioned, even though Shadowhunter-Downworlder relations affect so much of TSC. It didn't really make any sense to me, until I realized the producers and screenwriters probably weren't expecting the COA movie to be cancelled, and thought they would have time to develop that part of the story.
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takaraphoenix · 4 months
❛ you're mine, and i take care of what belongs to me. ❜ for Magnus and Jace? 👀
So this was supposed to be a smutty prompt but it accidentally turned into just pure possessive/protective Magnus with no smut? Ooops
A few weeks after he'd started hooking up with Magnus, Jace started to notice subtle changes.
Downworlders he encountered treated him with… recognition, at first. A certain degree of respect even. Not in a 'bowing down before him' sense, but rather… treat him as an equal than just as another Shadowhunter nuisance. He didn't notice at first, it took him a couple weeks.
He only noticed when it became more apparent. When Downworlders, particularly warlocks, started to… there was no other way to put it; to protect him. Like he was one of their own. They had his back, stepped in when someone else was out of line toward him. Which was just bizarre.
It wasn't hard to guess that this was related to Magnus, especially since warlocks seemed the only ones to actively step up for him and that this particularly happened in Pandemonium. He was getting VIP treatment at the club these days, got waved in ahead of the line, the bartender knew his favorites and always served him first. And whenever someone was even a hint of inappropriate with him, someone stepped in like he was a damsel in need of a knight protecting his virtue. It would severely piss him off if he didn't find it somewhat funny, quite frankly.
It was a couple months into it, and into whatever he had with Magnus, that it gave him pause. One particular incident that really struck Jace and left him reeling. He'd been hanging out at the bar, bantering with the bartender, Timothy Jeong, with whom he'd grown closer over the past months, when a warlock sat down, very close next to him, interrupting their conversation.
"Hello, gorgeous," the warlock smelt like alpha and sounded like sleazebag. "What's a pretty omega like you doing here all alone? I think you should go back to my hotel with me."
Jace was used to people hitting on him. Back in the day, he used to relish in that and take pretty much everyone home with him, living a life of hook-ups. Nowadays, he did consider himself taken, even though him and Magnus had never quite put a label on it. Yet what had started out as drunk, convenient hook-ups between roommates felt much different now, three months into it. So while Jace still liked the ego-boost of being hit on, he also didn't hook up with them anymore. He turned toward the man with a pleasant enough smile on his lips – knowing that some alphas could react very testy when an omega didn't immediately fawn over them and Jace would like to avoid causing a scene at Magnus' club. Before he could say anything did Hal Armstrong step up to them – head of security, the biggest, bulkiest alpha Jace had ever seen, tall and bald and with arms the size of Jace's head. If Jace had to guess, he'd say that Timothy must have called for security.
"Is that alpha bothering you, Omega Bane?"
And that was it. That was the moment Jace realized that whatever was going on was definitely more than just a bit suspicious behavior from some Downworlders around him. Omega Bane. It actually took Jace a while to register that Hal was talking to him, and then another couple moments to digest that and try to formulate a reply. Too long for Hal, it seemed, because the alpha was already standing right behind Jace, a looming presence, glaring down the stranger.
"Out of every omega at the club, you really picked the wrong one, pal," Timothy chuckled, casually leaning against the bar. "That's not just the club owner's omega. That's the High Warlock of Brooklyn's omega. If I were you, I would… scram, before Magnus Bane sees you."
Jace blinked repeatedly, looking between the guy who had hit on him, Hal and Timothy. What. The name Magnus Bane did the trick though, because the warlock's eyes widened in recognition and fear, before the man simply ran off. Jace tilted his head and crossed his arms.
"What was that," Jace asked, voice sharp.
"We want you to have a good time here and be undisturbed," Hal smiled at him.
The man looked scary at first glance but really was just a gigantic puppy. Jace heaved a sigh.
"I don't need you to intimidate people who hit on me, Hal. I'm quite capable of shaking unwanted attention myself, you know. This… was not necessary."
