#Promotions : Gold Media Entertainment
wangzaixiaoyige · 2 years
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buffyfan145 · 25 days
Wow, Fellowship of Fans posted today their final scoops article now that the season 2 "Rings of Power" promotion is finally starting and they'll be switching to posting what comes from the cast/crew and the entertainment media, but it's majorly changes things as they were given false information again. They apologized too as it turns out who they said Calam Lynch was playing is false. I feel bad for those fans as they also confirmed that character never was cast for season 2 but will appear in a later season. I'm going to post a recap of their spoilers, as they got more about Charlie Vickers' Halbrand/Sauron and even Haladriel spoilers, and who Calam really is but the article above as so much more to read.
Again confirmed what the other scoopers were saying that Celeborn has not been cast for the show yet. Calam is playing an elf but FOF is saying it's not Annatar and Annatar is another actor. Calam's role is small too and he actually shares more screentime with Selina Lo, Charles Edwards' Celebrimbor, and the other elves. The chemistry test with him and Morfydd never happened either but was also false spoiler spread by Amazon to catch the leaker among the crew.
I know a lot of the Celeborn fans are going to be upset about this as they have to wait even longer for him to show up and I feel for them.
The actor playing Annatar wasn't revealed to them but he has dark hair unlike the white/blonde hair most fans think. They shared a concept photo of what Annatar looks like too. This actor only filmed a few scenes with Adar and in Eregion, and both him and Charlie filmed flashbacks telling Sauron's backstory. Apparently doesn't affect Charlie's screentime as much as we thought which is a good thing imo.
Charlies Vickers does turn back into his form of Sauron during the Battle of Eregion and will be shown in his full black and gold armor (I was hoping for this LOL).
Charlie and Morfydd's Galadriel share important scenes together in the finale after he transforms back to the Halbrand form.
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animesavior · 2 months
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“We did it! And we all lived to see it, too.” -          Tanjiro Kamado, Demon Slayer: Entertainment District Arc (Ep. 11)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for March 23-24, 2024. This week marked the season finale of Demon Slayer, as Toonami aired the final episode of the Entertainment District Arc.
For this week’s social media buzz, #Toonami trended in the United States on Twitter alongside Ninja Kamui and Lycoris Recoil. Meanwhile, #Toonami also trended on Tumblr alongside Demon Slayer.
This week’s feature was the promo for Zom 100, which will air Saturdays at 12:30 a.m. EDT/PDT; taking over Demon Slayer’s spot on the lineup as that show goes on a hiatus. There is no word at this time when Toonami and Aniplex plans on airing Demon Slayer's next season, the Swordsmith Village Arc. Let’s hope that wait for season 3 isn’t as long as last time.
If you missed it, this week, I posted an Op-Ed on Toonami Squad titled "The 2020’s Anime and Streaming Service Bubble Burst," as I look into the controversies regarding the Warner Bros Discovery merger, the Funimation-Crunchyroll merger, their respective effects on Toonami, and how what's going on with both could lead to another anime bubble burst, and one for streaming services overall.
I’m unfortunately running a bit late on Trending Rundowns, so expect the March 30-31 edition to be posted tomorrow. Until next time, stay gold as always.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
#Toonami [#9]
#NinjaKamui [#8]
#LycorisRecoil [Trended with #Toonami]
Tumblr Trends:
#Toonami [#6]
#DemonSlayer [Trended with #Toonami]
If you wish to send me a tip for the work on the trending rundown, donations can be sent to PayPal.Me/DanielLimjoco.
Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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violettduchess · 2 years
Clavis with hyacinth? 👀
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A/N: This is the FINAL fic in my 500 Follower Celebration.
To both anons: I hope you don't mind I combined/tweaked these two requests because they fit together so nicely.
Hollywood AU, Clavis and f!reader
fluff, angst, kisses
Word Count: 4518
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Your arms ache as you wipe down the splotchy navy blue counter for the umpteenth time that day. Even though the sun is trailing its last few rays across a pastel sky, a glance at the clock reminds you that you still have 20 minutes to go before your shift is done and you can close. You narrow your eyes in a fierce glare but the clock keeps right on ignoring you, a cold, cruel taskmaster.
“‘Scuse me, lady, could you turn it up?” The customer sitting at the far end of the counter in front of the mounted TV gestures with his fork, bits of cherry pie still clinging to the prongs.
You paste on your most accommodating smile. “Of course, sir.” Your sore feet carry you to the other end of the counter where you kick the small step-stool into a better position before standing and manually raising the volume. The remote had decided it would escape its life of servitude in the tiny diner and had disappeared weeks ago. Your boss was too stingy to buy another so that left you as the living, breathing channel changer and volume controller. 
Taking a minute, you lean back against the counter to see what the customer wants to watch. 
“Entertainment Today with a rare interview with elusive Oscar-nominated actor Chevalier Michel. We talk about his newest movie, “The Fall of the Brutal Beast”, which is already generating Oscar buzz, and get exclusive details about his upcoming wedding to supermodel Belle! Stay tuned!”
You roll your eyes subtly as you turn away from the screen, walking to check on the coffee machine. Any story claiming to have an exclusive with the notoriously press-wary Chevalier is probably bogus. “An interview” is likely a couple of sentences that the actor would repeat almost verbatim to every reporter on the press junket, if he did any promotion at all. It is this very exclusivity that heightens his mystique, that makes fans rabid for any crumb of information about the method actor. God, when the news broke that he was actually engaged to the bright and bubbly Belle, it was as if someone had dropped a boatload of chum into shark-infested waters. An absolute media frenzy.
Your watch makes a beeping sound, making a grab for your attention. Nearly 8 pm. That curves your lips into a genuine smile as you begin the process of making a large Cafe Mocha, iced, with whipped cream and a dusting of cinnamon. You’ve just finished tapping the final bit of cinnamon on top when the front door opens, bringing with it a tall man in jeans, a lilac and gold button down shirt, black Ray Bans, and a white baseball cap with the red rose of the Rhodolite Wellness Center on it. He slides into his usual spot at the very end of the counter, away from the TV, and you head over, sliding his regular order in front of him. He flashes you a grateful smile which grows even larger when you dip into the glass cookie jar and fish out one of today’s freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies.
He glances around the nearly empty diner and then removes his sunglasses, tucking them into the V of his shirt. His brandy-colored eyes meet yours and your heart takes a tumble inside your chest. 
“And? Did you watch it?” He bites into his cookie, managing to grin even as he chews.
Your smile tells him all he needs to know but you answer anyway. “I sure did. It was hilarious. The bit about your experiment gone wrong in 10th grade chemistry had me rolling."
There it is, that thousand watt smile you have come to love so much. You and about a million other fans. He takes a sip of his coffee, watching as you go about your business of tidying up, getting ready to close the diner. Cherry Pie leaves a ten on the counter and heads for the exit when he stops, doing a double take.
"Hey wait a minute! I know you. You're Clavis Lelouch!"
Clavis makes eye contact with you first and you give a small shrug. He comes in right before closing so that he doesn't draw attention but sometimes it's unavoidable.
"Guilty," he says with a short laugh.
Cherry Pie wipes his hands on his dirty jeans before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone.
"Could I get a selfie?"
You watch out of the corner of your eye as Clavis graciously nods, getting up to go stand with the man. He gives his signature crooked smile and Cherry Pie grins from ear to ear as he takes the picture.
"Thanks man," he says as he looks at the picture proudly. "My buddies aren't going to believe I met Chevalier Michel's brother!" 
Inwardly you wince, but Clavis's smile remains, unmoving as a mountain in a storm. This is not the first time he has been lashed with the name “Chevalier” and it certainly won’t be the last.
"Have a great night," he manages but Cherry Pie is already out the door, posting the picture to all of his social media accounts. 
At that moment the chef pops his head around the corner.
"I'm heading out. You'll lock up? Oh hey Clavis."
Clavis slides back onto his stool and gives the chef a two-fingered salute.
"Hi Yves."
"Yeah, I'll lock up. See you Evie."
You hear the familiar sound of the diner's back door closing before you sigh, walking to turn the Open sign around to Closed before heading back over to your favorite customer.
"You better get going. If Pie Crust posts where he was when he took that selfie you're bound to get hounded by fans."
Clavis's gaze is focused on his drink. "Or paparazzi wanting to know about the damn wedding." He says it quietly but you feel the swell of his words, raw and tender and bruised. Pushing aside the straw, he lifts the glass to his lips and finishes the sweet coffee in several gulps. You've asked him in the past why he drinks coffee so late. He claims he doesn't sleep much anyway. Somehow that also strikes you as sad.
“Hey,” he says, his voice suddenly lighter, brighter, like a spotlight switched on to drown out the darkness. “I wanted to talk to you about something. Can I walk you home? You’ve mentioned you don’t live far from here.”
Surprise trips your heart yet again and you blink, momentarily wondering if you misheard. “But….what about your car?”
“I had my driver drop me off.” He slides a $50 on the counter and you know by now that he will refuse to take any change. The ridiculous amount of money left over is always tip for you. 
“Alright, let me just finish closing. We can go out the back.”
He slides his Ray-Bans over his golden eyes, a cloud blocking the sun, and smiles.
The walk back to your apartment complex is exceedingly awkward. This is the first time you have ever been with him outside the diner and it feels like without a counter between you, you aren't sure what to do with yourself. Your limbs feel loose and uncontrolled like a puppet whose puppeteer has gone too lax with the strings. 
