#SP Study Planner
uptudy · 11 months
Como eu estudo + dicas acadêmicas.
Olá, hoje eu vou falar sobre os métodos de estudo que eu uso, APPs e dá algumas dicas. Pode acontecer de algum método não ser tão útil para você, por exemplo, para mim, vídeo aula só serve se estiver ensinando a resolver um exercício. Para estudar a parte teórica, só lendo mesmo.
• Código de Cores;
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• Anotações feitas no método Cornell:
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• Leitura - Recomendação de leitura: Como Ler Livros
• Resumo;
• Exercícios: Resolvo cinco listas por assunto.
• Repetição espaçada: reviso um assunto quatro vezes + o primeiro contato. Você pode usar a frequência: 3,7,15, 30 dias entre as revisões.
• Vídeos Aulas - Gosto de assistir vídeos que ensinam o passo a passo dos cálculos.
Passo a passo do meu estudo:
• Leio o conteúdo antes da aula / vídeo aula
• Durante a aula faço anotações em bullet points / tópicos
• Me aprofundo na teoria pelos livros
• Pratico exercícios resolvidos
• Pratico exercícios inéditos
• Brainstorm - anotando tudo o que aprendi e comparando com a primeira Anotação
• Explico para mim mesma na frente do espelho
• Anoto o que não dominei
• Estudo aprofundamente o que não dominei
• Pratico mais exercícios
• Estudo até não ter dúvidas sobre o assunto
• Tire um dia da semana para descansar a sua mente. Não precisa estudar todos os dias, você pode desenvolver SP, falo por experiência própria;
• Monte um cronograma de estudos;
• Ler o conteúdo da aula com antecedência, e, anotar as dúvidas para fazer em sala;
• Não anotar coisas desnecessárias durante as aulas;
• Fazer resumos;
• Fazer um check-list das atividades da escola/faculdade;
• Escolher o horário onde seu cérebro é mais ativo para estudar, isso fora da escola/faculdade;
• Intercalar as matérias;
• Fazer: Questionários; Resumos e Explicar os conteúdos em voz alta, sim, dê aulas para as paredes;
• Fazer uma lista de dúvidas sobre o assunto estudado;
• Começar aos poucos, 30 minutos de estudos;
• Tenha um bullet journal, um planner ou um caderno para organizar os seus estudos. Vai ser muito útil para você ter tudo anotado em um só lugar, de forma organizada, naturalmente, já que se for de forma desordenada é o mesmo que nada.
• Grupos de estudos podem ser úteis, alguém entendeu algo que você não entendeu, e o contrário também acontece.
• Estude o assunto antes de ir fazer perguntas ao professor, ou se for só conversar sobre um tema. Isso vai mostrar que você tem interesse em aprender e está se esforçando.
• Não tenha medo de ir na sala do professor, ele não pode te jogar pela janela. Vá lá com uma lista de dúvidas ,debater sobre alguma teoria, um projeto que você viu por aí.
• Google Tarefas - check-list do Google.
• To Do - check-list da Microsoft, é gratuito e você pode vincular com o computador;
• Goal Tracker - rastreador de hábitos, é gratuito.
• Text Fairy - extrai textos de imagens;
• Notion - ótimo para organização. Você pode fazer nele o mesmo que é feito nos primeiros três APPs, já que, ele é tudo num só lugar. É gratuito para uso pessoal;
• Studi - Uso para programar a minha agenda de estudos por tópicos, incluso as revisões. Infelizmente, tem uns bugs. Mas, dá de usar. Tenho que usar frequências diferentes por dia. As minhas frequências de revisões são:
Segunda: 3,7,14,28
Terça: 3,7,14,28
Quarta: 3,5,12,26
Quinta: 5,7,14,28
Sexta: 5,7,14,28
• Responde Aí - ótimo para aprender desde matemática básica à matérias da faculdade, na área de exatas. Possui: explicação passo a passo, vídeo aulas, resumos, explicação detalhada, livros resolvidos, os que são usados na faculdade. É super em conta, tem três opções de plano.
Beijos! E até a próxima novidade.
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Hi Charity, As always, any help would be appreciated! When I first met my boyfriend, the two things that jumped out at me were Ne and Te. I feel like he’s either a weird ENFP, or a weird ESTJ; I can make arguments for both, but his type is unclear to me. I strongly believe he’s a core 6 with a 1 fix, which probably complicates things!
I can see why you are confused, because I’m confused just listening to you describe him... but he sounds more like an ENP type for reasons of being disorganized, scatterbrained, and lacking firm positions on anything. ETJs have dominant thinking, which means their default opinion is the facts and whatever is rational defines their thinking -- they are often NOT open-minded, compared to the ENP “whatever, tomorrow I will change my mind about this” natural flexibility (some might call it naive idealistic indecision).
I could argue ESTJ in a Te-Ne loop. He describes himself as cognitively self aware but not in touch with his feelings. He’s extremely efficient and probably the best contingency planner I’ve ever met. He’s great with conceptual details and doesn’t make careless errors. He’s extremely conscientious and very focused on financial security because he views the world as a precarious, unkind place and feels he must protect himself against possible disaster and deprivation.
This is somewhat convincing, but also just strongly self-pres 6. 6s are focused, detail-oriented, conscientious, don’t want to make mistakes (so they check their work carefully), worried about the world being a scary place, and self-defending. So how much of that would you attribute to ESTJ if he were not a 6? Is his life structured and planned and dominated by extroverted thinking / facts? Are they his default go-to reaction to life, problems, situations, relationships, or is Te something he falls back on and uses decently but can easily throw aside?
He likes to read philosophy and psychology, and says (I’m a philosophy grad student) that he always wishes he could find himself in the room I’m in (surrounded by abstract thinkers, discussing ideas) but instead, he’s often bogged down by the mundane.
This could be SJ or it could be inferior Si activated by 6 over-attachment to being safe by paying attention to details. The distinction would be -- is the “mundane” where he excels, or is it a place of intense stress and aggravation for him? Where he can’t decide what’s too much detail and what isn’t enough, so there is no middle ground and he massively over-prepares and checks every box?
He likes the idea of being the type of person deeply interested in pure mathematics, but he’s just not (his words).
This could be a vote against ETJ. Te tends to be good at such things, even if they don’t like it, because their brain easily internalizes facts and structures.
He says he lacks focus, his mind is always elsewhere, but often on security-oriented planning. He’s not a big daydreamer.
Lacking focus can be ENP, being absent and thinking in other directions can be Ne or 7 wing, security-planning is being trapped in sp6. (What is his job? Does it require him to do security planning or is this something he does naturally? As an sp6, I am very concerned with sp things but my inferior Si sucks at being prepared so I always assume it will turn out fine and wing everything.)