Hal faltered, looking like a kicked puppy, and Jace nearly felt bad. Only nearly though, because he really did not appreciate being patronized by alphas. He'd had to fight for everything, every ounce of respect from alphas in the field. To prove that he didn't need saving.
"Look," Jace sighed. "Thank you for wanting to help, I appreciate that, but how about, from now on, you help me when I signal that I need your help?"
"Oh. Okay. Yeah," Hal nodded quickly. "Sure, I'm sorry. I just, Alpha Bane said-"
"I do not need any alpha to speak for me," Jace's voice was final. "Not even Magnus, not even in his own club. Am I understood?"
"Yes, Omega Bane," Hal ducked his head like a naughty child.
And there it was again. Omega Bane. There was a weird sense of pleasure, pride and giddiness bubbling in Jace's chest that he tried to squish. Couldn't think about that right now. Maybe couldn't think about that at all. Because if he thought about that too hard, he might have to confront his feelings for Magnus. And that was something he'd effectively avoided thinking about these past months. Mostly, he admitted, because there was always something else going on – between Valentine's return, Jocelyn's death, the loss of the Mortal Cup, the reveal that he was Clary's brother, the reveal that he wasn't Clary's brother. When was he supposed to reflect on the nature of his feelings for the alpha warlock who had taken him in, became a drinking buddy and then became a convenient hook-up, repeatedly, until it started feeling like more than hook-ups.
That had been the first time Jace really noticed, but it wasn't what pushed him into talking to Magnus about it. Feelings. He didn't do those, much less talking about those. No, that only happened about a month later, when he'd been on a mission with Clary and Izzy and things had gone awry. Alec was missing. Jace and Alec were a duo, they were so in-sync, they worked as one. Now that Alec was head of the Institute though, he went on far less missions and Jace was still adjusting to that, while Clary was still adjusting to being a Shadowhunter, missing years of training.
They'd been overrun by demons, overwhelmed, got separated. Jace was bleeding profoundly from a slash on his side where one of the four demons he was battling on his own had hit him with its claws. He'd managed to kill two of them at this point, but he didn't know where Izzy and Clary were and he was starting to feel dizzy from the blood-loss. One of the two demons left roared at him and slashed at him again, but Jace wouldn't be Jace if he didn't battle to the very last second of his life. He cut off the beast's hand, causing it to roar in distress. However, it was also distracted, just enough for Jace to try and run. A coward's move, his father would say. A means of survival, his parabatai would say. He made it out of the sewers and toward an alley.
"Oh shit, oh crap you are bleeding, like, a lot," stranger, female voice, panicked. "Wait. You're the. The High Warlock's omega. Oh shit. Hold on."
Jace squinted, trying to make the blurry person in front of him out. The blood loss was getting to him. Someone – this person – grabbing his arm was the last thing he noticed before blacking out.
When Jace next came to it, it was in a comfortable and known environment. Magnus' bed in the loft. He recognized the soft sheets and the safe scent of his alpha all around him. A hand reached out, brushing his hair out of his face. Magnus' hand. He'd recognize those fingers anywhere. Humming softly, he leaned into the comforting, gentle touch.
"You awake, Trouble?" Magnus' voice was soft. "Do you need anything?"
"Wa… Water," Jace coughed, blinking his eyes open.
The next moment, Magnus held a water-bottle against Jace's lips, helping him drink. Jace's heart was skipping a beat at the gentle care. He was so used to powering through any injury mostly alone, the only one who'd get close enough to take care of him for any extend of time was his parabatai.
"Alexander left about an hour ago. I had a hard time prying him from your bedside," Magnus smiled bemused. "But he was in need of a shower, a warm meal and his own bed. Andrew helped me lure his boyfriend back to the Institute to take care of himself for a change. I'll text him."
"Thank you," Jace heaved a sigh as he tried to sit up, but a stinging pain brought him down.
"Sh," Magnus rested a gentle hand on his chest to ease him back down. "You were seriously injured, you need to lay down and rest more, Trouble."
Slowly, bit by bit, the events that had brought him into this bed came back to him. "Clary and Izzy."
"They're fine," Magnus assured him with the smallest smile. "Couple bruises, broken arm in Isabelle's case, but other than that, no serious injuries."
