#Parhelion knight
aseuki · 2 months
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Heard there was an @kirbyoctournament going on and decided to join the bandwagon like any good upstanding citizen--and also use this as an excuse to let folks be properly introduced to my little menace hahaha
He has a Reference Sheet and their own dedicated tag, but for those that want the quick rundown of his deal:
Parhelion Knight is the lone guardian of the ancient wishing star Parhelic Anima. A volatile, foul-mouthed spitfire, Stell isn't exactly the most sociable puffball in the cosmos, quicker to resort to violence and insults over diplomacy. To be fair, when the extent of one's social interactions for the past several centuries is speaking to a soulless AI, talking to oneself, and spewing death threats, it makes sense that their conversational ability vastly suffered. It certainly doesn't help that they're desperately pasting flex tape over their many, many complexes over their short stature and lack of wings. Projecting? Overcompensation? What's that?
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cali-kabi · 1 month
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~ saw some amazing awesome knight ocs and I drew them (~˘▾˘)~💫🌟🍭🌈
@aseuki 🌟 @what-is-love-babey-dont-hurt-me 🌟 @startistdoodles hope y’all like them in my art style I had so much fun drawing them ;w;🌟
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kirbyoctournament · 18 days
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ROUND ONE: Princess Fijn VS Parhelion Knight
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kyusart · 11 months
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Attack #2, featuring @aseuki's OC, Parhelion Knight!
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miniiieevee · 10 months
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last batch of artfight attacks!!!
(tags under the cut)
Luna - @dragonitepaw
Poogini - @thasdedede4u
Spork - @americanspiders
Bee - @kirby-madness
Parhelion Knight (Stell) - @aseuki
Jax (+ my oc Jellee) - @ampharosee
Rei and Terra - @blueberryfruitbat
Rind - @thebunnywhoneverlikedcarrots
Sunset - @deafeninggardenerpanda
Mitzi - @sweets-maoo
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heracrosshero · 4 months
Massacre Girl waited for the cover of night. She had borrowed a flying mount from a contact of hers in the Simic. It was some unholy hybrid of bat, lemur, and manta ray named Fuzzy. Fuzzy and Massacre Girl glided through the cold city air towards the Parhelion II. Angels and Sky knights gracefully circled around on patrol. However, Massacre Girl easily guided her mount to descend quickly through a blind spot. Fuzzy's wings folded inward as they came to a stop in a small overhang in the flying fortress's structure. Hidden under the towering steel, Massacre Girl dismounted andpatted Fuzzy on the head. Telling them to stay put, Massacre Girl began to tread carefully towards a metal hatch on the wall nearby.
The hatch was much too tightly sealed for her to pull open herself, but she could neatly use a vial of acid to melt through its hinges. Then, all Massacre Girl had to do was wait patiently until the acid had done its work, and then lift the hatch door up and gently lay it down on the deck. Inside of the Parhelion II, Massacre Girl found rows and rows of barracks down seemingly endless halls. The interior was made mostly of spotless marble floors and metal beams crossing the ceilings and walls. Most of the Boros Legionnaires aboard the Parhelion II were asleep by now, and so the magical hall lights were only dimly pulsating. Massacre Girl's jagged teeth reflected this soft light as she smiled mischievously. The first stage of her adventure was over.
There were a few possible objectives Massacre Girl could accomplish while on board the Parhelion II. She could go down to the prison sector and free the prisoners there to sow chaos, she could kill a few higher ranking legionnaires to sow fear, or she could just wander around until something else caught her fancy. Plan C was the only option available to her at the moment, as she had no idea what the layout of this gargantuan war machine was. Whatever actions she took tonight, they had to be over and done with before sunrise, or else her chances of escape would drop like a stone. Therefore, Massacre Girl jogged down the halls, her feet making no noise even on the hard stone floors. She hastily glanced at the labels of rooms and stairways, looking for any hints as to where she was, but to no luck. Every map and plaque was marked by numbers and letters that didn't mean anything to Massacre Girl. Grunting in frustration, Massacre Girl pushed open the door of a stairwell and slid down the rails to descend to the next floor down. She had landed near the upper levels of the Parhelion II. If it was anything like a normal Boros building, the more secure areas would be in the center of the complex.
After twisting around corner after corner until her ankles began to ache and her eyes were straining, Massacre Girl finally rounded to face a grand door blocked by an iron portcullis. Two human legionnaire guards marched in lockstep back and forth, but had not yet noticed her. Now this room had some potential. All it took was a brief moment of distraction for Massacre Girl to strike her victims with a set of darts laced with a paralyzing toxin. It wasn't potent enough to do any lasting damage to a grown human, sadly. However, it worked to instantly render both guards inert and unconscious on the ground. This allowed Massacre Girl to casually stroll up to the door, whistling a happy tune. A lever next to the door stood out, and Massacre Girl used both her hands to haul down on the lever in order to raise the portcullis. It made a dangerous amount of noise, but whoever worked or lived in this room clearly was important enough to have this whole floor to themselves, because Massacre Girl hadn't seen any other rooms nearby. Once the spearlike rods of the portcullis were set tight above the arch of the door, Massacre Girl twisted the doorknob and gently swung open the door. The lights were all off inside, but Massacre Girl could tell it was a living quarters. To her side was a small closet mostly filled with greaves, mail, and other armor pieces. Further inside of this space was an entry parlor with a few pieces of wooden furniture and a small kitchen next to it. With her assassin's heightened senses, Massacre Girl could tell that there was a person just around the corner, but there was no threat or danger in the air. Asleep, Massacre Girl concluded.
Taking out a set of fresh daggers, she tiptoed her way past the closet and the chairs and the kitchen. A wooden door, much less decorative and far less fortified than the previous, stood slightly ajar. It looked relatively well kept, if plain, so Massacre Girl hoped it did not creak. Biting her lip in anticipation, she raised a hand and softly pushed against the door with her fingertips.
With no windows or lights, the room was so pitch-dark that even Massacre Girl needed a moment to adjust her eyes. A large, rectangular bed was the centerpiece of the room. In the inky blackness, she could still see the pattern of the Boros Legion covering the bedsheets. Underneath those sheets was a person, fast asleep. They slept on their stomach, with one hand hanging limply off the bed, grazing the cold marble floor underneath. Their long hair spread out in all directions like an octopus's tentacles, completely enveloping their face and upper back. The resting figure wore simple linen pajamas with no ornamentation. What Massacre Girl noticed most was a sword in its scabbard resting on the edge of the bed, and a pair of feathery wings hugging their owner like another blanket, rising and falling with her even breaths. This was Aurelia the Warleader's bedchamber.
