#Reggie page
toastmarshmellow · 3 days
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This is their dynamic to me. :3
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
George Weasley Adopts Daniel Page And His Siblings
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That’s it. That’s the post. George would be the BEST father. And one that could handle having squib children, due to his father raising him to enjoy muggle things
And he can always just ask Hermione for help
He can also just bail Daniels older brother out, since you know he’s stupid rich
And Daniel will be raised by one of the greatest potion masters around, because he and Fred had invented potions for shits and total giggles
He would also be raised by a very big and loving family
You also know George will do what he can to help Daniels mom when she gets out of Azkaban
George x Daniels Mom? 👀
Give me that found family shit
That “The step dad that Stepped Up” trope
New ship unlocked
George x Kaleena Page
Daniel Weasley has a ring to it
Just saying
Like think about it
Let Kaleena escape her abusivo husband and have a good man
Let her be proud of her witch roots
Let the kids be kids
Let them embrace their magic roots
It’s a happy concept!
Let them be happy 😭
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the-unlovely-kiki · 2 months
A theory about the Pages..
What if Mrs. Page was harder on Esme and Reg because she found that they were squibs? I mean, I've heard of some wizarding families who mistreat their kids if they're squibs, and Mrs. Page mighta been one of them, though it was more subtle. So, Reg and Esme started to spend more time with their dad, but Esme didn’t want to learn how to mug people and was too scared to use a gun, so she started to hang out more with her classmates, and eventually her baby brother Daniel. Eventually, the crimes landed them in deep sh!t and Mr. and Mrs. Page and Reg were arrested, leaving Esme to take care of her little brother, alone. I've also seen Mrs. Page feeling remorse for treating her older kids so harshly in my head, but I could be wrong.
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endermen-like-cookies · 5 months
Recent doodles;
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And some older doodles;
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Oliver - @littlebugsboy
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idwsonicnews · 9 months
Sonic the Hedgehog: Amy's 30th Anniversary Special Preview Pages
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Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Aaron Hammerstrom Inks: Matt Froese Colors: Reggie Graham Letters: Shawn Lee
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gorepup · 1 month
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page of pentacles
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This blog is gonna end up posting purely Prism stuff at this rate ..good lord
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reginakc-edits · 4 months
Friend Group that deserved development [Kevin, Veronica, Josie, and Reggie]
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 6 months
That's what Christmas means to me
1707 Words | G Rating | Julie and the Phantoms AU
Luke kicks open the door, his keys hanging from his teeth and hands overflowing with bags from the grocery store. “Guys?! A little help?” he calls, words a bit jumbled as they form around his clenched teeth.
Alex appears at the end of the hall and lets out a soft chuckle, “you know you can take multiple trips, right?” He grabs one handful of bags and takes them into the kitchen, leaving Luke to remove his keys from his mouth and redistribute the remaining bags.
“You say that…” Luke replies, trailing after Alex and setting the bags onto the counter.
“How did you even get the door unlocked?”
Luke jazz hands as he answers, “magic!” He’s met with a fond eye roll as they both work on putting the groceries away. “Why’s it so quiet? Where’s Bex.”
“Uhhhh,” Alex hesitates. “You should probably just see for yourself.”
Luke quirks an eyebrow at that but leaves it and finishes up, tying the bags into bows and depositing them in their bag of bags under the sink. 
“Does any of this need to go next door?” Alex asks and Luke shakes his head.
“Nope, not this time. We both know I’ll be here pretty much full time for the next two weeks anyway.” It’s their collective Christmas break and they officially have no responsibilities outside of their strange little family until the new year. “How scared should I be to leave the kitchen?” he wonders.
“I think you’ll be ok. Maybe. It’s everyone else I’m worried about.”
Luke cocks his head with a look of combined confusion and curiosity but opts to simply go into the living room. He’s met with what can only be described as a Christmas explosion and can’t help the laugh that erupts out of his throat. Boxes and totes are open throughout the space, they have a half built tree, decorations trail from box to box and beyond. Reggie and Willie are both wrapped in tinsel and garland, each topped with an elf and santa hat, respectively.
“It looks like you let a two year old loose at the north pole,” he says once he’s regained his composure.
“They kind of did,” Alex chimes in from behind him.
“Where IS Bex?” Luke asks again. 
“Exploding Christmas wiped her out. She fell asleep,” Reggie explains as he works to detangle some beads.
“Ah! Explains the quiet.”
“Mhm,” Alex hums as he moves over to where Willie is, taking the newly fluffed branches and working to add them to the tree. 
“Gonna help or stare?” Willie directs at Luke after a moment.
