#Samas Aran
Okay, don't wanna take a break from RWBY & MLP Models real quick so question.
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madspeed · 9 months
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Musicology here, reporting in on the unlikely duo Don Vitro! These classy crustaceans use the soft melody of the glass armonica alongside the booming rhythm of the traditional buk to make some of the freshest tunes. Make sure to keep an ear out for their newest tracks during battle, coming soon!
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Name: Aran Species: Japanese Spider Crab Instrument: Glass Armonica
The more quiet and soft-spoken of the two, she spends most of her free time keeping her claws clean with a twenty-step routine.
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Name: Sama Species: Peacock Mantis Shrimp Instrument: Buk (traditional Korean drum)
Despite her small size, she hides incredible arm strength under their thick coat sleeves, perfect for striking her large drums with a booming force.
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fancoloredglasses · 4 months
Captain N: The Game Master (A better brand ambassador than Nintendo cereal)
[All images are owned by DIC Animation (and I’m guessing Nintendo) Please don’t sue me]
(Thanks to Cartoonintro)
One cannot understate the popularity of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in the late 80s. Unlike the previous “king” (the Atari 2600; yes, the 5200 was released 3 years before the NES, but it didn’t have the traction the 2600 did), the processor was powerful enough to play games that looked exactly like they do in the arcades.
And what games they were! Aside from the arcade ports, the NES had games that would be the start of several franchises that are still releasing new games to this day!
In fact, the NES was so popular they had their own fan magazine (Nintendo Power) that had an advice column headed by an entity known only as “Captain Nintendo (later “Captain N”)
Eventually Captain N got a comic within the magazine, which the led to Nintendo contracting DIC Animation to make a television series.
And what a series it was! In addition to the main cast (more on them in a bit), nearly EVERY franchise on the NES made an appearance at one point or another, except one…
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(Thanks to The Dubbing Database)
…because they had their own show.
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The show’s premise is that a teen named Kevin is summoned via his NES, along with his dog Duke, to a realm known as Video Land.
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Kevin is rechristened “Captain N” (good thing he already had a letterman jacket with an N on it) and is the Chosen One, destined to save the realm. Assisting Captain N in his quest are…
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Princess Lana, the de facto ruler of Video Land after her father’s disappearance
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Simon Belmont (the main character from the original Castlevania), who is a pompous ass, has a massive crush on Lana, and believes he’s the Hero of the Story. He’s mainly used for comic relief, but mainly through his interactions with the other heroes (he’s obviously not incompetent; Nintendo’s trying to sell his video game after all!)
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Kid Icarus (from the video game of the same name), who is a crack archer and can obviously fly, though he has issues with his height; he’s the shortest of the heroes besides…
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…Mega Man (from the game of the same name), who has a variety of devices and attachments.
But what’s a hero without villains, and have they got the who’s who for a mastermind…
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Mother Brain from Metroid (for some reason, the show doesn’t have the game’s hero Samas Aran) Unfortunately, she has a “Who’s that?!” for henchmen.
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The Eggplant Wizard (from Kid Icarus) and King Hippo (from Mike Tyson’s Punch Out), who are the incompetent comic relief on the villain side.
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Fortunately, she does have some competence in the form of Dr. Wily (from Mega Man) Unfortunately, he doesn’t show up that often.
The plots are run-of-the-mill. Mother Brain comes up with a plan to take over Video Land (or ay least one of the realms within) and it’s up to Captain N and his allies to stop her (usually aided inadvertently by Hippo and Eggplant’s bumbling) And somewhere along the way, Simon awkwardly tries to hook up with Lana despite the fact that she’s clearly not interested.
If you would like to watch the series, it’s available in its entirety on YouTube.
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liminalitycarb · 5 months
Xenoblade 2 - Final Chapter (Part 11) - And thus, boy met girl.
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..this bridge does not seem like the safest thing when THE ENTIRE SPACE STATION IS SHAKING APART.
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But they're at the control room! Everything will be fine with no unexpected twists or turns. These are clearly booster rockets!
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Or.. Morag recognizes the escape pods as being ship like. I guess despite the advanced tech, they kind of do look similar to the titan ships.
