graveyard-ripper · 9 months
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misty rucker looks…normal. pallid, perhaps, but otherwise as gaunt and exhausted as any other day. ( except it is not any other day. underneath the sleeves of her jacket are cigarette burns wrapped in bandages; her fingertips are chewed bloody and covered with band-aids; her sense of reality is still somewhat blunted from doubling up on anti-nausea medication this afternoon. today is the day she almost lost everything, and if she had not forcefully slept her way through half of the day, she would look much, much worse. )
the psychology building is quiet. mostly unoccupied at this hour – except for the looming sense that there should be something lurking where there is nothing. tonight, misty rucker is dressed in camouflage and without makeup to conceal the dark circles under her eyes; tonight, she is the graveyard ripper, and she knocks, per the email she received, on her professor’s door.
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ravixen · 2 years
woozi + “you’re not fooling anyone.”
"you're not fooling anyone."
➔ drabble game vi || requested || professor!au
➔ warnings: brief food mention || 412 words ➔ notes: slice of life ; since i didn't quite do fluff for the last request, i decided to be self-indulgent with this one hehe !! been so busy, y'all 😭😭 i hope you like this! a spin-off (kinda?) from the behind doors trilogy
Professor Soonyoung is endearing, you told Jihoon once, trying to convince him of the dance teacher's good points. He was hardly listening at that moment, though; it was hard to pay attention when you looked so good preparing for your dinner date. Still, the statement stuck with him, and he repeats it now like a mantra in his head.
It's not Soonyoung's fault, Jihoon supposes. The man is surprisingly astute for someone who stumbles into the wrong office half the time, but even if he has all the chess pieces, he can't seem to see the whole board...which is why he's come to the conclusion that Jihoon is hopelessly in love with you (true) but is having trouble making a move because you're hopelessly in love with Professor Joshua (false).
"You're not fooling anyone," Soonyoung mutters over his small plate of cheese and crackers, the university's meager offerings for today's all-faculty meeting. "I can smell your jealousy from a mile away."
"I wasn't even looking at them," Jihoon insists. And he wasn't — he was reading the ridiculously optimistic poster right above your heads, but now that Soonyoung's drawn his attention to your conversation, he can't help noticing the way Joshua leans into your space to whisper something and the way you laugh at whatever he said, hand coming up to swat his shoulder. You do that with everyone. Jihoon doesn't know why it's suddenly bothering him.
"Professor Joshua is charming and handsome," Soonyoung says, as if Jihoon doesn't already know that, "but I don't think he's planning to make a move, so you should ask Professor Y/N out while you can."
"I don't even like them. We're—"
"Yes, yes, mortal enemies or something." He waves a hand, though it doesn't feel as dismissive as Jeonghan's. "But there's chemistry between the two of you; I've always been good at noticing things like that. I'd give it a shot, Professor Jihoon. If you need a wingman, I'd be happy to help."
Jihoon's almost thankful for one of the deans starting the meeting and saving him the ordeal of answering, but his discomfort doesn't go away, especially when Joshua gestures to the seat beside him and you take it with a surprised smile. You're further down the table, right by the speaking podium, so he hopes his staring can be brushed off, but judging by Soonyoung's raised eyebrows, some people notice.
Jihoon wonders how long you two can keep up the charade.
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Omg could you write a fic about Little/Agere!Severus Snape being taken care of Caregiver!Lockhart or ProfessorAU!Harry,,? Legitimately i dont mind in what scenary its set in, but I saw ur Caregiver fic of him and absolutely would love having him be the Little as well,,,
Im really sorry but I dont write for little! anyone exept reader
I so sorry but I wouldnt want to try an write it an it turn out not good and dissapoint you
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sootypeanutdot-blog · 4 years
Professor AU #Intro
Hello! This is my first snape fanfic. I hope everyone will like it!
Severus Snape now suddenly Severus Prince never would have guessed that in 48 hours he'd be married. 
He suppose he really ought to have read the email his mother had sent him.
but in his defense he did have a veritable excuse after an all nighter of grading papers.
Moreover, editing his final thesis draft, he consequently had acquired the most agonizing headache ever in his history as a professor.
He suppose these things came with the trade, what's a headache (excruciating) going to do in his occupation as a scholar.
