sexysilverstrider · 2 months
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hiitsbee · 3 years
Dear Fred | F.W.
Fred Weasley letter AU
Warning:sad content,references do death
Summary:After Fred’s death you leave a letter on his grave
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You slowly walked towards the smooth,white gravestone:your steps were unsure,the breath stuck down your throat as you weren’t ready yet to see the cold stone with the name of your loved one engraved on its front.
In loving memory of Fred Weasley
A son
A brother
A dear friend
A caring boyfriend
And a brave fighter
April 1st,1978-May 2nd,1998
Forever missed
Never forgotten
You kneeled down and while closing your eyes you took a long breath,wiped away a tear which wet your cheek and took out the letter you had written the day before to read it one last time.
To:Fred (Freddie) Weasley
Dear Fred,
I’m here collecting my thoughts. So many things are going on in my mind,so may words would love to fly from my hand to the paper,so many feelings are exploding inside me,twisting my stomach,my heart,my senses. Dizziness makes my sight almost blurred;”wicked” maybe you’d say jokingly,”painful” I’d reply scolding. But I have no one to reply like that to,so why have you left? I have no one to scold now,I have no one to laugh with,to open up with. Normaly now I’d come to you,I’d seat on your bed,in between your legs,with my head leaned against your shoulder or in the croock of your neck,and I’d tell you what I’m feeling. You would listen,you would silently listen to my words and then you would hug me,caress my hair,let me stroke my face against the cloth of your warm sweater,leave kisses on my head and then you would say something that would make me feel a little bit happier,you would make me laugh you would...you would just be yourself,the caring,funny,goofy boy I fell in love with at Hogwarts. That boy stole my heart. He stole every little wind coming out from my mouth. He stole the emptiness of my dreams and filled it with his smile,that boy stole every seed of sadness,replacing them with little,shiny stars of happiness,and I do really think that it made life angry,so much angry that she decided to take him away from me and leave just an empty space. A space as empty as Hogwarts at 5am in the morning,when we used to run out from our dorms to meet on the astronomy tower to see the dawn. Can you see it from where you are now? Yesterday I did. I woke up at 5am,or better,I didn’t sleep at all,I was busy thinking about you...but that’s not the point;the point is that I woke up and ran to the astronomy tower thinking that seeing the sun rising would make me feel better. It didn’t. I cried. I cried because while running there wasn’t the sound of your laugh,there wasn’t your hand holding mine,your breath filling the silence. It was just me running in the shadow of my loneliness,looking like a psycho with the ruined mascara I had forgot to take off the night before. That was the moment I realised that seeing the dawn didn’t matter anymore,or maybe it had never mattered in my entire life because everything I cared about was seeing it with you. Then I reached the tower and I looked at the sun. I felt nothing but more pain. A pain growing every time the sun showed a new part of itself,and it ended with me hiding my face in between my hands not to see it anymore because even the sun was reminding me of you.
I see you everywhere,Freddie,I can’t stand it anymore. I see you at the burrow,at the joke shop,I see you even when George greets me. Poor George he’s so sad. The last weekend I slept at your house:I heard him crying for the whole night. The whole night,Freddie,do you know what it means? Life teared him apart as much as she did with me,maybe even more. You need to know that Sunday morning I step in the bathroom and saw him reading the instructions of some bottles. I asked him what they were and he replied it was hair dye,blonde hair dye to be exact. I demanded him if he went crazy:he lifted up his head,showing me some red teary eyes and said “Fred’s presence is making me crazy”. He dyed his hair because in the mirror he couldn’t see anything more than you. No one can change chapter,read a new line of the book wich is our life. We’re all stuck at the same sentence and we all will be for so long. I’ve been asking myself what I’m going to do with my life. Will I ever fall in love with someone again? Will I love them as much as I loved you? Will I see you in their behaviour? Will I tell them how the boy I once loved died? I’m concerned because I know that I’ll always compare them to you. They might gift me with a flower and I’d probably ask myself “would Fred gift me with the same flower? Or would he give me something different?” and what if the answer is “he would give me something different” would I still like the present?I’m going crazy,Freddie,I really am. Your absence is making me crazy. I want to feel you. I want to feel your kisses,your hugs,I want to hear your soft voice whispering to my hear that everything’s a nightmare,that soon I’ll wake up and you’ll be there,next to me,comforting me with your presence. How long does it take to forget what really made you feel alive? You died Freddie,and that day a part of me died with you. It’s buried in the same grave as yours,so please,my dear Freddie,take care of that part until we’ll meet again. Take care of that part as mush as you took care of me when you were here. Watch out for me,sometimes tell me if I’m doing good,help me if I’ll ever need. You were my biggest sourch of reassurance and safety,a presence no one will ever replace. I’m sorry if it will be hard for you to read this letter because of my tears which ruined the ink of the words. Will you read it? Wherever you are will you do it? Can you promise me? Do it Freddie,plese,and then give me a sign. I love you.