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satoshi-mochida · 4 months
Yohane the Parhelion: NUMAZU in the MIRAGE coming to PS4 on March 28, DLC announced
From Gematsu
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BeXide will release a PlayStation 4 version of roguelike deckbuilder Yohane the Parhelion: NUMAZU in the MIRAGE on March 28, the developer announced.
The PlayStation 5, Switch, and PC (Steam) versions of Yohane the Parhelion: NUMAZU in the MIRAGE are due out on February 22 worldwide. Unlike the PlayStation 5 and Switch versions, which are also available physically in Japan, the PlayStation 4 version will be digital-only.
BeXide also announced downloadable content plans, which include:
Costume: “Forever U & I”
-Release Date: March 27 (Switch) / March 28 (PS5, PC)
-Price: TBD
Costume for Yohane (x1)
Starter Card: “Somersault”
Starter Charm: “You’s Flight Boots”
Yohane the Parhelion Song Set
-Release Date: March 28
-Price: TBD
“Genjitsu Mysterium”
“Kimi no Tame Boku no Tame”
“Forever U & I”
“Deep Blue”A
Additional Characters Pack Vol. 1: Dia, Hanamaru and Kanan
-Release Date: April 25
-Price: TBD
Playable characters: Dia, Hanamaru, and Kanan
Additional stories: Dia, Hanamaru, and Kanan
Additional events: Dia, Hanamaru, and Kanan
New charms (x3)
New summon card (Yohane)
An Outfit Set for Everyone: “Night Wicked Knight”
-Release Date: May
-Price: TBD
Costumes for summon characters (x9)
Costume for Yohane (x1)
New charm (x1)
Costume: “Delta Replica”
-Release Date: June
-Price: TBD
Costume for Yohane (x1)
Watch a new trailer below.
"Night Wicked" Trailer
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tazmilygray · 8 months
OcTober day 19 - Parhelion Knight, who belongs to @aseuki
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blackboar · 1 year
On this day: February 2th, 1461: the battle of Mortimer's Cross
The battle of Mortimer's Cross was fought at the end of winter and was rooted in Welsh politics. It was fought at the border between Wales and Herefordshire. On the one side, the new duke of York since the execution of his father a month ago: Edward Plantagenet. Edward was Earl of March before, a huge lordship in Wales and the Welsh Marches, commanding many retainers. Two of its most prominent retainers were there with him: William Herbert and Walter Deveureux.
William Herbert was an ambitious Welshman, and Walter Devereux was a prominent Hertfordshire knight, both dedicated to the House of York.
Facing them, the Lancastrian faction was led by Jasper and Owen Tudor. Jasper, as Earl of Pembroke and half-brother of the king, commanded great influence in southern Wales. His brother Edmund clashed with Devereux in 1456 as York tried to rise in influence in the region. James Butler was with them as Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond. The Butler family was powerful in Ireland and headed the Lancastrian faction in an unstable island where Yorkist influence was prominent. He fought with the Tudors. However, his marriages with the Beauchamp and Beaufort families gave him lands and interests in the Welsh Marches and the West Country, making him a powerful magnate outside of Ireland.
The stakes were high. Edward IV was the only adult Yorkist alive capable of championing the Lancastrians. More locally, Jasper and Owen had a grudge against Deveureux and Herbert, who waged war against their interest in 1456.
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The Lancastrians were probably less numerous than the Yorkists, but their aggressive strategy gave them a shot at beating them.
Butler attempted an aggressive encirclement of the left flank, forcing Devereux to retreat. Meanwhile, Pembroke faced the duke of York. Owen's attempt at crushing Herbert and forcing an encirclement could have changed History, but it failed, and his 'battle' began to rout. Herbert's decisive hold allowed a Yorkist victory and the capture and execution of Owen Tudor.
This victory would mean much for the Yorkist. Everyone on the Yorkist side was eventually promoted. Deveureux and Herbert would become lord in 1461, just like Sir Humphrey Stafford, who fought with them. York would become king of England a few months later. The reverse was also true, as Jasper Tudor lost his earldom in favor of the Herberts (1469) and Butler lost his life a few months later and his family lost his earldom of Wiltshire with it. Jasper would regain his lands only after the battle of Bosworth twenty-four years later, in which Walter Deveureux, as lord Ferrers, would die fighting for Richard III.
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Sun Dog in the Nuremberg Chronicle.
Edward IV would use the battle as a neat piece of propaganda. A parhelion was seen on the eve of the battle, and Edward IV would say those three suns represented the three surviving sons of York (Edward, George, and Richard). It would symbolize the dawn of a new dynasty for England, but the collision of the three stars would allow Tudor's sun to rise.
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deltaengineering · 8 months
Summer Anime 2023: GoHands saves anime
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale S2
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I wasn't really all that impressed with S1 of Sugar Apple, but it was fun enough. There was a chance it would do away with its naive ruminations on chauvinism and slavery, after all. And yeah, it did that. But maybe I should have stated more clearly that that bland nonsense also needs to be replaced with something better, and that part certainly did not happen. The show fills the vacant space with two things: The kind of completely uninteresting worldbuilding and politics that were all over S1, weren't good there either, but were so insubstantial they weren't worth of note. Well, now they are. The other is that we get a ridiculously evil over the top villain that's amusing for one episode, but gets old really fast. Not to mention that everyone (outside of the designated villain, which is why you know he's bad) seems to love Anne now, especially Challe. So the spicy romance interplay is gone and Challe is now an edgy white knight that tips his fedora to m'lady. And the big finale is that Anne inspires a dozen pretty boys to invent Christmas, somehow. This one just is very poorly written and as of S2 has optimized out all things that distract from that. 4/10
Noble Farmer
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The appeal of Noble Farmer isn't what the show does, but what it is: Notable action shounen mangaka Hiromu Arakawa telling a few anecdotes about her growing up as a farmer on Hokkaido. Of course we've known that since Silver Spoon, but it's still enough of a novelty to just barely carry this short series. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's not. As usual, a short doesn't actually need to be all that good to be an easy watch, but I've seen better ones. 5/10
Instead Of Zom 100 You Get NieR:Automata Ver1.1a
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Why hello, we have a vacant 5/10 spot for mysterious reasons. Let's talk about a production disaster from the season before that just managed to end in this one. To be honest, I've already forgotten about Near A Tomato Service Pack 1 (Backer Beta) so I'll have to patch it up with my knowledge of the game, which is probably for the better anyway. Or is it? I am one of the few people that don't think that Nier Automata is the pinnacle of storytelling¹, so one reason to even give this a chance is to see if the story clicks better if it's told in a more straightforward way. But then it just seems that the opposite is true: Yes, it is indeed the main plot of Nier Automata, but the lack of nonlinearity and other assorted participatory/environmental storytelling just points out that there isn't all that much to that, especially towards the end when it's just about beating up the big monster, but in a sad way. The few things that it does change or add either don't amount to anything we didn't already know or have their payoff pushed onto the sequel. At least the music is still fantastic but it's just literally the game music, so that's nothing new either. This anime is probably for the fans, but even the fans will quickly realize that it's inferior to the real thing - though for them, inferior to the BEST. STORY. EVER!!!! is likely still plenty good enough. 5/10
¹ Before a million salty Yoko Taro fans jump down my throat, it's pretty good, okay? Just not as exceptional as you think. Thank you.
