#Port of Trieste
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Port of Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
Italian vintage postcard
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heartmainstream · 2 months
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m-o-ustafa92 · 5 months
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في عام ١٩٠٧ وعندما كان عمره ١٧ عاماً، بدأ إيغون شيلِه رحلة التحرر من التعاليم التقليدية لأكاديمية فيينا وانجذب نحو الفنون الأكثر إبتكاراً لحركة "الإنفصال الفييني"، وخاصة أعمال زعيمها غوستاف كليمت، وجد شيلِه مرشده .فقد أدى إجتماعهم الأول، الذي عُقد على الأرجح في مقهى "المتحف" بالقرب من المبنى الذي يضم الحركة، إلى زيارة استوديو كليمت. تلقى شيله هناك بعد عرض أعماله ملاحظة لا تنسى من كليمت: "الموهبة؟ حقاً، الكثير من الموهبة".
ومن تلك السنة المحورية خرجت واحدة من أبرز لوحات شيلِه الزيتية، ميناء ترييستي. يقدم هذا العمل الفني وما يصوّر من قوارب ميناء ترييستي لمحة عن أسلوب الفنان المتطور. مدينة ترييستي في إيطاليا، والتي كان يتردد عليها شيلِه خلال عام ١٩٠٧ مع أخته المقرّبة جيرتي، كانت إختياراً طبيعياً لما تحمله من قيمة عاطفية للفنان لكونها وجهة شهر العسل لوالديه. وبعيداً عن قيود بلده والأكاديمية، قدمت ترييستي الحرية التي كان شيلِه يتوق إليها لتحقيق رؤيته الفنية الخاصة.
لطالما كان شيلِه يتذكر زياراته إلى ترييستي بتوق وحنين. في عام ١٩١٢، خلال فترة عزلة قصيرة، وجد عزاءه في ذكرياته عن المدينة، ورسم قواربها مستعيداً تلك الذكريات. "لقد حلمت بترييستي"، هكذا قال في مذكراته، معبراً عن شوقه العميق للبحر والحرية التي يمثلها.
في هذه اللوحة، أظهرت تقنيات شيِله الجريئة موهبته الإستثنائية، وخاصة في تصويره التعبيري لإنعكاسات الماء. وقد تمكن من ذلك بكل براعة بإستخدام أساليب غير تقليدية، مثل خدش الطلاء الرطب باستخدام قلم الرصاص أو الطرف الخلفي للفرشاة.
Port of Trieste
Egon Schiele
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scavengedluxury · 3 months
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Trieste docks, 1988. From the Budapest municipal photography company archive.
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Trieste Italy
Photo: Dieter Krehbiel
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weirdopponent · 1 year
Port of Trieste
When the boy fell he was watching the ocean. He left his eyes open wide for seeing and taking in, for looking at the pale clouds over the moldy eggshell sky, which was likely blue but he couldn’t see that. When the boy fell, it was dawn. When the boy fell, it was forever, and the world behind him was dazed with sleep and tangled in hotel bedsheets.
As he looked at the harbor, he thought he wouldn’t be able to distinguish sky from sea, but that wasn’t quite right. The blue of the water was light and - well, watery, and clear, and filled with such depth of color, with so many things. There were boats half trapped under the surface, their lines stretching down deep to seek solitude in the silt. The reflection of his face, eyes he couldn’t meet.
He wondered if he ought be ashamed.
The boats bobbed, up and down, nodding past their noses. Some left the harbor with a drawl, slower than they looked and faster than you’d think, leaving him without an answer. He would ignore them, no matter what they said. If his teachers and parents had no agency over him, then surely the ocean and the boats did not, either. He did not care. He did not ever care.
The world was yet quiet, and Gertie was sleeping, the world tangled in her hotel bedsheets, and the boy fell. He fell as he always had, as he always would, leaving the world wondering why he’d want to drop from it when it had everything he should want to have, to be, to make.
When he lands he will be remembered by grotesque lines digging into watercolor pages, long and jagged and strange-looking. He will be remembered by the stretch of ugly sexuality, or perhaps he will not be remembered at all. The world will follow him, eventually.
But for now, he falls, and he ignores the boats bobbing “yes, yes, yes”.
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thirdlifesstuff · 15 days
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bubblesorbubbles · 6 months
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Sea monster
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davorkuhelj · 1 year
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Trieste at night, Italy #trieste #triestesocial #italy #italia #friuliveneziagiulia #harbour #triestecity #ig #igerstrieste #discovertrieste #triesteraccontatrieste #fvglive #fvg #port #triesteitaly #instatrieste #vivotrieste #streetphotography #travelgram #picoftheday #sea #night #friuli #travel #photography #port #adriaticsea #mediterranean #mainsquare #christmas (at Trieste, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmtIoKYIp-h/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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T-34/85 tanks of the Yugoslav 4th Army, entering the port city of Trieste, Italy, during the Tržaška Operacija, in last days of the war in Europe, 30 April 1945.
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postcard-from-the-past · 11 months
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Port of Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy
Italian vintage postcard
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umseb · 11 months
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sebastian vettel filming a commercial in the old port, trieste, italy - october 12, 2015
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Chiavi Perse? Porte Bloccate?
