beritatangerang · 1 year
Warga Ramai Naik Tayo, PT TNG Siapkan Skema Baru
Warga Ramai Naik Tayo, PT TNG Siapkan Skema Baru
Kliktangerang.com – Digratiskannya Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Tangerang Ayo (Tayo) mendapat antusiasme tinggi dari masyarakat Kota Tangerang. Oleh karena itu, PT Tangerang Nusantara Global (PT TNG) tengah mempersiapkan skema baru untuk memenuhi tingginya keinginan masyarakat tersebut. Direktur Utama PT TNG Edi Candra mengatakan, pihaknya akan mengupayakan skema agar seluruh penumpang dapat…
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overseer-picard · 8 months
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You just know that Picard would blush redder than an August tomato if he knew Spock had called him "remarkably analytical and dispassionate for a human".
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Dual Peg-legs!
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aquamonstra · 9 months
was rewatching Birthright pt 1 and suddenly became obsessed with Data's corridor painting. I WANT IT.
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I managed to track down this Christies listing from 2006 with the MOST GARBAGE PHOTO that makes it look like it's been sitting in a smoker's house for 20 years.
So I took the liberty of downloading it and retouching it to better match it's original condition. Et voila! It's too gorgeous for that awful Christie's photo to be the only memory of it.
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I wish I could give credit to the original artist but I don't know who it is, only that it's credited to the "Star Trek art department" whom I definitely have GREAT RESPECT FOR. If anybody knows who is the actual artist behind Data's paintings I would love to know!!!
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spocks-husband · 8 months
Hey I'm watching Chain Of Command Pt 2 and I'm genuinely on the verge of tears Jean-Luc deserves so much better what the fuck oh my god I'm gonna puke this poor man
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degrassi-ship-war · 1 year
Degrassi Character Tournament Semifinals!
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groundpear · 2 months
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Telegram stickers for LeoBC 💙
É ISSO BEIJAO ABRAÇO LLAP 🖖🏼 🌟 Commissions open right now! terms and prices | form 🌟
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ensign-spider · 1 year
easily the best captions/credits combo cap
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plutoishotshit · 1 year
the fact that it's data picard recognizes. the fact that picard reaches out to him. the fact that picard had complete faith in data to understand what he wanted. the fact that the most human moment of the episode involves data, who wants nothing more than to be human, who believes wholeheartedly he's incapable of that kind of connection. the fact that picard's unwavering faith in humanity encompasses data, the fact that data risks his life for a shot in the dark chance at saving him, the most human thing he could do-
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legolasvegas · 1 month
Disappointed that there are zero pirek fics on ao3, but also I’m at a loss to what that fic would look like when there are 3 episodes to go on. I’ve written for rare pairs before but idk what to do. I want it to exist!
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beritatangerang · 2 years
Wali Kota Tangerang Ungkap Sering Dapat Keluhan Sopir Angkot Si Benteng Ugal-ugalan
Wali Kota Tangerang Ungkap Sering Dapat Keluhan Sopir Angkot Si Benteng Ugal-ugalan
Kliktangerang.com – Wali Kota Tangerang Arief R Wismansyah mengungkapkan masih adanya keluhan masyarakat terkait pengemudi Angkot Si Benteng yang berkendara secara ugal – ugalan. “Saya minta penumpang atau masyarakat yang naik angkot Si Benteng agar dilayani dengan ramah dan baik, mereka itu orang penting, artinya kita harus melayani secara paripurna,” tuturnya saat melaunching Koridor ke 9…
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to boldly go...
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this is so based on my current tng watch and crippling addiction to cod fanfic of all things
Science Officer!f! Reader x Bridge Crew! 141
Star Trek: TNG AU (pt. 1?)
