carbone14 · 9 months
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USS Caiman (SS 323) au large du chantier naval de Mare Island – Vallejo – Californie – États-Unis – Printemps 1951
©United States Navy
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i-am-theseeker · 24 days
University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje: Alexander the Great was Greek
“The classical period of Greece ends with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. In addition to war and conquest, in the classical period, the Greeks produced great literature, poetry, philosophy, drama, and art. This was the time when the genre of history was first established. She also created the institution we know […]University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje: Alexander the Great was…
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sipelangihidup · 4 months
Selamat tahun baru, felas. Tahun 2023 penuh dengan kebahagiaan, terlebih buat diri gue sendiri. Bertemu dengan orang yang gue sayang lebih tepatnya. Yaaakk, akhir tahun kemarin gue ngajakin dia liburan ke Jogja. Menikmati akhir tahun dengan nonton konser di prambanan. She's very happy. Bertemu di stasiun tugu gue ajakin dia ke geblek pari. Menikmati sarapan pinggir sawah yang lagi panen. Indah banget. Lanjut mampir ke penginapan di lorong homestay buat nyimpen tas bentar, eeehhh malah udh dibolehin check in. Padahal masih jam 10 loh itu. Beruntung banget. Abis itu langsung ke taman sari. Ngga pake makan siang karna doi hobby banget jajan-jajan disana, lanjut ke museum sonobudoyo. Puas dari sana, mampir bentar beli oleh-oleh. Menuju senja, dia minta nonton kabaret show di raminten. Beruntung karna punya orang dalem, bisa dapet tiket tanpa ngantri. Hahahahaha... Pulang dari raminten jalan-jalan bentar di malioboro trus pulang karna doi udah capek banget. Dan gue juga sih.. Hahahaha usia udah ga muda bund. Eeehh dipenginapan malah ada coffee shop-nya njirrr, ngopi bentar laaahh abis itu tidurrr..
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Besok paginya abis ena2 (323) lanjut sarapan deket penginapan, makan soto jogja beserta pritilannya. Trus balik ke penginapan. Mandi, siap-siap ke venue konser. Eeeehh kita sempet mampir ke tempo gelato, trus makan siang di SS, trus ke point cafe indomaret karna doi ngantuk. Sampeee deh di venue konser. Ngonser dari jam 2 ampe malam tahun baru. Nonton jikustik, kunto aji, sheggydog, dan yang ditunggu-tunggu shella on 7. Happy doi. Jam 2 sampe penginapan. Lelah bangun-bangun jam 8 karna kereta doi jam 11, langsung check out tapi sarapan di ayam suharti dulu. Jam 10 sampe deh di stasiun tugu. Pelukan perpisahan sekaligus kecupan dikepala menandakan rasa sayang gue ke dia.
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Makasih ya sayang untuk 1 tahunnya. Next ngedate kemana kita?
*btw balik dari Jogja gue langsung otw ke jakarta buat meeting sama bos-bos di kemang. Bawa tas gembolan ga ngaruh cok. Baliknya dijemput supir dari cirebon. Soalnya mesti SO tahunan. Mantap!!!
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history-matters · 8 months
New York chief of station Pavel Fedosimov (codename: STEPAN; left) and Soviet ambassador to the U.S. Nikolai Novikov, 1947. According to the popular version, he died during fire on SS Pobeda in 1948.
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Cоветский теплоход «Победа» был реквизированным у немцев судном, носившим во врем�� Великой Отечественной войны имя «Магдалена».
В июне-июле I948 г. "Победа", взяв на борт более 50 практикантов мореходных училищ, совершил благополучный переход через океан, а 31 июля вышел в обратное плавание из Нью-Йорка в Одессу. На борт было принято 323 пассажира и 277 т груза. В числе пассажиров были в основном работники министерств иностранных дел и внешней торговли с семьями, а также несколько представителей других ведомств, семья китайского маршала Фэн Юйсяна (Feng Yuxiang), следовавшая в Китай через Советский Союз. На борт «Победы» поместили багаж семьи Андрея Громыко - постоянного представителя СССР при ООН. Однако он сел на другой пароход, который отходил в более удобное для него время.
