#Queen Orlagh
ezziefae · 3 months
It never hit me that Cardan and Nicasia were actually engaged until I read your post analyzing their relationship. I know they had plans, but I didn't realize it was an official engagement. Do you think when Nicasia asked Cardan to come back to the Undersea with her, it was her way of proposing? If not, which one do you think proposed and how?
Proposing in the faerie world is very different from the mortal world. The fae don't kneel on one knee and pull out a diamond ring. Because Cardan and Nicasia are part of their own royal bloodline the moment they started a serious romantic relationship was the moment it was expected of them to someday be married to be the King and Queen of the Undersea. Since Cardan wasn’t at all favored in Elfhame, it was clear that he would someday rule the sea with his then-lover Nicasia, who is the only heir to Queen Orlagh’s throne. Both Nicasia and Cardan fully embraced that someday they would be married and rule together. All of Elfhame and the Undersea expected it to happen, it would have been a useful peace treaty between land and sea.
Nicasia and Cardan becoming lovers was an automatic engagement for them both. They didn't go through the typical courting process and there was no formal proposal like the one between Cardan and Jude in TWK. Neither of them proposed to each other, since Cardan was the Prince of Elfhame and Nicasia the Princess of the Undersea then it was an automatic engagement. The moment they became lovers, they also became engaged.
Even in the 5th chapter of The Stolen Heir, when Hyacinthe talks to Wren about Oak’s seductive powers, he goes on to mention Nicasia as Cardan’s former betrothed.
“Oaks half brother [Locke] is said to have made both Jude and her twin, Taryn, his lovers and stolen Cardan’s former betrothed [Nicasia] from his side”
(the stolen heir, chap 5, pg 93)
When I first read this quote last year, I was like, "Hold up…they were betrothed to each other?" but it obviously makes sense that they were.
Yes, Nicasia and Cardan had plans, and they spoke to each other about what they're future would be like. When Nicasia asked Cardan to join her and go away with her to the Undersea I believe that was also her way of just wanting him by her side (Reminder: Nicasia doesn't like Elfhame, she sees everything there beneath her, and she was very much in love in cardan....in her own way) and no, that wasn't her way of proposing, because once again, they were already engaged to each other. Hope that helps.
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skullywullypully · 9 months
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The Wicked King spoilers
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clockworkbee · 4 months
Interact with me? tfota this or that? except, give me ‘two scenes’ or ‘two dialogues’ or ‘any two parallels’ or even ‘two different songs/lyrics for one scene’ and ask me which I would choose over the other (because ofc. I love everything about these books, and choosing one doesn't undervalue the other) anon is on, btw
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4amethyst · 2 years
Cardan to Orlagh: come I dare you
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ao-ihinata · 3 months
You know I see a lot of people in this fandom talking about what a great father madoc is ( which I don't think so but who cares 💅)
But do you know WHO IS a great parental figure ?? Queen Orlagh. That, ladies and gents is a supportive Mother and a powerful monarch. Madoc needs to take lessons on how to be an ambitious parent without smothering your child's basic rights and needs.
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viivdle · 5 months
cardan: “Hear my judgment. I
hereafter exile Jude Duarte to the mortal world until such time as she is pardoned by the crown. Until then, let her not step one foot in Faerie or forfeit her life.”
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cruelprincae · 10 months
Kicking crying screaming the map of Elfhame in The Stolen Heir has been updated to contain Insear as well. 🥺
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darlingod · 8 months
Cardan: we ate that king and queen shit right up—
Jude: ikr?? When I pretended to be Taryn at the trial when I was actually the queen—
Cardan: obviously, and omg, that one time Orlagh tried threatening me to marry Nicasia—
Jude: Literally?? And remember when you told everyone I was your wife when they thought I was in exile—
Cardan: omfg yes that was too funny and when—
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Theory: Eldred is not Cardan's father
Listen. I don’t know if anyone has said this before, but I’ve been mulling this over for a while now, so I’m going to throw it to the void before The Stolen Heir comes out, for posterity.
Buckle up, folks and Folk. I’m monologuing.
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A big caveat of this theory is that I have basically no solid evidence for this apart from a few faint dots vaguely connected through a strange fog. But I am nothing if not someone who will scrounge around in the dirt for answers. So let’s get some filth under our fingernails.
(I promise it will maybe make sense. Eventually)
Much of this theory centres around the note Jude steals for Dain from Hollow Hall in The Cruel Prince. It reads:
“I know the provenance of the blusher mushroom that you ask after, but what you do with it must not be tied to me. After this, I consider my debt paid. Let my name be stricken from your lips.” (TCP, p.115)
There are so many layers to this note, but I’ll start on the surface level before digging deeper.