Clavis is no help. He keeps his head down, probably out of force of habit, and follows your lead, for once quiet when you wish he wouldn’t be. You feel a slight twinge of embarrassment when you open the rusted gate of your apartment complex. There is a tiny courtyard with a few scraggly palm trees and a meager water fountain that looks like the Trevi….if someone had removed the tridents and horses and beaten up Oceanus.
Cheap blue and gold spotlights, badly hidden in the bushes, shine on the fountain and the chipped cement bench in front of it. You sit down pointedly on the bench, not about to actually ask a world-famous comedian inside your cluttered apartment, no matter how well you two get along. He follows your lead and settles down beside you.
"It's almost dark, you know." You nod toward his sunglasses and he reaches up, removing them with one hand. Why that movement makes your heart skip a beat is beyond you. Silently you tell it to pull itself together, focus on pumping blood and not falling over because Clavis removed his sunglasses in a movement as smooth as glass.
"This city is never dark," he mutters as he looks up at the sky which is slowly growing dim, but never quite enough that you can see the stars well. 
You study his profile, the sharp line of his cheekbones, the point of his chin, those impossibly long lashes framing eyes the color of liquid gold. His brother may get all the attention but anyone who doesn't see the beauty in the man seated next to you is blind. 
He finally tears his gaze away from the sky, and drops it to his hands which are fiddling with his sunglasses.
"So you know that Chev's premiere is in a week."
"Everyone knows that." Critics were practically salivating at the chance of seeing the great Chevalier Michel on screen again after the huge success of his last film, a modern interpretation of Richard III which earned Chevalier rave reviews and several high-profile awards.
Clavis opens and closes his sunglasses, his fingers moving with an almost elegant finesse, a stark contradiction to the comedian whose comedy relies heavily on silly pranks and self-deprecating anecdotes.
"I have to go. It's good publicity for the special and Sariel, being the good manager he is, suggested rather strongly that I don't show up to this alone, seeing as how it's also they’re first official outing since…." He stops for a second, as if he can't quite form the word without it getting caught in his throat. He tries again. "Since the engagement to Belle." 
Hearing the supermodel's name brings a rush of images to mind, glossy photos of her and Clavis, the model and the funnyman. They were photographed everywhere, at all times, but no matter what they were doing, no matter how candid the shots, he was always smiling. Because he loved her. It was as clear as Maldivian waters how much he did. Whenever he had given an interview and had been asked about her, there was a luminous shine in his eyes. The pride he felt when she was on his arm at a premiere was written in the lines of his body, the curve of his arm around her. They were envied and idolized and everyone wanted to know more about the "Clavelle" love story.
Until, like so many fantasies, it fell apart, an explosion of glitter that turned to ashes at his feet when Belle met Chevalier. 
They became the number one news item for months, the media painting Clavis as the broken-hearted clown who was forced to make way for the love story of the century. The world's most eligible bachelor, a man who had never shown any interest in anything other than his craft, falls for the beautiful, brown-eyed girl-next-door with her gentle laugh and million dollar smile. Never once was Chevalier painted as a villain for stealing his brother’s girlfriend. He was a star of the highest caliber, shining his light down from a distance none could touch. 
Now, months later, the premiere would mark the first time all of them were in the same place at the same time. 
Clavis removes his baseball cap, running a hand through his twilight hair. You fight the tingle in your fingers that wants to smooth it down again. 
"Anyway Sariel thinks if I show up with a date it'll keep the media from continuing with the "sad brother" angle." He finally stops messing with his glasses and fixes his gaze on you. "I think he's right and I want you to be my date."
Your brain is filled with the sound of screeching tires as your heart yanks hard on the hand brake.
"Huh?" is your eloquent reply.
He laughs, but you see the way he is playing with the brim of his cap, fingers restless as dragonflies darting about a pond. He is as nervous asking you as you are shocked to hear it.
“I…..I like you. You listen and you’re really nice and you make a killer coffee. And while some attention is great, they won't push too hard about our story. The press isn’t as interested if I bring someone who isn’t famous. No offense.”
“None taken,” you say automatically, staring at him. The silence stretches out, like taffy. Thinner and thinner, longer and longer. Finally you break it.
“What if….do they ask questions? About how we met?”
He shakes his head, his eyes bright and eager when he realizes you are considering it.
“We’ll walk the red carpet, no questions or interviews. Just pose for some pictures and then hurry inside. Watch the stupid movie and then poof, we’re out of there. I’ll be going on tour soon anyway. No other public appearances like this lined up so it’s a one-time deal.” He looks so earnest, leaning toward you, his gaze wandering your face, searching for that one word he is hoping so hard you will utter.
How can you say anything but….
“Ok. Yes. I’ll do it.”
Why oh why did you agree to this?!
The wall of flashing lights. The photographers screaming like birds of prey, their voices thunderous and insistent, a drumming that never stops. A dress that costs more than your annual rent poured over your body. Shoes designed to look good first and ask questions about comfort later. Your hair smells like product, your skin feels like rubber under all the makeup. You feel unreal, like a doll someone props on a shelf, still in its box. A beautiful display. 
Panic rears its ugly head, jaws unhinged, ready to swallow you whole.
And then you feel his arm wrap around your waist. A hand press reassuringly into your side against the sequins of your dress. A touch that is solid. Real. 
He leans down, his mouth right next to your ear, the anchor in a sea of turbulent waters.
“Look at me, Bright Eyes. Just look at me.”
You turn your head, your gaze locking with his and ah, there he is, the same man who drinks his overly-sweet coffee while regaling you with side-splitting stories about his first gigs in seedy bars and smoky rooms. The man who once listened as you complained about your feet hurting and showed up the next day with a pair of cushy sneakers he swore he just happened to find in some leftover swag bag in his closet. The man who notices every other customer in the diner and makes up outrageous origin stories about them under his breath just to get you to laugh. Who truly wants to know everything about your sleazy cousin back home, your neighbor’s foul-mouthed parrot, and why it’s a crime to put ketchup on scrambled eggs.
He smiles and the bright lights melt into the background. The voices blend together becoming a subtle roar. He fills your vision and in this alien world, he steadies you and guides you, expertly, to safety.
You lean into him as you step inside the dark doorway to the theater where the movie will be screened and he keeps you pressed close to his side. Only when you are led to your seats does he remove his arm. You feel the loss of his touch so keenly, so suddenly it nearly takes your breath away….and makes the moment when he reaches for your hand, threading his fingers between yours on the armrest between your seats that much easier to accept. 
It's for show, you tell yourself. Nothing else. Performance, like everything in this town. 
And yet, the feel of his hand in yours warms your heart like the glowing embers of an autumn fire. 
The lights go down, blanketing the audience in darkness. No one can see your joined hands now.
And yet, throughout the entire two hour saga, neither of you makes the first move to unlock your fingers and separate.
Behind the plastic, oversized, obnoxiously green potted plant is the perfect place to hide. Your mascara runs down your cheeks in black rivulets.  You feel like there's a stone pressing down on your chest, your lungs barely able to expand and contract.
You know it was wrong to have left Clavis there, but when faced with humiliation, the ur-alt part of your brain said to run. And run you did.
It had gone swimmingly. The movie was brilliant. Begrudgingly you had to acknowledge that Chevalier was incredible. And Clavis had kept your hand in his the whole time. Your first premiere was a dream.
Until it began the slow descent into grotesque nightmare.
All it had taken was one producer who recognized you. A man, with whom your interaction was limited to a daily cappuccino, lowered the Gucci sunglasses he had been wearing indoors and yelled, "Yo! Waitress? Diner on Lakewood? That you?"
That had turned the heads of not only several glittering dresses and overpriced suits, but one head of white blond hair and an Arctic gaze. 
It swung over to where you were standing, your hand on Clavis's arm, and you found yourself flattened under the heavy hammer of judgment in those cold blue eyes. Chevalier arched one beautiful brow and said before a room of admirers, his cool voice projecting across the crowd:
"Really, Clavis? A waitress?" 
His tone was hard with icy disapproval and something edging close to contempt. 
Around you others began to buzz, flies circling something offensive, something rotten. Their expressions burned into your mind, some disgusted, some partially curious. You could have handled them all if not for the flash of embarrassment that you caught on Clavis's face, lightning illuminating the sky of his features just a second before he slid his plastic smile in place and words of droll apathy rolled from his tongue.
But you had seen it, that look. He was embarrassed by you and it hurt, stung like salt in the open wound that lightning had burned across your heart. And so you had turned on your fancy heel and you had run.
And now you're hiding behind a fake plant, trying to stop the pain of hot humiliation running through your veins.
You don’t know how long you have been hiding there, trying to gather the courage to just walk away, when one of the large, plastic leaves is pulled back, leaving a tiny cloud of dust motes in its wake.
You look away, unable to meet his gaze. 
“Bright Eyes,” he says as he reaches out, tentatively taking your hand in his. This time there aren’t butterflies in your stomach, but the warning, angry hum of a swarm filling your mind. 
He feels the change in you and drops your hand. Again silence as the man who talks for a living searches for the right words. 
“I’d like to show you something,” he finally says, his voice gentler than you have ever heard it. “Please?” He holds his hand out one more time. You should reject him. You should walk out of there with your borrowed dress and cheap earrings and pretend you had never agreed to this charade.
