bobmckenzie · 9 months
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safeshiptember day 5: warm and cozy cuddles while wrapped up in a quilt on a cloudy rainy day
the truth is that frog mckenzie was the only one of us who wasn't scared by the horror movie dlkjflkjsd | (pose ref!)
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dudefrommywesterns · 9 months
Ship: Mike/Pete Nelson
Words: 630
Description: Safeship September Day 7: Naps/cuddling (from that other prompt list. i don't do AUs for my self ships usually).
It was all fuzzy and confusing but Mike had the vaguest sense they were being watched as they opened their eyes. What had they been dreaming about? Something to do with someone they hadn’t seen in years…
Their vision cleared and their mind began to take in their surroundings. Mike’s body jumped as they met eyes with the person in front of them. Their still tired mind didn’t process who it was until he spoke. 
His eyes glittered under the lights of the midway and his soft lips were turned into a grin. “This isn’t a very good place to sleep.” 
It was only Pete. 
“Tired,” they mumbled. “It’s been a long day.” 
He nodded gently. “Sure has.” 
“How long have you been standing there?” Mike asked. 
He rubbed the spot under his lip. “Oh, a couple minutes.” 
“You were watching me.” 
His loving grin morphed into his teasing one. “You’re real pretty when you’re sleepin’. I might’ve just carried you away.” 
“Flirting hours are over,” Mike said sleepily. 
Pete made a motion, as if to walk away, “I’ll come back later.” 
Mike’s eyes fluttered closed again. 
He tapped them gently on the shoulder. “Hey, come on, you can’t sleep here.” 
“Why not?” Mike mumbled. 
“Something bad might happen to you,” Pete said. “Or at least you’ll get a nasty crick in the neck” — He extended his hand  — “Come on to bed.” 
Mike’s eyes stayed closed and they drifted off to sleep. 
“Alright, honey,” Pete said. “You leave me no choice.” 
Mike woke up with a start to find themselves looking at the ground. There was an arm around their waist and a hand on the back of their thighs to steady them. 
Mike shut their eyes. “Pete, put me down.” 
“Not until we get to a bed.” 
“You’re going to drop me.” 
Pete laughed. “I’m not gonna drop you.” 
Mike clung to the back of Pete’s polo, pulling it out of his slacks. His lower back hit the cool late summer air. 
“That’s one way to take my shirt off.” 
“Shut up.” 
Pete carried Mike securely (Mike panicking all the way) until they reached his trailer, where his bed was. He put them down as gently as he could from the position they were in. 
“I’m going to take off your shoes,” he said. He reached down to their sneakers and untied the lace. He took that shoe off and did the same to the other shoe. “Now, the socks.” 
His fingers tickled Mike’s feet a little as he removed their socks. 
Mike’s eyes fluttered open and closed as he did so. Sleep was threatening to take them away again. 
“We have to do something about this,” he said, gesturing to their work jumpsuit. Mike sleepily nodded. 
He unzipped the jumpsuit from the front and shimmied it off. Mike was left in a white t-shirt (part of the required work clothes) and their underwear. 
“Comfy?” he asked them. 
“Mmm hmm,” Mike murmured. “But something’s missing.” 
“What’s that?” 
“About 6 feet tall. Brown hair. Answers to Pete-Nut.” 
Pete chuckled. “I’ll be right there.” 
Mike drifted off just as Pete took off his polo. His slacks went after, and he changed into his pajamas. 
He smiled at his sleeping partner. He tiptoed over to the bed and slipped in next to them, pulling their head into his chest. He took a deep breath, savoring their scent. Sawdust (from the ground of the big top), cucumber scented soap, and a hint of the floral perfume they liked to wear. And a bit of sweat. Pete didn’t mind the sweat. 
He gently ran his fingers through their waves. His eyes started to get droopy as he watched the rise and fall of their chest. 
He kissed their forehead gently. “Sleep tight. I love you.” 
His eyes drifted shut and he fell asleep. 
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shirogane-oushirou · 9 months
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Safeship September Day 4: "Dressing Up" / "Trying On Outfits"!
this was just going to be a nice simple day... just a cute outfit swap... and then i wanted facial toggles...;; anyway, despite how cute most of my art is of these two is, they're both freaks in their own way!! so i wanted to see what they'd look like if i swapped their freak-ness as well. :3
(link to the safeshiptember list here)
(link to the safeship september list here)
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full-moon-ships · 9 months
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Day two of the event! Prompts were masquerade and cold weather! Of course I had to go for GhostHound :}
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lieutenantselnia · 8 months
Safeshiptember Day 14: Stargazing
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I finished it some days late, but I finally drew a Hector x Selena picture💕💕 (after being in love with him for over a year already😭)
I thought the prompt was fitting perfectly, given Hector's knowledge about astronomy and the constellations. Selena, despite being interested in different natural sciences, doesn't have a lot of hands-on experience in observing the stars before she meets him. She probably was more one to read a lot and study the theoretical concepts^^" She's fascinated by the things Hector shows and teaches her, and also how vast his knowledge on the topic is. He can point out the different stars' names seemingly without effort and use them to find the right course for the Pearl. It definitely causes her admiration - and other emotions - towards him to grow even more <3
This is actually the first finished drawing of Barbossa I did, and I have to say from a drawing perspective he's definitely the most intimidating of my f/os >_< He has so many details in his design, like sure you look amazing with all that stuff, but it's easy to forget some of the small things and also just takes a considerable time😅 I wanted to keep the overall piece more simple because of that (and kinda threw the anatomy out the window🫠), and even though I didn't finish it "on time", I at least finally have a picture of them together now💖
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crypticcupid · 9 months
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Day 7: Napping/Cuddling
Local popstar's boy-girlfriend is practically pocket sized and perfect to hold as sleeping.
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amessageonthewind · 9 months
September Selfship Prompts Challenge
7. Napping/cuddling
Pairing: Adaman/Rachel during Legends: Arceus (spoiler alert for really far along in the timeline)
Author's note: Clue and Hint are OCs that belong to my buddy @kammyclues
          The world felt like it was ending all at once. This wasn’t supposed to happen, everything was supposed to wrap up nicely once Lord Avalugg was quelled. Rachel had everything she could want, respect across Hisui, respect and admiration within Jubilife Village, and loyal Pokémon that would follow her through time and space.
          All that was missing were a number of her memories and a way to get back home to her time.
          And all at once, within the span of a morning, that was all almost ripped away from her. The sky turned red, clouded by strange abstract geometry as though reality itself were tearing at the seams, the rift having grown into an angry shatter in the sky, spitting lightning fiercely. Everyone in the village looked to her for answers, but Rachel had none.
          She had no idea how to fix this, but she couldn’t bear to see everyone so frightened and uncertain. Whatever she needed to do, whatever solution the Galaxy Team came up with to fix this, she would do. If it meant helping these people and this land be free from this curse, she would do anything.
          But she never would have expected to be made an immediate scapegoat by her own Commander. It came as such a shock that Adaman and Irida were quick to reprimand him for such a decision, but Kamado stuck to it. After all, Rachel was the outsider from the rift.
          No matter how illogical it was that she could have had anything to do with this, or that she would dare want to hurt any of these people. The betrayal she felt cut deeper than anything she had ever felt, rage building to a mounting point when in the same breath that he would banish her from the village to survive alone in the wilds, he would task her with the impossible task of solving this catastrophe, but then threaten the Diamond and Pearl Clans with war if they came to her aid.
          Though, should she really be surprised? He did warn her that he would make harsh decisions in order to protect the village. She just didn’t think it would ever come to this. For all his talk of her needing to earn everyone’s trust as an outsider through her actions, none of that mattered now.
          Especially given how quick he was to break hers.
          Her rage and betrayal could not be contained. She couldn’t hold her tongue. After all, Kamado was officially discharging her from the Galaxy Team – she didn’t take orders from him, anymore. So, she berated him for having the audacity to threaten the native people of this land with war if they helped her, berated him for choosing to make her a scapegoat because it was easier to blame the outcast than it was to admit that he didn’t know what to do about this.