When Jude gives the note to Dain, he reads it, then says, “So he’s blackmailing Queen Orlagh” (TCP, p.123). During a first read, one would think Dain is implying that Balekin is blackmailing Orlagh, since Jude stole the note from Balekin’s study, and that Orlagh is the one who wrote the letter to the eldest Greenbriar child.
And no one questions it, because Jude even makes this supposition herself.
But my question is this: Why would Balekin be blackmailing Orlagh? We learn in The Wicked King that they are very much allies, and as far as I’m aware, blackmailing isn’t something you typically do to your allies.
My other question is: Why do we assume that Orlagh is the one that wrote the letter? Because Dain said so? We know him to be unreliable at best, manipulator at worst.
During a second read, one might realise that Dain is in fact being tricky here. He knows exactly who and what this note is referring to. But he’s deliberately trying to lead the Court of Shadows to the wrong conclusion, because the right one would reveal his guilt, as shown in the latter part of The Cruel Prince when Jude figures out Dain poisoned Liriope with blusher mushroom.
The way Dain is able to lead us off track without lying is through implication alone. This is why he’s not specific about who is blackmailing Orlagh. He just says someone is (a likely statement, considering Orlagh’s title) and that someone might be a man (plausible enough).
Thus, the sentence “He’s blackmailing Orlagh” can still be a perceived truth, and we are only ascribing it to the note because it is the closest context.
But we find out later that Dain’s statement has nothing to do with the note, since the note is about Liriope’s poisoning.
After having read TCP [redacted] times, one might begin to think: Is Orlagh even the sender of this correspondence? And if not, who is? And what does the note mean if we’re giving it a different context/sender?
For this, we have to peruse the parts of the sentences written in the note.
A. “Provenance”
For me, this phrase has always seemed a bit strange when referring to blusher mushrooms.
The word “provenance”, as most people recognise it, is used to describe the place from which a particular thing or subset of things comes from (i.e. the provenance of “Champagne” is Champagne, France, and the provenance of “Iranian rugs” is Iran, etc.).
So when we put it in the context of blusher mushrooms, as the note does, it seems to be saying there is a particular place where one can find blusher mushrooms, and the recipient is trying to acquire them for one reason or another.
But Jude, when first dabbling in mithridatism, describes picking blusher mushroom in the palace gardens (p.148-150, TCP). So if Balekin was planning on acquiring the poison, he needn’t look farther than the palace itself.
Which says, to me, that acquiring blusher mushroom for his own purposes wasn’t the subject of Balekin’s original inquiry, since it is common enough for a seventeen-year-old girl to find on her walk to school.
Additionally, the sender says “the provenance of the blusher mushroom”, when “the provenance of blusher mushroom” would be more grammatically correct if the sender was indeed informing Balekin about where he could get the poison.
Implying that they are referring to a single specific blusher mushroom. Perhaps, the very one which poisoned Liriope.
Which means, “provenance”, as it is used in the note, could be referring to the less common definition: “record of ownership”.
My guess is, Balekin asked the sender of the note if they knew who killed Liriope with blusher mushroom. The sender, wanting to remain cryptic in case the message was intercepted, phrased their confirmation so only the person who knew the full context of the message would be able to understand it.
Leading me to believe the sender may be saying, “I know who owned/used the blusher mushroom that you’re asking about”.
B. “It”
Here’s another tricky thing about English grammar: sometimes the subject that “it” refers to can be a group of things.
We might assume right off the bat that “What you do with it” means “What you do with the blusher mushroom”. But, given the previous specification, our sender might actually just mean “What you do with this information must not be tied back to me.”
Essentially, “Don’t tell anyone I told you this but I know who Liriope’s murderer is.”
C. “Let my name be stricken from your lips.”
To me, this last sentence of the note wreaks of faerie bargain.
The sender mentioned they had a debt to pay Balekin, and after divulging who poisoned Liriope, they would consider that debt paid.
But why not just leave the message at that? They already basically said, “Don’t tell anyone I told you this”, so this sentence seems redundant if not included for an ulterior purpose.
It could be a dramatic sign off. More likely, though, it’s a final clause of some bargain made previous to this message. Such as, “You owe me. Tell me who poisoned Liriope and I’ll never speak your name again.”
Either way, it sounds like the sender does not want to be tied to Balekin in any way (understandable tbh).
***This line is important for later, so remember this.***
So, after these specifications have been made, the note reads:
“I know who owned/used the blusher mushroom to poison Liriope, but what you do with this information must not be traced back to me. After this, I consider my debt paid. As per our bargain, you’re not to speak of me again.”
There are many people who could’ve sent this letter. So let’s narrow it down.