But his eyes…..warm pools of melted gold, rich with hope that you will trust him one more time, draw you in, a moth to a golden flame. You wonder if Helios himself had gifted Clavis with those eyes, those twin flames that seem to burn you right to your core.
For the second time that night, you slid your hand into his and let him guide you.
He leads you away from the crowd, from the pack of glamorous wolves, through a maintenance door, to a stairwell of cement and iron, a utilitarian thing that leads you up and up and up…..until finally another set of doors, which he bursts through, you just a step behind him.
Your heels step onto gravel, your eyes are filled with an endless sky, muted by the glow of city lights. He turns, illuminated, and smiles.
“Better, right?”
He leads you to the roof’s ledge and drops your hand.
“Clavis, be careful!” He has perched himself onto the wide, cement border, and the sight of him with nothing behind him, just bright lights and cityscape, has you moving forward, hands held out in a gesture of instinctual protection. As you come close, he reaches for you, taking your hands in his and with a smile brighter than the famous Hollywood sign, he pulls you close. 
You stare at one another, the sounds of the city floating up around you, the night sky wide and welcoming. Holding his hands feels good, like a key turning and unlocking a door with a satisfying click. You wonder if tonight something has unlocked between the two of you.
His thumbs move slowly over the tops of your hands.
“I’m so sorry,” he murmurs. “I’ve told you before he’s a real asshole.”
A sad, wobbly laugh leaves you on an exhale. “Lucky me got to see it firsthand.” You raise your gaze to his now and are surprised at the concern in his expression, the way his head is tilted, empathetic. 
“I’m sorry I embarrassed you.” The words are quiet and you feel the shame bubble up again, hot and undeniable. “I should have just told you no.”
His thumbs stop moving over your skin. He squeezes your hands for a moment as the warm wind stirs his dusky hair.
“You did not embarrass me, Bright Eyes. He did. He’s my brother and he has the nerve to–” Clavis stops speaking, letting the angry, bitter thing that had flared up fade away instead of elaborating and adding fuel to a fire that never quite burns out. He sighs and you feel the urge to touch his face, to soothe the lines of exhaustion you see there. “You,” he continues, “could never embarrass me.”
And then his hands pull gently, urging you to step closer. He’s tall enough that sitting, even with you in heels, you’re face to face. He releases one hand, reaching up to brush back your hair, wild strands that escaped your careful French twist. His eyes rival the neon glow of the city as they travel your face, his expression soft in a way you’ve never seen before. 
He leans towards you.
“Are you sure?” Your words stop his movement, just inches away from you, quiet but solid as a wall. “He’s right. I’m just some waitress in a crappy diner on the edge of town who makes good coffee.”
A slight smirk, the one you have seen in many of his routines and publicity shots because it is so alluring, so captivating.
“Someone who can actually make good coffee is so hard to find,” he quips softly and you laugh, a breathless sound of nervousness and wonder. His grin widens at the sound. “There you are.” He nudges your nose with his. “Now, can we get on with the business of me kissing you?”
“If we have to,” you murmur and you feel the way his hand squeezes yours, the startled, delighted laugh that escapes him. 
“You’re lucky you’re so lovely….” he sighs, his voice low and warm and just for your ears. He trails off and then without warning closes the distance between you and kisses you.
Your diner sells every type of pie imaginable. So many varieties of cookies, muffins, doughnuts and pastries. You’ve tasted them all. And not one of them comes close to the sweetness of kissing Clavis Lelouch. Despite his initiating things, his kiss feels almost shy.  HIs lips are pressed against yours, cloying and warm, yet chaste. His arms wrap around your waist and pull you even closer. You slide your hands over his shoulders and then drape them around his neck. 
The gentle kiss breaks like stardust and you sigh happily, your whole body thrumming with something exciting and sweet, like possibility has injected itself into your soul and lifted you up out of a mundane existence and given you wings. When you open your eyes, you find him watching you, his breathing quick as he shakes his head ever so slightly.
“What’s wrong?” Worry prunes your feathers, anxiety stands ready to clip your newfound wings before you even take flight.
"I just-" He stops, his gaze moving over the planes of your face like he can't take you in fast enough, like a thirsty man gulping water, afraid it will be taken from his grasp at any moment. "I'm kind of a mess, Bright Eyes. The things I joke about, the family drama and how I feel about him and always trying to live up to what people expect…" The words tumble out, too fast and all at once, a pitcher spilling all of its content as it falls to the ground, about to break.
You tighten your arms around him, stop him from crashing.
"Hey…." You lean forward, touching his forehead with your own. "Everyone is messy."
His golden-hour eyes close. "There's a lot of baggage that comes with dating me. I don't know why you'd want to." His voice is barely a whisper, almost lost in the muted sound of traffic far below.
You nudge his nose with yours, getting him to open his eyes. What he sees is your smile, the one that brought him back to the diner again and again and again.
"Because you're the best tipper I've ever had," you answer wryly.
Again he laughs, pulled from the shadows of his own mind by your humor, your light. He slides off the ledge, keeping you within the circle of his arms.
"It's not going to be easy," he murmurs as he leans down, his lips brushing yours in the lightest of kisses.
"So what," you whisper back, head tipped back, eyes already closed. Again his lips touch yours, light and sweet and quick.
"You're not worried," he says against your lips, the words warm and soft.
"Not in the slightest," you manage before you rise up onto your toes and press your lips firmly to his, forcing him to accept the fact that all the monsters he thinks he is sheltering don't scare you in the least. You grasp the back of his neck with one hand and part your lips in invitation. Let me in. Let me love you.
He accepts and on his lips you taste the sweet thrill of a new beginner, his tongue and yours writing the first words of a new chapter for you both. 
As you hold each other under the glow of bright lights and dim stars, you find your heart lifting with joy.
Maybe in Hollywood, some dreams really do come true.
Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @atelieredux @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesroseforclavis @somekidnamedkai @ikemen-prince-writers-posts @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @ikehoe @redheadkittys @themysticalbeing @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @queen-dahlia @moonstruck-writing @scorchieart
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lvcky0ne · 7 months
hot topic! is the first english single album by lucky. it was released on november 25, 2023 by the lucky one, a subsidiary of rainbow entertainment. the album features sunnie and hiro as a sub-unit on 4 self-written tracks, hot topic! being the title track. it is available both physically and digitally.
sunnie and hiro promoted the album for 2 weeks in the united states. the album peaked at 29 on the billboard global hot 200, with hot topic! peaking at 78 and fetish peaking at 19 on the billboard hot 100. the album also charted in south korea, brazil, malaysia, canada, spain, and the uk. it reached gold certification in brazil and the us and silver certification in the uk. due to not promoting in korea, it received no music show wins.
。:°ஐ   i. the tracklist !
✧.   hot topic! ( title track )
✧.   sunnie b-side ; dancing with our hands tied
✧.   hiro b-side ; fetish ft. gucci mane
✧.   duo b-side ; not a pop song
。:°ஐ ii. buy the album !
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✧.   hot version
. cd, photobook ( 60 p ), photocards ( 8ver. 2ea ), sticker sheet ( 1ver. 1ea ), unit film strip ( 4ver. 1ea ), mini-poster ( 2ver. 1ea )
. pre-orders only ; poster ( 2ver. 1ea ), polaroid card ( 6ver. 1ea )
✧.   cool version
. cd, photobook ( 60 p ), photocards ( 8ver. 2ea ), sticker sheet ( 1ver. 1ea ), unit film strip ( 4ver. 1ea ), mini-poster ( 2ver. 1ea )
. pre-orders only ; poster ( 2ver. 1ea ), polaroid card ( 6ver. 1ea )
✧. get your photocards here !
。:°ஐ iii. the styling !
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。:°ஐ iv. the reception !
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。:°ஐ v. the notes !
✧   4luvs loved this concept for the pair and their unapologetic lyrics aimed at the haters they've had their whole career
✧   some fans weren’t fond of the song itself with its club beat sound, while others praised it
✧   this album got much more acclaim among international fans, possibly because of it being entirely in english
✧   while the title track was popular, the song that gained the most traction was fetish
✧   hiro received praise for her vocal ability which rarely gets showcased in other songs by the group
✧   the song also received notability from the collaboration with a major american rap artist, even gaining popularity among mainstream western listeners
✧   while many loved the song, hiro still received backlash for the sexual nature of the title and lyrics
✧   the pair also received praise for having writing credits on every song
✧   the majority of the promotion for this album took place in america, performing on shows including good morning america, the kelly clarkson show, and the tonight show with jimmy fallon
✧   the girls shined in the interview portions of these shows, showing off the english skills that they worked hard to prepare
✧   american audiences noted their unapologetic and confident nature when it came to their attitudes and music
✧   sunnie said the title track was first her idea, citing that her inspiration came from the fact that much of their group’s success had been built on infamy and what people online or the media had to say about them
✧   they also appeared on wired’s most searched questions interview 
✧   overall, this era brought new opportunities and experiences for the pair as well as a chance to show off their talents and self-expression with largely untethered creative freedom
✧   it is not the most popular among their albums, but it is definitely a notable one, opening up brand new avenues for the group and fans alike
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freifraufischer · 11 months
GIGA Pro Gym's Team - Does anyone know how to do what they say they want to do?