Forever yours,
the one who loved you like no one else,
After reading you folded the paper sheet and put it into a small white envelope you closed with a litte piece of red paper,you took the red roses you bought on the way there and left everything on Fred’s grave. Then you made a little step back and looked for a few seconds at his imagine,smiling with more tears coming down from your eyes. In that moment a drip fell on your forehead,and then another one,and another,a few minutes later the sky was pouring rain all over you. It was the sign you asked for. Fred had read the letter and now he was crying with you.
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erismerald · 4 years
𝑴𝒚 𝒐𝒃𝒔𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒖𝒔(Credence Barebone x reader)
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Hey my angels! Well this is the second part of "i will protect you" I really enjoyed writing the other story and I think it deserves a second part!
And thx for all the love u are given me these last days!!! love u and i hope u enjoy it, and if u want a part 3 plese tell me :3
Good reading <33
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 1
Some months passed and you and the credence began to get along very well, but still did not admit the love you two felt for each other, but deep down you two were lovers. 
You did everything to protect him, but you felt that this wasn't enough, even though he said that you did a lot for him and he felt grateful, you were the only person in the world that he really trusted, and he felt safe and happy on your side. 
But a few weeks ago when you went to see your nanny, Credence was alone with Mary Lou and she did what she used to do again, Credence obeyed his mother but when she finished that torture, he ran away to clear his head and cry, he miss you, he needed you, he felt warm, he felt something in him was going to explode and that was the first time he realized it... He wasn't normal, in his head Credence had some kind of curse inside him that would come loose when he was scared and angry.
And it was one of those times that he met Mr. Graves a detitive that belonged to MACUSA,he was walking om street crying and Mr. Graves try to help him in the condition if Credence help him too, he was looking for someone and asked Credence for help and in return he would teach him magic, and would turn him into a renowned wizard.
After that first night you and Credence hadn't kissed anymore, perhaps for lack of courage... of course there were moments when the two of them were completely attracted to each other, Credence began to realize that he felt attracted to your body, he knew it was wrong but he wanted to touch you again to feel your touch on him, but he was too shy to ask, so he just kept quiet and did not admit his feelings for you, but when he had a nightmare, Credence would ask to sleep with you, because he felt safer in your arms and you could not deny that you want him, you wanted to feel his body again stroking yours, but you didn't want to force him into anything.
 But from a month to here Credence’s attacks began to become more often, he was afraid of himself, and there were nights when he would go to Graves to tell him some news or seek comfort, and day by day you began start to happen mysterious events in the city and you were sure it had to do with magic, and for some reason lately Credence began to get more distant from you perhaps with a huge fear of hurting you and the magical aura you felt in it began to become more intense.
Credene had stopped being with you and avoided touching you as much as possible, he felt unstable. You started to feel sad because you didn't know what was going on, so you spent whole nights sitting up in bed reading and looking for something that could help you or that could tell you what Credence was, and that would make you extremely tired and exhausted. Sometimes you'd try to talk to Credence trying to get close to him again but he'd walk away. You could see the sadness in his eyes, but you didn't want to give up, you promised to protect him.
Credence, on the other hand, was afraid someone would discover, especially his mother. So he avoided disrespecting her rules to the maximum, even if it meant that he ended up getting hurt, but he knew that after all the suffering he was no longer alone and that you would take care of him.
That afternoon was quiet. You spent the day in your room reading some books of magic you found at a bookstore nearby. It was raining a lot, and you could feel the cold coming through the bedroom window.You were alone in the house that day, Mary Lou and the two sisters had gone to an anti-witch convention in a nearby town and were going to visit a distant family so she left you and Crede alone, but you got scared when you heard footsteps coming from the stairs, and in a few seconds Credence enters the room completely wet from the rain, his hair was dripping with water drops, and his body was more defined in the wet clothes, you blushed when you saw Credence in that state.
You got up from the desk and went to the bathroom quickly to get a dry towel to help him, he just looked at you, and when your body got closer he faced the floor with embarrassment maybe.
"Where have you been? You should have been two hours late. Crede" you laughed softly but with worry... you didn't want him to get sick, so you put the towel in his hair and massaged him. Credence couldn't tell you who he was with that afternoon, so he lied about it.
"I was handing out flyers...and I ended up being distracted by the time" he said shy, he didn't want to look at you knowing he was lying to you, but you realized he was lying right from the start so you just kept going and smiling.
"You need to get out of those wet clothes, do it while I prepare you something hot to drink, it wouldn't be good for you to get sick now my love" you said and smiled at him and left the room.
As simple as that name was, to be called " my love " to him, it made his heart shoot, he could see in your face the tiredness and the dedication to help him, that nickname made Credence much calmer now that he was with you.
You went downstairs to the kitchen and prepared a hot chocolate for the two of you, you were happy to take care of him again, you liked to spoil him. As fast as you went down you went up again, and when you opened the door you saw credence with some more scars on his back and those looked fresh...you put the cups on the nightstand and walked to him putting your hands on the new scars, Credence got scared and turned quickly, your eyes were sad...you felt guilty for not having protected him.
"Y/n...I can explain" he said in a shaking voice.
You didn't just say anything, you held him tight, you caressed his back, he needed you and you weren't there... you wouldn't let that happen again.