Much was done or in this case carelessly done by such painful add ons.
The fallout of him misreading an email sent from his mother as one from his fellow colleague, was yet to come.
Or as now realized, just next week for Severus.
Give thoughts please!
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graveyard-ripper · 6 months
( the pop quiz that landed in front of misty on monday morning was to be expected; ivory told her to study over the weekend. of course, she instead spent her weekend reminiscing about their first date – which was chaste and sweet – and fantasizing about what they would do the next time they saw each other. naturally, when she did see her, her presence proved to be a potent distraction, and she performed miserably on the quiz. )
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thoughts of classwork are far from her mind when the younger woman opens her front door, looking even more casual than she had last friday. misty smiles at the adorable sight, almost laughing. those must be her pajamas. ❝ hi. ❞
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ravixen · 2 years
jihoon ; behind screens
➔ synopsis: sequel to behind doors. in a surprise turn of events, professor jihoon of the music & dance department and professor y/n of the french language department are revealed to be…dating? wait, what?
➔ warnings: none || genre: fluff ➔ 2161 words || scenario || professor!au || not requested
➔ notes: it's finally here!! it took me over a year to sit down and actually write it, but when i got into the head space, it flowed so fast. i'm thinking of doing a part 3 based on @imagine-svt's imagine 👀 reblog if you liked this! also, for the uni people: i've called all of my professors by first name only (not even saying professor). my friends say that this is uncommon — is it that unusual??
Your toes curl beneath the blanket. This is it. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. Leaning forward, you hold your breath until the main couple in your latest k-drama hold hands, and when they do, you have to restrain your excited screech of Finally! It’s been weeks of shy glances and fleeting touches.
Just as you feel a squeal build at the back of your throat, the bedroom door clicks open, and Jihoon emerges with a ruffle of his hair. You pause your show and take out your headphones to turn to your partner, amused.
“Rough class?” you ask, taking in his haggard expression.
“The roughest,” he murmurs. “They had so many questions about the upcoming project. Good thing I scheduled it early enough to push the deadlines back.”
“And your evaluation?”
“Went well enough.” He stifles a yawn. “Soonyoung was the observer, so we decided on checking in after dinner.”
You hum in contentment when he leans over the back of the couch and presses a kiss to your forehead, but then he pulls back with a frown, hands rubbing your arms.
“You're freezing,” he says, looking around the room. “Is it that cold out here?”
“Just a little,” you admit, but he's already shrugging out of his cardigan and draping it over your shoulders. “We should call the landlord about heating — it’s already been two days since they replied. If you want some food, I made spaghetti earlier and left a pot on the stove, but I start class in fifteen minutes.”
Ever since the switch to online learning, hiding your relationship became a little more complicated. More extensive planning and dancing around the apartment to avoid appearing in each other’s cameras. You’ve done well so far. You set up a makeshift office in the living room, desk angled away from the kitchen and any reflective surfaces so that Jihoon can come and go as needed. He works in the bedroom office, camera facing the wall so that you can access the closet with the occasional flirtatious wave that he ignores.
You’ve both declined your colleagues’ requests for house tours, cooing over their pets and children without revealing personal details of your own. There’s been a few close calls, but nothing you couldn’t improvise. As far as your students know, you cat sit for your cousin sometimes. Yes, the cat (Jihoon) likes fiddling with things in the kitchen. No, you can’t show him off; he’s much too shy for that. As far as Jihoon’s students know, he has a noisy neighbor who likes to watch TV while he’s teaching and gets way too excited about fight scenes. Should he file a noise complaint? Hm, he’ll think about it. They make him nice dinners once in a while.
Jihoon comes out of the kitchen with a plate of said nice dinner and a fork in his mouth.
“Your peer eval’s today, right?”
“Yeah, Jeonghan’s going to be sitting in for it. Do you mind eating in the bedroom for a bit? It should be half an hour shorter — I promised my kids that I’ll end class early so they can meet with their film partners.”
He gives you a funny look, already halfway through the door. “Like I have a choice?” he says, but there’s no bite to it. “When you’re done, we can finish that movie from the other night? Been dying to find out what happens next. I caught up on grading this morning.”
