I’m so happy that Christian is fulfilling his life long goal of being a father to a Dino
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livelaughlovecassie · 11 months
Idc I just need the couple in Billionare’s Baby to be the most completely mindfucking dynamic you’ve ever seen (not as in ohhhhh he’s cruel to her, she cheats on him way) but in the sense of “oh they will damage each other so interestingly”
I need the mc to not know what she’s getting into at first but learn how to play that game and so damn well
I also need a poly option ty <3
Please let them both be LI’s, if this is single LI you can fully expect me screaming
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abs0luteb4stard · 10 months
Wrestling is not a love story, it's a Fairy Tale for masochists. A comedy for people who criticize punchlines. A fantasy most can't understand, a spectacle no one can deny. Lines are blurred. Heroes are villains. Budgets are cut. Business is business.
But it can also be a land where Dead men walk.
Where Honor makes you Elite. Where Demons run for office. And Rock bottom is a reason to rejoice. WOOOOO! It's an escape. A reason to point the blame at anyone but yourself for 2-3 hours. An excuse to be a kid again, and nothing matters except the moment we are in.
Wrestling is not a love story, it's much more. It's hope.
And in a world surrounded in hate, greed and violence, a world where closure may never come. We all know a place that has hot and cold hope on tap. For better or for worse.
(May 23, 1987 – August 24, 2023)
"Bray Wyatt; The Fiend"
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rxxkes · 10 months
I’m so mad, that’s. He is such a good wrestler and performer :((
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pepsi-maxwell · 3 months
anyway if i were in the ring with steve maclin I'd let him pin my shoulders to the mat and hook my leg up while he covers me and--
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frentique · 1 year
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thecreativemillennial · 9 months
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The hell tna put this poor woman and the effect it had on her mental health. May she rest in peace
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twoeggzoverhard · 1 year
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hostilecityshowdown · 2 years
see some folks are confused about how a double dog collar match works. allow me to introduce you to this masterpiece
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heatpotatoes · 1 year
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So crazy that former TNA commentator Don West passed away.  Cancer is a bitch. Rest in peace.
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bonnechoice · 2 years
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Alright pb, sure, fine, bring Sam's wife back from the dead so that you can pit me against yet another woman, but CONSIDER.
MC is gay and down for polyamory why are all the women in this book SO GORGEOUS--
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He’s trying to keep both his boyfriends happy but he’s failing miserably
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seeing the Jay Briscoe tributes across the wrestling world should be an important reminder that wrestlers are people, many of them are friends regardless of the fed they work for, and more platforms for wrestlers to succeed = more wrestling for fans to enjoy
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
AEW proved Punk right
So I saw the footage and my opinion has not changed.
This all happened because Tony Khan did not want to BE the boss. He did not squash the beef between Punk and the Elite. He did not want to kill those rumors before it reached a boiling point. He did not stop Punk from blowing out at the scrum and just sit everyone involved in a room and talk through their issues and reach an agreement. He did not want to tell Jack to stop being a self-entitled little prick. All this is because Tony Khan is a clown who's more interested in being a friend to the wrestler instead of being a boss.
What did this accomplish? What, more heat to a FTR vs Bucks rivalry?
What did this accomplish?
Air a talent from a different company
Make your current talent look bad
Make Jack Perry look like a entitled brat
Make Tony Khan look bad
Looked sad, pathetic and desperate
AEW looked bad
Acting like the man never existed and just focusing on building your promotion and talent you have WAS the win you were looking for. You gave Punk attention, all you did was proving him right.
The stupidity of spotlighting how a top talent for another company was easily able to make your talent look like a bitch is astounding. Tony Khan had days to reconsider and instead doubled down on the predictable disaster this was destined to be!
Like what did they gain from this? It makes them all look like a much idiots and losers.
Also? THAT'S IT??? That's what made Tony "fear for his life" Wasn't It Said That Punk Threw A Monitor? These are on a stand and it's obvious they were never thrown so why did Tony claim he feared for his life?
I've seen the live reaction, there was no fucking reaction. Unless you can call fans chanting "CM PUNK" a reaction. And as soon as it ended, all there was making fans uncomfortable.
Tony Schiavone looked like he had Vince fucking Russo flashbacks.
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They made Jack Perry, one of the four pillars of the company look like a geek in real life, nevermind CM Punk's action and they want Perry back? Why? They made him look like a entitled little prick who fucked around and found out.
All the video did was give them and internet fans a week to boast about a ratings. This proved Punk didn’t lie, was shown on a highly produced television show and has nothing to do with anything. It was 8 months ago. Like I said, they should've done this the Dynamite after All In to air this because all it fucking did was make the company look bad.
Guess what? All you did was give the Punk and McIntyre feud more fuel? What's gonna happen when Drew says "I'm not just some little kid you can slap around and choke out" or "Punk, I'm not some little guy you can push around. You try to choke me out and I will break you in half, you rat bastard." congrats, you gave fuel to a feud to the other company. Good job, idiots.