          Simply put, Kamado was a fool and a coward and Rachel wanted nothing to do with him anymore, but the deep scars in her heart couldn’t be hidden. Her captain mournfully escorted her out of the village and Rachel wilted under the whispers of everyone. Everyone she had ever helped, everyone she had ever gone out of her way to assist, to help them understand Pokémon and Hisui itself, everyone she had bonded with and made a personal connection with.
          All of that might as well not happened, everyone quick to turn on her and blame her for this catastrophe that had befallen them, never mind everything she had ever done for them. Bitterness broiled in her chest as tears threatened to spill from her eyes, angry like a rushing river.
          The only comfort she could take was that neither Irida nor Adaman’s faith in her were shaken. That was more important to her than the Galaxy Team’s approval. What a twist of irony…an outcast accepted by the natives rather than the outsiders. It would be comical, if every step didn’t feel as though it were driving a dagger into her chest.
          Meekly, she asked Cyllene to let her change and gather her things before leaving, which the Captain granted. After all, she was no longer a Survey Corps member. Thus, she could no longer wear her uniform.
          But with another twist of the knife, the moment she donned the attire she had worn when she fell into this world, Rachel finally saw herself in the mirror as herself. After travelling, fighting, surveying, and slowly regaining her memories and remembering who she was, for the first time since arriving here, she finally felt…whole.
          She finally felt like herself wearing what she had arrived with, Cedric on her shoulder as he had always been. Rachel could only allow herself to shed a few tears as she made to leave the lodge.
          Hanging her head as she left her Survey Corps uniform in her old lodge, Rachel continued to let Cyllene lead her out of the village. When she saw everyone glowering at her as she was escorted to the outside gate, she wanted to shout. She wanted to scream at them, to rake them over the coals for their quickness to betray her. ‘How could you do this to me?! How could you after everything I did for you without ever asking for a thing in return?!’ She wanted to scream and shout at them.
          But she couldn’t. They were just as scared and unsure as her, and even though they were confused and didn’t know what was happening, they were still people. They were mere civilians who didn’t deserve this calamity to befall them.
          This wasn’t their fault. They were merely the sheep following the lead of their shepherd. The words ‘I’m sorry…’ were all she could manage as she was forced to leave the village.
          Outside the gates, it was clear that she was not without allies. Her heart felt empty and hollow, torn apart, but knowing that she had support lessened the sting. Though not by much, for the sting of betrayal burned much deeper than she would have ever thought possible. Rei, Captain Cyllene, and Professor Laventon all expressed their disapproval of Kamado’s decision, but could do nothing to change it.
          Rachel could hardly blame them, so she kept her bitter tongue held so tightly she was sure it would bleed. Anyone who was her ally would be branded an enemy, and the only thing worse than being alone was others getting hurt or punished simply for associating with her. She couldn’t bear the thought of inflicting this punishment on them by simple proximity.
          They didn’t deserve this any more than she did.
          Even if she didn’t have Kamado’s support, she at least had Captain Cyllene’s. That was enough for her. Even if her respect and trust in the Commander had been completely shattered, Cyllene’s remained sturdy and steadfast. Rachel held onto that like it was the only stable ground in a world of shifting tectonic plates.
          She didn’t have the first idea of how to fix this, but she had to try and she couldn’t do it alone. All she could do now was try to ask for help from the Diamond and Pearl Clans. One step at a time…just do the next right thing…
          Pulling out her Celestica Flute, Rachel paused looking at it. It was a gift from the Diamond Clan after she had earned Wyrdeer’s favour. She wasn’t good at flutes, but she put in the effort to learn how to play it so that she could be a part of Hisui’s culture, so she could connect with the sacred Pokémon that viewed her in such high regard.
          Would Wyrdeer even come when called…? There was only one way to know…
          Trying to compose herself enough to play the flute properly, its eerie timbres echoed across the fieldlands. For a moment, Rachel was worried that her worst fears would come true. That even the sacred Pokemon that had granted her their favour would abandon her now, too.
          But to her relief, the familiar white shape bounded across the fields to greet her, bowing his head in greeting. “Solemn greetings, traveler from the rift…” He said to her.
          She couldn’t contain her relief. Once again, she was outcasted by people, but accepted by Pokémon. Rachel felt like she was a weak, snivelling child, again. Reaching out, she held Wyrdeer close by the neck, burying her face into the soft fur to wipe away the tears that threatened to leak out and stain her cheeks. “It’s good to see you…” She murmured to him.
          Feeling a nudge against her cheek, Rachel glanced aside at the familiar dark-furred Zorua on her shoulder. She had learned firsthand how different the Zorua here were from her time. Their fur was white and billowing with hatred and spite, Normal-and-Ghost-Type Pokémon with yellow eyes. Their evolutions were no different, perhaps even more hateful and spiteful than their preevolutions.
          Yet somehow, Rachel had gained the favour of one called Vendetta. The idea that spite, hatred, and rage could be used in service of kindness and compassion was a foreign one that struck her curiosity, so the human allowed her to travel alongside the rest of her Pokémon. And in return, she gained the Zorua, now Zoroark’s unyielding loyalty.
          Cedric was not like that. They were reclusive and shy Dark-types that used their Illusions to avoid people, so protect themselves. They were prone to mischief, but nothing more.
          And yet, people still distrusted them. Still outcasted them. Still misunderstood them.
          In this way, she and Cedric were one and the same. They understood each other in a way no one else did or could. They were each other’s constant friend, never one without the other.
          And now, she clung to him like he was her lifeline. He was the only connection she still had to her own world, and he had been her constant friend since the beginning. She wouldn’t have come this far without him.
          With him by her side, Rachel would be alright. She just had to press onward. “Let’s go. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover and not a lot of time to waste…”
          Mounting Wyrdeer with Cedric firmly in her lap, Rachel’s eyes still burned with tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. She couldn’t stand to be here any longer, simply wanting to move on so she could have a moment of privacy and peace to herself to just…sit and feel without observers. She felt comfortable being vulnerable with her Pokémon in a way she simply couldn’t with most people, especially not right now.
          The sound of one of her Pokémon emerging from its ball triggered a heavy sigh from its trainer and Rachel turned to see that Stormfast, her Samurott, was standing before the professor. “Stormfast, come on. We have to go.”
          But she didn’t move, Professor Laventon staring nervously at the creature. Then, she did something none of them expected. She leaned forward and pressed her black shell helmet against his face, bellowing lowly. None of them could understand them, but Rachel understood what she had said perfectly.
          She could no longer contain her tears, letting them fall from her eyes as she watched Stormfast express her gratitude towards the man who had allowed the two of them to meet, Pokémon and trainer. “What’s…what’s-?”
          “She said…” Rachel blubbered, wiping her eyes as she struggled not to break into a sob, the words being caught in her throat. “‘Thank you for finding me and bringing me here.’”
          Laventon already knew about her ability to understand Pokémon since the day they’d met. He’d kept his promise he made to Rachel to keep her secret, so he was both shocked for her to reveal her secret to Rei and Cyllene this way, and warmed by the sentiment expressed by the Pokémon he had given to Rachel.
          He was a scientist, first and foremost, but he never considered that the Pokémon that helped him with his research would have any sentimental attachment to him. It touched his heart in a deeply profound way he never thought possible.
          Rei and Cyllene did not know this because Laventon had kept his promise. Her trust in the professor could never be broken, he had remained kind and faithful in her since day one, the first to advocate for her and the first to support her. It was clear now that his support didn’t waver.
          He was a true friend in the Galaxy Team.
          Rei seemed utterly shocked, but Cyllene, ever perceptive, did not. The fact that she suspected that Rachel’s connection to Pokémon was stronger than she let on, but didn’t say anything about it and continued to support her proved that her trust in the Captain was not misplaced.
