ayame29 · 2 years
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fisarmonical · 5 months
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Officer Lyon smoking a pipe and looking out a boat hatch. Location: Bermuda Islands. Date: 1902. Description: A Royal Navy officer named Lyon smoking a pipe and looking out of a hatch on a boat. In the background can be seen two woman and a child. The photograph was taken during Gwendolen Marjorie Howard's 1902 trip to the Bermuda Islands. Source: Osler Library of the History of Medicine, McGill University, part of the Marjorie Howard Futcher Albums Collection.
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sgmnaval · 1 year
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🇪🇸: El 7 de abril de 1945 los japoneses llevaron a cabo su última misión marítima de gran escala, llamada Ten-Go. En ella usarían al acorazado Yamato como bastión costero para defender las islas de Okinawa. La flota fue interceptada, atacada y hundida por las tropas estadounidenses. 🇬🇧: On April 7, 1945, the Japanese carried out their last large-scale maritime mission, called Ten-Go. In it they would use the battleship Yamato as a coastal bastion to defend the islands of Okinawa. The fleet was intercepted, attacked and sunk by American troops. #battleship #SGM #GuerraMundial #DKM #regiamarina #MarineNationale #Marine #IJN #JapaneseNavy #segundaguerramundial #guerra #wwii #Historia #Story #Marines #RoyalNavy #USNavy #worldwar2 #Navy #worldwar #warship #kriegsmarine #history #carrier #aircraftcarrier #destroyer https://www.instagram.com/p/CqApucvOefX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thxnews · 10 months
Defence Industry Scotland Focuses on Boosting Economic Impact
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  Continues Legacy of Supplying Royal Navy with Combat System Mast
Leading defence companies, the UK Government, and the Armed Forces are convening in Scotland today to discuss strategies for maximizing the defence sector's contribution to the economy. The meeting coincides with the confirmation of a significant defence contract worth £169 million awarded to Thales Glasgow. The contract is for the construction of the integrated optronic combat system mast, which serves as the "eyes" above water for the Royal Navy's future nuclear deterrent submarine class, Dreadnought.  
Thales' Long-standing Contribution to Royal Navy Submarines
Thales has a rich history of supplying periscopes and optronics masts for Royal Navy submarines. Every submarine in service since 1917 has been equipped with a Thales-manufactured periscope or optronics mast from their facility on the Clyde. The new version of the Dreadnought class will carry on this tradition, supporting over 150 jobs. The entire Dreadnought program, from design to construction, is expected to create approximately 30,000 jobs across the UK, making a substantial contribution to the country's economic growth.  
Scottish Defence and Aerospace Sectors' Impressive Performance
During the meeting, ADS, the trade organization representing UK companies in the aerospace, defence, security, and space sectors, will unveil new figures highlighting the contributions of Scottish businesses. In 2022, these businesses generated a turnover of £7.3 billion, providing a value add of £3.2 billion to the economy. The sectors employed 33,500 people in Scotland, including 1,500 apprentices, showcasing the significant impact of these industries on employment and economic prosperity.   Scottish Skills and Innovation Benefiting the Defence Industry Scottish Secretary Alister Jack acknowledged the significant role played by Scottish skills, expertise, and innovation in the defence industry, emphasizing the benefits for national security and the economy. The UK Government is committed to supporting the defence industry's success both within the country and in international markets, fostering economic growth and high-skilled job opportunities in Scotland.   The Importance of the Dreadnought Contract Minister for Defence Procurement James Cartlidge emphasized that the contract awarded to Thales is an investment in maintaining the UK's nuclear deterrent. The combat system mast will provide crucial capabilities for the new Dreadnought Class Submarine, contributing to national security. The Dreadnought program is expected to support tens of thousands of jobs, boosting the economy and ensuring the country's defence readiness.   Thales' Contribution to Global Security CEO of Thales UK, Alex Cresswell, expressed pride in Thales' role in providing the combat system mast and sonar for the new Dreadnought Class. Cresswell highlighted the showcase of UK engineering skills and innovation in the boat build, led by BAE Systems and partners. He also mentioned the excitement surrounding the development of the AUKUS submarine program, which will deliver future capabilities for both Australia and the UK, further contributing to global security.  
