#Patrex Chapter
archivists-notes · 5 months
Reading documents about the Chapterhouses in a nutshell:
Arcalians are quiet and don't like talking to us for SOME REASON so we don't really know much about them outside of what they've written about themselves and those are clearly biased.
We tried to talk to the Patrexes but they kept offering us ginger and we couldn't figure out what was going on but one of the Tots gave us a drawing so they probably all like art?
Uhhh I don't really think we need to talk about the other houses I'm sure people have already written about them right? Yeah.
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the-patrex · 5 months
blease can you link the temple household qpr cuddle puddle fic i canny find it
Heeeyya! Sorry for taking long to track it down here it is!
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galissia-x · 4 months
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i'm fukcign braindead i made a doctor who persona because im so so obsessed again thanks to the 60th anniversary specials
she's a renegade time lord who fled gallifrey in the early years of the Time War :)
i also gave her an original incanation (below) and did an INSANE amount of DW lore research to flesh out her character (and it's not even that fleshed out :sobbing: )
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This week we've been looking at Houses on Gallifrey. You may have already tried to guess which Chapter your House is in, but which one actually ARE you?
Take this absolutely 100% scientific Quiz of Rassilon to find out.
Which one was your outcome? Was it the same as your guess?
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raspberry-gloaming · 5 months
How does marriage and heritage affiliation work for Time Lords? I'm guessing its a blah waves hand thing, anything to do with it probably contradicts something else somewehre in the mass of dw lore, but in universe, it makes me curious.
We know that marriage is very much seen as political, for most individuals. A joining between two factions, perhaps, or houses, or chapters, maybe. A demonstration of an alliance, perhaps. This is something I enjoy with the parallels of Time Lord Society and the elites in Western culture in the pre-modern era. I'm someone who studies the Early Modern period so Ik there's a lot to draw comparisons there, and Victorian stuff as well. I'm not that educated on pre that, but I imagine there is as well.
But what I would like to know is how houses and chapters work for future generations. One parent is from Lungbarrow, the other is from Lineacrux - what house are you affiliated with? Chapters, too. If your parents were one Patrex and the other Dromeian, which one would you belong to? Which academy and college would you be affiliated with?
Within the political entrails of pre-modern aristocratic Western human society, the patriarchal nature of society made it simpler. You would be of your father's house and line. But in a society where the roles of father and mother are interchangeable, where one can regenerate into a different gender or sex? That doesn't work there.
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timelordpropaganda · 4 months
Best House in your opinion? Or just generally a Chapter
We just have such a grand, beautiful time. There’s always such cool works of art to study and appreciate and even participate in! My own Looming was included in a fine art work 😁.
As far as specific Chapterhouses, I love both Vulcas house and my own very, very much. They have been very supportive towards us, our marriage, and of course my little one.
Anyone who claims Prydonian is the best chapter is not fun hehe!
-Lord Cardinal Lambda
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I've seen some interesting takes on roasting the various Chapters of the Gallifreyan Academy....
Here are my favorites.... Yes I know who I swiped some of them from. They decided to believe that it slander and now they can stay salty.
Upper Triad
Oh look, it's all a political prowess of Gallifrey and absolutely none of the chill. These are the chapters everyone hears about and for good reason, they got all of the political power. Unfortunately for everyone they also got absolutely no chill and tend to be a little on the extra side.
This is definitely the chapter of the single person debate teams. They absolutely also did create a 15-page cited paper on why your opinion is trash and will show it to you without you asking. This is the political science group and they are as smart and cunning as they are extra, I'm pretty sure this is why this chapter creates more Lord Presidents and Renegades than any other. The chapter colors are Scarlet and burnt orange, just like the planet. Lord Rassilon founded this chapter and I'm certain he's just down for this.
This chapter will absolutely go poke it with a stick to see what happens. The curious and science loving group. These nerds and their Patrexes homies Are absolutely the ones creating and running the experiments. Arcaleans though me not have the most practical experiments and are probably just curious. Yes, that is a watermelon full of c4 and no, you do not get to ask why..... Colors are green and brown and I could get them lost in a forest on Earth, not that the founders Lord Omega would be there (hint - he's still in the lab with the Techs).
There is so much glitter in This description. This is the engineering, music and artistic group. They absolutely produce some of the most practical things on the planet and some of the most absolutely jaw-droppingly bizarre. I am quite certain that they would be the group 100% cheering on the guy who did a series of overly engineered glitter bombs for porch pirates. The colors they ended up with are heliotrope and yellow and nothing will convince me that this was not part of a prank where the other decided they were going to melt Lord Rassilon's eyes out of his head. I am quite certain it worked and now we all get to look at it.
Lower Triad
Oh look, I found all of gallifrey's chill.... In the lower Triad. Go figure, heat does rise and chill. Things do tend to sink unless it's ice.