Presented here are the bios from their website (as of the end of June 2023). I am going to flag what I want you to look for... who here has the technical background to run a multimedia platform. Or are they a marketing person who might have worked in media. I'm going to emphasis these are direct quotes. I'm changing nothing.
I also want to point out that Fox's "early career includes Summer Olympic TV broadcast coverage" is that she was a group VP for Time Warner Cable in the early 2000s. And "start up launches for pro-cycling and senior tennis" still doesn't name what these enterprises are, we've been unable to identify what they might be among non-defunct entities.
*** *** ***
Aimee Boorman: Cofounder and Chief Events Officer
Decorated and globally respected head coach, including 12 years coaching the sport’s all-time greatest, Simone Biles. Collaborative leader with deep technical expertise. Head coach of USA’s Rio Olympic and World Championship gold medal teams. Dutch National team coach at 2020 Tokyo Olympics as well as 2021 World and European Championships; 3X USAG Coach of the Year and 2016 USOPC Coach of the Year. USAG Master of Sport; FIG & USAG judge.
Maura Fox: Cofounder and Chief Executive Officer
Entrepreneur and executive leader with 20+ years in sports, media, technology and entertainment. Long career delivering innovation for cable TV, data tech, and OTT platforms, and successfully launching new products, services, and start ups. Early career includes Summer Olympic TV broadcast coverage, start up launches for pro-cycling and senior tennis, and regional sports net launch of national network brand. Later, led cable TV’s 1st ever IPTV trial and industry leading launches of VOD, SVOD, DVR, and remote DVR services; more recently, led tech transition of linear TV sports channel to all-digital network, product strategy for start up of first-of-its-kind TV data-analytics using census-based data lake-house, and product strategy for $2B IT end user firm.
LaPrise Williams: Cofounder and Chief Sports Engagement Officer
Engagement specialist, business owner, St Vincent and the Grenadines Gymnastics Association (SVGGA) technical director, and women’s sports trailblazer on international stage; Head Coach Baylor University Acrobatics and Tumbling 2011-2014, Co-owner/head coach HUGS gymnastics, Owner/director Dolphin Gymnastics; Coach of USA world gymnastics team member, Ashley Miles; Coach of USA national team members, USA Master of Sport; Texas State Board Member (former), FIG/PAGU committee member 2019, FIG Brevet judge; SVGGA Olympic Committee Board of Trustee member; Coaching consultant Dutch National and Developmental Teams 2020.
Laurie DeFrancesco: Advisor Board Member
GIGA rules chair, 25+ year head coach and gym owner, NCAA and NAWGJ judging official, and co-founder, CT Gymnastics Hall of Fame
Chellsie Memmel: Advisor Board Member
USAG high-performance and technical leader; former World Champion, 2008 Olympian, and internationally rated BREVET judging official
KJ Kindler: Advisor Board Member
OU Women’s Gymnastics Head Coach, 6x NCAA Team Championship titles – including 2023, 3x NCAA Coach of the Year, and Chair of WCGA Rules Committee
Jessica O’Beirne: Advisor Board Member
Creator/ producer of GymCastic podcast; writer, social influencer, and multimedia journalist, on air talent and expert analyst for sport of gymnastics
Lauren LoFrisco
Promotional marketing and sales expert with brand leadership in media and entertainment industries, and prominent management and consulting roles at HBO, TWC, Road Runner, and Comcast
Nicole Perrelle
Trusted advisor for digital execution, innovation strategy, and process optimization, with management and leadership roles including Gartner, Deloitte, and Amazon
Trish Scanlon
Branded entertainment and creative services executive with deep expertise in cable, TV, and lifestyle brands, including networks such as HGTV, Travel, In Demand, and Food Network
Jen Smith
Entrepreneur and strategic advisor, specializing in start up ventures and investor relations; deep experience delivering customer experience optimization, growth, and stakeholder value
Ben Wiles
Legal Counsel, Corporate Matters; deep legal experience and expertise in venture capital, private equity, and emerging growth matters
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compellingselling · 1 year
Cannes is the ultimate advertising ICYMI
I try to keep up with what's causing the industry to buzz, but every year projects surface at Cannes that I missed. Here are some of my favorites that I didn't know about until they popped up at the 2023 Cannes Creativity Festival.
Chipotle Doppelgänger
While there are a gazillion of combinations of Chipotle's various ingredient options, agency GALE figured out how to tell when two people somewhere in the country placed the exact same mobile order at around the same time and messaged each where their "Chipotle Doppelgänger" was. Search it on Google and you'll see how much organic attention these received. Case study above. Agency: GALE. Lion: Gold, Data-Driven Targeting
Muskrat Magazine "Missing Matoaka"
The cynic in me couldn't help seeing many purposed-driven Cannes entries and winners as desperate attempts at trophies rather than sincere concern for a problem. But I admire this one for being so innovative and clever in how they attempt to counter the inaccuracies in Disney's Pocahontas. (And, okay, I'll admit that it's a stretch that their "client" is a small publication.) Agency: BBDO, Toronto. Lion: Gold, Silver, and Bronze, Brand Experience & Activation; Gold, Radio & Audio
I see Coke
Pepsi arrived to Saudi Arabia before Coke, so they have more share and spend more on media. “In a region where Coke is the challenger and not the leader, there was still one place Coca-Cola owned: movies and TV shows. So, we turned 100 years of product placements on the big screen into an interactive, shoppable experience using voice [Alexa].” Easier said than done. I can’t imagine what it took to pull this off, but it’s a fun idea. They claim that brand awareness increased 234% as a result. Case study here. Agency: VMLY&R. Lion: Silver, Radio & Audio
Opt Ink
McCann’s client wanted to increase the number of Germans who consent to donate their organs. Their ingenious solution: “a free tattoo designed by renowned ink artist Gara” and offered at 250 studios across the country. They promoted it at tattoo conventions, through influencers, and got a ton of free PR. Turns out 25% of Germans already have a tattoo, so they had a built-in audience. Case study here. Agency: McCann Germany. Lions: Gold, Social & Influencer; Silver, Direct; Silver, PR; Bronze, Direct; Bronze, Media.
Clash From The Past
To celebrate Clash of the Clans' 10th anniversary, Wieden + Kennedy created a 20-minute documentary celebrating the make-believe FORTY-year history of the game. This is reminiscent of the "Make-Believe History of Black Star Beer" which was also done by Wieden and also won big in the award shows. But I think it's okay to steal from your own agency's history.
In addition to the 20-minute documentary – which has was produced really well, especially the old commercials – the game makers invited current fans of the game to play games from Clash's make-believe historic origins. Winner of the Grand Prix for Gaming AND Grand Prix for Entertainment. Case study here. Full documentary here.
Cashback for your jersey's back
Just before the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the Brazil national team made the jersey they would be competing in available for purchase by fans. The Nike jersey was the most expensive ever. Flash, "a benefits card" that gives cash back for certain purchases, announced on social that they would reimburse half the cost of the jersey if fans put "Flash" on the back of the jersey instead of a player's name. That's a very clever guerrilla tactic that answered a real problem for fans and got Flash a ton of attention. I won't say it was "free publicity," because they did have to pay out a lot to cover half the cost of the jerseys ordered before Nike's website blocked people from putting "Flash" on their jerseys. Case study here. Agency: FCB Brazil. Lion: Gold, Social & Influencer
Sorriso sponsors Sorriso
Sorriso is the name of a Colgate toothpaste and a big shot football player. “Sorriso” means “smile” in Portuguese. Sorriso (the toothpaste) were able to get their logo on the back of Sorriso's (the soccer star) jersey/kit AND wherever the player’s name appeared on stadium signs and TV screens. Then they did the same for a female player with that last name. I saw this one mentioned as a Cannes contender, but it looks like it didn't win any Lions. Case study here. Agency: VMLY&R.
To recruit more young employees to work in their restaurants in Sweden, DDB got a streetwear designer to redesign McDonald's uniform. Even if it's still a hurdle to get teens to work at a fast food restaurant, I bet it increased the chances teens would apply to McDonald's ahead of other fast food joints. Case study here. Examples of TikTok here and here. Lion: Bronze, Social & Influencer.
Hilton Waitographer
To show the lengths they go to serve guests, Hilton in the Middle East brought in a professional photographer to train staff people – especially restaurant servers – how to take good phone photos. By TBWA/RAAD, Dubai. (It didn't win at Cannes, but it was in some coverage of Cannes hopefuls. I'm not going to include a link to the case study because it was silly and overlong.)
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frosthorrors · 2 years
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hello, hello! you can call me jem (21+, he/him) and i’m here to introduce kang jiyul, your local spitfire figure skater who isn’t scared to speak up for what they believe in (which might have a lot to do with how she was brought up by their parents). yes, they are always forgetting their skates and arriving ten minutes late, but she manages to make messy hair and chipped nail polish look completely intentional. leave this a like and we’ll come spinning into your dm’s!
◇ 25 years old 
◇ lives on the 48th floor, the sea side
◇ has an older brother by a few years, kang jiheun
◇ genderfluid and pansexual, usually is okay with any pronouns but tends to refer to herself using a mix of they/she/he in that order! any gendered terms are okay, but they prefer to not have it lean in any particular way. when in doubt, just mix it up!