Defence Roundtable Aims to Maximize Economic Benefits
The defence roundtable, the first of its kind, aims to establish a biannual gathering to ensure the defence sector maximizes its economic contributions to the UK. By establishing a direct relationship with Scottish industry, the UK Government and Armed Forces seek to address sector priorities, challenges, and upcoming milestones. The roundtable will feature representatives from ADS, member companies across the Scottish defence industry, Armed Forces personnel, and Ministry of Defence representatives.   Supporting Scottish Exports Minister for Exports, Lord Offord, highlighted the importance of supporting the thriving defence and security industry in Scotland, which employs tens of thousands of people and makes significant contributions to the local economy. The roundtable serves as a platform for direct engagement with sector stakeholders and facilitates better support for their future endeavours. In addition to ADS, the roundtable includes a wide range of member companies from the Scottish defence industry, such as Thales, BAE, Spirit Aerosystems, Leonardo, QinetiQ, Raytheon, Castle Precision, Glenalmond, and Babcock. The presence of Armed Forces representatives and Ministry of Defence officials further underscores the significance of the meeting. The UK, as the second-largest global defence exporter after the USA, has a robust defence industry. In 2021, UK security export sales reached £8.22 billion, and defence orders were valued at £6.64 billion.  
The UK has maintained its nuclear deterrent, known as Continuous at Sea Deterrent (CASD), since 1962 to protect NATO allies collectively. Currently, the Vanguard Class submarines fulfil this role, while the new Dreadnought Class submarines are under construction at BAE Systems' site in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria. The optronics mast for the Dreadnought Class represents an innovative evolution of the traditional periscope, providing enhanced visuals and improving the safety and effectiveness of the crew's operations. Scotland is also home to crucial defence capabilities, including the Quick Reaction Alert at RAF Lossiemouth and the ongoing construction of Type 26 and Type 31 frigates in Scottish shipyards.   Sources: THX News, Office of the Secretary of State for Scotland, Ministry of Defence, Defence Nuclear Organisation, Defence Equipment and Support, Submarine Delivery Agency, Lord Offord of Garvel, James Cartlidge MP & The Rt Hon Alister Jack MP.  Read the full article
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malitarynaut · 2 years
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Manoeuvres in the dark. . . . . . #p281 #royalnavy #hmstyne #darkskys #darksea #seascape #landscape #boat (at Margate, Kent) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiYhFekonhv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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perpetualpixelnews · 2 years
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scienza-magia · 2 months
L'ultimo processo per stregoneria in Europa
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Helen Duncan, l’ultima “strega”. Fu condannata a Londra il 31 marzo del 1944, esattamente 80 anni fa, in base al Witchcraft Act, una legge contro le persone accusate di stregoneria che risaliva al 1735 e che poco dopo venne abrogata. Il 31 marzo del 1944, esattamente 80 anni fa, a Londra una giuria dichiarò Helen Duncan colpevole in base al Witchcraft Act, una legge contro le persone accusate di stregoneria che risaliva al 1735, che non veniva applicata da più di un secolo e che poco dopo venne abrogata. Quello di Helen Duncan, che venne incarcerata per nove mesi, viene raccontato come l’ultimo processo per stregoneria che si tenne in Europa e che l’allora primo ministro britannico Winston Churchill definì «una sciocchezza obsoleta».
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Helen Duncan (Wikipedia) L’evento che portò alla condanna di Duncan avvenne durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, nel novembre del 1941, quando la donna era già una medium molto popolare. Sopra a una farmacia alla periferia di Portsmouth, porto e base navale sulla costa meridionale dell’Inghilterra, una coppia invitò Duncan a tenere una seduta spiritica. Gli ospiti, dopo aver pagato la somma di 12 scellini, vennero fatti accomodare in una piccola stanza illuminata solo da qualche lampadina rossa che la coppia, appassionata di spiritismo, aveva scelto di chiamare “The Master Temple”. Helen Duncan si sedette di fronte al pubblico, accanto a una tenda scura, e diede inizio alla sua performance. Mentre un grammofono suonava, sembrò entrare in uno stato di trance e dopo pochi istanti una massa di ectoplasma biancastro e viscoso uscì dalla sua bocca rendendo in qualche modo visibile quello che disse essere lo spirito di un marinaio che aveva evocato e che annunciò ai presenti una terribile notizia: la nave da guerra HMS Barham della Royal Navy britannica era stata affondata. L’informazione era vera, ma non era ancora stata resa pubblica: il 25 novembre del 1941 alle 16:25, mentre navigava per coprire un attacco contro un convoglio italiano, la HMS Barham venne infatti colpita da tre siluri lanciati da un sottomarino tedesco e affondò rapidamente perdendo circa due terzi del suo equipaggio, più di 860 marinai.