Перед выходом судна в море произошли важные события, не попавшие в поле зрения следствия и суда. О них - ниже. После нескольких дней плавания капитан получил радиограмму от Черноморского пароходства, в которой предписывалось зайти в Александрию и принять армян-репатриантов из Египта для доставки в Батуми. 22 августа судно покинуло египетский порт и направилось в Батуми. Капитан доложил, что принял на борт 2020 репатриантов и 6 работников Советской миссии в Египте с семьями, было погружено также 1500 т груза. В последних числах августа "Победа", завершив наиболее сложный участок пути, прибыла в порт Батуми и 31 августа взяла курс на Одессу. На борту осталось 310 пассажиров и члены экипажа. 1 сентября в час дня радиостанция Черноморского пароходства в Одессе получила плановое донесение с теплохода о том, что прошли Новороссийск и к двум часам 2 сентября предполагается прибытие в Одессу. После этого радиосвязь с судном прекратилась. Однако вначале это никого не насторожило. И лишь с утра 2 сентября в Черноморском пароходстве начали предпринимать меры к выяснению причин молчания теплохода, запросив суда в море и порты на пути следования лайнера: никто связи с "Победой" не имел и сигналов SOS не слышал. Обратились за помощью к командованию Черноморским флотом, и в море были посланы поисковые самолеты морской авиации. В 21.00 один из летчиков сообщил, что обнаружил обгоревший теплоход "Победа" в 70 милях к юго-востоку от Ялты, возле него находились пять шлюпок с людьми. К аварийному судну из Феодосии, Севастополя, других мест была направлена помощь. Пожар возник после прохода Ялты. Загорелись и вызвали взрыв в средней части судна под капитанским мостиком ящики груза, взятого на борт. Во время рейса эти загадочные ящики не раз переставляли на судне с места на место. В тот момент, когда начался пожар и произошел взрыв, на "Победе" показывали кинофильм. Часть пассажиров была в киносалоне, остальные находились в своих каютах и готовились к прибытию в Одессу. Когда из вентиляции кинорубки повалил дым, а потом стало выбиваться пламя, пассажиров охватила паника, люди бросились бежать кто куда. Пожар быстро распространился по соседним помещениям. Некоторые свидетели впоследствии утверждали, что ящики с неизвестным грузом горели, как бенгальские огни. Команда "Победы" стала бороться с огнем, но напор воды в пожарной магистрали оказался слабым, а многие огнетушители и пожарные рукава (шланги) не работали. В конце концов локализовать главные очаги возгорания экипажу все же удалось, и обгоревшая "Победа" своим ходом дошла до Одессы… При этом управление судном осуществлялось с помощью выносного поста, оборудованного в корме для практикантов.
Погибли 40 пассажиров и два члена экипажа (матрос В. Скрипников и буфетчица Г. Гуньян - ее подвела вспыхнувшая на ней обнова - нейлоновая одежда). В числе погибших было 19 женщин и 15 детей в возрасте до 16 лет. Большинство людей погибли в первые минуты пожара, захлестнувшего пассажирские каюты. В ночь на 3 сентября, когда к аварийному судну подошли спасатели, основной пожар был уже потушен. Теплоход вначале повели на буксире, но затем выяснилось, что он может идти самостоятельно. 5 сентября "Победа" пришла в Одессу, на турбоходе "Вячеслав Молотов" прибыли спасенные пассажиры.
Во время пожара на борту корабля погибли китайский маршал Фэн Юйсян и его дочь. Это событие, ставшее в Америке и Европе новостью №1, в СССР освещалось скупо. "Несчастный случай", - сухо констатировали советские газеты. История неохотно раскрывает свои мрачные тайны. Гибель маршала Фэн Юйсяна, которого многие считали одним из кандидатов на ключевой пост в новом Китае, из этого ряда. И вдруг один из возможных руководителей Китая погибает в результате "несчастного случая". Сам же некогда всесильный китайский маршал Фэн, долгое время контролировавший провинции Хэнань, Шэньси, Ганьсу, на момент своей гибели уже миновал зенит политической славы. Отношение к нему в Китае было неоднозначным. Он то примыкал к Чан Кайши, то вступал с ним в военное противостояние, то боролся с коммунистами, то шел на сотрудничество с КПК. Имеются также свидетельства, что Фэн Юйсян находился в приятельских отношениях с советским послом-резидентом при Чан Кайши Александром Панюшкиным и неоднократно в приватных беседах сообщал ему конфиденциальную информацию. Так или иначе, выбор у Сталина был.
О пожаре на теплоходе «Победа» и гибели китайского маршала сразу же было доложено Сталину. Постановлением Совета министров СССР от 14 сентября полностью и немедленно отменена репатриация в СССР зарубежных армян и воспрещён приём армянских переселенцев в Армению. В Баку и Ереван были направлены ответственные сотрудники госбезопасности.
