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jackiehadel1 · 1 year
Paldiski is a town and Baltic Sea Port. It was founded as a fishing village by Estonian Swedes with the name Rågervik. Peter the Great chose the location in 1715 for a naval base, and construction started in 1716. It was meant to be a sea fortress and in 1790, during the Russo-Swedish War, it was conquered by the Swedes through trickery, when a Swedish warship sailing under a Dutch flag was…
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
Arco Vara: Arcojärve detailplaneering on algatatud
Arco Vara: Arcojärve detailplaneering on algatatud
Tallinna Linnavalitsus algatas 19.10.2022 Arco Vara tütarfirma Kolde OÜ poolt omandamisel oleva, aadressil Paldiski mnt 124b asuva krundi detailplaneeringu, mille kohaselt kerkib Harku järve äärde uus elamurajoon nimega Arcojärve. Detailplaneeringu eesmärgiks on määrata peaaegu 7 ha suuruse maa-alaga kinnistule ehitusõigus: ühe kuni nelja korruselised hooned, kokku ligikaudu 400 kodu ja kaks…
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torillatavataan · 8 months
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Extensive damage to an undersea gas pipeline and communications cable connecting Finland and Estonia “could not have occurred by accident” and appears to be the result of a “deliberate … external act”, Finnish authorities have said.
“It is likely that the damage to both the gas pipeline and the communication cable is the result of external activity,” the Finnish president, Sauli Niinistö, said on X, formerly Twitter, on Tuesday, adding that the cause of the damage was not yet clear.
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Local media cited unnamed government sources as saying Russian sabotage was suspected, while regional security experts said a Russian survey vessel had recently been observed making repeated visits to the vicinity of the Balticconnector pipeline.
Niinistö said the government was “in contact with our allies and partners” and that Finland was “prepared, and our readiness is good”, adding that the incident, uncovered early on Sunday morning, had “no effect on our energy supply security”.
Nato’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, said the transatlantic military alliance was “ready to share information about the destruction of Finnish and Estonian underwater infrastructure” and to “support its allies”.
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Markku Hassinen, of the Finnish border guard, said no seismic activity had been recorded in the Gulf of Finland before the discovery of the Balticconnector damage, but “vessels from several different countries” had been monitored in the area. But seismologists at Norsar, Norway’s national datacentre for the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty (CTBT), confirmed late on Tuesday that they had registered a “probable explosion” at 1.20 am on Sunday.
Both countries’ gas network operators on Sunday reported an unusual drop in pressure in the bi-directional, 48-mile (77km) pipeline, which runs across the seabed of the Gulf of Finland from Inkoo in Finland to Paldiski in Estonia. The state-owned Finnish operator, Gasgrid, said the pipeline had been shut down immediately because of a suspected leak, adding that the country’s gas system was stable, with supply secured through a floating liquefied fossil gas terminal.
Read full article by The Guardian
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have-you-been-here · 1 month
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Paldiski cliff, Estonia
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semaphore at the Ristiku tn and Paldiski mnt crossing: *turns orange*
drivers: ah yes. i understand. i read you loud and clear. i know what to do. *slams the gas pedal*
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si-mt · 5 months
python post-pnc. bad news. speculation following gfl timeline.
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the man who called him is yegor of KCCO. by python's responses, one can tell that yegor is one of python's superior, under one HQ.
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this CODEC talk happened between 2055-2060. 2055 being python's activation year, and 2060 being the beginning of project neural cloud. the project ended in the same year due to data wipeout and proff. irida fell into coma.
on 23 september 2063, persica digitized us to enter the cloud backup to discover the reasons behind the project's failure in 2060. the real actual dolls are already up and about scattered away after the 2060 PNC ended. so python is active in military again. perhaps in KCCO, as yegor said that there will be many places where he'll be needed in the future.
after the second PNC ended, the protag returned to G&K. in 2064, G&K and the KCCO lead a joint assault. yegor of KCCO is shown to utilize a mixed human & dolls unit.
but KCCO became the main antagonist of the story, where they backstab the protag's faction G&K and begin trying to eliminate us in its entirety. at the end of Polarized Light chapter, practically all of KCCO's troops are wiped out during the battle for the paldiski submarine base. meanwhile, their human leadership and political backers in moscow are rounded up by state security and removed from power, (including yegor who is killed in action) effectively ending KCCO as a faction.
so what i'm saying is, if the top dogs in KCCO are killed, then the underlings are deader than dead. if python remained in KCCO until 2064, then he's dead.
we might work with python again during the G&K-KCCO alliance, but after that, we will see him across the battlefield, on the opposing site.
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60clockgaming · 5 months
Euro Truck Simulator 2: Epic Journey - Helsinki to Paldiski Cargo Run!
