#Rusev Day
I just did 2018's royal rumble re-watch 🥹
It hits differently now, a lot...
Bray I miss you so f**king much 😭
Hurricane, my green superhero I love you
What day is today? RU SEV DAY! 😍
Another epic save from Kofi❤️
Goldust so cool, so beautiful ✨
Seth Kingslayer Rollins
Roman still with that Shield attire
Randy still had hair
We don't set the bar, WE ARE THE BAR! 💘
I'm here to show the world 😍, I love DZ!
Shinsukeeeee🎸 (when he still mattered)
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ringthedamnbell · 1 year
Top Five Popular WWE Mid Card Wrestlers That Were Not Utilized
Top Five Popular WWE Mid Card Wrestlers That Were Not Utilized
Brian Damage There is an old saying, “Strike while the iron is hot.” That saying certainly applies to a select few wrestlers that gained a following in WWE despite a lack of a push or real investment into their characters. Instead of the company just going with the wave of popularity these individuals were seeing, they were stagnated in the mid card or given poorly executed angles that killed…
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xxamorxexmortexx · 4 months
You know what would make this celebration great? Aiden English
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iintrepidtraveller · 1 year
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spinebuster · 1 year
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0v0shch · 1 year
Happy sixth birthday to Handsome Rusev, who has zero interest in wearing a crochet flower for a hat. Fortunately for everyone, he will soon be too busy fighting a floppy fish toy to remember to exact revenge upon all of humanity.
Anyway it's time to say HAPPY RUSEV DAY
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lovingthereign25 · 1 year
Reconciliation 🖤
Part 2
How can we be lovers if we can't be friends!
The next morning I woke up still in Joe's hotel, I looked over and see Joe still sleeping peacefully. Without waking him I slowly slip out of bed gathering my clothes and belongings. I quietly leave Joe's room. I get back to my room thinking I'm in the clear….not a chance I'm taken back by Lana.
" Bitch you scared the hell out of me " I said holding my chest
"And where have you been?" She asks
'I went to the gym early" I tried to lie
"Liar…you're still in your gear from last…." She started stopping mid sentence. Then the look I hated most washed over her face. Her I was right face!
''You spent the night with Joe didn't you?" She asks smirking
''So what if I did he's my husband still…so it's kinda like recycling " I say
"Recycling? I truly hate you" she laughs
"Lana in all seriousness it was just a quick little fix nothing changed it meant nothing' I say heading towards the shower.
As Lana and I headed to the car that was waiting for us I spotted Joe and Solo who were walking right towards us
"Lana I'll meet you in the car" I say trying to head out before Joe noticed me
"Y/n!" I heard shit he saw me but I kept walking as if I hadn't heard.
"Y/n, hey " I feel Joe now turning me around
"Hey, I thought I heard my name" I lie
Joe leaned in to kiss me but I moved going in to hug Solo
"Hey, Big shot, how's the main roster treating you?" I smile
'Good good I'm blessed to be doing this with the fam" Solo answered nodding towards Joe
Solo is pulled away by Xavier leaving just Joe and I.
" You slipped out early this morning huh?" He asks
" Yea, sorry I needed a shower" I say trying not to make eye contact
"My room had a shower, but hey I get it" he says " don't want anyone to know you're screwing your husband" .
"Joe, it's complicated." I whisper
"Complicated?...right" Joe says
" Joe…." I start but he cuts me off
" It's fine Y/n, I'll pick the kids up tomorrow" he says walking away.
A few days later I was talking to Lana and Brandi who were two of my best friends about an arrangement Paul and Stephanie had offered me about coming back to team with Lita and Becky for WrestleMania in a few months.
"This is so exciting…Y/n I'm so happy for you" Brandi smiled
" We should celebrate" Lana chimed in
" What exactly are we celebrating?" We turn to see Joe holding one of our twins, our son Karter. Who was a spitting Image of his father, just like all 3 of our kids were.
"Y/n, is gonna have a WrestleMania match with Becky and Lita against Damage Control" Lana nearly yelled.