Human! Price- Captain of the Enterprise 
Human!Gaz- helmsman/operations officer (liutenant)
Klingon!Ghost- security-officer-turned-first-officer (lieutenant commander)
Betazoid!Soap- new security officer (lieutenant)
Half Vulcan!Reader- sciences officer (lieutenant junior-grade), [giving them various nicknames because (y/n) feels clunky]
wc: 4k
warnings: rearrangement of rank (Starfleet doesn't have enlisted officers & the equivalent ranks would not be bridge officers), reader is the youngest but the other ages aren't mentioned, abduction, Ghost was raised by humans in a Worf-analogue-situation, (Ghost's parents were killed in a Romulan attack), slowburn, no smut
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Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before!
As the turbo-lift doors opened, the familiar sounds of the Bridge Crew's squabbles filled the ears of the newest Chief Science Officer.
"Cap', 're you sure that MacTavish can actually read the Ferengi from this distance? I wouldn't put it past 'im to just wanna stir sumthin' up."
"Ghost, ye know damn well I wouldn' lie abou' somethin' like that."
Quietly walking to her station behind the caption's chair, the half-Vulcan began scanning the readings of the Ferengi ship. The Ferengi ship was peculiarly small and old-fashioned- at least a century old.
"Gaz, can you take us closer? One third Impulse, please." At Gaz's affirmation, Captain Price stood from his chair and walked towards the monitor at the front of the bridge. "Junior-grade, how many life signs can you read."
She startled, looking up from the inlaid monitor. "Only two, sir. It's a small ship, though there should be room for around thirty crew." Her gaze followed Price's to the front monitor, where she saw the short loop of Ferengi video broadcast. Both Ferengi men's large ears and prominent brow ridges glistened with sweat.
Gaz looked up from his controls. "Captain, the broadcast isn't coming from this ship."
"The distress beacon is, though. And the ship is definitely Ferengi." Ghost looked over Soap's shoulder to the security console.
"Price, be careful. We're getting close to the neutral zone." Gaz indicated to his monitor.
Price returned to the captain's seat, centered in the bridge. "Soap, keep scanning for other vessels. Ghost, hail the Ferengi ship."
"Price, they aren't receiving our hailing frequencies."
"Is anyone else thinking of Earthen anglerfish right about now?" the half-Vulcan mumbled. Then, louder- "They're down to just one life sign, Captain Price."
"They don' have shields up, Cap'n," Soap called from the security station. "I don't feel anything from the ship, either."
“Ghost, prepare an away team and get some protective gear. We’ll keep track and be ready to beam you back, but we need to know what’s happenin’ with that ship.”
“Gaz an’ the kid with me. Go get a compact medikit in case there’re any survivors, an' Gaz can tell us why it may 'ave stopped.”
As Gaz stood from his chair, the science officer rushed towards the turbo-lift, heading briskly down to the medbay. Swiftly getting the required supplies, she headed towards the transporter room, meeting with Gaz and Ghost.
"Three to beam to the co-ords Soap sent down." Ghost led the trio to the transporter bay, phaser in hand.
As they faded into shimmering white light, all three prepared themselves for the unknown of a seemingly empty Ferengi shuttle on the border of the Neutral Zone.
Following the briefest moment, they came back into awareness. Ghost was the first to reach full cognizance, the other two shortly following. The most immediately apparent thing was that the ship had not been abandoned by normal means. The cockpit was in disarray, and a trail of a mixture of unknown substances ended abruptly in the doorway.
At Ghost's indication of safety, the Vulcan activated the scientific tricorder to scan the trail. As the analysis loaded, she noted from the corner of their eye that both Gaz and Ghost tensed. Ghost's mask made the sudden lack of motion vividly unsettling. The tricorder loaded with a small chirp, indicating the presence of Ferengi and Romulan DNA. Abruptly, the shuttle lit up.
The ship began moving closer to the Neutral Zone. Soap's voice echoed from their communicators, "Wha' the hell are ye doin'? The Neutral Zone is right fuckin' there!"
