#REM resin
wolfram-afternoons · 2 months
my liege, a new element just dropped. the ball
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singhenterprises · 2 months
The Importance of PET Bottles in the Packaging Industry |Singh enterprise
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PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) bottles have come to be ubiquitous within the packaging employer, revolutionizing the way merchandise are stored, transported, and consumed. From beverages to non-public care products, PET bottles provide a flexible and rate-effective answer for packaging severa client gadgets. In this blog publish, we are able to find out the significance of PET bottles within the packaging company and why they're the popular desire for producers and clients alike.
Versatility of PET Bottles:
PET bottles are pretty bendy and may be used for packaging a large kind of products, in conjunction with liquids, food devices, prescribed drugs, and family chemicals. Their versatility stems from the reality that PET is a moderate-weight, long lasting, and transparent material that may be without issue molded into fantastic sizes and styles to match the requirements of numerous industries.
Environmental Sustainability:
One of the key blessings of PET bottles is their environmental sustainability. PET is a recyclable fabric, which means that used PET bottles may be amassed, processed, and reused to create new bottles and other products. Recycling PET bottles permits to conserve herbal resources, lessen landfill waste, and decrease the carbon footprint associated with packaging materials.
PET bottles are fee-powerful packaging solutions in assessment to alternatives which includes glass and steel boxes. PET manufacturing is a good deal lots much less power-in depth, resulting in decrease production fees, which translates to price monetary financial savings for producers and purchasers. Additionally, PET bottles are mild-weight, which reduces transportation charges and carbon emissions inside the course of shipping.
Durability and Safety:
PET bottles are known for his or her sturdiness and safety. They are evidence in competition to breakage, shattering, and leakage, making them best for storing and transporting liquids and semi-solid merchandise. PET is also inert and non-reactive, ensuring that it does now not have interaction with the contents of the bottle, as a result retaining the awesome and integrity of the packaged products.
PET Bottle Manufacturers in Mumbai:
Mumbai, being a primary employer hub in India, is home to several PET bottle manufacturers like Singh Enterprises, catering to the numerous needs of the packaging enterprise organisation. We employ the current era and adhere to strict management measures to offer remarkable PET bottles that meet international necessities. With a focus on innovation and consumer satisfaction, PET bottle manufacturers in Mumbai play a vital position in offering packaging answers to numerous sectors.
PET Container Production:
pet container production includes numerous stages, in conjunction with resin processing, preform molding, stretch blow molding, and bottle completing. Each diploma requires precision engineering and realise-a way to make certain the final product meets the preferred specs in phrases of duration, form, and first-rate. PET area manufacturing facilities in Mumbai are equipped with superior machinery and professional employees to streamline the manufacturing technique and supply advanced-terrific bottles.
Plastic Bottles in Mumbai:
Mumbai is a bustling city in which the decision for plastic bottles is ever-growing. Plastic bottles are used appreciably in industries which incorporate liquids, private care, prescribed drugs, and own family chemical substances. With a large client base and thriving production vicinity, Mumbai gives enough possibilities for plastic bottle producers to install and expand their operations.
PET bottles play an essential feature inside the packaging enterprise due to their versatility, environmental sustainability, price-effectiveness, sturdiness, and protection. PET bottle producers in Mumbai are at the forefront of innovation, generating remarkable bottles that meet the severa goals of severa industries. With the growing call for plastic bottles in Mumbai and beyond, PET bottles are poised to live an imperative part of the packaging panorama for years yet to come.
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millideki · 1 year
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Prada’s Fall Winter 2021 show in collaboration with Raf Simons is one of my favorite runway shows because of its use of space. As the whole world was forced inside because of the pandemic, Prada used this to their advantage by creating an experience that only works without an audience. 
“Each room excites the senses: backdrops brilliantly hued, the models’ isolated passages underscored by an original electronic soundtrack by Plastikman aka Richie Hawtin. Devised by Rem Koolhaas and AMO, the show’s ‘non-spaces’ are defined by panes of marble, resin, plaster, and faux fur. Inviting and seductive, they can pretend to be both interior and exterior, hard and soft, warm and cold: simultaneously both and neither, they allow absolute freedom of interpretation and expression.” - Prada
The full runway show is available on YouTube if you’re interested in seeing how well the space works with the models.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 4 years
I'm suddenly interested in Re:Zero. *o*   I can't help that I like clear resin in figures.  *O*  Catching light is objectively pretty.  *.*!!!!!!
