#Pink Floyd's The Wall
tabb1tha · 2 months
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What the fuck is this disaster of a film
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heksen-sabbat · 2 months
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Written: "Sitting in a bunker - here behind my wall"
Found in "The Making of Pink Floyd: The Wall" by Gerald Scarfe.
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Ingo shouldn’t be just another brick in the wall.
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In trying to pick my favorite, I'll give you three:
Of course my mind went blank immediately in trying to pick but...
1) Gerald Scarfe, the guy who animated and directed the animated segments of The Wall film also did early concept art for Disney's Hercules
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2) Speaking of Disney, there were scrapped plans for a Yellow Submerine remake. It was meant to be animated with mocap CGI. You can still find the concept work online.
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3) Also homosexual relationships have been observed in multiple bird species (over 130 avian species) not just swans.
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mirthandir · 1 year
There's a certain subset of people who grew up in the 80's and listened to and claim to like Pink Floyd's The Wall but also very clearly retained absolutely 0% of the point
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kop-mischief · 1 year
Post Pandemiea Watch Party: The Wall - Part 1
Some movies are hitting totally different after the pandemic. Holy shit. Rewatching 1982's Pink Floyd's The Wall unexpectedly fucked me up. It's got a lot more weight from a post pandemic POV.
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Last time I watched this movie I was like 15. Thought it looked cool AF and the imagery was inspiring but it didn't exactly hit close to home. Honestly I put it on the other night remembering this was a thing while working on my own upsetting flowers project.
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I can see why it's a cult classic with mid ground reviews. Hardly any dialogue, heavy in visual symbolism and story telling. I love stuff like that but I get it's not for everyone. Also that it's in part Rodger Water's personal biography masked in trippy imagery. I'd imagine, especially with the passage of time, quite a bit would get lost in translation to a wide, sober audience.
But after what we all went through the last few years The Wall might be primed to make the most sense to the most amount of people (while sober even!) than it ever has before.
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Worse comes to worse, still a gorgeous movie to stare at. I'm saddened we'll never see the animation found in there like that again. And I'm terribly curious what other people's reactions to it now we're all on the "other side".
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bluejay73-yt-va · 3 months
Me: My mom got me this great sleep mask for Christmas. It's super comfy and really good at blocking out the light. It even has wireless speakers in it so I can play nice relaxing music to help me sleep.
My friend: Cool cool. What music do you normally listen to?
Me: ...Pink Floyd's The Wall
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wormsinfilm · 7 months
Worms in film: The Wall [1982]
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At first I couldn't tell if it was worms in this shot or maggots (because there are very clearly maggots in another shot, but these ones are in soil). The more I look, the more I'm thinking it's maggots...
However, worms are mentioned in several songs in this album/movie! How exciting! Although they are a metaphor for the main character falling into nationalism/fascist beliefs I THINK??
Honourable mention: One key mention of worms is in a character addressed as "Worm, your Honour", although he is not a worm, in fact he is a ball sack wearing a powdered wig.
3/10, no worms BUT there are maggots, which are also pretty cool and squirmy even if they're not annelids. Plenty of worm mentions although they are metaphors for fascism and not actual worms. (This does not paint worms in a favourable light.)
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corvid-stan-account · 7 months
You think your problems are hard, liberal? Today my cat tried to brush up against my leg while I was getting out of the shower and he slipped and fell into the tub and his feet got wet. For him this has had an impact on par with 9/11
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vikkicomics · 1 year
Wow, so much modern British film and literature can be summed up as, MC is stuck in a concrete box in the middle of nowhere being tortured by a family member and/or trusted authority figure, everything is grey, wet and in need of repair and MC’s only source of hope is destroyed in the end. 
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marinermo · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time I saw a musical about the everyday horrors of public schools in mid-century Britain, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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tabb1tha · 4 months
The wall meme dump for those who care
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derekfoxwit · 2 years
You bet your ass that there had to be British parents back in the 1950s that were trying to brush off any accusations of the England education system being corrupted back then with “Not all teachers, some of them are nice.”
Good thing there hasn’t been anyone who’s done that within the last 5 years in relation to Pink Floyd’s Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2.
Anyway, here are a couple of songs I’d like to link.
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bogchampion · 11 months
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i may have become a little obsessed with this animation from The Wall. also intersected with some fallout vibes in my brain
(warning for the vid, it's extremely surreal, ns/fw, got body horror and is generally weird shit.)
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andromeddog · 5 months
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come in here, dear boy, have a cigar
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The children who “didn’t need no education” in Pink Floyd’s The Wall later sued the band as they also didn’t get no royalties.
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