"We're not trying to, Soap. I'm looking at the controls now." Gaz rushed to the lit-up console.
"Ghost, there's evidence Romulans here. We should get out of here, sir."
As the First Officer acknowledged the Science Officer, more words echoed from their communicator badges.
"Transport to away team, we've lost your location. There's some sort of interference." Tensions became palpable as the situation quickly devolved. Gaz frantically tried to turn the ship back towards the Enterprise. Ghost and the scientist worked on figuring out what left a Ferengi shuttle lost at the edge of the Neutral Zone.
Price's voice echoed through the ship, "Hold on, Away Team, reeling you in with our tractor beam." The ship jolted with the connection of the tractor beam, easing back towards Federation Territory.
Gaz began hitting the console, clearly frustrated by the lack of response from the equipment. "Ghost an' Cap, this shuttle isn't bein' controlled by this panel. This has gotta be a trap."
As two Humans, a Betazoid, a Klingon, and a half-Vulcan attempted to return the away team to the Enterprise, they were faced with a Romulan Warbird removing its cloaking device directly next to the Ferengi shuttle.
The Ferengi Shuttle was swiftly drawn in by the Warbird's tractor beam, half the distance from and twice the size of the Enterprise.
The science officer tapped the communicator on: "Sirs, this is not standard Romulan battle practices. Deception, yes, but blatant disregard for the Algeron Treaty? In just about two hundred years of conflict, they've never done anything like this."
"When did you become an expert on Romulan politics, Junior-grade?"
"Not the time, Garrick," Ghost aimed his phaser at the door between the away team and the interior of the Romulan ship. The other two quickly followed suit.
As the interior of the Ferengi ship dimmed, the shuttle bay door of the Romulan Warbird opened up. The ship slowed into the bay, and the environmental system hissed. Gaz was the first to feel it, and Ghost was the last.
As Ghost fought to keep his eyes open, he heard the half-Vulcan mutter about "anesthizine."
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Gaz woke in a cell, his phaser and communicator on the manned desk beyond the forcefields. A few cells across the circular brig, he could see the Ferengi from the broadcast in a shared cell, and to their right was Ghost. "Ghost, can you hear me? Are you able to see any way out?"
"Damn Romulans cuffed me an' took my fuckin' mask. The door out of the cells is to your left, the kid's to your right."
"I can hear you, Ghost," she frowned. "They have our comms and phasers, and there's no way they've kept us in Federation Territory. Cap's gonna need to get approval from Admiral Laswell to follow us."
"Soap won't like that," Gaz said, standing from the cot to get a better view of the space. "Junior-grade, you said this wasn't normal for Romulans. Do you think we're working with an extremist group?"
"Definitely. I was awake when they were cuffing Ghost. They weren't in standard issue Romulan Star Empire Uniforms, and there's some wacky mods to this Warbird."
Ghost cut in, "At least they wan' us alive. We'd be long gone if they didn't think we could do sumthin' for 'em."
"'Specially with their views on Klingons and Vulcans. Nasty blokes."
"Thanks for reminding us, Gaz." She pressed her hand to the force field, searching for the weak point she knew wasn't there. As they searched, the brig doors opened with a hiss.
Three Romulans walked in, bearing phaser rifles. The centered one spoke: "I had hoped the Federation would be stupid enough to send a ship into our territory. Imagine my delight when that little ship sends me some a Klivan, a Hevam, and a Yyiyao wrapped in a nice little bow." (Romulan derogatory terms for Klingon, Human, Vulcan)
"Oh, what a shock: the Rihansu is racist. Where the hell are we?" (Vulcan [and Romulan] for Romulan)
"Hold your tongue, Yyiyao. I haven't killed you yet, but my mercy has limits. You don't even know why you're here yet!"
"Who the hell are you?" Ghost stood up abruptly, startling the non-speaking Romulans.
