#Ryoma Baba
narashikari · 6 months
Katsuhiro Suzuki providing me with ship crumbs 10+ years after GoBusters aired 😭😭😭
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Arisa Komiya also came!
Somehow, just looking your face makes me feel better. Thank you for your hard work 😊
Asdfghjkl I am living
@iristial HiroYouko crumbs in the year of our lord 2023
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asknarashikari · 7 months
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What are thoughts on this?
I'm still waiting for a reunion special... though I understand the timing during the 10th anniversary wasn't ideal because of the controversy with Usada's VA (he cheated on his wife, the extremely popular singer Lisa) and Nick's VA passing away.
I'm glad the cast still seems close, though! They seem to get together and hang out a lot, and they often include Ayame Misaki (Escape) in their meet ups too :))
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thousand-winters · 1 month
You know what else I love about the stage plays? Reigen is just... slightly more affectionate. Like, don't get me wrong, he's still shady as fuck and questionable at best, as he tends to be especially in season 1, but Baba Ryoma really puts in some really neat body language that makes more evident he cares.
I'm not saying this doesn't come across in the anime or manga, and honestly, it's perfectly fine as it is, it's not lacking anything, I just like the extra added gestures in the stage play.
Reigen already does this no matter what, but the way he frequently leans down to talk to Mob at his height, the frequent shoulder pats, the hair ruffles.
The two instances I particularly like are:
At the beginning of the second stage play, when Mob tells Reigen about the fight with Teru, they're sitting side by side instead of across each other, and Reigen IS very much leaning down once again to be at Mob's height and pretty much half turned toward him the whole time. It just heightens how close they seem in that scene.
THE 7TH DIVISION FIGHT. I feel like crying every time I see how Reigen straight up puts himself between the Scars and Mob a bunch of times, throwing an arm out to keep Mob behind him and grabbing him by the arm to put him out of harm's way as well (at the same time he's also calling out to the other kids, Shou included!).
It just... it kills me, man, it kills me. I love the stage plays so much.
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t-u-i-t-c · 5 days
nothing like watching a bl movie from 2010 in the lowest quality possible with color-coded subtitles, very familiar faces, and the low budget being spread thin
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themangajournal · 1 year
These are quick sketches (each of them took me between 10 and 20 minutes) (❁´◡`❁)
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aratakareigenified · 1 year
i dont care what anyone thinks of the mp100 stage play, reigen is absolutely hot in it
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choppedmoviesartpie · 10 months
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Feeling nostalgic? Looks like I'm going to ship this couple now.. Look at them - they're so cute and look so good together *crying* (illustration is mine)
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nugulover69 · 1 month
I mean J is probably used to having men on top of him. like Jin for instance
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metamatronic · 2 years
For the cryptid au, Do you have any ideas for the V3 cast? Who would be the human since there is no lucky student? (I’m guessing Kiibo or Tsumugi but idk)
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it took many hours of research (thank you yokai.com and the myths and folklore wiki) and many decisions based on bullshit, but! I now have a finished (sorta) cryptid au chart to go on. More descriptions/explainations below the cut:
**EDIT: Some people raised concerns about cultural appropriation, so I’ve changed Maki to Bloody Mary! I apologize for the lack of research on my end!
Shuichi Saihara - Apprentice Grim Reaper
If Ultimate Lucky Student equals human, then Ultimate Detective equals Death. My working theory is that Shuichi was intended to be Class 79’s resident human, but died on his way to the school and was then taken in by Kyoko as an apprentice.
**Maki Harukawa - Bloody Mary
Specifically the version where she was falsely accused of killing a bunch of kids and then burned alive for it. Now she kills, but only when summoned. Kind of like an assassin!
Kaito Momota - Krampus/Goatman
Kaito really wanted to be viewed like Santa and instead he’s viewed as like. Evil Santa. And he’s sad about it. Also he has a bridge, though I imagine he’d be pretty gung-ho about dancing on it. (I don’t have a good explanation for this either. it’s just vibes.)
Himiko Yumeno - Baba Yaga
More like Baby Yaga, am I right??? I was just going to make her witch, but that’s booooring. I’m probably never going to draw like, Old Lady Himiko, though. Maybe she was just too lazy to age normally.
Tsumugi Shirogane - Lizardperson (Chameleon)
She’s totally plain and normal! Don’t look too closely! You definitely won’t find anything! What is this AU, if not a bunch of monsters cosplaying as humans. And what cryptid would be the best for that, if not a lizard person. As for the chameleon, i like the aesthetic more than just regular lizard face.