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raducotarcea · 6 months
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jackiehadel1 · 1 year
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kinnisvarakool · 2 years
1Partner: Tallinnas peeti linnaosade piirile kerkiva maamärgi sarikapidu
1Partner: Tallinnas peeti linnaosade piirile kerkiva maamärgi sarikapidu
Tallinna ühel tuiksoonel, Kristiine ja Põhja-Tallinna piiril peeti arhitekt Peeter Pere projekteeritud uue äri- ja eluhoone sarikapidu, hoone valmib järgmise aasta mais. 1Partner Ehituse juhi Üllar Hinno sõnul on Paldiski maantee ja Madara tänava ristumiskohale rajatav hoone ainulaadne. “Ümbritsevate puitmajade keskkonnas on uus hoone eriliselt silmapaistev. Maast laeni aknad, suured…
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healthstyle101 · 8 months
Undersea gas line, telecom cable connecting Finland, Estonia damaged by ‘external activity’
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Potential Sabotage Disrupts Finland-Estonia Gas Pipeline and Telecom Cable Finnish authorities are investigating potential sabotage as the cause of damage to an undersea gas pipeline and a telecommunications cable connecting Finland and Estonia. The incident unfolded when Finnish and Estonian gas system operators noticed an abnormal pressure drop in the Balticconnector pipeline, prompting them to shut down the gas flow. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, while refraining from explicitly labeling it sabotage, stated that the damage couldn't be attributed to regular operations. He mentioned, "According to a preliminary assessment, the observed damage could not have occurred as a result of normal use of the pipe or pressure fluctuations. It is likely that the damage is the result of external activity." The Finnish National Bureau of Investigation is leading the probe, as the leak took place within Finland's economic zone. This incident echoes a previous episode where the Nord Stream gas pipelines between Germany and Russia in the Baltic Sea were damaged by explosions believed to be sabotage, a case that remains unsolved. Orpo underlined the importance of protecting critical infrastructure in Finland, emphasizing the readiness and preparedness to address such issues. However, he refrained from speculating about potential culprits, including any Russian involvement, until the investigation is complete. Finnish President Sauli Niinistö conveyed that they were taking the damage seriously and had been investigating the causes since the incident. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg expressed support and readiness to assist. The incident is likely to be discussed at a NATO defense ministers meeting. The 48-mile-long Balticconnector pipeline, which connects Inkoo in Finland to Paldiski in Estonia, plays a crucial role in transferring natural gas between the two countries. While Europe has stocked 97% of its gas storage for winter, its security of supply hinges on the integrity of pipeline and LNG infrastructure, making developments in the Balticconnector pipeline concerning. Read the full article
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thxnews · 1 year
Allies in Arms: UK Helicopters Join NATO Forces for Naval Assault Practice
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  RAF Typhoon fighter jets and Army Air Corps Apache helicopters concluded a training exercise off the coast of Estonia on Friday, in which they practiced firing their heavy machine guns and advanced missiles at targets in the sea. The exercise, named Spring Tempest, was conducted jointly with Estonia and France and demonstrated the ability of the UK and its Allies to deliver precision strikes while operating deep in enemy battlespace. The Apache attack helicopters, from the Army Air Corps Aviation Taskforce (1AAC ATF), were armed for their mission with Hellfire missiles, CRV7 rockets and 30mm rounds, while the Typhoon jets, from 140 Expeditionary Air Wing (EAW), were armed with Paveway IV laser guided bombs and 27mm armour piercing rounds.  
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UK foreign secretary visits the RAF serving in Estonia on NATO. Photo by AS1 Natalie Adams. RAF.   Wing Commander Scott MacColl, 140 Expeditionary Air Wing’s Commanding Officer, said: Exercise Spring Tempest has been an outstanding opportunity to integrate effects across the Land, Maritime and Air domains. Working with the Royal Navy and Army has allowed us to exercise high-end skill sets, while enhancing interoperability across a broad range of NATO allies. The flexibility to operate effectively across differing environments demonstrates our key contribution to collective defence and regional security. As important, the scale of this exercise further develops Alliance cohesion and cross nation understanding.   The mission was supported by a Forward Air Controller, operating nearby from a Wildcat helicopter. Both types of helicopter worked in tandem with ground-based personnel to refuel and rearm before transiting back to the mission area. This training follows on from Exercise Spring Storm, the largest annual military exercise in Estonia involving the UK-led NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP), which saw more than 1,500 UK soldiers training alongside more than 10,000 personnel from 11 NATO countries. At last year’s NATO Leaders Summit in Madrid, the UK committed to increase the size of its contribution and capability, with this year’s exercise marking the first time the UK has conducted a brigade-level deployment to Estonia – involving hundreds more personnel being deployed from the UK. Land-based training exercises saw UK soldiers, deployed to bolster the eFP under the Army’s Operation CABRIT, as well as tanks and armoured vehicles, practicing live firing in a series of different scenarios, conducting trench assaults, reconnaissance missions, vehicle manoeuvres, and combined arms warfare.