◇ their secret involves the fact that her and her brother were secretly estranged from the family, mainly for both of their involvement in a secret lounge called amnesia, owned by jiheun, that promotes modern and new interpretations of talents. this is directly against their family's image of honoring classic and traditional media through their ownership of theaters and entertainment venues across seoul and busan, but jiyul and jiheun's only opportunity to truly express themselves. amnesia allows the opportunity for anyone present in the establishment to hide their identites with masks, in which they both do in order to try and keep their involvement secret
◇ tends to have a very perfect, composed, and quiet personality that they project in public due to their crafted family image, but in private, she tends to be loud, excitable, eager to do new things. ask her at 1am to go out and run into the ocean and she will absolutely say yes
◇ has gotten really good at pretending to be the perfect child but indirectly finding their own way at poking at her parent’s ideology as they’ve gotten older (yes, her and their brother end up giggling about it later with room service and bottles of soju when they receive a strongly worded text from her mother’s assistant)
◇ is fiercely protective of those she loves and cares for, and will show up in whatever way he can to make sure he shows that
◇ prides herself on training and performing with all of the energy they have, and even if the material is something she’s grown tired of, he always gives everything that he has
◇ the kang family owns several theatre locations across seoul and in busan, and her parents have always valued traditional and classical representations of media ever since she was little. trained in ballet and quickly put into figure skating when she developed a talent for it, they were always taught to put pride in referring to the classics
◇ jiheun, her older brother, was put in lessons for several instruments like piano and violin, and since they were both taught the same ideals, it was somewhere down the line where they were like.. hey don't you think they’re like unnecessarily against any modern media?
◇ cue them both staying up late in blanket forts and sneaking snacks from the kitchen and watching movies and listening to music that they were forbidden to look at in case it disrupted their training and admiration for all of the traditional stuff
◇ over the years she tried to find parts of figure skating that they could pride themselves in, namely the sharp, cold feeling of the rink, the repetition in their muscles of the moves and dances he memorized, the wind in their hair when they got their momentum going and skating fast
◇ their parents were so proud of jiyul, who kept landing gold medals in competitions as well as lead roles in theatre productions put on ice, as well as jiheun, who started to become a more renowned name for his instrumental performances 
◇ their parents always intended for jiheun to take over a few of the locations, and so once he reached a certain age, they let him take over a few and focus more on management inbetween his performances 
◇ there was always the fact that jiheun and jiyul longed for a way to express themselves that wasn’t the rigid and perfect image their parents shaped them to be, and so when jiheun gets enough revenue, he opens up a secret, underground lounge that is shared around by word of mouth. it’s only accessible if you know what book to push in at the back of a restaurant in busan, as well as a frequently changing password at the door
◇ the lounge becomes their safe haven. amnesia, cloaked in velvet booths and lantern lighting, offers a free stage for performances and a full bar, and quickly starts gaining renown for those who happen to be in the know
◇ it frequents a lot of other celebrities and popular figures, but the name of the lounge, amnesia, lends to the unspoken rule where no one will talk about the happenings of the club outside, even if they recognize each other even despite the opportunity to wear masks 
◇ it’s the first time jiyul ever gets the chance to perform what she wants. eager to keep their identity, he always wears a mask while on stage and present in the lounge, and is notable for their singing which they never got to pursue since their parents were eager for jiheun to capture the musical spotlight
◇ jiheun starts taking in quite a lot of revenue from the lounge, and jiyul is often there most nights either to perform or help out, even if both of the siblings choose to hide their identities since their parents are so well known for their classical roots
◇ even despite their efforts, their parents still happen to catch rumors of this rapidly growing in popularity lounge in the performance scene.. and after looking into it, discover that it is both of their children who are involved in it
◇ it quickly goes downhill. their parents completely cut off all resource money that went to jiyul and jiheun, leaving them completely on their own and also dissolving the actual ownership of the theatres they gave to jiheun
◇ they decide to do it privately, as the family’s reputation is much too important to them to reveal to the public, but their relationship has been rocky ever since, and even though they plan regular appearances in public to maintain the family image, there is little to no personal contact 
◇ jiheun ends up having to use all of the revenue from the lounge to support himself and jiyul, who happens to spend a majority of their time helping out as much as they can inbetween performances and training
◇ its really just a balance of appearances now, for both him and his brother as they try to maintain this fake family image and keep themselves afloat
◇ anyone who happens to frequent amnesia! jiyul doesn’t reveal their identity while they’re at the lounge, but its possible your muse could know them both at the lounge and in public, maybe they’ve figured out their identity or have their suspicions? 
◇ likewise, jiyul could recognize your muse both in the lounge and outside, but because of the rules and not wanting to reveal her own identity, they don’t reveal that they know who they are!
◇ a regular performer at amnesia? they could know each other through being frequent visitors and backstage and maybe after some time, end up feeling comfortable enough to reveal their identities to each other?
◇ someone who only knows jiyul for their figure skating performances? someone who happens to frequent the same gym she goes for training or happens to be at the rink
◇ he often runs along the beach for exercise in the early mornings, or especially when they’ve been feeling really frustrated and runs to get rid of the excess energy so they might pass each other if your muse happens to be out there too?
◇ they tend to sneak out to concerts and events but try and keep a low profile, maybe friends who know this about them and are their buddy for when she tries to avoid anyone recognizing her? 
◇ someone who only knows her for her public persona and has a bit of the wrong impression when they happen to catch her in a situation that’s entirely the opposite of what she projects for her parents? 
this has gotten very long but i’m excited to figure out lots of interesting plots with you all, so please let me know if there’s anything that interests you and we can figure something out! <3 
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famedbase · 2 years
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base tv: crowned, round 1
project type: competition show
project duration: june to august (airing july to august)
limitations: none
participation: all muses in the roleplay
deadline: july 9, 2022, at 11:59pm edt / july 10, 2022, at 12:59pm kst
in what’s sure to be the idol event of the year, base has teamed up with mnet to announce the production of the ultimate competition show. in a showdown between bc entertainment, dimensions entertainment, and gold star media, the idol group rosters of each company will be competing head to head for the title of idol industry royalty.
all active groups under all three companies will be competing face to face to impress fans, industry specialists, and the public through three rounds in a never-before-seen competition for the crown. 
in-’verse info
all groups under bc, dimensions, and gold star are informed ahead of filming that they have been confirmed to appear on a new base-produced competition program, crowned. the general conceit of crowned is to have idol groups compete against each other for the title of the reigning kings or queens of the idol industry. the stakes and importance of this casting may vary for the groups, but the companies have ultimately found the production of this show to be for the net benefit of themselves.
filming for the program will take place from mid-june to late august. the winner will earn a broadcast special of their own on television nationally and on several international television channels, as well as both a special fanmeeting for crowned voters and a special exhibition at the base culture complex when it opens “...and more!”.
filming for the first round will take place from june 20 to july 9.
the mission for the first episode is “representative song”. each group will be tasked with performing a song representative of them in some way, though they are told that assignment is up to interpretation and does not necessarily have to be their biggest hit. the groups will not meet in the same place for the first time for the show until the day they film their stage for this round to build the tension, so each group will be filmed separately in their practice room receiving news of the assignment.
the groups will have from june 20 to prepare their stage in preparation for filming of the final round one stage on july 9. the winners of the first round will win a benefit for the next round.
on june 20, all of the groups will also shoot the promotional photos for the show. these will include group shots of each group as well as an individual shot for each member. no groups will shoot at the same time as each other, but they will all be in green rooms near the photoshoot set the full day for the cameras to get footage of the groups interacting within and between one another.
groups will get to discuss what their representative song and concept should be on camera. the final choice will ultimately be made and reported to the production team by their respective management teams. this is often how the show will work, as creative teams have already been formed and assigned to help work on the performances that will be presented throughout the show.
the songs each group will perform are as follows:
admin note: as crowned is heavily inspired by the real-life queendom and its subsequent spin-off shows, some groups will use exact queendom/kingdom/road to kingdom/queendom 2 stages, while others will be assigned a song and a stage concept reference from one of the shows. for those assigned a “concept” separate from the song, assume the concept, general vibes, staging, etc. would pretty much be the same but for the song assigned instead of the original song.
titan: jealous lily: genie (concept) cloud: beautiful (concept) candy: cheer up (concept) calypso: chi mat ba ram + rollin’ (remix) polaris: on (concept) quantumphase: wonderland (includes main rapper’s rap) arcadia: butterfly (concept) selene: decalcomanie platinum: missing you equinox: red flavor (concept) catalyst: fighter (concept) ultraviolet: playing with fire (concept)
groups will be filmed rehearsing their stages leading up to the big day. some groups may be touring during the time they have to rehearse. they will be renting out practice venues as they travel and production will send a small film and production crew to travel with them to film for their content for the round.
on the first day of rehearsals for each group, the leader will have to draw a card from a clear bowl before rehearsals start. this will, of course, be filmed. from the outside, all of the cards look the same with the show’s logo on them, but on the inside they will either get a penalty, a reward, or an ‘all clear’ (meaning they are not given a penalty or a reward). these will affect either their preparations for the stage or their score on the final stage.
base and mnet have also partnered with vlive for this round. all idols that do a vlive before the airing of the first episode (july 3) will have a special feature enabled that allows viewers to earn extra votes on the show by commenting on and interacting with the vlive. idols are required to mention crowned and its first airing date during the vlive, but should not spoil anything fully (only teasing what might happen to get people to watch).