He can be rigid in certain ways (won’t eat super sugary things, won’t drink coffee after 2pm, aware of rules and follows them—not because he cares about rules but because he’s afraid of getting in trouble).
This is neurosis around sp (dominant function). Also, rings of a strong 1 fix.
But, I could argue ENFP because he lacks the firm decision-making I’d expect in an ESTJ. He’s never known what he’s wanted to do with his life—he constantly sees alternatives and plays with different ideas, but also finds a way to shoot them down (but then he comes up with other angles or ideas). He started off studying chemistry, then polisci, then went to economics, then to computer science. He’s undecided about most things—he doesn’t have firm positions on a lot of topics we discuss but instead asks a million questions, picking things apart and finding inconsistencies. He absolutely loves to question things and poke holes in previously cherished ideas.
Yeah, sounds like ENP to me, especially the “nothing is sacred” part. 6 + ENP can be semi-attached to certain traditional ideas or beliefs, but also careless about ripping everything else to shreds; intellectual objectivity is important, which means especially for a head type ENP, you attack everything. Sounds 6w7 as well, there’s a lot of distracted-ness happening with him. Grass is greener, this is boring, let me try this other thing, dunno what I want, but not this...
He’s not as drawn to super super abstract things as I am (he can entertain them for a bit but then he thinks, what’s the significance of this?) but I’ve always seen that as his just not being a Ti-user like I am. He still finds himself in the realm of ideas, it’s just more connected to humanity, psychology, literature, existential philosophy as opposed to modal logic or meta-metaphysics (my favorite; he likes the concept more than the actual topic).
This isn’t anti-ENFP by any means. 
His thought process in general he describes as very nonlinear, even though he appears organized. Often, solutions just click for him (he’s a computer scientist and excels at coding) instead of logically working through them step by step.
I don’t know what to do with this, since “clicking” can be anything.
I can’t make an argument for strong Si. <- rules out ESTJ
He’s often unaware of details that I’d notice instantly. <- inferior Si
He throws away nostalgic items and then regrets it. He’s very untidy and leaves things lying around, forgets where he put things, doesn’t notice when I’m wearing makeup or not sometimes other than “something is different”. A friend went bald almost overnight and he never noticed, even when the friend pointed it out. <- inferior Si
He’s extremely klutzy to the point where sometimes I have to check that his shoes are properly tied so he won’t trip. <- LOL, tho not type related
He says he spent all of undergrad lamenting his decision to go to a certain school, regretting, wondering how life would have been had he done otherwise. <- Ne/Si for sure (often a grip and/or the ENP not moving forward due to over-focusing on the past and philosophizing about what they lost, instead of being tangible and assertive in chasing a new future for themselves)
In general though, he loves traveling and is bored by sameness. He’d be fine constantly traveling, having no firm home base (as long as he was traveling in comfort). <- hmm, I wouldn’t ever want this, but he seems sp6 in every other regard. Super strong 7 wing, apparently.
He’s also very emotionally expressive despite being somehow also out of touch with his feelings or values (smiles and laughs a lot, makes jokes to try to connect with people). Often it’s not clear what he values until someone slights him. In a way, he’s much more sensitive than me, but it’s only once I’ve crossed a line. He can lack compassion for other people and he sometimes privileges his own emotional struggles while being dismissive of others (without realizing this is what he’s doing). <- consistent with Fi
I’d say ENFP is a good guess.
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ritikakukreti · 8 months
Mastering the Corporate Ladder: An Insight into Online MBA in Strategy and Leadership
In the intricate game of corporate dynamics, strategy and leadership stand as twin pillars, steering businesses toward success. For the visionary in you, yearning to leave a legacy in the organizational world, an Online MBA in Strategy and Leadership is the key that unlocks those aspirations.
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The Contemporary Need for Strategy and Leadership
In an age characterized by rapidly shifting business landscapes, the need for adept leadership, intertwined with a sharp strategic mindset, is paramount. Leaders today must navigate complex corporate ecosystems while envisaging pathways to success.
Delving into the Online MBA in Strategy and Leadership
Harnessing Digital Learning: Digital platforms allow real-time case studies, fostering a more proactive problem-solving approach.
Designed for the Aspiring Leader: The flexibility of online courses means you can juggle your present while sculpting your future.
Global Knowledge, Indian Ethos: Global leadership nuances are taught with a sensibility that's rooted in Indian corporate traditions.
Career Avenues After Your Online MBA in Strategy and Leadership
Strategic Planner: Identify and chart out long-term business strategies to drive growth.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Lead entire organizations, setting vision, direction, and ensuring all departments align with the company's goals.
Management Consultant: Offer strategic solutions to firms, helping them optimize operations and increase profitability.
Business Development Manager: Scout opportunities for business expansion, from partnerships to new market avenues.
Leadership Trainer: Mentor the next generation of leaders, using expertise to shape leadership modules.
Organizational Change Manager: Ensure smooth transitions during periods of major corporate changes, safeguarding productivity.
Corporate Affairs Director: Engage in high-level communications, managing relations between the company and its external stakeholders.
Mergers and Acquisitions Manager: Oversee potential corporate mergers, ensuring seamless integrations.
Crisis Management Expert: Step in during periods of corporate upheavals, ensuring brand integrity remains intact.
Chief Strategy Officer: Focus solely on high-level, forward-thinking strategic decisions for the company.
Indian Universities Offering a Stellar Online MBA in Strategy and Leadership
IIM Bangalore: Offers an enriched curriculum, providing insights into deep strategic thinking.
NMIMS University: Known for molding students into leaders who are ready for the global stage.
XLRI Jamshedpur: Prides itself on a curriculum that harmoniously blends leadership virtues with strategic acumen.
SP Jain School of Global Management: Provides a global perspective on leadership, with the bonus of online flexibility.
ICFAI Business School (IBS): Its program stands out for its hands-on approach to strategic leadership.
How can ShikshaGurus guide you
On the ShikshaGurus platform, an AI enabled platform you can compare courses and universities so you can find the best course.
In the vast expanse of corporate roles, those who truly leave an indelible mark are often those who master the art of strategy and the nuances of leadership. An Online MBA in Strategy and Leadership is more than just a degree; it's your compass in the intricate maze of business dynamics, guiding you towards becoming a beacon of inspiration for many.
