#STOP infantilising yourselves
kraniumet · 1 year
people are always going "that was NOT appropriate for me to read as a child omg" about books that were literally written for children
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anauwhere · 1 year
Tbh i find offensive when people write NEURO DIVERGENT in their carrds or bios as synonymous of dumb,fragile little meow meow who can be hurt by petals and is a bit slow bc honey technically I am nd too but I am not stupid nor fragile nor in need to be EdUcAtEd by some 14 yo American child.
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kinnoth · 4 years
Young adult women (20+) who refer to themselves as "a young girl" when describing themselves as a tactic to elicit sympathy can all get into one big car and drive off into an ocean of piss
Similarly women who describe themselves as "just a small woman" when they're like, 5'+ you are a statistically average sized woman and in any case you are an adult who is expected to lift your own fucking luggage LINDA
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buntrousled · 6 years
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casgirlsam · 3 years
i'm happy misha put pronouns in their profile but its disappointing they're still scared to come out as nb, the day they finally change it to they/them will be a day of celebration.
this is gonna come out harsh, but as someone who leans heavy into the gender fluid spectrum and uses binary she/her pronouns, im Annoyed™️ by this fucking disrespect so you can understand the harshness
you dont know whether he ids as enby or not and if he does, he can still use binary pronouns and besides that REGARDLESS: respect his pronouns for the love of fucking god
this is really disrespectful. misha’s, A REAL LIVING BREATHING PERSON’S, identity is NOT for you. it’s for HIM.
would YOU like it if someone misgendered you on purpose because they said they knew better than you? no and you shouldn’t tolerate it because thats not ok
just like what youre doing now. fucking stop.
and you know what? i knew it. i fucking knew that yall would make it about YOURSELVES. this wasnt about misha putting pronouns in his bio as an (assumed) ally. this was about yall projecting onto a man you have a parasocial relationship with and him putting the “right” pronouns in his profile.
(also he KNOWS what enby is and he KNOWS about they/them/their so stop infantilising a man in his 40s thats heavy in activism)
please stop this. it’s not good for anyone involved.
to recap: misha says HE uses HE/HIM/HIS pronouns and until HE says otherwise, YOU WILL RESPECT THAT JUST LIKE YOU WOULD FOR ANYONE ELSE
this is the only ask i’ll answer that misgenders HIM on purpose and if i get anymore, theyre getting deleted as fast as they come in. try me.
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nerajaana · 3 years
The most irritating thing about these people who call Daenerys racist (and apparently all of us, lol) is that they think they are morally superior for supporting the martinis.
but the martinis aren't even poc, right?
Hit the bullseye nonnie!
Nothing can be more hilarious that some noobs screaming into the void about how the rl wocs stanning dany are a bunch of white feminists......ever used the brain cell your ancesters underwent evolution to obtain over millions of years? like, have some respect for them at least???? The ones who're still suffering the aftermath of the imperialistic colonial regimes are here stanning the fuck outta Daenerys Targaryen while many many of her haters, who accuse her of being a imperialist tyrant, are the same fucking people stanning the british royal family irl.....how much more hypocritical can they get?????????!!!!!!!! Who's gonna tell them this series is not for a bunch of bourgeoisie enthusiasts to live vicariously through the characters??? Absolutely pathetic.
