kozukensgf · 3 months
bf texts with the8!
genre: smau, crack, fluff
character: xu minghao
note: he’s so savage and unintentionally funny sometimes (but also can be the most calm and laid back i LOVE him) i hope i get his energy right enjoy ❤️
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seungcheorry · 21 days
minghao smiles at you the moment he sees you're awake. "morning, sunshine."
"what did you put in that tea yesterday?", you frown, even though you're still a bit asleep and your whole body feels as relaxed as it possibly could.
"just some herbs my mom taught me", he holds your shoulder, massaging your flesh and smiling when he sees that you weren't as tense as the night before. "feeling better?"
"the world could end right now and i wouldn't even flinch. i'm so relaxed~"
hao chuckles, pinching your arm.
"great. there's some left, it's in your favorite bottle. take to the office with you."
minghao has to convince you to go to work; he has to kiss you a few times to wake you up properly, so you won't be late - but, damn, he's also so glad that you're feeling okay.
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inspired on the tea i drank last night bc wtf, i'm feeling like i could levitate with how relaxed i am (thank god).
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lololololchips · 3 months
svt reaction to randomly asking them to send you food :3
this is such a cute request hehe:)))
hope u like it!
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asking them to bring you food w/ || SEVENTEEN
genre: fake texts, one shot au, fluff, idol!bf
warnings: cursing, fem pronouns, mention of food, nsfw (the8’s slide)
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haecien · 3 months
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— Now or Before? / Xu Minghao.
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Synopsis — Just you bombarding Hao w his baby pictures
A/n — ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOELLE TAKE THIS AS A BIRTHDAY GIFT🗣@icyminghao (I had this in my drafts for awhile )
Genre/s — Smau, fluff, Minghao x reader , g/n reader, non idol au
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vernoniekiss · 4 months
minghao headcannons
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↬ tea dates !!!! i can see him making you try out new types of tea here and there.
↬ best fashionista out there. always dresses up so so so so so well. would sometimes match clothing with you <3 . wouldn’t mind you borrowing his clothes !!
↬ would let you paint his nails whenever you like. he’ll let you choose what theme his nails should be. (secretly hopes for you to have a matching set. he’ll even offer to pay for your nails!)
↬ no1 sassiest man alive.. be prepared !!!
↬ would make sure you eat well. homemade meals are a must !! he wants you to be healthy and well. you’ll never starve whenever he’s around. when he’s away on tour, he’ll call you throughout the day whenever he can despite the time difference to check up on you, “have you eaten yet ?” “i’ll be here. i’m not going anywhere”.
↬ would take photos of you occasionally and whenever you want. best cameraman. he knows all the great poses !!!!!
↬ he would also like to go on late-night walks where the streets aren't busy and that it's just you and him.
↬ so SO in love with you. he adores seeing you do anything really. his lips would automatically quirk up whenever he says you smile.
↬ really really REALLY soft with you, like you are porcelain glass?? you’re his everything. there is no absolute way he will ever treat you wrong and touch you in any way you don’t deserve.
↬ WORDS OF AFFIRMATION!!!!!!! either him to you, or you to him.
↬ communication in relationships are key!!! he’d want you to talk to him about anything (or vice versa) what’s bothering you in the relationship and sort out the problem!!
↬ soft intimacy shared in private. he doesn’t enjoy camera being shoved into your face when you’re out in public together.
↬ likes to post you on his social media with cute captions :((( <33
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atinystraynstay · 4 months
Tolerate It - Xu Minghao
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Synopsis: Watching the love of your life be with the wrong person should be classified as cruel and unusual torture. While you loved to see him smile, you hated the fact it was because of someone else.
Pairing: Xu Minghao x reader
Inspired by: Tolerate It - Taylor Swift
Genre: Angst - unconfessed feelings, arguments, jealousy, friends to lovers, ft. Wonwoo, Jun, and Mingyu
Word Count: 3.4k
Living in a city sometimes felt constricting. For the longest time, you always dreamed of living in a major city where there was always something going on. However, coming from home work to loud shouting, blaring car horns, and constant movement all around got overwhelming. And you weren't the only one that felt that way.
You were grateful for the opportunities thrown your way. However, sometimes you just wished you take a step into peace and quiet.
It was Minghao that suggested that everyone should take a trip to the woods. He found a company where you could rent out a company, which was perfect for you and your group of 14 friends. But it seems you miscounted. This whole time, you had no idea that Minghao was planning on bringing his girlfriend as his plus one. You didn't even know you were allowed plus ones!
At the moment, you were in the kitchen washing the dishes after the meal Minghao, Joshua, and Mingyu cooked up together. Minghao, Seokmin, Hoshi, and Cheol took it upon themselves to start a bonfire. They believed it was the only appropriate way to kickoff your weekend getaway. Well, Minghao wasn't helping much. He was more so keeping his girlfriend company, having his arms wrapped around her and holding her close. It made you sick to your stomach.
"You know, if you stare long enough, they might get an idea you're watching them like a hawk," Wonwoo commented.
You didn't even noticed he slipped into the kitchen. However, you noticed he had yellow rubber gloves on and was there to keep you company. To be honest, you wanted to dot he dishes by yourself to sort through your thoughts, but you knew Wonwoo was always a good person to confide in. You smiled appreciatively before stepping aside, allowing him to have access to the pile that filled the sink.
"So, I'm taking it you didn't know she was coming?" He asked. "No, not at all. I didn't know until I got out of Cheol's car," you confessed, a hint of sadness in your voice. "Trust me, none of us knew except Minghao. This was apparently his idea of trying to get us to meet her." "By tricking and trapping us here?"
You both shared a laugh at that idea. It made you feel a bit better that you weren't the only one blindsided. Normally, Minghao was so upfront with the group about his feelings, so you were confused why he's kept her hidden for so long. You only knew of her by him mentioning that he was going on a date with a new girl that Dino set him up with. And the poor maknae already got an earful from you.
