#Rfm Edit
Envy [Either platonic or romantic, no particular intent] Edits
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N has a paci clip on his belt!
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ranminfan · 2 months
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I want to count the layers of his clothes....
I wanna undress him
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dailyanarchistposts · 2 months
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Emily Achtenberg, “Community Organizing and Rebellion: Neighborhood Councils in El Alto, Bolivia,” Progressive Planning, No.172, Summer 2007.
Ackelsberg, Martha A., Free Women of Spain: Anarchism and the Struggle for the Emancipation of Women, Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1991.
William M. Adams and David M. Anderson, “Irrigation Before Development: Indigenous and Induced Change in Agricultural Water Management in East Africa,” African Affairs, 1998.
AFL-CIO “Facts About Worker Safety and Health 2007.” www.aflcio.org [viewed January 19, 2008]
Gemma Aguilar, “Els Okupes Fan la Feina que Oblida el Districte,” Avui, Saturday, December 15, 2007.
Michael Albert, Parecon: Life After Capitalism, New York: Verso, 2003
Michael Albert, “Argentine Self Management,” ZNet, November 3, 2005.
Anyonymous, “Longo Maï,” Buiten de Orde, Summer 2008.
Anonymous, “Pirate Utopias,” Do or Die, No. 8, 1999.
Anonymous, “The ‘Oka Crisis’ ” Decentralized publication and distribution, no date or other publishing information included.
Anonymous, “You Cannot Kill Us, We Are Already Dead.” Algeria’s Ongoing Popular Uprising, St. Louis: One Thousand Emotions, 2006.
Stephen Arthur, “‘Where License Reigns With All Impunity:’ An Anarchist Study of the Rotinonshón:ni Polity,” Northeastern Anarchist, No.12, Winter 2007. nefac.net
Paul Avrich, The Russian Anarchists, Oakland: AK Press, 2005.
Paul Avrich, The Modern School Movement: Anarchism and Education in the United States, Oakland: AK Press, 2005.
Roland H. Bainton, “Thomas Müntzer, Revolutionary Firebrand of the Reformation.” The Sixteenth Century Journal 13.2 (1982): 3–16
Jan Martin Bang, Ecovillages: A Practical Guide to Sustainable Communities. Edinburgh: Floris Books, 2005.
Harold Barclay, People Without Government: An Anthropology of Anarchy, London: Kahn and Averill, 1982.
David Barstow, “U.S. Rarely Seeks Charges for Deaths in Workplace,” New York Times, December 22, 2003.
Eliezer Ben-Rafael, Crisis and Transformation: The Kibbutz at Century’s End, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1997.
Jamie Bissonette, When the Prisoners Ran Walpole: A True Story in the Movement for Prison Abolition, Cambridge: South End Press, 2008.
Christopher Boehm, “Egalitarian Behavior and Reverse Dominance Hierarchy,” Current Anthropology, Vol. 34, No. 3, June 1993.
Dmitri M. Bondarenko and Andrey V. Korotayev, Civilizational Models of Politogenesis, Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000.
Franz Borkenau, The Spanish Cockpit, London: Faber and Faber, 1937.
Thomas A. Brady, Jr. & H.C. Erik Midelfort, The Revolution of 1525: The German Peasants’ War From a New Perspective. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981.
Jeremy Brecher, Strike! Revised Edition. Boston: South End Press, 1997.
Stuart Christie, We, the Anarchists! A study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) 1927–1937, Hastings, UK: The Meltzer Press, 2000.
CIPO-RFM website, “Our Story,” www.nodo50.org [viewed November 6, 2006]
Eddie Conlon, The Spanish Civil War: Anarchism in Action, Workers’ Solidarity Movement of Ireland, 2nd edition, 1993.
CrimethInc., “The Really Really Free Market: Instituting the Gift Economy,” Rolling Thunder, No. 4, Spring 2007.
The Curious George Brigade, Anarchy In the Age of Dinosaurs, CrimethInc. 2003.
Diana Denham and C.A.S.A. Collective (eds.), Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Mobilization in Oaxaca, Oakland: PM Press, 2008.