Since the letter is in Balekin’s study, we could surmise that it is something Balekin has written and plans on sending. But Jude describes it as being written in “an elegant, feminine hand” (TCP, p.115).
Which doesn’t necessarily rule Balekin out as the sender, but I’m thinking it is much more likely he is the recipient, and that the sender is a woman.
The sender also knows who killed Liriope, so they probably know why Liriope was poisoned, as well. Meaning, they would have had to have ties to her—whether in proximity or in intimacy.
Oriana mentions in TCP that she and Liriope were close friends. She also tells Jude that she knew about Liriope and Dain’s affair.
However, in this same conversation, Jude asks Oriana if she knew Dain was the one who poisoned Liriope, and this is her response:
“Oriana shakes her head. ‘Not for a long time. It could have been another of Eldred’s lovers. Or Balekin—there were rumours he was the one responsible. I even wondered if it could have been Eldred, if he had poisoned her for dallying with his son. But then Madoc discovered Dain had obtained the blusher mushroom. He insisted I never let Oak be anywhere near the prince.’ ”(TCP, pp. 294-295)
Since faeries cannot lie, the truth must be that Oriana is not the one that knew who poisoned Liriope.
And since the letter is left unsigned, Dain attributes its origins to the Queen of the Undersea.
Here’s why I don’t think Orlagh sent this message:
Orlagh is seen in cahoots with Balekin plenty throughout the series. Yet, the sender of this message implies they want nothing to do with the eldest prince, and furthermore explicitly tells Balekin to never speak their name again. If Orlagh were the sender of this note, we would not have much of the scenes which take place in the Undersea during Jude’s kidnapping in The Wicked King.
Orlagh is the Queen of the Undersea. Why would she know or care about the details of a murder of one of the High King of Elfhame’s lovers?
Orlagh also has no ties to Liriope, or Dain for that matter, so why would Balekin go to Orlagh for information regarding Liriope’s murder?
But do you know who does have ties to Liriope, who might also have reason not to want Balekin to speak their name ever again?
Lady Asha.
So how exactly does Lady Asha have ties to Liriope?
It is common knowledge that they were both lovers of the High King. Asha could’ve known of Liriope’s affair with Dain because of their proximity at court. She was also known for being a lover of gossip and secrets. It’s not too surprising that she might know of Liriope’s secret.
But how does Lady Asha know that Dain specifically poisoned Liriope? And why might she want to sever her ties with Balekin?
Let me back track for a moment.
In the prologue of The Queen of Nothing, Lady Asha receives a heavy necklace of emeralds for her “contribution to the Greenbriar line”.
In The Cruel Prince, when Jude is dressing in Liriope’s clothes for the party at Locke’s estate, Locke offers her his mother’s jewels, specifically a heavy necklace made of emeralds (TCP, p. 168).
At first, when I noticed this connection, I thought emeralds must be Eldred’s standard gift given to any mother who births a Greenbriar heir.
But if you recall, Locke wasn’t born to Eldred, and Liriope would have had to receive the necklace while she was still alive, meaning Oak had not yet been born.
It is significant that both of these women have necklaces of emeralds, for the meaning of emeralds—amongst loyalty, love, and strength—is truth.
“A revealer of truths, emerald reputedly could cut through all illusions and spells, including the truth or falsity of a lover’s oath.” (International Gem Society)
Indeed, it’s curious that the only other person known to possess a string of emeralds similar to the one Lady Asha receives in QON, is Liriope.
Liriope, who, to common knowledge, never had a royal child with the High King. Liriope, who, through the events of TCP, we know to have been having an affair with Dain while still in the High King’s favour.
Liriope, who, like Lady Asha, met an unfortunate fate.
If emeralds represent the falsity of a lover’s oath, and Liriope possessed such a necklace before her passing, it could be that the emeralds Asha received were less a gift as much as they were a warning.
One that Asha was either too arrogant or too oblivious to figure out when she first received them, but that she might've pieces together after Liriope's death.
In the prologue of Queen of Nothing, the narrator informs us that Cardan’s punishment for “killing” a mortal man was that his mother was locked in the Tower of Forgetting.
It’s unsurprising that a mother should shoulder the blame for the crimes of her royal son, but this seems like a steep price to pay for the death of someone only tangentially related to the High King’s concerns.
It wasn’t even a lover of Eldred’s own who was killed. It was the lover of his lover/seneschal.
Incarcerating Asha because her son allegedly killed the lover of the High King’s lover feels like an overreaction. Why not simply cast Asha from the court? Or send her to the mortal lands?
The High King suspected (or knew) that Lady Asha had committed some other serious offense against him, but had no sufficient evidence to lock her away. Or perhaps he did not want to risk the humiliation that would ensue if everyone at court found out that Lady Asha had been dallying with his son at the same time as she was his own lover.