"I always thought you two would end up together," Wonwoo commented.
His gaze was locked on the dishes submerged underneath the bubbly water. Your gaze was locked on him. Your eyes were a bit wide, not sure if you heard him correctly. However, he glanced out of his peripheral to see your eyes locked on him. "So you're not denying that you like him? Or did I just make things awkward because you guys are best friends?"
You were at a loss of words. How the fuck did Wonwoo figure it out? Who told him? Or were you that painfully obvious.
There was no denying that you had feelings for Minghao. How could he when he treated the world with kindness? How could anyone not be attracted to him when he looked like he was crafted by the Gods? His visuals and his heart of gold set your heart ablaze easily. But you two were friends. Nothing more, nothing less.
He made that part obvious by being with someone else.
Wonwoo let out a chuckle. Putting the last dish in the drying rack, he grabbed the towel to dry off his hands. "Don't worry, y/n. Your secret is safe with me," he vowed. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before he walked away, leaving you motionless in the kitchen.
Everyone was gathered outside in a small circle around the fire. Seugncheol and Hoshi looked at the fire with pride at the fire they created. All the rest of the guys were chatting, either drinking beer or coffee depending on the guy. You were sandwiched between Jun and Wonwoo.
Unfortunately, you had a front-row view of Minghao and his girlfriend. Her heart twitched with ache as she sat on his lap. Every few seconds, he would take the time to ensure the blanket was wrapped around her body.
"Stare long enough and he's going to notice," Wonwoo whispered. "Or worse, she might."
If you could, you'd hit him on the shoulder. But it would cause too much attention to the others, which knowing them, they'd pry until your secret was let out. You silently thanked him though as his voice caused you to turn your head.
"Could always just blame the fatigue from traveling." "Wow, look who is using their brain," Wonwoo teased.
You rolled your eyes before leaning back fully in the lawn chair. You had your legs curled up to your chest. Sure, you were decked out in sweatpants, a hoodie with a long sleeve shirt underneath, and a beanie, but it wasn't enough to keep you warm. The fire wasn't aiding at all.
"Geez, y/n. You're practically turning blue," Jun chimed in.
Before you could protest, you were being lifted into the man's lap. You stared up at him, disbelief that he actually moved you but also that he pulled off a move like that. Where was the shy boy you met a few years ago?
He winked at you before wrapping the blanket around you. You weren't sure where it had appeared from but then put two and two together when you saw a pouting Mingyu making his way back to the group from inside.
"Hey! That's not fair," he whined out. "Oh come on, Gyu. The baby is called," Jun called out, motioning down towards you.
Mingyu didn't even notice that you had migrated from your spot to Jun's lap. He softened his pout at the sight of you bundled up like a burrito, your face barely showing thanks to the beanie and dark blanket.
"Okay, you got me there. Y/n, is too adorable to get made at," Mingyu chuckled. He swiftly made his way back to his seat, placing himself where you used to sit which was beside Wonwoo. Much better for everyone. "Sweetheart, do you want a s'more? I'm a pro!"
You nearly popped out of Jun's lap in excitement at the offer. The guys around you laughed as Jun wrapped his arms around you, tightening his grip slightly so you wouldn't go rolling off of his lap.
"I'm taking that as a yes," Jun laughed before kissing the crown of your head.
Your eyes widened slightly at Jun's actions. You peered up at him but all he did was wink. Wonwoo was sitting back in amusement, as the rest of the group didn't really seem to blink twice at Jun's antics. Jun was the type of guy who opened up more as he got comfortable around people.
Yet, you couldn't help but ponder on it. Was it a friendly kiss? You couldn't deny the blush that was coating your cheeks as Jun openly showed rare affection in front of the rest of the group. Did it mean something more?
"Hold on, y/n, how do you like your marshmallows?" Your internal investigation was interrupted by Mingyu calling out to you. You turned over to see Mingyu trying to get the marshmallow to stick to the skewer. Fearing the worst, Wonwoo was on supervising duty.
"As gooey as possible! I don't want it to drop into the fire, but get really close," you smirked, knowing it would be a challenge for him. "Whatever the princess wants, she gets," he declared.
You and Jun chuckled as Mingyu got to work.
These were the moments that you longed for since the trip was proposed. For the first time since arrival, you felt relaxed. It helped that Jun was allowing you to curl in his lap like you were a cat.
For Minghao, this was a moment he didn't expect. His eyes were locked on you and Jun, trying to figure out the puzzle between the four - Jun, Mingyu, Wonwoo, and you. Was there something going on? Did he miss something? "Babe? Baby? Helloooo, Earth to Hao?"
He jumped as his girlfriend called out to him. She had a slight pout on her lips as she gazed up at him. Minghao blinked a couple to reorient himself before he finally looked down at the woman in his lap. Woah, I've never just zoned out like that before.
"I was telling you all about what Sasha told me the other day. Weren't you paying attention to me?"
Part of him longed to be apart of the group. I mean, that's how envisioned this trip going. He thought everyone could come together as one group, not break into two smaller groups. Sure, that happened sometimes with a group as large as this but he didn't think that would happen when they were all meant to be hanging out together now. But he didn't want to be a rude person, so he quickly shook his head.
"Sorry, sweetheart. I think the fatigue of driving today is starting to catch up to me."
She raised an eyebrow and just stared at him for a moment. It was like she was trying to decipher if he was lying or not. However, she just shrugged before talking more about her inner circle.
Has she even talked to my friends once since arriving? Did she even make an effort to do so?
It made Minghao curious, especially when you, his best friend, were able to easily blend into his friend group. He even thought you were better friends with some of the other guys than he was. But that was just a testament to what a great person you are.