Robert K. Dentan, The Semai: A Nonviolent People of Malaya. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979.
Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, New York, Viking, 2005.
Dissent! Network “The VAAAG: A Collective Experience of Self-Organization,” www.daysofdissent.org.uk [viewed January 26, 2007]
Sam Dolgoff, The Anarchist Collectives, New York: Free Life Editions, 1974.
George R. Edison, MD, “The Drug Laws: Are They Effective and Safe?” The Journal of the American Medial Association. Vol. 239 No.24, June 16, 1978.
Martyn Everett, War and Revolution: The Hungarian Anarchist Movement in World War I and the Budapest Commune (1919), London: Kate Sharpley Library, 2006.
Patrick Fleuret, “The Social Organization of Water Control in the Taita Hills, Kenya,” American Ethnologist, Vol. 12, 1985.
Heather C. Flores, Food Not Lawns: How To Turn Your Yard Into A Garden And Your Neighborhood Into A Community, Chelsea Green, 2006.
The Freecycle Network, “About Freecycle,” www.freecycle.org [viewed January 19 2008].
Peter Gelderloos, Consensus: A New Handbook for Grassroots Social, Political, and Environmental Groups, Tucson: See Sharp Press, 2006.
Peter Gelderloos and Patrick Lincoln, World Behind Bars: The Expansion of the American Prison Sell, Harrisonburg, Virginia: Signalfire Press, 2005.
Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. New York: Little, Brown, and Company, 2002.
Amy Goodman, “Louisiana Official: Federal Gov’t Abandoned New Orleans,” Democracy Now!, September 7, 2005.
Amy Goodman, “Lakota Indians Declare Sovereignty from US Government,” Democracy Now!, December 26, 2007.
Natasha Gordon and Paul Chatterton, Taking Back Control: A Journey through Argentina’s Popular Uprising, Leeds (UK): University of Leeds, 2004.
Uri Gordon, Anarchy Alive! Anti-authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory, London: Pluto Press, 2008.
David Graeber, Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology, Chicago: Prickly Paradigm Press, 2004.
David Graeber, “The Shock of Victory,” Rolling Thunder no. 5, Spring 2008.
Evan Henshaw-Plath, “The People’s Assemblies in Argentina,” ZNet, March 8, 2002.
Neille Ilel, “A Healthy Dose of Anarchy: After Katrina, nontraditional, decentralized relief steps in where big government and big charity failed,” Reason Magazine, December 2006.
Inter-Press Service, “Cuba: Rise of Urban Agriculture,” February 13, 2005.
Interview with Marcello, “Criticisms of the MST,” February 17, 2009, Barcelona.
Derrick Jensen, A Language Older Than Words, White River Junction, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2000.
John Jordan and Jennifer Whitney, Que Se Vayan Todos: Argentina’s Popular Rebellion, Montreal: Kersplebedeb, 2003.
Michael J. Jordan, “Sex Charges haunt UN forces,” Christian Science Monitor, November 26, 2004.
George Katsiaficas, The Subversion of Politics: European Autonomous Social Movements and the Decolonization of Everyday Life. Oakland: AK Press, 2006.
George Katsiaficas, “Comparing the Paris Commune and the Kwangju Uprising,” www.eroseffect.com [viewed May 8, 2008]
Lawrence H. Keeley, War Before Civilization. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Roger M. Keesing, Andrew J. Strathern, Cultural Anthropology: A Contemporary Perspective, 3rd Edition, New York: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1998.
Graham Kemp and Douglas P. Fry (eds.), Keeping the Peace: Conflict Resolution and Peaceful Societies around the World, New York: Routledge, 2004.
Elli King, ed., Listen: The Story of the People at Taku Wakan Tipi and the Reroute of Highway 55, or, The Minnehaha Free State, Tucson, AZ: Feral Press, 1996.
Aaron Kinney, “Hurricane Horror Stories,” Salon.com October 24, 2005.
Peter Kropotkin, Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow, London: Freedom Press, 1974.