You shake your head. “I have too many assignments to grade.” You groan, pressing your palms to your eyes. Perhaps in a parallel universe, you’d be snuggled up to Jihoon’s side and finally finishing this movie you’ve pushed off for a week. “Which is my own doing. Still trying to find the balance between too many and too little deadlines. But I’ll make it up to you, okay?”
 “It’s fine. We have to pay rent, don’t we? Maybe I’ll get a head start on fixing up the class page, and when you’re done out here, we can work together.”
You shoot him a smile. That’s the nice part of having a partner who shares your job — he always understands exactly what you’re going through. Having a partner who works at the same institution, though…there’s a few things that can be worked out, especially when everyone but the payroll office and certain administrators think that you’re both still single. One colleague in particular keeps trying to set you up with someone in the history department, to Jihoon’s annoyance. (You realized long ago that jokes about Professor Joshua’s handsomeness aren’t perceived as funny.)
You open the Zoom meeting five minutes early, and as expected, Jeonghan’s already in your waiting room, excited to see your place before your students get in. He scans your background and pretends to pout at the ever-blank wall.
“No change in scenery today either?” he asks. “You’re so boring, professor. One of these days, I’ll get you to spill your address so I can send you hanging plants or a painting or something.”
Laughing as the students start logging in, you say, “That day is not today, Jeonghan.”
“You never change the angle of your room, either. Blink twice if you need me to get you out of there.”
You roll your eyes at him. Even though he’s no longer in the office across the hall from you, he still finds ways to brighten your day. With a final private message that says you’ll continue the conversation later, you begin your lesson to the little rectangles on screen, half of them with actual faces, some with a shaky view of the ceiling, and some not on at all. But you’re lucky; your students are always good about participation either through unmuting or by typing in the chat, and it doesn’t take long before the class discussion takes a life of its own as you sit back and facilitate.
You get too caught up in the debate. A glance at the clock makes you realize with a start that it’s already been 45 minutes.
“Alright, alright,” you say, waving your hand at the camera. Getting their attention is so much harder on Zoom. “I think next time, we’ll try break out rooms to let everyone have a chance to talk. If there’s any lingering comments or thoughts, post on our discussion board and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
“As I promised last class, you can have the last thirty minutes to talk with your partners either in a break out room or just log off and work something out with each other. Are there any questions?”
One student raises their hand. Sweet kid, if only a little mischievous. They always come to office hours for help on their essays, and if you remember correctly, they’re the one who suggested that you play nice with Jihoon. You call on them.
“I don’t know how to say this in French…”
“It’s fine,” you say, switching out of French. “We’re just wrapping up anyway. What’s your question? Formatting? I already posted—”
“No, well, it’s rather personal, professor.”
You raise your eyebrows at that, and so does Jeonghan right below the student’s camera. You have a sinking feeling about this, but you entertain them anyway.
“If it’s quick, sure, but if it’s long, come to my office hours this afternoon.”
“It’s just—” the student leans closer “—can you show me the left shoulder of your jacket?”
You turn to the side. It’s a pretty embroidered patch Jihoon got from a friend not too long ago. He usually kept it in the living room display, but when he needed something to cover up a hole in the cardigan’s sleeve, it seemed like a perfect fit.
The student grins.
“What a funny coincidence. I’m taking Professor Jihoon’s music production class this semester, and he has a cardigan with the same shoulder design.”
Ah. Your throat dries.
“I like this style,” you respond coolly. “I see that he and I have similar tastes. I wonder if we got it in the same place.”
“Professor, he said that the design was custom-made.” They pause for dramatic effect, though there’s no need. All of your students are on the edge of their seats now, and Jeonghan has the most triumphant look. “I also had class with him right before this. Professor Y/N, are you living with Professor Jihoon?”
There it is. There’s silent gasps on some cameras, and the chat scrolls by with key smashes. Your feisty dynamic with the music department’s resident grumpface is well-known, and this. This is breaking news worthy.  It doesn’t help that Jihoon chooses this exact moment to leave the bedroom to put his plate in the sink. It’s not his fault; you did tell him that you’d end early. He catches your deer-in-headlights look and freezes in the middle of the room, mouthing, Are you not done?
…is this how the lie finally unravels?