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blackleopardgirl · 2 years
school advice! 2022!
show up to class ON TIME and prepared! sp this means show up with your notes, laptop, pens and pencils to take notes in class.
if there is a pre-uploaded set of slides that include notes, WRITE THEM DOWN BEFORE CLASS STARTS! especially if this is a lecture where the professor continuously speaks, you don't want to have people waiting on you, it isn't fair to anyone in the class. just be prepared.
this also means working on assignments before class starts. have a planner and write down the assignments that are due and their details so that you're aware of what's needed. finishing work early is better than later.
make sure to have a study area or space ready. for some, this means in their bedroom but with a clean desk and water. for others, this means a local or campus library.
don't use your phone while studying. maybe even turn your phone off while studying.
it's ok to not get everything the first time around, have patience. and ask the professor questions through their email.
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cristajha · 4 years
MBA In Finance Management
Introduction MBA In Finance Management: A career in finance can be very satisfying and lucrative. That’s what engages many MBA graduates to finance jobs ranging from highly specialized investment banking jobs to general financial management profession. Finance in simple terms is all about obtaining and managing money. Of course, it sounds more magnificent when you use the appropriate jargon. And we will get to that part fast. For now, it would be enough to understand that people and businesses need money. Part of the complexity is involved in raising the funds and the rest engaged in knowing what to do with it. Examine your own story. You have probably identified the big expenses (studies, marriage, healthcare, house, vacations) that you would hope for over the next several years. In order to suffer or improve your standard of living, you would require a job (or begin a business) that pays sufficiently. Over a period of time, you will save sufficient to tackle each of the big milestones you have planned for yourself. If the requirement to spend is urgent you might borrow the difference from someone who believes you. And in turn, you pay back the borrowed amount overtime. It's pretty much similar for business as well excluding that the scale and complexity go up several notches. Finance is examined to be a subset of economics.  
Meaning of Finance Management In MBA: financial management means planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling the financial activities such as acquirement and utilization of funds of the enterprise. It means applying common management principles of the financial resources of the enterprise. 
Definition of Finance Management in MBA: “finance management is the process concerned with planning, raising, and controlling and administering of funds used in the work.”
Significance of Finance Management in MBA: 
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Top Colleges For MBA Finance Management In India:
Indian Institute of Management (Kolkata)
Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad)
Indian Institute of Management (Bengaluru)
Jamnalal bajaj institute of management studies (Mumbai)
Faculty of management studies (new Delhi)
Indian school of business (Hyderabad)
Indian Institute of Management (Lucknow)
Xavier labor research institute (Jamshedpur)
Management development institute (Gurgaon)
SP Jain institute of management and research (Mumbai)
MBA Finance Courses:
Accounting for managers
Business Communication
Quantitative Methods for management
Organizational behavior
Managerial economics
Marketing concepts and practice
Corporate finance
Strategic Management
Investment analysis and portfolio management
Financial markets and institutions
Advanced financial management
Public financial administration
Business and corporate laws
Human resource management
Information technology for finance
Production and operation management
Treasury and risk management
Mergers and acquisitions
Microfinance and insurance
MBA In Finance Management Salary In India:
After completing the MBA in finance one can find the job in the various sectors:
Corporate finance
Corporate banking
Credit risk management
Asset management
Hedge fund management
Private equity
Sales and Trading
The average salary of MBA Finance in India is Rs 6,78,000 per annum. The salary increases with increasing experience and knowledge.
EY, HDFC bank, Accenture, TCS, ICICI Bank are top recruiters for MBA finance applicants.
MBA in Finance Management Job Roles and Career Opportunities:
MBA in finance is a tough course; imagine it as a training for one of the most liable courses in the world. Yes, you would be holding the finance of the business and everyone knows finances run an enterprise and you will be in charge of finance. There are multiple chances for finance grads and the cause for this magnetism is the various subjects taught to the students in the course of 2 years.
Job After MBA in Finance management:
Accounting manager
Chief financial officers
Cash managers
Manager consultants
Investment banking associates
Credit managers and specialists
Financial analyst
Corporate controllers
Finance officers and treasurers
Insurance and risk managers
Investment bankers
Investment sales traders and associates
Accounting manager: an accounting manager implements systems for gathering, analyzing, verifying, and reporting certain types of financial details. Hardly an accounting manager is a part of a huge group that involves the mid-level managers.
2.Chief financial officers: a chief financial officer is a senior executive in charge of managing the financial actions of the company. The chief financial officer's work involves tracking cash flow and financial planning as well as examining the company’s financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing written actions.
3.Cash Managers: a cash manager specializes in supervising cash management activities such as posting procedures for payments and repay or bank account administration. Cash managers are required in a variety of organizations such as health care businesses or financial services companies. They usually work full time in an office environment.
4. Manager consultants: management consultant is the practice of helping companies to improve their performance. Companies may draw upon the services of management consultants for a number of reasons involving gaining external advice and access to the consultant's exclusive expertise.
5.Investment banking associates: in the investment banking career path associates are one run greater than analysts. While analysts are recruited from top undergraduate colleges. Associates are promoted internally or enlist from top MBA programs.
6.Credit managers and specialists: credit managers are in charge of overseeing the credit granting process of a company. Their task is to analyze company sales and reduce bad debts losses by maintaining the credit policy.
7.Financial analysts: a financial analyst pores over information to identify business opportunities or make investment advice. More junior analysts tend to do a lot of data collecting, financial modeling, and spreadsheet maintenance.
8.Corporate controllers:  a company’s controller is the chief accounting officer and heads the accounting division. The controller is in charge of the company's financial statements. Journal ledger and cost accounting, payroll, accounts payable, accounting receivable, etc.
9. Finance officers and treasurers:  treasurers are not just bookkeepers they are financial decision-makers who shoulder a lot of authority. They required an eye for smaller details with the vision to handle big picture problems. They are superior and advisors at the same time and especially when there is serious capital investment entangled. They sometimes act as a financial planner for the entire business.
10.Insurance and risk managers: risk managers specialize in identifying potential causes for accidents or loss and executing preventing measures. Devising a plan to reduce the cost.  
11.Investment Bankers: an investment banker in an individual who often works as a part of a financial organization. And is primarily concerned with increasing capital for corporations, governments, and other entities.
12.Investment sales traders and associates: sales and trading is a community at an investment bank that consists of salespeople who call institutional investors with ideas and chance and traders who execute orders and guide clients on entering and existing financial positions.
Functions Performed In Finance Management:
Estimating the amount of capital required: this is the foremost work of the financial manager.
Business Company needs capital for:
(i) Buying of fixed assets.
(II) Meeting working capital needs.
(iii) Modernization and growth of the business.
3.Control Capital Structure: Once the need for capital funds has been determined a decision regarding the kind and portion of various sources of funds has to be taken. This financial manager has to determine the proper mix of equity and debt and short term and long term debenture ratio. This is done to accomplish reducing the cost of capital and increasing shareholders' wealth.