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L’affondamento della HMS Barham (Wikipedia) L’Ammiragliato, allora responsabile del comando della Royal Navy, apprese che l’Alto Comando Tedesco non sapeva nulla dell’affondamento e presentandosi l’opportunità di ingannare i tedeschi e di proteggere il morale degli inglesi censurò tutte le notizie riguardanti l’affondamento. Dopo un ritardo di parecchie settimane decise infine di informare i parenti prossimi dei morti chiedendo però di non divulgare la notizia per non farla arrivare al nemico. Dopo la seduta di Duncan, la Royal Navy si allarmò sospettando che quella donna potesse essere una spia o comunque un pericolo per la sicurezza. A quel tempo Helen Duncan aveva 44 anni. Soprannominata fin da piccola “Hellish Nell” (Nell, diminutivo di Hellen, l’infernale), era nata con il nome di Victoria Helen MacFarlane a Callander, in Scozia, il 25 novembre del 1897. Era una bambina piuttosto strana, irrequieta che si diceva avesse la “seconda vista”, cioè la capacità di avere visioni sul futuro e percezioni extrasensoriali poiché sosteneva di avvertire le persone di alcuni pericoli che in seguito si sarebbero verificati. Dopo aver lasciato la scuola e lavorato in un ospedale, nel 1916 sposò Henry Duncan, un ebanista e veterano di guerra che sosteneva i presunti talenti paranormali della moglie. «Era uno spiritista, membro di un movimento che era cresciuto a partire dalla metà del XIX secolo», racconta Malcolm Gaskill, autore di Hellish Nell: Last of Britain’s Witches: «Fu lui a spiegarle che, senza che se ne rendesse conto, stava comunicando con gli spiriti». I due ebbero dodici figli di cui solo sei sopravvissero all’infanzia. Nel 1926 Helen Duncan cominciò a praticare con regolarità delle sedute spiritiche in cui affermava di essere in grado di fare da mediatrice tra il mondo dei morti e quello dei vivi: evocava gli spiriti delle persone defunte che si “materializzavano” e si rendevano visibili al pubblico pagante attraverso l’ectoplasma che usciva dalla sua bocca. Gli incontri si svolgevano sempre in stanze molto buie, Duncan sedeva sempre vicino a una tenda molto scura e si sentivano altre voci oltre la sua. A poco a poco la sua popolarità crebbe. Negli anni Trenta la London Spiritualist Alliance, fondata a fine Ottocento, cominciò a occuparsi di lei sospettando che producesse gli ectoplasmi ingerendo vari materiali e poi rigurgitandoli. Duncan fu dunque osservata, spogliata, perquisita e fotografata per quasi due anni.
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Helen Duncan, nel 1928 durante una seduta, fotografata da Harvey Metcalfe (Wikipedia) Nelle indagini venne coinvolto anche il ricercatore Harry Price che pagò Duncan per assistere a una serie di sedute durante le quali riuscì a ottenere e ad analizzare un campione del suo ectoplasma: si scoprì che era fatto di garza e albume d’uovo mescolati tra loro. Altre analisi su altri campioni rivelarono che la sostanza era a volte composta di strati di carta igienica, altre ancora di mussola o garza imbevute in fluidi resinosi. Prima di una seduta Duncan venne anche convinta dalla London Spiritualist Alliance a ingoiare una compressa che avrebbe colorato il materiale eventualmente rigurgitato e, in quell’occasione, non apparve alcun ectoplasma. Duncan venne smascherata anche una seconda volta il 6 gennaio del 1933, quando a Edimburgo una persona presente alla seduta tentò di afferrare lo spirito di una bambina: si trattava di una sottoveste bianca. Le luci vennero accese, fu chiamata la polizia e Duncan fu multata di dieci sterline. Nonostante questo la donna proseguì con la propria attività facendo leva, in tempo di guerra, sul dolore delle persone, sulla loro vulnerabilità e sul fatto che le informazioni dal fronte fossero poche e incerte. Le sedute spiritiche divennero in quel momento una forma di intrattenimento molto popolare. Mogli, padri e madri volevano sapere se i loro cari fossero ancora vivi o volevano sapere quando sarebbe avvenuto il prossimo bombardamento aereo. Dopo la seduta durante la quale Duncan rivelò che la HMS Barham era affondata la Royal Navy iniziò a interessarsi alle sue attività, ma fu solo nel 1944, durante i preparativi per lo sbarco in Normandia, che tale interesse si concretizzò. Il 14 gennaio del 1944 Helen Duncan organizzò una seduta alla quale, a sua insaputa, erano presenti due ufficiali della Marina. La medium evocò lo spirito della sorella di uno di loro, che però era ancora viva. I due stettero al gioco e il 19 gennaio, durante un’altra seduta, Duncan venne arrestata in base al Vagrancy Act del 1824 che puniva il vagabondaggio. Così la sua pena si sarebbe limitata a una multa, mentre i giudici volevano per lei una condanna esemplare temendo che la donna potesse continuare a rivelare informazioni riservate, qualunque fosse la sua fonte.