"Now, the Klivan is asking the right question! Who am I? And why would I capture two Feh'rengsu, a Kilvan, a Hevam, and a Yyiyao?
They call me Commander Makarov, and I will free my people from the barriers of the Neutral Zone and the Federation altogether."
"And you think that will happen by kidnapping a First Officer, Flight Control Officer, and a Science Officer?" Gaz sat on the cot in the corner.
"I'm not that foolish. You're nothing more than bait, tempting your precious Federation into breaking its own rules."
"You can't seriously think our Captain is stupid enough to follow us withou' givin' proper notice?" Ghost questioned.
"Oh, Klivan. He's already following us," Makarov grinned.
"I still don't get why you're tellin' us this." Gaz laid further into the cot.
"Either he's gloating or he's trying to get something out of us, be that intel or our charming personalities." The half-Vulcan wrung her hands, silently pleading for the Enterprise to be careful and give the correct notice.
The Ferengi began tittering with each other, briefly pulling the attention from the Starfleet officers.
"You three were victims of circumstance. But these two-" Makarov sneered. "These two will not try to swindle the sword of the Romulan Empire again."
Makarov's men turned off the barrier to the Ferengi cell. Each grabbed one Ferengi man and dragged them out of the brig. Makarov left the brig, questions hanging in the air.
"What a total dick."
"Thought you were supposed to be too logical for needless profanity."
"My Vulcan father lost the debate that determined what planet I was raised on. Before the Acadamy, I went to an Earthen public school, Gaz."
"Fuckin' hell you two, not the time," Ghost chastised. "Gotta work out what that bastard wants from us."
"Could be they want to kickstart a war against the Federation, relations have been easing in the past few-" Gaz cut himself off as the doors opened.
Makarov stepped through into the brig. "How lucky was I to have Captain Jonathan Price's crew, led by the Ghost, stumble on the ship I hadn't gotten around to destroying yet."
"What've the Captain or I got to do with you?"
"Don't tell me you don't remember us, Klivan! Not after our grand impact on your childhood."
Ghost closed his eyes and took a deep breath, setting his jaw.
"Now you remember me. I'll fill your underlings in. I was just an Uhlan, aboard the Perseus. A Klingon traitor sent us the codes to Khitomer's security system. Your Ghost was the only survivor."
Ghost's history was not frequently discussed on the ship, but his presence as a Klingon in Starfleet command made it clear that his life was full of unusual circumstances.
"And on top of that, your Captain is the one who convinced my previous Commander, that ryakna, to abandon the honor of our great Empire."
"The Cap's peace negotiations under Laswell? Not letting another Federation ship blow you all up for your secret base in the Neutral Zone? That's what this is about?" Gaz looked incredulous.
"He should have defended the great Romulan Empire! Why should we listen to rules set by your Federation." Makarov sneered. "The might of our great fleet could have destroyed all the Federation sent after us."
As Makarov continued on about the power of the Romulan Empire, the science officer tuned out. She focused instead on attempting to work out a method for contacting Captain Price from what was likely at least an astronomical unit away. She'd already ruled out the possibility of accessing their communicator unit, cobbling a communicator out of their tricorder, and breaching access on the communicator of the Warbird.
"But what sweet revenge, taking the sole Klivan survivor and two other crew from that peacenik, your Captain Price. How poetic that you will start the empirical expansion my people have been deprived of. I will return for you when your Federation breaks their own rules."
As Makarov left the brig, a quiet tension fell over the officers.
Gaz was the first to break the silence. "Do you think the Cap would be mad enough to follow after without getting Laswell up to speed?"
"Will the Romulan contacts deem this an acceptable reaction from Price in the case that he is this mad?" They buried their face in their hands.
"It doesn't matter what Price does, so long as we get the fuck off this damn ship."
"Ghost, what he said about your parents-"
"Doesn't matter."
"I know it doesn't, but I just want you to know you're allowed to be angry about this even if you don't remember it."
