#Rosegarden Week
rueleaf-art · 1 year
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@rosegardenweek day 2: tender kiss
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jeizet · 1 year
Rosegarden week Day 2
Stay late
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mcmystery · 2 years
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RG Week Day 4: Pokemon AU | Owl House AU
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daggerpawstudios · 1 year
Just a reminder, all of these scenes are canon. ❤️💚
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Rosegarden Week 2023🌹Day 2: Stay Late
The rain wasn’t letting up. And probably wouldn’t for another few hours.
Oscar switched off the radio as he toweled his hair. His Aunt Em walked into the room, carrying a half-full basket of vegetables from their personal garden.
“Date put on hold, huh?”
Oscar paused at his Aunt’s words as she walked into the kitchen.
“It wasn’t… a date, Aunt Em.”
It really wasn’t. Ruby had brought her whole team to visit because they were on a mission nearby.
They were just being friendly. Not a date.
Except then Yang had started fixing up the old tractor in the barn, Weiss had to return to the boarding house where they were staying to sort out their finances, and Blake had gone to check out the selection at the library somewhere in town.
Leaving only him.
And Ruby.
Still not a date.
And then the rain had come. A heavy thundering storm, that soaked both Oscar and Ruby as they ran to take cover in the farm house.
Aunt Em had furnished the two of them with towels and was currently heat up hot cider for them, allowing Ruby to dry off and change into some spare clothes in her room.
“A guy and a girl alone together? Sounds like a date,” Em called from the kitchen.
“We were feeding chickens!” Oscar cried, following her.
Em sat at the table, peeling the vegetables, probably for supper that night.
“I’ve taken one or two sweethearts with me during farmwork,” Em said slyly.
“Aunt Em!”
Before his aunt could heckle him anymore, Ruby walked into the kitchen, changed and as dry as she could manage without using a blow dryer.
He couldn’t put his finger on why, but Oscar felt that he plain flannel shirt suited her, as did the sweat pants she was wearing.
“Thanks for the clothes,” Ruby said, sitting down at the table.
“Wasn’t a problem,” Aunt Em said, her eyes not leaving the carrot she was peeling, “but you’ll need to stay over tonight.”
“But I’ve got a room at the boarding house,” Ruby said.
“The levy broke,” Aunt Em continued, “so, unless you want to slog through a mile or two of mud and waste deep floodwater, I say you’re staying.”
Ruby looked at Oscar.
Oscar looked at Ruby.
Well, Oscar thought, worst things could happen.
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rosegardenweek · 1 year
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🌲🌹 Rosegarden Week 2023! 🌹🌲
RWBY Vol 9 is around the corner and so is the start of ROSEGARDEN WEEK!
RG Week will commence on ✨April 3 - April 9!✨
In the past we’ve hosted different ways to involve our blooming community, either by sending in your prompts and voting or having you all share your prompt lists. This time around we wanted to present a list of prompts that are inspired by Vol 9. We hope this sparks some creative ideas and hype for the upcoming season, along with bringing some unity to the RWBY FNDM.
Remember to use the hashtag #RGWeek2023 and tag us at @rosegardenweek​, so everyone can easily find your work. We can’t wait to see what creative works you’ll create!
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nix-nihili · 1 year
@rosegardenweek something very late for day two’s prompt: stay late because the urge to write struck at one am. and the prompt was very fitting 
It is of course in the middle of quiet conversations and too cold cups of teas that they realise the time. The clock across the room sits stagnant, batteries long dead and un-replaced, and both of them don't check their scrolls as much as they should. It's easy to forget about the rest of it when they're here together, laughter and earnestness drifting tenderly around them like a weighted blanket turning wide energetic eyes into ones that droop, and blink occasionally as if reminding themselves to moisturise.
They talk through it anyway because they don't nearly get to talk enough and it's a product of their time; time that is slowly passing away. Time that has passed them right by.
"Well," Oscar starts as he watches that still clock, the hands on seven past five. He can't remember if it stopped in the morning or the afternoon.