Yohane the Parhelion -SUNSHINE in the MIRROR-
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So why does this exist. I can only imagine that Numazu has a bit of surplus marketing budget now, so here we go, Aqours is back... In the form of an appealing, but pretty bog standard children's show. Sunshine already wasn't the most profound Love Live show, nor did it have the most multidimensional characters, but naturally this is a shallower version of that - with the curious exception of Mari, who somehow is a more well-rounded character here than she originally was (though what that means is left as an exercise to the reader). Yoshiko herself of course has a bit more going on, but she better have, given that this show is very definitely about her and her problems - and it's still not really enough. All of this of course is expected from a children's afternoon show where the big bad is a vague "calamity" that doesn't even get defined as much as being made out of people's negative emotions or something like that. No it's just uh, bad (and by bad I mean purple), and then gets defeated by friendship and good vibes and an Aquors single. This show should have really done more random nonsense like Chika and her sisters randomly having a Sentai team and Dia being Kamen Rider for tedious IRL reasons, but that quirkiness is so minor it feels more out of place than anything. I don't want to be too harsh on this because it's still fundamentally a good time, but there really just isn't much to it. But I guess that's just how it goes with entrenched franchises, right? 6/10
GoHands presents the GoHands Power Hour featuring The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses and The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today
Before I get to the details of these shows, there's quite a bit they have in common, and that is, obviously, being made by GoHands. I have a pretty complicated history with GoHands. Yes, I did watch the whole Handhakersverse mostly because it was unbelievably ugly, but on the other hand, there is something to be said about an unique, consistent aesthetic: GoHands is dreamcore. I don't think it's pretty, but I do think it's fascinating, which is why I wasn't amused when every Anime Opinion Haver immediately wrote these two off as being unwatchable and took cheap shots on Ecks Dot Com. So I'll watch them. I thought. That'll show em.
The punchline was obvious: Neither of these shows are crassly ugly in a meaningful way. They're a bit overdone, but honestly they're more reminiscent of some SHAFT productions. Really, outside a few meme gif shots in the first episodes, there's nothing special about the looks apart from an overreliance on postproduction gimmicks like particle and lighting effects and stifling color correction, and everyone loves those when KyoAni does them. So there goes the reason to watch them... Except then, in a truly GoHandsian further twist, they're actually good. I'm as puzzled as you are.
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Well, "good" is maybe a bit much. Glasses Girl is definitely watchable though, mostly just because Mie is remarkably cute. Of course, this being an entry in the "my classmate is wacky and I can't deal with it" genre, the same cannot be said of Komura, whose React-Man antics are most charitably described as "occasionally not annoying". The show gets a lot of credit for actually finding new ways to make the one joke that is in its title reasonably fresh, and it even manages to elicit some d'aww feelings towards the clumsy kid romance it develops into. I can't tell a lie, it's fine. 6/10
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This one honestly is pretty good though, even though the absurd wish fulfilment setup of "I'm a lonely dysfunctional office lady but my cat is actually a perfect homemaker" seems thoroughly sketchy. To be honest, Yukichi actually does act like a cat, so I can only assume this is indeed written by a lonely dysfunctional office lady. As far as surreal daily life comedies go, this one's a winner though. It's cute, it's funny, and all that. A rather simple comedy about a very obvious joke setup, but there's enough going on in the periphery to make it not boring - and then there's hooks like half the female cast having a crush on Saku, which if acted upon would instantly make this one of the dankest yuri shows of all time. One can only dream. 7/10
BanG Dream! It's MyGO!!!!!
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It's always the same with these gacha franchise shows. Even when they're good, they're always bloated by too many characters, too many established plots, too much desire to make everyone equally likeable, and a strict adherence to the status quo. Over the years, many a time I have written "but what can you do". What can you do, indeed?
So here comes MyGO, where the plan apparently was "how about THIS time we just don't do any of that". Now, this part is interesting only for people like me who watched this show as part of the franchise. Nobody else would (or, honestly, should) care that this franchise show breaks the mould uncommonly hard — only whether it's good. Thankfully, MyGO is also just one of the best teen drama shows around, franchise or not. I guess it really helps if you make a show that a writer would actually want to write and not just a bunch of corporate mandates, but Ayana Yuniko takes it no the next level and does things that even "regular" shows in a similar lane don't attempt; for example, Tomori completely fixes the problems I had with Bocchi (of The Rock fame) by being treated appropriately seriously. Now, I don't want to oversell this show, you won't get the next Kids on the Slope here - it's still a small-scale anime about a bunch of drama kids that produces not one, but two marketable bands in the end. But within this framework, it really is about as good as it gets. Every character is complicated and has major personality flaws, which seems very risky but extremely worth when it pays off like here. In short, it's textbook character drama. It's a bit silly at times, but I'll accept that as yeah, teen girls in bands can be pretty goddamn silly. It also doesn't have an ending, but I'd question whether a low-key drama like this even can have a proper ending. They manage to make their disastrous teen band work for a bit, what more can you expect?
