#Pitmad friendships
cranehana · 7 years
One of the best side-effects of online novel-pitch contests: the community around them. Whether or not a writer makes the cut (agent request, mentorship, etc), most writers can find new friendships and even collaborations within the larger pool of the hopeful and hopeless. Mark J. Engels and I met during a pitch contest in 2016 (was it #DVpit? #Pitmad? #SFFpit? They blur, yanno.) Neither of us…
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ditzydruid · 5 years
Ch. 2 of “The Circle” is Out!
Hello lovely readers! I’m excited to announce that ch. 2 of “The Circle” is out on Wattpad! I’m having a lot of fun writing this story. We're now going back a few months to see how Nora got to the failed ritual in ch 1. Over the coming chapters, we'll see friendship and romance unfold. I hope you enjoy it. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think! 
Writing this is providing a balm against the stress of researching agents, preparing query letters, revising my synopsis, and preparing for #pitchwars / #pitmad. 
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thenatureofpages · 4 years
Projects I'm Working On
Hello, fair folk of the internet!
I originally had a very different blog post planned for today, but as I was scrolling through previous blog posts it occurred to me: while I talk about the WIPs and novels I’m working on, I’ve never actually explained them.
On Twitter I have the hashtag #TheFictionList/#TFL and #SandCB for my projects, which brings up a few pitch preps for #TFL and me rambling about my disaster children for both.
I’m definitely going to be talking about The Fiction List more as the year goes on, as I’m pitching this June (hopefully – June or September) in PitMad on Twitter and will be querying over the rest of the summer. Eep! The madness will absolutely be updating on my blog and twitter, so I figured it’s high time to explain what they’re even about.
The Fiction List
When a teen book blogger has anxiety about senior year, she and fellow blogging friends decide to create a list – The Fiction List. A race to check off YA fiction stereotypes in their own lives leads to drama, chaos, and spectacular backfiring.
That’s the pitch I used for #NaNoWriterMatch (which honestly, I did not end up with a match but still had fun anyway :P) and I was honestly stunned by a few of the comments. Very special thanks to @daylightreads for saying you misread my tweet and tried to find the book on Goodreads- I floated on that compliment for the rest of the week.
ANYWHO, TFL is an enemies-to-lovers YA Contemporary with sarcasm, book blogging, and the power of friendship (as cheesy as it sounds). It’s a bit of a love letter to the online book community and how easily the online world can bleed into the offline world. And enemies to lovers, because, duh, it’s me writing it. All of my books are that way (because it’s cutest trope ever and I will die on this hill).
This is the book I’m pitching and to be completely honest, I’m struggling with writing it right now. I’m on draft three, technically – I wrote half of a draft two last Camp NaNo before taking a break which turned into a forever-break. I love writing first drafts, they’re the most fun and freeing – but the rest of the drafts? They actually have to be good and make sense and I struggle with this, lol!
I also made some aesthetics for the story and a Pinterest board! Because procrastination powers.
The Cast
(these descriptions were taken straight from Twitter, which is why my writing is sooo much more casual lol!)
Zinnia Prow: She is a stressy mess (we stan) & a blogger with a rebellious streak wider than her bookshelves. While she has anxiety, she isn’t afraid to stand up to sarcasm or people who are wrong. She would do anything for friends, even fly across the world. She’s the protagonist and the sole POV!
Natalia Moretti: Natalia is one of Zinn’s best friends in the world and is an Italian book blogger! She would rather jump off a cliff than admit she’s wrong and has a very deadpan, sarcastic sense of humor. Has a crush on Austen despite her better judgment and the voice of reason(ish??? barely)
Austen Jacobson: Austen is a Mess and YouTube sensation, BFFs with Zinn and Nat. He rarely gets enough sleep from staying up late drawing or practicing for hockey. Excitable and likely to rush into something without thinking, his home life ain’t great but he’s workin’ on it. dramatic as heckkk
Kyson Jennings: My autumn-obsessed soft boi, Kyson’s the love interest and sarcastic as HECK. He will adamantly deny being Soft if confronted but we know the truth. He’s dEtErMiNeD and has a fear of failure. Zinnia annoys him on a daily basis and it’s a while before they can stand each other ^-^
A few of the other reoccuring characters are Mia, one of Zinnia’s friends throughout all of high school with her but starting to drift away, Poppy, Zinnia’s overly serious younger sister with her feet firmly on the ground instead of head in the clouds, Forest, her older brother in a college two hours away, and Atticus, one of the boys in book club. And the elusive AKinderSea, a popular bookstagrammer who posts fROM her scHOOL?
Basically, all the geekiness.
Sunflowers and Combat Boots
Going to be completely honest and say this title has absolutely nothing to do with the story. I put it in as a placeholder for a Pinterest board and never changed it.
S&CB is about a dysfunctional superhero family who basically kinda accidentally adopts a villain. There’s a lot of arguing, sarcasm, and double-crossing. And – come on, everyone, say it with me – enemies to lovers.
Here’s the aesthetic board and the Pinterest board!
The Cast
(this book has a much bigger cast and rather than one POV and one main character, there’s six or seven!)
Daisy Dean: softest of the soft, very smol bean, easily flustered and also easily annoyed, hobbies include photography and annoying Riley; superpower: hovering a foot off the ground
Riley Lopez: the Most sarcastic, causes his author a lot of internal screaming because he’s very suave and flirty and we all know those are skills I’m lacking, good at fixin’ stuff, hobbies include guitar, skipping school, and equally annoying the heck outta Daisy; superpower: electricity (spoiler alert that’s not actually a spoiler at all: he’s the villain)
Roman Youngsley: very introverted, carries the weight of everyone in the group, can’t have any physical contact due to his power developing too early and causing pain for all those involved, loves drawing but would rather die than show people his art; superpower: invisibility
Ginnie Waters: unapologetically herself, very stubborn and slightly fiery, still enjoys the monkey bars even though she’s twenty and can touch the ground, talks with her hands a lot, works for an anti-Superhero organization and gives the information back to Roman
Trip Hurst: joined the group later than the rest so often overlooked, very soft but sarcastic sense of humor, will do anything for his family even if that means defecting to the other side for information (*cough* not….that it happens ofc *cough*)
A few of the other reoccurring characters are Alexa, the adopted guardian for most of these disaster children who’s Literally The Worst, Kitt, Daisy’s boyfriend (at least at the beginning), Jaxson, Riley’s best friend who’s a terrible influence, and Blackwell, the leader of the group that riots against anti-Superhero movements and also is The Worst.
The whole novel is just a lot of sarcastic banter, wittiness, and probably not enough plot because I’m too busy dealing with the characters personalities. This book will probably never see the light of sun because I’m writing it purely for fun with zero interest in publishing, so that way it can be as trope-y and weird as I please.
So those are my main two projects I’m currently working on, with a couple others happening in the background. There’s a novel I’m lightly plotting with a friend and one in the back of my head I might do for NaNo 2021, but for now my main priority is TFL!
What projects are you working on? What’s your favorite trope to include in your writing? Let me know in the comments! I loveeee reading about story ideas and would absolutely be up to chat about them. Make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram for more updates!
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