4.Choice of sources of funds: before the real procurement of funds are to be raised. The management can increase finance from various sources like equity shareholders, preference shareholders, debenture holders, banks, and other financial institutions, public deposits.
5.Procurement of Funds: the financial manager takes steps to obtain the funds needed for the business. It might need negotiation with creditors and financial institutions, issues of the prospectus, and so on.
6.Utilization of funds: the funds obtained by the financial manager are to be prudently invested in various assets so as to increase the return on investment while taking investment decisions management should be guided by three main principles: safety profitability and liquidity.
7. Disposal of profits: the financial manager has to choose how much to retain for plowing back and how much to divide as dividends to shareholders out of the surplus of the firm. The trend of its cost of the share, the need for the funds for self-financing the feature programs, and so on.
8. Management of cash: management of cash and other current assets is the main task of a financial manager. It includes forecasting the cash inflows and outflows to ensure that there is no shortage of cash within the company. Enough funds must be available for buying the material payment of wages and meeting day to day costs.
9.Financial control: assessment of financial performance is also the main function of a financial manager. The overall measure of assessment is the return on investment. The other techniques of financial control and assessment involve budgetary control, price control, internal audit, break-even examination, and ration examination. The financial manager lays emphasis on financial forecasting as well.
Types of Finance Management:
1.Capital budget management: capital budgeting is the forecasting procedure used to choose if a company fixed assets, for example, the new plant, new mechanism. Numerous formal master plans are utilized in capital budgeting for example profitability index, payback period.
2. Capital structure management: in corporate finance capital structure manner in which firm finance through a mix of a debenture or equity securities. Debenture finance comes as a bond issue while equity comes from retained income.
 3. Working capital management: working capital management of a company defined as managing bookkeeping methodology and accounting masterplan intended to keep track of current assets and current liabilities.
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yourjughead · 6 years
Nuts and Bolts
Sweet Pea x reader
Synopsis: You're studying law while your boyfriend gets in trouble with it. Desperate to find some money to afford an engagement ring for you, Sweet Pea seeks help from a Ms.Peabody.
A/N: sorry I haven't posted in ages between Christmas and exams I've been wrecked. I wrote this a little differently than how I'd normally do it. Hope you like the idea and aren't to mad about the execution. Feed back welcomed especially with the new (for me) format. This fic is really long, so long I didn't have enough space to do the Love Chrissy Xx, so love Chrissy Xx. (This is also why some speech towards the end has to be on the same line my apologies)
“Sweet Pea?” The Serpent woke you, surrounded by books, as he dragged his feet and clicked the door close.
“Oh sorry baby, go back to sleep you have college in the morning” he peeled his wet Serpent jacket from his skin and began changing.
“It's like 4am, did the Serpents really need you this late?” you shoved the law books from the bed.
“Yeah they did, lot more to do lately.” he huffed, collapsing alongside of you, the bed bending slightly more with the new weight. You immediately cuddled up to him, he willingly accepting it. His skin cold from the night instantly warmed.
“what was the job Pea?”
“I'd rather you not know, it'll be easier for you to lie to the police then when they come looking to take me away” he laughed as you playfully hit him into the chest.
“Don't joke about that Pea”
“Well I mean on the brightside our conjugal visits would be pretty great”
“Are they not now? I'm going to be a lawyer, I could get you off” you winked and the your hand slipped up the inside of his shirt, running over the bumps and grooves of his muscular frame. You both met hungrily before Sweet Peas phone buzzed to life, you both groaning at the sound of being interrupted.
“Sorry honey do you mind?” You smiled at him before kissing him and reburying yourself in his chest as he went for his phone.
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As if on cue your phone lit to life, Unknown Number decorating the screen, it continued to buzz as texts came flying in.
“Wait yn!” He snatched the phone from your hand and you looked on confused.
“Woah Pea” you laughed before taking it back from his tight grip and reading the texts, your face dropped.
“Sweet Pea…” you looked from the phone to him, sat up and pushed away from him, he also sat up and attempted to move back closer to you.
“Wha-whats wrong yn” every possible scenario running through his head, he reached for your arm and you pulled back.
3 Weeks Earlier ~ Sweet Pea POV
“Okay Fangs I've decided, I'm going to propose”
“Wow no ring, you're not down on one knee, I'm sorry SP but I can't accept” he put one hand on his heart and the other to his head before I shoved him.
“Oh Sweet Pea we can't! We’re only 23! What will our parents say! What about ynn!” He continued to act like the idiot he is as I laughed at him.
“youre right Fangs you're right, I'll have to just settle for yn, I don't deserve you”
“I'm afraid so Pea”
“Don't call me Pea” I looked at him seriously before laughing again.
“So after what? 7 years together you've decided it's time?” He took a drag from his cigarette, the Whyte Wyrm lights glowing behind us.
“Almost 8, in about 3 weeks” I crushed my own cigarette into the gravel.
“That's exciting SP, congrats dude! When you gonna do it?
“Not sure, I guess our anniversary?”
“Yeah sounds just cheesy enough for yn to love it but still mock you for it”
“Hah yeah, I think she'll love it”
“So how are you going to pay for the wedding?”
“Well I mean we won't have to get married right away so there's time to save. We probably won't get married till after yn finishes Law next year at least”
“What about the ring?”
“When did you become a Wedding Planner?” I laughed and he crushed his cigarette next to mine, he then put his hands up in defense.
“Nah man, just wondering, rings are like expensive and we're not exactly making a killing at the garage and she'll probably want a diamond not a bolt”
“Yeah I guess but I'll figure it out. Anyway there's still time, I better get going, she'll be home soon and you know I like to be there. We'll probably come back for a drink later” he smiled before giving a small wave and escaping the chill night back in the bar. Huh, where am I going to get this money, I threw my hands in my pockets and began my walk home but was first interrupted.
“So, SP is marrying the small town Northsider, fairytale”
“What do you want Penny?” I replied harshly to the voice behind me. This witch.
“Nothing nothing, just, yanno, Northsiders do want the big fairytale wedding” she ran her hand across my shoulders before standing in front of me. Snake in the grass.
“And like Fangs said, costs a lot of money, a lot of money you don't have” she jabbed her finger into chest. Ugh, hate her. I tried to move passed her but she instantly pushed me back.
“i have money you know SP, I could help you”
“I don't want your help”
“Suit yourself, I'm sure the Northsider will stick around for the nuts and bolts you Gearheads provide” she began sauntering off. I will not bite the bait. I will not bite the bait. I will not bite the bait. Damn it.