          Exchanging a look with each of them, Rachel recalled Stormfast to her Pokéball and looked ahead towards the fieldlands. It was impossible to tell whether it was still morning or not with the angry crimson sky above them, which only made time more of the essence. “Come on…let’s go.” She ordered Wyrdeer as they left the Fieldlands Camp. She glanced back once more before she turned her eyes to the road ahead.
          Grandtree Arena. That was where they had to go first, to see Lian about if they could get aid from the Pearl Clan. “We’re really on our own this time, aren’t we…?” She said to Cedric as they continued to trek through the fieldlands.
          Looking up at Rachel, Cedric pressed his head into her arm as he curled up on her lap. “Maybe…but at least we’re all together.” He said to her once they were out of earshot of the others. It may have been safe for Rachel to reveal her secret, but not for Cedric to reveal his. Especially with how Zorua from Hisui were already seen and regarded as monsters. “And believe me, I’m not going anywhere. I followed you through time and space and I’ll do it a hundred times over.
          “We started this together, and that’s how we’ll finish it.” His bright blue eyes swirled at her as they sat there together, letting Wyrdeer lead them across the fieldlands. “I promise.”
          She could have teleported to the arena with her Arc Phone, but there was a deep seeded anger in her chest so great that she didn’t even want to bring herself so low to beseech almighty Sinnoh for assistance. Her anger at the deity who brought her to this world, only to have her be forsaken by it was incomparable.
          No, she would not seek a god’s help. He would remain ever silent anyways, ignoring her pleas and cries for answers. Nothing could be gained through prayers but empty air and broken promises.
          But she also needed a moment to just let herself cry. All of the anger, stress, betrayal, everything came out of her eyes and she crumpled on Wyrdeer’s saddle, holding Cedric close to her chest while she cried. How could this happen? How could Kamado do this to her, after everything she did? How could the people of the village forget everything she had done for them and turn their backs on her?
          How could they? How could they?! She trusted them with her life, and they betrayed her when they needed an easy answer to ease their fears!
          None of these questions would go answered, not by mortal nor god. So, all there was left to do was wail and cry for the injustices she was dealt. All she could do was hope that the Diamond and Pearl Clans would be able to help her, would be able to lend her their aid so that she didn’t have to face this impossible task alone.
          Unfortunately, she was wrong. Lian initially blamed her for the rift, but calmed after she asked for his help. Alas, he couldn’t offer her help. How could he? Everyone was in a panic and he was just a boy and Kamado had threatened the Pearl and Diamond Clans if they interfered.
          How could she ask Lian to risk his safety for her sake? He was just a boy.
          Though her hopes to receive help from the Pearl Clan were dashed, her hopes with the Diamond Clan unfortunately were as well. Though Mai was not antagonistic like Lian was initially, she still could not offer aid to Rachel and she was unfortunately right that the last thing Rachel wanted was for the Diamond Clan to go to war with the Galaxy Team.
          She didn’t want anyone getting hurt because of her. She didn’t want to hurt anyone! How could Kamado think that she did this?! How could he ever think that she would ever want to hurt any of these people that she risked her life for time and time again?!
          Regretfully, she had exhausted all of her options. She was homeless, alone, and listless. She had no idea how to fix any of this and no one here could help her.
          Even on Wyrdeer’s backside, she no longer had the strength to go on. Stopping the Pokemon by the river, she dismounted clumsily, staggering on her feet. Even Cedric couldn’t stay on her shoulder with how unsteadily she was walking. This wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair! She felt excruciating pain in her stomach and in her chest, but at the same time she felt so numb.
          She trembled as she walked. What could she do? How could she fix this? Why was it her responsibility to fix this? Why did it have to come down to her?! She didn’t do this! This wasn’t her fault!
          Why was she being punished for a crime she didn’t commit with no evidence?! Why did the burden of proof have to fall on her when she wasn’t the one who made the accusation?!
          A beeping sound called out to her from her pocket. That accursed phone…her lips curled into a snarl as she clawed it out of her satchel like prey being pulled out of a burrow, holding her catch in her hand so tightly she was surprised she hadn’t broken it.
          Not a word of comfort, not a directive for how to proceed, not an answer for how to fix this.
          Just silence. An empty map with nothing in it worth investigating.
          “Is this what you want, almighty Sinnoh…?” She snarled lowly with enough venom to put down an alpha Hippowdon, practically spitting it with such vitriol that the deity’s name would be coated in it. “You want me to beg? You want me to beg for your help? You want me to beg you to help me? Well, I won’t! I will never beg for help from a god as cruel as you! You want me to suffer?! Fine! You got what you wanted, now leave me the FUCK alone!”
          Winding up her arm, she wanted to throw the damn thing into the river, free herself from Sinnoh’s curse and flee. If she could, she would burn down the heavens right now for the cruelty that fate had shown her in one morning. Or was it afternoon? Was it nightfall? No, the Drifloon hadn’t come out, yet.
          Gripping the Arc Phone tightly, angry tears pouring out of her eyes like the hot lava that spilled out of the volcano on Firespit Island, Rachel growled with the pain of a thousand wounds before she threw it to the side. Even if she destroyed it by throwing it in the river, she would not be free from this. Arc Phone or not, Sinnoh’s help or not, she was trapped here. She had no family to turn to, no friends to rely on.
          Her only company was her Pokémon, and they counted on her to know what to do, and she was so lost.
          Lost, alone, and stranded in a world she didn’t belong in where nothing was familiar. The despair began to claw at her very, like it was going to skin her and then empty out her insides and leave her a hollow husk. She was never going to see her family again…was she? She would never see her friends again, she would never see Clue again, and she would never see Cynthia again.
          She would never see Zinnia again.
          The words she had spoken to her at the top of Sky Pillar, once a source of melancholic nostalgia burned like hot iron against her cheeks as she raised her head to the sky. Zinnia, Rachel’s beloved, looked up to the sky so that her tears wouldn’t fall when she was so grief-stricken that her heart felt like it was going to break.
          Rachel couldn’t even take comfort in the words of the woman she loved. Because when she looked up at the blazing scarlet sky, her tears practically scalded her face as she cried. No amount of staring up at the sky could stop her heart from shattering into a million pieces.
          It was over…she lost. She did everything right…and she lost everything.
          From the depths of her chest and her upturned churning belly, a raw scream ripped itself free from the woman’s throat, pure unfiltered anguish echoing loudly across the fieldlands so sharp and so painful that the Pokémon turned tail and ran at the sound of it.
          Heartbreak was never so loud.
          It was so loud that it echoed across the fieldlands all the way to Adaman and Irida. They were about to part ways after informing Lian and Mai of the situation with Kamado and the Galaxy team when they heard it, louder than anything he had ever heard despite it being so far away. It was the most painful sound he had ever heard.
          The sound of a heart breaking.
          He remembered what Rachel had said to him when he expressed a moment of doubt in his leadership in the Crimson Mirelands, when she helped him find Arezu after she had gotten injured. ‘The mark of a good leader is one who does what’s right no matter the risk.’
          Glancing aside at Irida after they heard the unmistakable sound of Rachel’s raw pain and anguish, he knew that they had the same thought. She had impacted both of their lives in a way that brought change to their very ways of life, of seeing the world, of leading their peoples. She remembered the exchange she had with the woman after Lord Arcanine had been quelled and she expressed doubt in her contributions. ‘A strong leader does what she thinks she should do, not what others expect her to do. She does what she thinks is right, not without council, but without the pressure of expectations.’
          They knew she was right on both accounts. Irida could feel how wrong Kamado’s decision as leader was standing in that room while he accused Rachel of being responsible for frenzying the nobles and cursing the world with this crimson sky. And Adaman couldn’t stand hearing Kamado blame her for something that clearly wasn’t her fault and not bothering to lift a finger to help her with the impossible task he saddled her with.