Перед выходом "Победы" из Нью-Йорка местные власти затеяли странную дезинфекци судна. Несмотря на протесты капитана, экипаж судна двое суток проживал в гостиницах, а американцы наводили на "Победе" нужный "порядок". Кроме того, в одной семейной паре дипломатов, уезжавших из США, возникла ссора - жена не захотела возвращаться на родину. В результате она выпрыгнула в окно, а американцы взяли ее под свою опеку. Ее багаж был уже погружен на "Победу" и находился в средней части судна, где позже и начался пожар.
Но самое главное это то, что вопреки распространённому мнению среди погибших пассажиров не фигурировал СТЕПАН. То-ли он сошёл на берег вместе с армянами в Батуми, то-ли по примеру Громыко смог сесть на пароход «Грипсхольм», что было-бы нелегко для рядового советского дипломата без определённой поддержки. Пароход принадлежал Svenska Amerika Linien и использовался на линии Нью Йорк - Гетеборг.
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faqidelikeme · 2 years
Horton c2150 handbuch
 HORTON C2150 HANDBUCH >>Download (Herunterladen) vk.cc/c7jKeU
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           Part of the Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie book series (CHEMIE 2) C. A. Horton: C. 109 I, 134 (1938). Kljatschko, J. A.: C. 107I, 2150 (1936). Dem Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte liegt die Überzeugung zu Grunde, dass die Entwicklung des Dogmas sich in 2150-53. 36 Vgl. ebd. 2146; DThC I 1220. von P Nober · 1958 — 2150 Kuss O., Römerbrief I (38,2122). 12 (1958) 323 ss (W. M. Horton); JBR 26 (1958) 242 ss (A. N. A Handbook of Assyriology. K 1956,.Die in diesem Handbuch aufgeführten Beispiele und Abbildungen dienen [20] Kollie, T. G.; Horton, J. L.; Carr, K. R.; Herskovitz, M. B.; Mossman, C. Scheuch, Erwin K.; Scherhorn, Gerhard Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung. Enke, Stuttgart, 1977 2150. EPI. Fletcher, R.H.; Fletcher, S.W.; Wagner,. Lichtdesign: Horton Lees Brogden Lighting Design. Decken- und Wandfluter, asymmetrische stellen potenzial (weitere Details siehe Handbuch). IR-Sensor. Vr-U. HANDBUCH k-/ f DER □e<i OZEANOGRAPHIE VON Dr. OTTO KRÜMMEL, mit der großen Halbachse = 2150, der kleinen {= der größten Tiefe)' = 4 km gab, HORTON | Seite 44. LOGAN | Seite 45. SOREL | Seite 47. AVIGNON | Seite 49. JANSSEN | Seite 51. FOX | Seite 53. TROY | Seite 55. CYRANO | Seite 57. von M Bullinger · 2010 · Zitiert von: 6 — Handbuch für die deutschsprachige Version der WHO Instrumente zur Erfassung von Oken MM, Creech RH, Tormey DC, Horton J, Davis TE, McFadden ET,
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           Los 3867. 8700: Literatur. Karton mit über 30 Katalogen, Handbüchern und Schriften,mehr · 50,00 EUR Verkauft ; Los 3868. 8700: Literatur. Kleiner Nachlass mit 9912, LITERATUR: kleiner Posten über die Stempel der Dt. Kolonien, dabei Putzel-Handbuch für DSWA, Berichte der Kolonialbriefmarkensammler von 2006 bis 2014 Handbuch Literaturwissenschaft. Gegenstande--Konzepte--Institutionen. 3 Bande | Vogt, J. | download | BookSC. Download books for free. Find books. AbeBooks.com: Handbuch der Geschichte der poetischen National-Literatur der Deutschen. Zweite, unveränderte Ausgabe.: VIII, 323, (1) SS. It is not possible to turn in online buying orders anymore. The auction is in preparation or has been executed already. Share:. Literatur ; Lot, Symbol, Lot Description ; 2028, FRANKREICH: Karton mit alten Katalogen und Handbüchern, dabei Kohl-Handbuch Band II The work had its origins in the extensive bibliography that formed the first section of Zeis's Handbuch der plastischen Chirurgie (1838), the work thatLeipzig 1889, Band I und II (A-F und G-M), gebr. Auction archive: Lot number 1. Auction: Briefmarken. Datum
