#Ragna x Baiken
syrups-edit-corner · 2 years
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A Baiken (Guilty Gears Strive) x Ragna (Blazblue) moodboard with themes of long distqnce relationships snd yearning
Requested by: Crossover Ships Anon
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nottoxicfr · 5 months
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This is, tentatively, Rize.
She is the combination of Nagoryuki (Guilty Gear) and Rachel Alucard (Blazblue). Relating to the concept of a data-Backyard, she has the role of a program meant to ensure the integrity of the physical world through Intervention. However, overuse of Intervention causes cracks in reality, therefore its use is controlled strictly.
This relates to the thematic idea of her character as “the Observer Who Averts Her Eyes." Nago's long meditation after the events of the Crusades combined with Rachel's nature as an Onlooker, cursed not to intervene in events, resulted in Rize's fitfully slumbering nature. Rather than Observe the events of the world, she wishes to sleep until the world has no need of her and is cursed by nightmares of terrible memories and future possibilities. Her story is about finding meaning in Observing individuals, rather than viewing the world as a single disastrous story.
(I'll talk more about her personality and her design below the cut)
I had a really hard time creating her! Honestly, I really didn't want to anything mess up. I feel happy with this art, but I want to draw her more and really get a grip on who she is. She looks really elegant, but I think there's more to her than that!
I mentioned before that fighting game characters are adjective filled, with Nago and Rachel being no exceptions! Rize is more focused on Rachel's style than I originally intended, but I hope parts of Nago still shine through. His older appearance is why I designed her around the age of 20, rather than sticking with Rachel's younger look. I'm not super comfortable with the type of character that is very old, but still looks young!
She's a gothic, lolita-inspired vampire, but I had more of Nagoryuki's "noble" personality in mind when I drew her. I imagine that she would offer advice to the people she meets, but sometimes the advice might be, "Don't wake me up from a nap." She can be a bit thorny, which draws on Rachel's "rose with thorns" tsundere motif to reshape the kindness both vampires possess.
There are parts of her that seem very childish in my mind, like the idea that she can sleep until the world ends or her grumpy reactions to others, but her deeper personality indicates that she's incredibly guilty about the events she witnessed and simply at a loss in what else she can do. It seems most of her childishness comes from a lack of sleep more than anything else. Her eyes are Nago's Blood-Rage mode, which implies she's also pretty hungry.
Originally, she was going to be named Arisu (Alice), with Bloodedge (Baiken x Ragna) being a Cheshire leading her to the source of the plot's problems. If this was a real game, I think that would still be the case as a relationship. However, with a different name, the allusion isn't nearly as prevalent...
Instead, Rize comes from Riza, from E-riza-besu, an homage to Elizabeth Bathory. It's supposed to be from romanji so it calls to mind the idea that it might be a translation she preferred. That’s not how you convert Eliz-a-beth into romanji, but I thought it was an acceptable break from reality for style. That’s the running idea for ArcSys, generally.
Rachel has servants named Nago- which was ironic- and Gii, who frequently take her wrath. Rize's servants are Tama (Ms. Umbrella in the art) and Chester (Mr Plushy next to her). Chester is a stuffed creature in the form of a Jester, meant to put her in a better mood after a nightmare. Tama, as mentioned in another post, is a joke about how you can take the first syllable of Excalibur, Ex, and say it as Eggs (Tamago). It's a really stupid joke, but it indicates that Tama is actually the sword of myth simply transformed and given sentience via old age. I don't think she takes her short temper out on either of them, but if she does then it's probably Chester. Lots of people punch pillows to feel better, so I don't think Chester minds as long as someone fixes him should he be damaged. She also has another servant, but they aren't created yet.
Gameplay wise, she'd be difficult to balance. Every small movement would inch her closer to a true Blood-Rage, which would significantly drain her health. To get around this, the player would have to use Rachel's Wind Drive to maneuver either Rize or her opponent into her range. To offset the difficulty of that, she has quite a lot of power. It might actually end up making her a grappler-type of character. Rize is the kind of character who changes the color palette of an anime when she shows up. Super strong, y'know?
Anyway, this is probably my favorite of the "ArcSys Singularity designs" that I made. I also tried out Slayer and Rachel as a combination, but it wasn't quite as fun. I feel very excited with Rize! I wanna draw her more.
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rex101111 · 2 years
I’m thinking about Dissidia. My PSP is busted so i can’t play my copy of 012, but the game was just...so good on so many levels. A series wide crossover where the main heroes and villains duke it out? A robust and fun system where you can choose what moves you want to use to suit your opponant? The final, main villain of the whole game being voiced by Keith goddamned David? It was so great on every level. Too bad there were only two games...oh well!