          No. They both knew what the right thing to do was. “We can’t just sit idly by, can we?” Irida said, speaking the shared thought out loud.
          “For once, we agree.” Adaman said, affirming their resolve as they looked off into the distance of the fieldlands.
          Barely a moment of silence passed between the two clan leaders before Irida spoke once more. “Then what are we waiting for? We have to help her, and there’s no time to lose.”
          Raising an eyebrow, he was surprised to hear her say that. He couldn’t help but laugh a little, warmed that she was extending the branch to him by speaking to him in his language. “And we’ve got a lot of space to cover, so let’s go find her.”
          Where they found her was a painful sight. She was surrounded by all of her Pokémon, clutching Cedric tightly as she sobbed. Even Wyrdeer was offering her his comfort, lying beside her and her Pokémon while she wept. That was the one comfort that could possibly be had.
          When you had a bond with Pokémon, you were never truly alone.
          Irida and Adaman spotted Volo approaching her and before they could approach, their own Pokémon stopped them. Leafeon and Glaceon forbid their respective clan leaders from going forward, imploring them to wait and observe instead.
          Adaman didn’t want to just wait, but Irida thought it would be best to. After all, they didn’t want to scare Volo away or overwhelm Rachel. They needed to take a moment to be cautious.
          The Ginkgo Guild merchant was as plucky as always, interrupting Rachel in the middle of her darkest hour. Oddly enough, the lack of change in his attitude was a comfort. The odd man was the most normal thing for her right now, so she clung to that normalcy like driftwood in a storm at sea. Though he was rather odd, his passion for history and ruins reminded her so much of Cynthia.
          It was very easy for her to see him as a big brother. It was likely that they were related, somehow. He and Cynthia did bear a striking resemblance.
          Volo was the only familiarity that hadn’t been soured by the pain of being outcasted and left to fend for herself, so naturally, she let him lead her. If he had a place for her to stay and shelter, she had to take it. If there was no home for her among the Diamond or Pearl Clans, she needed to find somewhere and she couldn’t afford to be picky about it.
          Accepting his offer to give her somewhere to go, Rachel recalled all her Pokémon and took Volo astride Wyrdeer, prompting him to lead the way.
          “Where is he taking her?” Adaman grumbled from their hiding place.
          Irida shook her head. She had intimate knowledge of the vast expanse of Hisui, but she had no idea where Volo could be taking Rachel. “I’m not sure.”
          That wasn’t a good enough answer for the Diamond Clan leader. And if they wanted to know, they needed to act now. “There’s only one way to find out.”
          Agreeing, the Pearl Clan leader pulled out her Celestica Flute. “Since we can’t summon Wyrdeer, who should we summon?”
          “Braviary.” Adaman decided immediately. “It’ll be the best way to keep up with them without lagging too far behind.”
          Quivering a little bit, Irida shuddered. “We have to fly?”
          “Do you want to help Rachel or not?” Adaman asked Irida.
          “Of course I do! Just…give me a moment, will you?”
          It was a bit odd that they had to travel so far. They had to travel across the Obsidian Fieldlands and the Crimson Mirelands to get to where Volo was leading them. Once they crossed it and approached the small clearing, Rachel spotted a tent similar to the ones in the Diamond and Pearl Clan Settlements. Only one person lived here. Was this where Volo lived?
          Adaman and Irida were equally as dumbfounded when they followed them on Braviary. Adaman rode on the bird Pokémon’s backside while Irida took the gliding sling he was carrying. Her eyes were sharper than Adaman’s, so he trusted her sight better than his. How come they had never seen this retreat, before?
          Regardless, they approached.
          Which was how Adaman ended up here, on Wyrdeer’s backside with Rachel in front of him. Instinctively, the Diamond Clan leader had his arm around the woman’s waist while she drove Wyrdeer. They were on their way to Lake Valour, the first of three due to its close proximity to the Ancient Retreat, but for some reason despite time being of the essence, Rachel was taking her time getting there on Wyrdeer’s back.
          And he knew her well enough to know that she had her reasons for everything she did, even if her reason was as simple as ‘it’s fun and it makes me happy.’
          “Is there a reason you’ve decided on Wyrdeer to chaperone us to the lakes rather than Braviary?” He decided to ask, wanting to at least try to help ease her worries or take her mind off things.
          There was a lot going on in her mind. So much Rachel couldn’t properly express. But mostly, she was just exhausted and tired. She had no idea if a day had passed, but she felt like she hadn’t slept in multiple days. Simply put, she was running on fumes and struggling to continue her quest. She wasn’t even doing this for Kamado, really.
          She was doing it for the same reason she did everything she had thus far. It needed to be done, so it would be.
          Rachel was just glad she finally had a way forward. Miss Cogita was very kind to let her and her Pokémon shelter at her retreat for the time being, and her depth and wealth of knowledge she provided at least gave her some answers. She, like Volo, was incredibly familiar and in her own way, reminded her of Cynthia. Her calm coolness and the way she held herself reminded her so much of her sister, though perhaps an older visage of her.
At the very least, Miss Cogita gave her a lead to follow to fix this crimson sky and that angry crack in reality.
          But there was a catch. The only way to fix this was to close the rift, and that rift was her only way home. Which meant…her time in Hisui was quickly coming to a close. She would finally be able to go back, reunite with her friends, her family, with Zinnia again.
          She would finally be back where she belonged. All she needed to do was face each Pokémon at each lake in order to craft the Red Chain in order to bind the world at the Shrouded Ruins, and then she could go home. It didn’t make much sense, but it was the only lead she had and it was as good as any at this point.
          So, she had to take it.
          Yet, with Adaman at her side throughout this quest, a heavy feeling sat thickly in her stomach. By going home, it meant saying goodbye to him. Him and everyone she had ever grown to care about in this region. Adaman, Irida, and the various members of the Diamond and Pearl Clans.
          Volo, Hint, and Ingo. A sharp needle of guilt wedged itself into her chest. If she was going home, she needed to find a way to get him home to where he belonged, too. He had just as much a need to go through that rift before it closed as she did.
          Rachel couldn’t leave him stranded here. She just couldn’t.
          But her trepidations at saying goodbye to the allies and friends she’d made here left her unwilling to rush to Lake Valour. Maybe that was why she was taking her time…she wanted to savour whatever was left of it. “I have every reason.” She said, unable to mask the exhaustion in her voice with even a shred of playfulness she was so used to speaking to Adaman with. “If the world has a chance of ending and I have to go home before I save it, I want to spend as much time as I can with the people that matter most to me before I go.”
          That reason made his breath waver as he held her. He had grown used to the way his heart lurched and fluttered when it was around her, but never did it do as such so strongly as when Irida and Adaman finally made their entrance into the Ancient Retreat to meet Rachel there. Knowing where Rachel was, Adaman took the opportunity to reassure his people that all was handled and Irida did the same, passing a message on to the rest of the wardens at their respective nobles’ seats.
          His responsibility as leader didn’t change because he had another responsibility to take.
          But all thoughts of he and Irida’s plans to help her were completely forgotten once their eyes met. Though her eyes were still raw and red from all the crying and anguish she had been suffering, she couldn’t stop herself from breaking into another set of tears as she practically ran forward into the two clan leaders, stumbling before them and collapsing onto the ground before she could reach them.
          Not even a thought crossed their minds before Adaman and Irida both moved to envelop the poor woman in their embrace, Irida holding her from behind and Adaman letting Rachel cling to his chest by his haori. He held her tightly as she sobbed into his chest, blubbering apologies and admitting to her fears as he simply held her, letting her unload. It was one thing to cry alone, but another to cry to another.
          She needed this, and he was glad to be a beacon of safety for her. He and Irida both. She had grown incredibly dear to the both of them, so they both had to do everything they could to help her overcome this grievous injustice dealt to her and help her put the world right, again.