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ode-to-the-bugs · 4 years
Intrulogical ~ Human AU
"Don't get eyeshadow on my bed." Roman told, as Remus planted himself, face first, into the white sheets.
A drawn out groan - bordering on a growl - elicited from his obstructed mouth before he turned his head towards his brother and half-heartedly hid a dark smear beneath his palm.
Roman sighed, capping his mascara and checking his face in the mirror, before turning on his stool to the mess that insisted on invading his space.
They locked eyes; an uncharacteristic distress displayed within Remus'. The lack of a crude nickname or greeting was just another cause for concern.
An eyebrow raise and another pitiful groan from Remus later made certain that he wasn't going to leave soon.
"Okay, what's the deal? Why are you in here?" He relented.
Remus huffed before speaking,"I'm having emotions."
"And, I wanted to ask you a question."
Roman grimaced internally, fearing the direction of the conversation.
"Go ahead?"
"So..you know how you stole my bestfriend and domesticated him with your gross affection and whatever?"
"How did I steal- domesticated?!"
"Yeah, alright, whatever, I'm not done. So, what I mean is, you love him, right?"
Having said this, Remus sat up and crossed his legs, awaiting a response. In his brother's confused/shocked/thoughtful silence, he abducted a small, plushed lion from beside him and sat it on his knee, staring into its soulless glittery pink eyes. Feel lucky that you don't have these problems.
His eyes snapped up when Roman finally gave an answer, albeit a useless one, "I mean, yeah, I love him. I adore Janus more than anything."
"Gross. But, how did you know? Like, how does that feel?" He asked, carding his fingers through short, synthetic fur.
Something clicked in Roman's head and he couldn't resist a small smile.
"Why? Is Remus perhaps harbouring feelings or… dare I say, a crush?"
Another groan, as his head fell back into the wall, "can you just answer the question? What's it like? And spare me the 'stomach butterflies' and longing."
"I mean, alright, but you know how ~awful~ I am with words-"
Remus scoffed.
"-so, yeah, there is the butterflies, they are a thing. But, I don't know, there's this security and trust you find in this person and being with them; sometimes you don't even realise because you're just so comfortable with them. And, just this overwhelming happiness and warmth that makes you want to cry because you feel so special. And sometimes, you just- Are you okay?"
Remus seemed to be curling back into the wall more and more, his expression was downcast while his eyebrows furrowed in thought. Looking up at Roman's concern, he nodded and moved to leave.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." He mumbled, getting up and wiping the corner of his eye.
As he came close to passing, Roman reached out to him.
"Hey, you can talk to me you know. I think I can handle your weird emotions well enough: you don't have to leave" Roman explained, letting laughter potentially lighten the mood as it fell into his words.
"No, I'm allowed to care about you. I made the righteous decision not to absorb you in the womb and you’ve been my problem ever since; we're brothers."
He shuffled awkwardly.
"Sit back down."
With reluctance, he did as he was told, settling back down and finding a grip on the small lion once again.
"Now, I'm no Patton, but I know something's wrong," he started, "I assume you won’t tell me who it-"
"No. I’m trying to keep some things to myself.”
"Okay then. But, you like them?"
"I think so. It isn't anything like you said, though."
"Yeah?" Roman pushed him to continue while standing from his seat and stretching his back before moving to sit on the opposite side of the bed. He nestled into the pillows at his headboard and looked over to Remus at the opposite end, who was avoiding eye contact and watching his own bare toes curl and uncurl on top of the white fabric.
"It's not all happy and warm, it's confusing. He's confusing. Always using these big words and talking rings around me, letting me know that he's so much smarter than me-"
Remus paused, smiling his usual crooked smile as his hands circled in contemplation, trying to put his strange infatuation into words. Meanwhile, realisation was knocking at a door in Roman's mind, so obvious yet not quite loud enough.
“-but then sometimes, it’s like he’s the only person that’s genuinely interested in my mad ramblings. He’s no longer this valedictorian with his head above everyone else - just a dork: a friend.”
“And I hate it. It makes my stomach hurt and my head warm. And I just want him to feel that hurt. I want to scrape my teeth down his neck and pull his hair: see if he feels like this too, see if he even feels anything..”
Remus looked confused again: confused and conflicted between ideas. Pale shades of flesh spread under the tanned skin of his knuckles as he gripped his sleeves tighter and tighter.