"Hey, that's great!Right bubs?" Joe smiled bouncing Karter in his arms
"Oh I gotta go, I forgot I had to pick up Liberty." Brandi says
"Yea me too I have to meet Rusev for dinner" Lana says as they both come over to hug then Joe.
"Mama, can daddy help me with my homework today?' our 7 year old Leilani asked
"That's up to your daddy sweet girl." I smile at her
"Daddy, will you stay and help me?" She asked Joe .
I couldn't help but smile knowing Joe couldn't say no to her especially with those big beautiful brown eyes of hers
"I sure will, let me put your brother in his playpen" he smiled at his little girl.
"Joe, if you want you can stay for dinner too." I say
"Sounds good….thanks!" He nods heading into the living room.
After dinner Joe put the babies down. While
I got Leilani in the bath and ready for bed.
"Karsyn kept grabbing her ear before bed thinking she might be getting a ear infection" Joe says startling me a little
"Shit, you scared me" I almost yell
" My bad. Hey, I just wanna say how proud I am of you, this comeback these moments you're getting you deserve all of it" he smiled
"Thanks, by the way I'm sorry for how we left things the other day at the hotel. It's just this whole separation before the divorce gets to me sometimes and well I'm just sorry if I made you feel some type of way" I say
"It gets to me too Y/n, I just don't think this is the right thing to do anymore, maybe we should try a little harder to make"us " work". He says
"Joe,I don't think we can fix this " I reply
"How could you say that? Is that what you honestly think?" He asks
"Joe how can we be lovers if we can't even be friends…this is the longest we've gotten along in weeks" I say
" What if we just agree to start over ya know star fresh" he says
" When we try to work it out we never get it right..we must be crazy to keep this up" I say trying my hardest to hold back tears.
I loved Joe. I honestly and truly did but us as a couple just didn't work.
" Y/n, we belong together. That's what I know" he says stepping closer
"Joe what if we aren't though" I whisper
Joe kisses me without warning backing me up against the counter, his hands slowly moving up my body stopping at my face. Stopping for a brief second to place me on top of the counter.
"Joe" I let out
" I got you baby" he says kissing my neck
" No, Joe we have to stop sex can't fix everything" I say
"True, but an orgasm will help with all the stress from arguing " he says, connecting our lips again.
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merrhea39 · 5 months
my binge of everything judgment day pt 1
Wm38 edge(w) vs aj styles where priest interferes and judgment day forms officially
Raw 4/4/22 edge has promo crowd chants ‘we are sheep’ then priest starts his promo and the crowd immediately chants ‘we don’t care’ and then ‘we want rusev’ respectfully this crowd should shut the fuck up. AJ styles runs in beats on the heels but TJD has a numbers advantage so they beat up AJ and edge and priest do this leg sweep spear thing.
Raw 4/11/22 priest vs styles (no contest) (also dom dom taken out in an ambulance not related just shows how time flies lol) hearing damian with his old song is weird also king is on commentary here. I wish king was on commentary the last time they were in Memphis. It would've been nice to see. AJ gets busted open pretty early on in the match. That was certainly an ending… I knew there was some supernatural shit in early judgment day but what was that?
Raw 4/18/22 naomi+banks(w) vs. l4b (this is a surprise tool that will help judgment day later) she is such a dom in this match i love mother. Her little hoop fell out but i was mostly thirsting over how hot rhea looks when she angy. (also notable finn loses the us title on this raw) now for the edge and damian promo and yeah what the fuck was that damian? Edge roasts the fuck out of buffalo.
Raw 4/25/22 edge likes the word omnipotence. Lol edge takes shots at the tennessee volunteers and kane here. Priest(w) vs. Balor HES JUST STANDING THERE MENACINGLY!! Also judgment day finally gets their name. I like damian’s old theme even if it doesn’t fit judgment day damian.
Raw 5/2/22 Priest vs Styles(w). I LOVE THE OLD JUDGMENT DAY NAME PLATES! Also the pyro went off at the wrong time during the entrance. I love edge just roasting cities. Styles wins on a rollup that looked awful then edge and damian start beating on aj until finn saves the day. 