One by one, the group began to dwindle and head inside for sleep. You were still outside with Jun, Mingyu, and Wonwoo whereas Minghao and his girlfriend were inside in the kitchen. He was probably making his nightly tea to help ease him to sleep.
"You're welcome, you know," Wonwoo announced.
Picking your head up off Jun's lap, you raised an eyebrow. You were getting sleepy yourself, so you were contemplating going inside or staying a bit longer. However, Wonwoo's statement woke you up and caught your attention.
Chuckling at your confused state, he sat up a bit straighter. Jun and Mingyu shared a knowing look which just further drew in your curiosity.
"Oh you know, for making Hao jealous?" Wonwoo explained. Your eyes widened as you glanced between the three guys before landing on Wonwoo. Your eyes narrowed on him, about to pounce but was eased down by Jun's hold. Note to self: never discredit Jun's strength again.
"You promised not to tell," you hissed. "Angel, it's not hard to put the pieces together," Mingyu added. "Yeah, I mean, we kind of knew you might have a thing for him but seeing you be a bit quieter around the two of them just confirmed."
You dramatically threw your head back. That's it. Your life is over.
"I think I speak for the rest of the guys when we thought you two would end up together."
Your head instantly sprung back. You groaned slightly from the head rush you caused yourself. Jun snickered before allowing his fingers to trace against your arm, comforting you.
"Don't just be mean and say shit like that, Jun." At least Wonwoo didn't deliberately spill your secret, I guess.
You just didn't know you were that obvious to the others.
"Y/n, I mean it. You guys have a special bond. Not only is it apparent that you care about him on a deep level, but he does for you too. I guess we all just thought you were close friends, but we all saw how your personality shifted when she started coming around." "But he's not into me, guys. If he was, he would have said something by now." "Do you think maybe he was waiting for you to say something first?"
You frowned slightly at that idea. I mean, as much as you were waiting for Minghao to confess, you could have confessed as well.
You looked over to see Jun and Wonwoo glaring at Mingyu between them. Mingyu was rubbing his arm, looking at you apologetically. The sight alone caused you to smile and relax a bit.
Deciding it was time to go inky ou tapped on Jun's arms. Getting the hint, he loosened his arms from around you so you could stand up. You stretched for a second.
"I guess we'll never know, boys. But what I do know is that I am exhausted and ready to shower to get the smoke smell off of me."
A chorus of goodnights echoed behind you as you said goodnight yourself and head towards the cabin. As much as you loved a good campfire, you didn't want to bring the smell in with you to bed.
Silently, you moved the sliding patio door to the right so you could slip in.
"I don't get why you are so distracted. Back in the city, you always have your attention on me." "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I also was hoping you would take this trip to get to know my friends? I don't want you to feel like you have to just talk to me." "So what? I'm not as important to you as your friends?"
Yikes. That wasn't what you were expecting to talk into you. You figured the house would be silent and you'd be the one making the most noise as you tried to navigate back to your room.
It got quiet as you quickly closed the patio door, not wanting to allow any chilly air or critters into the cabin. You turned around to be greeted by two pairs of eyes staring at you. One was trying to stare into your soul, almost as if she wanted to burn a hole right through you. The other was softer, almost apologetically and shameful.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll see you both in the morning."
As quickly as possible, you scurried out of the kitchen as you desperately wanted to escape the tension inside.
"And you're still paying attention to other people more than you are wanting to pay attention to me!"
While you had your suspicions about what might be driving a wedge between the lovers, you didn't want to stick around and speculate. Now that you had a small group of supporters cheering for you and Minghao to find your way to each other, you were positive they'd fill in the dots if they also overheard anything.
Your priority right now was to get in the shower and curl back underneath the covers.
You jolted in your bed, your sleep interrupted but he sound of the slamming door. You were sure it had woken up the rest of the house too. Luckily for you and your nosey self, your bedroom window overlooked the front of the house. Quietly, you moved over towards the window.
To your surprise, Minghao's girlfriend was the one responsible for the noise. She had her pink duffle bag thrown over her shoulders. With no Minghao chasing after her. You watched as she climbed into the car already waiting for her, the smoke from the exhaust pipe lifting into the air.
Her voice was muffled but loud yet you couldn't make out the words that she was exchanging with the driver.
Where was Minghao? Was he okay?
You quickly got out of bed, but tried to be light on your feet. In a house of 13 men who were just as nosey as you, you had to be very quiet to not ring any silent alarms. You weren't really in the mood for a line of interrogation seeing that it was in the middle of the night.
Just as you were about to slip out of your room, you heard movement coming from the other side of the door. You halted your movement.
Knock knock knock
You were holding the breath you didn't even know you were holding. From underneath the door, you saw the shadow of two feet. Not much to indicate who was at your door.
"Y/n, I know you're up," Minghao said, his voice soft. He didn't sound angry or heartbreak, especially for a guy who's girlfriend (even if you could still call her that) stormed out of the vacation cabin.
It didn't take much longer for you to grasp the golden doorknob and twist it open.
Before you, you were greeted by the sight of Minghao. He was leaning against the doorway, wearing grey sweatpants and a matching grey hoodie. You were convinced Minghao was created by the universe as an apology for the patriarchy.
"You couldn't have made things easier for me?"
You stepped back, allowing Minghao into your room. He nodded before walking in, heading towards your bed. He sat on the edge but leaned back on his elbows. He was almost too calm for your liking.
Knowing that the other boys may have been alerted by Minghao's presence, you quickly closed the door behind you from prying eyes. You looked at him curiously, your heart pounding. Make what easier for him?
"I may be your best friend, but I am not qualified to be your couples' therapist," you said. "Come on, y/n. I know you're into me. Or are you really going to tell me you are into my best friend without telling me?"
Caught redhanded. Dammit.