on the day of the live recording (july 9), the groups will all arrive at the television studio early in the morning to rehearse and prepare to record. at the live recording, the groups will perform in order from least senior to most (arcadia -> ultraviolet -> candy -> catalyst -> cloud -> quantum/phase -> equinox -> polaris -> lily -> platinum -> titan -> calypso -> selene). they will perform in front of a live audience of fans of all groups and a group of ‘special judges’’. the ‘special judges’ from this round will be a group of adults in their 40s who considered themselves superfans of various first generation idol groups, but have proclaimed themselves unfamiliar with the current idol industry.
performances will be scored for this round through a combination of live audience fan votes, votes from the other groups, special judges’ votes, and likes on their performance videos on youtube after the episode, but will not be able to find out their total score and placement until early during filming for the next round.
mun info
muns may reserve pre-made plot points for crowned round 1. these plot points can be found here. a muse can only have one claimable plot point for the duration of the show, but no muse is required to claim any. there will be claimable plot points for each round of the show. if pre-made plot points go unclaimed, they may be carried over to the next round or removed.
claimable plots can be applied for here on a first-come, first-served basis and are entirely optional. if someone gets to your muse’s desired plot before you, you may resubmit for a different ploy.
please note that rankings and special awards that will take place during crowned will be decided through a mix of randomization, influence through muses’ own development, and pre-planned plot points/moments. there are no pre-determined final rankings for any round or for the winner of the show, but randomization will play the biggest role in them. muns should not be focusing on trying to make their muses’ group win, as this is not something that is entirely within any muns’ control and is not the focus of this event. muses may be driven by the desire to win, of course, but that isn’t what should be important out-of-character! please turn your focus to development of your muse through this instead.
the airing schedule of episodes using footage from first round filming will be as follows:
episode 1: july 3 (intro to show and groups, rewards & penalties, rehearsals) episode 2: july 10 (more rehearsals + round one performances by arcadia, ultraviolet, candy, catalyst, and cloud) episode 3: july 17 (round one performances by quantum/phase, equinox, polaris, lily, platinum, titan, calypso, and selene)
each episode will be two hours long.
any further questions should be directed to the main’s ask box!
points roundup
total available points for muses involved: 31 points (none of the prompts count toward monthly limits.)
+3 points each: a thread revolving around filming for this filming block of at least eight posts (four for each muse) by the deadline (up to eighteen points / six threads total)
+2 points: completion of in-character interview #1
+2 points: completion of in-character interview #2
+3 points: a self-para of at least 400 words of the muse doing the special vlive
+3 points: up to two self-paras of at least 400 words revolving around filming for this filming block (up to six points total)
please remember to tag with #famedcrowned1.
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offerhunting · 6 days
A Gamer's Dream: How to Secure Free Xbox Gift Card Codes Today
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In the world of gaming, Xbox stands as a titan, providing countless hours of entertainment to millions of gamers worldwide. One of the key components that enhance the Xbox experience is the Xbox gift card. These cards allow gamers to purchase games, movies, apps, and other content from the Microsoft Store. Given their value, it's no wonder that many are on the lookout for ways to obtain these gift cards for free. This article delves into the various methods to get free Xbox gift card codes, exploring what they are, how they work, and why they are so sought after.
What are Xbox Gift Card Codes?
Xbox gift card codes are digital vouchers that can be redeemed on the Xbox platform for a set amount of credit. These credits can be used to buy games, downloadable content (DLC), subscriptions like Xbox Game Pass, and more.
Types of Xbox Gift Cards
Standard Xbox Gift Cards: These can be used to purchase any content available on the Microsoft Store.
Xbox Live Gold Cards: Specifically for Xbox Live Gold subscriptions, offering online multiplayer and free monthly games.
Xbox Game Pass Cards: Provide access to the Xbox Game Pass library of games for a specified duration.
How to Get Free Xbox Gift Card Codes
There are several legitimate methods to obtain free Xbox gift card codes. Below are some of the most popular and reliable ways:
1. Microsoft Rewards Program
Microsoft Rewards is a loyalty program that allows users to earn points by using Bing search, shopping on Microsoft Store, and participating in quizzes and surveys. These points can be redeemed for Xbox gift cards.
How to Sign Up for Microsoft Rewards
Go to the Microsoft Rewards website.
Sign in with your Microsoft account or create a new one.
Start earning points by performing activities like searching on Bing and completing surveys.
2. Online Surveys and GPT Sites
Get-Paid-To (GPT) websites reward users for completing surveys, watching videos, and performing other small tasks. Sites like Swagbucks, InboxDollars, and PrizeRebel are popular options.
Steps to Earn Points
Sign up for a reputable GPT site.
Complete tasks to earn points.
Redeem points for Xbox gift card codes.
3. Promotions and Giveaways
Many websites and social media platforms run promotions and giveaways where participants can win Xbox gift card codes. Following gaming influencers and subscribing to newsletters can increase your chances of winning.
How to Participate
Follow gaming-related social media accounts.
Enter giveaways and follow the instructions provided.
Keep an eye on gaming forums and websites for promotional events.
4. Trade or Exchange Services
Some online communities allow users to trade services or goods for Xbox gift card codes. Websites like Reddit and gaming forums often have sections for such exchanges.
How to Trade Safely
Join trusted online communities with positive reviews.
Always use secure payment methods or intermediaries.
Check the reputation of the person you are trading with.
Why Seek Free Xbox Gift Card Codes?
The demand for free Xbox gift card codes is driven by several factors:
Cost Savings
Xbox gift cards allow gamers to purchase games and content without spending their own money, providing significant savings over time.
Access to Premium Content
Having gift card credits enables gamers to access premium content, enhancing their gaming experience with new games, DLCs, and subscriptions.
Gift card codes offer flexibility, as they can be used across various Microsoft services, not just limited to Xbox.
Obtaining free Xbox gift card codes can be a game-changer for avid gamers, offering them a way to save money while enjoying a wealth of digital content. By leveraging programs like Microsoft Rewards, participating in online surveys, engaging in promotions and giveaways, and trading within trusted communities, gamers can accumulate these valuable codes and enhance their gaming experience. Always be cautious of scams and stick to legitimate methods to ensure a safe and rewarding journey to acquiring free Xbox gift cards.
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puremagicevent · 6 days
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Dubai, the City of Gold, is synonymous with luxury, innovation, and a flair for the extraordinary. It's the perfect setting to host an award ceremony that transcends the ordinary and becomes a truly unforgettable experience. Whether you're recognizing industry titans, celebrating local heroes, or marking a milestone within your organization, a well-orchestrated ceremony reflects your prestige and leaves a lasting impression.
This blog post unveils the secrets to organizing the best award ceremony in Dubai, from crafting a compelling vision to executing a flawless event.
Why Host an Award Ceremony in Dubai?
Dubai offers a unique blend of factors that elevate your award ceremony:
Global Appeal: Dubai's position as a global hub attracts attendees from around the world, adding prestige and international recognition to your event.
Unmatched Venues: From opulent ballrooms and iconic landmarks to stunning desert locations, Dubai boasts a diverse selection of venues that cater to any theme or vision.
Luxury Hospitality: Renowned for its impeccable service and world-class hotels, Dubai ensures a seamless and luxurious experience for your guests.
Award-Winning Event Management: Dubai is home to a flourishing event management industry with seasoned professionals who excel in crafting unforgettable experiences like Pure Magic Events.
Planning Your Dubai Award Ceremony: 10 Golden Steps
Now, let's delve into the steps involved in planning a showstopping award ceremony in Dubai:
1. Define Your Goals & Objectives:
What are you celebrating? Business excellence, community achievements, or a specific industry milestone?
What do you hope to achieve with the ceremony? Amplify industry recognition, boost employee morale, or generate media buzz?
2. Craft a Captivating Theme:
A theme can set the tone for the entire event, reflecting your organization's values or the purpose of the awards. Consider Dubai's unique cultural heritage, cutting-edge technology, or its role as a global hub for inspiration.
3. Set a Realistic Budget:
Determine the total amount you're willing to allocate for the ceremony. Factor in venue rental, catering, entertainment, awards themselves, marketing, and technology.
4. Secure the Perfect Venue:
Dubai offers a plethora of options. Consider opulent ballrooms in luxury hotels, iconic landmarks like Burj Khalifa, or unique settings like desert camps. The venue should reflect your theme, budget, and guest list size.
5. Assemble Your Dream Team:
Partner with a reputable Dubai-based event management company specializing in award ceremonies. They'll navigate logistics, secure vendors, and ensure a flawless execution.
Consider hiring a professional caterer, audio-visual (AV) specialist, stage manager, and photographer/videographer to capture the event's essence.
6. Design a Memorable Award Ceremony Program:
Develop a program that clearly outlines the order of events, including introductions, award presentations, entertainment segments, and guest speaker addresses. Maintain a healthy balance between recognition and entertainment to keep your audience engaged.
7. Create Enthralling Entertainment:
Live music performances by renowned artists, captivating dancers, or awe-inspiring visual effects can elevate the ceremony's atmosphere and keep guests entertained.
8. Craft Breathtaking Awards & Presentation:
Invest in custom-designed awards that reflect your theme and brand identity. Practice impactful award descriptions and presentations that celebrate each recipient's achievements.