          While both the Pearl and Diamond Clans couldn’t openly help Rachel, they could still both do something to help. So, he left that choice up to her. She decided that Irida’s cautious and careful leadership style would be best suited to help Commander Kamado see reason, while Adaman’s direct and efficient leadership style would be best suited to help Rachel with her task of crafting the Red Chain.
          So, here he was, holding onto Rachel like she was the last person alive in the whole world. “Is that why you wanted me to come with you instead of just meeting me at the lake?”
          Rachel nodded, barely moving as she kept her eyes on the path ahead. Her eyelids felt like lead, straining against exhaustion and her eyes hurting from the harshness of the bleeding sky. “I don’t know what’s going to happen once we craft the Red Chain…I don’t know what it means to ‘Bind the World,’ and I don’t know if this will even work…” She paused, struggling to think of how best to say what she was feeling under the pressure of how tired she was. “But regardless of what happens…I know that I want to spend as much time as I can with you…there may not be much of it left from here on out…”
          Adaman was quiet. Though he shared the sentiment deeply, he didn’t want to think in such a catastrophic way. They would succeed. They would do this. If anyone could, it was Rachel.
          But not if she could barely stay sitting up straight. He could feel her teetering on Wyrdeer’s saddle. “You should try and rest. We have plenty of time before we reach Lake Valour.” Adaman said gently to her, resting his chin on her head. “And if you want, you can rest in the Diamond Settlement. I’ll make sure no one interrupts you.”
          Though she knew he was right about how tired she was, Rachel shook her head. They couldn’t afford to stop. They had to keep going. “We can’t afford to stop.”
          “Then at least rest here. You need it.” Adaman insisted, holding her even tighter against him.
          When her eyelids fluttered closed for a moment and she had to snap them open, she knew there was no longer any fighting with the Diamond Clan leader. He was right, and that was that. “Alright…” She relented, nudging the dark-furred Zorua in her lap. “Hey, Cedric? Can you drive the rest of the way to the lake? I can barely keep my eyes open…”
          Sitting up, he nodded. “Go ahead and take five.” He said in his Pokemon tongue so as to not startle Adaman with his human speech. “It’s night and he’s right. You need to rest after spending so much energy today.”
          She sighed, already instinctively leaning backward against the man. “It’s hard to tell what time of day it is with this damn sky…” Rachel murmured as she got comfortable.
          Cedric quickly hopped up on Wyrdeer’s head, keeping watch as they navigated through the mirelands towards the lake. As he let her shimmy, Adaman tried to hold and cradle her in a way that would let her properly rest as she slept in his arms. “Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall off.”
          Chuckling weakly, she nestled her head into the crook of his arm, already being soothed and lulled to sleep by his warmth and the comfort of his soft clothes. His comforting scent did much to relax her, the scent of earth and wildgrass from the mirelands he thrived in.
          Even just being near Adaman, she had an easier time trying to sleep than she did any of the nights she spent in her lodge in Jubilife Village. Here, she knew she was safe. Here, she knew she wouldn’t be judged harshly. Here, her acceptance wasn’t conditional.
          Adaman cared about her no matter where she came from or who she was. She helped him and his clan, sure, but that was simply how they met and got to know each other. She didn’t have to pretend around him. She didn’t have to hide from him.
          She was completely safe with him. “You know what’s funny?” Rachel murmured as she let her eyelids fall closed in his arms.
          “Mm?” He hummed, glancing down at her to make sure she wouldn’t fall off of Wyrdeer. He melted when he looked at her. She already looked so peaceful, like she hadn’t had a good sleep in weeks. He didn’t like the thought that that could be true. Every time he arrived to be briefed by Kamado about a new noble that needed quelling, she always complained about having a rough sleep.
          Shifting once more to get even more comfortable, Rachel reached out to hold his right hand in hers, keeping it close to her chest as though she were holding onto a stuffed toy like a child. “I already feel like…I can sleep easier…knowing you’ll be there when I wake up…” She muttered, pressing the back of his hand to her face.
          Breathing evenly in an attempt to calm the rapid beating of his heart, he held her hand, softly rubbing his thumb along her knuckles. It wasn’t right what the Galaxy Team did. She didn’t deserve this.
          But he’d make this right. He’d do whatever it took to right this wrong and bring justice. They would fix this.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 9 months
Get Away
Ship: Anton Chigurh x Salem Nickle Newman (Secretary!AU)
Word Count: 1311
Summary: This AU isn't going to be elaborated on, it's just a oneshot I wanted to mess around with. Salem is a secretary for the people who often hire Anton and Anton takes a liking to him. Ending may be a little rushed. CWs for implied criminal activity, Karen behaviour (from another character), implied murder, cigarette mentions (no actual smoking described). Edit: Counting this as Prompt 19 on this SelfShipSeptember post.
Tag List: @futurewife @canongf
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Salem Newman was a secretary, stationed in a large corporate building dealing with things he didn’t much care about. However, he was aware that it was only a front for much darker goings-on, and he still couldn’t bring himself to question things. If he was getting paid and being left alone, he was content to turn a blind eye. After all, it beat being stuck on a farm in the middle of bumfuck nowhere.
There was one positive to his job: a hitman by the name of Anton Chigurh, hired by one of the higher-ups in the building. Whenever he came in, Salem happened to be at the front desk of his boss’ floor. Of course, he’d never admit he enjoyed seeing Chigurh, and that was besides the fact Chigurh probably didn’t even acknowledge him outside of those brief check-ins at the desk.
On a pale Monday morning, Salem found himself gritting through a conversation with one of his coworkers over a cup of coffee. “Henrietta, if you’re questioning our employers, why don’t you just quit? Everyone’s gotta make a living, and if your current living doesn’t feel right, then maybe it’s a sign from the universe that you’ve gotta make a change.”
Henrietta recoiled slightly in offence. “That isn’t an option for me, Newman… you can’t tell me you’re happy with yourself, working this job…?”
Salem took a deep drink of his coffee. “Darlin’, I know things that’ll make you wish you quit months ago,” he spoke darkly. “If I were you, I’d feel lucky to even have a job, especially when we’re getting paid what we are.”
“What are you talking about--?”
At that moment, the elevator doors opened and familiar, dark brown, alligator-skin boots stepped onto the cream and grey carpet.
“Morning, Mr. Chigurh,” Salem spoke loudly, rising from his chair and resting his elbows on the tall counter in front of his desk, mug cupped loosely between his dainty hands. Anton approached the desk with a respectful nod.
“Newman.” His dark eyes swept toward Henrietta, who shrunk under his gaze. “And who’s this?”
She let out an odd sort of squeaking noise, tried to recover, then turned the corner and sped out of sight. Once Salem was sure she was far enough away, he spoke.
“A ninny of a coworker, that’s who. Nobody you need to worry about.” He took another sip of coffee and settled back down into his chair, “You go right on ahead, now, Mr. Archer’s all set up to see you.”
“Thank you.” The hitman gave the secretary an appreciative smile and strode forward, entering the office at the end of the hall. Salem watched him go, then sighed when the door closed behind him, returning his attention back to his coffee and the computer in front of him.
It was months before Salem saw him again, and on a very busy day at the office no less. Phone cradled between his ear and his shoulder, one hand busy with the computer and another jotting shorthand on a notepad, people rushing this way and that. Salem didn't notice his favourite patron for a good few minutes, especially not with the disgruntled man already in front of him, who now snapped his fingers in its face.
"Is Archer here or not, you lousy…?"
Salem slapped his hand over the receiver of the phone, hissing, "Would you shut the fuck up for two seconds, I told you this was an important call when you came in!"
The man's face flushed angrily as Salem returned his attention to his call.
"Don’t you tell me to shut up, you're the employee here, you're supposed to cater to me first! You're probably not even on a business call!"
"I believe Mr. Newman told you to shut your trap," Anton rumbled from behind, quickly catching the businessman's attention.
"Excuse me??"