And, to give her what he thought she deserved without inciting speculation from the court, used the excuse of Cardan killing the mortal to finally serve justice.
Furthermore, we know Cardan and his mother were not close. We know Asha did not raise Cardan as normal mothers do. Why is sending Cardan’s mother to prison a punishment to him?
Other than a small blot on his reputation (upon which, there are many, much larger blots), Asha’s punishment by proxy largely shouldn’t effect Cardan.
It seems as if Cardan’s true punishment was being virtually disowned by his father, and banished from living in the Palace of Elfhame.
Meaning, Asha’s punishment wasn’t really Cardan’s, but her own.
In the letter Jude stole from Balekin’s desk, a “debt”, which has been paid through the information provided, is mentioned. If Asha sent this letter, what debt could she possibly owe Balekin?
Well, for starters, he did raise her son when no one else would.
Though, it’s unclear to me when in the timeline Asha wrote the letter and when she was imprisoned, if this is the aforementioned debt, Asha would’ve had to have written the letter after she’d been sent to the Tower of Forgetting. Because her being sent to the Tower was the catalyst for Balekin raising Cardan.
This debt also begs the question: Why would Balekin offer to raise Cardan?
Surely having Lady Asha, an incarcerated ex-lover of the High King, in his debt isn’t so valuable as the immense responsibility of raising a child he has no obligation to.
Which points to a motive that indicates perhaps Balekin does have an obligation to this child.
When Madoc kills Eva and Justin in the prologue of TCP, he takes Jude and Taryn in, claiming it as his “duty” after he rendered them parentless. We know the fae value their honour, and so even someone as opprobrius as Balekin might be subject to upholding duty in the face of a faerie child’s mother being sent to prison.
But as we know, he did not cause Lady Asha’s detainment (Dain did). So where is this sudden sense of duty coming from? None of the other Greenbriar siblings seemed to have the same moral inclination.
Balekin taking Cardan in could be purely out of selfish motives. Such as, being able to shape Cardan to his will, which he might then use in a potential coup.
But it could be that, through everything, Balekin has an inkling of an idea that Cardan might not be his brother, but his son.
There is another debt which is possible in relation to the letter if it was sent prior to Lady Asha’s imprisonment. But for this, we must consider why Lady Asha would want her name to be stricken from Balekin’s lips in the first place.
The most obvious answer to this which I could think of is that Lady Asha knows she has committed treason by sleeping with Balekin, the High King’s son, and claiming their child as one of the High King’s own, staking her place at court as higher than is deserved, while also playing the High King for a fool.
So the debt could simply be that Lady Asha, seeing what happened to Liriope and knowing what happens to lovers of the High King after being found adulterous, wanted Balekin to never be able to speak of their affair ever again.
Balekin, not being of the sort to do things for other people without a price, might have said that he’d agree to this if she offered him information that he wanted. After she gave it to him, their bargain would be complete, and Balekin would henceforth never be able to speak Lady Asha’s name.
Regardless of which debt is the truth, indeed, I do believe we do not hear Balekin utter Asha’s name once throughout the course of the series. Despite the fact that it is almost certain they knew each other before.
How do we know that Asha and Balekin knew each other well enough to be sending letters like this back and forth to each other, if we are not yet certain that they had an affair?
In the prologue of TCP, Madoc states that he didn’t believe it when Balekin told him his wife and child were not dead, but living in the mortal world. This indicates that Balekin had knowledge of how Eva faked her death.
Now, we could owe this to the presence of spies at court. It’s likely that Balekin has his own hoard of spies, as do most of the prominent figures in Eflhame.
Or we could consider that perhaps Lady Asha, who is the other person confirmed to have known that Eva faked her death (TWK, p.129), was Balekin’s informant on this matter.
After receiving this information, he was then able to pass it on to Madoc in order to gain his trust (with the ulterior motive that Madoc might trust him enough to help him with his coup).
But then, we must also consider why Lady Asha would tell the eldest prince of her friend’s plan in the first place.
One thought I had was that perhaps Balekin, having a slew of mortal servants under his roof, was the person who offered Eva the unidentifiable mortals left in Madoc’s house as “proof” of their death.
He’d have to have motive to do this, however. Which indicates he either had some sort of attachment to Asha, who was trying to help her friend escape Faerie, or Balekin valued the knowledge of their plan enough to help them carry it out.
Another less complicated motive for Lady Asha telling Balekin of Eva’s escape would be that Asha and Balekin had a history of being in cahoots with one another, which would point to a connection deeper than a passing acquaintanceship due to proximity at court.
It is a truth in The Folk of the Air series that children look very much like their biological parents.