Chiavi Perse? Porte Bloccate? Chiama Pronto Intervento Fabbro 24h per una soluzione immediata.
Le emergenze con il fabbro possono colpire inaspettatamente, lasciandoti in una situazione stressante e vulnerabile. Che tu ti sia accidentalmente chiuso fuori, abbia perso le chiavi o abbia riscontrato un malfunzionamento con le serrature o il sistema di sicurezza, l'urgenza di queste situazioni è innegabile. In tali momenti, avere a disposizione un servizio di fabbro affidabile diventa cruciale. Il nostro team di Pronto Intervento Fabbro 24h comprende l'ansia legata alle emergenze con il fabbro ed è dedicato a fornire assistenza tempestiva e affidabile. Siamo qui per offrire una mano d'aiuto 24 ore al giorno, 7 giorni su 7, garantendo che tu possa riacquistare l'accesso e la tranquillità prontamente.
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Cosa Offriamo
Apertura Porte Normale e Blindate: Siamo esperti nell'aprire qualsiasi tipo di porta, sia essa normale o blindata, senza danneggiare la struttura.
Cambio Serratura: Se hai bisogno di una sostituzione o un aggiornamento della serratura, siamo pronti a fornirti soluzioni sicure e affidabili.
Apertura Cassaforte: I nostri tecnici sono addestrati per aprire casseforti in modo professionale e discreto.
Riparazione Finestre: Ripariamo finestre danneggiate o rotte, ripristinando la sicurezza e l'isolamento termico della tua casa.
Riparazione & Assistenza Serrande e Tapparelle: Dalle serrande ai tapparelle, ci occupiamo della riparazione e manutenzione per garantire un funzionamento fluido.
Apertura Porta Senza Scasso: Utilizziamo tecniche avanzate per aprire porte senza danneggiare la struttura, riducendo al minimo i costi di riparazione.
Dove Operiamo
Copriamo diverse regioni in Italia, assicurando che il nostro servizio di pronto intervento sia accessibile a tutti. Ecco alcune delle regioni in cui operiamo:
• Abruzzo – Pescara, L’Aquila, Chieti, Teramo • Emilia-Romagna – Bologna, Ferrara, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravena, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Forli-Cesena • Friuli-Venezia Giulia – Trieste, Udine, Gorizia, Pordenone • Lazio – Roma, Latina, Tivoli, Frosinone, Viterbo • Liguria – Genova, Imperia, La Spezia, Savona, Sanremo • Lombardia – Milano, Brescia, Como, Lecco, Monza, Pavia, Varese, Bergamo, Sondrio, Cremona, Lodi, Mantova • Marche – Ancona, Macerata, Ascoli, Fermo, Pesaro-Urbino • Piemonte – Torino, Asti, Vercelli, Alessandria, Novara, Biella, Cuneo, Verbano • Toscana – Firenze, Pisa, Siena, Lucca, Livorno, Arezzo, Prato, Pistoia, Massa-Carrara, Grosseto • Trentino-Alto Adige – Trento, Bolzano • Umbria – Perugia, Terni • Veneto – Padova, Vicenza, Verona, Venezia
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Quando ti trovi in questi situazioni di emergenza, una mano amichevole fa davvero la differenza. Noi da Pronto Intervento Fabbro 24h, capiamo quanto possa essere stressante tutto questo. Ci impegniamo a fornirti un servizio di fabbro affidabile e pronto a darti una mano, 24/7. La tua sicurezza è la nostra priorità assoluta, e siamo qui per ripristinare il tuo accesso e la tua tranquillità in modo efficiente e professionale. Non esitare a darci un fischio in caso di emergenza – siamo qui per te!
Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro sito web all'indirizzo https://prontointerventofabbro-24h.it/  per ulteriori dettagli sui nostri servizi e per conoscere meglio il nostro team. In caso di emergenza, non esitate a chiamarci al 800134967 e saremo felici di assistervi. Siamo qui per risolvere i tuoi problemi 24/7.
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rosefrancaise8 · 1 year
Now for our side trip into Slovenia, to see the port of Koper and the medieval coastal village of Piran, a mere 30 minutes from Trieste. It was a small affair - just the two of us, an American couple and our tour guide under a bright blue Slovenian sky. It was simple but beautifully done - we took our time walking through steep and winding cobblestoned streets, took quick peeks inside churches, and sat in one of the little squares tasting Slovenian wine matched to sardines, prosciutto and cheese on soft white bread. Delicious.