“Is that your cat?” Jeonghan jumps in now. “Does he finally want to say hi to the class?”
Your brain fires off excuses. We’re neighbors. We happened to see each other right before this. My apartment wi-fi is weak, so I teach in a public space that Jihoon happens to frequent, too. Actually, his washing machine is broken, so he’s over just to do laundry. But you know that the evidence is damning. You’re caught.
“Anyone who wants or needs to leave, feel free to,” you say before muting your mic. Only three names disappear from the list of participants. “Jihoon, they know.”
You don’t need to explain further. His eyes bug out. “They what? How?”
“One of my students is in your class. They recognized your cardigan.” You glance at your chat still asking you to confirm, though your reaction is basically a confirmation already. “They’re asking you to say hello.”
He gives you a worried look. “Are you okay with that? You can tell them to mind their own business and ignore it. Give them enough homework and they’ll forget about it.”
“I’m okay with it. If you are.”
He holds your gaze for a moment before shrugging. He puts his plate on the coffee table and then walks into frame. You unmute your mic.
“Well, everyone who’s interested,” you begin, waving to the newcomer behind your shoulder. “Meet my boyfriend. Some of you might know him.”
He ducks down, and when his face appears, the chat goes wild.
It’s really him!!
Wait, when did you start dating?????
ok but i lowkey called it…like, who fights so much srsly…
You push Jihoon out of the camera, fighting back an embarrassed chuckle. “Alright, if there’s no more questions about your upcoming assignment, go do your work,” you say. “You had your fun. I’m guessing you don’t need to stay, so no break out rooms while I sort this mess out.”
Some of them protest, trying to ask more questions about your sudden relationship, but Jeonghan steps in, saying that he needs to talk to you. That clears out the rest of them fairly quickly, leaving only you, Jeonghan, and Jihoon standing right out of view.
“So,” your colleague crows, “you and Professor Jihoon, huh? Can’t say I’m surprised. I always said there was something in the air. Will you be free for a debrief later as planned, or will you be preoccupied with doing damage control?”
“We can still meet as planned,” you manage.
“Perfect.” Jeonghan twiddles his fingers into the camera. “Tell Mr. Boyfriend I said bye.”
“Bye, Jeonghan.”
You end the room, and with a sigh that could probably lift a hot air balloon, you swivel your chair to face the so-called Mr. Boyfriend, who’s looking a lot calmer than you expected.
“Cat’s out of the bag,” you say, as if that wasn’t obvious already. “Guess we can’t pretend to fight in front of them anymore.”
He laughs. “That’s what you’re thinking about?”
You give him a half-shrug. “It was fun! Made for pretty entertaining days. Do you think the news will get around to everyone by tomorrow?”
“I bet it’ll get around to everyone by tonight,” he says. To prove his point, his phone buzzes incessantly in his back pocket, and he reads the message before showing you the screen. “See? Soonyoung’s already asking me about it.”
“Okay.” You smile. “Just making sure you’re not regretting having your name tied to mine. You know they’re not going to let this go for a long time.”
Professor Jihoon — standing in front of you with a day old black t-shirt, basketball shorts, and bright eyes that cameras can’t capture — leans down to cage you between his arms.
“Are you kidding me?” he murmurs, drawing even closer. “I finally get to publicly call you mine.”
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carliscrazy · 11 years
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Bill from professor!AU.  He seems like a horn-rim glasses kinda guy to me.
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graveyard-ripper · 3 months
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if cabinetry could talk, it would tell misty rucker that her professor finds eating to be an inconvenience throughout a busy workday. the cabinets are filled with little more than pantry staples, and, in fact, they are not filled with much at all. to her surprise, the contents therein are obsessively organized; four boxes of cheerios are in order of expiration date, the spices are sorted alphabetically, and all the dried pasta has been transferred to clear, labeled jars. she speaks to mémé on the phone, trying to work out a hearty meal she can make with what food is available. ❝ elle a de la farine, du sucre blanc, de l'avoine… ❞
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ravixen · 3 years
jihoon ; behind doors
➔ synopsis: professor jihoon of the music & dance department and professor y/n of the language department can't stand each other. inspired by this post by @imagine-svt (aka me LMFAO)
➔ warnings: none || genre: general, fluff ➔ 845 words || mini-scenario || professor!au || not requested
Leaning back in your chair with feet on the window sill and student work in your lap, you take in the scene outside of your window. Your office faces the prettiest courtyard on campus, and today, blanketed by a thick layer of snow, the area looks like a veritable painting.