"Interesting take, coming from the Vulcan," Gaz interrupted.
"Half Vulcan. Born and raised on Earth."
"Neither of you are helpin'. Migh' as well just wait for Price 'f you're gonna keep gettin' distracted." Ghost pressed his hands against the force field of his cell. As each officer sought out their cells' unlikely flaws, they listened for any sounds around them.
After what could have been anywhere between ten minutes and an hour of searching, a set of footsteps approached them.
"Your Captain has demanded proof of life from us. Your scientist is coming with me." A Romulan with a jagged scar running down his face entered the brig. He approached the center cell and bound their hands, escorting them out of the brig.
The half-Vulcan yanked her arm from the Romulan's hold. "I can walk myself." She then ignored Gaz's protests, hoping that they were unnecessary.
Following a long walk, she was escorted onto a dark bridge. The Enterprise Bridge was displayed on the large monitor in front of the room. Price was in his Captain's chair, Soap above and behind him at the security panel. Both sets of eyes gently lightened at their Junior-grade, visibly unharmed and still slightly fighting their escort.
"See, Captain, unharmed. The other two are in the same condition, but I couldn't just release all of them, you see." Makarov brushed his hand across her face, earning three sets of glares.
"Lieutenant, are you, Gaz, and Ghost okay?" Price ignored Makarov's assurance.
Before she could begin her sentence, Makarov grasped her by her chin. As she wrenched herself from his hands, he spoke. "You've seen she's alive. My patience wears thin."
Even with the distance, she could see Soap's knuckles grip his console. "We're not followin' ye into the fuckin' Neutral Zone without word from her. S'bad enough ye didn' let our First Officer up."
"When I got grabbed to come up, Gaz and Ghost were okay. I wouldn't trust-" Makarov's hand clamped over her mouth, cutting her off. She had to fight the urge to bite the bastard.
"I didn't bring her up here to give away all of my surprises. Return her to the brig." Makarov looked over his shoulder to the scarred Romulan, who had brought her up.
She fought damn near the entire way back down, leading to another Romulan joining her escort. While she knew it would be fruitless, doing nothing felt more wrong. She felt like she'd wasted any opportunity to formulate a plan with the Captain, and hadn't fought against their captor enough to be respectable. Would Soap judge her, or, worse, would Price?
She shook the thought from her mind just as she returned to the brig. They moved her to the cell previously occupied by the Ferengi, where she was now unable to see Ghost and considerably farther from Gaz. They left her hands bound, and one sat at the guard station.
Unwilling to risk giving intel to the guard, all three sat in relative silence once she confirmed that Price had been in contact.
Gaz was humming an old Earthen song she couldn't quite place. Every so often, she would sigh dramatically. Ghost was the only one to remain entirely silent.
After about an hour, the guard received three trays at the door and delivered one to each occupied cell. Each tray contained an unappetizing green biscuit and a small cup of a grey drink. She and Gaz each took a half-hearted bite; Ghost refused to even look at the tray.
The half-Vulcan stood from the tray without taking a second bite. Instead, she chose to lay in the cot and nap—what was the worst that could happen?
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It seemed that the worst that could happen was the ship going into a red alert, their guard leaving them trapped as he went to a battle station. The emergency lights flashed, and she could understand almost every other word of a Romulan emergency alert.
The alert seemed to indicate that they were under attack not by the Federation but by another Romulan vessel. She rubbed her bleary eyes and stood up.
"Just our luck— someone's attacking, and it's not Price." She smacked at the force field holding her in the cell. She could hear Ghost attacking his barrier as well and could see Gaz beginning to do the same.
"How do you know it's not Cap?" Gaz paused his attack.
"The emergency alert specified something about a T'liss, a bird-of-prey. They'd have said ih'calear if they'd translated the Enterprise's class."
"Since when do you know Romulan?" Ghost's voice echoed from the cell to her right.