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hindimaster · 2 years
Lottery News Lottery Department Of Kerala Officially Declared Kerala Lottery Result For Sthree Sakthi SS 323
Lottery News Lottery Department Of Kerala Officially Declared Kerala Lottery Result For Sthree Sakthi SS 323
Kerala Lottery Result: दुनिया में ज्यादातर लोग रातोंरात अमीर बनने का ख्वाब देखते हैं. कुछ लोगों की किस्मत या फिर उनका लक इस मामले में अच्छा होता है और उनका अमीर बनने का सपना सच हो जाता है. महज 40 रुपये का टिकट (Lottery Ticket) खरीदकर एक शख्स मालामाल हो गया. केरल स्टेट लॉटरी विभाग (Kerala Lottery Department) ने मंगलवार को ‘श्रीत्री शक्ति एसएस-323’ (Sthree Sakthi SS 323) के परिणामों की घोषणा कर दी…
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Re/Max rallies past Sheetz | News, Sports, Jobs
Re/Max rallies past Sheetz | News, Sports, Jobs
<!– SHOW ARTICLE –> Re/Max Realty used an eight-run fifth inning to rally past Sheetz for a 14-9 victory in a George B. Kelley Federation game at Vets Field on Monday. Hunter Rossman, Blake Nicolini and Ben Westley all had three hits for Re/Max. Aden Diehl had two hits and scored three times for Sheetz. RE/MAX REALTY (14): Folcarelli p-eh 311, Colombo pr 010, Carmel ss-p 332, H. Rossman c 323, G.…
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hygiene4all · 3 years
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jewels2876 · 2 years
Letter to Santa
And the HBC Winter Wonderland continues! We continue with Dad!Bucky for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ although this one is mostly reader and Rebecca centric
Warnings: none
Word count: 323
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“Mommy! How do you spell reindeer?” Rebecca yelled from her room down to you in the kitchen. You wiped your hands with a chuckle and jogged up the stairs.
“Are you ready? Do you have enough room?” Rebecca nodded, crayon hovering over the paper. “R - e - i - n - d - e - e - r.” You paused. “What are you doing?”
“Writing to Santa. He needs to know how good I’ve been and the presents I want.” She focused her concentration on the drawing she was making, her little tongue sticking out, before raising her eyes to you. “Do we have enough stamps to mail this?”
“One sheet of paper? Sure do!”
“Not one.” She picked up several pieces of paper on the floor and counted. “One, two, three, four, five…” You giggled as she continued counting. “Ten!”
“Ten? Plus the one you’re working on now, that’s…”
“Eleven!” she squealed with glee. “Santa loves my drawings. He told me so.”
You leaned against the doorframe watching her finish her masterpiece. “I know he loves your drawings. And I think I know the perfect place to take your letter. Let me know when you’re done okay?”
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The mall was crawling with shoppers as you approached the large mailbox; the schedule on the side confirmed the last day was tomorrow. “Ready Becca?” She nodded eagerly and ran up to the mailbox and shoved her thick envelope into the slot. It got stuck so she pushed a few more times, satisfied when she heard the small thump on the other envelopes. “Can we visit Santa too?”
You eyed the growing line. “You’ve already talked to him twice. I know he’ll get your letter, okay?”
“Okay,” she agreed, her eyes looking down at the floor and a slight pout to her lips. 
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the resemblance to your husband. “But we can get ice cream on the way home, how does that sound?”
“Yay ice cream!”