Anyway one of the coolest things in Dissidia was the the final boss, Chaos, was actually pretty well characterized for what was essentially a crossover fighting game boss. And those don’t really have to do anything other than be really tough and look cool. Chaos was all of that and he had a lot of personality. He even got a personal opening quote for every single character! If you look up a video of them you’ll see a bunch of people making up more quotes for him for other characters, final fantasy or otherwise, in the comments because its actually really fun to think about....so im gonna do that; (only for vii x xii and xiii because those are the ones i played...plus a couple of quick “just for me” bonuses) (for added impact imagine these in the deep booming voice Keith uses for chaos )
Barret: “You will die, along this world you so cherish!” 
Yuffie: “Reckless child, you will steal no victory here!”
Cid: “The stars are forever lost to you...”
Aerith: “Destiny’s chain binds you, you have no escape!”
Vincent: “Corpse with no future, I will grant you release.”
Cait Sith: “You wish to buy redemption with a toy?”
Red XIII: “Your line, your blood, ends with me.”
Zack: “Nothing but a forgotten memory, vanish.”
Angeal: “Come, monster, I shall free you from your misery!”
Genesis: “You were born nothing and you shall forever be nothing.”
Rikku: “You have no home to return to, thief.”
Wakka: “Your faith will protect nothing!”
Lulu: “Your failures have come to collect you, mage.”
Kimahri: “Hornless whelp! Know your place!”
Auron: “Your oath means nothing, and will save nothing.”
Seymour: “The world’s despair is nothing before the yawning chaos!”
Paine: “Foolish girl, you have nowhere else to run.” 
Penelo: “Give in! Your war is finished!”
Ashe: “Your kingdom is lost, and so are you.”
Basch: “Soldier with no battlefield, drown in the abyss!”
Baltheir: “The final act! And no more beyond.”
Fran: “Come, pirate, perish certain that she hates.”
Larsa: “Come child! I shall you give you your bloodied crown!”
Cid: “Your research avails you not, all for nothing.”
Vayne: “The reins of history are beyond your power to grasp!”
Snow: “Your back is heavy with the weight of your failures.”
Sazh: “Your despair, your fear, it all lead you to me.”
Hope: “You will never have the strength to forge the world you desire.”
Vanille: “Beast of ruin! Do not deny your purpose!���
Fang: “Struggle all you will, your hands will never hold her again.”
Sarah: “Your time had ended long ago, now comes your destiny.”
Noel: “You shall fail! Again and again! For eternity!”
Orphan: “Foolish worm, you overreach.”
Caius: “There is no respite, no redemption, suffer eternal.”
Bhunivelze: “All shall end! Even I! And even you!”
Bonus (because, if this post hasn’t told you already, i am a nerd):
Izuku: “You will save no one boy.”
Bakugou: “Your noise shall be swallowed within the abyss!”
Naruto: “You can’t hide your fangs forever, beast.”
Sasuke: “Your hatred shall forever be lacking.”
Ichigo: “You are but a ghost, vanish into the wind!”
Luffy: “Your freedom, is but a fleeting illusion.”
Ragna: “Beast of darkness! Fall before Chaos!”
Jin: “I shall shatter your empty heart of ice.”
Taokaka: “Die in ignorance, die in bliss.”
Terumi: “Laugh serpent, laugh as you fall into the abyss!”
Sol: “Your corrupt flame shall flicker and fade.”
Ky: “Your kingdom is beyond your ability to save.”
Dizzy: “The power you fear within you is nothing compared to me!”
Anji: “Dance until every light finally goes out!”
Baiken: “Drown in the blood you have spilt!”
I-No: “Your tomorrow is forever beyond your reach.”
Justice: “There is no justice, there is only me.”
Happy Chaos: “I shall provide you with all the drama you could ever desire...”
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gear-project · 5 years
2) For example, Johnny with Treasure Hunt steals unique items, Faust makes unique facial surgeries, unique reactions to Dizzy's Surrender. Does every character has something like that?
They first started with character specific interactions with rivalry intros.
In GGTML it was mostly Sol versus Ky, and Millia versus Zato.
Characters still had color Victory commentary back then, but it wasn’t viewable in Versus Mode.
GGXBYS took it a step further and gave characters audible victory and loss quotes in battles, not just intro animations.  For example, if Ky lost to Sol, he’d say “DAMMIT!!” or if he won, he’d say “Why… won’t you fight seriously!?”
GGXXTMC and later the Accent Core games utilized rivalry intros, character specific taunts, and win/lose quotes.
You can find almost all of those in the Guilty Gear Quote Project I created a long time ago.
By the time of GG2 Overture and much later BlazBlue, character interactions became much more dynamic and there was more room for characters to interact with rivals and foes.
In GG2, characters had interactions for summoning, slipping on a bananna peel, and more…
In BlazBlue for example, when Ragna and Jin fought, they had character-specific quotes every time they used Special Attacks, like Ragna’s Hell’s Fang “I will never— FORGIVE YOU!!”
Even idle stances had unique quotes versus certain characters.