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And too late, Rex realizes something is wrong and tries to run back.
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You know... the first tip off to everyone that something was wrong is that isn't Pneuma supposed to have full access to the entire facility? The control room was in front of them the entire time.
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"I'm sorry" she says, before pulling a Gandalf and proclaiming YOU SHALL NOT RETURN!
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Oh.. the REAL plan for destroying the tree... another SUICIDE MISSION... and the SECOND ONE involving the Aion.
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Um.. no Rex. I think even if she suceeds, things will not be fine. The worst may be avoided, but surely not everything will be destroyed.. this ring of a space station does encircle the entire PLANET after all..
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Rex can't grappling hook over there, but surely Poppi can just fast-ball special him over with her jetpack! ...If... only she hadn't made a promise earlier that she feels bound to uphold that is...
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Look how sad this is making Poppi! She's so conflicted and... REX, DO NOT SHAKE THE POPPI! I get you're upset and under a TON of stress right now.
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You know.. this is I think the second time Rex has had to actually just accept Pyra/Mythra/Pneuma's decision. But even then, Rex just had a small pouty session and decided to not let go. I.. don't know if Rex knows how to.
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Well.. now Rex has his own Zohar. Though... it went dark really fast.
And now it is time for Pneuma's final plan to go into action I guess. though I still wonder HOW DOES SHE FUNCTION WITH THAT HOLE IN HER CHEST WHERE THE CORE CRYSTAL USED TO BE!?
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5 Minutes until space station destruction. I didn't know Pneuma was related to Samas Aran!
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And Pneuma's final moments. Reflecting on how, despite it only being a very short time (what.. was this even a month overall in their world?) she appreciated everything.
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Oh never mind, Pneuma remoted into the pod and launched it for them.
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gabedut · 11 months
I’ll be honest, I more than really can’t stop thinking about Samas Aran as Peter B.. I must see more of her in her Middle Ages. Sorry if I’m pandering you on it.
Ah I see lol. Personally I'm still not in the mood to draw things like that since realistic-proportioned humans like Sammy are out of my comfort zone. Hope you understand. Still, glad you liked that doodle after so long. Maybe I'll draw her again sometime
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fantasibersafari · 1 year
Aku pernah punya sahabat yang ngefans banget sama JKT48. Fanatiknya dia istiqomah dari jaman SMK sampe lulus dan kerja. Sampe rambut udah dimana2. Kadang suka aneh liatnya, cowo kok ngidolnya konsisten banget gonta ganti generasi masih aja ngikutin, tapi kadang juga aku salut sama kekonsistenannya itu.
Dia kakak tingkatku di SMK, karena ikut dua organisasi yang sama di sekolah, jadi sering berkegiatan bareng, sampe pulang nyegat bis pun bareng. Kita berdua juga punya hobi yang sama, yaitu ngeblog.
Selulusnya sekolah, aku dan dia berpisah. komunikasi lambat laun kian jarang. terakhir kali kita berkomunikasi, via videocall whatsapp di akhir 2022. Kala itu seperti biasa, jika aku pulang ke kampung halamanku di Banjarnegara, aku ajak dia bertemu untuk main, tapi saat itu dia sedang berada di kota sebelah.
8 Februari 2023, Saat itu aku sedang berada di Madinah menjalankan trip umrahku. Aku mendengar kabar dia meninggal. Reaksiku kala itu masih tak percaya, karena memang dia suka bercanda orangnya. Aku cek di grup organisasi pun mengkonfirmasi kematiannya. Semakin meyakinkanku, namun masih berat untuk ikhlas. Dia orang baik, suka membuat orang sekitarnya tertawa, supel dan energik. Namun ku sadar, semua yang hidup pasti akan mati dengan atau tanpa sebab.
Maaf aku jarang tanyakan kabarmu, maaf aku tak pernah reply twit mu, semoga kau tenang, semoga husnul khatimah, Aran Setiadi.
Alfatihah untukmu, Kawan.