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Immagine dal libro del 1945 The trial of Mrs. Duncan Durante il processo venne dunque invocato il Witchcraft Act che negava l’esistenza dei poteri sovrannaturali prima attribuiti alle streghe e puniva con il carcere chi millantava di possederli traendone profitto. Dopo sette giorni di processo, durante i quali vennero ascoltate in aula decine di testimonianze che i giornali seguirono con grande interesse, Duncan venne giudicata colpevole e incarcerata per nove mesi. Del caso si interessò anche il primo ministro Winston Churchill lamentandosi dell’uso improprio delle risorse del tribunale per seguire una vicenda farsesca basata sul Witchcraft Act e su un capo di imputazione obsoleto. Al suo rilascio, nel 1945, Duncan promise di smettere con le sedute spiritiche, ma non lo fece. Fu arrestata una seconda volta nel 1956 e morì nella sua casa di Edimburgo poco tempo dopo. Il processo a Duncan contribuì all’abrogazione, nel 1951, del Witchcraft Act. Read the full article
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defensenow · 3 months
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marvinparnada777 · 4 months
We sunk your Battle ship! | World of Warships
Explore the legendary British battleship Monarch in the immersive world of World of Warships. Our expert analysis delves into the ship's historical significance, design features, and its formidable presence on the virtual naval battleground. Join us as we navigate through the depths of this professional review, uncovering the strategic prowess of Monarch in the thrilling realm of World of Warships.
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giftsforus · 4 months
Royal Navy Rn Hms Dragon (d35) Type 45 Daring-class Guided Missile Destroyer Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women
The Royal Navy's HMS Dragon (D35) is a Type 45 Daring-class guided missile destroyer that has garnered a considerable reputation due to its remarkable capabilities and performance. This sophisticated warship has become an emblem of power and technological advancement within the Royal Navy. With a length of 152.4 meters and a displacement of 8,000 tons, HMS Dragon is an imposing presence on the seas. Its advanced weaponry systems, including the Sea Viper missile defense system, enable the ship to counter airborne, surface, and subsurface threats with remarkable efficiency. Additionally, the ship is equipped with a state-of-the-art Sonar 2087 system, enhancing its capabilities in anti-submarine warfare. However, beyond its impressive military capabilities, HMS Dragon has also become a beloved symbol of pride and admiration for naval enthusiasts worldwide. One way that fans express their admiration for this magnificent vessel is through various forms of merchandise, such as the Royal Navy HMS Dragon Hawaiian shirt. The Hawaiian shirt, adorned with the emblem of HMS Dragon, can be enjoyed by both men and women, making it a versatile and inclusive gift option. The shirt represents the spirit of camaraderie and appreciation for the Royal Navy, and wearing it allows individuals to exhibit their admiration for the vessel and its crew. The shirt's vibrant design captures the essence of HMS Dragon's power, strength, and elegance. With its bold colors and intricate details, the shirt showcases the ship's distinctive features, including its sleek shape and formidable armament. This eye-catching attire allows individuals to proudly display their support for the Royal Navy and its impressive fleet. Moreover, the Hawaiian shirt makes an excellent gift choice for veterans, Navy personnel, or anyone fascinated by naval history and engineering. It serves as a memento of the Royal Navy's legacy and the extraordinary achievements of HMS Dragon. Additionally, wearing this shirt expresses solidarity with the brave individuals who serve onboard the vessel, acknowledging their dedication and sacrifice in defending national security. The Royal Navy HMS Dragon Hawaiian shirt is not simply a piece of clothing; it is a symbol of admiration and appreciation for the maritime forces that protect our nations. It embodies the values of courage, unity, and professionalism that the Royal Navy represents. In conclusion, the Royal Navy's HMS Dragon (D35) Type 45 Daring-class guided missile destroyer Hawaiian shirt is a fitting tribute to the extraordinary capabilities and achievements of this remarkable warship. Whether worn by men or women, it serves as an inclusive gift that allows individuals to proudly display their support for the Royal Navy and its fleet. The shirt's vibrant design captures the essence of HMS Dragon's power and elegance, making it a cherished item for naval enthusiasts and those who appreciate the significance of maritime defense.