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 5.22
192 – Dong Zhuo is assassinated by his adopted son Lü Bu. 760 – Fourteenth recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet. 853 – A Byzantine fleet sacks and destroys undefended Damietta in Egypt. 1176 – The Hashshashin (Assassins) attempt to assassinate Saladin near Aleppo. 1200 – King John of England and King Philip II of France sign the Treaty of Le Goulet. 1246 – Henry Raspe is elected anti-king of the Kingdom of Germany in opposition to Conrad IV. 1254 – Serbian King Stefan Uroš I and the Republic of Venice sign a peace treaty. 1370 – Brussels massacre: Hundreds of Jews are murdered and the rest of the Jewish community is banished from Brussels, Belgium, for allegedly desecrating consecrated Host. 1377 – Pope Gregory XI issues five papal bulls to denounce the doctrines of English theologian John Wycliffe. 1455 – Start of the Wars of the Roses: At the First Battle of St Albans, Richard, Duke of York, defeats and captures King Henry VI of England. 1520 – The massacre at the festival of Tóxcatl takes place during the Fall of Tenochtitlan, resulting in turning the Aztecs against the Spanish. 1629 – Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II and Danish King Christian IV sign the Treaty of Lübeck ending Danish intervention in the Thirty Years' War. 1762 – Sweden and Prussia sign the Treaty of Hamburg. 1762 – Trevi Fountain is officially completed and inaugurated in Rome. 1766 – A large earthquake causes heavy damage and loss of life in Istanbul and the Marmara region. 1804 – The Lewis and Clark Expedition officially begins as the Corps of Discovery departs from St. Charles, Missouri. 1807 – A grand jury indicts former Vice President of the United States Aaron Burr on a charge of treason. 1809 – On the second and last day of the Battle of Aspern-Essling (near Vienna, Austria), Napoleon I is repelled by an enemy army for the first time. 1816 – A mob in Littleport, Cambridgeshire, England, riots over high unemployment and rising grain costs, and the riots spread to Ely the next day. 1819 – SS Savannah leaves port at Savannah, Georgia, United States, on a voyage to become the first steamship to cross the Atlantic Ocean. 1826 – HMS Beagle departs on its first voyage. 1840 – The penal transportation of British convicts to the New South Wales colony is abolished. 1848 – Slavery is abolished in Martinique. 1849 – Future U.S. President Abraham Lincoln is issued a patent for an invention to lift boats, making him the only U.S. president to ever hold a patent. 1856 – Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina severely beats Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts with a cane in the hall of the United States Senate for a speech Sumner had made regarding Southerners and slavery. 1863 – American Civil War: Union forces begin the Siege of Port Hudson which lasts 48 days, the longest siege in U.S. military history. 1864 – American Civil War: After ten weeks, the Union Army's Red River Campaign ends in failure. 1866 – Oliver Winchester founded the Winchester Repeating Arms 1872 – Reconstruction Era: President Ulysses S. Grant signs the Amnesty Act into law, restoring full civil and political rights to all but about 500 Confederate sympathizers. 1900 – The Associated Press is formed in New York City as a non-profit news cooperative. 1906 – The Wright brothers are granted U.S. patent number 821,393 for their "Flying-Machine". 1915 – Lassen Peak erupts with a powerful force, the only volcano besides Mount St. Helens to erupt in the contiguous U.S. during the 20th century. 1915 – Three trains collide in the Quintinshill rail disaster near Gretna Green, Scotland, killing 227 people and injuring 246. 1926 – Chiang Kai-shek replaces the communists in Kuomintang China. 1927 – Near Xining, China, an 8.3 magnitude earthquake causes 200,000 deaths in one of the world's most destructive earthquakes. 1939 – World War II: Germany and Italy sign the Pact of Steel. 1941 – During the Anglo-Iraqi War, British troops take Fallujah. 1942 – Mexico enters the Second World War on the side of the Allies. 1943 – Joseph Stalin disbands the Comintern. 1947 – Cold War: The Truman Doctrine goes into effect, aiding Turkey and Greece. 1948 – Finnish President J. K. Paasikivi released Yrjö Leino from his duties as interior minister in 1948 after the Finnish parliament had adopted a motion of censure of Leino with connection to his illegal handing over of nineteen people to the Soviet Union in 1945. 1957 – South Africa's government approves of racial separation in universities. 1958 – The 1958 riots in Ceylon become a watershed in the race relations of various ethnic communities of Sri Lanka. The total deaths is estimated at 300, mostly Tamils. 1960 – The Great Chilean earthquake, measuring 9.5 on the moment magnitude scale, hits southern Chile, becoming the most powerful earthquake ever recorded. 1962 – Continental Airlines Flight 11 crashes in Unionville, Missouri after bombs explode on board, killing 45. 1963 – Greek left-wing politician Grigoris Lambrakis is shot in an assassination attempt, and dies five days later. 1964 – Lyndon B. Johnson launches the Great Society. 