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bubblevlu · 10 months
Her Problem
Saat mereka berjalan bersama sama, tak sedikit murid menggoda mereka. Aran dengan sikap cueknya tidak merasa terganggu. Berbeda dengan Natha. Dia sedikit takut dengan godaan dan tatapan yang dilayangkan murid murid.
Sesampainya di ruang guru, Natha segera menemui guru pelajaran sebelumnya. Sedangkan Aran bertemu dengan guru BK.
“Natha ya?” panggil guru itu
“I iya” panggil Natha
“Natha. Bapak mau bilang. Tolong perbaiki nilai akademis mu. Saya tahu kamu tidak suka pelajaran saya. Tapi, bapak mohon kamu agar mendengarkan guru yang menjelaskan. Gak cuman pelajaran bapak doang. Pelajaran guru lain juga. Mengerti?” nasihat guru itu dengan ekspresi wajah khawatir
Natha. Selain sikapnya introvert, dia buruk dalam akademis. Nilainya pas pasan. Tak ada bakat, tak ada yang dapat dia banggakan. Kelebihannya adalah lari dari masalah.
“Siap pak mengerti” jawab Natha
“Ya sudah kamu kembali istirahat” perintah Pak guru
Gadis itu yang selalu memasang wajah ketakutan dan kekhawatiran (kecuali dengan Alan) segera pergi dari ruang guru dan pergi ke belakang sekolah. Meratapi dirinya yang begitu menyedihkan.
“Kamu lagi. Kita ketemuan terus deh” ucap Aran yang tiba tiba datang di hadapan Natha
“Kamu? Kok bisa kabur dari amarah guru BK? Kan guru BK suka ceramah Panjang lebar” tanya Natha
“Alibi” jawab Aran sembari duduk di sebelah Natha
“Kamu gak takut kita ketahuan murid murid? Kita dekat lapangan loh” tanya Aran
“Ini semak semak besar. Kita tak mungkin ketahuan. Apalagi ini dilindungi tanaman tanaman yang merunduk” jawab Natha
“Kamu memang selalu menemukan tempat tempat yang istimewa” puji Aran
Natha yang mendengar hal itu langsung tersipu malu.
Mereka terus berbincang satu sama lain hingga bel masuk pelajaran berikutnya memberhentikan aktivitas mereka. Natha dan Aran pergi ke kelas masing masing dan mengikuti pelajaran hingga selesai.
Selesai sekolah, Natha cepat cepat pergi dari bangunan itu. Alasannya bukan untuk menjauhi Aran (mungkin sedikit) tapi ia ingin ke tempat Alan bekerja. Pada jam pulang sekolah, tempat kerja Alan sepi. Jadi, Natha dapat sesuka hati melihat Alan bekerja.
Tapi, sayangnya Natha harus pergi ke tempat kerja Alan lain hari. Karena, mamanyadatang menjemput dia.
“Thana, ayo cepet masuk” perintah mamanya
Sang empunya nama hanya diam saja. Tak mengindahkan perintah mamanya
“THANA!” teriak mamanya sehingga membuat murid yang berlalu lalang melihat Natha dan mamanya.
Natha pun berlari ke arah bukit. Ia tak peduli ia akan dimarahi mamanya. POKOKNYA DIA TIDAK AKAN PULANG KE RUMAH SAAT ORANGTUANYA PULANG AWAL.
Remaja itu terus berlari hingga sampai di rumah neneknya. Sebenarnya, itu bukan neneknya. Tapi, itu adalah penjaga kebun sekolah dulu. Natha adalah teman baik nenek itu. Kadang, Natha menginap di rumah nenek itu kala ada masalah di rumahnya.
“Nenek” ucap Natha ngos ngosan
“Kamu datang kemari cu?” tanya nenek
“I iya” jawab Natha sedang mengatur napasnya
“Loh Natha?” tanya seseorang yang Natha rasa pernah dengar suaranya
Natha pun melayangkan pandangannya ke arah orang itu. Lalu, ia terkejut seketika. Alan. Cowo itu sudah berdiri di hadapanya dengan ekspresi yang sulit Natha artikan.