K1-B0 - Automaton
Yes, it’s lazy. (Though he’s also in contention for Class Human, specifically so he can claim to be a robot. Because his whole childhood he was gaslit by his “creator” into being told he was a robot. And this is the first school where people hear that and go “yup, that checks out!”)
Gonta Gokuhara - Boogeyman
I really screwed myself over by making Taka Mothman, but I just love that idea too deeply to change it. So, where’d I get the Boogeyman? Well, if we operate under the Oogie Boogie man from The Nightmare Before Christmas, the Boogeyman is basically a sentient pillowcase full of bugs! Sounds good enough to me!
Miu Iruma - Nymph (Dionysian)
Again, I really screwed myself over by using all the horny monsters up on other characters, but I think this works! Dionysian Nymphs are particularly frisky and have a propensity for partying and vulgarity, but maybe the booze will knock a good idea loose every once and a while.
Rantaro Amami - Kelpie
Green hair??? Seaweed??? Hatred of cars??? I got nothing, we really haven’t/didn’t see that much of that boy. This is subject to change of his talent is revealed, in which case kelpie status will probably transfer to Tenko. He’s listed as a possible Class Human because he could be the Lucky Student? But it’s unlikely.
Kokichi Oma - Eldritch Horror
I’m not convinced he’s not an Eldritch Horror in canon, tbh.
Kaede Akamatsu - Sylph
I search high and low, yet found no piano cryptids. So I went with Sylph because they’re air spirits, sometimes depicted as hummingbirds (music theme!) Plus, Kaede can be a little airheaded sometimes.
Ryoma Hoshi - Kappa
This was mostly vibes + I drew a doodle of Ryoma with a Lotad-esc lily pad head and fell in love. Plus, uh, drowning is an essential part of both Ryoma and kappas. Dude would probably be the chillest kappa in existence though.
Kirumi Tojo - Jorōgumo
There’s a lot of Kirumi spider imagery. This seems like a shoo-in.
Angie Yonaga - Living Painting
okay this is mostly just me being on an Ib kick, but it would explain why she’s always smiling. Bonus: Atua was/is the name of her painter.
Tenko Chabashira - Yeti
I…I got nothing for this. I ran out of man-hating monsters, and I wanted something that could beat the shit out of you. It was this or a Chimera. I dunno.
Korekiyo Shinguji - Naga
I only know this because of his FTEs Korekiyo compares himself to Medusa at one point and says it’s his favorite folktale. Unfortunately, gorgon has already been claimed by Miss Celestia Ludenburg, but luckily we can still get that snake monster symbolism. Mask is to cover up that unhinging jaw probably. (Also let’s just say that he isn’t dating his sister for this AU, yeah? I don’t want to deal with that.)
Also, some adjustments to earlier cryptids:
Toko Fukawa/Genocide Jack: Some people raised concerns that having any sort of cryptid that “played off” Genocide Jack could be considered offensive to those with DID or MPD, so I changed it. And honestly? The Kuchisake-onna works so much better. Woman who’s insecure about her body image and carries around a giant pair of scissors?? If that’s not Toko, I don’t know what is!
Mukuro Ikusaba: I love Mukuro, but I felt like the Waheela was just sort of me grasping for any sort of wolf symbolism, and it didn’t really work. Now she’s an incredibly intimidating curse demon who can control the weather! Much better.
Junko Enoshima: I think she was technically a Wraith before?? but Lich just seemed more fitting. She’s every DND campaign’s BBG.
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narashikari · 10 months
GoBusters Reunion?? In the year of our Lord 2023?? 😭😭😭
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eurofox · 14 days
Yakuza Ishin! review
Finished as much of this as I'm bothered with. Spoilers btw
Ok story wise this has to be one of weakest. I get that it's meant to be somewhat rooted in historical fact so it was limited in that way but it's just not great IMO. It takes forever to get going and when it finally does get interesting it's too near the end and a lot of shite is just dumped in the final cutscene. At least they didn't make us fight Jingu The whole 2 Ryoma thing got confusing and the reason behind it all felt flimsy. The great fire of Kyoto ended up being no big deal with most minimal damage ever? like wtf. I liked the historical setting but it felt undercooked overall tbh. Also I can buy bare knuckle Kiryu somehow never killing people, but Ryoma is straight up canonically using a sword, so it started feeling silly. I honestly appreciated the fact that he did just start killing near the end.