I guess I should mention the looks also, which are nothing particularly special when you know the fairly high level of CG animation Sanzigen have consistently been doing. Of course this serious show doesn't have much of the cartooniness, but makes up for it with select instances of really good direction — MyGO has a particular knack for uncomfortable wide angles.
In the end, MyGO is an uncommonly legitimate character drama with low stakes. It can dip into melodrama but not any worse than these shows always do. Ironically the most questionable aspect is that there will be a sequel based on the other band, Ave Mujica, which work extreme well as a joke about how they are everything MyGO is not. But that makes them an awful band full of awful people, and I'm not sure if I want to actually watch that. It's certainly a tall order, but then again, I didn't expect much from this show to begin with. For now it's an 8/10
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bilaldemirkr · 4 months
Liste dolu! Şubat 2024’te çıkacak yeni PS oyunları belirli oldu
New Post has been published on https://bilaldemirkr.com.tr/liste-dolu-subat-2024te-cikacak-yeni-ps-oyunlari-belirli-oldu/
Liste dolu! Şubat 2024’te çıkacak yeni PS oyunları belirli oldu
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Sony’nin PlayStation oyun konsolları için yeni oyunlar çıkmaya devam ediyor. Geçtiğimiz ay birçok üretim sunulmuştu. Önümüzdeki ay piyasaya sürülecek oyunlar da dikkat çekecek üzere görünüyor. İşte Şubat 2024’te çıkacak yeni PlayStation 4/5 oyunları…
Yeni PlayStation 4/5 oyunları (Şubat 2024)
Önümüzdeki ay piyasaya sürülecek oyunlara baktığımızda en çok Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League göze çarpıyor. 2 Şubat‘ta PlayStation 5 için yayınlanacak oyun, aksiyon-macera çeşidinde bir imal olarak karşımıza çıkıyor.
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Şubat ayında piyasaya sürülecek PlayStation oyunları ortasında Atomic Heart: Trapped in Limbo, Resident Evil 4: Gold Edition, Skull And Bones, Open Roads ve Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth de yer alıyor. Tüm listeye aşağıdan ulaşabilirsiniz.
Şubat 2024’te piyasaya sürülecek yeni PlayStation oyunları şu halde sıralandı;
Tarih Oyun Platform 2 Şubat Jujutsu Kaisen: Cursed Clash PS5, PS4 2 Şubat Persona 3 Reload PS5, PS4 2 Şubat Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League PS5 6 Şubat Alisa: Developer’s Cut PS5, PS 6 Şubat Atomic Heart: Trapped in Limbo PS5, PS4 6 Şubat Foamstars PS5, PS4 8 Şubat Helldivers 2 PS5 8 Şubat KONOSUBA – God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World! Love For These Clothes Of Desire! PS4 9 Şubat Resident Evil 4: Gold Edition PS5, PS4 13 Şubat Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore PS5, PS4 13 Şubat Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden PS5 13 Şubat Ultros PS5 14 Şubat Tomb Raider I-III Remastered Starring Lara Croft PS5, PS4 15 Şubat Gunvolt Records Cychronicle PS5, PS4 15 Şubat PlateUp! PS5 15 Şubat Spirit Hunter: Death Mark 2 PS5, PS4 16 Şubat The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 3 / The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 4 PS5 16 Şubat Skull And Bones PS5 18 Şubat Slave Zero X PS5, PS4 19 Şubat King Arthur: Knight’s Tale PS5 20 Şubat Irem Collection Volume 2 PS5, PS4 20 Şubat qomp2 PS5, PS4 20 Şubat Shadows Over Loathing PS5 20 Şubat Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters PS5 21 Şubat Numazu in the Mirage PS5 22 Şubat Garden Life: A Cozy Simulator PS5, PS4 22 Şubat Open Roads PS5, PS4 22 Şubat Pacific Drive PS5 22 Şubat Yohane the Parhelion – NUMAZU in the MIRAGE – PS5 23 Şubat Promenade PS5, PS4 28 Şubat Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons PS5 28 Şubat Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster PS5, PS4 29 Şubat Bar Stella Abyss PS5, PS4 29 Şubat Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth PS5 29 Şubat Welcome to ParadiZe PS5
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historyhermann · 11 months
Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story Season 2 Spoiler-Filled Review [Part 2]
Continued from part 1
Although there, sadly, wasn't a kiss between Eve and Aoi, the series was filled with gay subtext. While some may call it yuri-bait, it is more charitable to describe it as yuri subtext. In any case, the show was a fun ride. It wrapped up far too quickly, with many time jumps. Despite this, the ending of the series makes clear that the game between Aoi and Eve continues forever. There is the implication that they won't be apart and may even play again.
The ending could have been stronger, but I don't detest it. There is enough space and possible storyline, especially during the two aforementioned time skips, that a third season or even an OVA could expand upon. Such a season, or OVA, could focus on Eve and Aoi, or the growing closeness between the two caddies, Amane and Ichina, shown in the final episode. There is fan support for another season, or OVA. It remains to be seen if executives think the same.
There are other praiseworthy elements of Birdie Wing. The music complements the action. It accompanies the strong, flowing animation. The two highly skilled series composers, Kōtarō Nakagawa and Hironori Anazawa, make the series that much better. The former composed music for Gosick and Chivalry of a Failed Knight, while the latter did music for Scarlet Nexus.
Birdie Wing is nothing like any currently airing series produced by Bandai Namco Pictures, or those by Sunrise. Such series are supernatural action, mecha, or military science fiction. Bandai Namco Pictures is known for Gintama, Brave Beats, and Aikatsu!. Another division of the same company, Sunrise (also called Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc.), is recognized for other series. This includes Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury, Love Live! Superstar!!, Love Live! Sunshine!!, Love Live! School Idol Project, Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, Tiger & Bunny, Dirty Pair, and Cowboy Bebop.
The series director, Takayuki Inagaki, worked on Fuuka, KanColle, Kokoro Library, Princess Tutu, and R.O.D. the TV. Yōsuke Kuroda, main writer for Birdie Wing, worked on Kokoro Library as well. He served as a head writer for Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid and Madlax.
The voice cast are just as seasoned and have often voiced queer characters. Akari Kito, who voices Eve, voiced magical girl Momo Chiyoda in The Demon Girl Next Door, Kanata Konoe in Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, Touko Usagihara in Akebi's Sailor Uniform, and Sakura Adachi in Adachi and Shimamura. Asami Seto, voice of Aoi, previously voiced Yoshino Takatsuki in Wandering Son, Charlotte Scherzen in Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid, Fena Houtman in Fena: Pirate Princess, and Nene Saionji in Yuri Is My Job!