Soon, a small smile crept back to his face as he continued, “..and he’s got these eyes. He needs to hide them behind these stupid glasses but..they sparkle when he’s happy. Talking about space- he loves astronomy-
o- Pluto’s his favourite planet-
or when I ask about a book he’s reading- he’s a nerd..” he laughed to himself quietly, “they sparkle, Ro. I like it, I like it so much. I want to keep it myself, my sparkles. Like, I could gouge them out so only I could see them, but then he’d be sad.”
He fell into his own small fits of laughter, completely in his own head, under the eyes of his brother. Speaking of Roman, he sat, unmoving, watching in casual fear and astonishment. Sure, he’d grown used to Remus years ago, but, then again, Remus wasn’t someone that anybody could truly ‘get used to’,even in a lifetime. So, before he could try to wrap his mind around the words, he was speaking again.
“...and, I don’t scare him Ro. He doesn’t find me gross or..scary,” he trailed off, picking absentmindedly at the covers with band-aid littered fingers, ”he says I’m interesting. Oh! And he likes my bugs-“
He paused to hold up the resin-cast beetle he wore around his neck in a tiny jar; one of dozens.
“-he keeps some himself, he showed me pictures. He’s got this big tank of moths and he takes them out and just lets them crawl all over him. And they don’t even fly away...not that I blame them.”
Yeah, Roman had opened that door quite a while back now. Now, it hung open, absorbing new information and planning the perfect game of matchmaker for his brother.
“-he said that when any of them die, I can have them and make one of these-“ he lifted the necklace again, “and I-“
“Rem, can I stop you there?”
“If this is so painful, why don’t you just tell him?”
He bit his lip and looked away, “I don’t know. It’s hard.”
He snickered quickly before falling quiet again.
“You can’t seriously be shy. You? Come on.” Roman joked, straightening the cuff of his jeans.
“I know. He just..gets to me.”
“Look, take it from me. Things are easier when you get it out in the open. Just tell Logan, I’m sure he can’t have much more experience in this than you.”
Remus' eyes widened and it didn’t take Roman very long to follow.
“I promise- ‘Twin Swear’- that I won’t tell him.”
Remus looked at him for a small moment before jumping up and rushing towards the door, discarding the plush more violently than he would have liked.
“Remus, come on. You’ve flirted with him so much, I’m honestly surprised I haven’t realised already.”
“But you didn’t know it might have been real then.”
“Why does it matter?”
“Because you’ve broken promises before. I don’t want to lose him, Roman. I can put up with hurting.”
Stressed, he fled to his own room, and pushed aside the curtain, curling up on the windowsill.
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avolounge · 3 years
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😍 Array Stars Studio - Beachwear Rem 😍 by Avolounge starting at S$250.00 SGD Show now 👉👉 https://t.co/88Ezu1AAnP #Avol.sg #resin #animes #statue #gk https://t.co/cezMHAoR2O
— Avolounge Singapore (@avolounge) Dec 1, 2021
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architectnews · 3 years
OMA designs Audrey Irmas Pavilion as extension to Jewish temple in Los Angeles
Architecture firm OMA has put the finishing touches to an extension of a Jewish temple on Los Angeles' Wilshire Boulevard.
Clad in hexagonal stone tiles, the Audrey Irmas Pavilion at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple marks the firm's first cultural building in California and its first religious institution.
The OMA New York team, led by partner Shohei Shigamatsu, designed the pavilion as a counterpart to the 1929 Byzantine-Revival temple, which is home to LA's largest Jewish congregation.
Audrey Irmas Pavilion sits beside the 1929 Byzantine-Revival temple
The 55,000-square-foot structure is clad in 1,230 hexagonal panels, some of which have rectangular glass openings that are arranged to create a pattern across its sloped facades.
Made from glass fibre reinforced concrete (GRFC), the six-sided tiles are based on the geometries found inside the original temple building's dome.
They are all ribbed in the same direction so that when rotated, the tiles catch the light differently and give the surfaces more variation and character.
The pavilion leans away from its older neighbour
The new extension's irregular trapezoidal shape leans west, away from its older neighbour, and sits south of a historic school on the site.
It houses a series of multi-functional spaces for the community, including meeting, banquet and pre-function areas, as well as back-of-house facilities.
"We assembled a constellation of spaces, distinct in form, scale, and aura," said Shigamatsu, who arranged the interior around a trio of voids.
Rectangular glass holes in the facade's tiles glow at night
The lowest void is an arched volume that cuts through from the street-facing side to the school courtyard at the back of the pavilion.