You opened your mouth to try to defend yourself but nothing was coming out. Your lack of a response confirmed his suspicions, and actually made him believe Jeonghan who had overheard your conversation with Wonwoo earlier in the kitchen.
"Come here, darlin,'" he called out to you.
Without thinking about it, you made your way over towards the man presented on your bed. With each step towards him, your heart pounded faster. It didn't help that he had his eyes trained on you the entire time.
"I thought best friends weren't supposed to lie to each other," he frowned. "I wouldn't say it was necessarily a lie, Hao."
He scoffed as a playful smile was adorn on his lips. Once you were close enough to him, he pulled you in close. You were standing in between his legs as he peered up at you. His hands slowly began moving up and down your arms.
"But you weren't quite exactly truthful with me. How long did you think you could go without confessing to me?" "As long as possible if it meant keeping our friendship." With one hand on your wrist, the other hand moved up to tuck the loose strands of your hair behind your ear. "Good thing I don't want to be your friend anymore."
You swore you could hear your heart shatter into a million pieces at the statement. What did his girlfriend, or whoever she was now, say to him? "Because I don't think friends can do this."
Pulling gently on your wrist, Minghao seemingly eliminated any space between the two of you. He pulled you close enough so your knee hit your bed before leaning up to kiss you. You couldn't even resist. This was what you always wanted, to be his.
You kissed him back, gently moving so his back hit the bed and you were on top of him. Minghao smiled into the kiss, clearly happy about the reciprocation. His hand left your wrist to hold your way, the other cradling your face. You didn't even have time to move your hands onto him before he moved you over so he laid beside you.
The only sound in the room was the sound of your lips smacking against his. He was just as good of a kisser as you imagined.
Slowly, you pulled back. He offered a gentle smile as you did the same, but he could see there was something on your mind.
"You don't need to worry. I ended things with here. She pointed out that I was eyeing you all night, in the way maybe a best friend shouldn't," he confessed.
Your hands gently moved to cup his face. Hearing that news, you couldn't help but let your smile grow wider.
"Now who was the one who could've made things easier?" You teased.
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svtfilthandfiction · 5 months
Lotus Position - Xu Minghao
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A/N : Hello Everybody!! I'm back with this short drabble!! (so glad to be back i missed writing and I missed you all too 🥺). Idk how this turned out tbh, I felt a little rusty writing this but hopefully it's good and you enjoy reading it! :))
Warnings : Lotus position, very intimate and slow sex, lovey dovey and romantic shit, slight hair pulling (m.rec), nipple play (f.rec), fluff.
Word Count : 452 Words. Enjoy!
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Just thinking about Minghao gently fucking you in the lotus position. You sitting on his lap facing him, your naked bodies like puzzle pieces.
It's very intimate and passionate, his face inches away from yours, the intense eye contact flustering your cheeks crimson. He's slowly thrusting up into you, his hands on your hips, caressing your sides with his thumbs.
He can't help but press his lips onto yours; softly yet enough to make you feel his passion. He pulls away smiling a little, his cheeks reddening before pulling your body into his for a hug. "I love you" he whispers directly into your ears. You smile to yourself as he kisses the side of your head, holding you tighter.
"I love you too, Hao" you reply, clenching around him and forcing him to let out a deep grunt. His hands snake up your body to your breasts, messaging them in his hands. You arch your back at his actions, subconsciously grinding into him at the feeling.
He dips his head down, attaching his lips to one of your nipples, licking and sucking on the bud. You mewl at the feeling of his mouth on your chest, your hands coming up to grasp his long hair.
"Please Hao" you breathe "Wanna cum". He looks up at you, his eyes back on yours as he slightly speeds up the pace, fucking up into you. "You feel so good" he moans, bringing his chin to your shoulder as he focuses on his pace. "Gonna make you cum"
He brings a hand between your bodies, easily finding your clit as he circles it with his fingers, bringing you closer to the edge.
"F-fuck Hao, c-close" you warn, tightly gripping his hair.
"Me too baby, cum with me" he looks up at you again, his lips searching for yours. You gladly press your lips to his, feeling him moan in your mouth as he lets go inside you.
His release triggers yours, throwing your head back as you squeeze around him, moaning his name. You bring your forehead to his, staring deep into his eyes as he holds the sides of your face. You're both heavy breathing, trying to calm down from your highs.
"Let's go clean up" he suggests after a while.
"Not yet" you reply, placing your chin on his shoulder and hugging him closer to your body. With your bare chest on his you could almost feel his heart beating against yours, your breathing synchronised.
"I love you Y/n" he repeats, making you flutter around his softening cock. "But don't do that or you'll make me hard again"
You shrug, purposely squeezing around him again. "How about we continue in the shower?"
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Hi again, tysm for reading!! I hope you enjoyed :)) lmk if you have some short requests like these, i'd be happy to start writing again. Anyways, I hope you have a good day/night and remember that ily <3333
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babyleostuff · 11 months
pool date | xu minghao
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☾₊ ⊹ currently playing: tamed- dashed by enhypen
summary | pool date with Minghao in Macau (+ other members annoying you :>)
genre | fluff 
word count | 1.8k
author’s note | I’ll need at least a week to recover from Mingyu’s and Mingaho’s photos, they want us dead fr (thank you for the boyfriend pics tho)
“You want to go swimming?” Minghao suddenly asked you, lifting his head from your lap. After their concert yesterday he swore he would use this day to rest, but hearing the noise and laughs coming from the gigantic pool below, he couldn’t resist.
“Sure, why not,” you smiled at him, giving a nod of approval. You spent the whole day together laying around and talking, so finishing it off with a couple of hours at the pool would be the best way to end it. 
You excitedly got up from the couch and went straight to your bedroom to find your swimming suit, leaving Minghao alone in the living room. Grabbing your phone on the way, you immediately dialed your best friend’s number, in hopes that they would help you pick out the best one. 