Wolfi Landstreicher, “Autonomous Self-Organization and Anarchist Intervention,” Anarchy: a Journal of Desire Armed. No. 58 (Fall/Winter 2004–5), p. 56
Gaston Leval, Collectives in the Spanish Revolution, London: Freedom Press, 1975 (translated from the French by Vernon Richards).
A.W. MacLeod, Recidivism: a Deficiency Disease, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1965.
Alan MacSimoin, “The Korean Anarchist Movement,” a talk in Dublin, September 1991.
Sam Mbah and I.E. Igariway, African Anarchism: The History of a Movement, Tucson: See Sharp Press, 1997.
The Middle East Media Research Institute, “Algerian Berber Dissidents Promote Programs for Secularism and Democracy in Algeria,” Special Dispatch Series No. 1308, October 6, 2006, memri.org
George Mikes, The Hungarian Revolution, London: Andre Deutsch, 1957.
Cahal Milmo, “On the Barricades: Trouble in a Hippie Paradise,” The Independent, May 31, 2007.
Bonnie Anna Nardi, “Modes of Explanation in Anthropological Population Theory: Biological Determinism vs. Self-Regulation in Studies of Population Growth in Third World Countries,” American Anthropologist, vol. 83, 1981.
Nathaniel C. Nash, “Oil Companies Face Boycott Over Sinking of Rig,” The New York Times, June 17, 1995.
Oscar Olivera, Cochabamba! Water Rebellion in Bolivia, Cambridge: South End Press, 2004.
George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia, London: Martin Secker & Warburg Ltd., 1938.
Oxfam America, “Havana’s Green Revelation,” www.oxfamamerica.org [viewed December 5, 2005]
Philly’s Pissed, www.phillyspissed.net [viewed May 20, 2008]
Daryl M. Plunk, “South Korea’s Kwangju Incident Revisited,” The Heritage Foundation, No. 35, September 16, 1985.
Rappaport, R.A. (1968), Pigs for the Ancestors: Ritual in the Ecology of a New Guinea People. New Haven: Yale University Press.
RARA, Revolutionaire Anti-Racistische Actie Communiqués van 1990–1993. Gent: 2004.
Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan “About RAWA,” www.rawa.org Viewed June 22, 2007
James C. Scott, Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998.
James C. Scott, “Civilizations Can’t Climb Hills: A Political History of Statelessness in Southeast Asia,” lecture at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, February 2, 2005.
Jaime Semprun, Apología por la Insurrección Argelina, Bilbao: Muturreko Burutazioak, 2002 (translated from French to Spanish by Javier Rodriguez Hidalgo).
Nirmal Sengupta, Managing Common Property: Irrigation in India and The Philippines, New Delhi: Sage, 1991.
Carmen Sirianni, “Workers Control in the Era of World War I: A Comparative Analysis of the European Experience,” Theory and Society, Vol. 9, 1980.
Alexandre Skirda, Nestor Makhno, Anarchy’s Cossack: The Struggle for Free Soviets in the Ukraine 1917–1921, London: AK Press, 2005.
Eric Alden Smith, Mark Wishnie, “Conservation and Subsistence in Small-Scale Societies,” Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 29, 2000, pp. 493–524.
“Solidarity with the Communities of CIPO-RFM in Oaxaca,” Presentation at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, Montreal, May 21, 2006.
Georges Sossenko, “Return to the Spanish Civil War,” Presentation at the Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, Montreal, May 21, 2006.
Jac Smit, Annu Ratta and Joe Nasr, Urban Agriculture: Food, Jobs and Sustainable Cities, UNDP, Habitat II Series, 1996.
Melford E. Spiro, Kibbutz: Venture in Utopia, New York: Schocken Books, 1963.
“The Stonehenge Free Festivals, 1972–1985.” www.ukrockfestivals.com [viewed May 8, 2008].
Dennis Sullivan and Larry Tifft, Restorative Justice: Healing the Foundations of Our Everyday Lives, Monsey, NY: Willow Tree Press, 2001.
Joy Thacker, Whiteway Colony: The Social History of a Tolstoyan Community, Whiteway, 1993.