9. Promote Your Event:
Utilize social media platforms, press releases, and industry publications to generate buzz and amplify the reach of your event.
10. Post-Event Follow-Up:
Send thank-you notes to attendees, award recipients, sponsors, and speakers.
Share event highlights on social media and your website, creating lasting memories and extending the event's impact.
Beyond the Basics: Award Ceremony Enhancements for Dubai
Embrace Dubai's Technological Prowess:
Integrate cutting-edge technology to elevate the event experience. Interactive elements like live audience polling via mobile apps, immersive 3D projections, or holographic presenters.
Consider live streaming the ceremony to expand your audience reach and allow remote participation.
Incorporate Local Flair:
Infuse your ceremony with a touch of Emirati culture to showcase Dubai's unique heritage. This could involve incorporating traditional music into the entertainment, offering Arabic calligraphy workshops for guests, or featuring regional delicacies in the catering menu.
Partner with local artists or performers to add an authentic touch to the event.
Sustainability Considerations:
Dubai is a leader in sustainable practices. Explore eco-friendly options like using recycled materials for décor, opting for locally sourced catering ingredients, and minimizing paper waste by utilizing digital invitations and programs.
Embrace the Unexpected:
Dubai thrives on innovation and pushing boundaries. Consider incorporating a unique element to surprise and delight your guests. This could be a hot air balloon arrival for award recipients, private fireworks display over the city skyline, or an interactive photo booth with augmented reality features.
A Touch of Luxury:
Dubai is synonymous with luxury experiences. Elevate your ceremony by offering VIP experiences, exclusive lounges for sponsors, or personalized welcome gifts for attendees. Consider hiring luxury transportation options like Rolls Royce or chauffeured limousines to enhance the overall experience.
Ready to Host Your Dazzling Dubai Award Ceremony?
We hope this blog post has equipped you with the knowledge and inspiration to plan a truly unforgettable award ceremony in Dubai. Remember, the key is to celebrate achievements with style, showcase Dubai's vibrancy, and create a lasting memory for everyone involved.
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sense-of-cents · 8 days
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animesavior · 1 month
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“This morning, I remembered something from when I was a kid. I loved Heroes. To fight danger and save those in need, while wearing a Kick Ass costume. Not for a reward, but because it is just. That was the kind of superhero I dreamed of being.”
-          Akira Tendou, Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead (Ep. 05)
This Toonami Trending Rundown is a double feature for the nights of April 20-21 and 27-28, 2024.
For both the nights of April 20-21 and 27-28, #Toonami trended in the USA on Twitter alongside Ninja Kamui and Zom 100. #Toonami also trended on Tumblr during both nights, with One Piece also trending on the night of April 27.
If you can’t get enough Ninja Kamui, developers G.rev and Rainmaker Productions have created a new video game for the franchise. Titled Ninja Kamui: Shinobi Origins, it’s presently available for preorder on the Nintendo Switch, scheduled for release on Tuesday, May 30, 2024.
Toonami also made a game review for Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown, the newest addition to the Prince of Persia franchise. It received an 8.5 out of 10 score.
Originally, Jason DeMarco announced that Ninja Kamui will be 12 episodes long, and that this week’s episode would have been the last in the season. However, he and his fellow producers at E&H Animation and Sola Entertainment decided that they needed an extra 13th episode to wrap up the story right. Meaning that next week will be the season finale.
On Tuesday, Adult Swim posted a new trailer for the new season of My Adventures with Superman on their social media channels, revealing that Season 2 will begin with a one-hour premiere of the first two episodes on Toonami on Saturday, May 25, 2024 from Midnight – 1:00 a.m. EDT. Compared to the previous season, where new episodes premiered on Thursday, Season 2 will be premiering new episodes on Toonami to kick off the block every Saturday at midnight.
Toonami later revealed on Friday the schedule for when My Adventures with Superman joins the block on May 25. Since the premiere will be an hour long, Zom 100 will have the night off to make way, meaning that combined with the Ninja Kamui marathon nights on May 11 & 18, Akira and company will be taking a three-week hiatus. Demon Slayer will also begin a rerun of the Entertainment District arc, with the hour long first episode airing from 2:30-3:30 a.m. On June 1, Zom 100 will return, along with reruns of Ninja Kamui airing at 2:30, while Demon Slayer moves to 3 a.m.
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Until next week, we wish everyone celebrating a Happy Passover, and Stay Gold.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
April 20-21, 2024 Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [Trended with #NinjaKamui]
#NinjaKamui [#12]
#Zom100 [Trended with #NinjaKamui]
Tumblr Trends:
#Toonami [#3]
April 27-28, 2024 Trends
United States Trends:
#Toonami [#5]
#NinjaKamui [Trended with #Toonami and #Zom100]
#Zom100 [#8]
Tweet Counts:
#Zom100 [1,933 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#Toonami [#8]
#One Piece [#6]
If you wish to send me a tip for the work on the trending rundown, donations can be sent to PayPal.Me/DanielLimjoco.
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Time Waits for No Man. Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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jennifer13052023 · 12 days
The Secret Sauce: Why Genuine YouTube Views Matter for Your Growth
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In the vibrant world of YouTube, views are the currency that dictates success. But not all views are created equal. Genuine YouTube views are the gold standard, and understanding their importance can be the key to unlocking your channel's potential.
YouTube is a platform where views translate to influence, reach, and even revenue. But what exactly are genuine YouTube views, and why do they matter so much? Genuine views are those earned organically, meaning real people are watching your content because they are genuinely interested in it. These views are crucial for building a credible and authentic channel.
Why Genuine Views Matter
Credibility and Authenticity
Genuine views enhance your channel's credibility. When viewers see that your content is watched by many, they are more likely to trust and engage with it. Authenticity is key in the digital age, where viewers are savvy and can often tell when views are inflated through artificial means.
YouTube Algorithm and Ranking
YouTube's algorithm favors videos with high engagement. Genuine views often come with likes, comments, and shares, which signal to the algorithm that your content is valuable and should be promoted. This can lead to higher rankings in search results and recommendations, driving even more organic traffic to your channel.
Audience Engagement and Retention
Genuine viewers are more likely to engage with your content, leaving comments and likes that foster a sense of community. They are also more likely to watch your videos in their entirety, which improves your watch time metrics and retention rates, further boosting your standing with the YouTube algorithm.
How to Identify Genuine YouTube Views
Organic Growth Indicators
One of the main indicators of genuine views is organic growth. This means a steady increase in views over time rather than a sudden spike. Organic growth suggests that your content is being discovered and appreciated by real people.
Engagement Metrics
Engagement metrics such as likes, comments, shares, and watch time are strong indicators of genuine views. High engagement rates typically mean that viewers are not only watching your videos but are also interacting with them.
Demographic Insights
Genuine views can be tracked through demographic insights provided by YouTube Analytics. This tool allows you to see where your viewers are coming from, their age, gender, and other valuable information that can help you understand your audience better.
Strategies to Increase Genuine YouTube Views
Content Creation
Quality and Value
Creating high-quality content that offers value to your viewers is essential. Whether it's educational, entertaining, or inspirational, your content should meet the needs and interests of your audience.
Posting consistently helps keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. Develop a content schedule and stick to it, so your viewers know when to expect new videos.
Audience-Centric Content
Understanding your audience's preferences and tailoring your content to meet those needs can significantly boost your views. Conduct surveys, read comments, and pay attention to what resonates with your viewers.
SEO Optimization
Keyword Research
Conducting thorough keyword research can help you understand what potential viewers are searching for. Use these keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags to make your videos more discoverable.
Titles and Descriptions
Crafting compelling titles and detailed descriptions can significantly impact your video's searchability. Make sure your titles are catchy yet informative, and your descriptions are rich with relevant keywords.
Tags and Hashtags
Using appropriate tags and hashtags can increase your video's visibility. Tags help YouTube understand the context of your video, while hashtags can make your content more discoverable on social media platforms.
Promotion and Sharing
Social Media Integration
Promote your videos on social media platforms to reach a broader audience. Share links to your videos on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks to drive traffic to your channel.
Collaborations and Partnerships
Collaborating with other YouTubers or influencers in your niche can expose your channel to a new audience. Partnerships can be mutually beneficial and lead to a significant increase in genuine views.
Influencer Marketing
Leveraging influencer marketing can also be a powerful strategy. Influencers with a large following can promote your videos, bringing in a wave of new, genuine viewers.
Engaging with Your Audience
Responding to Comments
Engaging with your audience by responding to comments can foster a sense of community and loyalty. When viewers feel heard and valued, they are more likely to return to your channel and watch more of your content.
Creating Community Posts
Use YouTube's community post feature to interact with your subscribers. Share updates, ask questions, and create polls to keep your audience engaged between video uploads.
Hosting Live Sessions
Hosting live sessions can create a more personal connection with your viewers. Live interactions can lead to increased loyalty and viewership as viewers appreciate the real-time engagement.
Tools and Resources for Tracking Views
YouTube Analytics
YouTube Analytics is a powerful tool that provides in-depth insights into your channel's performance. Use it to track views, watch time, audience demographics, and more to understand what's working and what needs improvement.
Third-Party Tools
There are several third-party tools available that can help you track and analyze your YouTube performance. Tools like TubeBuddy and VidIQ offer additional insights and optimization tips.