Our guide Bejan, was a big rap for his country of 2 million and from him we learned that: graffiti is a thing of the past (expensive fines are the answer); Slovenians are not fanatical about religion (there is appropriate separation between church and state); there is no crime (people have what they need); health care and education is free (including universities); unemployment is at 2%; the port is Europe’s largest for cars and it is always looking for people to drive them onto ferries); immigration is very low (asylum seekers are not choosing to come to Slovenia either); highly skilled work has replaced heavy industry; beef carpaccio was inspired by the artist Carpaccio’s liberal use of red paint; the average person can buy a house for $300,000 euros; wealthy Russians and Ukrainians have moved to Piran to avoid the war and pay people $20,000 euros to drive home to collect their belongings; there was a substantial public health response to Covid (Koper and Piran came off OK); the North Adriatic is fished out so with financial incentives from the EU new fish farming industries have developed (mussels, oysters, sardines and sea bass); all produce is organic (it is now illegal to use fertilisers and pesticides); post-Covid, the country has moved to smaller scale tourism with less environmental impact; it is a sport loving county and women are more highly represented than elsewhere in Europe - and finally, the President of the Parliament is a woman and she can move around freely and safely without security (as we saw for ourselves).
As a business operator and a citizen, he sounded proud of the decisions his government had taken about the environment and of the indelible positive impression that socialism (pre 1991) had made on social equality and the health and well being of his country.
Trieste’s proximity to Slovenia was one of the attractions it held for us so we were very glad to have had this experience. If we had a spare few thousand euros we would buy a tiny place in Piran no problem at all! Must remember to give our guide a good review.
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Tagged by the funèbre @focalizer
relationship status: Lonely is as lonely does, that said I am an esteemed member of a girl (?) gang (as in we graffiti, go to strikes and commit petty crimes together) which has to count for something
favorite color: deep purples veering on blue, the kind you can see at sunrise or on expensive corduroy. Also the brown of molasses or maple syrup or recently varnished wood
song stuck in my head: "A cowboy overflow of the heart" by David Berman & the Avalanches
three favorite foods: Piperade with anchovies and capers, onion & barley soup with breads & cheeses (an assortment of each) Mont Blanc cake
last song i listened to: "A swallow song" by Mimi & Richard Fariña
dream trip: on a beautiful though crumbling galleon in the Mediterranean, calling at various ports. We would get wood splinters all the time, we would always have to repair the ship, and we couldn't enjoy our time on land as much as we wanted, since the piece we'd need to repair the ship (a carburettor, new sails, a new figurehead) would always be somewhere else. We would hurry through the streets of Casablanca, Trieste, Paphos, Neum, Syracuse, Port Saïd, Marseille, Thessaloniki, Valencia, Tripoli, Çanakkale with even a black sea excursion to Odesa, Sokhumi, Constanta, Varna, Sinop, Trabzon, Istanbul, Strilkove... We wouldn't be happy, per se, but I think I think after that trip, me and my shipmates would know each other in a way that excludes any goodbyes, except the "see you soon" at the end. That and the dream that those seas could be sailed and those cities reached, of course. If we're talking destinations and not trips I'll settle for Hav.
last thing i googled: "Be you mighty sparrow ? Lyrics"
anything i want rn: Paper to write letters on, a guillotine paraded through the streets of Paris, a translation of the novel I'm reading at the moment to gift to my non-french-speaking friends.
Interested in seeing those questions answered by @bouquet-of-violets @ruegracieuse @saltforsalt @thefangsharpener @lie-de-vin @water-weaving @bogfox @katelucia
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architectuul · 1 year
The City of Coffee
Trieste, once the old port of the Habsburgs, represents a combination of cultures, religions and architecture at the intersection of the West and the East. The Mediterranean metropolis of coffee with a mild Mediterranean climate lies on the border, where conflicts of the region's fragile identity often arise.
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Plan of the port of Trieste, Italy by Gauthier, 1854
The history of Trieste was marked by clashes with the Venetians, but the Habsburgs, whose traces are particularly visible in the Teresian quarter, left the strongest influence without a doubt. Architectural styles from Byzantine and Roman buildings to Neoclassicism, Art Nouveau, Eclectic and Baroque intertwine in the city. The architecture from the period of the Habsburg monarchy gives the city a special charm, so Trieste can be compared to Vienna or Budapest. The touch of New York can be felt in the Aedes Palace (or the red skyscraper) located on the edge of the Grand Canal. Just a ten-minute walk away, on Via Teatro Romano, are the remains of the original Roman theatre. Streets intersect at right angles and buildings are no more than four stories high. On the way to Piazza Goldoni, the Skala dei Giganti staircase leads us to the city's Cathedral of San Giusto.
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In the north of the old free port, once the imperial port of the Habsburgs, four piers still stand today. The picturesque Piazza Unità is surrounded by the Governor's Palace, the City Hall and the two mighty palaces of the insurance companies Lloyd and Generali. The baroque fountain of the four continents with four statues depicting Europe, Asia, Africa and America, the previously known continents, speaks of the city's cosmopolitanism. Nearby stands the Revoltella Museum with an impressive collection. The old neoclassical stock exchange with its huge lobby and allegorical statues testifies that the trade in black gold - coffee - flourished in the city. 
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On the invitation of the Open Houses Slovenia Architectuul created an architectural tour in Trieste to visit some of the most important architectures which marked the development of the city.  
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The Temple of Monte Grisa | Photo © Rok Zidar
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Rozzol Melara Complex | Photo © Rok Zidar
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University of Trieste | Photo © Rok Zidar
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Slovenian Cultural Centre | Photo © Rok Zidar
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Stazione Rogers | Photo © Rok Zidar
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