spopsalt · 5 months
Scroptra is so much better than Catradora. It's never even funny. Now, of course, I don't ship it because Catra was a horrible friend to Scropia, but it is miles better than Catradora. Also, just a disclaimer because I hear people say this against Scroptra, Scropia is confirmed to be around the same age as Catra and Adora. Now, here's why it's better than Catradora:
They aren't siblings first off.
They showed her growing closer to Scropia, like her sharing a blanket with her and considering staying with her in the crimson waste.
Catra seemed to value Scropia over other people. Like her breaking down when Scropia left and how Scropia calling her a bad friend actually hurt her.
Catra didn't do nearly as many bad things to Scropia as she did to Adora. She didn't attempt to kill Scropia, assault Scropia, or mind control Scropia.
Catra treats Scropia like a human being.
Catra seemed to be softer with Scropia than she was with most. She wasn't nice, but she did have more moments of humanity when it came to Scropia.
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incorrect-she-ra · 5 years
Scorpia: The other day, Entrapta asked me if I have a crush on Catra and obviously I said no.
Scorpia: You know, like a liar.
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thicc-anxieties · 5 years
someone yell at me about she-ra pls 
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fujosh1dreamer · 5 years
Parallels between Entrapdak and scroptra:
Entrapta almost convinces Hordak to stall on opening the portal just so they can have more time together.
Scorpia almost convinces Catra to nobgo back to the horde, so they can stay together in the crimson waste.
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When Catra tricks Hordak in to activating the portal he's shocked and saddened more then he is angry.
When Catra goes to pull the leaver she looks adora in the eyes and smirks.
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The escape:
When they flee Catra basically had to drag Hordak away he's just so upset, he really didn't want to leave without entrapta.
Catra on the other hand is actually scared. She knows that adora isn't going to forgive her for this and that terrifies her.
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tumb1rprincess · 5 years
Work’s been slow, so I managed to binge-watch all of Season 3 of She-Ra.
Okay, so I know I originally started watching this show ‘cause of all the Catradora stuff I kept seeing, but man, I loved a lot of the other pairings this season too.  Glimmadora, Scroptra, Entrapdak, they all had some good moments.
The Catradora stuff at the end though, when reality was falling apart, was so good too.  So sad.
I love how all the bad guys are just stuck in this never-ending chain of trying to prove themselves to those above them.  Catra always tried to prove herself to Shadow Weaver, and she tried to prove herself to Hordak, and he tried to prove himself to Horde Prime.  It’s kinda tragic.
Huntara was a great addition this season.  I hope we get to see more of her.
Angella’s sacrifice at the end was so sad.  I’m hoping the next season will devote some time to Glimmer adjusting to that, and being the queen of Bright Moon as well.
Kind of sad we didn’t get to see more of the rest of the Princess Alliance, but there was a whole lot of other stuff going on too, so I guess they couldn’t get much screen-time this season.
Basically, I loved this season.  Looks like Catra and Hordak will be stuck together for a while.  It’ll be interesting to see if Shadow Weaver will stay with Adora or just go off and do her own thing.  And it looks like we’ll have to deal with Horde Prime now that he knows where Hordak is.  I’m so excited!
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spopsalt · 5 months
And again to contrast a pair between Glimmer and Adora, you can pair Scorpia and Catra to give a parallel relationship. Have Catra at first be not as warm to Scorpia until she later develops more into a better person who seeks comfort since Adora left? Instead of Catra being power hungry have it be she seeks validation in the Horde because it's the only life she's known and practically is indoctrinated into it. Maybe have her at first not be open to Scorpia hugging her but gradually lets her in and allows more physical contact with her as the seasons go by and the rift between her and Adora grows. Like Catra tries to be tough but gradually she learns with Scorpia to let down her defense and show she's the traumatized child solider she was indoctrinated as.
Thanks for the ask anon! Honestly, Scroptra is a much better ship than Catradora, while it's still toxic, it did actually have some good development by showing Catra slowly warm up to Scropia, it had some really good potential! But nope! You know who would be better for Catra? Her sister whom she abuses!
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