It was nice to see Mine again, but he felt underused. I don't care for Baba so I'm alright with Zhao. Having Ryoma's bro played by a former villain was pretty much a spoiler from the get go, could see betrayal coming a mile off. They did Daigo so dirty, making him the bald Shogun that gets almost no screentime :( . Also kinda disappointed Andre Richardson/Glover didn't do his asshole move of refusing to speak Japanese despite understanding but he did get his cool theme. Ryoma was interesting and felt different enough from Kiryu personality wise. I'm glad they kept Haruka as a side character so it wasn't retreading the same old stuff
Combat is stiffer than what I was expecting, but this is an old game I guess and I last played lost judgement which is very smooth so that didn't help. Brawler did so little damage and every enemy is armed so I stopped using it early on. Gunplay was a nice change, and so was wild dancer but both didn't really do much damage either. Stuck with sword most of the time but it got old after awhile, again it felt very stiff. Avoiding combat was a nightmare in this game, enemies were always waiting in that same narrow street The long battles are usually my favourite part of any game but they were rare and not done well here. Aside from storming Daigo's castle, which was ok. Way too many boss fights and most of them felt spongy as hell, like, if I'm setting a TIGER on you why is it doing so little damage? I actually didn't mind the trooper cards though overall, added a bit of variety. The blacksmith requires far too much grinding in an already grindy game so I made one ok gun and never looked back. Most weapons you find seem to be better anyway.
There was a few interesting substories, like the bathhouse and Sumo brothel but way less than other games. And fucking hell the amount of friendship bonds was out of control and boring as all fuck, just repetitive fetch quests and sob stories. One or two were funny but the rest I could not give less of a shit about.
Karaoke and dancing are fine, I just suck at them but it was cool seeing it in the historical setting. The brothel games got dull fast and chicken racing sucks. Never liked gambling anyway. The Farm simulator was an ok distraction and so was the cooking but very simple and I didn't find myself going back to them much. Fuck those prize ticket machines though, turning a wheel over and over to win like 40 scraps of paper.
Graphics wise it was ok, especially main cutscenes which are actually pretty good. You can see every stitch in the haoris But still looks very dated otherwise and the amount of pop in was crazy. I could be halfway down the street before textures loaded.
Soundtrack is ok. Nothing really stood out aside from the remixed themes though.
Everything feels so sloooow. Scrolling menus especially. And talking to people. And going into fights or entering buildings. other yakuza games are like this but only older ones.
I did enjoy it and played til the end, but far from my favourite Yakuza title. I'll admit a lot of the issues are probably because it's a remake of a 10 year old game so of course it's going to feel clunky, so I'm glad I didn't pay full price for this.
Stuff I liked:
Historical setting
Guns and trooper cards could be fun
Some of the sidequests
Mine getting some time to shine (even if it's only a little)
Ryoma himself is pretty cool
Story cutscenes look great
Stuff I didn't like:
Awful pop in and slow menus
friendship bonds with every other clown in the streets of Kyo
Meh story
Poor damage output making battles way too long, with brawler being straight up useless
Too much steam in bathhouse fight
Bald Daigo
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Sayaka, daughter of the Swan Princess... 🦢
Mukuro, daughter of the Big, Bad Wolf... 🐺
Leon, son of Robin Hood... 🏹
Chihiro, son of Pinocchio... 🪵
Mondo, son of Sleeping Beauty... 💤
Kiyotaka, son of Snow White... 🍎
Hifumi, son of the Frog Prince... 🐸
Celestia, daughter of the Evil Queen... 🩸
Sakura, daughter of Hercules... 🏛
Junko, niece of the Candy Witch (sort of)... 🍬
Yasuhiro, son of Baba Yaga... 🔮