Seto is scheduled to voice Yori Asanagi in Whisper Me a Love Song in January 2024. M.A.O. (voice of Kaoruko Iijima) will voice Kohaku in Yohane the Parhelion: Sunshine in the Mirror. The latter is a Love Live! Sunshine!! spinoff which recently premiered on Crunchyroll. The voice actor of Amane (Ami Koshimizu) voiced Yang Xiao Long in RWBY: Ice Queendom, Elda in Otaku Elf, Maria in Management of a Novice Alchemist, and Sailor Jupiter in Sailor Moon Crystal. All these characters are directly or indirectly queer.
Akira Sekine, voice of Lily, previously voiced Sora/Cure Sky in Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure and Princess Charlotte in Princess Principal. Saki Fujita, who voices Ichina, previously lent her voice to school president Mitsuki Sonoda in Sakura Trick. Sonoda had a huge crush on Haruka Takayama. Other voice actors are known for their roles in Maria Watches Over Us, Yurikuma Arashi, D4DJ, Akebi's Sailor Uniform, YuruYuri, Strawberry Panic!, and Sweet Blue Flowers.
Birdie Wing will likely not be continued. Similar themes were likely added to the video game associated with the series. The connection to Madlax, since it is in the same universe, will remain a topic of ongoing fan speculation. I will always remember this anime fondly. It may be some time before another anime can shoot me right through, as Eve says to her opponents, like this one.
All 25 episodes of Birdie Wing: Golf Girls' Story can be streamed on Crunchyroll. The second season can also be purchased on Prime Video or on the Microsoft Store.
© 2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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mtg-brokentoken · 5 years
Because in the Knight, we save the day!
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So I’ve been working on a black/white Knight deck, and was just about finished, but looks like I will be needing some updates when Eldraine releases. Deckbox is just because it matches colors and Knights == Cavalry == Chivalry, it’s funny.
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Arvel, Knight of Windgrace is a great Knight Tribal commander. It’s in two of the main Knight colors, creates tokens with good value, and can use Knights in a meaningful way, moreso than just “attack with creatures that happen to share a type. As such, I made her my commander.
Danitha Capashen is also a Legendary Knight, but mono-white. Has first strike and lifelink in addition to vigilance, and compliments Auras and Equipment well. Still, needed a multi-color commander, but a good compliment to the deck.
Josu Vess, Lich Knight is mono-black with Menace and a pretty hefty Kicker cost. He’s great for a late-game rush of creatures, and as a 4/5 creature he’s pretty sturdy, but again, mono-color Commander just wouldn’t have quite enough support.
Odric, Master Swagtician Tactician isn’t a Knight, but both versions of Odric can really take a deck using combat to the next level. This version has First Strike, and when attacking with at least 3 other creatures, you can choose what creatures block and how they block. First Strike really shines in this manner, because you can make sure what does block it will die, and whatever Knights you need to get through can as well. The other version of Odric works well with a lot of the alphabet soup you can find on Knights, sharing abilities to the other Knights (or even non-Knights) you have.
Other Odric and Kwende recommended, but they’re not in the deck-to-be currently.
Kabira Vindicator starts as a 2/4 for 4, but can work up to a 4/8 that gives other creatures you control +2/+2.
Caravan Escort costs just one white mana, starts as a 1/1, which is a pretty reasonable first turn drop. For 10 more mana (potentially spread over multiple turns) it can be a 5/5 with First Strike.
Knight of the Last Breath costs 7 and is a 4/4. In a pinch, it can change some of your nontoken Knights into Spirits with Flying, though, and becomes 3 Flying Spirits itself, in case you need the evasion.
Wingsteed Rider costs 3 for a 2/2 Flyer. It also has Heroic, which gives it a +1/+1 counter when targeted by a spell you cast. Which might come in handy if we start seeing some white or black Adventures in Eldraine.
Dawnstrike Paladin costs 5 for a 2/4 Vigilance Lifelink creature. Vigilance pairs pretty nicely with Lifelink because you potentially gain the life when attacking as well as blocking, meaning most opponents won’t want to attack into it unless they can deal enough damage to kill it or negate the lifegain. Not a spectacular option, but again I’ll likely be updating (and finishing the deck) once Eldraine releases.
Accorder Paladin. A 3/1 for two mana and it doesn’t have First Strike, so it’s likely to die when it does attack. To make that attack have a little bit more value, it also has Battle Cry, pumping the attack of your other creatures. Giving this card a little bit more toughness or other routes to not die in combat can add a lot of value very quickly, especially if you’ve got a wide board state.
Inspiring Captain is a 3/3 for 4 that does pump your creatures when it comes out. No haste on it, but strong when you’ve already got a handful or so creatures out.
Parhelion Patrol costs 4, 2/3 with Flying and Vigilance, and when it attacks you can put a +1/+1 counter on another creature with lower power. Vigilance means potential blocker, Flying is a great form of evasion so you should be able to use Mentor again, and though Knights are normally 2/2 (too big to get buffed) there are a few cards that start small enough to get some buff. Or you can increase Parhelion’s power so it can give those counters to creatures with more power than it has originally.
Ledev Guardian, costs up to 4 but has Convoke, and is a 2/4. Convoke doesn’t give it Flash, but sometimes worth taping a few other creatures to get another body out. Another card likely to be switched once I get my hands on some Eldraine.
Knight of New Benalia is another 3/1 for 2 mana. This one is just a vanilla creature, but still has the Knight creature type.
Benalish Honor Guard costs 2 for a 2/2, but can pump itself up if your commander (or any other Legendary creature) is on your field. We’ve only got 3 others currently, but seems Eldraine might have some fruits ripe for the picking. ...because it has Food tokens. Is joke. You laugh, yes?
Knight of Malice costs two, one of which is black mana this time. First Strike is still nice, Hexproof from white is a nice little bonus, even moreso if your opponent is trying to use your own tools against you, and it gets +1/+0 if anyone controls a white permanent which most of this deck is.
Cabal Paladin costs 4 for a 4/2, and deals 2 damage to each opponent when you cast a Historic spell (Reminder text: Artifacts, legendaries, and Sagas are historic). Not many Legendaries currently, though a commander is repeatable. The deck has one saga we’ll get to after creatures, and artifacts can be your mana rocks, equipment, and some tribal support.