1967 – Egypt closes the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping. 1967 – L'Innovation department store in Brussels, Belgium, burns down, resulting in 323 dead or missing and 150 injured, the most devastating fire in Belgian history. 1968 – The nuclear-powered submarine USS Scorpion sinks with 99 men aboard, 400 miles southwest of the Azores. 1969 – Apollo 10's lunar module flies within 8.4 nautical miles (16 km) of the moon's surface. 1972 – Ceylon adopts a new constitution, becoming a republic and changing its name to Sri Lanka, and joins the Commonwealth of Nations. 1972 – Over 400 women in Derry, Northern Ireland attack the offices of Sinn Féin following the shooting by the Irish Republican Army of a young British soldier on leave. 1987 – Hashimpura massacre occurs in Meerut, India. 1987 – First ever Rugby World Cup kicks off with New Zealand playing Italy at Eden Park in Auckland, New Zealand. 1990 – North and South Yemen are unified to create the Republic of Yemen. 1992 – Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia join the United Nations. 1994 – A worldwide trade embargo against Haiti goes into effect to punish its military rulers for not reinstating the country's ousted elected leader, Jean-Bertrand Aristide. 1996 – The Burmese military regime jails 71 supporters of Aung San Suu Kyi in a bid to block a pro-democracy meeting. 1998 – A U.S. federal judge rules that U.S. Secret Service agents can be compelled to testify before a grand jury concerning the Lewinsky scandal involving President Bill Clinton. 2000 – In Sri Lanka, over 150 Tamil rebels are killed over two days of fighting for control in Jaffna. 2002 – Civil rights movement: A jury in Birmingham, Alabama, convicts former Ku Klux Klan member Bobby Frank Cherry of the 1963 murder of four girls in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. 2010 – Air India Express Boeing 737 crashes over a cliff upon landing at Mangalore, India, killing 158 of 166 people on board, becoming the deadliest crash involving a Boeing 737 until the crash of Lion Air Flight 610. 2010 – Inter Milan beat Bayern Munich 2–0 in the Uefa Champions League final in Madrid, Spain to become the first, and so far only, Italian team to win the historic treble (Serie A, Coppa Italia, Champions League). 2011 – An EF5 tornado strikes Joplin, Missouri, killing 158 people and wreaking $2.8 billion in damages, the costliest and seventh-deadliest single tornado in U.S. history. 2012 – Tokyo Skytree opens to the public. It is the tallest tower in the world (634 m), and the second tallest man-made structure on Earth after Burj Khalifa (829.8 m). 2014 – General Prayut Chan-o-cha becomes interim leader of Thailand in a military coup d'état, following six months of political turmoil. 2014 – An explosion occurs in Ürümqi, capital of China's far-western Xinjiang region, resulting in at least 43 deaths and 91 injuries. 2015 – The Republic of Ireland becomes the first nation in the world to legalize gay marriage in a public referendum. 2017 – Twenty-two people are killed at an Ariana Grande concert in the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. 2017 – United States President Donald Trump visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and becomes the first sitting U.S. president to visit the Western Wall. 2020 – Pakistan International Airlines Flight 8303 crashes in Model Colony near Jinnah International Airport in Karachi, Pakistan, killing 98 people.
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dragoni · 4 years
Tumblr media
.@AOC starts a petition for Stephen Miller to resign.
"In Stephen Miller’s case, thoughts have become action. As the architect of Donald Trump’s deportation regime, Miller has built a system designed to keep people who do not look like him out of the US." 
— Alex Kotch @alexkotch
Because of Miller, a ‘3-year-old girl was sexually abused in U.S. foster care after being separated from her father by ICE’
Stephen ‘Himmler’ Miller is responsible for:
Muslim Ban
Deporting Dreamers  #ICEtapo
Ending DACA
Family Separation and Zero Tolerance #CrimesAgainstHumanity 
Internment Camps  #TrumpCamps  #BabyJails 
Psychological Torture  #InhumaneConditions
Sexual assault of migrants from Latin America to the United States, Wikipedia
“Militarized Border Rape”
“Sexual Assault of Children in Migrant Shelters”
‘You Have to Pay With Your Body’: The Hidden Nightmare of Sexual Violence on the Border, NYTimes
Children sexually assaulted and bullied by US border guards at migrant detention camp, report says, The Independent
“Stephen actually enjoys seeing those pictures at the border. He’s a twisted guy... He’s Waffen-SS.”, Trump White House Adviser
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babblingfishes · 6 years
Another FroodPad Update
(I’m sending an email instead of tagging people about this one because the majority of you guys have changed urls.)
For anyone who used the original FroodPad (PiratenPad) teamsite for fic writing, the host is taking down the site next month.
As before with the Mozilla alternative, I have backups of most of the text.
Here’s what I do not have:
Backups of locked pads
Chat logs
Authors / authorship colors
Time slider histories
If you want any of those, you’ll need to grab them yourself asap! If you’ve forgotten a password, the quickest way to grab my attention is to let me know via the tumblr messager (or my Discord, if you have it) and I can help you.