Anton's eyes subtly flicked in annoyance as he spoke again with even more precise diction: "My friend asked you to shut your trap, sir, don't make me repeat myself again."
"And who the Hell are you??"
"Me?" Anton cracked a grin. "Oh, I'm nobody. Nobody at all. But the same can't be said for the man behind the counter, so I'd respect him if I were you."
With that, the hitman situated himself beside the opposite wall, comfortably leaning against it with his ankles crossed and a serene but guarded expression on his face, despite the fact there were empty chairs just to his left. Prickly silence filled the air between the two men, only punctuated by the clacking of chunky keyboard keys and Salem's short answers to whomever he was speaking to on the phone.
The call eventually ran on so long that the initial man stormed off, growling about telling whoever was funding Salem's paycheck about the incident. Anton remained unphased, content to watch Salem work for the time being. When they finally got off the phone, they dropped it into its cradle and rested their head on the desk, hands tangling in the back of their hair.
Anton paused just a moment longer before approaching the desk and clearing his throat. Salem's head immediately popped up, eyes screwed shut and face flushed. "What, what is it, what do you want, can I not have two seconds today to breathe..?!" He snapped, voice breaking before opening his eyes and startling. "Oh, Christ, I-I'm sorry, I didn’t know it was you, Mr. Chigurh…"
Anton held up his hand briefly. "No need for apologies." He removed his wallet and placed down a twenty-dollar bill. "Get yourself something from the convenience store on the corner."
Salem rubbed his eyes under his glasses before staring at the money, furrowing his brow. "Mr. Chigurh, you don’t need to be giving me money, I've got enough for the vending machine in the breakroom…"
Anton nudged the bill closer in an insistent manner. "Go down to the convenience store. I promise you won't regret it."
Salem scratched the back of his head. "Well…"
"Don’t hesitate, just take it."
"Alright, I will!" Salem stood and picked up the money. "I'll go right now, since you're being so pushy…" It smiled shyly. "I think someone's still in with Mr. Archer, but you know the door so I trust you to keep an eye on it."
"Yes, sir."
"Alrighty then. Thank you, Mr. Chigurh."
Another two months passed after that before Salem saw Anton again, this time later in the afternoon than usual. Salem stood beside his desk, thumbing the top of a cigarette pack and glancing up and down the hall, looking for the hitman and taking a small, relieved breath when the elevator doors opened with a ding.
“Oh good, I almost thought you weren’t coming. Bit late for you, ain’t it? My break started five minutes ago but I didn’t want to keep you waiting--”
“Take your break, Newman. Mr. Archer and I already talked over the phone.”
The two briefly nodded at each other before Salem went off, not questioning the moment and simply looking forward to having his lunch. When he returned to his desk, he was surprised to find Anton waiting for him.
“So, how’d it go?” Salem asked casually. Anton gave him a particular look.
“You tell me.”
An odd feeling enveloped Salem: While its stomach grew cold and goose pimples sprung up on its back, its heartbeat quickened in abnormal excitement. “Oh.” It was only now that Salem noticed the long gun with the hefty silencer Anton carried.
“I want you to come with me. Your path doesn’t end behind this desk.”
Salem swallowed. “What if I’m perfectly happy where I am, Mr. Chigruh?”
“You aren’t. I see it in the shadows under your eyes.”
They laughed in a shaky manner, blood colouring their cheeks. “I’m not.” They admitted. “I’m not.”
Anton silently offered his hand. Salem took it.
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bobmckenzie · 9 months
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safeshipseptember day three: park date
I think Louis and I would go to Central Park a lot!! especially during autumn. but i also think this specific date wasn't as romantic as he planned, because neither of us was any good at steering the boat lol 😅
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shirogane-oushirou · 9 months
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Safeship September Day 6: “Dancing Together”!
ren's a lightweight, and when drunk he gets mushy and affectionate and gross. give him one (1) glass of wine and and it's time for Visible Pining. give him one (1) glass of wine and some music? it's time for visible pining AND an excuse to get close.
(i also feel like most of my pics so far haven't shown off the height difference so. even if it's exaggerated here... hehe. ahaha. :] )
(link to the safeship september list here)
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carrotscorner · 9 months
SafeshipSeptember Day 4: Trying on Outfits
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wanted to draw the prompt this time! just me and Hirotaka in outfits. idk how it happened but he turned into a farmer.
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full-moon-ships · 9 months
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Day 3!! Prompts were Relaxing / Park date! 2 versions of this one bcs i couldn't decide :]
Ship is ShadowHawk!!
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crypticcupid · 9 months
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Day 6: Dancing Together
Nova and D.eimos taking a break from working and recon to just dance a little to some of Nova's EDM mixes they saved to a janky old IPod. :)
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amessageonthewind · 9 months
September Selfship Prompts Challenge
4. Trying on outfits
Pairing: Adaman/Rachel during Legends: Arceus (spoiler alert for really far along in the timeline)
          There was truly nothing like rain and fog. The warm rains of the bogs that were the Crimson Mirelands were Adaman’s heartland. He couldn’t imagine himself making a home anywhere else but here. There was nowhere and nothing he loved more than this scarlet gem of Hisui. The warmth, the humidity, the sprawling landscapes of warm colours of the rich mud and the red leaves.
          And his clan’s settlement was right by the heart of the mirelands – Lake Valour.
          It was here that he often stood, just basking in the calm tranquil of the lake, taking in the sounds everywhere around him. Usually, he felt like his skin crawled if he felt like he was wasting time, if time was passing him by when he could spend it better.
          But he learned very quickly that there was value in living in the present. In taking a moment to savour just being alive. After all, he learned from someone very special the value of just spending time doing something fun for the sake of enjoyment. She somehow spoke his language without ever having been touched by his clan’s culture before.
          He’d asked her before why she took her time getting from place to place, taking detours and long ways and even taking moments to just goof off. And her response? “Time spent doing something that brings you joy is never wasted, no matter how seemingly frivolous or silly it may be. If your time is spent being happy, your time is well spent.”
          Since she’d spoken that phrase, it changed the way he thought about the time he spent. After all, if almighty Sinnoh had given everyone a certain amount of time to live, why would he want his followers and those he created to live without joy? It was one of the many ways she had subtly changed his life.
          “Great almighty!” As though he had summoned her, her voice echoed towards him from far away. Adaman would recognize that comically over-the-top outrage anywhere. Humorous and without genuine anger, with a small edge of amusement and laughter behind it. “Fucking damn it! Shit! Why are the mirelands always so soggy?!”
          Oh dear…shaking his head, he walked away from the shore of the lake, walking past the Diamond Settlement to follow the sound down the hill. The more he listened, the more certain he knew where it was coming from. Bolderoll Slope.
          Stopping by the cliff, the Diamond Clan leader peered out over the edge, waiting in amusement for the small spitfire that was Jubilife Village’s own precious gem. The pride and joy of the Galaxy Expedition Team.
          And sure enough, there she was, running up from the Scarlet Bog, was the Survey Corp’s very own Rachel. The faller from the sky, traveler from the rift, stranger plucked from the future.
          Absolutely soaked in mud and cursing up a storm. Behind her was her faithful and loyal Samurott, Stormfast, running up behind her and pushing her away from danger. Her closest companion – the dark-furred Zorua from the future – Cedric was clinging to the Water Pokémon’s billowing beard as they fled from what was presumably a powerful wild Pokémon. “That’s the fifth time that fucking bog has tried to eat me! Do you have any idea how difficult it is to wash this mud out of this uniform? Doing laundry by hand is already stressful enough as is! It’s such a tedious, time consuming, miserable experience!”
          Bellowing lowly, Stormfast reared up and in a moment, Rachel was suddenly drenched in a deluge of water. The already moist and drenched landscape easily soaked up the excess water, and though the mud had sloughed off of her, she was now a saggy dark silhouette. Adaman couldn’t help but chuckle at the glare Rachel gave her Pokémon, slowly turning around to face the Samurott. “Thanks, I appreciate the effort.” She said mostly sarcastically, though the affection in her voice was unmistakeable. The Diamond Clan leader sincerely doubted that this was the first time this had happened. “But these stains are still gonna need a proper wash…ugh!”