“Penny wait” she turned with a smirk. Damn it.
“What's the price?”
“Few favours”
“It's never a few with you”
“It's a simple favour.” Her grin was soul crushing, this is a giant mistake. Yn is worth it.
“What's the favour?”
“Take my niece to a family wedding, might give you ideas for your own” this was the last thing I was expecting her to say and she could easily tell.
“See, easy” this is not going to be easy.
2 Weeks later
It was not easy. It was horrible. Her niece, Annie, was 21 and a mess. I had to lie to yn and tell her I was working late at the garage, hated it. Hated the wedding even more. Loud. Abrasive. Peabody's everywhere. Annie was drunk for most of it and under Penny's instruction I walked her back to her room after. Then had to practically peel her off me. Uncomfortable.
“So time for your next job”
“No Penny I did what I had to” I went to close the trailer door but she jammed her foot before I could.
“Heard you bought a nice ring recently, cost a bunch I'd say? A bunch you don't have” if I could, I'd kill her but the only grave I'm digging is for myself. Fuck.
Present ~ Sweet Pea Pov
“Yn, honey tell me what's wrong” she was already out of the bed, getting dressed, grabbing things and shoving them in a bag.
“What's wrong?!” I crawled me way to the edge of the bed, grabbed the bag from her hands and unpacked while she continued getting dressed.
“What's wrong!?” She shouted back. She never shouts at me...she rarely shouts at me.
“Why is someone sending me photos of you and some girl in some hotel room!” She threw the phone at my chest, definitely going to leave a mark. The phone showed me in the hotel room with Annie, when she was hauling me onto the bed. Nothing happened but this made it really look like something did. Fuck Penny, trying to take the only good thing I have from me.
“Yn…” I looked up and she stood over me, nothing but hurt on her face.
“I can explain” I didn't want to have to explain.
“Emmm” she groaned at me, throwing her head back before grabbing the bag from me again and ripping things from the dresser and her books from the floor.
“Oh and happy anniversary” she hurled a box and narrowly missed my head and then slammed every door of the trailer. Fuck.
I got dressed as fast as possible, grabbed my Serpent jacket before bolting out the door after her, the rain still hammering the aptly named Sunnyside.
“Yn please! Where are you going!?”
“I DON'T KNOW! JUST AWAY FROM YOU!” she continued pounding the pavement outside the fence of the park. I caught up to her easily, the law books weighing her down.
“Listen that was a job for Penny!”
“Excuse me!” She stopped suddenly sending me slamming into her.
“Okay well no that's not what I meant!”
“WELL WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEN?! what do you mean” the sight of her crying hurt me more than anything I could think of. I just grabbed her and pulled her into my chest.
“I needed money and Penny gave it to me, I just needed to take her niece to a wedding and then some other things and then I'd have enough money and her niece just got super drunk but I swear, yn I swear nothing happened, please believe me” I pulled her from my chest to look her right in her beautiful, sad eyes.
“I-I think-i want to believe you Pea...but why did we need money? It's not my college fees I'm on scholarship? Is it the trailer? What is it?”
“Umm” okay okay okay. It's a good sign she said We and not I and she still called me Pea, good signs.Breathing, breathing, breathing, okay, okay, okay and then I dropped down to one knee and pulled the little box from the leather pocket.
“This is what the money was for” I peeled back the lid to reveal the stone I could have never afforded without Penny. The witch. Yn covered her mouth and I was losing confidence.
“Yn Yln, I love you, please please please will you marry me” “No” I'm going to be sick.
“Wh...wha” I just couldn't find my words, my ribcage was collapsing on itself.
“I wont marry you with that ring” she dropped her arms to her sides and bit her lip before pulling me up from my knees.
“I don't understand”
“You take that ring back and get a refund and then take the money back to that witch”
“Bu-but the ring” “I don't care about the ring Pea!”
“But fangs said-” she rolled her eyes and I just realised how stupid I sounded.
“I couldn't care less if you gave me a freaking bolt or something! Just please take back the ring and get away from that woman” “And after I give back the ring….”
“Then I guess I'll have to marry you” her smile was the best possible thing I could see after she gave me a mini heart attack. “You have to have a ring” I began rummaging through my pockets at her protest before pulling out the contents of my pockets. My keys, a button, a bolt and some change. “Emm” I took the bolt and slipped it on her baby finger and she laughed.
“Perfect I love it, except it's super cheesy you're proposing to me on our anniversary, I still love it” I laughed at her and grabbed her tightly around the waist. I adore this girl. I kissed her furiously.
“The Serpent's may have just got a new lawyer”
“Yeah and now you owe me a favor” I raised my eyebrow at her before kissing her.
“You have to carry these books back home...and me home”
"Deal" I adore her.
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sluonline · 5 years
Stay Motivated This Summer
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Summer is in full swing. Well, not technically because the summer solstice doesn’t happen until June 21st this year, but if you live in St. Louis then you know that it’s already felt like summer for weeks now. One word: HUMIDITY. 
While many students are on summer break, deservedly so after a long school year, we’ve got our summer 1 term in session here at SLU Online. We are so proud of all of our summer students who are trading park days for homework days and game nights for study nights. 
We know it isn’t always easy to feel motivated to do school work when the whether outside is perfect, so here are a few tips to help you stay motivated this summer:
1) Create a School Schedule and You Schedule- It’s important to stay on top of your school work. But it’s equally important to spend time with your kids, enjoy the fresh air, watch a Blues game, or host your regular 4th of July BBQ. Set aside time each week for your homework and studying so that you can also make time to enjoy everything that summer brings. Pro tip: planners are awesome.
2) Regularly Check In- Your academic coaches are available all summer long to help you with questions about your courses, enrolling, graduation, etc. Your professors are happy to answer any course-specific questions you may have or help guide you through a lesson. If you need assistance, we are here for you. Email [email protected] or call (314) 977-2330 today. 
3) Get Outside- It’s not getting any cooler. Seriously. Whether you enjoy swimming, long walks in the park, cycling, playing Wiffle ball with your family, or just posting up somewhere with your hammock, get out there and soak up some Vitamin D (and don’t forget your SPF). Exercising and spending time outdoors is good for the soul. I know this from experience, but these guys have some real concrete proof. Check it out here. 