"Well," Ruby adds, looking up from her scroll where the numbers two-oh-nine flash. Oscar yawns at the sight, something settling in him as Ruby follows his yawn and frowns at the action. Affection that has not quite left him and has instead doubled with the late hour. It's overbearing, too many of those weighted blankets that threaten to suffocate him.
He looks away, back to that clock that doesn't tick.
He wants to replace the batteries now that he's noticed it, but that would require getting up and going through drawers that make far too much noise. And he's comfortable. Far more comfortable than he's been in a long, long time, and it must show because he senses Ruby smiling, that soft one without teeth that has Oscar smile right back until she gets up from the couch, looking around, stretching her arms above her head and hearing that crack, getting ready to leave.
"What are you doing?" he asks, blinking away the oncoming sleep that threatens to pull him under.
Ruby stills and turns around from where she had draped her cloak over the back of the love-seat. "Leaving? We're both going to be dead on our feet soon and it's-"
"Late." Oscar interjects. Ruby still waves her scroll as if to prove her point and the clock on the wall continues to stare. "You could-" Breath, blink, focus on the point next to her head. "You could stay? The spare room is set up already."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course."
Oscar can't help the smile that blooms on his face as Ruby beams. "Beats having to walk back."
"It is very late," Oscar says around another yawn. Ruby brings up her hand to her mouth in mock surprise.
"Never would've guessed."
He rolls his eyes, resigning to finally get up by pushing himself off the sofa. In a moment of weariness, his arm slips from under him and he falls back in a heap. "Maybe I won't get up."
Ruby laughs and Oscar erases the mental note of fixing that clock. It could stay. Maybe lead to more of their gathered time passing by in a way they deserve.
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bearandbirdfan · 2 years
BearAndBirdFan's Prompt List for @rosegardenweek
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This is a prompt list I made for @rosegardenweek, which is a RWBY ship event for the pairing of Ruby Rose and Oscar Pine.
Here are the prompts I've come up with. Feel free to use any of said prompts below.
Nov 27: Sparring Match | All Out Fight
Nov 28: His/Her Heartbeat | Stress Test
Nov 29: Frankenstein Monster!Ruby x Vampire!Oscar AU
Nov 30: CPR | Last Moments
Dec 1: Human!Ruby x Android!Oscar AU
Dec 2: First Kiss | Confession
Dec 3: Free Day
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raezel-rwby · 8 months
my piece for the rosegarden ship collab :) @rosegardenshipcollab
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A Vacuo reunion! I took extra time to give it an actual background. Thank you so much rosegardenshipcollab mods! I needed an opportunity to draw rwby again
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chaikachi · 1 year
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Safe & Sound
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stardust948 · 1 year
We finally got Rosegarden in Vol 9 but AT WHAT COST?!?!
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iggysol · 1 year
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So uh... *looks at calendar* White Day huh?
pls ignore that the white is very purple and pink bc of lighting shhhh
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arisat0es · 1 year
Cupid - Rosegarden AMV I was bored and this was stuck on my mind for a while so here’s a quick edit I did for rosegarden. @rosegardenweek
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mcmystery · 2 years
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RG Week Day 2: Gender Swap / Ange & Demon
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daggerpawstudios · 1 year
Rosegarden Week Day 2: Tender Kiss. 🌹🌲
Ruby sweated coldly in her sleep as she had nightmarish visions about her time in Ever After. A few years have passed after the defeat of Salem and Ozma's disappearance into the afterlife. Oscar gently shook Ruby to wake her up.
She looked at him, dazed and confused.
"You were having a nightmare," Oscar whispered.
Ruby's eyes began to fill with tears, and Oscar gently caressed her hair and kissed her forehead.
"You know...I wish I could have been there with you. Then, maybe...I could have eased a bit of your pain." Oscar confessed.
Ruby looked into his eyes, and her cheeks flushed red. She raised her hand and gently touched his cheek as if she had never touched him in centuries.