Colin Turnbull, The Mbuti Pygmies: Change and Adaptation. Philadelphia: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1983.
Marcele Valente, “The Rise and Fall of the Great Bartering Network in Argentina.” Inter-Press Service, November 6, 2002.
Judith Van Allen “‘Sitting On a Man’: Colonialism and the Lost Political Institutions of Igbo Women.” Canadian Journal of African Studies. Vol. ii, 1972. 211–219.
Johan M.G. van der Dennen, “Ritualized ‘Primitive’ Warfare and Rituals in War: Phenocopy, Homology, or...?” rechten.eldoc.ub.rug.nl
H. Van Der Linden, “Een nieuwe overheidsinstelling: het waterschap circa 1100–1400” in D.P. Blok, Algemene Geschiednis der Nederlanden, deel III. Haarlem: Fibula van Dishoeck, 1982, pp. 60–76
Wikipedia, “Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca,” en.wikipedia.org /wiki/APPO [viewed November 6, 2006]
Wikipedia, “The Freecycle Network,” en.wikipedia.org [viewed January 19, 2008]
Wikipedia, “Gwangju massacre,” en.wikipedia.org [viewed November 3, 2006]
Wikipedia, “The Iroquois League,” en.wikipedia.org [viewed June 22, 2007]
William Foote Whyte and Kathleen King Whyte, Making Mondragon: The Growth and Dynamics of the Worker Cooperative Complex, Ithaca, New York: ILR Press, 1988.
Kristian Williams, Our Enemies in Blue. Brooklyn: Soft Skull Press, 2004.
Peter Lamborn Wilson, Pirate Utopias, Brooklyn: Autonomedia, 2003.
Daria Zelenova, “Anti-Eviction Struggle of the Squatters Communities in Contemporary South Africa,” paper presented at the conference “Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations,” at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, June 2009.
Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States. New York: Perrenial Classics Edition, 1999.
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crazygadgetshere · 4 months
Eureka XXL: Stug III & IV Stowage Sets
Eureka XXL now offers two new sets of stowage, one for the Stug III & Stug IV. ER-3573 Sug III Ausf. G Stowage Set. In 1/35 Scale. Set includes 6 resin pieces, 2 canisters, and 2 sets of tow cable. The set is compatible with kits by manufacturers like RFM 5069 MiniArt 35336 Das Werk 35021 Takom 8006 as well as derivatives in different editions from these manufacturers. In the case of Das Werk it…
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harunur01780 · 5 months
Business personnel support custom names
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Definition: The definition uses rules to label users. If the user meets this rule and is within this range, the corresponding label will be labeled. The rules contain "or" and "and" requirements.
Fill in the rules: You can see the picture below
Before filling in, the product personnel need to determine which symbols correspond to the indicators on the left, and whether they correspond to numbers or status drop-down boxes.
After filling in and saving, the following image will be displayed:
Business personnel can edit and delete this label, and the page supports opening or closing.
After that, you can plan the front desk of operations personnel, marketing personnel, and sales personnel through the above configuration terminal:
Operations/marketing staff:
Customized analysis data can be performed through this dashboard.
At work, sales staff can connect with customers through labels developed by operations staff, thereby achieving precision marketing.
Division of authority
The RBAC model can be used to divide the functional permissions and page permissions of operations personnel and sales personnel.
Data permissions are divided according to the permissions of its organizational structure.
User profiling is a complex and time-consuming project, but once completed, it can help multiple people in the company improve efficiency, which can also increase total revenue. I hope today’s sharing will be helpful to you.
This article was originally published by @一年 on Everyone is a Product Manager. Reprinting without permission is prohibited
The title picture comes from Unsplash, based on the CC0 agreement
The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services.
Recency measures how long ago a customer's last transaction was.
Frequency (purchase frequency):
Frequency represents the frequency of purchases by customers within a certain period of time.
Monetary (purchase amount):
Monetary represents the total purchase amount of a customer within a certain period of time.