Chapter 4 : end
Title: Natha and Her Teenager Life
b o n u s  p i c t :
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tempat persembunyian Natha
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444names · 1 year
somali forenames BUT including "a"
Aadoobe Aahlaal Aashe Abbaan Aboow Absane Absiriye Abtid Afaa Afaal Afadawel Alane Alle Amal Araal Araatale Arane Arreyd Arshiye Ashin Asle Astoow Awaa Awaale Awaaso Awac Awad Awarkhan Aweloosax Awiil Awil Axle Aybdo Aydiye Aygande Ayow Ayte Ayteey Ayteyte Baalin Baalle Baan Baaran Baasoblaa Baayte Bacare Baddooda Badiid Badiltis Badsagab Badsane Bahab Bahin Balado Balayala Banaadan Baras Bare Baro Barsinle Baruumowe Baso Baxabad Baxle Beynahiye Bicarways Biidal Biigala Bilas Billayte Bisoblas Caad Caan Caane Caar Caardire Caas Caayaas Cabado Cabey Cadan Caddo Cajmadoon Cala Calaahdo Cale Callan Calle Caluub Canbad Care Carsafaa Casi Casle Caso Cawaan Cawaane Cawado Cawarl Cawarwac Cawayabo Cawaygaas Cawe Caweljiro Cawllised Cawsane Cayaasub Cayale Cayd Caydalan Caydi Caye Caygaan Caygare Cayo Cayreye Cays Chabbe Chane Cigad Cigiraale Ciglaado Colan Cosamad Culas Daad Daale Dale Dane Daraaxle Dare Darni Deeggan Dhaanyow Dhabe Dhaberac Dhabsiid Dhadeey Dhalaarra Dhale Dhalle Dhiidane Dhirbar Dhodan Diftimiya Digaagan Digane Diidan Diral Dubadoon Dubbaxoow Dugaad Dugafia Eraarood Erira Faagooge Faamac Faane Fane Fictirada Filabbad Fiyaal Foowhawe Furmays Gaabshaya Gaad Gaadsadi Gaajuusmo Gaal Gaalan Gaaloodo Gaan Gaanle Gaare Gaaso Gaban Gabbo Gabe Gabilax Gacawo Gado Gafaan Galesiye Galibac Galliilo Galo Gamesiye Gane Garreys Garsaad Geeran Goodane Goorraa Goosabooy Guharo Gurxad Habee Haddi Hadoor Hadsamawe Hakhaalad Halle Hamele Hawaab Hawl Hawra Haynahe Hibane Hodanjo Hodawaan Hoddiya Hufaalane Idane Idhawad Idmaare Idmad Ifaarsh Igaale Iglabeec Illaane Irbisan Iriya Jaahibis Jaan Jaare Jaarshe Jabastub Jabro Jaxaraxo Jaxayd Jayreya Jiraban Kaal Kaale Kaan Kaande Kaane Kaarad Kaifooso Kalo Kare Karni Karo Khab Khariya Kiibarl Koodaman Kooyabe Kullan Kulxaal Laad Lisraboon Maadle Maan Maaritin Maartiran Maaways Macteye Madeg Mado Magoos Magsax Mahabbo Mahi Makarwo Malasiise Male Mane Maraane Mare Markhaan Maroob Mashire Matad Matalinle Matosoon Matus Maybeyle Miladiid Misraane Mudale Naagsire Naale Naar Nabax Nabo Nabsan Nadoon Nage Nagsafia Nahad Nahidane Nahlan Najaxo Najmad Najmahe Najuun Nakaaxad Namane Name Narbar Narmow Nase Nashid Naso Nurtardo Obla Odale Odaro Odarsafia Odoodal Qaafle Qabaaruux Qabarira Qabin Qabshible Qalan Qalane Qalle Qalo Qanbicte Qande Qane Qaraago Qaroon Qarro Qaybeye Qayow Qays Qorlaaqo Qorlane Raalaane Raale Raalimow Raar Saadoole Saal Saan Saayteri Sadan Safic Sahabar Sahadoon Salan Salliya Salliye Sama Samaalbe Samaan Samago Samale Same Sameshin Sandees Sane Sanle Saxaad Saxnahac Saxsan Shad Shal Shane Sharmado Shodanjo Shodmale Subaane Subbarre Sugaame Sugbac Sugsad Suutimad Taabbo Taal Tabere Tadsane Talan Tarshiri Tawaal Tawke Tooddan Tubasobe Tukaa Turaayd Ugalaqlan Ugamaa Ugane Ugarooge Ugban Waad Waadoon Waafle Waale Waame Waaq Waashe Waaxaan Wacni Waddicte Wara Warax Warke Warmaan Warto Waygan Wayreye Ways Xaadhan Xaan Xaanado Xaanamays Xaane Xaarle Xaarni Xaashire Xaasiile Xabaal Xaban Xabe Xabro Xabyo Xaddo Xala Xalad Xale Xalow Xane Xare Xarle Xaroon Xarshodo Xayo Xays Xilaqale Yaad Yaaled Yaan Yaane Yaar Yaastus Yaawe Yabahi Yabande Yabeydale Yurxaa
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cynthiaandsamus · 1 year
This just in new glaring weakness of famed Bounty Hunter Samas Aran has been found.