          Grumbling, Rachel flicked excess water off of her hand into Stormfast’s face, reaching to grab Cedric to hold him. “Oh, look at you, you poor bastard…” She teased, prompting Cedric to snap at her indignantly. “Hey! You’re lucky Stormfast was fast enough to get you out of there, or you would’ve been Hippowdon food!”
          Trudging up the slope, Rachel continued to grumble to her companions. “I swear, there are only two things worth coming down here, for.” She complained. “One of them is completing the Pokédex for the professor.”
          On her shoulder, Cedric yipped. Even from this distance, the look of mischief on the Zorua’s face was unmistakeable. Adaman had seen it enough times to recognize it at a glance. Initially, he was unsure, only having experience and knowledge of the Zorua of the Alabaster Icelands. They were a far cry from Cedric. The white-furred monsters were angry and spiteful little things, always looking for ways to lure people away to hurt them. Or worse.
          But all Cedric seemed interested in was causing mischief and, of course, making sure Rachel was safe. If all Zorua of the future were like him, Adaman definitely preferred them over Hisui’s.
          “And…I like checking in on the Diamond Clan, whenever I get a chance.” Rachel muttered, deliberately avoiding her companion’s gaze. That made Adaman’s ears burn. “I just like making sure they’re doing well! It helps my peace of mind! Don’t read into it, you little shit!”
          Shaking his head, Adaman chuckled to himself. So, that’s why she visits so frequently. Rising from his feet, he turned to walk back to the settlement. After all, it’d be rude to let her know that he’d been eavesdropping, and he wanted to be there to welcome her personally.
          Besides, he had a feeling she’d appreciate a break from the dampness of the mirelands.
          Trudging her way up the slope, Stormfast gently pushing her from behind, Rachel breathed heavily. Her Survey Corps uniform felt as heavy as lead, hanging off of her thickly. Every step she took squelched uncomfortably and she wanted nothing more than to just go home, get changed, and accept her defeat at the hands of her washboard and bucket in her lodge.
          But, true to her word, she wanted to check in on the Diamond Clan after a hard day of Pokédex research. So, up the slope she trudged until she spotted the familiar torches (how they stayed lit in this rain was beyond her) that signaled the entrance to the settlement.
          As though he were expecting her, Adaman stood in the middle of the settlement. She couldn’t deny that he was quite the sight for sore eyes and, if she could be completely honest, the Diamond Clan leader had quickly become her favourite person in Hisui. She wouldn’t admit that to anyone, but it was the truth.
          And she could not put into words how annoyed she was that he seemed completely untouched and unbothered by the rain. His hair didn’t even sag with the weight of rain, his incredibly vibrant blue hair with undertones of grey like pottery.
         It was completely unfair. “Well well, right on time!” Adaman greeted playfully, crossing his arms with his signature crooked smirk.
         Rachel rolled her eyes as she approached, Stormfast pushing her towards him from behind. “Have I really become that predictable?”
         “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with having a routine.” Adaman countered as he approached, looking down at her. It warmed him that his presence seemed to make her less miserable about her soggy situation, the smile on her face as genuine as ever in his presence. “I actually like that you’ve inadvertently become part of my routine, in a way.”
         The way her smile involuntarily stretched across her face when complimented was something he couldn’t get enough of. He knew the reason why compliments made her react the way she did, in various ways depending on the type, which was why he had now made it a point to talk her up, whether she was around or not. Rachel’s happiness was one of his favourite things to see.
         Putting a hand on her shoulder, he recoiled at how it immediately soaked the bandages around it. “Wow! You are soaking wet!” He remarked, pretending like he couldn’t already tell when she walked into the settlement. Other members were laughing amongst themselves as they walked by, going about their business. They gave Rachel a polite greeting as they walked by, which she returned without fail. “What happened, did you fall off of Basculegion?”
         “Honestly, I’d rather that than trying to claw my way out of a bog for the nth time this month.” Rachel retorted, shaking out her sandal in a feeble attempt to shake the water off. Adaman couldn’t deny that it sounded uncomfortable – he could hear the squelching practically from the top of the cliff. “But no, unfortunately in my quest to document the local Hippowdon, I had to fight my way out of being swallowed by the bog. Again.”
         Giggling a bit, Adaman pressed his forehead into his hand, laughing behind his palm. “You’ve been working yourself down the bone, haven’t you? You’ve practically doubled your weight in water and mud. At this rate, you might end up as a clay statue.”
         She really did look like a sad wet Glameow with the way her glasses framed her eyes as she looked up at him. “I’m more just worried about my uniform. It’s such a pain to hand wash and I get anxious enough about doing my laundry as is, and there’s no way I’m asking the Captain for a new uniform just because I got mud in mine.”
         Poor thing. He would really be doing her a disservice if he just sent her home all damp and wet. Shaking his head, he gestured for her to follow. “Alright, come on. I’ve got some clothes you can borrow. You can get changed while you wait for the rain to stop.”
         Raising her eyebrows, she did as he told. She caught the looks the other Diamond Clan members were giving her and Adaman and Cedric’s little look of mischief behind the wet mop that was the large tuft between his ears did not help any. But, the remark she wanted to give him was for his ears and his ears only. His reputation among his clan mattered a lot to Rachel, after all.
         Before entering his tent, Rachel quickly recalled Stormfast to her Pokéball, stepping into the tent, self-conscious about the water and mud she was tracking on the floor. Standing in the doorway out of the rain as the Diamond Clan leader rummaged through a small wardrobe for a spare uniform or kimono for Rachel to wear, she chuckled a bit at him. “Inviting me into your tent to have me strip for you? How scandalous.” She teased. Though she couldn’t see it, the smile that curled across his face was mischievous and playful. “I did mention that it’s a courtesy to take someone out to dinner before you bring them home with you, but…if you’d rather save time by skipping all that –”
         In an instant, a change of clothes smacked Rachel right in the face, leaving her winded and surprised for a moment. The ungraceful noise she squawked was incredibly amusing and Adaman was pleased to have caught her off-guard. “There, now you won’t look so sad and damp.”
         “Fair enough.” Rachel replied, holding the clothes she was thrown in such a way that she wouldn’t get them wet, too. “So, do I just…?”
         Adaman chuckled as he shouldered past her. “I need to check on something anyway. You can change in private.” He then gestured to a basket in the middle of the room. “Just leave your let clothes in that basket once you’re done.”
         Smiling as he walked by, she nodded. Once the tent was just her and Cedric, Rachel immediately shed her uniform, leaving on the basic clothes underneath. “Ugh! Already feels better!” She exclaimed, immediately dumping her Survey Corps uniform into the basket as she was instructed. Turning around as was the routine, Cedric let Rachel get changed into the clothes Adaman provided. This whole thing was incredibly amusing to the Zorua. It was very clear that Rachel had a thing for the Diamond Clan leader, and they had chemistry. Their interest in each other was obvious to everyone.
         But unfortunately the reality was that Rachel didn’t belong in this world. Neither of them did. She had a life to back to, a world she belonged in that wasn’t here. A family that needed her.
         If anything were to happen between Rachel and Adaman, it was doomed to be temporary. She knew that. They both did, Cedric was sure.
         But that didn’t change that the attraction was definitely there. There was a connection between them.
         Once she was dressed, Rachel instantly felt better, having dropped off the rest of it into the basket along with her Survey Corps uniform. “This is nice, actually.” She murmured, looking at herself in the mirror inside the tent as she admired herself. The robes were a bit big on her, but she filled them out okay. It would do until the rain cleared and she got back to Jubilife Village.