Everybody's favorite group of archaeologists and librarians. Don't piss them off, they will never forget it and it will live on in archives forever... Essentially. This extraordinarily goth looking group was founded by Patrician Aperion and they are probably completely finished with everybody's bullshit. A tendency to wear spiky boots, and the chapter colors being nothing but grays is not helping. At least this chapter has the record sorted and potentially at least one spray bottle for when over enthusiastic academy student is overstating their welcome.
This would be everybody's favorite group of hippie nerds. It's like solar punk became an entire chapter and they dress in nothing but blue. Lady Lasluine is most likely the one that kept everyone from absolutely demolishing each other. I am very certain it is the Cerulean chapter that makes sure that snacks are available for everyone and that people actually eat and sleep. There's nothing like a bunch of hyper focused nerds who forget that sleeping and eating is actually necessary. For what this group likes and political power, they definitely know how to network and socialize.
Gallifrey's favorite group of blessed little math nerds. Honestly, this is the chillest group of people you will ever meet, they just vibe... Very consistently. Somehow the chapter that probably manages everybody's checkbook also has the least political power. I am pretty sure that they are all also music nerds as the Venn diagram between music, nerds and math nerds tends to be less of a then diagram and more of a slightly out of focus circle. Patrician Pandak started this chapter and I refuse to believe that they bankrupt themselves, however, I somehow managed to believe that their founder can read lips and likes heavy metal.
The only criticism I really want right now is if I spelled someone's name wrong.... Or if you have a good argument on if I got the first two chapters in the lower Triad backwards.... That is the only one I'm uncertain about.
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You know, for all the past memes of Ceruleans being plant-touchers etc, it's actually really interesting that they're the one chapter that, for most of the timeline, isn't named after a specific ruling chapterhouse but instead with a generic "colour" name. This presumably comes from the whole "Green Party" metaphor idea.
Meanwhile during the War in Heaven, not only is there explicitly a sixth ruling house now that temporarily rose to power in the chapter (I personally guess either Tracolix or Xianthellipse but YMMV - which ever one it isn't is probably Patrex), but now other chapters, in so much as we hear about them, are referred to with similar colour-based names. This comes from A Labyrinth of Histories, where Dvora is mentioned to be part of the "Scarlet Chapterhouse", despite now ruling what used to be the Prydonian chapter.
I assume the latter is due to the new instability of the chapters. Over millions of years of absolute power, Houses Prydon, Scendeles, Arcal, Patrex and Dromei had become synonymous with their chapters until the shakeup of the War. With the chapterhouses suddenly changing constantly, there's no point in referring to the chapters by their ruling house regimes. Instead they are simply referred to by colour, presumably the original constitutional names for the chapters, in the same way as there are Gold and Bronze Ushers.
This would seem to suggest that there is no "House Cerulean", but instead that the chapter has always been like this.
So, what does this imply about the Cerulean Chapter, which seemingly never developed a consistent ruling house?
Originally I thought this might have been due to some sort of internal directly-democratic system where no one House is allowed power over the chapter. This would seem fitting given the chapter's politics. However, the War-time naming of the chapters and the introduction of a sixth ruling house implies there's no special rule to this chapter in particular.
Now however... I think it implies there might have been many ruling houses over the chapter's history, but none were ever able to hold on to power for very long or had any accomplishments that distinguished them from all the other houses that attempted to lead the chapter. This is presuambly part of the reason why the chapter never gained much power, as they were too internally unstable to get anything done long-term.
In other words - the reason why the 'progressive' Cerulean chapter never managed to change much on Gallifrey, leaving its society stagnant and conservative?
Basically comes down to... leftist infighting.
Suddenly that metaphor is a little bit less silly isn't it?
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thatbiologist · 1 year
Which Time Lord Chapter are You?
Fellow Nerds (Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary Pals) as the TERF’s Wizarding World is getting increasingly problematic I have a proposal. Instead of caring about which Hogswarts House you’ll be in, now think about which Great Chapter of Gallifrey you would join at the Time Lord Academy.
Arcalian - They tend to be the most scientifically-minded and socially aware of Gallifreyian society. Once the most dominant Chapter until Rassilon completely reorganised Time Lord society. Their robe colours are green and beige. 
Cerulean - They tend to be the wisest and careful of Gallifreyian society. However, they lack political power.  Their robe colours are subdue light blue and dark royal blue.
Dromeian - They tend to be the most ambitious and power-hungry of Gallifreyian society. However, they lack political power.  Their robe colours are white and silver.
Patrex - They tend to be the most artistically and aesthetically-minded of Gallifreyian society. But member tend to lack “pure” imagination.  Their robe colours are light and dark purple. 