Oak, biological son of Dain, looks an awful lot like Dain:
Oak is described as having deer legs, little horns on his head, and brown hair with streaks of gold.
Dain, in turn, is described as having deer legs, little horns, and golden curls.
This striking resemblance is what initially got me thinking on Cardan’s parentage. And it is further backed by the many other child-parent resemblances in the series:
Vivi is described as having inherited her father’s golden cat eyes and fur-tipped ears.
Locke has obviously inherited his mother’s “sunrise hair”.
And it could be argued that Oak inherited Liriope’s “starlit eyes”, as his are an amber-gold colour that might resemble an old star.
Lady Asha even states that Jude resembles both Eva and Justin greatly (TCP, p.129).
And in kind, Jude thinks that Lady Asha and Cardan look very alike, though she does not admit to this out loud.
These likenesses do not necessarily indicate anything other than a pattern, which could be total coincidence. But it does mean that we could reasonably conclude that faeries, as with humans, often take on characteristics of their parents.
Balekin is described as having black hair, pale skin, and silver eyes.
Cardan’s description in the series is quite similar:
He is said to have black curls, pale skin, and metallic-rimmed black irises.
When we compare that to Eldred’s description—golden hair and bronze owl-like eyes—it doesn’t seem like Cardan inherited many traits from the High King at all.
Now, this could be because Lady Asha’s characteristics were more dominant in Cardan’s inherited genes.
She is described as being pale, with raven hair, and black eyes. She also clearly passed her tail on to her son.
But the similarities between Cardan and Balekin go beyond the obvious. When Jude is hiding under a chair in Balekin’s study, she notices the following:
“In two strides, Balekin is in front of his brother. They look so alike standing close. Same inky hair, matching sneers, devouring eyes.” (TCP, p.119)
Indeed, this resemblance is echoed across the series. In The Wicked King, when Jude goes to visit Balekin in the Tower of Forgetting, she states:
“As I ascend, I glance back at Balekin’s face, severe in the green torchlight. He resembles Cardan too much for my comfort.” (TWK, p. 26)
And again, in the Undersea, when Balekin comes to interrogate her, Jude thinks:
“They have the same black hair. The same cheekbones.” (TWK, p. 240)
There is also the matter of Cardan’s name, which bears resemblance to Balekin’s physicality.
Balekin is described as having thorns on his forearms. Cardan is a name which is derived from Cardon, which means thistle. Thistles are a prickly flower that grow from stems of thorns.
We know Holly Black is very intentional with her descriptions and words. My question is, why would she go out of her way to draw these physical comparisons, to echo the sentiment that the two are strikingly similar, if Cardan and Balekin were merely brothers?
She could have said that Cardan, being raised in Balekin's household for much of his formative years, was moulded to adopt his brother's mannerisms and propensity for cruelty. She could have said the way that they talk, walk, carry themselves, etc. were extremely reminiscent of one another, and we as readers would've gotten the point: that Jude thinks Cardan and Balekin are alike in many ways.
But this isn't what Holly Black does. Which leads me to believe there is something else to the constant parallels she chooses to include.
I’m aware this entire post reads like a conspiracy theory. So to those of you who stuck it out this far, congratulations and welcome to the circus.
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I’ll be the first to admit that it is a big reach to say that this is fact rather than the speculation that it is. There are a lot of holes, which I can only hope might be filled in the coming duology.
That being said, this theory brings many questions to light.
How would Balekin know of Eva’s escape without having a more intimate relationship with her friend than previously thought?
Why would Lady Asha want her name stricken from Balekin’s lips so desperately as to make a bargain with him?
How could Lady Asha possibly be indebted to Balekin?
Why would Liriope and Asha be the only two characters with heavy necklaces of emeralds on their person if it didn’t mean they shared a similar history with the High King?
Why would Holly Black continuously compare Balekin and Cardan, indirectly pointing out that neither look much like their father or other siblings, but look undeniably like each other, if not to draw a deeper connection between the two?
And finally, and perhaps most importantly, if Lady Asha’s dalliance with Eldred was so brief—as is confirmed by Oriana in chapter 12 of QON— how did she come to be pregnant by him? We know faerie menstrual cycles don’t happen as often as mortals’.
Is this as simple as good luck, or does it speak to an affair no one knew was happening?
–Em 🖤🗡
more theories & analysis
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So it may just be me and my personal interpretation, but one thing that absolutely infuriates me is the "Cardan is a genius for his banishment plan and Jude did a dumb dumb by not returning" idea that some readers have.
Because that plan, as it was, would only work if, and only if, Jude was fae.
In fact, Jude even thinks about pardoning herself, and how that would not work (given the current situation as she knows it).