“Okay, listen. We’re going to the pool and I need help with choosing my swimming suit,” you said straight away, opening your suitcase.
“Hello to you too,” you rolled your eyes, searching for the bottoms of one of your bikinis. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t call you earlier, but everything was so hectic yesterday that I totally forgot. Forgive me, please?” you picked up your phone from the bed and set it next to the suitcase. 
“It’s okay, I’m just joking,” your friend laughed. “Now show me what we can choose from,” they said, getting closer to the camera to see you better. 
“Okay, so we have this one, but I think it might be a bit too revealing.”
“You think? People might get a heart attack if they see you wearing this. Leave this one for when you two are alone, you dork,” you laughed at their comment, but agreed wholeheartedly. 
You didn’t even know why you packed this, it’s not like it was a private pool, where you could actually use this one to your advantage. 
“What about this? Is this one family friendly?” you showed them the next one, which was a much safer option. 
“Oh, it’s so pretty. You’re going to look great in this one. And Minghao is going to love it as well,” they wiggled their eyebrows in a suggestive tone, making you snort. 
“It’s a pool full of kids, nothing is going to happen,” you said with a straight face. 
“Well, maybe not in the pool, but who knows what might happen after.”
“You know what,” you sighed in a joking manner. “Thank you for your help, but I’ve got to go.”
“Okay, remember to stay safe though. And have fun!” 
You quickly changed into your swimming suit, putting on one of Minghao’s t-shirts as well. Making sure you had everything ready, you grabbed your and your boyfriend's books from the bedside table, sunglasses and a sun cream and put them in one of your bags. 
“Okay, I’m ready,” you said, entering the living room space. He quickly got up and disappeared in the bedroom, only to come  out a second later. 
“How come are you always so quick?” you laughed. 
He simply shrugged and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers. Smiling at him, you put your hand at the back of his neck and gave him a sweet peck on his lips. 
“I love you,” you said. 
“I love you too, honey. Now come on, let’s go,” he exclaimed, kissing your lips once more. 
As the doors to the elevator started slowly closing, some loud noises came from the hallway. And it was a very distinctive noise that you would recognize anywhere. Just as you were about to ask Minghao whether the boys are coming as well, a yellow floaty appeared between the closing doors. 
“No way. You’re going to the pool too?” asked Mingyu, entering the elevator with a towel and two big floaties, wearing only black sunglasses and his swimming trunks. Now you were a hundred percent sure that the attention of the whole pool was going to be on him. 
“Yeah, what a coincidence, right?” Seungcheol came right behind him, carrying his own stuff. 
“How many more of you are there?” asked Minghao, slightly annoyed. You knew that he wanted to spend this day alone with you, especially since you wouldn't be able to see each other that often back in Korea because of his schedules. 
“Just us,” said Mingyu. “And them,” he added, as Jihoon, Chan and Soonyoung entered the elevator as well. 
“What? We just want to spend some quality time together,” spoke Chan, as he saw the irritated expression of your boyfriend. 
“We see each other literally everyday,” he sighed and looked up toward the ceiling. 
You sent an apologetic look towards the boys, asking them silently to understand Mingaho and not bother him too much. 
You put your other hand, the one that wasn’t held by your boyfriend, around his bicep, stroking it gently with your thumb. Squeezing his hand, you reassured him that no matter what, this day was going to be perfect, and nothing could destroy it, not even his annoying members. 
As Mingaho turned his gaze towards you, a smile playing upon his lips, you felt your heart flutter - you couldn't help but drink in the sight of him, captivated by the depth of his affection apparent in his eyes. You send him a small smile as well, leaning your head on his strong shoulder. 
The moment the elevator doors opened, Mingyu and Chan were out in a second, probably the most excited about the pool. The rest of the boys teased them of course, commenting on their childish behavior despite being in their 20s, but they looked almost as excited as them. 
You and Minghao were the last to leave, trailing slowly behind them. Not wanting to bring any attention to yourselves, you found two empty sun loungers in the less crowded part of the pool area. Setting all your stuff aside, you took off Minghao’s shirt and took a look around. 
The afternoon sun blazed high in the cloudless sky, casting a glow over the poolside. The air hummed with the sounds of laughter, splashing water, and the gentle rustling of palm trees in the breeze. The scent of sunscreen mingled with the sweet fragrance of nearby flowers, and anywhere you looked, there was an air of relaxation and pure bliss.
“Should we go in the water?” Minghao asked. 
“Yeah, sure,” you said softly, following his lead towards the shallow part of the pool. 
You took your first steps into the water, immersing yourselves in its cool embrace. The sensation enveloped you, sending shivers of delight through your bodies. You waded deeper, the water rising higher until it enveloped your torsos, providing a refreshing respite from the heat.
“It’s actually colder than I thought it would be,” you said, trying to get used to the cold sensation. 
“Oh, really?” you could hear Minghao’s mischievous tone, but didn’t expect him to do anything. It’s when you felt a cold splash of water on your back, you heard Mingahao laugh loudly. 
“You did not just splash me, Hao!” you exclaimed, though not annoyed in the slightest. 
“It seems like  I just did,” he said proudly with a smirk on his face and splashed you again, drenching you completely. 
“Ugh, you asshole,” you beamed and threw yourself at him, making him lose his balance and fall into the water. You couldn't help but to smile widely, and let out a joyous laugh upon seeing his confused state, while being under water. 
He quickly got up though and wrapped his long arms around you, trapping you in his embrace, not giving you a chance to run away. 
“Let me go, Hao!” you exclaimed, trying to wiggle out of his grip. 
“Not a chance,” he said, and just as he was about to throw you under the water, a familiar yellow floaty hit the back of his head. 
“Hey, I found them,” suddenly Mingyu appeared, waving towards the rest of the boys. 