4) Set a Goal, and Then Remind Yourself of That Goal- Set a goal for yourself this summer. Your goal could be short-term or long-term. You could have 1 of them or 10 of them. Whether you want to achieve a 4.0 for your summer term or you want to graduate next spring, setting a goal will help keep your priorities in check. Once your goal is set, make sure to constantly remind yourself of that goal. Ways to do this: • Set an alarm on your phone every Monday with the title of your goal • Tell your goal to your significant other and ask him/her to remind you each week • Publish a blog with weekly updates on how you’re achieving your goal, even if you share it with no one else • Write your goal down on your refrigerator, in your planner, on your hand, on your mirror, etc. To our SLU Online summer students-- You’ve got this! We know you can do it. If you’ve got any tips on how you stay motivated to do school work during the summer, drop a comment on our Facebook page. Remember, our summer 2 term starts Monday, June 17. Happy summer!
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weshillin-blog · 7 years
Ethan Schimel
What benefits are you hoping to get from trying the strategy?
Hopefully using these strategies will benefit me in staying more organized with my school work. Using a planner I will always be able to check when I have assignments due and when I have to prepare for exams, quizzes, essays, and etc. I think I will benefit the most from the 20 minute test prep because I will be able to study much in advance, therefore be able to retain key information.  
How you used the strategy and what courses did you use it for?
Fritter finder I have used for all my classes and even outside of class by using it as a daily planner that also tells me what time I need to study or be at class. The due strategy I have been mainly using for HST, SP, and CLS. I have been using it to remind me when assignments are due and when I have exams upcoming.
How did the strategy work? Describe any challenges or benefits. 
The strategy’s have worked thus far. I have not missed any assignments with the dues strategy because checking daily I am never able to forget when I have upcoming work. The fritter finder has been useful, but the challenges with it are that every week is different with different conflicts so it is hard to stick to the fritter finder schedule. The 20 min test prep I have been using, but have not had my first test yet. Although I have not had my first test yet I can already tell the benefits of using this strategy, with being able to retain information easier by spending time studying in advanced, even in a short amount of time.
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silkysonia-blog · 7 years
Can PR use Carl Jung’s Personality Types As A Marketing Tool?
As an ENFP (the Champion, according Jung), I am always making connections and seeing patterns between totally unrelated concepts in order to find better ways to do things. Lately, I have been thinking about how knowing Jung’s 16 personalities is basically a cheat-sheet for PR strategists.
His system organizes people based on how they receive, interpret, and make decisions from information given from the external world. Here is a 30 second summary to get you by for this article: people are either Introverted or Extroverted (energy from interaction with external world), Sensing or iNtuitive (facts come from face-value or patterns), Thinking or Feeling (decision making), and Judging or Perceiving (favor decisiveness or adaptability).
This information on how their brain’s function can be applied to tailoring content and tactics to a segment or even different groups within a particular segment to see that the content really resonates with them.
Do the people in your segment trust the rules or do they want to stick it to the man (woo-hoo, ENFP)? Are they easy-going or super organized? Do they trust what is right in front of them or do they read between the lines? Do they prefer quiet time or want to be where the action is? Do they like the tried-and-true or are they always looking for the new thing? Are they always looking polished or do they look like they never quite finished getting dressed this morning? Are they following what others have done or do they evaluate against their own judgments?
This is all vital information in profiling the culture you, as a PR professional, are catering to. I think that these concepts are the backbone to any type of our tactics and ploys because they show us what each type sees as trustworthy and self-similar content and source. That tells us what modes we should use and the moods we should set for our campaigns.
Nordstrom sells NARS and Estee Lauder cosmetics in the same place, but do you think the sweet ladies at Estee Lauder are lining up to buy the famous “perfect for every skin type” NARS Orgasm blush? NO. Everyone there obviously cares enough about their looks to drop $60 on a product that looks like it’s box can barely fit $50 bill inside it. It is easy to see who likes the classy or tried-and-true ways (who Jung labels Sentinels; SJ’s) and who favors challenging the system (Explorers; SP’s). Let’s also look at MAC, they are known for being very dramatic in their look (which appeals to those who prefer introverted feeling because they strive for self-authenticity; NF’s) yet named one of their lines the Barbie Edition. This was a clever way to solidify the part of their market share that was not as edgy as the rest by playing to their nostalgia and sentiments of our culture (appealing to people who prefer their introverted sensing function which values tradition: SJ’s). See how both types are equally dedicated to their make up and have same amount of disposal income yet are easily turned-off by each other’s core values (at a level they are not aware of unless they took the test also)? As an NF, seeing “because everyone else loves it/traditional/American” at the heart of the campaign will be an instinctual loser in my book before I’m fully aware of why. Where as SJ’s will instinctually appreciate the message of stability in that campaign because they will see “classy/lady-like/traditional/respectable.”
I know what some of you are thinking, “Freud gets sex, he is the only important guy,” but people forget that Freud TOLD us that psychoanalysis exists and it was Jung who fine-tuned what most of that sex stuff meant and tried to get Freud’s mind out of the gutter a little. He is also a main leader in analytical psychology. You studied his concepts of archetypes and a hero’s journey in your English-Lit class, you just did not realize it. Safe to say, you can trust this guy.
So, being the “Campaigner/Motivator” type that thinks like Robert Downey Jr., Jennifer Aniston, and Dr. Seuss (yes, my people are awesome and VERY quirky), I have been wondering for a long time why PR does not utilize psychology and even anthropology as part of sizing up the target group before talks of the strategy even is. Jung’s personality-types work alone shows an awesome blueprint of individuals within the subculture of the targeted group. Understanding that what individuals instinctually see as accountable, trustworthy, and valuable is actually ingrained into their particular prototype is at play with what forms of information are seen trustworthy, if they comprehend the information at face value or see a bigger picture, they are planners or impulsive, evaluate information against the norm or themselves, natural leaders or followers, live in the moment or live in their head, warm or aloof, sentimental or innovative, and how they see themselves compared to other people. I think I owe Jung a thank you for cutting my PR research for my next campaign in half.
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rachel136 · 4 years
The QyMarketResearchStore has published the obtainability of a new statistical data to its repository titled as, Event Management Software Market. The report provides useful insights into a wide range of business aspects such as pillars, features, sales strategies, planning models, in order to enable readers to gauge market scope more proficiently. Furthermore, the report also sheds light on recent developments and technological platforms, in addition to distinctive tools, and methodologies that will help to propel the performance of industries.
Available 30% Discount Till Limited Period
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Top Companies operating in the Global Event Management Software market profiled in the report : Etouches Inc., Active Network LLC, XING SE, Cvent Inc., Eventbrite Inc., RunSignUp Inc., Event Espresso, TryBooking Pty Ltd, EMS Software LLC, SignUpGenius Inc., Certain Inc., Ungerboeck Software International Inc.
The Event Management Software Market was valued at USD 8.144 billion in 2019Êand is expected to reach USD 14.94 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 10.65% over the forecast period 2020Ê- 2025.