Prydonian - They tend to be the most most traditional, but adventurous of Gallifreyian society. The Chapter has produced a greater share of renegades that leave Gallifrey to see the Universe.  Their robe colours are orange and scarlet.
Scendeles - They tend to be the most aware of social-pressure imposed by Gallifreyian society. The Chapter could bankrupt itself just to keep up appearances.  Their robe colours are yellow and brown.
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what if Narvin (black sheep of the Patrex chapter) and Romana (golden child of the house of Heartshaven) somehow met as kids
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pl9090 · 2 years
Chapters & Houses
My interpretation is that it's simply a notation change. The Chapter formality layer was mutaly ignored/stored away for the duration, (to both streamline the War effort and symbolically follow the War King's example as part of the dynamism he introduced/inspired) whereas the Imperatrix and .L.G.T.W. Rassilon imposed it. Basically everyone just didn't bother showing the Chapter names and ceremonial regalia and the, "name" Houses, (eg: Prydon) were replaced in prominence, (eg: House Dvora replaced House Prydon as the lead House of the Prydonian Chapter). The individual: Citadels/cities and academies retain their Chapter names, (eg: The Prydon Citadel/city and academy isn't renamed Dvora). This is backed up by the audio, "A Labyrinth of Histories" in which where Dvora is mentioned to be part of the “Scarlet Chapterhouse”, (ie: Prydonian which they didn't have the rights to outright name).
"And it will be then, and only then, that we may truely address each other by the titles we've used in the past", The War King's Inaugral address.
"While older less active bloodlines are relegated to the academies and backwaters of society", "This is partly a side effect of the War, but partly due to the more aggressive more dynamic approach of the House's War King", The Ruling Houses, The Book of the War.
"It was understood all children of the Homeworld would contribute".
Examples Pre War: The Doctor of House Lungbarrow, Prydonian Chapter. During War: The Doctor of House Lungbarrow.
Pre War: Stephen Carter, Baron Carter of Barnes. During War: Baron Stephen Carter.
Current Ruling Houses House Dvora of Chapter Prydon. House Mirraflex of Chapter Patrex. House Lineacrux of Chapter Arcalia. House Tracolix of Chapter Scendeles. House Aprexia of Chapter Creulean. House Xianthellipse of Chapter Dromeian.
Reddit reply House Prydon is the founding and leading house of the Prydonian Chapter, (to which The Doctor and thus House Lungbarrow belongs). The Book of the War mentions that several of the Houses in it have long ancient histories meaning they existed before the Second War in Heaven thus during the Classic series era. This is my attempt to reconcile that.
Each Chapter is made up of several Houses. During the War the Chapter level pomp and circumstance was shelved and the, "newer" now more ambitious Houses took prominence over the older ones but didn't abolish them.
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archivists-notes · 3 months
mmgh... oh- uh...
Notes on Gallifreyan Courting Rituals and Marriage
Courting rituals vary among the different groups in Gallifreyan Society, and are unfortunately one of the less well-catalogued cultural quirks. Few details I can say for certain, but one part of the record I wish to set straight is that despite what many groups seem to think, Gallifreyan society is not big on arranged marriages.
This is primarily because we're not big on marriages in general. That is not to say they don't happen, of course; they're just not very common. When they do, they happen after anywhere from decades to centuries of dedicated displays of affection from all of the parties involved.
And here is where we circle back around to courting rituals. These tend to vary by Chapter, and despite my best efforts, reliable sources are hard to come by on this topic (one source that seemed to be more reliable than others suggested that the courting process within the Prydonian Chapter involved no small amount of physical fights.) and I can only speak to an extent about my own. In the Patrex Chapter, courtship typically involved plenty of gifts, usually art pieces that increase in complexity throughout the duration of the courtship.
This is all I have to say on the matter as of right now, although I may delve further into the topic at a later date. Romance has never been a concept that interested me, so I never saw a reason to look further into the intricacies of something I saw, and still see, as trivial. I suppose I regret that now.
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the-patrex · 5 months
Why are you Patrex? Do you find that House superior to the others?
Not reaaaally, just yknow, its the artsy Chapter so they kindly took me in.
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livingwiththedrums · 2 months
I, uh, daydream about her a lot lately. Might be because Mr Master sir really reminds me of her.
Anyway, that's not important RN! What's important is your memories! I read you remembered more stuff?
Oh, um, yes! Apparently I was a member of the Patrex chapter, whatever that means. I got to wear purple. That’s all I’ve remembered so far though…
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local-ragamuffin · 2 months
Ok yep Vera is in the Patrex chapter time to make some designs of her wearing purple
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arthur-in-time · 3 months
Are you in the Patrex chapter??? Judging by the colours you're wearing, and your artistic talent
Oh- uh.. thank you for the compliment.
And yeah I'm from Heartshaven which is a Patrexi aligned House...
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