They didn't they lean into the drama when Punk was actually there and actually made some money off a Punk vs Elite feud. They had to do it when he wasn't there because they can't pop a rating without Punk's existence.
Vince could get Bret and Shawn to coexist and work together despite Bret literally ripping out Shawn's hair in a backstage fight. He could get Matt Hardy and Edge to coexist despite the real life affair that destroyed their lives. Meanwhile, Tony did absolutely nothing, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Oh well, some people just can't get along, let's separate everyone into different shows." Literally left money on the table because he couldn't step up and be a boss.
No fists were thrown... He pushed Jack Perry and choked him a little and stopped 30 seconds afterwards... Didn't escalate things or anything. CM Punk was right.
This was AEW's "that'll put puts in seats" and the Fingerpoke of Doom rolled into one. And guess what? WCW 2000 is trending on Twitter. That's how bad this footage reveal was.
I watched WWF in 1996 with the Ted Turner skits. I watched Bischoff in 1998 challenging McMahon. I watched TNA’s constant attempts to get WWE to acknowledge them. Trust me, this shit never works and its an indictment of a promotion that has ran out of ideas. And AEW once again has proved why it was a stupid fucking idea. IDIOTS!
CM Punk wasn't lying when he said AEW is a joke and called Tony a clown. It's not a business and all they care about is temporary pop instead of long term for running a Wrestling promotion. You idiots just BURIED the whole company. What exactly did this accomplish?
It reminds me of TNA popping the ratings with Dixie Carter going through the table. It gives AEW a bump, but long-term it doesn’t do anything. It does help the bucks versus FTR feud in the short term. It makes AEW look unprofessional, doesn’t hurt CM punk that much
If your response to this brawl footage being shown on Dynamite is anything other than, "That was a stupid thing to show" then you are part of the problem. Stop enabling childish, idiotic behavior from AEW. Expect and demand better from Tony Khan!
This was Punk's reaction to the footage reveal. Good fucking job Tony, you really showed Punk!
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Causing hell in a 2 hour interview
Choked out the guy who catered to internet marks
Called the company a joke, called your boss a clown and still going out there to tear it down with Samoa Joe
Made your former boss so mad he released footage of his talent being choked out by you
Being the biggest draw in both companies
CM Punk is the greatest of all time, Punk stood on business HIGHKEY
CM Punk is truly the greatest of all time. Punk has managed to do something that hasn't happened in decades, make a wrestling company implode from their own stupidity. God I love this man.
Addition. AEW is so shook by the terrible reaction on social media, which is the only thing they have ever cared about, that they took down the video footage. I know a lot of fake journalists are gonna be working late tonight doing damage control on behalf of the company.
Absolutely ridiculous.
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rxxkes · 10 months
Rip Terry :(((
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twinkleallnight · 2 months
Isle of Misfits
Chapter 10: Dealing with the Paparazzi.
Fandom: TRR x Platinum x OH x CoP x TNA x ?
Series: Isle of Misfits, Round Robin 24, hosted by @choicesprompts
TRR – Liam Rys, Leo Rys, Olivia Nevrakis, Madeleine Amaranth
RoE – Katie Rys
TNA – Sam Dalton
Word count: 1240
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The phone pinged.
‘1 new message’
Leo sighed and picked up to read. He was tired of explaining himself to Katie. The world never understood him or his desire to live a care free life. The paparazzi won’t let him breathe. But he thought Katie would understand. She would always know. He had tried to be honest with her, always.
He was struggling to stay abreast sailing through the rough waters when his brother decided to take the corrective action for Leo’s deeds . He was forced into this PR stunt of a circus with his childhood friend, Bertrand, playing the ring master. And as if Gods had not had enough of entertainment, he was paired with his ex, Madeleine! Just perfect!
Coming out of his reverie, he tapped his fingers on the home screen to check the new message .
‘Meet me at the beach restaurant in 10minutes to collect your dossier .
Countess Madeleine .’
“Better than having Sam Dalton as a mentor” he consoled himself. “His brains function through that Rocket in his pocket. At least Madeleine has her head over her shoulders.”
He dragged himself out of his bed. Sharp after 10 minutes he presented himself in front of the Countess.
“What do you plan to do with this?” He lifted the heavy bundle of papers filed into a folder neatly. ‘Prim and proper. So much like Madeleine.’
But Madeleine’s reply was totally off beat. “why you have not shaved?”
Leo shook his head as if trying to decipher. “What?” He moved his fingers through the over grown messy beard.
Madeleine scoffed, “ Let me make it clear Leo. You are constantly under lens.”
“That’s exactly what I don’t want.” He cut her off.
“You were the crown prince.”
“And I abdicated.” He tried to prove his point.
“Doesn’t matter. You can’t change who you are born as.”
“Why?” He pulls his fingers through his sandy blonde hair In frustration.
“Prince Harry abdicated too. But he is always in news.”
Leo scowled, “For heavens sake! Can’t they let me live in peace?”