Seeing the slight agitation on Mingahao’s face, you pulled him toward you. 
“Hey, why are you so annoyed with them hanging out with us?” you asked, your voice laced with concern. 
He hesitated a bit before answering, not wanting to be that bad friend. “I just wanted to spend this day with you, and only you,” he said, adjusting his sunglasses. 
“Look, I can just tell them that I want you all to myself. Then they’ll probably leave us alone,” you put your hand on his cheek, making him turn his face towards you. You pulled his glasses on top of his head, making sure he was looking you straight in the eye. 
“No, it’s okay. I don’t want to ruin everyones’ day, just because I’m in a bitchy mood. I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun with them too,” he send you a reassuring smile, guiding you by your waist towards Seungcheol and Chan. 
“Yes, our favorite couple is back!” Mingyu cheered and pushed Soonyoung under the water at the same time. You were sure that someone would end up dead, if they wouldn’t stop acting like literal toddlers.  
Minghao joined Mingyu in his shenanigans, teaming up against the older ones. You couldn't help but laugh at the silliness of your boyfriend and his friends, and feeling extremely grateful that they finally got some time to unwind and relax. 
“What did they do to you to get you out here?” you asked, joining Jihoon by the pool’s edge. 
“I figured since I’ve never been to Macau before, I should get out of my room and see something at least. And I really didn’t want to go out to the city with Wonwoo and Jeonghan,” he explained with a hint of humor in his voice. 
“Well, that explains everything,” you laughed and turned your gaze back to Minghao. 
You spent some time chatting comfortably with Jihoon and observing your boyfriend, before they decided it was time for photos. 
“Okay, I’ll take yours and you'll take mine,” said Mingyu, giving Minghao his phone. 
During the next couple of minutes, the boys each took their turn to pose and take photos with the amazing pool and hotel as the background. You instructed them how they should pose when they were out of ideas, because not only as a girlfriend, but as a fan, you’d know what would make Carats go crazy. 
“I think they all look great. You’ll have a lot to choose from,” you said, approaching Minghao and putting your arm around his waist. 
He looked at you with a soft smile, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you further into his side. You nestled your head against Minghao's shoulder, finding solace in his proximity. 
“Thank you for today. It was perfect,” he whispered into your ear and kissed the side of your head. 
Feeling like words weren’t enough to express how grateful you were as well, you leaned in slightly, your lips brushing gently against Minghao’s. It was a sweet and innocent moment, a tender expression of your shared affection.
“By the way. Could I maybe see the other swimsuit I heard you talking about?”
“Xu Minghao!”
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jeonride · 11 months
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welcome to my reading list of minghao ficts!i'm actually so sad that i can't find more...
FICTS ! ✧*。
Avant-Garde (fluff, college au, painter!hao) by @hoyoungy
Glacial Pace (smut, friends to lovers) by @wonusite
Home Yet? (smut, established relationship) by @idyllicdeco
Felix Felicis (fluff, slytherin!minghao) by @blue-jisungs
Rush Hour (smut, enemies to lovers) by @lovelyhan
Attracted to You (smut) by @cheolhub
All Mine (smut) by @cheolhub
F* Me, Emo Boy (smut) @sunnylovespickles
Chèrie (smut, duke!minghao) by @venerex
Art Project (smut, fluff) by @1-800-hwahui
Monitor Me (smut, camboy!minghao) by @sunnylovespickles
Deadly Sin (smut, horror, demon!minghao) by @onlymingyus
Longing of a Noble's Daughter (smut, angst, royal au) by @sunnylovespickles
Oh, My! (smut) by @toruro
Now or Never The Series (smut) @heartkyeom
Bloody Kisses (smut, vampire!minghao) by @duhnova
Once Bitten (smut, contains blood) by @sluttywonwoo
Blocked Contacts (fluff, jealous hao) by @jae-bummer
Kiss Me Thru The Phone (smut) by @number1mingyustan
Wild With You (smut) by @beahae
Dress, Preview (smut) by @ally-127
Erotic Humiliation (smut) by @bitchlessdino
Wildest Dreams (smut, angst, moviestar!hao) by @rubyreduji
Zen (fluff, smut) by @playmetheclassics
Coffee at Christmas (fluff, smut) by @sluttyminghao
Playing Cupid (smut) by @sluttywonwoo
04.18 am (fluff, smut, pianist!minghao) by @number1mingyustan
Fixer Upper (smut, friends to lovers) by @seungkwansphd
Tamed Studies (minghao x male!reader) @flwrboi
Paint Me in Gold (fluff, semi royal, ghost au) by @starryse
Take it Like a Good Girl (smut, ft.mingyu) by @pussy-potions
Home for The Holidays (fluff, smut) by @bangchanswolfpelt
Wrong Turn (smut, vampire!minghao) by @meltwonu
Leave it On The Runway (smut, model!hao) by @kpop-hive
Galaxies Away (romance, angst, nerd!hao) by @dianalikecats
A Thousand Words Left Unsaid (angst, heartbreak) by @twogyuu
The Party Chronicles (smut) by @bitchlessdino
Thank You (smut, ft.jun) by @peachybun-bun
just minghao's hands appreciation (posted by @uremoangel)
minghao de-stress you with oral (fluff, smut) by @nsfwhao
soft sex (fluff, smut) by @toruro
please (smut) by @pussy-potions
kinktober drabble (smut, minghao is a sex store worker) by @sluttyminghao
fucking + praising (fluff, smut) by @gfcheol
aftercare (nsfw-ish, soft) by @gfcheol
flying & fucking (smut) by @toruro
minghao as pussy slapper (smut) by @toruro
hard dom!hao + spanking (smut) by @onlyhuis
accidental stimulation (fluff, smut) by @wildfluwer
one more time (fluff, smut) by @onlymingyus
hao kissing your tears during sex (fluff) by @toruro
light-feather praises (nsfw) by @venerex
bedtime tea (fluff, comfort) by @venerex
how i'd do? (smut) by @onlymingyus
[20:13] (filthy, iykyk) by @trash-hours
on your knees (smut) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
passionate sex (smut) by @sluttywonwoo
slow down, look at me (smut) by @jeongwife
freakily good with his hands (smut)
corruption kink (smut) 2nd ver
fingering (smut, fluff tho)
you have to be quiet (smut)
when it's cold outside (fluff)
that's sick ! (fluff)
fucking with your hands tied (smut)
want to see cherry blossoms (fluff)
let me take care of you (fluff, comfort)
hurry up (smut, sub!minghao)
jealous sex (smut)
minghao's kinks headcanon (nsfw)
horny dom!hao (nsfw)
fucking with racer!minghao (smut)
art exhibition (smut)
a-z nsfw with minghao
drawing body paint on your thighs (nsfw)
sucking his on kitchen counter (nsfw)
daddy sugar!minghao (smut)
my muse (smut, sub!minghao)
paparazzi!minghao (smut)
smut, 3.5k- yeah, that's it.