When using the RFM model, you can set the scores corresponding to each level of R, F, and M, and the total score corresponds to the stratification of customer importance. As shown below
Through the RFM model, companies can identify and focus on those customers with the most potential, develop personalized market strategies, improve customer loyalty, and increase sales and profits. In addition, the RFM model can also be used for customer segmentation, target market selection and customer life cycle management.
In each indicator of R, F, and M, the next step can be subdivided to formulate a marketing strategy.
However, the RFM model also has corresponding shortcomings:
The RFM model is mainly used to study the behavior of paying users, and is more suitable for business scenarios with a large number of repurchases, such as FMCG, e-commerce, beauty industry, service industry and other industries.
After business personnel make decisions, they also need to verify the model.
Even though the applicable scope of RFM is to study paying users, which is not particularly suitable for the online education industry, we can use the idea of ​​​​the RFM model to change its indicators. For example, R, F, and M can be changed to the number of class attendances, number of interactions, and visits. Duration and other information.
The model can be verified by exporting user data from multiple classes, performing calculations and stratification in excel sheets
Prototype diagram:
There will be multiple categories under one tag name. For example, if the tag is customer intention, then the tag category can be low, medium, or high.
Business line, sku, class: supports single selection and multiple selection
In Listing 1:
The title is a drop-down box, and some fields need to be provided to support business personnel's free selection.
Input box: Only numbers can be filled in.
In Listing 2:
First column: text box, supports custom names
The second column: only supports filling in the range of numbers.
(The configured style can be seen in the picture on the right)
Time range: how many days of data each indicator has
After the business staff clicks save, the system starts to automatically run the count, and then the user tags.
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harunurrashid017 · 5 months
There will be multiple categories under one tag name. For example, if the tag is customer intention, then the tag category can be low, medium, or high.
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Definition: The definition uses rules to label users. If the user meets this rule and is within this range, the corresponding label will be labeled. The rules contain "or" and "and" requirements.
Fill in the rules: You can see the picture below
Before filling in, the product personnel need to determine which symbols correspond to the indicators on the left, and whether they correspond to numbers or status drop-down boxes.
After filling in and saving, the following image will be displayed:
Business personnel can edit and delete this label, and the page supports opening or closing.
After that, you can plan the front desk of operations personnel, marketing personnel, and sales personnel through the above configuration terminal:
Operations/marketing staff:
Customized analysis data can be performed through this dashboard.
At work, sales staff can connect with customers through labels developed by operations staff, thereby achieving precision marketing.
4. Division of authority
The RBAC model can be used to divide the functional permissions and page permissions of operations personnel and sales personnel.
Data permissions are divided according to the permissions of its organizational structure.
User profiling is a complex and time-consuming project, but once completed, it can help multiple people in the company improve efficiency, which can also increase total revenue. I hope today’s sharing will be helpful to you.
This article was originally published by @一年 on Everyone is a Product Manager. Reprinting without permission is prohibited
The title picture comes from Unsplash, based on the CC0 agreement
The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services.
Recency measures how long ago a customer's last transaction was.
Frequency (purchase frequency):
Frequency represents the frequency of purchases by customers within a certain period of time.
Monetary (purchase amount):
Monetary represents the total purchase amount of a customer within a certain period of time.
When using the RFM model, you can set the scores corresponding to each level of R, F, and M, and the total score corresponds to the stratification of customer importance. As shown below
Through the RFM model, companies can identify and focus on those customers with the most potential, develop personalized market strategies, improve customer loyalty, and increase sales and profits. In addition, the RFM model can also be used for customer segmentation, target market selection and customer life cycle management.
In each indicator of R, F, and M, the next step can be subdivided to formulate a marketing strategy.
However, the RFM model also has corresponding shortcomings:
The RFM model is mainly used to study the behavior of paying users, and is more suitable for business scenarios with a large number of repurchases, such as FMCG, e-commerce, beauty industry, service industry and other industries.
After business personnel make decisions, they also need to verify the model.