Going through doors just straight up fucking kills her.
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"What can I say? Some days just getting out of the house feels like murder."
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Models Goal for 2024
Huh 116 (62 Left), not small but not nearly as big as I figured... Neat. Also these models aren't in any particular order.
I think I should be able to clear them fairly fast actually, we'll guess we'll see.
1. Coco Adel (RWBY)
2. Lisa Lavender (RWBY)
3. Gwen Darcy (RWBY)
4. Nebula Violette (RWBY)
5. Dew Gayl (RWBY)
6. Octavia Ember (RWBY)
7. Ariel Vasilias/ Neptune's Lawyer Mom (RWBY)
8. Star Sanzang/ Sun's Cousin (RWBY)
9. Comet Sanzang/ Sun's Cousin (RWBY) (Scrapped Character)
10. Iris Marilla/ Beacon 2nd Year (RWBY)
11. Tortuga/ Ace-Ops Dead Member (RWBY)
12. Rowena Sunnybrook/ Shade's Weapon Teacher (RWBY)
13. Humanoid Crocea Mors (RWBY)
14. Bianca Prisma (RWBY)
15. Roane Ashwood/ Flynt's (RWBY)
16. Ivy Thickety/ Sun's (RWBY)
17. Ruda Tilleroot (RWBY)
18. Atlas Milfs/ Jaune's Fan Club (RWBY)
19. Arslan Atlan/ Sun's (RWBY)
20. Oliver Harper/ Flynt's (RWBY)
21. Trifa/ White Fang Girl/ Mercury's (RWBY)
22. Sun Wukong (RWBY)
23. Mercury Black (RWBY)
24. Flynt Coal (RWBY)
25. Iona Rockshow (RWBY)
26. Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony)
27. Starlight Glimmer (My Little Pony)
28. Celestia (My Little Pony)
29. Luna (My Little Pony)
30. Maud Pie (My Little Pony)
31. Apple Bloom (My Little Pony)
32. Sweetie Belle (My Little Pony)
33. Scootaloo (My Little Pony)
34. Trixie (My Little Pony)
35. Ember (My Little Pony)
36. Gabby (My Little Pony)
37. Lancer Artoria (Fate Stay Series)
38. Assassin Artoria (Fate Stay Series)
39. Saber Lily (Fate Stay Series) (Commissioned)
40. Mordred (Fate Stay Series) (Commissioned)
41. Jeanne D'Arc (Fate Stay Series)
42. Jeanne D'Arc Alter (Fate Stay Series)
43. Barghest (Fate Stay Series)
44. Suzu Hagimura (Seitokai Yakuindomo) (Commissioned)
45. Mona Megistus (Genshin Impact)
46. Amber (Genshin Impact)
47. Fubuki (One Punch Man)
48. Tatsumaki (One Punch Man)
50. Leone (Akame Ga Kill)
51. Rangiku Matsumoto (Bleach)
52. Yoruichi Shihouin (Bleach)
53. Tier Harribel (Bleach)
54. Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck (Bleach)
55. Sio-Feng/ Soifon (Bleach)
56. Riruka Dokugamine (Bleach)
57. Haineko (Bleach)
58. Kirche von Zerbst (Familar of Zero)
59. Henrietta de Tristain (Familar of Zero)
60. Tabitha/ Charlotte de Gallia (Familar of Zero)
61. Tiffania Westwood (Familar of Zero)
62. Siesta (Familar of Zero)
63. Guiche de Gramont (Familar of Zero) (It's okay to cuck cheaters in my book)
64. Hideri Kanzaki (Blend S)
65. Tristana (League of Legends) (Blame @palaceofpassion for making me lowkey love this character I know nothing about)
66. Poppy (League of Legends) (Same as the one above)
67. Lulu (League of Legends)
68. Vex (League of Legends)
69. Aloe (Interspecies Reviewers)
70. Crimvael (Interspecies Reviewers)
71. Chika Fujiwara (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
72. Toyomi Fujiwara (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
73. Moeha Fujiwara (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
74. Maki Shijo (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
75. Ai Hayasaka (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