wake up early (very fluff, also smut)
blade of hearts (smut)
butterfly (fluff, smut)
sir!minghao (smut)
last (implied mature themes)
maniac (smut)
wanna hold your hand (smut, fluff)
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itssunshinetoday · 7 days
❁ pictures you've taken of your boyfriend, minghao
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More of the boyfriend pictures series
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v6mpcat · 9 months
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seeing you tonight, it’s a bad idea right?
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okiedokrie · 12 days
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Summary: Your loving boyfriend wants you to see what he sees.
Characters/Pairing: Xu Minghao (The8) X F!Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff
AU/Trope info: Non-idol!AU, Established Relationship
Word Count: 1,169
Warnings: mentions of insecurity, the way reader looks isn't described very vividly, very explicit smut, body worship, Minghao nicknames: hao/babe/honey, yn nicknames: love/hun/honey, mirror sex, lots of praise!!, L-bombs EVERYWHERE, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), creampie
Rating: 18+
A/N: heavy inspiration from pov by Ariana Grande (yes another reskin of a fic i wrote before pls dont yell at me)
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"I just can't see myself the way you see me, Hao." You say, barely above a whisper. Your boyfriend was the perfect boyfriend- no, the perfect person that everyone wanted to be, or wanted to be with. He was everything that you weren't. And on days when it gets really bad, you think that maybe you didn't deserve him.
Most of these thoughts, however, are quelled with just a kiss on your shoulder. His lips linger on your skin for a beat longer, savoring the warmth and pressure of your skin on his pillow lips. "Alright then, I'll show you."
He ushers your head to turn to the mirror at the foot of his bed. The dim purple lights make the room hazy, but you still manage to meet his eyes in the mirror.
He kisses your shoulder again, "Do you see yourself? I love the warmth of your skin, the way it feels against mine. But that isn't the only thing I love about you" he pauses, his voice almost lost to the quiet of the room as he whispers in your ear, his hair tickling your cheek. "I love your mind, beautiful with all the colors only you can show me, you are my miracle. Perfection in my arms."
You feel the warmth of his palms radiating off of him, his smooth skin ghosting the span of your thighs, leaving goosebumps in its wake. Minghao moves to your other shoulder, kissing every mark in your skin with reverence, your name sounded like a prayer as it left his lips.
You lean back, your back pressed against his toned chest as you relax, letting him guide you, and handle your pleasure.
"I'm right here, honey, I love you." He whispers into your skin, slowly unbuttoning your shirt, one button at a time. He kisses your skin every time new skin is revealed to both of you, he kisses your skin so delicately as if you'd break at the slightest touch.
His fingertips danced on your skin, warmth rippled from the contact like a drop that fell into the water, it was gentle, almost non-existent, but the love that swelled in your heart, you could feel that.
His fingers reached the band of your underwear, fingers carefully tracing it, "May I?" he asks, meeting your eyes in the mirror, looking at you, almost pleading.
"Please." You say in desperation, you wanted him to touch you more, you wanted him to hold you closer.
He pulls your underwear down your thighs, and you step out of them as he discards it somewhere off the bed. Carefully, his fingers brush against your clit, the brief contact making you gasp, reaching behind you to hold onto him.
"Keep looking hun, look at us, look at you." He says in a breath, fingers putting more pressure onto your clit as he moves them down to your entrance, collecting your wetness, before slowly moving it up back to your clit to rub slow circles into it.
Such a simple touch, yet with his breath on your neck, his warmth behind you, and your eyes meeting in the mirror, everything was so overwhelming in the best way possible.
"Minghao, I love you." You way between gasps, this caused his stroking to go faster, rubbing at your clit with more purpose.
"I love you too, so much. You are beautiful to me, more than anyone can comprehend." He says, kissing and sucking marks into your neck, the hand that wasn't stroking your clit came up to cup your breast, pinching and pulling at the pebbled nipple.
Gasps and quiet moans leave you, affirmations and words of his love for you only added to your pleasure, he finally leaves your clit to press his fingertips at your entrance, collecting your essence on his fingers before entering, two fingers pumping into your heat in a steady rhythm.
You moan out his name, the drag of his fingers making your eyes roll back before you meet his gaze in the mirror again. In the dim light, you can see yourself, bare with your skin flushed, his fingers fucking into your pussy with fervor. You throw your head back onto his shoulder as the knot in your stomach starts to coil, tighter and tighter until it finally snaps.
You repeat his name like a mantra as he fucks you through your high, bliss, brought to you by the hands of your lover, as he kisses your skin and praises you for your beauty.
"That was beautiful, if only you saw yourself come undone for me, you'd understand why I worship you." He continues to kiss 'I love you's into your skin as you come down from your high.