Cavalry Drillmaster costs 2 for a 2/1, but gives +2/+0 and First Strike the turn it comes out. Doesn’t have flash, so it isn’t a combat trick, but it can make the difference between attacking or not.
Gallant Cavalry 4-mana 2/2 with vigilance, but it also has you create another 2/2 with Vigilance. Sometimes two heads are better than one, but in this case each is only half as good... 1 4/4 can pretty safely block a 3/3, but two 2/2 still lose half the power after state-based actions. Still, we have a few Anthem effects, so going wide tends to be better than going big. Two 3/3s are better than one 5/5, for instance... again circumstantially.
Knight of the White Orchid costs two white mana and is a 2/2 with First Strike. The other ability of it is a bit of a quirky one, though. This card is often a great turn 3 play, so that an opponent has 3 lands out. Play this Knight before you play your land for the turn, that way an opponent has more lands than you, and you put a Plains out, and then you can still play your land for the turn. You played a 2-mana card on turn 3 and still have 2-mana available!!
Knight of the Pilgrim’s Road is 3-mana 3/2, but if it deals combat damage to a player it becomes a 4/3. Nice little boost, but otherwise not much to talk about. Still dies to a Bolt, but something like Odric can help it get through.
Knight of Dusk is 3-mana 2/2, but you can pay BB to destroy target creature blocking it. You do this after blockers are declared, but before combat damage. Great with Odric, but honestly pretty nice even on its own. Your opponent has to decide between overblocking it and compensating for your mana, or not blocking it so you can’t use its ability.
Craven Knight. ...It says block. It’s a typo. (No, it’s not really a typo, just updating wording. It just can’t block and is a 2/2 for 2. Might be something to switch out, gotta review things like mana curve).
Black Knight, 2/2 for 2 with First Strike. It also has protection from White, but this means you also can’t target it, enchant it with white cards, or (if it’s used by an opponent) block it with white creatures.
White Knight. See Black Knight, but reverse the colors.
Dauntless Bodyguard only costs 1 for a 2/1, but you probably don’t want it to be your first-turn play. When it comes out, you choose another creature you control, and you can sacrifice Dauntless Bodyguard to make that creature indestructible for a turn.
Lone Rider is 2-mana 1/1, but it has First Strike and Lifelink. There’s a few other Lifelink creatures we’ve mentioned, to help it transform. When it does transform it gets another 3 power and toughness and adds Trample to the list of abilities. Also stops being a Knight, but it looks really cool.
Speaking of Lifelink, Faithbearer Paladin is a 3/4 for 5 with it.
Capashen Knight is a 1/1 with first strike for two mana, but also has the ability (Firebreathing) to increase its power by 1 for two mana. Works well with First Strike.
Knight of Cliffhaven costs 2 for a 2/2, which isn’t bad, but you can invest more mana to get it to a 4/4 Flying Vigilance. If I do get the other Odric in this deck, these creatures with Flying could start pulling more weight, but even now a little evasion can be good.
Skulking Knight costs 3 for a 3/3 but it has Flanking, so basically needs to be blocked by a 4/4 to trade. Blocked by 3 1/1s? They die before combat damage. Blocked by 100 1/1s? Same thing, they dead before combat damage. But it does have the Illusion/Skulking ability that if targeted by a spell or ability it dies. Even a Giant Growth would kill it. Clarification: It’s sacrificed, so no Dauntless Bodyguard shenanigans, either.
Fallen Askari costs 2, it’s a 2/2, and has Flanking. Can’t block, but with Flanking you probably want to be attacking anyway.
Pentarch Paladin costs 5 (3 of it white!) and is a 3/3 Flanking. When it comes out you can choose a color and later use a tap ability to destroy permanents of that color. This can be devastating to a mono-color deck, or, outside of this deck, if you pair it with Painter’s Servant, EVERY permanent can be the chosen color. Yep. Even lands.
Cadaverous Knight costs 3, has Flanking, 2/2 that can regenerate.
Femeref Knight costs 3, also has Flanking, and for one white it can have Vigilance. Make sure you use that on your main phase, because once it’s declared as a blocker, it’ll tap if it doesn’t already have vigilance.
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Knights of the Black Rose. 5-mana 4/4 but you put the monarch token into the game and you should be drawing a card at the end of the turn it comes out. If someone wants to be drawing that extra card, Knights of the Black Rose has them lose two life and you gain the two life. If you’re the monarch and they’re low on life, they might not even be able to attack you (unless they have enough to kill you before the monarchy moves)!
Order of Yawgmoth costs 4 for a 2/2 with Fear. It also has a saboteur ability (something that triggers when it deals combat damage to a player) to make them discard a card. Sorta helpful for card advantage, but they’ll likely pick the card they can afford to sacrifice... or something like Nullhide Ferox.
Relief Captain pumps up to three creatures with a single +1/+1 counter when it comes out, and otherwise is a 3/2.
Chieftan en-Dal gives all attacking creatures (when it attacks) First Strike until end of turn.
Knight Errant is a 2/2 for 2. Vanilla creature, can help to round out your mana curve. Will something in Eldraine replace it? Plenty more previews could change that answer.
Knight Exemplar costs 3 and is a card that finally rewards our tribal theme! Yes, like so many others it has First Strike, and a +1/+1 Anthem effect limited to other Knights... and it makes those other Knights indestructible!! Protect this, once you get it out. Many creatures have Vigilance and/or Lifelink, how much better do those get when on an indestructible creature?
Cloud Crusader costs 4, 2/3 Flying First Strike. Not bad.
In Garruk’s Wake - It’s a great Wrath effect, though it is expensive. Also gets planeswalkers but leaves your stuff alone.
Profane Procession is a nice way to get some targeted removal, and maybe turn tools against their masters. Or maybe recur some creatures of your own, but less likely. Hmm. Gotta wait for more information about how/if this interacts with Adventures.
Valorous Charge - +2/+0 but only for white creatures... and not even just yours. Still, it works well with a lot of First Strike. Also sorcery speed, so not a combat trick.
Forebear’s Blade adds a little extra power and Trample, which is basically lacking from the deck. Vigilance is also nice, all pairs well with First Strike.
Behind the Scenes gives your creatures Skulk, making it a little easier to attack people with bigger creatures, and after blocks are declared you can use the Anthem ability to get in some extra damage. Btw, if you have the mana for it, feel free to spam that ability, too!