76. Kei Shirogane (Kaguya-Sama, Love is War)
77. Sakura (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
78. Yoshi (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
79. Maki Gamou (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
80. Sana Sunomiya/ President (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
81. Hana Sunomiya (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
82. Misaki Nagatoro/ Nagatoro's Older Sister (Don't Toy With Me Nagatoro)
83. Samus Aran (Metroid)
84. Princess Peach (Mario)
85. Princess Daisy (Mario)
86. Princess Rosalina (Mario)
87. Koopa Queen Bowsette (Mario)
88. Morrigan Aensland (Dark Stalker)
89. Lilith Aensland (Dark Stalker)
90. Felicia (Dark Stalker)
91. Amy Rose (Sonic)
92. Rouge the Bat (Sonic)
93. Blaze the Cat (Sonic)
94. Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
95. Holli Would (Cool World)
96. Ty Lee (Avatar)
97. Toph Beifong (Avatar)
98. Hestia (Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)
99. Rumi Usagiyama/ Mirko (My Hero Academia)
100. Kaina Tsutsumi / Lady Nagant (My Hero Academia)
101. Melissa Shield (My Hero Academia)
102. Mei Hatsume (My Hero Academia)
103. Shino Sosaki/ Mandalay (My Hero Academia)
104. Ryuko Tsuchikawa/ Pixie-Bob (My Hero Academia)
105. Tomoko Shiretoko/ Ragdoll (My Hero Academia)
106. Lucoa (Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon)
107. Diana Prince/ Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
108. Raven (DC Comics)
109. Starfire (DC Comics)
110. Blackfire (DC Comics)
111. Jinx (DC Comics)
112. Argent (DC Comics)
113. Dee Dee Sisters (DC Comics)
114. Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
115. Izumo Kamiki (Blue Exorcist)
116. Maria Yoshida (Blue Exorcist)
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silver-tongues-blog · 2 years
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living-and-awaken · 3 years
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Samus Aran in a swimsuit being scandalous!!!! Clear time was 2:22. Next one I will beat it in under 2 hours. Anyways... here is Samus in the famous "Samus is a girl, she wears a bikini of you beat the game fast enough!!!" Ending. When I was a kids anytime someone mentioned this game somewhere someone brought up getting Samus to be seen in a bikini.
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cuppajoegamer · 5 years
So far a great start to a cinematic version of Metroid. I like where the vision is going, if you want to see where this goes spread this around! Derrick works for a gaming news site and needs this to reach a certain quota to continue.
#Hashtag to heck and back!
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xxmisty · 5 years
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Samus Aran
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hydranomago · 2 years
► Ichiro being comforted by Samatoki about Kuko and Sasara leaving 
[Master Post] for more HypMic Stage Videos
Ichi: “To me, Kuko was my trusted friend. That’s an undeniable fact.”
Sama: “Are you still thinking about him?”
Ichi: “Samatoki-san...Even if I know it’s pointless think about it now; I can’t restrain myself.” 
Sama: “The Kuko and Sasara who were always with us are gone now. It’s not easy to change our feelings for them; this is something I understand too.” 
Ichi: “I’m sorry.” 