Get it here : Royal Navy Rn Hms Dragon (d35) Type 45 Daring-class Guided Missile Destroyer Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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beneaththepavement · 6 months
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sgmnaval · 1 year
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🇪🇸: Fotografía del acorazado alemán Bismarck y el crucero pesado Prinz Euguen. La imagen data del 20 de mayo de 1941, unos días antes de la Batalla del Estrecho de Dinamarca. 🇬��: Photograph of the German battleship Bismarck and the heavy cruiser Prinz Euguen. The image dates from May 20, 1941, a few days before the Battle of the Denmark Strait. #battleship #SGM #GuerraMundial #DKM #regiamarina #MarineNationale #Marine #IJN #JapaneseNavy #segundaguerramundial #guerra #wwii #Historia #Story #Marines #RoyalNavy #USNavy #worldwar2 #Navy #worldwar #warship #kriegsmarine #history #carrier #aircraftcarrier #destroyer https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-Frntu-n_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ramonmartinhistoria · 6 months
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kingjain · 11 months
United Kingdom, Royal Navy Hms Medway (p223) Offshore Patrol Vessel Hawaiian Shirt Outfit
The Royal Navy HMS Medway is an Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) of the United Kingdom. It is the second of five Batch 2 River-class OPVs to be built for the Royal Navy and is the first vessel to bear the name Medway. The ship was launched in June 2019 and commissioned in September 2020. The HMS Medway is equipped with a range of advanced sensors and weapons systems, including the Sea Ceptor missile defence system. The ship is capable of conducting a variety of taskings, including maritime security operations, fishery protection, counter-terrorism, and search and rescue. The HMS Medway is also known for its unique Hawaiian shirt outfit. This outfit was designed by the Royal Navy to be worn by the crew of the HMS Medway. The shirt features a navy blue background with a bright, colourful floral pattern. The shirt is designed with a relaxed fit and is made of a lightweight cotton fabric. The Hawaiian shirt outfit is a popular item among Royal Navy personnel and is a great gift for anyone who loves the Royal Navy or wants to show their support for the organization. The shirt is also a great way to show off your pride in the HMS Medway and its crew. The Hawaiian shirt outfit is a great way to show your support for the Royal Navy and the HMS Medway. Whether you are buying it for yourself or as a gift for someone else, it is sure to be a hit. The Hawaiian shirt outfit is a great way to show your pride in the Royal Navy and the HMS Medway.
Get it here : United Kingdom, Royal Navy Hms Medway (p223) Offshore Patrol Vessel Hawaiian Shirt Outfit
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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progiftreview · 11 months
United Kingdom, Royal Navy Submarine Service Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women
The United Kingdom is a country with a proud and distinguished history. The Royal Navy Submarine Service Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women is a great way to show your appreciation for the country’s rich naval history. This classic shirt is made of 100% cotton and features a unique design that pays homage to the Royal Navy Submarine Service. The shirt features a navy blue and white striped pattern with a navy blue collar and cuffs. The shirt also features a printed graphic of the Royal Navy Submarine Service crest, which is a great way to show your pride and respect for the service. The Royal Navy Submarine Service Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women is a great gift for anyone who is a fan of the Royal Navy or has an appreciation for the history of the service. The shirt is stylish and comfortable, making it perfect for wearing to any occasion. Whether it’s a day at the beach or a summer BBQ, the shirt will look great and show your appreciation for the service. The Royal Navy Submarine Service Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women is also a great gift for anyone who is a fan of the United Kingdom. The shirt shows a great deal of respect for the service and its history, and is sure to be appreciated by anyone who receives it. The shirt is perfect for showing your support and appreciation for the service, and is sure to be a hit with anyone who receives it. The Royal Navy Submarine Service Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women is a great gift for anyone who loves the United Kingdom and its history. The shirt is both stylish and comfortable, making it perfect for any occasion. Whether it’s a day at the beach or a summer BBQ, the shirt is sure to be appreciated by anyone who receives it. The shirt is a great way to show your appreciation for the service and its history, and is sure to be a hit with anyone who receives it.
Get it here : United Kingdom, Royal Navy Submarine Service Hawaiian Shirt For Men And Women
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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