Orzhov Locket is a nice little mana rock, works well for the deck, and late game can be used to refill a dwindling hand.
Declaration in Stone is quite handy against a token deck, but could really shine against a Relentless Rats or Persistent Petitioners deck. Still, you can’t choose what your opponents bring, and a two-mana targeted creature removal spell isn’t entirely bad. Especially since you get a Clue for each nontoken.
Zealous Persecution is a rather nice combat trick, not only giving your creatures an anthem effect, but giving creatures your opponents (yeah, opponents, plural. even the ones not involved in combat or minding their own business can lose their creatures with only 1 toughness) -1/-1.
Gideon’s Phalanx creates 4 2/2s with vigilance, which isn’t a great deal for 7 mana, but also gives your creatures indestructible if you have spell mastery, and it’s an instant so you can use block with those 4 2/2s. Especially with the buffs in this deck they could be bigger, and maybe you’re just playing it at the end of your opponent’s turn to get some more bodies on the field.
Knight’s Pledge just gives +2/+2, but it has Knight in the name so... there’s that.
Unquestioned Authority has art of a Knight (I guess Knight’s Pledge did, too) and gives protection from creatures, so you can attack without worrying about it getting blocked.
Adamant Will gives +2/+2 and indestructible at instant speed, so kinda nice for just 2 mana.
Charge is a one-time instant-speed anthem effect, only costs 1 mana, so can be used for offense or defense.
Dub makes something a Knight, not that many creatures I have in here would need it. Also gives +2/+2 and first strike.
Call the Cavalry is a sorcery that grants 2 2/2s with Vigilance.
History of Benalia is an amazing Tribal card for this, boosting your ranks at first before giving +2/+1 for your Knights for one turn.
Pay No Heed is just a bit of damage prevention in case one big creature swings at you, or use it to protect some of your creatures, whatever you need. It only stops one source of damage, though, so not great against a go-wide strategy. Does kinda give “first strike” though.
Acolyte’s Reward works great in a mostly-white deck like this, redistributing damage to a place more fitting.
Gift of Orzhova gives flying, lifelink, and a little boost and can be cast with either colors of mana.
Cruel Feeding can help you get some life back when needed, helping you make it to the long game with a better board state.
Necrobite not only gives a creature deathtouch, but it also regenerates it. A creature that would die anyway can take out a larger threat this way.
I’m not gonna continue into the lands I have picked out or haven’t yet, but that’s the 62 non-lands in my Knights deck that’s still in progress. Looks like Eldraine might be a good reason to finally finish it up!!
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latin-dr-robotnik · 4 years
What about the best game soundtracks of the 2010s?
So, I’ve been on and off thinking about and drafting this post for most of the year, and it’s finally time for me to unveil it to the world: we are now very close to the end of the year and the end of the 2010s, and while Sonic soundtracks have mostly kept their god-like status, I for sure played and listened to a lot more games than just Sonic. Because of that, I’m kinda in the mood to remember and revisit some of the games with the best soundtracks out there. 
Disclaimer: remember this is merely a personal list, where I take into consideration the game soundtracks that influenced me the most due to overall quality or hype surrounding them. I’m aware of the limitations of the giant task of listing 10 years of VGM, so this post is also an open invitation to all sorts of discussions for the myriad of games I’m surely gonna miss, and maybe even a door into other fandoms I used to take part or still am. If you have a game or a particular track you think it deserves the spotlight, then keep the discussion going!
Also: I’m only listing games with fully original soundtracks, but at the same making an exception for commercial songs created with a particular game in mind, released and then featured in said game (for example, A7X’s stuff for the Black Ops series).
I’m going to include Sonic games just for the sake of highlighting specific tracks. So, what are your favorite soundtracks of the 2010s? Here are some of the best for me:
Non Sonic games (in no particular order):
PAYDAY 2 (2013) - Highlights:
Hot Pursuit;
Break the Rules.
Mega Man 11 (2018) - Highlights:
Fuse Man;
Block Man;
Dr. Wily’s Gear Fortress.
Sunset Overdrive (2014) - Highlights: 
Total Annihilation;
I’m On The Run; 
I Don’t Want Your Company.
Ryu Ga Gotoku Zero (Yakuza 0) (2015) - Highlights: 
Heart Break Mermaid; 
Pledge of Demon; 
Queen of the Passion; 
I’m Gonna Make Her Mine; 
Koi No Disco Queen. (sorry i got carried away for a while ‘cause this game and its ost are both so great)
Furi (2016) - Highlights: 
My Only Chance; 
Wisdom of Rage.
Super Mario Odyssey (2017) - Highlights: 
Steam Gardens; 
Jump Up, Super Star!; 
Break Free (Lead the Way). (I mean, Mario finally has not one but TWO proper vocal tracks, one of them being Sonic-esque as fuck, and in a mainline game no less? WHAT TIMELINE ARE WE EVEN LIVING IN?)
Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010) - Highlights: 
Abracadavre (Ascension DLC 1 was such a biiig hyyype back in 2011, I clearly remember those days); 
Not Ready to Die. (featured in DLC 2, Call of the Dead, using the classic ‘Damned’ Zombies menu melody)
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (2013) - Highlights: 
I’m My Own Master Now; 
It Has To Be This Way; 
The Stains Of Time. (also the first two tracks were featured in LakeFeperd’s fangame Sonic Chrono Adventure, lol)
Undertale (2015) - Highlights: 
This game needs no highlights, we all know it. But if you insist... 
Well, here’s where I put the most influential song of the entire decade; 
It’s Raining Somewhere Else.
Freedom Planet (2014) - Highlights:
Main Theme;
Relic Maze 2;
Thermal Base 1;
Final Boss 2.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017) - Highlights: 
Hyrule Castle (I’d say both versions, but the marching steps playing outside are badasssss); 
Breath of the Wild (greatest main theme of all decade, no doubts); 
Kass’ Theme (man, I hate that Nintendo blocked the full version of that song on YouTube).
Shovel Knight (2014) - Highlights: 
In the Halls of the Usurper (Pridemoor Keep); 
Tango of the Troupple King (what a fun highlight from Plague of Shadows); 
A Cargo of Fineries (Flying Machine); 
Hitting Close to Home.