“Oh, I’m gonna stare. Y’all got yourself into this mess. I’m just here to enjoy it,” he flops onto the couch and props his feet onto the ottoman in front of him, exaggerating his movements obnoxiously. He’s in the middle of reclining back and putting his hands behind his head when he’s hit in the chest with a mass of shimmer.
“You’re going to help,” Reggie tells him, matter of fact. “Detangle those.”
Luke obliges, trying to find the end of the string of baubles that had been thrown at him. “Bex did all of this?!”
“No, they came out of the bin like this. I’m displeased with past me,” Reggie explains.
Luke hums in acknowledgement and continues his task. 
“We’re listening to me when we pack shit up this year,” Alex states.
Willie groans, “ugh, but taking everything down and winding it up to be packed away is so tedious.”
“Future us will thank me,” Alex insists. “And you’re telling me that this,” he waves his arms around the space, “isn’t tedious?”
“Point, Alex,” Luke says and Willie responds by sticking their tongue out at him.
The four of them into their tasks, letting a comfortable silence surround them. Alex and Willie get the tree built and lit while Luke and Reggie successfully untangle everything that had needed it, building neat piles of decorations. They’re just able to start wrapping the tree with garland when they hear a small voice from behind the couch.
“Unca ‘Uke! Unca ‘Uke!”
Luke drops what he had been holding and turns to greet the toddler, crouching down to scoop her into his arms as she runs up to him, “hey, Peanut! You sure made a mess with your dads, didn’t you?”
She squeals as he spins her around. He settles her onto his hip and turns back toward the tree. Bex looks toward it and then back at Luke. “Why don’t we let Daddy, Papa, and Nomy do the boring stuff and then we can help hang the pretty things when they’re done?” He directs a questioning look his friends’ way for confirmation and they nod. 
Bex excitedly agrees, pushing away from Luke so that he sets her down. She leads him to one of the bins that hadn’t already been emptied and digs into it, pulling out some of their other decor. 
Luke offers a small chuckle, taking everything she hands him. “Yeah, we can put these out while we wait.” He trails behind her as she sets out the decorations throughout the apartment: singing animatronic snowmen wind up in the doorway to the kitchen, a dancing snowman is set just outside her bedroom, Luke guides her to place the doormat in the entry hall, and various bells are placed on the first doorknobs she encounters. When they return to the living room lootless, the others are almost done wrapping the tree. 
“You know what we’re missing,” he directs to Bex.
“MUSIC!” she cheers and he laughs.
“Yeah, you know what’s up. Music! You gonna help?”
She nods vigorously, “I help!”
Luke digs through the various boxes until he finds what he’s looking for, their small record collection of Christmas music. He calls Bex over, not that she ever drifts far from his side when she’s around, and her eyes widen in excitement. 
“I pick?”
Luke nods, “yeah, you pick. What should we listen to?”
Bex sifts through the records, as gently as she’s capable of considering her age, pulls out a bright purple album and hands it to Luke who can’t help but laugh.
“When did we get Cee Lo Green’s Christmas album?” 
“Probably Willie,” Alex mutters. 
“Yep! That was me,” Willie readily agrees, “I saw it at a thrift store last year and couldn’t not.”
“Sounds about right,” Luke laughs as he walks over to the record player, letting Bex lead him through the process and stepping in where she needs help. “We’ll get you rocking properly one day,” he tells her softly as he places the record on the turntable.
He was apparently still loud enough to be heard because Reggie coughs out a laugh of his own, “you have her trained on how to properly handle records and operate the record player, what more are you wanting from her?”
“Luke’s in charge of potty training, by the way,” Alex chimes in from the other side of the tree before muttering an addition, “the only person she’ll actually listen to.”
Willie and Reggie utter grunts of agreement, still battling their ongoing bitterness at her very obvious preference for the only one of them who was adamant he was not parent material.
“I’ll laugh my ass off if she grows up refusing to listen to what you like,” Willie directs back toward Luke. 
Luke makes an affronted sound as he scoops Bex into his arms, “she would NEVER!”
She giggles at him as he tries to help form her hand into devil’s horns. “Rock and roll forever! Right, Peanut?”
“Ro’ ‘n roll!” she agrees heartily.
Alex sighs before moving them on, “we’re ready for you.”
“Hear that, Bex? We’re up!”
The five of them work through the various ornaments and candy canes, letting Bex place anything that isn’t fragile where she can reach and the others trying to counter balance her heavy hand through the rest of the tree. They fall into various song and dance breaks as Cee Lo Green plays in the background meaning that their task takes them significantly longer than it might otherwise but none of them mind. Their little family is just happy to have this time together.
When they’ve finally finished with the tree, Reggie crouches down to hand Bex the star. “This is a very important job, Munchkin. Can you handle it?”
Bex nods vigorously, taking the star from Reggie.