"It's really not too far of a leap from Vuhlkansu, Commander. I took a couple classes in it at the Academy."
The alarm continued to go off, and the half-Vulcan did her best not to fret. From the size difference alone, a bird-of-prey against a warbird shouldn't have even been a blip in the radar. She strained to hear about a d'deridex, another warbird, but the alert kept repeating that the combat was against a T'liss class vessel.
What would a separate Romulan general do if one found them in this brig? Would they seek to continue the relative peace with the Federation by releasing them back to the Enterprise, or would they decide that the three weren't worth their lives and kill them, or worse, send them to a Romulan prison?
"Junior-grade, I can feel you worrying through the damn wall. Price or Laswell'll come, stop your fuckin' panickin'." She snapped out of her anxious spiral, mumbling a bit of gratitude to her commanding officer.
It took nearly an hour before the alert stopped its loop. It took a further forty minutes for anyone to check the brig. None of them expected the familiar Romulan to be the one to walk through the door, followed by their previous guard.
"Nikolai, you were the bird-of-prey?" Gaz beamed. The negotiations between Nikolai, Price, and Laswell predated the half-Vulcan's time as a bridge officer, but she had seen him on the screen, briefly, as she'd taken some data from the bridge.
"Best ship I could get with little notice from Laswell. Heard my old sublieutenant was causing issues."
"Thought you'd finally gotten out of military work, Nik. How'd you get even a lil' thing like that?"
"I have friends everywhere, Ghost."
The scarred guard reluctantly opened each cell door and unbound the wrists of the Klingon and the half-Vulcan. Ghost didn't respond, but she rubbed her wrists before introducing herself to Nikolai. Ghost grabbed all of the confiscated equipment, taking it for his crew.
"Good to meet you. Let's get you all back to the Enterprise, where you belong." He escorted the trio to the vehicle bay, where a bird-of-prey waited. Nikolai took control of the ship and navigated it towards the Federation edge of the Neutral Zone.
"Why would Makarov release us to you?" The half-Vulcan couldn't keep from questioning.
"The daeus would never have approved of Makarov's methods. The only way his plan worked was if it flew under the radar that he had blatantly disregarded the treaty in a way that was so obvious to the Federation." Ghost cut in for Nikolai.
"Basically. Definitely helped that after I retired from military, I started working for a Senator who wants peace with your Federation."
The return to the border of the Neutral Zone felt much shorter despite taking nearly twice the time. They flew with easy conversations with Nikolai, who admonished any crew who even thought about engaging in distasteful behavior towards their guests.
As they neared the Enterprise, Gaz couldn't convince Nikolai to come aboard and visit with Price. While Ghost stayed out of the enticement, the science officer leaned on and encouraged Gaz.
"We've done enough stretching of Algeron Treaty. Your Enterprise nearly got a light-year in to the Neutral Zone before getting the sense to contact me."
The trio gave Nikolai their fond farewells, and Soap came over their communicators to organize their transport onto the Enterprise. After they shimmered onto the transporter pad, Soap and Price ushered all three to the medical bay.
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After being medically cleared and cleaning up, the bridge crew sat down for dinner in the Captain's quarters. Price had yet to emerge with his contribution to the otherwise replicated meal.
"How did you know to get Nikolai involved?" Gaz sat across from Soap.
"Mate, d'you ken that Vulcans are telepathically inclined? Our scientist thought so loudly abou' Makarov's plan that I could hear it from the Enterprise. Turned our ass around and Laswell got in contact with Nik." Soap leaned to his left and ruffled her hair.
Pointed ears warming, she pushed Soap's hand away. "MacTavish, maybe you've just got massive range on your crazy Betazoid telepathy."
Soap persisted, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Hen, I'd have heard the Lt. or Gaz if it was just that. You were loud an' clear from a light year away."
Price's door opened to the Captain, holding three bottles of wine. "I thought we all deserved somethin' a little stronger than synthehol after the shit we dealt with."