Celeste (2018) - Highlights: 
Confronting Myself; 
Mirror Temple (Mirror Magic Mix); 
Golden Ridge (Golden Feather Mix); 
Katana ZERO (2019) - Highlights: 
You Will Never Know; 
Sneaky Driver; 
Cuphead (2017) - Highlights: 
Floral Fury; 
Dramatic Fanatic; 
Railroad Wrath; 
High Sea Hi-Jinx.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015) - Highlights: 
The Wolven Storm; 
Hunt or be Hunted; 
Land of a Thousand Fables.
Spark the Electric Jester (2017) - Highlights: 
Lunar Bass (Stage 10); 
Flower Mountain Canyon (Stage 2); 
Sunset Heights (Stage 6) (no, not the one from Sonic Forces); 
Megaraph Fortress (Stage 16); 
Special Boss (a.k.a. the obvious Crush 40-esque song for a Sonic-esque game)
The Messenger (2018) - Highlights: 
A Melody To Break the Curse; 
Civilization in the Sky; 
Hills of Destiny.
Spark the Electric Jester 2 (2019) - Highlights: 
Floresta Blanca; 
Castela Blanca (a.k.a. Sunset Hang Castle); 
Technoria City; 
Titanic Tower. (no, not the one from Sonic BTS, same composer tho)
Sonic games (in chronological order):
Sonic Colors (2010) - Highlights: 
Planet Wisp Act 2; 
Aquarium Park Act 1; 
Vs. Orcan & Skullian; 
Nega Wisp Armor (Phase 2); 
Speak With Your Heart.
Sonic Generations (2011) - Highlights: 
Crisis City (Modern); 
Stardust Speedway Bad Future US; 
Mission (3D Blast Saturn Theme); 
City Escape (Classic).
Sonic 4: Episode 2 (2012) - Highlights: 
Metal Sonic Theme; 
Sylvania Castle Act 3; 
Sky Fortress Act 2.
Sonic Lost World (2013) - Highlights: 
Midnight Owl; 
Snowball Waltz; 
Dragon Dance; 
Juice Archipelago. (a.k.a. Delfino Plaza 2013)
Sonic Runners (2015) - Highlights: 
The entire game OST---I mean, 
Fly Away; 
Magical Snow Day (perfect timing, huh?); 
End of the Summer.
Sonic Mania (2017) - Highlights: 
Stardust Speedway Act 1; 
Egg Reverie; 
Mirage Saloon Act 2; 
Press Garden Act 2.
Sonic Forces (2017) - Highlights: 
Moonlight Battlefield (Aqua Road); 
Red Gate Bridge; 
Network Terminal (Interior); 
Virtual Reality (Supporting Me Remix); 
Fading World (Imperial Tower).
Team Sonic Racing (2019) - Highlights: 
Ice Mountain; 
Green Light Ride (Tyler Smyth Remix); 
Bingo Party; 
Haunted Castle; 
Sky Road.
Honorable mentions:
Sonic Before the Sequel (2011/12) - Highlights: 
Hilltop Heights Act 1; 
Titanic Tower Act 2; 
Metro Madness Act 1; 
Butt Funk (Rocky Ride Act 2).
Sonic After the Sequel (2013) - Highlights: 
The Adventure Continues (Horizon Heights Act 1); 
Smokey Bear Says (Foliage Furnace Act 2); 
Stellar Lights (Technology Tree Act 2); 
Wolf Rayet (Technology Tree Boss); 
Ghosts With Guitars (Moon Mansion Act 2); 
Serious Influence (Redhot Ride Act 1); 
Neon Paradise (ATS Version) (Parhelion Peak Act 2); 
Red Moon (Storm Station Act 3); 
Mach Σ (Dream Dance Act 1).
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maisha133 · 6 years
On Ayato and Cordelia’s Relationship
I like to believe that Ayato is the only one Cordelia showed her vulnerability to. It would make sense as to why Ayato tried to live up to his mother’s expectations. In his character song “Parhelion Logic” Ayato affirms about his mother  “The smiles you see in the mirror are tears, of a girl acting like there is nothing to fear.”
We see a sense of Cordelia’s insecurities by having Ayato compare Cordelia to being a child. Also in this song, Ayato mentions how his mother needed him by his side. Of course, this could have been a manipulation tactic to get Ayato to do his mother’s bidding, but it’s also the truth; Cordelia desperately needed Ayato so he could become the heir and beat Shu. So, she could be by Karlheinz’s side and not Beatrix. This desperation might have been the only time Cordelia showed humanity to Ayato and Ayato as a child took her vulnerability to heart. If he did what his mother wanted, than she would love him or be grateful for him. Unfortunately, as we all know, that’s now how their relationship was resolved. 
It’s quite interesting to see how Ayato and Cordelia are mirror images of each other. Both were pressured to be the “best” or at least be the “most superior” out of their family. Both are hot tempered, egotistical, act like children and are extremely vulnerable to what people think about them.
I know its not explicitly stated in the game that Ayato never wanted to become like his mother, but I could take an educated guess and say that he would never want to be like Cordelia.
But his mannerisms, they way he speaks highly of himself, his viper green eyes-they all reflect Cordelia. He understands his mother so well. 
I think that’s why he was genuinely upset with his mother’s death. Of course, Ayato deeply hated his mother for all the abuse she placed upon him and his brothers. Sooner or later, she would have to face retribution by her sons. But for Ayato, he still saw Cordelia as a “scared little girl” and he saw through her narcissistic facade. I think Ayato might have still cared for the “scared little girl” hence as to why he genuinely grieved over her death
He wanted to save that scared little girl, wanted to be her knight and shining armor, wanted to make things better. But she was also a parasite who depended on him too much, who didn't care about him or his brother's sufferings. She lived to use them. And like every parasite, they had to be killed off from the host. That's what Ayato did.
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anaanaai · 7 years
rules: list 10 songs you’re currently vibing and tag 10 people  you’re all tagged
thank you to the darling @cellard00rs for tagging me!
1. article of faith - knights (ensemble stars)
2. as if it’s your last - blackpink
3. dazzlin’ darlin’ - ono daisuke (uta no prince-sama)
4. another sunny day - belle and sebastian 
5. j'y suis jamais alle amelie (remix)
6. lalal危 - wotamin
7. [a]ddiction - gigareol×EVO+
8. parhelion logic - midorikawa hikaru (diabolik lovers)
9. step - kara
10. guilty eyes fever x soilder game (remix) - love live
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