Lynch+Ripley+deville vs morgan+asuka+belair(w) (look i know this isn’t judgment day but heel rhea is heel rhea and is important to the story. Also remember when women main evented?) becky shouldn’t be a heel. Jack-o-lantern pants in may is such a rhea thing. 4 of my fave women's wrestlers in the ring at the same time makes me happy. Deville takes the pinfall loss.
Backlash 5/8/22 edge(w) vs styles. The ring announcer was really sucking off edge here. Holding a ppv in such a tiny arena is so odd even for wwe of that time. This match is a very hard hitting one. Wow I wonder who could be that masked figure? Omg its pre-mami rhea ripley who would've guessed.
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Rusev Day chants
already off to a great start
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achilleslastwar · 11 months
WWE: Battleground 2016
I have decided to watch one of the PPVs that got me back into wrestling fully and still my favorite wrestling PPV ever: Battleground 2016. Here's some thoughts, I won't spoil any real results in case someone wants to follow along. Just because I kept some of my reactions doesn't mean a match was good or bad, I just have more thoughts about certain matches than others.
Pre-Show: Breezango vs The Usos Fun match. Hilarity, great tag team action and some fun spots.
Charlotte and Dana vs Sasha Banks and her Mystery Partner Put Emma and Dana back together and have them go after the Women's tag team titles. Do it you cowards! This was all just a big set up for Sasha vs. Charlotte at Summerslam and the mystery partner made it for me. But damn, Charlotte got booed. Dana Brooke and Charlotte were a fun team for a bit but they never really capitalized on it.
One of my favorite debuts ever. And Sasha was so proud of the reaction.
The New Days vs. The Wyatt Family God, I miss the New Day. And I hope Bray's ok, cause his absence is really starting to worry me. And I hope Big E and Kofi are recovering and come back. And I hope Erick Rowan is still doing well and adding to his collection of excellent music t-shirts. This match was kind of weird but Woods being frozen kind of was dumb. This was the final match before Braun actually became truly a monster amongst men, James Ellsworth came and went and Bray and Erick went to Smackdown. The overall RAW versus Smackdown commentary on this entire event including the main event kind of distracted from some of the matches, honestly. Still though, this match is free on Youtube: https://youtu.be/R6CrMJs90qI
Rusev vs. Zack Ryder (US Championship) Rusev smash and Zack Ryder babyface.
Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens The match that fully got me invested and back into wrestling. Sami vs. Nakamura actually lured me back into wrestling, but this is what actually sold me on the storylines, the work, the fun. It's probably my all time favorite match because it got me back into a lost hobby. The Underdog from the Underground versus the Prize Fighter. I had been lapsed so I didn't know about their previous history in ROH. Owens mocked the crowd and he does need to turn back heel so he can do more mocking of the crowd. Zayn did a brainbuster on Owens on the ring apron, which proved how much WWE already trusted both of these guys in their decision making. The finish. "Why won't you stay down? Don't make me do this."
Becky Lynch vs. Natalya This match should have gotten more time. Becky had such a good babyface performance here. This was still solid, especially Pre-The Man. Still though, the full match is free: https://youtu.be/lMNC86wjl9w
The Miz vs. Darren Young (IC Match) Weird match, it had Marsye, Bob Backlund, Darren Young going into a hulk like rage. Very odd and prolly the dud of the night.
The Club vs. John Cena, Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady It's kind of ironic I want Big Bill to join the Bullet Club Gold in AEW now because my favorite performance by him is still in this match. Enzo and Cass were so, so over and the inclusion of John Cena just made it all the better. I can't really stand Gallows or Anderson but AJ Styles is insane talent and just makes them worth it.
Chris Jericho, Randy Orton in the Highlight reel that just should have been on RAW This was also pre-Brock Lesnar beats the absolute tar out of Orton, which is still outside of chairshots to the head and stuff like that one of the times I've ever felt truly uncomfortable watching wrestling in. Just the biggest of OOFS now with hindsight. Still, Orton and Jericho had some back and forth lines. I hope Randy comes back soon.
Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns (WWE Championship) If the Sami Zayn vs Kevin Owens match hadn't happened on this PPV, this match would have still gotten me back into wrestling. The Lunatic Fringe vs. the Architect versus Roman Reigns still in his Shield gear. Moxley and Seth are on the top of my list of favorite wrestlers and Roman has great to amazing level matches with just about anyone and any style. I'm not gonna get into the Tribal Chief thoughts here, but he's still a top level wrestling talent and also probably one of the safest workers in the business. Seth and Ambrose had to team up to overcome Vince McMahons booking at one point in a temporary alliance. They all traded shots amongst each other until they were all rocked. Seth Rollins tried to get them to do the Shield pose and Roman Reigns destroyed him. And I had missed all the Shield stuff during my lapse in wrestling fandom and this match still sold me on it with the promos WWE did for. The intro video to this PPV is also one of my absolute favorites. The trope RAW Is 3 hours long and needs Recaps is absolutely true with WWE sometimes, but they did this perfect.
Oh, I will say to close: Thank god JBL is no longer on commentary.
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Raw Flashback - New Day (with Xavier Woods) and Rusev (with Summer Rae) vs Dudley Boyz and Dolph Ziggler
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harlems-hero · 1 year
I don’t know why I thought of this, but I been laughing all day about Bobby Lashley tearing his groin while blasting out Rusev’s wife.
That is menace behavior and I am HERE FOR IT.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
The Main Directorate of the Border Police has temporarily suspended three border officers assigned to the Strezimirovtsi border crossing on the day of 49-year-old Kiril Rusev's murder. The officers faced suspension after two defendants in the murder case, Alexander Kinov and Petar Alexnadrov, attempted to manipulate the situation by crossing the Serbian border using Rusev's identity card.
The attempt was to create a false impression that Rusev had exited the country. However, subsequent cross-checks conducted by Serbian border authorities revealed that Kinov and Alexnadrov had re-entered Bulgaria using their original identity documents.
Disciplinary proceedings have been initiated against the officers by the order of the Main Directorate's director, Ch. Commissioner Anton Zlatanov, for violating border control regulations on January 4, 2024, at the Strezimirovtsi border crossing.
Reports suggest that the suspended officers include the individual who allowed Alexander Kinov to leave Bulgaria using Rusev's identity card, another officer who failed to check Kinov's exit registration upon his re-entry, and a third officer in a leadership role.
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Road Dogg Says He 'Dropped The Ball' With WWE Storyline Involving Rusev And Lana
Road Dogg says he would do things differently if he could go back and redo the Rusev Day storyline, and admitted that he dropped the ball with that storyline. Road Dogg says he would do things differently if he could go back and redo the Rusev Day storyline, and admitted that he dropped the ball with that storyline. Read More Wrestling Inc. 
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roddraft · 1 year
WrestleMania 34
Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal Cedric Alexander vs. Mustafa Ali (Cruiserweight Championship) Women's Battle Royal The Miz vs. Seth Rollins vs. Finn Bálor (Intercontinental Championship) Randy Orton vs. Bobby Roode vs. Jinder Mahal vs. Rusev (United States Championship) Kurt Angle & Ronda Rousey vs. Triple H & Stephanie McMahon The Usos vs. The New Day vs. The Bludgeon Brothers (SmackDown Tag Team Championship) Alexa Bliss vs. Nia Jax (Raw Women's Championship) The Undertaker vs. John Cena Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn The Bar vs. Braun Strowman & Nicholas (Raw Tag Team Championship) AJ Styles vs. Shinsuke Nakamura (WWE Championship) Brock Lesnar vs. Roman Reigns (Universal Championship)
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yoyidraft · 1 year
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Charlotte & Dana Brooke vs Sasha Banks & Bayley
The New Day vs The Wyatt Family
The Miz vs Cedric Alexander
Rusev vs Zack Ryder
Becky Lynch vs Natalya
The OC vs Team John Cena
Kevin Owens vs Sami Zayn
Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns
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