(I will illustrate my points with extracts of Queen of Nothing (QoN), and The Wicked King (TWK) of the Folk of the Air series by Holly Black)
recap: the plan was to exile Jude, and have her return via her pardoning herself a bit later when the coast was clear (lol unintentional sea pun) of the wrath of the Undersea disturbing negotiations.
"I exile Jude Duarte to the mortal world. Until and unless she is pardoned by the crown. (...) Meaning by the King of Faerie. Or it's queen. You could have returned anytime you wanted." (QoN chap 18)
Here is where the issue lies. Jude is High Queen of Elfhame, but has literally no way to prove it. She doesn't have the powers conferred to her as queen yet, she doesn't have the trust of the people, and she doesn't have the magical inability to lie that the fae have.
Now if Cardan had proclaimed her queen, she could, but he didn't. In fact, when he first exiles her, she proclaims that he can't do that on account of her being queen, which no one believes:
"But I am the Queen of Faerie," I shout, and for a moment, there is silence. Then everyone around me begins the laugh. (...) "Deny it, then," I yell. "Deny me!" He cannot, of course, so he does not. (TWK chap 30)
Which leads to Jude seeing through the plan and pushing it away because she could not trust Cardan to do what would be needed for it:
It occurs to me that maybe he made a mistake with that phrasing. Maybe I can pardon myself. But then I remember when I insisted I was the Queen of Faerie, and the guards laughed. Cardan didn't need to deny me. He only had to say nothing. And if I pardoned myself, he would only have to say nothing again. (QoN chap 6)
Meaning for her to actually pardon herself, she would have needed to illegally enter Faerie, not get caught, get into presence of Cadan so he could confirm the claim she is rightful queen, and then pardon herself publicly. Of course many of those steps are dangerous, and she has no reason trust Cardan.
If at any point she was caught in Faerie before being pardoned and confirmed queen by Cardan, well, it pretty much almost happens in the book.
"Clap her in chains," says Randalin. Never have I so wished there was a way for me to show I was telling the truth. But there isn't. No oath of mine carries any weight. (QoN chap 16)
The only thing that stops them from trying to arrest or kill her?
"Whatever do you mean?" Randalin says. "She's-" "She is my wife," Cardan says, his voice carrying over the crowd. "The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile." (QoN chap 16)
Cardan even seems to be aware of it at one point (a couple hours before he names her queen in fact):
"Since you're mortal, Jude, I cannot hold you to your promises . But you can hold me to mine: I guarantee you safe passage. Come back to Elfhame with me and I will give you the means to end your exile." (QoN chap 13)
Okay, so the plan was flawed, but why make it then?
"Let me remind you that I didn't know you'd murdered my brother, the ambassador to the Undersea, until that very morning," he says. "My plans were made in haste. And perhaps I was a little annoyed. I thought it would pacify Queen Orlagh, at least until all promises were finalized in the treaty. By the time you guessed the answer, the negotiations would be over." (QoN chap 18)
So we get the entire picture: the entire thing was a hastily made plan with expected flaws (Cardan's lack of undertanding of the treatment of mortals and the consequences thereof on Jude's decisions), born from the miscommunication and lack of communication between them, that ultimately worked, only with a couple hiccups.
It makes sense to their characters, to where they are in their character growth, individually and as a couple, to their understanding of each other.
Jude, who has figured out, manipulated, and maneuvered entire coups to take the throne and subsequently took one of the highest political positions did not suddenly become an idiot ignorant of political maneuvering. And Cardan, who did not expect, want, or even took over the functions of the throne if he didn't absolutely have to, did not suddenly become a political genius.
Instead, Jude, who often works alone, trusts only herself, and consequently does not report everything to Cardan, accidentally put him in a difficult position, and Candan, who has yet to really work with Jude and take into account her limitations and differences, did not take them into consideration in the plan he had to come up with on the fly. And then the complete lack of communication (and trust) aggravated the problem.
Lo and behold, what happens after their reunion? They start working together, communicating better, and developing trust.
Character development stemming from an incident caused and aggravated from their flaws. Aka good storytelling.
I.e. when the political fantasy book with a sprinkle of romance in the background actually brings the romance to the foreground and starts working on the couple.
This is of course, my own interpretation at the end of the day.
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likecanyoujustnot · 3 months
Cardan’s letters pov
Part 6: Jude
A/n: i wish holly hadve just had Asha put the letters in like a drawer and not burnt them because cardan really put his heart and soul into these letters
Part 5
I’d gone through an entire bottle of wine in the past hour. Plus whatever I’d had at dinner. I’d sworn I would drink as much after I became king.
The bomb had had one glass.
She looked at me with so much pity in her eyes I knew I must look like shit.