Even though the applicable scope of RFM is to study paying users, which is not particularly suitable for the online education industry, we can use the idea of ​​​​the RFM model to change its indicators. For example, R, F, and M can be changed to the number of class attendances, number of interactions, and visits. Duration and other information.
The model can be verified by exporting user data from multiple classes, performing calculations and stratification in excel sheets
Prototype diagram:
Tag name: Business personnel support custom names
Business line, sku, class: supports single selection and multiple selection
In Listing 1:
The title is a drop-down box, and some fields need to be provided to support business personnel's free selection.
Input box: Only numbers can be filled in.
In Listing 2:
First column: text box, supports custom names
The second column: only supports filling in the range of numbers.
(The configured style can be seen in the picture on the right)
Time range: how many days of data each indicator has
After the business staff clicks save, the system starts to automatically run the count, and then the user tags.
0 notes
comida-dellarte · 11 months
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In this week’s edition, RFM and Bill sit down with Dan McClellan, former scripture translation supervisor for the LDS Church. Dan received his bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University in ancient Near Eastern studies, where he focused on Biblical Hebrew and minored in Classical Greek. He completed a master of studies in Jewish studies at… Read More »Biblical Scholarship with Dan McClellan: Mormonism LIVE: 124
I am obsessed with this podcast.
This is exactly why I believe a bit of the very religion I have run into. They all interact. All of them.
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limonsoftaid · 1 year
Edite Domingos -A Professional Afrostyle And Pop Singer
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Edite Domingos, is a Munich born singer who harnesses her Angolan roots to produce a unique sound to the Afro Beats genre. Furthermore, her music aims to empower women. She combines elements of European popular music, while grounding the listener to the beat of the motherland. Performing self-written songs, alongside her dancers. Edite has found praise amongst audiences worldwide, as well as recognition by winning first place at the “Jugend musiziert Munich” and being a guest on Focus, Radio Lora, Radio RFM 94.00 Senegal, Radio Despertar Angola and Continental Radiostation London, etc. After humble beginnings and assembling her team of producers and management, Edite released her official music video for her second single ‚” Play with me”. Edite is currently working on new projects
Edite Domingos became the brand ambassador for the campaign „Freiwillige Messe Munich“ in 2020 and 2021. The well-known singer from Munich, who is already very active in giving girls with refugee or poor background free hip hop dance lessons, feels honored to have been asked for this position. „In my years of voluntary social work, I have learned that strengthening self-confidence is usually the biggest issue for young women “, she said. She is happy to move forward with this project. The Freiwillige Messe is a voluntary fair encouraging people to do any volunteer social work.
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Programa de TV Idade Mídia abre edital para estágio universitário
A 4ª temporada do Idade Mídia, exibida pelo Canal Futura, abriu edital para universitários das áreas de comunicação e artes (cursos de jornalismo, rádio … O post Programa de TV Idade Mídia abre edital para estágio universitário apareceu primeiro em RFM Editores.
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Matthew Lyons on Christian Nationalism(s)
This is a conversation with Matthew Lyons, antifascist researcher, contributor to Three Way Fight Blog and author of, among other books, Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right’s Challenge to State and Empire and contributor to the recent AK Press compilation, No Pasarán: Antifascist Dispatches from a World in Crisis (edited by Shane Burley). For the hour, Matthew talks about Christian Nationalist and theonomic tendencies and movements like New Apostolic Reformation, Dominionism, reactionary Catholicism and Christian Reconstructionism to learn more about how they interrelate or conflict with other far right tendencies in the so-called USA and the ongoing assault on bodily autonomy, abortion access and cis-hetero-patriarchy. More of Matthews work can be found at MatthewNLyons.Net
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Next Week…
We’re hoping to bring you voices from graduate student workers and other workers on strike in the University of California system and possibly beyond for this coming Sunday’s show.