Ghost nodded from his position across from the half-Vulcan as Price took his seat between them at the head of the table. Price opened the wines, handing them out to each officer to fill their cup with their selected beverage.
The bridge crew ate with light chatter, deliberately avoiding the topic of the overly-Empirical Commander. There would be plenty of time to discuss the ambitious Romulan in the coming days.
The half-Vulcan struggled to ignore the touchy nature of the Betazoid to her left and the Captain's comforting touches on her hand. She focused on her meal and the First Officer across from her, not wanting the Betazoid to sense her flushed discomfort.
Ghost had never fully removed his mask in front of her before. She tried not to think about how ruggedly attractive he was, letting loose with his friends and her. Was she a friend now? Her line of thinking left her confused and slightly flustered, though she hoped it indicated that he at least thought of her as a friend. "Junior-grade, you've picked your drink up and sat it back down without taking a sip three times now. You can relax, luvvie."
Never in a million years would she have anticipated the First Officer using a pet name for her. She could have sworn her pointed ears were so warm that they were steaming, a flush spreading across her entire head. She choked on the sip she took to hide her embarrassment.
Soap patted her back to help her cough as Gaz gently admonished Ghost. "Our girl doesn't need that shit from you, Ghost." Ghost just laughed, seemingly in on the joke.
A stern "Boys!" from Price seemed to end the joke that the half-Vulcan was trapped outside of. The other three sat up straighter for the briefest of moments, playing into a joke.
After a more collective evening of conversation, the bridge crew each returned to their quarters. The half-Vulcan donned her sleep clothes and lay in bed, questioning the day's events. Her thoughts drifted between her Romulan abduction, the unaccounted-for Ferengi, and the dinner—what had Price meant when he called her "their girl?"
As the day drifted out, she imagined what strange new worlds they may encounter the next day.
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Star Trek Guide (probably a little inaccurate, there's so much star trek in the world):
Klingons: humanoid warrior species with pronounced forehead ridges that go to about the coronal suture of the human skull. they often have long dark hair and distinctive facial hair- in essentially perpetual conflict with Romulans for the majority of the 23rd and 24th centuries
Betazoids: humanoid species with no physical differences from humans except for pure black irises. they have telepathy in both concrete thoughts and emotions
Vulcans: humanoid species that pride themselves on logic above all else. Many are capable of a form of telepathy known as a mind meld, which is part of the intimate life of Vulcans. They are closely related to Romulans. Both Vulcans and Romulans have upturned eyebrows and pointed ears. prior to 370 AD, Vulcans were very warlike. A philosopher at the time led the transformation of society from violence to logic (Spock is a notable half-human-half-Vulcan)
Romulans: humanoid species that prioritizes conquest, in conflict with the Federation and Klingons. as Vulcan evolved from violence to peace, some dissented and left the planet to settle on the other two planets in that star system. Romulans were born from the dissenting Vulcans and indigenous populations of the settled planets. Some Romulans also have brow ridges in a "V" on their foreheads, although others are indistinguishable from Vulcans.
Ferengi: humanoid species that prioritizes profit above all else, and are notorious for their misogyny.. typically hairless, with large skulls, disproportionately large ears and brow ridges, orange skin, blue fingernails, and sharp teeth. (yk what no matter how accurately you describe the Ferengi, it's difficult to picture them without a picture)
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Star Trek: The Next Generation "Gambit Pt." and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Soldiers of the Empire"
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aquamonstra · 10 months
I'm loving this episode Gambit where every member of this mercenary crew is just different versions of David Bowie
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idol--hands · 10 months
Crusher: “It is not a good day to die.” [ST#11, pt. 2]
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IDOL⭐️HANDS: Not only were these scenes dynamic as hell, but that was a bold take on some disappointing story writing, in the past, regarding Tasha Yar’s character from the Star Trek: TNG universe.
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