Another week had gone by with no correspondence from Jude. Not even a threat or anything to tell me she wasn’t coming back.
Just… nothing.
And it was killing me.
The bomb had been doing her usual routine spying from the rafters, keeping a special eye out for the ghost and anyone who worked for Madoc.
And upon seeing me absolutely wasted she’d taken me back to my room, where I’d proceeded to open another bottle.
“Why won’t she come home?” God I sounded pathetic.
She shrugged. “How am I supposed to know?”
“You’re her friend. You know how she works.”
“And so do you. You’re her… whatever.” Husband. The word meant nothing if no one but us knew. “You’ve known her longer than I have.”
And yet, I didn’t know why she stayed away.
“I just want her back.”
The bomb’s gaze softened, just a bit. “Maybe you shouldn’t’ve exiled her.”
“She killed my brother.”
“And yet you still want her back.”
“I don’t care about the brother part, it’s that if I hadn’t, Orlagh could’ve demanded a much higher price.” I took another gulp of the wine. “Her life.”
The bomb grabbed the glass from my hand. “No more of this. Don’t look at me like that, can’t have Jude back if you drink yourself to death.”
As much as I hated to admit it, she was right.
“You should get some sleep.”
“Why do you care?”
“Because you are my king, and I can’t have you acting like this.”
“You never cared before.” I leaned back on the couch and surveyed the spy.
“Jude was here before.”
“My every minute of existence does not revolve around her.”
She looked at me, as though I had found a way to lie. But it wasn’t a lie, otherwise I couldn’t have said it. My sleeping minutes didn’t revolve around her. Technicalities.
“You keep telling yourself that. The denial is so strong you can even convince yourself that’s true.”
“What do you mean?”
She leaned forward, forearms on her knees. “You, High King Cardan, in love with your mortal seneschal, Jude Duarte.”
She was good. And right. I couldn’t deny it, and the bomb knew that judging by the massive smile on her face.
“What do you know of love?”
“More than you’d think.” There was a sorrow in her voice. “But I do know you stare at Jude when you think no one is looking, you have been miserable since she left. You yearn for her presence, for her to be with you and it kills you that she’s not here.”
“What about you and the roach?”
Her smile dropped a fraction. “That is none of your concern.”
“Well then my relationships shouldn’t be any of yours.”
There was a pause, she sighed. “Look at us, the king of elfhame and his spy, sharing our miserable lives full of unrequited love.”
I sat up. “You think she doesn’t feel the same?”
She shrugged and took a sip from the wine glass she’d removed from me. “Jude’s mind works in strange ways, but then again so does yours.” She laughed. “Exile the woman you love, great idea, what could possibly go wrong?”
I scowled and she laughed again. “You can’t even deny you love her.”
“We’ve established that.”
“That’s what makes it funny.”
“Not to me.”
She shrugged again. “She definitely feels something for you, I saw the hurt in her eyes that day on the beach. Probably would’ve pained her less had you stabbed her in the stomach.”
Screw it. “We’re ma-”
There was a knock on the door. And the bomb got up to answer it.
I couldn’t hear the hushed words exchanged. I’d been so close to telling her the truth. Jude was queen. Her queen. My queen. And my wife.
The bomb came back and grabbed her cloak, calling over her shoulder. “There’s been an issue with some of our spies, I have to go take care of it. Don’t drink anymore.”
As if I would listen to her.
Everyone said alcohol was bad for you, but I was the high king, I was stronger and more powerful than the average faerie. And it numbed the pain.
That’s what I told myself as I went through another bottle.
I woke up, head pounding and wanting to throw up. How much did I drink?
At least I was in my bed, nothing but a pair of pants on.
There were three empty bottles on the table outside my bed chamber. So I’d had two once the bomb left. Not as many as I feared.
There was a note on the table, from the bomb?
No, it was in my handwriting.
One word.
Over and over again.
Until it got to the second last, which was different.
please Jude.
There were a few ink splatters on the page. Giving the intention drunk me had pressed too hard with the quill.
Seeing it brought back the memory of when we’d been in the court of shadows after the coronation.
When she’d questioned me about finding it in my room.
I didn’t ask how she’d found it, or why she’d been in my room. I didn’t care. And I didn’t care now. I just cared that she wasn’t here.
I didn’t even put on a shirt as I walked out of my room.
“This letter gets to Jude Duarte, or I will personally see your demise.”
The man looked at me, fear in his eyes as he took me in. Mad gilt in my eyes, no shirt, undoubtedly smelling of wine. He grabbed the letter and ran off.
I went back to my room.
I’d barely slammed the door shut before I’d collapsed against it, head in my hands.
How had I gotten here?
Someone knocked on the door.
A deep rumbling voice reached me, muffled through the door. “Your majesty.”