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Brigadier Giles Harris. Photo by British Army. Facebook.   Commander of Op CABRIT, Brigadier Giles Harris, said: Exercise Spring Tempest clearly demonstrates the successful integration of our land, aviation and air capabilities. It comes as we end Exercise Spring Storm 2023, the largest iteration of its kind with some 14,000 personnel taking part across land, sea and air domains. Through rigorous training with our allies, we prove we are a capable, flexible multinational force.   The Royal Navy’s amphibious assault ship, HMS Albion, carrying approximately 550 sailors and Royal Marines, has joined up with the RAF and the Army to take part in the NATO training exercises happening in the region. During recent weeks, she has landed marines from 45 Commando for a dawn beach raid exercise. The ship and crew also supported a further training exercise last weekend off the coast of Paldiski, which saw the three services testing their capability in a fully-integrated manner. Typhoon jets, Apache, and Wildcat helicopters flew in a tight, programmed formation overhead, as the Royal Marines transported soldiers from the Queen’s Royal Hussars and their 62-tonne main battle tanks from the shore into HMS Albion’s dock.  
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HMS Albion-Portsmouth. Photo by David Crochet. Wikimedia.   Captain Marcus Hember, HMS Albion’s Commanding Officer, said: It is not often the Royal Navy, RAF and Army are in the same place at the same time with major assets. This gave us the opportunity to test how we can work together at sea, proving again the Royal Navy can move Army heavy equipment on and off a shoreline whilst being safely covered air by the RAF and Army Air Corps.   The eFP provides a continuous NATO presence along its eastern border, with deployed troops acting as a deterrence against any aggression towards the Alliance’s borders. The RAF has also been bolstering NATO’s presence, currently leading the Alliance’s air policing mission in Estonia with more than 200 personnel based at Amari Air Base, which has led to several air intercepts of Russian aircraft by RAF fighter jets. The operational activity underlines the UK’s commitment to European security, which is vital to delivering on the Prime Minister’s priority of growing the economy.   Sources: THX News & Ministry of Defence.   Read the full article
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manu6259 · 1 year
Regardez "ETS2 (1.46). Mammut Container Carrier. Volvo FH540 Globetrotter XL. Helsinki - Paldiski." sur YouTube
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jeintalu · 1 year
Uuel aastal 2023 ei ole mõtet lugeda Eesti peavoolumeediat.
Eesti peavoolumeedia jätkab goebbelsliku propaganda tootmist nagu konveierilindilt.
Aastavahetusel, 31. detsembril ja 1. jaanuaril, on juba jõudnud ilmuda rida mõistusevastaseid ja samas fakte ignoreerivaid artikleid, mis loovad painajalikku paralleelreaalsust.
Suur osa sellistest propagandaartiklitest on toodetud Läänes, inglise keeles ja siis eesti keeles avaldatud, pannes autoriks Eesti ajakirjaniku nime. Osa artikleid on ehk valmis treitud küll Eestis, ent läänemaiste ideoloogiliste juhiste põhjal.
Uuel aastal pole ka mõtet valima minna.
Sest säärase moonutatud inforuumi tingimustes ei saa ka demokraatia ligilähedaseltki normaalselt toimida.
Valijad ei tea olulisi fakte ja neid on treenitud mõtlema kõverpeegli mõistetes.
Õigupoolest mõisteid kui selliseid Eesti poliitikas ei eksisteerigi enam.
Piltlikult väljendudes on vaid deklaratsioonid ja vaikivad kokkulepped selle kohta, milliseid kolmnurki tohib ja milliseid ei tohi nimetada kolmnurkadeks.
Pole ka kellegi vahel valida, sest nii või teisiti moodustatakse valitsus koalitsioonileppega ning valitsusse pääsevad nii või naa sellised erakonnad ja poliitikud, kes on juba silma paistnud selliste seaduste ja deklaratsioonide ning määruste vastuvõtmisega, mis on pärit Paldiski maanteelt.
Ainus, mida veel teha saab, on mitte valida, eesmärgiga kahandada valimisosaluse protsenti selleks, et see oleks selgemalt näha, et neil aferistidel pole mingit arvestatavat "rahva mandaati", millest nad pajatavad.
Ainsad küsimused, mida sellistelt poliitikutelt on mõtet küsida, on järgmised:
Mitu inimest neid reaalselt valis?
Mitu protsenti valijaskonnast nende poolt reaalselt hääletas?
Millal ja kus on nad enne valimisi rahvale lubanud teha just seda, mida nad parasjagu teevad?
Selline passiivne vastupanu ja vägivallatu kodanikuallumatus on ainus tee, mida näen, kuidas püüda Eestit taas Eestiks teha, taastada sisuline demokraatia ja võidelda sõna- ning ajakirjandusvabaduse eest.
Vähesed saavad, julgevad ja oskavad toimekamalt sõna võtta nii nagu mõned aktivistid seda teevad. Viimased aga peavad end lakkamatult tagakiusamise, laimu ja valesüüdistuste eest kaitsma, kaasaarvatud kohtuprotsessides.
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