Scope of the Report:
The event management software is a platform that coordinates all tasks and activities, for events as small as a marathon to as large as the Olympics. These tasks include, sales and marketing, logistics, accounting, and travel management.
Key Market Trends:
Media and Entertainment Segment Expected to Register a Significant Growth
Event management software proves to be highly beneficial for third-party planners when compared to in-house planners, as the third-party planners plan more than a single concert or show that occur at any time of the year. It is estimated that some of the most popular festivals and events, such as Classic East, Sao Paulo Trip, and Outside Land Music and Art Festival, gross more than USD 16 million per event.
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Influence of the Event Management Software Market Report:
-Comprehensive assessment of all opportunities and risk in the Event Management Software market.
-Event Management Software market recent innovations and major events.
-Detailed study of business strategies for growth of the Event Management Software market-leading players.
-Conclusive study about the growth plot of Event Management Software market for forthcoming years.
-In-depth understanding of Event Management Software market-particular drivers, constraints and major micro markets.
-Favourable impression inside vital technological and market latest trends striking the Event Management Software market.
What are the market factors that are explained in the report?
-Key Strategic Developments: The study also includes the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on a global and regional scale.
-Key Market Features: The report evaluated key market features, including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin. In addition, the study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with pertinent market segments and sub-segments.
-Analytical Tools: The Global Event Management Software Market report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market by means of a number of analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyse the growth of the key players operating in the market.
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MarketResearch Store provides syndicated market research reports to industries, organizations or even individuals with the aim of helping them in their decision making process. MarketResearch Store provides global and regional market intelligence coverage, a 360-degree market view which includes statistical forecasts, competitive landscape, detailed segmentation, key trends, and strategic recommendations.
 Contact Us:
Irfan Tamboli (Head Of Sales) – QyMarketResearchStore
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futureplannersindia · 6 years
SP JAIN MUMBAI, Direct MBA Admission under Management Quota Seat
SP Jain Institute of Management and Research (SPJIMR) is a private graduate business school situated in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Established by the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in 1981, SPJIMR was inaugurated by Margret Thatcher, the then British Prime Minister. The institute was known as after Sahu Shreyans Prasad Jain of the Sahu Jain family. Originally, it was associated with Bombay University but to provide itself more independence in the curriculum, it disaffiliated itself from the school. The institute provides various Post-graduate, Post-graduate Degree and Certification Management programs.
The institute has three international campuses i.e. Singapore (2006), Sydney (2012), and in Dubai (2004) handled under what they are S. P. Jain Center of Management and S P Jain School of International Management. Since 1994–95, it has been rated continually among the top 10 B-schools of India and also been in the top B-schools of Asia Pacific region. The school concentrates on value-based growth with the inclusiveness of underserved segments of India.
The Indian origin, Australia centred S P Jain School of International Management is a highly rated Business school with its reasons at Sydney (Australia), Singapore, Dubai and Mumbai. It has a heritage of continually determining among top B-schools of the world and loves various recognitions and certifications from the well-known organizations across the world.
Admission/ Selection Process
The admission in SP Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR) for the Publish Graduate Degree in Management is on the foundation of CAT (Common Admission Test)/ XAT (Xavier Skills Test)/ GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) scores. After that, the elevated to your shortlist applicants will be necessary the personal interview based upon on their profile.
SPJIMR does not perform its own admission examination and therefore it allows the ranking of various worldwide identified ratings based on the program.
SP Jain Admission PGDM Qualifications Criteria
The SP Jain institute gives significance to academic structure, work experience, and extracurricular activities. So, to get a call for SP Jain Admission, you must have an excellent profile that could enhance your chance to get selected in the school.
Educational Certification –from any recognized university a graduation degree of minimum three years.
Minimum Qualifying Marks – A applicant must have a minimum of 50% marks in graduation. The cutoff may change each year based upon on the level of difficulty, the number of students who used and highest possible ranking obtained in any admission examinations.
Final Year Students – Candidates in the last year of graduation can also apply. They must submit the last mark sheet before Dec.
Work Experience – Fresher’s and candidates with a maximum of 5 years of experience qualify to apply.
Fee Structure                                       
Admission Fee-60,000
Tuition Fee-9,40,000
IT services Fee/Study material/books/library & database Fee – 60,000
International Immersion-3,75,000
Hostel Fee (shared, non AC)-80,000
Career Services Fee-50,000
Development Fee-60,000
TOTAL – INR 16,25,000 /-
SP JAIN Management Quota Seats
SP Jain gets around 15,000 programs annually out of which around 3000-5000 applicants are necessary the next round of the process. There has been a rise in the total seats at SP Jain. The management confesses applicants completely on the foundation of the collective ratings of information and instructors.
SP JAIN Mumbai College/Placements
The college is one of the best b-schools in India, yet very few people know that positions in SPJIMR are on par with IIM A, B and C and better than XLRI, FMS or any other IIMs. The common placement program is approx 23 LPA for the 2016-18 batches. It was roughly 22 LPA for the batch before.
The college infrastructure is quite excellent with hostel features -rooms having AC, connected washrooms and Wi-Fi together with a TV, refrigerator and microwave for each floor. The hostel is provided with a common playing room too. No vehicles are allowed on the campus and the common method of transport inside the campus is walking.
SPJIMR has one of the best pedagogy and state-of-the-art programs in the b-schools across the world. Focus on the social level of sensitivity and non-classroom projects like Abhyudaya & DOCC a 5-week summer internship with an NGO; distinguish this college from any other b-schools in India.
MBA Exams
SP Jain Institute of Management and Research, Mumbai (SPJIMR) is launched its admission routine in the month of Sept. For admittance to PGDM course, applicants may use by using their CAT/ XAT/GMAT ratings.
The College offers a variety of undergrad, postgraduate, professional and doctorate programs with a purpose of designing management for the 21st-century workplace. Their full-time MBA and International MBA programs have significant recognition as evinced through global rankings.
The post SP JAIN MUMBAI, Direct MBA Admission under Management Quota Seat appeared first on Future Planners.
from Future Planners http://futureplanners.in/sp-jain-mumbai-direct-mba-admission-under-management-quota-seat/
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Sensor bias in a study of faith and spirituality
Hi Charity! I thought of your words on sensor bias when I read this study about how intuitives & sensors experience religion differently (link at end of post). It’s a fascinating study, but I caught myself wondering if the sensors were portrayed unfairly? Basically, the Ns say their faith is about connecting to God, reflecting on higher meaning & purpose, and there’s tons of deep and insightful quotes featured. However, the S quotes featured are much much shorter and just stuff like “I do this as a daily planner” or “it’s about dress” or “follow the commandments” etc.