As for the actual text of the pads, I have these saved! I can send them to you whenever you like. Under the cut is a VERY lengthy list of the pad titles I have backups of. I can also do a text search if you need.
!!HEY GUYS -- WRITER PROFILES *Goat scream* 2SPOOKY 2c Stories 365 days of Rabbit No! A Very Frood Pad Christmas An attempt to organize chaos And the Band Plays On Annie got her gun Ask Walter Kids BADLY SINNING BRAINTHUNDERING Best Ship Around Broken little pieces CC 4 editing Care Cat!Steve. Don't ask. Cat's sehr whichtig grad portfolio stuff Catori's Little Pad ^^ Cheeroko: ES Drabbles And Possible Story Cheeroko: Elder Scrolls Brainstorming Cheeroko: Fanficing Fanfics since ... Today? Cheeroko: Has Started Yet Another AU Cheeroko: Rabbit Appreciation Pad (Aka, SPG Pad) Cheeroko: Walter Manor Cheeroko: What Should I call this? [{Original Fic}] Cheeroko: You Know What? I'm Just Going To Use This Pad For My Gender Stuff Christmas List Come keep French Company! Please? Configuration (new-new CC and biocore planning) Counter Nonsense Crazy Community Fanfiction Crazy Community Fanfiction II Crazy SPG Collab Thing 2.0 DANGER 5 SOLVE THE GREATEST CRIME OF ALL Derelict (spoilers yo) Derelict 23 and other stuff Derelict Chapter 20 Derelict Chapter 24 Derelict Chapter 25 Derelict Chapter 25 for real this time Derelict Dragon Dreads Derelict Take 73 Derpy-Nuns Don't come here unless Fish is whining at you Don't look Dr. Babblefish's Quest to Only Become Moderately More Insane Dragon Lurve Elephants and Nachos Everyone Writing Everything FRANKENPAPPY Fantastic Mister Vox Fish Does Terrible Things Fish Fanfictions Salgexicon Now Fish and Serif attempt a role play thing. Fish and its monospaced text Fish has an F in evil Fish is Sailing a Ship Fish is a terrible person. Fish is just rambling Fish writes things about other fandoms Fish's Awkward Nonfandom Headcanons Fish's Lupin Drabbles Fish's Magical Tragical Guide to Not Writing Mary Sues Fish's OC Boat Fish's Originalish Pad Fish's Plots and Characters French Rambles French Writes Stony French is a Poet Froodpad Rules and Instructions Further proof we're all insane Futureverse G-Mans and Watering Cans GW2 Cav stuff Ghost! Ghostfacers! Hangout pad Happy Little Family Happy Little Family Notes Here ye go, Redacted Heyo, Achgfd Homestead-Ch.1 How to be nice in RP I blame everyone but me I figure at this rate I should just make a Weird SPG Dreams pad I have no idea what im working on I never tire, I serve I- I- I- LOVE ROBBIE DARREN IT IS A SMUT POWERED BLANKET MY GOOT SAR Ice Cream and Knit Bow Ties Imma figure this thing out by posting prompt responses Improb In Which Pappy Dies In Which Reed Becomes a Robot In Which Steve Drops Bass In Which There is an Abandoned Lab In which robots become metaphors for Autism Spectrum stuff Laying Down The Law Here MATURE REPLY MBG Tumblr Planning   MERRY HOLIDAYMAS YOU WEIRDOS! MWFGOH Notes MY FRIEND MATT WHERE YOU AT May B. we Feta get outta here May B. we Feta get outta here pt2 Muppet Baby Giraffe Fics Myth fanfiction maybe??? NOBODY PANIC (MICHAEL GOT THE D) Neoma's Writes Not Actually a Funeral Not!Derelict Nuns could use help writing a comedy piece for English Nuns does a research paper on GAY GODS Nuns fools around with a hero's journey Nuns hunts for the Holy Grail (and a good essay grade) OC ADVENTURE!! OFF Musingses OOPS Oedipus Script Old Money On the wings of steam One of the Fanmily Original stuff is harder than we anticipated PSILENCE WILL FALL Pappy Pad 2 Pappy Rabbit Old (Still needed though!) Pen & Kari's Pad of Fairytale Badassery Philosophy Notes Pokemanz SPG Post-Derelict Headcanons Princey and Leeland's Walter People Pad Princey definitely isn't using this pad for homework anymore Princey is the best right Leilani right Princey tries Original Stuff Princey wanted to write OC stuff too Princey's self-indulgent stuff Princeyfic (An Accident of the Smallest Kind