(😣😭pls im a martell stan lets not call the canon ones martinis pls feel free to deride the fanon versions tho the book ones are bae💖💖💖#EllariaDeservedBetter #ArianneMyLove #FUGeorgeBringBackQuent2021 #FuckD&D)
The Dornish's race is something i don't think even the creator of the said characters has any fucking clue about. One time he goes they're a combination of Wales, Moorish Spain and Palestine (........tf george), another time he mentions how the sandy dornishmen are supposedly inspired from the mediterranean/greeks. Is it a case of colorism or xenophobia or a combination of both? It's definitely not just simple racism and bRoWn CuLtUrE....istg i will virtually throttle the next fool to talk about dornish culture being equivalent to the real world brown cultures- mr privileged ignorant old white guy has exposed his blatant orientalist attitude already why the fuck are you outing yourself as the same how the fuck will you justify that line of thinking you're all millenials and Gen-Zers you grew up with internet what's stopping you from educating yourselves what's your fucking excuse-
it's insulting as fuck, really. even the aryan remarks. do they even know what Aryan is truly about, before hitler and the french tart went ahead and desecrated it?? (and, gosh the aryan terminology also opens up the can of worms that is the caste system of my country and boyyyyy that's a whole another set of problems this bunch of wokesters will never even bother to look into, let alone attempt to understand)
Reeks of performative activism, they think they're championing for the oppressed or some crap while infantilising us in the same breath about how we don't know any better since we like dany and the targs ....what exactly are you lot attempting at you fools? The entire fucking human population can't be categorised into black, brown and white and call it a day. It's so much more complicated, the issues are way too fucking messed up and complex to be boxed into categories. The spectrum between white & black is so bleeding vast and beyond their understanding that wouldn't even fuckin know where to start, let alone draw conclusions and parallels to throw em about. Some rando comes up with bullshit about how Rhaenys being in dany's place wouldve been empowering.....how? how does reading about a half mediterranean greek/moorish spainiard and half elfin white girl being in the place of a character you call a white coded saviour trope woman make your woc self feel better? how's that supposed to work??? Oh and how seeing people like her being enslaved would make the issue of slavery more personal........newsflash hon, Lysenis, the ones who closely resemble Valyrians are right there in the slavers bay, shackled. The whole cursed thing isn't even about the race, the writer himself literally said how it's got to do with the Romans not what the fcking whites attempted at a couple centuries ago. Does he need to write a mfing essay about it?And really, isn't a bit of human empathy more than sufficient to want to abolish something as cruel and inhumane and disgusting as slavery? what the ever loving fuck-
*deep breath*
wow would you look at that length. Hope my answer's adequate nonnie, apologies if this isn't what you'd expected😓
have a lovely day ahead!
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catastrfy · 6 years
Hey, non-autistic parents of autistic kids!
How about you stop with the martyr memoirs that show zero empathy for the pain they will cause a) your autistic kids, b) other autistic kids, and c) autistic adults? How about you grant your autistic kids the same dignity and privacy you'd want for yourselves? How about you stop and think "How would I have felt when I was 13 years old and dealing with puberty, and my mother told strangers intimate and embarassing things about me?" -- and then DON'T WRITE THEM ABOUT YOUR OWN CHILD! I mean, how about you don't share incredibly private information about your 13 year old son? How hard is it to NOT share private stuff that’s not about you with strangers? How about you don't aggressively mock the idea that your autistic child might someday want and have a sex life? How about you don’t infantilise your autistic child -- how many allistic people are mature enough at 13 to be parents? How about you let your child decide for themself if they want to have you as an adult guardian and able to force sterilisation on them whether they want it or not? After all, no doubt you were mature enough at 13 to have kids, so why isn't your child? How about you assume competence instead of wondering if your beautiful 13 year old child is actually sentient? I mean seriously, wtf? How about you work on removing your own ego from your child's entertainment interests just because you don't share them; how about instead of being publicly happy that your child has learned that the only safe thing to do is hide his interests from you or you'll mock him, you let him love the things that give him joy? If you believe it's "alarming and frustrating" for a teen to enjoy shows aimed at younger kids that you don't like, you probably need to discuss that with an Autistic-friendly therp. And you must not know that a lot of allistic teens also enjoy shows that society claims are "too young" for them. But they've been shamed about revealing it, too, so only tell the people they trust. If any of this post pertains to things you've done, you are probably not on that trusted list, unless you';ve worked to regain your children's trust. How about you not pull fake facts out of your ass to put down your child, for instance about professional musicians, when what you claimed is counter to what the vast majority of them will say when asked. How about you learn more about boundaries and ethics so that you realise professional writers who have them ask public figures before including them their own book? How about you consider writing about an Autistic activist but calling her a male fantasy figure with purpose other than to make men happy? And if you're called on that, how about you pull up your big kid pants instead of publicly tantruming about it on twitter (and probably elsewhere) and insisting that the person should be grateful for the "exposure". How about when autistic adults call you on your writing and how you publicly ridicule and shame your son, you listen and sitting on it instead of attacking a whole bunch of Autistic people who try to explain how damaging what you're doing is to the child you claim to love? How about you stop raging that you didn't get the child you wanted and putting your 13 child on blast so that thousands of people will know just how much you despise him for being autistic? And basically: how about you listen to autistic adults about what was damaging to us, and then don’t do it to your own child? And if you can only listen to non-autistic parents,  how about you learn about parenting an autistic kid from someone like diaryofamom instead of other martyr parents?