Idk, maybe I’m wrong, but I wondered if the author had cherrypicked their data a bit or was choosing to portray Ss in a much less reflective and thoughtful light.
I wasn’t able to open the link for some reason, so I couldn’t read it -- but the answer is it’s a bit of both -- cherry picking (likely) and... sensors being more works-focused when it comes to faith matters. SJs in particular believe your actions dictate what you most care about, so the act of reading their religious text every day or going through the rituals may indicate to themselves and others that “I am serious about this.” An SP might be more hands-on in taking an active role of living out their faith, while N’s might focus more on what faith means in a broader context, in questioning or analyzing their beliefs and finding ways to reinterpret things. Sensors focus more on what is visible, but also are willing to dig deeper into things they care about, so they are capable of reading and enjoying theological works that shed insight into their beliefs that they would not have come up with themselves. Sensors may also take things more literally than intuitives. I’ve noticed, for example, that Catholicism is more N-based (rituals being symbolic and ‘representing’ big ideas) and Protestantism is more S-based (literal and interpretive). I can mostly speak about Christianity since I’m familiar with it -- I’ve attended Bible studies with SJ types and they really wanted to dig into the verses and their meaning individually and explore all the details and discuss them before moving on; I was more interested in the broad picture or how things connected between the Old and New Testament. If I posed any N-related thought that went against established teaching, I was politely pointed to scripture verses to contradict me. ;)
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The man accused of killing a woman officer who was leading a demolition drive in Kasauli was nabbed on Thursday from the Mathura-Vrindavan area, where he was hiding in disguise, police said. A team comprising Himachal Pradesh and Delhi Police personnel arrested Vijay Singh who shot dead assistant town planner Shail Bala Sharma on Tuesday, they said.  “The accused Vijay Singh was arrested from Mathura-Vrindavan area this evening. It was a joint effort of the Himachal Pradesh Police and a Delhi Police special team,” Solan SP, Mohit Chawla said.  The accused was on the run and kept changing locations, he said. He even stayed near the Mathura refinery and the Banke Bihari temple, Chawla said adding the accused would be brought and produced before a court in Kasauli. He had disguised himself to evade arrest, a police official said. Singh had fired at Sharma, who was leading a Supreme Court mandated demolition drive against illegal structures, and fled. Himachal Pradesh authorities received much flak and were even pulled up by the apex court following the incident. Singh’s mother, Narayani, owner of the Narayani Guest House, while speaking before the arrest of her son, said he had lost mental balance as he couldn’t see their guest house being demolished. “Vijay Singh kept a low-profile and helped his mother run the guest house. The guest house was in her name. We are in a state of disbelief that an educated person could do such a thing. His children study in a reputed school in Kasauli. This one action of his has ruined his entire family,” said a local who resides near the guest house.  Meanwhile, state authorities continued the drive against unauthorised constructions in the Kasauli town planning area. The Supreme Court had pulled up state authorities for their failure to ensure safety of government officials. “We might stop passing any orders if you are going to kill people,” a bench of Justices Madan B Lokur and Deepak Gupta said when the matter related to Sharma’s killing was mentioned before it. The apex court had on April 17 ordered the state government to demolish unauthorised structures in several hotels and guest houses in Kasauli and Dharampur areas of Solan. Four teams were constituted by the authorities to carry out the work.  The Rediff.com : 3rd. May,18
VIJAY SINGH WHO FIRED AT ASST. TOWN PLANNEDR SHAIL BALA SHARMA DURING DEMOLITION DRIVE ARRESTED : The man accused of killing a woman officer who was leading a demolition drive in Kasauli was nabbed on Thursday from the Mathura-Vrindavan area, where he was hiding in disguise, police said.
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educations3154-blog · 7 years
Diploma In Engineering - Enhancing Your Technical Expertise And Skills
You might reach a point in your life when enhancement of your engineering skills becomes really important. In such a situation, a diploma in engineering should be extremely helpful to you. In order to upgrade your engineering knowledge and skills, a diploma course is something you must take up. Basically, a diploma in engineering is a workforce skills-centric course which can help you acquire added knowledge and expertise.
At Singapore, there are many polytechnics and educational institutes which offer advanced courses on engineering for the busy professionals. You need to enroll yourself at a good institute to step up your knowledge. These institutes usually hire top trainers and instructors who are highly skilled. These educators leave no stone upturned to guide and train the students in the best way possible. These trainers are market leaders themselves. Therefore, they are completely aware of how the businesses function. Their experience and in-depth knowledge help them to guide and mentor the students better. In addition, most of these institutes have advanced infrastructural facilities. This means that these institutes have good libraries, laboratories, conference halls, meeting rooms, presentation rooms, game rooms, recreational zones, workshop areas, and more. All this enables the students to get the best out of their training sessions.
Students not only benefit from good infrastructures, they also benefit from the flexibility of the diploma courses. This means that you, as a course-taker, need not invest too much time on these courses. They are flexible and last for only a few months. You can take up classes at your own convenient timings. That is, if you prefer evening classes, you can customize your course accordingly. On the other hand, if you prefer special learning sessions during the weekend, you can customize that too. Basically, these courses are designed keeping in mind the convenience of the students. These courses can be tailor-made, which makes it even more popular amongst the busy corporate executives. The learners, who are mostly working professionals, do not have to ruin their daily work or professional commitments, for pursuing these courses. They can balance both their studies as well as their full-time jobs, without hampering any of the two.
Moreover, the courses are updated with relevant content and material, which makes them even more valuable. The contents of diploma in engineering courses are formulated only after thorough consultation with top engineers, developers, architects and planners. These professionals are fully aware and familiar with the latest technologies and tools. They are even proficient about the winning business solutions and strategies which work best in the industry. Accordingly, they develop the contents and make it relevant to the current business trends and market scenario. The contents also include information on the innovative engineering methods, techniques and policies, which an engineer must know in order to succeed in his career.
Students gain advanced engineering knowledge from these self-paced courses. Unique training methods, offered at the institutes, also help in increasing the retention capacity of the students.
Be it engineering courses, online business management courses, maritime courses, or any other, always remember to enroll yourself at a renowned institute for the best guidance and education.
SP PACE is an industry expert offering different tips on short diploma courses and diploma in engineering, among other topics. Singapore is a place he often recommends for varied opportunities to pursue such courses.
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sp-studyplanner · 2 years
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Looking for Canada Immigration Consultants in Ahmedabad? SP Study Planner is on the top of Canada Student Visa Consultants in Ahmedabad Gujarat offering services for Immigration.
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sp-studyplanner · 2 years
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