A deep, relieved sigh as Jace settled into the bed more comfortably. Magnus' bed. It had been two months at least since Jace last slept in 'his' bed – his bed at the loft. Far longer since he'd been back to the Institute. Even after Aldertree had been removed as head, Jace never returned. By then, him and Magnus had already started sleeping with each other and Jace was so comfortable here.
"How did I get here?" Jace asked slowly. "I remember the sewers, but…"
"Phoebe Nightingale, one of my warlocks, came across you in an alley and portaled you here," Magnus looked utterly pleased by that. "It was greatly appreciated."
The High Warlock's omega. Jace remembered hearing those words in the alley. It made him think of the other instances he'd been referred to as such by warlocks. Omega Bane. Jace had ignored it for weeks now. Maybe because he… liked the sound of it. Maybe because he'd gone through yet another identity crisis, gone from being a Wayland to being a Morgenstern to Luke and Clary trying to make him a Fray to… not being anyone, really, because he didn't know who his parents were, just that Valentine and Jocelyn weren't it. He currently had no real last name, not really.
"Why do your warlocks think that I am your omega?"
"Because you are, honey," Magnus raised one eyebrow, his fingers gently tracing Jace's face. "You're mine, and I take care of what belongs to me."
Jace flushed, his head racing at Magnus' words. He'd never dared to ask what they were, but it seemed that Magnus had a pretty clear idea of what they were. Reaching out, Jace took Magnus' wrist to pull him down onto the bed with him and, slow and with a wince, Jace rolled over to snuggle up to his alpha. Magnus hummed pleased, wrapping an arm around his waist.
~*~ The End ~*~
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threewaywithdelusion · 6 months
Alec Lightwood Not Giving a Single Fuck About the Law
(Spoilers! So many spoilers! For everything except Secrets of Blackthorn Hall, because I haven't read it yet)
I'm not too clear on what the Accords say about Shadowhunters policing Downworlders/what Downworlders are not allowed to do. But I'm pretty sure all of these must be illegal (or at least frowned upon):
Not reporting that Magnus started a joke cult that turned in a real cult that was killing people and worshiping a Greater Demon
Letting the person actually running said evil cult go free after they had captured her because he knew the Clave would execute her and even though Shinyun was literally responsible for several murders, he thought she deserved a second chance (and Magnus related to her, and Alec wanted to spare Magnus pain)
Never reporting Elliott of the New York Vampire Clan for literally everything he has done, including biting several Downworlders at a party, having multiple incidents with faerie fruit, "accidentally" biting 17 mundanes while under the influence (including at least one time where Lily had to stop him from killing the mundane in question), and cheating on two Selkies who then caused property damage in a fight with each other
relatedly, not reporting Mordecai, the faerie fruit dealer
(I just love this entire exchange: "As the current head of the New York Institute," Maryse said, with an attempt at firmness, "if there is illegal Downworlder activity happening, it should be reported to me." "I do not talk to Nephilim about Downworlder business," Lily said severely. The Lightwood parents stared at her, and then swung their heads in sync to stare at their son. Lily waved a dismissed hand in their direction. "Except for Alec, he's a special case.")