"Professor Y/N!"
The hiss of your name jolts you out of your hot chocolate musings, and you swivel back to your desk, face pulled into a mask of indifference. In the hallway is Professor Jihoon, bundled in his usual parka, scarf, and winter hat. White dusts his shoulders, but it's quickly disappearing in the building's heat.
"My office hours are posted by the door, but since you're here, feel free to take a seat." You gesture to the couch along one wall. He steps into the room but stays standing. “How can I help you today?”
“You know what I’m here for,” he snaps, taking off his hat and running his fingers through his hair. The strands are damp from the weather, leaving behind mussed waves. He’d be good looking if he wasn’t so grumpy all the time. “Where are my folders?”
Without breaking eye contact, you reach down to your bottom drawer and take out the stack of papers. “Oh, these?” you ask casually, flicking your wrist. “I found them earlier. Was going to drop them off at the lost and found before lunch.”
“Yes, those. I wrote my name in the corners.” He holds out his hand. “Would you stop taking my things?”
“Have you considered not leaving them behind after every class?” You raise your eyebrows and get up to circle your desk. You perch along the front edge. “You’re not the only one who uses that lecture hall, y’know. I always have to clean up before my classes.”
“You could just put them off to the side; I’d get them later.”
“And miss the opportunity to teach you a lesson? You may have a Ph.D, but you can still get schooled, Professor Jihoon.”
“Y/N―” he starts to huff, but he’s interrupted by a knock on the door.
Professor Jeonghan, whose office sits across the hall from yours, is trying to hold back his amused eye roll. “Hi, professors, I know you both hate each other―really, I’m suffocating in the sexual tension here―” he waves like your argument produces something tangible in the air― “but I’m trying to have a student meeting. So if you could keep it down, that’d be appreciated.”
You and Jihoon exchange a look before turning back to Jeonghan.
“Okay, why don’t I just do this, hm? Carry on, you two.” Jeonghan mouths a good-bye to you and pulls the door closed behind him as he leaves.
A beat of silence.
Jihoon exhales, exasperated. “Alright, I need to get back to work,” he says, drawing closer.
Folders still in your hand, you move them behind you, out of his reach, and the sudden movement has him stumbling forward. His arms shoot out to catch him. You find yourself caged against your desk, Jihoon’s face inches from your own. He sighs your name again.
“I have a class I need to prepare for,” he says, not moving.
“And I’d like some sort of payment for their release,” you say.
Another beat of silence.
He finally whispers, “You’re so silly, you know that?”
Like the snow, his annoyed expressions melts, and you’re left basking in the soft adoration of your boyfriend. He drops a feather light kiss on your forehead. You shake your head with the slightest pout. Not enough. He presses one to each cheek, one to your nose, and―when you tilt your chin―one to your lips. The last one is longer than the others, keeping you distracted enough for him to snatch his things from your grasp and step back.
“Thanks for these,” he quips loudly, tone sharp and sarcastic. Then he drops his voice. “I have to bring work home tonight; can we order chicken?”
“Chicken’s good. Let me know if you need anything?”
“Of course. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
You walk to the door and yank it open, pinning him with a glare for the sake of the student on the bench outside. “Be more professional, Professor Jihoon, and we’d stop having these issues.”
“Stop meddling, Professor Y/N. Your department’s the one borrowing my department’s spaces,” he says coolly. He nods at the student on his way out, one that’s in both his advanced classes and your introductory language class. “Have a nice afternoon.”
As you move aside to let your student in, you mentally chuckle at how long you can keep up this image of bickering rivals.
“Professor Y/N?”
“Yes? Sorry, you’re here to talk about your essay?”
“Yeah.” The student stops taking out their notes to level you with a thoughtful look. “You could try being a little nicer to him. Maybe he leaves a mess as an excuse to talk to you.”
And maybe I’m taking his things as an excuse to talk to him.
SEQUEL: behind screens
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