Support Colombian 2021 Strike Prisoners
There is still repression being felt by those swept up by the state during the 2021 National Strike in Cali, Colombia and there’s a fundraising effort for the Paso del Aguante 6 who are facing up to 50 years in prison for participating in the strike. The Colombia Freedom Collective is happy to announce that Christian Andres Aguilar has been released at 14 months of pre-trail detention, though he’s not out of danger yet. You can learn more about the cases of the Paso del Aguante 6 and how to support their defense efforts at: https://colombiafreedomcollective.org/christian-andres-aguilar-released-after-14-months-of-pretrial-detention/
Bad News #62
Check out the latest episode of Bad News: Angry Voices from Around The World from the International A-Radio Network. This month features two really good interviews you may not have heard from Frequenz-A: a chat with a member of Feminist Anti-War Resistance, a movement against the militarism of the Russian state and the war in Ukraine; a conversation with Berlin-based advocates for Alfredo Cospito, Juan, Anna and Ivan hunger striking in Italy against 41 bis. These are alongside shorter versions of our recent chats on heaters in Albuquerque, updates on Eric King & Oso Blanco's situations and the struggle against Camp Grayling.
Suppport TFSR
We are entering a period of recording fury. Patreon supporters will get early access to interviews as we get them edited down, as well as behind the scenes conversations between the producers. Upcoming releases include Mitchell Verter, co-author of the 2005 AK Press book, Dreams of Freedom: A Ricardo Flores Magón Reader speaking around the 100th anniversary of the murder by incarceration by the US state of the Mexican anarchist communist revolutionary, RFM, and discussion of his legacy. Another is a conversation with Rhiannon Firth on her recently published book, Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action, out from Pluto Press. You can find our patreon at patreon.com/tfsr
Though we’re releasing some content early to patreon supporters, we won’t be paywalling it permanently. Our fundraising goes to operating costs, equipment, and paying our transcribers. We’ve been transcribing each interview we’ve conducted and making them available as zines on our website for coming up on 2 years now, and going back to transcribe past episodes to boot. This makes these important conversations available for translation, for easier access to folks who are more comfortable reading or for whom English is a second language, as well as getting the content more easily into prisoners, reading groups and passers-by’s hands so as to include more people in the discussion.
For other ways to support our project monetarily, there’s merch and donation options at tfsr.wtf/support. For non-money support, we could always use ratings on apple, google and amazon podcasts or mentions and boosts on social media (including on Mastodon and Castopod), examples can be found at tfsr.wtf. Telling others about the project is also a great way to help us expand our audience. If you have a story you’d like covered, you can find ways to contact us there we well!
Finally, if you have a community or college radio station that you’d like to hear our weekly, free, 58 minute episode air on for any weirdo with an antenna and receiver to pick up, help us out by visiting tfsr.wtf/radio to learn more. Thanks for the support!
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Featured Tracks:
Gods and Government by Snog from Dear Valued Customer
The Voice of God Is Government by Bad Religion from How Could Hell Be Any Worse?
Brazil by Django Reinhardt from Django in Rome
Check out this episode!
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bat-aldo-azevedo · 2 years
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Mais 5 projetos são contemplados no Programa Contribuinte Incentivador 20 Agosto 2022 17:29:00 https://otempodefato.com.br/ https://otempodefato.com.br/artigos/mais-5-projetos-s%C3%A3o-contemplados-no-programa-contribuinte-incentivador-1.2442051 Nesta quinta-feira (18), foram assinados mais cinco contratos do Programa Contribuinte Incentivador, que foi criado em 2020 pela Administração Municipal de Joaçaba, com o apoio do Conselho Municipal de Inovação. Este projeto inovador prevê a instituição de incentivos fiscais, mediante recursos destinados por contribuintes incentivadores, ou seja, a contribuição para o projeto será proveniente do Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano (IPTU) e o contribuinte que tiver o interesse de apoiar um desses projetos inovadores poderá autorizar a prefeitura a destinar os recursos de até 20 % do valor pago para a realização dos mesmos. Os projetos contemplados foram: Adequação no Desenvolvimento da Plataforma Ascenda Digital pela empresa Ascenda Digital Mídia Ltda, Dactai - Plataforma de análise RFM pela empresa Dactai Tecnologia Ltda, MyJob Meio-Oeste pela empresa MyJob Atividades de Internet Ltda, Oroscopia Humanizada - Dispositivo para realização de exame de oroscopia de maneira humanizada em públicos vulneráveis pela empresa Peccin Tecnologia Humanizada Ltda e ExPreS - aplicativo para suporte à tomada de decisão de extubação de pacientes em ventilação mecânica pela empresa Nexo Healthcare Intelligence Ltda. Cada um desses projetos poderá receber um aporte no valor que foi aprovado, por meio de subvenção econômica, ou seja, por meio da captação de contribuintes que queiram incentivar esse projeto, destinando 20 % do valor do seu IPTU. Para participar do programa, os empreendedores foram selecionados por meio de um processo que seleciona e aprova os projetos. Podem se inscrever os Microempreendedores individuais, microempresas ou empresas de pequeno porte com sede em Joaçaba que visem desenvolver ou aprimorar um serviço, produto ou processo inovador. Além de cidadãos que queiram estabelecer no Município um empreendimento inovador de interesse público. Até o momento foram contemplados 10 projetos no programa e o próximo edital (em joaçaba SC) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChiOYfWuWE5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Some Khan edits for Father's Day today!