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radionova · 7 years
There's actual homophobia in this fandom I never thought I'd see the day but here we are and evidently? They're 2nu shippers. So are we surprised tho? Y'all are so pissed off that your pseudo incestual ship will never be canon that you'd rather send death threats to gay ppl, most of which already endure abuse on a daily basis.
Y'all don't give a fuck about Noodle's infantilisation or anything she represents, stop lying to yourselves. You only care that you get to assert your authority and bully LGBT youth on this website who are trying to see themselves in characters they adore.
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casgirlsam · 2 years
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bridgewater team callin misha a lead of spn has got me @ bronlies like
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119 notes • Posted 2021-07-27 11:12:44 GMT
i love how jack, the result of human/angel relations in both nature and nurture, is the new god.
jack is the result of a human and angel being physically intimate and conceiving him into being
but he is also the result of a human and angel, the ones that adopted the newly orphaned nephilim, being in love and passing that love onto him
jack is what happens when one angel sees the best humanity has to offer all in one man and wants his son to not only see those same qualities in that man, but also strive to have them himself
jack came to be because not only did two of his fathers put faith in him from the start, but because the one that should have hated him the most loved his angel dad so much that he saw how much jack and cas were alike and couldnt help but give in
jack is what happens when you combine the best of heaven and earth
125 notes • Posted 2021-01-03 14:39:42 GMT
you know what? i was gonna TOTALLY LEGALLY WATCH *wink* w4lker but after seeing what the network did? not doing it
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like imagine thinking this a good idea just after the fucking violent treasonous insurrection that fnc is in part culpable for
don't give c*w another fucking second of views or another hint of engagement.  im so fucking livid.  im serious. don't even fucking pirate it. don't even THINK about that network. they are not worth a second of your time
357 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 23:22:55 GMT
a post that has 4,000, FOUR THOUSAND!!!, notes on it is going around and i’m fucking tired. i’m done. y’all didn’t learn from the bill clinton/misha news coverage. y’all didn’t learn from tv writer steve yockey having to come on twitter which he RARELY DOES to explain he isn’t dead.
358 notes • Posted 2021-04-26 13:21:08 GMT
i'm happy misha put pronouns in their profile but its disappointing they're still scared to come out as nb, the day they finally change it to they/them will be a day of celebration.
this is gonna come out harsh, but as someone who leans heavy into the gender fluid spectrum and uses binary she/her pronouns, im Annoyed™️ by this fucking disrespect so you can understand the harshness
you dont know whether he ids as enby or not and if he does, he can still use binary pronouns and besides that REGARDLESS: respect his pronouns for the love of fucking god
this is really disrespectful. misha’s, A REAL LIVING BREATHING PERSON’S, identity is NOT for you. it’s for HIM.
would YOU like it if someone misgendered you on purpose because they said they knew better than you? no and you shouldn’t tolerate it because thats not ok
just like what youre doing now. fucking stop.
and you know what? i knew it. i fucking knew that yall would make it about YOURSELVES. this wasnt about misha putting pronouns in his bio as an (assumed) ally. this was about yall projecting onto a man you have a parasocial relationship with and him putting the “right” pronouns in his profile.
(also he KNOWS what enby is and he KNOWS about they/them/their so stop infantilising a man in his 40s thats heavy in activism)
please stop this. it’s not good for anyone involved.
to recap: misha says HE uses HE/HIM/HIS pronouns and until HE says otherwise, YOU WILL RESPECT THAT JUST LIKE YOU WOULD FOR ANYONE ELSE
this is the only ask i’ll answer that misgenders HIM on purpose and if i get anymore, theyre getting deleted as fast as they come in. try me.
420 notes • Posted 2021-02-02 08:02:41 GMT
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