Sama: “However Ichiro, don’t you still have me by your side? I won’t disappear suddenly, so don’t keep wearing that depressed look.” 
Ichi: “Samatoki-san...” 
Sama: “Anyway, it’s not like they’re dead. As long as we’re still alive, we can meet them again.” 
Ichi: “You’re right. Samatoki-san, thank you very much.” 
Sama: “You’re hungry aren’t you? Let’s go grab a meal.” 
Ichi: (bows) 
Sama: “What are you doing?” 
Ichi: “Yes, sorry.” 
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saffrongamer · 7 years
Super Metroid Review Script
*To be edited and slightly trimmed down*
*Will be very different after voice-over, video, and final cuts are made*
Well here it is, my first blind review of a game; Super Metroid. I haven’t played through this game before, so excuse me if my gameplay seems lacking.
Just to get you up to speed, this isn’t my first time experiencing a metroid game. When I was younger I got Metroid prime for my Gamecube, beat the insect boss thing, before I promptly lost interest. Apparently that's heresy, I know, I’m sorry. Moving on, I revisited the series on my 3ds  with the ambassador program and got a free copy of Metroid Fusion. I played through that game and enjoyed it much more. I then went on to play Metroid: Zero Mission, a remake of the original game released in 1986. But I had never quite felt compelled to get to Super Metroid for the SNES. Straight and to the point, I’m very glad I did.
Taking place directly after Metroid 2 for the gameboy, Super Metroid has our bounty hunter, Samus Aran, landing on planet Zebes to take back a baby Metroid stolen by Ridley and the Space Pirates. She travels through the planet defeating several bosses before storming the Space Pirates’ base and confronting mother brain. Right before mother brain kills you, the baby metroid shows up, saves you, dies, and then you kill mother brain with a hyper rainbow beam.
After which, the self destruct kicks in and you gotta run back to your ship so you can live to tell the tale. Which doesn’t continue until Metroid: Other M releases 20 years later…
I’d like to thank the designers for their excellent presentation and sprite work. It was very easy to feel engaged in the story. From the friggen title screen, we are able to see gravity of the situation. “The last metroid is in captivity”, god damn is that foreboding and look at all of the dead bodies. It makes re-uniting with the baby metroid more of something to look forward to when it's stolen. In fact, what do you see the least of in this metroid game? Metroids, of course. The entire game I expected to run in a metroid. We don’t even get a small taste of them until one of the later sections of Maridia. And then those ones are easily killed by your blaster. Then you get swarmed hard by the space pirates’ completed Metroids. Finally you walk down  a corridor with dead space pirates before running into the baby metroid once again. The baby dying to mother brain becomes an extremely sad moment that makes you forget that the baby almost killed you 2 minutes ago.
I don’t think it's fair to judge Super Metroid based on its control in compared to the other 2d metroids, as it has aged slightly and doesn’t feel as “sleek” as the others. Samus is equipped with her basic blaster at first before gaining upgrades like her morph ball, charge shot, and screw attack. And the amazing feeling of getting an upgrade is here. As you’re going to be exploring the entirety of the map to find what you need to do next and how to progress the game. But you should absolutely explore as the game does indeed reward your curiosity. The game will actually track your time and collecting rate when you complete the game. And this game can speed ran in amazing ways. I, myself, don’t really feel compelled to replay the game multiple times to get better scores, but the game is mapped out for you to that. One of the important speed running tactics of Super Metroid is Samus’ ability to wall jump. If you press left when spinning into a wall AND the jump button, you will jump the other direction. I’m warning you now, this will destroy your thumb while you try to learn this. Fortunately, you don’t need to use this whatsoever to complete the game the first time. You’ll be soaring through the air with your space jump by the end.
The last thing I want to mention is the music score. There is barely any. And that's just fine for this game. There's a few tracks that show victory, suspense and mystery. There's really not much else to it. I’ll give The new Pokemon games a hard time for their lack of music before I dare touch Metroid’s.
I can’t really fathom what else I could say about Super Metroid. I was very pleased to have played it for the first time. I absolutely recommend anyone else to play. You can play it on pretty much any Nintendo system nowadays. 
This has been Saffron, thanks for listening.
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