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And a few baby ones for him
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ruwodefivek · 2 years
Glp max 250 bedienungsanleitung gigaset
           (=standard from 250mm) Temperature operating range Probe -50°C Der Funktionsumfang entspricht dem Standardgerät" RFM 32 SL 200 (Reichweite bis max. Anleitung für Fachinstallateure Für das Starter Kit - Smartes Thermostat V+ 1 Hinweise zu dieser Anleitung3 2 Einleitung3 3 Übersicht4 4 MAX! 15 kg Versorgng CPU Box: DC V ( bei 12 V max. Gigaset SX763 WLAN dsl 250 ELC Bedienungsanleitung Ab Version 1.3 email: [email protected] Internet: With the YPOC 250, GLP presents a new high tech moving light. zu schnellen Rotationen von 120 Umdrehungen pro Minute realisiert der Max phantastische.Glp max 250 bedienungsanleitung samsung Toshiba x 3030 d bedienungsanleitung gigaset Wetekom feuchtigkeitsmesser bedienungsanleitung gigaset ://otto.de/p/butlers-tischdecke-riga-tischdecke-160x250-cm-S0W000S8/ -handyhuelle-polka-dots-schwarz-und-weiss-apple-iphone-14-pro-max-gallery- bosch maxx 7 edition xlbosch maxx 7 bedienungsanleitung pdf bosch .tumblr.com/post/692160778338467840/gigaset-c380-bedienungsanleitung-pdf-to-excel,
https://ruwodefivek.tumblr.com/post/693138918891257856/ersatzteilkatalog-simson-schwalbe-kr51-1-pdf, https://ruwodefivek.tumblr.com/post/693138918891257856/ersatzteilkatalog-simson-schwalbe-kr51-1-pdf, https://ruwodefivek.tumblr.com/post/693138918891257856/ersatzteilkatalog-simson-schwalbe-kr51-1-pdf, https://ruwodefivek.tumblr.com/post/693138918891257856/ersatzteilkatalog-simson-schwalbe-kr51-1-pdf, https://ruwodefivek.tumblr.com/post/693138918891257856/ersatzteilkatalog-simson-schwalbe-kr51-1-pdf.
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black-arms-hivemind · 2 years
I very briefly thought to myself "Oh damn IA's approaching 6k words, hope it isn't like, bloated or anything 😳" and then I remembered how Twisted Mystery and RFM with their 2k~ word count (for TM it's 2k a chapter) felt kinda rushed and I calmed down and realized I'm just getting better at writing
- 🌹🎂
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the-era-of-shadow · 2 years
Hi what's up I edited Twisted Mystery and RFM yet again
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garadinervi · 3 years
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Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, (1973), Motores, Edited by Kepa Landa, Ricardo Echevarría, and José Antonio Sarmiento, Ediciones Sonoras Experimentales, RFM Radio Fontana Mix, Centro de Creación Experimental de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Cuenca, 1994 [MACBA, Barcelona]
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