Aoi, daughter of the Little Mermaid... 🐟
Toko, daughter of the Beast... 🌹
Byakuya, son of Beauty... 🥀
Kyoko, daughter of the Dark Fairy... ♟️
Makoto, son of the Fairy Godmother... 🪄
Impostor, son of the Wicked Stepmother... 👞
Teruteru, son of Humpty Dumpty... 🥚
Mahiru, daughter of Dorothy Gale... 🧺
Peko, daughter of the Huntsman... 🗡
Ibuki, daughter of the Pied Piper... 🪈
Hiyoko, daughter of Goldilocks... 🐻
Mikan, daughter of Little Bo Beep... 🐑
Nekomaru, son of the White Knight... ⚔️
Gundham, son of the Wicked Witch Of The East... 🎩
Nagito, son of the Mad Hatter... 🫖
Chiaki, daughter of the Good Witch Of The North... 🌟
Fuyuhiko, son of Thumbelina... 🧩
Sonia, daughter of the Queen Of Hearts... ♥️
Akane, daughter of Jack... 🌱
Kazuichi, son of the White Rabbit... 🐰
Hajime, son of the Red Knight... 📍
Rantaro, son of Alice... 🍵
Kaede, daughter of Rapunzel... 🖌
Ryoma, son of the Tooth Fairy... 🦷
Kirumi, daughter of Cinderella... 🥿
Angie, daughter of the Aladdin... 📿
Tenko, daughter of Captain Hook... 🪝
Korekiyo, son of the False Mother... 🧷
Miu, daughter of the Pixie... 🧚‍♀️
Gonta, son of the Giant... 🍃
Kokichi, son of the Cheshire Cat... 🐈
Kaito, son of Peter Pan... 🍼
Tsumugi, daughter of the Magic Mirror... 🪞
Kiibo, son of the Snow Queen... ❄️
Himiko, daughter of the Wicked Witch Of The West... 👠
Maki, daughter of Little Red Riding Hood... 💢
Shuichi, son of Prince Charming... 👑
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asknarashikari · 2 years
What sentai would you wish had a 10 years after?
GoBusters, easily. It's still my favorite Sentai after... well, almost ten years since I watched it. And judging from the fact that all the main actors for the Rangers have been involved with toku in some capacity in the interim (Katsuhiro Suzuki was Kamen Rider Quiz, Ryoma Baba was in Ninninger, Amazons and Zero-One, Arisa Komiya voiced a villain in Kyuuranger and was in Zero-One, and of course there's Mr. Sentai Ambassador himself Hiroya Matsumoto who was most recently in Revice), I'd say they're probably open to returning as well.
There's a couple of issues where the VAs for the Buddyroids are concerned though. J's VA is Yuichi Nakamura, who is probably going to be busy since he's likely to reprise his role as Kuroo Tetsuro in the final season of Haikyuu, which has already been announced, and his character is going to have a huge role in it. Usada's is Tatsuhisa Suzuki, who may not be invited to return due to his recent controversy (which also lead him to a hiatus that necessitated recasting his role as Gege on Zenkaiger). And Nick's VA, Kenji Fujiwara, unfortunately passed away in 2020.
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aoihono96 · 2 years
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2022/09/23 - Kikuchi Shuuji’s Twitter Post
Stage play ‘Fire Force‘
- Rescue from Nether -
Thank you very much for coming on the sixth day!!
A photo together with Lieutenant Hinawa.
It seems today is Lieutenant’s* birthday...
I like Baba Ryoma’s* personaliy that’s full of love~ Tomorrow we have 2 performances!
Please look forward to them!!
Source: twitter * On 23rd September is the birthday of Lieutenat Hinawa from Fire Force series
** Baba Ryoma plays the role of Lieutenant Hinawa
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blooooooooong · 2 years
5 giờ sáng and I want to talk about how the 2016 cast of Rock Musical Bleach is not cut out for their roles in terms of singing. Không phải họ hát không hay, tui có thể đảm bảo điều đó, nhưng họ sẽ không bao giờ bằng được dàn original cast, cũng không phải vì dàn original cast giỏi hơn họ, vấn đề ở đây, the ultimate advantage của dàn original cast, chính là mỗi line riêng, mỗi bài hát riêng, đều được producer đo ni đóng giày cho màu giọng của chính diễn viên đó. For instance chúng ta hãy cùng phân tích bài chủ đề The Dark Of The Bleeding Moon, tui sẽ chỉ mang ra xem xét 3 line riêng của Hinamori Momo, Aizen Sousuke, và Kuchiki Byakuya thôi, tại đây là bài chung, hát đồng ca, nên phân tích line riêng sẽ rõ hơn, với cả đây là 3 line vô cùng iconic, không phải Kumiko, Kengo, và Shuuji thì sẽ không hát ra được.