Going forwards in to Guilty Gear Xrd Sign, a lot more content became character-specific:
Versus Sol: all characters have to be able to react to being sent skidding by Fafnir.  Sol even has a special quote versus Ramlethal when he uses Fafnir in Xrd Sign.
Other hit states like Overheads, Sweeps, Dust Homing Jumps, Blocking or Grabbing Bursts, and more were added.  Sol has a special quote when he uses Dragon Install against Ky as well.
Instant Kills have different quotes depending on if it’s the last round of a match or not.  Characters also have special quotes for Instant Kill startup and revert as well if they decide to cancel it.
Versus Ky: Characters have a crumple-stun state during Ky’s ground throw, but Ky now has unique interactions (Taunts/Respects) not just with Sol, but Dizzy, Sin, and Leo Whitefang too.  His winquote versus Jam harkens back to Guilty Gear X and is unchanged.
Versus Johnny: He has a unique respect for every character in the game.His IK gives everyone a special collapse animation.  Treasure Hunt is also unique for everyone.  He has special interactions with May too.
Versus Baiken: She has a unique Taunt for every character in the game. May interact with Anji in the future.
Versus May: Characters react to being shot out of her cannon IK.  She interacts with Johnny and also Dizzy at one point. Might also interact with Chipp and Faust too.
Versus Faust: His Scalpel Poke Overdrive and IK are unique every time.  And he has special reactions towards Zato. Interacted with May in older games.
Versus Axl: Has a special respect quote versus certain female characters like Millia, who remind him of Megumi. Held a rivalry with Anji and Testament in older games. Interacts with Sol and I-No.
Versus Potemkin: Everyone reacts to his Heavenly Potemkin Buster and Infernal Tour.  He once had a special quote sequence versus Slayer early on too.
Versus Jam: Hers is a secret that changes every 24 hours and can only be seen in Digital Figure Mode.  She also has a special quote versus Johnny and other characters with a bounty on their head.  She flirted with Ky in older games.
Versus Ramlethal: She has a rather lengthy Taunt with Lucifero, everyone can get clobbered by her IK in a unique animation.  She has special interactions with Bedman.
Versus Elphelt: Her winquote, IK, and Overdrive Judge Better Half produce unique interactions with everyone.
Versus Sin: His IK is unique to everyone, and he interacts with Sol, Ky, Dizzy, and Ramlethal.
Versus Dizzy: Her Surrender is unique to everyone, and she has an easter egg in her outfit that comes about when she uses Gamma Ray at low Health.  She interacts with Ky and Sin, she used to interact with Johnny.
Versus Kum Haehyun: Unique IK, Unique Winquote. Might interact with Johnny, May, and Baiken in the future.
Versus Leo: Unique IK reactions, unique winquotes, interacts with Ky.
Versus Venom: Interacts with Zato/Millia/Slayer. Unique IK “balls” for everyone.
Versus Zato: Unique IK, interacts with Millia/Slayer/Venom, has some interesting winquotes especially against Dizzy and the Valentines.
Versus Slayer: Unique IK Haiku every single time (random), rivals with Millia/Venom/Zato and Sol, might be rivals with Bedman in the future.
Versus Millia: Interacts with Zato/Venom/Slayer, unique IK reactions for everyone to her Iron Maiden.
Versus Bedman: Unique IK Nightmare for everyone (1 of 3 possible results depending on voice set), interacts with Sol and Ramlethal (possibly Elphelt too).
Versus Answer: Unique Winquote, Unique IK hit states.
Versus Chipp: Chipp has a unique victory animation that reaches the top of every stage. Unique IK hit states. Not sure if he interacts with Answer, though he has a long-running winquote gag about smoking when talking to Sol.  Had a semi-rivalry with Potemkin in older games.  Might interact with May in the future.
Versus Raven: Unique reaction to his IK from everyone.  Doesn’t appear to interact with Jack-O’, Sol, or I-No, but that could change.
Versus Jack-O’: Interacts with Sol and Sol reacts to fighting her.
Versus I-No: Interacts with Sol, changing her voice set to angry.  Also interacts with Axl Low.  Unique winquotes, especially to Kum Haehyun and Bedman.
Besides those, every character has an avatar logo you can use on your Online ID card.  System Voice is pretty unique for everyone as well (GGXX Slash had character-specific menu comments explaining the mechanics as well).
There’s plenty more in older games… but that should suffice for now.
Just note that things are different between Sign/Revelator/Rev2 and whatever they come up with in the next game.
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syrups-edit-corner · 2 years
I have another request for youuu!! May I request a Baiken(Preferably her Strive appearance) X Ragna moodboard that has themes of a long distance relationship and yearning for affection? Please and thank you! Btw Baiken is from the Guilty Gear series, and Ragna is from the BlazBlue series!)
— Crossover Ships Anon
No problem! Let me know if you want anything changed!
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Mod Kokichi (Taki/Maki Shift)
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