Watching Juliette, Werewolf Queen of the Buenos Aires Shadow Market, kill a Shadowhunter and just lightly suggest she try to take the Shadowhunters alive (and then not punish her in any way for killing that one guy)
Not reporting that Ragnor Fell had found a realm for the Greater Demon Sammael and also worked for him for a period of time (I don't think the Clave would care that Ragnor didn't had a choice because of the sventhorn)
Suggested in the final battle in Queen of Air and Darkness that an effective way to render opposing Shadowhunters unconscious would be to have vampires bite them and drink enough of their blood that they passed out
Protecting Marcy, the werewolf who transformed at a club during a full moon, and never reporting her for almost revealing the shadow world to Mundanes and injuring several of them
Breaking the Cold Peace several times by visiting several Shadow Markets, interacting with faeries, and pretending not to know about multiple illegal Shadowhunter-faerie relationships (Tian/Jinfeng and Mark/Kieran/Cristina)
Not illegal but probably seen as outrageous by other Shadowhunters:
marrying Magnus in Shadowhunter gold
traipsing into a hell dimension to save Downworlders
letting a vampire (Simon) drink his blood
offering his blood to a different vampire (Lily)
raising a Downworlder child as his own (and also training that child like a Shadowhunter)
raising a Shadowhunter child that has a Downworlder parent
Basically, Alec Lightwood is a badass and the fact that he went from the type of guy who said "sed lex, dura lex" to the man who did all of this is the reason he is one of my favorite characters ever
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lurafita · 3 months
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Does make my brain itch about canon divergence where Magnus really does not want to get involved. (not even for the pretty shadowhunter). And then it's kinda like: "I will help you this once! And then you leave me alone." - but, they are at his door again pretty much the next day -
Magnus had started out hopeful that one day, better relations between the shadowhutners and the downworld could be build. That things would change and grow. And examples of open minded shadowhunters, of good ones, of ones who were fair, and just, and non-racist, had been there over the centuries. But the more Magnus trusted in these kind of men and women heralding the change in their society, the more he was disappointed of them just being the exception to the rule. And after the circle, after witnessing, once again, how the clave handles their own in contrast to how it handles the downworld, he decided that he has had enough. He steps down from his position as high warlock (he will always help his fellow downworlders, but he won't be a go to for the local institute anymore. Let Lorenzo do it, as the younger warlock seems to think of it as a position of status) He turns away Jocelyn Fairchild when she knocks on his door, telling her to either return to her ilk, or find another warlock to do her bidding. And while for some time, shadowhunters still try to hire him, (he is one of the most powerful warlocks alive), after some firm rebuffs, they give up. Even his club, Pandemonium, is no longer accepting of those who bear runes. The specilized wards barr entry for the angels' chosen. Life is peaceful for the warlock. (If maybe sometimes lacking a sense of adventure) Until one day, a particularly persistent young, red haired woman, and her seeming entourage of shadowhunters, come knocking at his door. Again, and again and again.
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alexanderlightweight · 10 months
I have a question related to the cider verse. There was only something about why Alec never told his siblings that he was dating Magnus. Does Magnus tell someone? Ragnor, Raphael, or Catarina. Also, when they were getting married, they were only discussing whether Alec wanted to invite his siblings. There is nothing about Magnus wanting to have anyone close to him during his wedding.
so Jem is going to be able to share his memories of the ceremony eventually when they all meet up and this is a nephilim ceremony. like they're married, they are bound, they are eternally tied together but they haven't completed the ritual/warlock/consort aspect of their marriage and relationship yet
most rituals like that require time to nurture magic inside your consort or the ritual you're using and this was a quick problem solve.
this was an elopement and magnus offered for alecs siblings to be there because they aren't going be allowed to be at the warlock ceremony and magnus knows that alec's not going to want to deal with another nephilim ceremony just to include his siblings
they're in the middle of a budding war, they don't have time for a beautiful ceremony with downworlders and shadowhunters alike. alecs siblings would never have been invited if cat and ragnor were attending because magnus wouldn't have trusted them with the knwledge that ragnor is so close to him.
and cat and ragnor dn't care about this ceremony. they care about the ceremony that they'll be actively involved in and can share the joy and magic of it with magnus and thats mre important to him too
like if alec can't trust them to tell them he's in a relationship, magnus isn't going to risk sharing his closest friends and the ties he shares with them that could be used against him and them
magnus never intended to invite them. he doesn't care because they'll be at the most important ceremony possible for warlocks when he has time to do that with alec and also their safety is paramount.
raphael imo is not nearly as important a witness as cat and ragnor to magnus and no way is magnus having either of those come near a silent brther (even if it is jem) when the tensions are this high. there is a risk other silent brthers could track jem (as slim as it is) and jem knws better too.
what they're doing isn't illegal, but magus isn't about to implicate anyone important to him and the clave would target warlock witnesses over nephilim
i hpe that makes sense?
and sorry my 'o' key is iffy and i tend to save my editing spons for writing
<3 lumine
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