Đầu tiên, line "Trăng đâu biết trời xanh đến nhường nào" của Hinamori Momo. Giọng của Kumiko hát line này rất cao, xin nhấn mạnh là rất cao, và sáng, trong vắt, như trời xanh không một gợn mây, và Kumiko hát được không một chút gượng ép cố gắng nào, giọng hát như xuyên thẳng qua người tui. Chất giọng đặc trưng của Kumiko là như thế, Kumiko khi đó còn rất trẻ, mới mười mấy hai mươi tuổi, hát lên một cái người tui tràn ngập cảm giác thanh thuần. Còn Miyama Karen diễn hồi 2016 hát không được cảm giác mượt mà như vậy, dù vẫn lên được tới cao độ đó, nhưng có cảm giác phải rất cố gắng. Nghe kỹ âm tiết cuối, chữ "iiiiiii" á, sẽ thấy âm "iiiii" của Karen bị đứt, đang to bị gãy cái cụp, còn âm "iiiiii" của Kumiko ngân nga một hồi mới nhỏ dần, mướt rượt 😩
Tiếp theo là line "Nhưng trời xanh vẫn luôn ngắm nhìn vầng trăng" của trùm phản diện Aizen Sousuke 🥲 Giọng của Ohkuchi Kengo bản chất rất trầm, ấm, và dày, cực dày, dày như cái chăn bông vậy á, ổng hát line này như rót mật vào tai mình nóng hổi. Baba Ryouma không có được chất giọng đó, và tui có ấn tượng rằng Ryoma đã phải literally rặn bằng tất cả sức lực để đạt cái độ trầm của Kengo, mà giọng vẫn không dày bằng nên nghe như Ryoma đang hát Rock, hát Death Metal. Ừ thì vở nhạc kịch này hát nhạc Rock mà you might say, nhưng ironic ở chỗ đó, giọng Kengo sinh ra để hát Ballad, và cái khí chất đó mới lại càng hợp với nhân vật Aizen, thâm trầm, và khác biệt với tất cả mọi người còn lại. Thêm nữa, giọng của Kengo không biết vô tình hay hữu ý, đối lập rất tốt với chất giọng của Kumiko, thành ra lột tả được rất đúng cái dynamic của con thuyền vỡ này 🥲
Và cuối cùng, chiếc line luôn ám trong đầu tôi, "Mắt ngươi đẫm huyết lệ" của Byakuya nii-sama 😭 Giọng của Hayashi Shuuji cũng trầm, nhưn là trầm khào, nếu ai đã từng xem vở Thằng Gù Nhà Thờ Đức Bà có Garou đóng vai thằng gù, sẽ hiểu được trầm khào tui đang nói là như thế nào, dù giọng của Shuuji không extreme tới như vậy, nhưng cái chất chính là cái chất đó. And everyone should know by now that so many things can go wrong with trying to replicate cái chất giọng đó 😩 Giọng Ino Hiroki bình thường tui thấy đã không dày, khi đóng Byakuya ảnh đã rất cố gắng làm dày giọng cho giống giọng Byakuya trong anime và kudos cho ảnh vì ảnh đã làm được, nhưn để hát như Shuuji là cả một vấn đề khác. Thêm nữa, line này đi từ cao xuống thấp rồi lại lên cao rất bất thường, Shuuji không phải gồng giọng nên tạm không sao, còn Hiroki vừa phải gồng cho giọng dày lên vừa phải theo cái melody khó chiều này nên câu hát không được mượt, but he managed just fine I think. Nếu để ý nghe kỹ âm cuối của line là âm "ru", sẽ thấy âm "ru" của Shuuji cắt rất clean và neat, rất tự nhiên, được phát âm đồng đều với các âm khác, không bị chỗi?, tui không biết tui viết từ này đúng không nữa 👀, ừ but you get my drift, còn Hiroki hát bị nhấn vào chữ "ru" hơi mạnh, điều này cho tui cái cảm giác như chữ "ru" là cú kết dứt khoát cho nỗi struggle khi hát line này của Hiroki, it's like him saying "omg I'm done, finally done with it" 🥲
Ừ wall of text thế thôi chắc tại tui lại nghĩ nhiều rồi 🥲 Tui không có chuyên môn gì đâu, tui chỉ có một niềm đam mê với việc so sánh đối chiếu thôi, đây là tui nghĩ vậy, các bạn nghĩ khác thì, òm, kệ 🤡 Mỗi người mỗi gu mà, đọc ý kiến của tui cho vui thôi nghen nothing serious 🥲🙏🏻
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