         Though, as her eyes drifted around the tent, she noticed Adaman’s haori laid out on his bed. Oh yeah. He did take that off before leaving. She was too distracted to realize it in the moment, but she saw it here on the bed.
         She couldn’t help but be curious. I’ll just be quick. Being gentle with it, she put it on, slipping it onto her shoulders and letting it hang from her. Looking at herself in the mirror, Rachel couldn’t help but try to imagine herself as Adaman, being in charge of the Diamond Clan and giving orders. “Time wasted is lost.” She said, trying to mimic his tone of voice.
         Cedric snickered from his place on the bed, figuring Rachel was done changing and starting to laugh when he saw her wearing Adaman’s sapphire blue garb. “I think you’re short by at least a whole foot.” He teased.
         Fixing her Pokémon with a sharp glare, she walked forward, leaning over him. “I don’t have time to waste on pointless remarks like that.” She continued her satirical (though affectionate) impression of the Diamond Clan leader as she strutted around the tent wearing his haori. “We have more pressing matters at hand and no time to lose!”
         Rachel didn’t even realize that Adaman had come back and could hear her impression of him. At first, he was worried that Rachel were making fun of him behind his back (a thought that stuck sharply in his chest in a way he never would have expected), so he entered quietly, not wanting to tip her off to him knowing.
         What he saw instead was Rachel wearing his haori, pretending to be him. She didn’t even notice him walk in, but Adaman couldn’t help but take in the sight. All thoughts of being even remotely offended flew away when he saw just how small she was.
         He couldn’t help himself. “Wow, you are practically swimming in that!”
         Whipping around at him, Rachel found herself frozen, completely wide-eyed. How could she have been so careless? The last thing she wanted was to disrespect him. What if this was some sort of ceremonial or cultural garb she wasn’t supposed to wear? What if she’d committed a great act of disrespect by wearing it?
         What was she thinking?! “I-I’m sorry, I was just curious! I-I didn’t mean any harm I promise.”
         “Hey, hey. I’m not mad.” Adaman said, raising his hands in an attempt to soothe her worries. What he walked in on was remarkably more innocent than what he initially assumed when he accidentally overheard her from outside. How could he be mad? “I’m just surprised. I mean, look at you. If you were any shorter, those tassels would be touching the ground.”
         It was very big on Rachel. The sleeves that reached Adaman’s elbows nearly engulfed her wrists and he was right about the tassels that hung off the bottom of the garment. If she were any shorter, they would drag on the ground.
         Leaning against one of the bedframes, Rachel scoffed, trying to save face. “Well, in my time period, oversized clothes are actually quite fashionable!”
         Raising an eyebrow, Adaman’s dark eyes trailed up and down her form before he smirked, walking towards her. “Not sure if that’s the word I’d use for it.”
         Feeling a bit apprehensive, Rachel instinctively walked backwards, very quickly hitting the bedframe with Adaman closing in. Her heart was starting to beat insistently against her chest, making the room feel smaller than it was. “Oh yeah?” She said, trying to diffuse the situation. “What word would you use, then?”
         Leaning over her, with one hand against the frame right by her head, he smirked down at her. It was not fair for him to be so tall compared to her and as Rachel’s eyes wandered, she got a good look at the lean musculature of his arm for once. Not only was he much taller than her, but there was no doubt that he was strong.
         Physically, she’d be completely outmatched against him.
         “Cute.” Came Adaman’s reply, his voice taking a lower cadence with a texture as smooth as honey as he leaned in close. “Very cute.”
         For a moment, Rachel’s breath was caught in her throat while Adaman’s smirk stretched into something incredibly smug. Satisfied with the way her eyes widened up at him and the light dusting on her cheeks, he leaned back, walking away as though nothing happened. “Anyways, you’re welcome to stay as long as you need until the rain blows over. In the meantime, I’ll make sure to send you back to Jubilife Village with a fresh set of clean clothes so you don’t have to worry about them later.”
         Taken off-guard by such a brazen display, what Adaman just said finally registered in her flustered mind. “Wait, what?” She asked, seeing him pick up the basket of wet soggy clothes. “You don’t have to do my laundry for me, I just needed to wait out the rain. That’s all.”
         “Please.” As though nothing happened, Adaman addressed her warmly, his eyes kind as he spoke to her with her heavy wet clothes in his arms. “After everything you’ve done for us thus far, it’s the least I could do.”
         Completely taken aback, Rachel fought hard to not have eyes that were as damp as her clothes. She hadn’t realized how run ragged she had been, relying practically exclusively on herself for so long that a simple act such as laundry being done for her felt like a life’s debt being repaid.
         Her appreciation could not be overstated. “Well…thank you. I really appreciate that, Adaman.”
         Smiling, he reached with one hand and gave her a side hug, with a squeeze for good measure. “Just focus on getting dry. If you want to take a nap, feel free. The beds are quite comfortable.”
         Nodding, Rachel watched Adaman leave, now alone in the tent with Cedric, wearing the Diamond Clan leader’s robe still while her Zorua stared at her knowingly.
         There was no mistaking it. Rachel was in big fucking trouble.
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hanahaki-arcade · 9 months
Selfshiptempber day 1: First Meeting!
This is gonna be a little thing for Omega and Alyx meeting as kids! Pssst @loveletter-sys
Omega held Stephen's hand tight.
"Ok, Mega, you behave at Dr. Vance's, ok? Don't play too rough and say please and thank you and all that good stuff."
Stephen knocked on the door to the Vance's apartment. Eli opened it a minute later.
"Stephen! And Omega! Come in!"
The two entered, Omega hiding a behind Stephen. They felt nervous, and they didn't want Stephen to leave them here...
"Thanks for taking care of Omega today. I just...don't want them to be alone. Just in case."
Eli clapped Stephen on the shoulder.
"You just keep yourself safe."
Omega watched the two talk, clutching their cat stuffie tight. They looked around the room and realized there was someone else in the room. They waved nervously to the other kid. She waved back, trotting over.
"Hi! What's your name?"
"I'm Alyx! Oh! What's your cat's name?"
Omega holds it tighter, feeling nervous.
"Cheema. He's a cheetah."
Alyx lit up.
"I love cheetahs! They're so fast!"
Omega nodded happily, starting to feel more comfortable.
"Yeah! I wish I could see a real one, but...they don't live here."
"Yeah...do you wanna come play?"
Omega nodded, then looked back to Stephan and Eli. Stephen nodded a final time and turned to Omega, who ran over to give him a hug.
"Be safe, Stephan!"
"You too, kiddo. Have fun."
He ruffled their hair, and left. Alyx was waiting right behind, rocking back and forth on her heels.
"Omega and I are gonna go play now, dad!"
Eli nodded.
"You two have fun!"
Alyx grabbed Omega's hand and the two went off to her room. Alyx's room was pretty sparse, but then again there was next to nothing by way of toys or...anything. She did have a few simple gadgets, and a small robot. Alyx scooped it up.
"This is D0g!"
Omega waved, and made Cheema wave too. D0g seemed to be inspecting them both curiously, and Alyx gave him a little kiss on top of his head and put him down.
"So...whaddya wanna play?"
Omega shrugged, looking around.
"Uhh...I dunno..."
The two thought for a minute.
"Wanna play...wild cats?"
"Yeah! I wanna be a Cheetah!"
"Awesome! I'm gonna be...a lion!"
The two then spent the morning making "dens" with pillows and blankets, and pretending to hunt the various trinkets in Alyx's room as prey. Cheema rode around on top of D0g who had...some sort of role. By lunchtime (which came an hour late), the two were too excited to stop. They both gobbled down their lunches (it was hard to eat them slowly, they tasted so stale and gross), and then rushed back to Alyx's room to start playing again. By the time Stephan came to collect Omega, the two kids were asleep in their "den".
Stephen ended up sleeping over on the couch that night.
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synf3ll · 9 months
number 18: selfie [prompt list]
animal selfship AU back at it again
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