“OK, Daddy is gonna lift you up cuz he’s the tallest. You just have to put it on the very tippy top!”
Bex nods again. “Tippy top!” she confirms before running over to Alex who scoops her up and leans her toward the top of the tree. She gives placing the star her best effort but Alex has to help smush the branches together so it settles on nicely. Once they’re satisfied, he props her on his hip as he steps back, letting Willie plug it into the strand of lights.
“You ready? Alex asks Bex and she nods. Luke makes his way over to the switch for the overhead lights and Reggie takes his position at the outlet behind the tree. They are almost in sync as the room goes dark, only to be illuminated by the lights of the tree.
“Ooooohhh!” Bex coos as her eyes widen at the sight.
Willie and Reggie make their way over to where Alex and Bex are, crowding in on either side of them and Luke digs out his phone to take a picture. 
Willie tugs on the hem of Alex’s sweater, pulling harder when they get his attention so that he leans down for a kiss. 
Bex watches them intently, impatiently speaking up when they separate. “Kiss Bex!”
The adults laugh and they each pepper her face with kisses of their own until she’s squealing and pushing them away.
“Merry Christmas, family,” Reggie says wistfully as he takes everyone in.
“Merry Christmas, Reg,” the others echo back.
“Merry Chrismus, Papa!” Bex cheers, reaching out to him. He takes her from Alex and wraps her into a tight hug. It takes less than a moment for three additional pairs of arms to join the hug and they relish in the short moment of peace and togetherness they’ve allowed themselves.
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How do you think? After changing channel will Never Mind The Buzzcocks stop using "sutin" joke?
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This joke is eternal classic! Who would thought that a banal troll could make a whole part in history of the show :) Adam Buxton could be amazing host
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Talking about sutin it's impossible to ignore this moment:
Also, I have noticed that someone mentioned it in urban dictionary:
Slang for something. In 2011 it was recently made famous on a British TV show called "Never Mind the Buzzcocks" in the next lines round.
I think that if the joke was really great since first time, then it will be great forever :)
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agena87 · 10 months
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I spent sooooo long on those, and it's not even as if it was complex. I just could decide on how to present them. I tried making different scenes, but none were working; it wasn't until I discovered the Voronoi texture (yes, I'm a total noob when it comes to textures)(and, well, most of Blender, actually) that I got an idea.
Anyway, here are Al and his siblings.
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saeraas · 11 months
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reggie's been dead for a year to us but still told the truth
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innytoes · 1 year
More sleepy prompts! 21 for Carrie/Reggie?
"So magic's real," Reggie said. He was covered in what was hopefully just debris, and not monster-guts. "And monsters are real."
"Hmmhmm," she agreed, wishing Alex was here. His fanny pack would have some decent wet-wipes, she was sure of it. On the other hand, Reggie was taking this much better than Alex would have. He wasn't even pacing. He was just sitting there, looking shell-shocked. "Most people can't see them, and they don't usually attack normies."
She came back with a wet washcloth from the bathroom. Thankfully, even though Julie didn't like coming here anymore after her mom died, the place was still well-stocked. She grabbed the normie first-aid kit as well as the magical one, assessing herself in the mirror while Reggie wiped his face. Now that he was clean, she could see how pale he looked.
"Drink this," she said, shoving one of the potions at him.
"And you're a..." Reggie faltered, staring at the potion. It was very sparkly. "Wiiiitch?" He said slowly, wincing as if he wasn't sure it was offensive.
"Magical girl, actually," she said. "Rose was a witch, though."
"So I didn't dream up that transformation sequence?" Reggie blurted out. "I just thought I hit my head and my fantasies mixed with reali-" He clamped his mouth shut, looking embarrassed.
Of course her nerdy, normie boyfriend had dumb, cliché anime fantasies, next to the usual 'you can dress up as Princess Leia for Halloween and I'll be Han!'. "The transformation sequence was real," she said. "So were the sparkles." Then, just so Reggie wouldn't get any ideas: "So was the sound of bone crushing when I used my staff to cave in that Shadoweater's head."
Reggie turned from pale to slightly green. Whoops. Sometimes she forgot that normies weren't used to the unspeakable violence that sometimes came with the job. Even Julie kind of made a face whenever Carrie showed up covered in demon-guts. As if she liked trying to get that stuff out of her hair. Saving the world was messy.
"Hey," she said, crouching in front of Reggie and putting her hands over his. With a little spark of magic, they stopped shaking, and she smiled. "It's going to be okay. We're going to figure out why they targeted you, and fix it. But until then, you can't go home."
Neither could she, since she didn't want to leave him. Luckily, her dad never really noticed if she was home or not anyway. "The Molinas have some pretty heavy-duty wards on this place, and they don't mind the occasional overnight stay," she said. "Come on, it's late, let's get you to bed."