"This is perfect," she whispered.
Oscar lowered his gaze to look at her lips as she spoke.
" Yeah." He whispered as he leaned forward.  
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Rosegarden Week 2023🌹Day 1: Wonderland
Late! Late! Late!
Oscar checked his pocket watch again, the ornate long hand ticking ever closer to the calligraphic number 9.
He huffed, leaping over a log and trying to double his speed towards his destination.
Why oh why did the Queen have to insist that everything start on the dot? What harm was there in starting five minutes after the allotted time once everyone had arrived?
Sometimes, working for a monarch with a hair-trigger temper did not pay. Five rabbit heralds could attest to that.
Or couldn’t, as it were.
But getting crushed by trees also didn’t pay, he thought as a massive tumtum tree nearly flattened him as it feel towards him, landing with a crash.
He probably should have paid it no mind, already being in danger of arousing the Queen’s ire for tardiness, but Oscar stared down at the fallen tree as curiosity got the better of him.
Was someone logging without a permit?
Another crackle and crash signaled that a second tree had fallen somewhere to his right. And it sounded like someone was talking.
Oscar hopped off the forest path, stepping over rocks and roots all while the fallen trees became more numerous.
Couldn’t be logging, he thought, there wouldn’t be this many trees if they were taking them. And there’s no sign of any way to transport them.
Another tree fell up ahead, and birds all around him took off in fright of the noise it made and finally, Oscar saw the source of the clamor.
A girl in a red cloak with black hair, probably only a year or so his senior at most, stood at the head of the path, swinging what looked like a massive scythe effortlessly. With one swing, she felled another tumtum tree.
Approaching her (and all the while mulling over the drawbacks of approaching a heavily armed young lady), Oscar could hear that she was apparently babbling to herself.
 “Where’s the road? Where’s that cat!? Where’s… anything!?!”
The girl swung the scythe again in her passion, part of a trunk splintering as the blade embedded itself. The girl grunted, trying to pull it from the wood she had stuck it in. With the sharp end captured, Oscar decided now was the time to make his presence known. He reached out and tapped her on the shoulder.
“Um… pardon me?”
The girl turned and in spite of himself, Oscar felt shock run through him when he saw that the girl had silver eyes. Not grey eyes, but rather brighter and more luminescent in color. Silver seemed the best color to describe her eyes.
Eyes that widened when she beheld him before throwing her arms around him.
“Thank God!” she cried “A person!”
Oscar felt his cheeks heat up as he felt her press against him and hug him tightly. The girl must have felt the same way, because her own cheeks had turned a deep shade of crimson when she pulled away.
“Sorry,” she said, looking towards the ground, “I… just haven’t seen a person the whole time I’ve been here. And the whole time…”
The girl paused, seemingly considering something, before suddenly, words began to spill out of her.
“Do you know where I am? What is this place? And why are caterpillars such jerks!?”
At the mention of caterpillars, the girl turned and grabbed the scythe she had been swinging and managed to yank it from where it had been stuck. In short order, Oscar replied.
“You’re in the Tugley Wood, this is Wonderland, and I haven’t met any caterpillars so I can’t say.”
The girl frowned.
Oscar nodded.
“Yes. But, where did you get that?” 
“I found it in a little room. It had a tag that said ‘use me’ on it.”
Oscar pointed to the scythe the girl was once again
“This? I found it in a little room. It had a tag that said ‘use me’ on it.”
“Interesting,” Oscar said, “I think we might need to talk to the queen about this.”
“The Queen?” the girl asked.
Oscar frowned. How did this girl not know about the Queen?
“The Queen of Hearts?” he asked, “The Ruler of Wonderland?”
Ruby shook her head.
“Haven’t heard of her.”
Oscar nodded.
“In that case, we really are going to have to see her.”
Oscar took the girl’s hand and led her back onto the path towards his previous destination.
“By the way,” he said, “I’m Oscar.
The girl, for the first time since meeting her, smiled.
“I’m Ruby,” she said.
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