“Only if you don’t give them chance to rip through your peaceful personal life.” She air quoted.
He nods in agreement. “And I can see, you are here to tell me, how.”
“Now you are talking business.” Madeleine smiled.
Leo closed his eyes for a moment. He had to do this for Katie, for his children. He took a deep breath. “Okay. Tell me what am I supposed to do?”
“You need to look perfect when you walk in public. It shows that you are leading a perfect and happy life.”
Leo smirked, “Yes it’s a very happy life.”
“Make it look like one and I can tell you, they will stop chasing you.”
“Fine! What next?”
“I have appointed a valet for you. He will help with your attire, hair and your over all appearance. You will not leave your room before he checks you.”
Leo rolled his eyes. He had no other option but to accept what was thrown at him.
For the next hour he went back and forth over the plans Madeleine had laid out for him.
Bertrand’s office next day
Olivia was seated across Bertrand, discussing their next modus operandi. Olivia had successfully completed her task with Raleigh Carrera and was now assigned to the case of the exiled crown prince, Trystan Thorne, of Drakovia.
An urgent knock on the door brought them to a halt. They both looked at each other. Bertrand voiced, “Come in” , wondering who was their uninvited guest for the meeting .
Leo stormed in and slammed a tabloid onto the desk in front of Bertrand. Olivia stared back at Leo’s fuming face while Bertrand looked in confusion, “ What does this mean?”
“Open and see for yourself.” Leo pointed out his finger.
As soon as Bertrand picked the newspaper and unfolded it, his eyes went wide with shock. Olivia leaned towards him to peer into the news.
The newspaper had images of Leo and Madeleine sitting in a cafe. The first one had Madeleine gleaming at Leo and the second one showed them shaking hands near the exit. The tag line read ‘Former crown prince Leo Rhys, spotted with his ex, Countess Madeleine, at leisure on a private island. Do we smell something burning in Katie Rhys’ sweet home?”
A smile played on Olivia’s lips.
“Seriously?” Leo asked looking at Olivia’s reaction.
“It’s not about you.” She fanned away with her hand.
“From what I can see, it’s definitely about me.” He turned to Bertrand angrily, “This is how you were going to help me save my image and my marriage?”
Olivia spoke instead, “Its not his fault. Madeleine should have been more discreet while planning her meetings.”
Just as on clue, Madeleine stepped inside the office. “Speak for yourself. I know my job well.” She snatched the tabloid from Bertrand’s hand and glanced at the pics, dismissing it in an instant.
She focused on Leo, “ This is the reason I insisted you need to dress up properly. Had you been in a formal attire, this would have been ignored by the media as just another business meeting.”
“Great ! So now it’s all my mistake? You know what my mistake is? Trusting you guys with my future.”
Bertrand replied in a calm note, “I think you are over reacting. It’s just two pics, we can change the flow of events. My PR company can assure you, we are good at turning the waves in your favour.”
Before he completed his sentence, the doors to his office opened with a bang. Drake barged in raging in anger. “The hell you turn things only in your favour. You Beaumonts are the most mean and selfish men walking on this damn planet.” His voice echoed across the halls outside the office.
Bertrand’s eyes roamed behind Drake to check if there were any audience at his doors. He settled his gaze back on Drake. “May I know the reason for this intrusion?”
Drake sneered, “You call yourself CEO of a PR firm yet you don’t have updates of the newsflash on TV channels across Cordonia?”
Bertrand gave Drake an irritated glare and picked up the remote to switch on the flat screen hanging on the wall across his table. The screen brightened up with flashes of red haired lady bouncing on a dance floor. All of them in the room knew that was Olivia but the next few moments left everyone’s mouth hanging open.
Bertrand came into the frame trying to dance. He made some lewd gestures and then grabbed Olivia into a smooch.
Leo and Madeleine jolted back at Bertrand. Even Olivia had shock written all over her face. Definitely she was drunk that she didn’t remember this incident.
Bertrand gulped and fumbled with the remote to switch off the TV. He didn’t want to listen or let others in the room listen to the reporter’s remarks.
“I... I ... I can explain”, he said nervously.
Drake sprinted to him in two steps and held him by collar. “How many times are you going to explain? First my sister, then your back stabbing brother took Riley and now you target my girl friend?”
“Riley is with Max?” The baritone voice from the entrance of the office brought everything to standstill. They all turned to see Liam standing in a thunderstuck state.
Tags : @angelasscribbles @alj4890 @tessa-liam @lizzybeth1986 @3pawandme @annabellewynter @bascmve01 @bebepac @busywoman @dcbbw @choicesficwriterscreations @harleybeaumont @iaminlovewithtrr @karahalloway @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14 @nestledonthaveone @neotericthemis @mom2000aggie @phoenixrising0308 @princess-geek @sazanes @secretaryunpaid @sfb123 @sillydg @tinkie1973 @txemrn @walkerdrakewalker @rubiwalker @703cowbarn @kyra75 @likealotus @kskvb20 @marietrinmimi @aussiegurl1234
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