In the morning, she'd ask Ray for help, he was always good at the research thing. Even if she and Julie hadn't been doing well lately, he wouldn't turn down helping a civilian in trouble.
She let Reggie take the first shower, rummaging in the loft for something for him to wear. Sure, he looked kind of silly in an oversized purple sweater pronouncing him to be a Nap Queen and a pair of what she assumed were Ray's old swim trunks, but it was better than nothing while she washed (and performed a cleansing spell on) his clothes.
He'd managed to pull out the couch and find the blankets, so by the time she got out of the shower (she thankfully still had a go-bag here with some clothes) he had made a veritable nest. Which was never a good sign. Reggie always made nests and caves when he was feeling anxious of scared. The first time he'd stayed over, she'd found him in the back of her walk-in closet after he'd had a nightmare, because he hadn't wanted to wake her.
"I need to go back out there," she said, regretfully. She hated to leave him, but at least one of the Shadoweaters had gotten away, and they were not very nice when they were frustrated and hungry. She'd texted the other Candis, of course, they were already out patrolling, but she was their leader. She really should...
"Can you stay? Just until I fall asleep?" His voice sounded so small and uncertain. She was pretty sure the shock was wearing off, and she'd have to get Kayla in here to do the whole 'welcome to the wonderful world of magic' spiel. She was much better at it than Carrie. She had a PowerPoint and everything.
"Alright," she said, curling up next to the pile of blankets that was her boyfriend. It tilted, and he collapsed into her side. She rummaged around until she found his head, stroking his hair.
"So you're a magical girl?" he asked. "Like Sailor Moon?"
"Kind of," she said. "With a little Buffy thrown in there." Except Buffy's vampires all poofed into ashes, and she had to pretend to be a rich girl shopaholic just to cover up the fact that she regularly had to trash her clothes because she got blood or demon guts on them.
"How long?"
"Since I was thirteen," she said.
"Were you going to tell me?" he asked. "I mean, I guess I understand why you didn't. I'm not... I just kind of froze. And I'm kind of a blabbermouth. And my D&D stuff must seem really stupid to you and-"
"I was going to tell you," she promised. "I just... wanted to enjoy having something normal in my life for once."
"But you dated Nick," Reggie pointed out. "Nick's like the most normal dude around."
"Nick's a werewolf, sweetie," she said, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"I think I need to lie down."
"You're already lying down."
"I think I need to lie down more."
She helped Reggie curl up on the bed, his head in her lap. "Listen, you're safe. Nick is harmless. The worst he's ever done is chew on one of my heels."
"I'm not scared of Nick," Reggie said. "But those... shadowdemons?"
"They scared the hell out of me. You're sure they can't find us here?"
"I'm sure. This place has more protective wards on it than the La Brea Tar Pits." Which probably didn't make any sense to Reggie, considering he was a normie, but he still nodded sagely. Or maybe he was just finally dozing off.
She kept talking, mostly about nonsense. About school, about how homework was a bitch when you had just stayed up all night fighting evil. About the next Dirty Candi performance. About a cute dog she'd seen last week. About how yes, she did have a magical tiara, and she rocked it. Eventually, Reggie's questions and responses turned into little noises of acknowledgement, then small, snuffly snores.
She hated to leave him, but duty called. She pressed a kiss to his temple and gently scooted out from under him, swapping her lap out with a pillow. He mumbled a little, but then snuggled into the pillow. God, she loved him so much.
She was going to make whoever or whatever was after him pay.
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idwsonicnews · 7 months
Sonic the Hedgehog: Winter Jam Preview Page
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Writer: Iasmin Omar Ata Line Art: Min Ho Kim Colors: Reggie Graham Letters: Shawn Lee
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From Christmas Presents Puzzle, Laugh Comics #287 (1975).
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jhsharman · 2 years
"dark victory"
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A 15 year lag time between 1957 and 1972. Somewhat interesting as they hand it off to Goldberg to update swimwear fashion and ditch silhouettes, the page layout and panel grid fits the earlier time for Archie Comics more so than the later, when the tended to an adherence of "3 rows of 2" -- and page one is especially noteworthy in its half page splash panel being out of place. Unlike the spurt of late 50s /early 60s redos of early 50s stories -- and like that odd oughts redo of the 60s story, this one retains the title. Enough time has passed, I guess. Even as it serves to confirm the long history perception against Archie Comics -- stuck in the 1950s.
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Also somewhat interesting -- the first two rows of the last page. I gather it is better to display the large half a row "Pow" as opposed to the third a row "Pow!". Though the cost is the full Jughead explanation leading to the beat down gets sliced apart. A tough give and take decision, I know.
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