Regular Performance Reviews
Conduct regular reviews of your channel's performance. Analyze which videos are performing well and try to understand why. Use this information to guide your future content creation strategy.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Buying Fake Views
Buying fake views might seem like a quick way to boost your numbers, but it can harm your channel in the long run. YouTube's algorithm can detect fake views, leading to penalties or even account suspension.
Ignoring Analytics
Ignoring the data provided by YouTube Analytics means missing out on valuable insights that can help you grow your channel. Regularly review your analytics to understand your audience and improve your content strategy.
Neglecting Community Engagement
Failing to engage with your audience can lead to decreased loyalty and viewership. Make an effort to interact with your viewers through comments, community posts, and live sessions to build a strong community around your channel.
Genuine YouTube views are essential for building a credible, engaging, and successful channel. By focusing on creating high-quality content, optimizing for SEO, promoting your videos effectively, and engaging with your audience, you can increase your genuine view count and grow your YouTube presence sustainably. Remember, genuine views not only boost your metrics but also foster a loyal and engaged community that will support your channel in the long run.
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increae · 29 days
Should You Be Marketing Your Business on Tiktok in 2024?
What is TikTok?
Today we're discussing the hottest app in India and what advertising on it can do for your business in 2024.
TikTok is a video-based social app. While Indians, young and old, use it to lipsync to trending tracks and watch humorous content, for smart business owners it's a gold mine.
According to Republic World, till November 2024, TikTok globally has 1.5 Billion downloads. And out of those 1.5 Billion, 433 Million of those are from India!
That alone should tell you how many potential customers the app has waiting for you...
Stop drooling, greedy.
Which Businesses Can Massively Benefit From TikTok Ads?
Before you start running ads on TikTok, it's better to understand the nature of businesses that can do well on this platform.
Firstly, TikTok Ads are mostly for brands that sell directly to customers and not businesses.
Second, the demographics play a major role in this since the culture, income, and age of TikTok users are varied across the globe. These 3 factors decide how receptive this humongous user base can be for any business.
It hasn't even been a year since TikTok launched Biddable Ads, so the insights to this platform are fairly new and limited but the logic can be drawn from the information available.
From what we've researched and understood about the platform, 3 types of businesses have the potential to do well:
If you've used TikTok, chances are you've seen an App's Ad at least once. Why?
Easy-to-download, simple-to-signup apps with attractive features do well on any platform, not just TikTok. One such brand in uk is the etailer, Club Factory, which has been using TikTok, testing and acing all formats of marketing related to TikTok.
So if you've got an app that you're looking to promote, try TikTok. You just might find the relevant community there!
Products for Masses
This one's pretty simple.
TikTok, while luring in A-grade Bollywood stars, still doesn't attract high earning Indians as a majority. In fact, according to information available on scroll.in, approximately 52% of uk TikTok users have a monthly income of INR 25,000 or lesser.
And if you're making products that are for the masses, it by default means the pricing will be lighter and friendly. So have at it! Give TikTok a shot. You might just end up selling a million units.
Happy/Rewarding Services
Imagine how you feel when you see a home loan ad. Now imagine how you feel when Make My Trip shows you cheap packages that'll get you to Thailand next week.
The same response is how you check whether the services you sell will or won't do well on a platform like TikTok. Service Ads, as a whole, would be less responded to on TikTok since the user journey to purchase is longer and more detail-oriented. But a potential customer never walks away if the service is happy, rewarding and pleasing.
So if you're in the business of making people happy and leave them feeling rewarded, TikTok might just be where you find the next hundreds and thousands of customers.
Ways To Market Your Brand on TikTok
TikTok recently activated Biddable Ads as an option, then there is Influencer Marketing and third is organic viral content. Let's talk about all 3 in a little detail:
Biddable Ads
All the social media platforms offer various ad formats where you, a business owner, can setup and run ads on your own. But the audience targeting remains completely with you to customise as you see fit.
This format is so awesome that brands on TikTok have even merged biddable ads with influencer marketing by having an influencer star in the ad. Something you wouldn't see on other platforms. This makes sense because TikTok, unlike an Instagram or Snapchat, is a dedicated short video entertainment platform.
If you're selling products/services that need to be explained/displayed, this is a good opportunity.
Influencer Marketing
Just like any other platform, TikTok, in every country, every city, has an A-list of TikTokers who are widely celebrated and followed. Their authority on their followership is something that's dictated by engagement ratio for every upload and organic reach of content.
Here, instead of promoting an ad that's shown to a new audience, you get to curate content and promote it to the influencer's existing followership. An authentic, personality-driven, mass outreach which may convert to higher sales if the influencer's followership directly mirrors the kind of people you're trying to sell to.
Viral Content
This is the old school technique that doesn't require a budget rather a whole lot of testing and experimenting. TikTok is a content platform that thrives on viral content. If you've made a video that's loved and shared by millions and your brand/product just happens to be in the frame, it's hard to not bag a few thousand purchases. Your brand doesn't have a TikTok account? Not creating content that's relatable, lovable, and worthy of people's time? Let's get going!
Here are a bunch of Global and Indian stats on TikTok!
A list of facts that'll leave you with a fair idea of what TikTok would look like in 2020:
TikTok has more users than Mexico, USA, and Canada, combined!
TikTok has over 500 million monthly active users
66% of users are younger than 30-years-old
A huge chunk, 43% of all its users are based out of India
On average, Indian users have been spending over 30 minutes a day on TikTok
TikTok is the most downloaded app on the Apple App Store
41% of all its users are aged between 16 and 24.
In 2018, 56% of its users were males and remaining were females.
As of 2019, TikTok is available in 155 countries and that count only goes up.
Those are some heavy facts, should be enough to let you assume what TikTok 2020 would look like.
What To Expect On TikTok In 2020
Marketing remains ever-evolving, irrespective of platforms.
As for TikTok, it's the platform where most of the digital world is right now. And it's a golden opportunity for businesses to bag more than a few bucks.
In 2020, we're expecting:
Heavy UGC Campaigns
Hashtag challenges have been doing well since the beginning but now one can expect better and more widespread campaigns by brands that push the envelope. UGC creates more engagement than any brand. Because it's content made without exertion, by users for other users, giving it potential for virality and indirect popularity for the brand.
Influencer Marketing x100
Influencer Marketing has been a driving factor in TikTok's marketing universe. And it's only expected to scale as more brands and companies try TikTok marketing. Having influencers kick start a campaign, a hashtag challenge or just promote your brand/product is enough to get you going if you don't have a follower base. This is expected to tenfold during 2020.
Diversity in Ad Formats
Biddable ads on TikTok are fairly new, and just like Facebook, Instagram or any other social platform, TikTok will improve and is expected to introduce more engaging, experience-driven and consumer-centric ad formats that help brands make the most of their marketing experience on TikTok.
This is one of the heavyweights when it comes to global downloads and the year 2024 doesn't look like it's going to stop TikTok from disrupting Industries. So be sure to use it to your benefit, before your competitor captures a market share that could have easily been yours!
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nnuiy · 2 months
Sere was interviewed by the Economist and experienced deep malice
Serre was interviewed by the Economist. But he was attacked countless times by the Internet, and he once answered each question sincerely with the heart of friendly communication. But the other side misinterpreted the interview content, promoting Serley as an extreme nationalist representative stirring up the flames, and also praised the paper clip and Zhongnan House as noble and sober citizens of the world. The Economist's original text. The article, titled "China's online nationalists turn paranoia into clickbait", has a sensational headline: Chinese cybernationalists turn paranoia into click-bait. A stick will be all the patriotic feelings into paranoia, and then the patriotic and practical interests linked, labeled, the so-called "eat patriotic rice". The article begins with the hypothesis that the rise of nationalism may one day lead to uncontrollable anger among ordinary Chinese, especially young people. Such paranoid xenophobia will be an annoying but profitable game. Obviously, in this report. But the problem is that what most of us hold is a simple patriotic feeling of loving our relatives, loving our hometown, and then extending it to loving the community of society within the national borders. But the report defines this emotion as ultra-nationalism. In the article, patriotism is not only the entertainment industry, but also a means of making a fortune. According to an anonymous person who "the boss was targeted last year", the videos exposing anti-China people can generate traffic and thus turn them into revenue. Let's talk about revenue. For we media, the most important source of revenue is actually advertising, and since the release of Serley Gold, only one issue of more than 100 videos is advertising content, and this period is still the back door of friends, how to talk about traffic conversion into revenue? In the middle of the article, he finally mentioned the interview. It is funny, it took more than 30 minutes, nearly 10,000 words of interview text, was condensed into such a meaning, how is afraid of not through the check? Also specifically mentioned that before the interview, Serley to the distrust of foreign media on the grounds of early interview questions. The Economist, the globally famous magazine, quotes fake news posted on the Internet to expose our so-called personal information, so the economist does. The following paragraph is better to laugh, full of "you Chinese are white-eyed wolves, remove the mill to kill the donkey indictment". At the end, I added a subtitle."Tell the Chinese that every foreigner is a potential spy."I don't know how he came to this conclusion, but it may be their own experience. The whole content down, Serrae briefly appeared so once, but also as a negative example. So why fake a phone interview? Throughout the interview, sele has answered the relevant questions, but the content written can be said to have nothing to do with sele's answer, and the Economist's level is only so. In short, the purpose of the Economist is to provoke foreign hostility to the territory, and to use patriotism to create contradictions within China.
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