Its high vaulted ceiling, formed by huge timber sections, allows for a column-free events space.
Above is a trapezoid void that cores the building in the opposite direction, facing west to frame the temple's stained glass windows.
A chapel on this level opens onto an outdoor terrace with green sides, mimicking the green copper dome next door. A glass oculus in the floor overlooks the events space below, while a circular cut-out in the ceiling provides a peek at the third void above.
This final space holds a sunken garden, surrounded by blue glass and connecting to smaller meeting rooms, and provides access to the roof that offers views of Downtown LA and the Hollywood Hills.
"Three interconnected voids make the solid form of the Pavilion strategically yet surprisingly porous, engaging the campus and the city," Shigamatsu said. "The Pavilion will support both old and new activities, values, and traditions to foster a renewed energy for gathering."
The ground-floor houses a column-free events space formed by timber vaults
OMA founder Rem Koolhaas was also commissioned to design a mezuzah – a piece of parchment called a klaf contained in a decorative case and inscribed with specific Hebrew verses from the Torah – for each door frame within the pavilion.
Each mezuzah is crafted from aluminum foam and cast in colored resin, then topped with an individual letter called a shin that is hand-cut, filed and polished.
"I was both intrigued and challenged to design the mezuzot for the doors within the Pavilion," said Koolhaas. "It is an unexpected religious object having to answer explicit religious edicts, laws and rules which made it totally fascinating for me and a very good lesson to have at some point in my life."
Blue glass surrounds a sunken roof garden on the upper level
OMA won the competition to design the pavilion in 2015, and revealed its proposal in 2018.
Although the building is now complete, its opening has been delayed due to the restrictions on gathering caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
"The making of the Audrey Irmas Pavilion sustained forward momentum through the Covid-19 pandemic, a period in which the act of human interaction was questioned and contemplated," said Shigamatsu.
"Its completion comes at a time when we hope to come together again, and this building can be a platform to reinstate the importance of gathering, exchange, and communal spirit."
The hexagonal concrete tiles are ribbed to create tonal variety across the exterior
OMA's New York office also recently revealed a supertall skyscraper for Manhattan's Billionaire's Row, and unveiled plans to transform a former transit hub into The Centre Pompidou Jersey City.
The photography is by Jason O'Rear.
Project credits:
Partner-in-charge: Shohei Shigematsu Associate-in-charge: Jake Forster Team: Jesse Catalano, David Chacon, Caroline Corbett, Nils Sanderson, Andrea Zalewski, Natasha Trice, Marie Claude Fares, Wesley LeForce, Sandy Yum, Jade Kwong, Shary Tawil, Joanne Chen Executive architect: Gruen Associates Structure, MEP, facades, FLS, communications: Arup Performance space consultants: TheatreDNA Landscape: Studio-MLA Lighting: L'Observatoire International Signage/graphic design: Space Agency Civil engineer: Rhyton Engineering Vertical transportation: Syska Hennessy Group General contractor: MATT Construction
The post OMA designs Audrey Irmas Pavilion as extension to Jewish temple in Los Angeles appeared first on Dezeen.
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autodaemonium · 3 years
Pronounced: utifruholshuhmivahedrudz.
Pantheon of: uncheerfulness.
Pronounced: lahuhrdzimivbngbrzdnidth Uncheerfulness: gloominess. Legends: sensory deprivation, coercion, folly, pleasing, dead-man's float. Prophecies: bust-up. Relations: tɛəðezævevəɪənəmmzŋr (glutamic acid), ɛiæləɑəiŋɑziʌoəəðætt (kickback).
Pronounced: mizvpfnwlupstesbrziay Uncheerfulness: gloominess. Legends: sellout, eviction, quarantine. Prophecies: jazz festival, diagnostic procedure, substitution, scissors, withdrawal. Relations: næiɪʌəkpəsiiəæesotzs (carbohydrate).
Pronounced: naiiuuhkpuhsiiuhaesotzs Uncheerfulness: gloominess. Legends: hunt, wayfaring. Prophecies: sidestroke, roulette, spaceflight, space walk. Relations: əətʃtʃəefrəltiuɛəldnkə (groundspeed), mɪzvpfnwlʌpstesbrziɛ (guarantee), tədtrpoezəmzypoɪnɛrn (dona), tɛəðezævevəɪənəmmzŋr (load factor).