“Go away.” I hissed.
“I’m afraid it’s urgent.” The fool didn’t even hesitate.
“It. Can. Wait.”
“Taryn Duarte is here to see you.”
“She can wait too.”
“She says her husband is dead.”
I flung open the door.
I’m done!!
I’m not sure if I should write the trial from Cardan’s pov?
Or do smth manorian
Give me ideas
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ezziefae · 11 months
y’all need to STOP saying that jude is going to die because of her mortality!!!
yea we get it, she’s mortal (human) which makes her different than every one in faerie. But as long as she STAYS in faerie, she will not age to her death. (and jude has 0 interest in the mortal world for her to go back there, her home is faerie) Another advantage that Jude has is that she’s the QUEEN of Elfhame. She can heal from the land were she to get hurt! we already saw an important example of that when (SPOILER FROM QON) Madoc stabbed her and the land saved her. Jude doesn’t easily trust people, and she always has her guard up. She’s not EASY to kill.
C’mon!! this is Jude Duarte we’re talking about! she outlived Valerian and Locke. Beat Grima mog in a duel, murdered Balekin to SAVE Cardan, outsmarted the Court of Teeth, she even went as far as to CHOP the head of the man she loved and adored for a land that DESPISED her! and she would do sooooo much more!! she’s stronger and smarter than an average person living in faerie.
It baffles me that some of yall are DOUBTING Jude. The only reason the folk MOCKED jude for her mortality is because they feel superior to her, and they don’t LIKE seeing her win or become powerful. To the folk it’s an INSULT that a human has higher power. That why everyone in faerie bullied jude to make sure she’s reminded of her weakness, her mortality.
And i’m not saying that jude WONT die. Everyone in faerie can die. Cardan can die, the roach could die, the ghost, Queen orlagh, Nicasia could die. (and spoiler alert, all the characters i just named did ALMOST die, and jude/taryn who are mortal SAVED 3 out of the 5 people i just named)
like, i don’t see anybody saying: “omg cardan is gonna die someday, and jude is gonna be all alone 🥺💔 i’m gonna go sh*t TEARS BRB”
you get what i’m saying. Just because the folk can’t age to their death doesn’t mean they are immune to death…like cmon now. stop using jude’s mortality against her!! If it were a game of survival, the folk would die before Jude. She’d outlived them all. Period. 💗
Just like the bomb said in the Queen of Nothing
“Long Live Jude Duarte!”
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skullywullypully · 10 months
Queen Orlagh: *threatens Cardan with War*
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He really said 🥱🙄😐
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emmieisaloser · 5 months
Baphen in the wicked king: “i see a new monarch coming, but whether that’s a sign of Cardan deposed or Orlagh overturned or Nicasia made queen, i cannot say.”
the stars:
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clockworkbee · 2 years
We as a fandom don't talk enough about Cardan doing whatever the fuck he can without thinking of consequences all just for Jude and keeping her safe.
Like looking out for her when the royal family was getting slaughtered because (and I quote)
It’s not safe for you here.
Then putting a whole and the most important ally's court on line just to get Jude back from the Undersea,
Those were the terms under which Queen Orlagh would return you. Balekin chose the Court of Termites as the target, the Undersea attacked us, and your Cardan let her. There was no mistake.
Then how Cardan fought hard to keep Madoc from taking Jude when he was there to rescue her mistaking her for Taryn, as Madoc said,
He fought hard to keep you. “Half my knights never made it out, [...] We got in easily enough, but the brugh itself closed around us. Doorways cracked and shrank. Vines and roots and leaves obstructed our way, closed like vises on our necks, crushed and strangled us.”
Then one of the second best and most underrated scenes ever where he literally shielded Jude to keep her safe,
High up the wall, two inset doors open, revealing a round hole. All I have time to do before a spray of darts shoots out is point and make a sound of warning.
Cardan steps in front of me, pulling his cloak up. The metal needles glance off the fabric, falling to the floor. For a moment, we stare at each other, wide-eyed. He looks as surprised as I am that he protected me.
And of course, the most iconic scene,
Then Cardan’s voice comes. “Do not touch her.” [...]
“She is my wife,” Cardan says, his voice carrying over the crowd. “The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile.”
Not to mention the fact that he accompanied her and was offended to know anyone thought he'd let his queen go alone,
They seem rattled when they realize who he is. And somehow he finds that to be the thing that annoys him most of all, that they thought he wouldn’t be bothered to come, that he would leave this to Jude.
I'm just saying, Jude protected him half the time because she had to but my boy did so because he couldn't imagine being terrified for her, thinking some harm might come to her 🥺
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viivdle · 5 months
orlagh, the wicked king:
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