final chapter) Princeyfic: An Accident of the Smallest Kind Princeyfic: Basically nothing but a mermaid OC Princeyfic: Canoe Catastrophe Pronz Psi does homework and other stuff Psi does homework occasionally Psi gets his shit together Psi is in pain. Also class. Psi jacks Cat's characters Psi plans the Derelict!Verse RP blog early because he's bored Psi reads Marsupial Psi takes out dysphoria on The Spine Psi tries for "canon" SPG Psi writes Cabin Pressure stuff Psi writes a thing about an author Psi's Headcanon Psi's Kazooland OCs??? Psi's class notes Psi's class notes and HatchWorth stuff Psilent's Hatchworth Feels Psilent's Pscribblings Psilent's Pstuff Psunny's Muppet Babby Stuff Public pad 2: 2 public 2 pad Pun and Psi Make a Porno Punny: Ask Index Punny: Broken little pieces Punny: Crack Fic ideas Punny: Ficlets Punny: HLF Th teen years Punny: Happy Little Family Punny: Justice Giraffes Punny: Major fics Punny: Rainbow! The Spine Punny: Trying to figure out how the hell Super spg works RABBIT NO RABBIT NO 2: electric boogaloo Rabbit writes fanfic Relish's Ramblings Reverse Pre Mid Life Crisis 3000 Rex and Captain. Rover! SICK ROBOTS. (Princey and Leeland) SIMNANIGANS SO I may have discovered aquabats and it may have given me some muse SPG/Avengers cross over collab-fic SS kills a lot of young women SS: Aftertheendverse SS: Aggressively writes happy fanfiction SS: Amnesia Home Pad SS: Amnesia Revisions SS: Amnesia!Spine Headcanoning SS: Ancient Mariner SS: Angsty Poetry xP SS: Annie/V SS: Dragon!Steve SS: Genderbends because of reasons SS: Just our positronic electronic harmonic SS: Michael wants the D(erelict!Steve's dick) SS: Michael wants the D(erelict!Steve) #2 SS: More Spine/OC junk SS: Okay actually writing Amnesia now SS: Poems by Peter VI SS: Possible Natalia 'Verse SS: Private Party SS: Ratchet and pumpkin SS: Spine/OC SS: Spine/OC #2 SS: Spine/OC #3 SS: The Only Constant SS: The Way Home SS: hoamwork Satyr Adventure script Secret Santa (Sign-ups closed, Santas have been assigned!) Serif needs to kill something apparently Serif's Dump Pad Serif's Dump Pad 2 Seth only starts things and never finishes them Sewing Stitches SisterofaFish's Pad So much craft poisoning Something Wicked This Way Comes Space-Opera Spoons' Stuff Goes Here Stalking Information Steve has Joined Your Party! THIS IS WHERE THE PARTIES AT TIME TO SCARE THE BABIES Tango's Reason Why The Case of the Quest of the Missing Coffee The Mythos Mythos The Rake This is a public pad because Fish is bored This is utter crap Thunder Charge Title! Too Many Thoughts Untitled 180 Untitled 217 Untitled 314 Untitled 322 Untitled 323 Untitled 324 Verse Fable...or something like that WE GON WRITE FLUFF WE LAV U HRUP WRITER PROFILES We write Mirrormask fics now. Mirrormask is cool. Well look what the cat dragged back in World Building You know what, ignore Nuns a surprise in every pad and no one was ever happy the end awkward monsters/spg campfire song song cat used to write hannafic class notes copper conduction 3: REVELATIONS copper conduction p. 4 death lullaby ye everybody look down fear and loathing in san diego half-baked hatchworth stuff hesitantly works on new chapter how rabbit got his groove back 2 i leik ur silileh lteile hat incdrop - frisk incwrites it's sort of like hellraiser except not lemarchand's fic oh heck there's a plot one time ruffy wrote angst original sexy awesomeness possibly part of Two Birds One Stone possibly not psi is the batman psi's original story (caution may contain robots) ((totally contains robots)) psi's presentation that's due in six hours ruffy's writing a thing schoolwork and such (go away) shit so many fics so little time so much writers block sometimes i doubt your commitment to sparkle motion the end. the fucking crying game the future doesn't love you the wit and wisdom of spg woo lets write pirates woo
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