He presses his palm on your back, slowly pushing you forward, "Hold your arms out hun, keep looking at the mirror." He said as you support your weight on your forearms, on all fours, still looking at the mirror.
You see him undressing, peeling off his covers one garment at a time. He leaned forward, supporting his weight on his hands, as he pressed his chest into your back, he reached for yours, fingers intertwining as he kissed your shoulders for the nth time this night. "I love you, so much, please let me take you." He meets your eyes in the mirror.
"I love you, please, make me yours." You give his hand a gentle yet firm squeeze.
You feel the tip of his cock pressing against your folds, collecting the wetness. Slowly, he pushed his cock into your pussy, the hardness and the subtle throbbing with the stretch of his girth took your breath away.
Slowly, Minghao started to thrust his length into you, slow, fulfilling strokes into your heat, each met with gasps and moans from you. Minghao moans and whines, you feel the vibrations of his chest on your back, his hot breath, and his moans in your ear.
Minghao started to thrust faster, one hand moving to rub at your clit, "I can't believe you're all mine, you're perfect, I love you." He said in between pants.
"I love you too, Minghao! Take me, I love you." You try your best to say in between moans. Another familiar coil twists in your core, and your pussy squeezes Minghao's cock for all his worth.
"Are you close? I'm right behind you baby, please, cum with me." He says, squeezing your hand in his hold, fingers still intertwined just as they should be.
"Fuck, Minghao, I love you- I'm cumming!-" You gasp, hot white pleasure blinds you temporarily as you gush around his cock, still, in the throws of pleasure, unable to break your gaze from his.
"Oh- I love you, I'm cumming-!" Minghao was right behind you, going over the edge and spilling his seed into you. The gush of heat from his cum couldn't compare to the warmth in his embrace.
He tenderly rubs your skin, kissing you and telling you he loves you until the sunrise.
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alfaire · 7 months
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ㅤ   ㅤ  ✭ ⣋ ﹪ AM I DREAMING?ㅤ՚՚ 🫧 ː ׅ 🧠 ᭢
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lololololchips · 4 months
love your fake texts sooo much, i was wondering if you could do seventeen like all members and maybe something like them apologizing after an argument?
thank you!!
hope you enjoy this:))
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SEVENTEEN || texts after an argument…
genre: fake texts, one shot au, angst, fluff
warnings: cursing, fem pronouns, angst (nothing major), relationship issues
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450 notes · View notes
mangocustard16 · 3 months
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synopsis: the three times Minghao tried to buy you coffee, not cuz he thought you were cute or anything. At least that is what he told himself or; the one time you beat him to it pairing: xu minghao x gn!reader genre: fluff warnings: none w.c: 606 a/n: I'm sorry I like cliches a bit too much, requested by @haecien ♡
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Minghao didn't even like coffee that much. He had always preferred tea over coffee. Yet here he was in line for the third time this week. It had become a routine, almost a ritual for him now. His eyes look across the room searching for something or someone. A sigh escapes his mouth when he sees you, tucked away in your favorite corner of the shop, nose buried in a book, occasionally stealing glances at the world outside the café's window.
He imagined what your voice must sound like, soft and melodious, with a hint of warmth that matched the gentle smile he often caught glimpses of. Or how your eyes would crinkle up when you laughed if they would light up with a spark of mischief or shine with genuine joy. "If you stared any longer, you'd burn a hole in them," Seungkwan teased, nudging him with a playful smirk.
"What no! I'm not staring at them. I'm looking at how beautiful the sky is" Minghao said trying to defend himself. "Yeah, the sky that's completely hidden by the thick fog," Dino said almost rolling his eyes at his friend. "If you're into them, you should try talking to them or something?" he suggested.
Minghao shook his head, thinking how could he like you when he had never even talked to you. Yes, you were the only person on his mind for days but that doesn't mean he likes you. Seungkwan leaned in, "You'll never know if you don't make a move. Just talk to them, man. Maybe buy them a coffee and see where it goes," he encouraged.
Minghao hesitantly approached the counter. He was so nervous that he stumbled over his words. "I'll pay for their coffee," he blurted out, only to be met with a confused look from the barista who informed him that you had already paid for yours.
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The second time he tried to buy you coffee, he confidently approached the counter (with shaking legs). The barista grinned at him, "Your friend's coffee's on the house today. They're a regular."
Third time's the charm, right? Minghao certainly hoped so as he stood in line at the coffee shop once again. But just as he reached the front of the line, his phone buzzed insistently in his pocket. Minghao frowned, recognizing the number as his manager's. With a sinking feeling in his stomach, he answered the call, only to be met with urgent instructions to rush back immediately.
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Minghao entered the café, scanning the familiar surroundings in search of you, his heart sinking as he failed to spot you anywhere. Disappointed, he turned to leave, resigned to try again another day. But just as he reached for the door handle, he froze in his tracks, his eyes widening in surprise as he saw you walking towards him. You held two cups of coffee in your hands, a warm smile gracing your lips as you approached him. "Hey...," you greeted him, offering one of the cups of coffee. "I am Y/N. I got you this. I hope you don't mind. I… uh, I thought you were cute and I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?" Minghao's heart skipped a beat, his mind struggling to process the sudden turn of events. He stared at you in disbelief, a flush spreading across his cheeks as he tried to find the words to respond. "Y-yeah, I'd love to," he stammered, a shy smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I mean, yeah, that would be great."
Maybe that's how this was supposed to happen, one cup of coffee at a time.
@kflixnet @k-films@k-labels taglist-˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅: @bangchansbae @haecien @aaniag @aaasia111 @weird-bookworm @gigification @bewoyewo if you want to be added just send me an ask ♡⸝⸝
pls reblog if you liked !!
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scoupsnumber1simp · 2 months
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