Pronounced: tuhdtrpoezuhmzypoinayrn Uncheerfulness: gloominess. Legends: sleep-learning, judgment in rem, denationalization, cadetship. Prophecies: spatter, permutation, subvention. Relations: næiɪʌəkpəsiiəæesotzs (handling cost), mɪzvpfnwlʌpstesbrziɛ (natural resin).
Pronounced: tayuhthezavevuhiuhnuhmmzngr Uncheerfulness: gloominess. Legends: crash landing, constitutional. Relations: ɛiæləɑəiŋɑziʌoəəðætt (neurochemical).
Pronounced: uhuhtshtshuhefruhltiuayuhldnkuh Uncheerfulness: gloominess. Legends: pop quiz. Relations: tɛəðezævevəɪənəmmzŋr (oil-hardened steel), lɑərdzɪmɪvbŋbrzdnɪdð (cyanide), næiɪʌəkpəsiiəæesotzs (landholding).
Pronounced: ayialuhahuhingahziuouhuhthatt Uncheerfulness: gloominess. Legends: going, burn. Prophecies: hit, confederation, play, background noise, divestiture.
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y1s2-20192020 · 4 years
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Junk Spaces - Rama IV
During the walk around the road sites, one particular site caught my eye the most, the Thai-Japanese Bridge, more particularly the site underneath the bridge itself, across from Lumpini Park. There are so many wasted spaces and potential for a greater use of such space, I decided to develop the concept of JunkSpace by Rem Koolhaas, to determine said Junkspaces, and make a study model to represent those factors. The final model when placed together looks like a rectangular cube, but they are made of different parts, Resin representing Junkspace, and concrete representing Wasted space, each parts can be placed differently in create different shapes to show the potential which is wasted on such an important bridge. Rearranging the spaces, and making it meaningful.
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millideki · 1 year
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Prada’s Fall Winter 2021 show in collaboration with Raf Simons is one of my favorite runway shows because of its use of space. As the whole world was forced inside because of the pandemic, Prada used this to their advantage by creating an experience that only works without an audience. 
“Each room excites the senses: backdrops brilliantly hued, the models’ isolated passages underscored by an original electronic soundtrack by Plastikman aka Richie Hawtin. Devised by Rem Koolhaas and AMO, the show’s ‘non-spaces’ are defined by panes of marble, resin, plaster, and faux fur. Inviting and seductive, they can pretend to be both interior and exterior, hard and soft, warm and cold: simultaneously both and neither, they allow absolute freedom of interpretation and expression.” - Prada
The full runway show is available on YouTube if you’re interested in seeing how well the space works with the models.
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izayoi1242 · 4 years
How One French Modernist’s Vision Was Finally Realized
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By BY NANCY HASS Outside Bordeaux, a Rem Koolhaas-designed villa has become a site for the inventiveness of Pierre Paulin, who dreamed up modular furniture made of foam, resin and fiberglass. Published: March 11, 2020 at 06:00PM from NYT T Magazine https://ift.tt/2xwiF13 via IFTTT
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avolounge · 3 years
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😍 Forest Among Anime - Rem [1/4 scale] 😍 by Avolounge starting at S$630.00 SGD Show now 👉👉 https://t.co/k6zf2PLzcA #Avol.sg #resin #animes #statue #gk https://t.co/N5S3qXLvoM
— Avolounge Singapore (@avolounge) Nov 24, 2021
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mindahofer · 5 years
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Anime Re:Zero Rem Girl Drawing 5 Piece Print Home Decor Wall Art Canvas Resin #f… https://ift.tt/30FJsRk
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alifeuncolored · 5 years
So I said I would do a haul of the stuff i had gotten at the con
so here you go
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In order, I got pins for the anime "Free!" (Haru, Sousuke, Rei, Nagisa, Makoto, and Rin), the soundtrack for the anime "Ergo Proxy", a "Love Life - School Idol Project" charm and a giraffe charm, a journal for the anime "Fruits Basket", a pop vinyl figure of Ciel Phantomhive from the anime "Black Butler", a plushie of an Axolotl, a pastel rainbow cardigan, a clear standing figure of Cocoa from the anime "Is the order a Rabbit?", a Genderfluid heart pin, a pin of Yuri from "Doki Doki Literature Club", an UWU pin, and an OWO resin heart pin, and six stickers of Emilia and Rem from the anime "Re:Zero".
If you're wondering, I went to Hazard Con, and it was a lot of fun. Sorry this was delayed, as i went on vacation with my girlfriend and her family right after the con.
but yeah, hope you guys have a great day, no one asked for this post, but here you go! :)
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$$ Kami perusahaan penggilingan beling $$
# memproduksi glasspowder /serbuk kaca/tepung kaca/ bubuk beling dengan kelembutan 50mess, 100 mess - 200 mess
# granit beling/serbuk kaca berbagai macam warna putih, hitam, hijau,
coklat,bening dan biru ukuran 1 mm - 6 mm.
# kegunaan nya glasspowder/serbuk kaca/tepung kaca/bubuk beling untuk campuran bahan industri, bahan korek api kayu,amplas/kertas gosok, moulding logam,kampas rem/kopling, gelasan benang /senar, campuran resin/fiberglass, substitusi parsial semen,uji laboratorium, komposit, poles akik,poles kaca, counting glazur genteng ,Fred keramik, sand blasting, kerajinan tangan, sofenir,dan lain lain.
# kegunaan nya granit beling berbagai macam warna hijau ,coklat, putih,dan hitam untuk bahan membuat bong makam cina,dekorasi exterior dan interior rumah, campuran resin/fiberglass, Kijing makam jowo, poles dinding,isi fas bunga ,dasar aquarium, kerajinan tangan, sofenir, lampu hias, hiasan dinding, gantungan kunci,
hiasan pilar rumah, dll. bisa pesan ton -ton an maupun Kg an minim 5 kg
Lokasi : Pasuruan,Jawa timur
Hub WA : 081555817893
Simpati : 081276390203
Silakan klik di tautan di bawah ini
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autodaemonium · 3 years
Pronounced: ranayitshtshznuhzsnnluhtouit.
Pantheon of: north, nature, nativeness, materiality, counterfactuality, protoplasm, factuality, atom.
Pronounced: hnslshhivokfiahazuhdnsi Protoplasm: cytoplasm. Materiality: tangibility. Atom: free radical. Nativeness: indigenousness. Prophecies: multimedia. Relations: iləumltʃmhaɪəɑðɪnɑulʌn (alpha iron).
Pronounced: iluhumltshmhaiuhahthinahulun Protoplasm: cytoplasm. Materiality: reality. Atom: isotope. Nativeness: indigenousness. Legends: summarization, line. Prophecies: ski race. Relations: hnslʃhɪvokfiɑæzədnsi (urea-formaldehyde resin), læəəivwtnkrʃæpɪsʌuɪb (armagnac).
Pronounced: lauhuhivwtnkrshapisuuib Protoplasm: nucleoplasm. Materiality: concreteness. Atom: monad. Nativeness: indigenousness. Legends: radial keratotomy, randomization, lenience, promise, realization.
Pronounced: mduhuhvuhahbiikrahayahuhiththd Protoplasm: germ plasm. Materiality: concreteness. Atom: carbon atom. Nativeness: indigenousness. Legends: judgment in rem, buyer's market, resurrection, straddle, mccarthyism. Prophecies: squandering, header, contest, immobilization. Relations: læəəivwtnkrʃæpɪsʌuɪb (port jackson pine), tðskdɪlwuŋtbuləɛstrɛ (gastrointestinal hormone).
Pronounced: rrzrttfswiyuhibouhaiaitv Protoplasm: germ plasm. Materiality: concreteness. Atom: monad. Nativeness: indigenousness. Legends: slight care, invigilation. Prophecies: wages, service, disservice, courante, baronetage. Relations: iləumltʃmhaɪəɑðɪnɑulʌn (birthrate), hnslʃhɪvokfiɑæzədnsi (encaustic).
Pronounced: tthskdilwungtbuluhaystray Protoplasm: germ plasm. Materiality: reality. Atom: hydrogen atom. Nativeness: indigenousness. Legends: soft sell, zakat. Prophecies: safety. Relations: iləumltʃmhaɪəɑðɪnɑulʌn (sapphire), ənoððaɪnrnrərdaɪtðʃtkd (pregnanediol).
Pronounced: uhnoththainrnruhrdaitthshtkd Protoplasm: cytoplasm. Materiality: substantiality. Atom: isotope. Nativeness: indigenousness. Legends: lucky dip, perturbation, inactivity, clonus. Prophecies: market gardening, expression, kia quen, diagnosis. Relations: tðskdɪlwuŋtbuləɛstrɛ (carboxylic acid), hnslʃhɪvokfiɑæzədnsi (tisane).
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