"You don't have to explain my love, I understand" you look at him you see some tears flowing from his face "Come let me help you" you take his hand if you sit him on the bed and eat towel you dry his hair with affection.
He took your hand and kissed you in return, and caressed you, he felt so safe with you that he almost forgot what was making him angry and nervous and to feel your hands caressing his hair, giving him the feeling of peace, he had to tell you what was going on with him and about Mr. Graves ... just didn't know how or when.
You woke up with another nightmare this time with the death of your parents, you looked at the other side of the room you saw Credence asleep, he was calm and you could feel that the magic aura that was around him was calm too, you smiled when you saw that, but you were feeling very dizzy so you tried to get up, and when you removed your blankets you could see a huge stain of blood on your clothes and sheets, you felt some tears involuntarily running down your face.
You were always in a lot of pain at that time of the month, but this time it took you by surprise, I was two weeks early, maybe you should start paying more attention to the level of stress, and controlling.
You got up from bed and went straight to the bathroom to change as quickly as possible, in an attempt to get back into bed as quickly as possible so as not to wake Credence.
 You were in so much pain that you couldn't stand on your feet for more than 5 minutes and you were very emotional so you simply dragged your body to a wall and sat on the cold ground hugging your legs and letting the tears that your eyes caught fall and wet the fabric surrounding your body, At that moment all you could think about was your nightmare...the longing you missed your parents for the fear you felt about not knowing how to tell Credence about what he really was, it was killing you.
“please stop, I can't anymore..." you sigh and cry
Credence wakes up with a noise coming from the bathroom, then he sits on his bed looking around him, and when he looks at your bed he sees a huge stain of blood and he is worried, he knows what the period was obviously but he feels very concerned about you, he hears your crying and gets up towards the bathroom, he opens the door and I find you inside sitting crying, he runs up to you and kneels down in front of you and slowly hug your body
""Hey, calm down, what's going on?"" his voice was calm and rough, and he made your body stick to his, you hid your face in his chest and let the tears come out.
He kissed your forehead shyly, he wanted to show you affection and try to calm you down, his arms wrapped your body and pulled you into his lap swaying lightly, he used to do this with his younger sister when she got scared, and tried it on you, and it seemed to work. He was nervous, he did this with his sister, and now that he did it with you and felt your body hiding in his, his heart squeezed.
When he felt your breath calming, he sat you down again on the ground and stood up in front of you to help you up
"Come on, let's go back to bed," he said, still clinging to your body, but you cut off his speech.
"I can't..." you said with the shaking voice of crying " I'm in a lot of pain, I'm dirty with blood, and the rest of my pajamas are in the laundry room, Credence, I can't get up..." you say shyly hiding your face in the middle of your knees.
Credence was surprised, he had never seen you cry, you always took care of him and you helped him, he wanted to help you so he took you in his lap gently and took you to his bed.
"Wait here a while" he said in a calm voice trying not to make you nervous anymore, and went to the closet taking an old sweater off him and raising it again to you.
You watched every move he made, you blushed to see how dedicated he was to helping you, it has been some time since you felt this heat inside your chest.
Credence comes to your side and kneels down again if I look at you a little shy, but the words came out of his mouth.
"Take off your clothes... and put this on please..." he handed you his shirt and stood up turning around, his heart was beating very fast and your cheeks were flushed, you nodded and stood up a little and turned around with some difficulty taking off your evening dress, and dropping it on the ground.
Credence could see your reflection on the window glass and couldn't remove his gaze from your body, he felt something he had never felt before, he wanted to touch you, he wanted to take care of you to make you feel loved but he couldn't...he was afraid of himself, he was afraid of hurting you, he didn't know what to do.
You noticed that he was lost in his thoughts and you quietly approached him, he was much bigger than you, he was older than you and you sometimes forgot that, his body could cover you whole, you just held him from behind, stuck your forehead to his back and kissed him softly, you grabbed his body tightly, you missed him a lot.
Credence was torn from his thoughts when he felt your warm body stick to his, his repiration speeded up, he always grew away from affection, for him all these sensations were new, he became even more shy and nervous when he felt your body stuck to his.
He imagined over and over again the moment you had on the first night you met, having someone to protect him was comforting.
 He turned slowly back and glued his forehead to yours, he noticed how small you were and that was really cute for him, your heart beat was fast, you just leaned your body against his own feeling an immense pain coming from your belly.
He noticed the pain in your eyes and got worried, grabbed your body, relieving your weight from the ground, relieving the pain even a little, helped to ease your pain a little.
“C-credence..."You sighed, and that sigh made his body warm, he wanted to touch you, he wanted to love you, and he wanted to make you feel love, because you always helped him and he wanted to give back all the love.
He grabbed your body with strength you didn't know he had this strength, you blushed at the thought of it, his hands traveled through your body gently exploring every inch of you, you felt your body burning, in his eyes you saw lust, at that moment he was no longer the frightened boy you met months ago, now he was your lover. He grew in courage and gave up trying to repress his feelings for you.
"C-crede" he just took your body and took you to his bed, and gently laid you down, he looked at your defenseless body from him and saw how you blushed when his gaze looked at your body, It was the first time you saw this side of him, so protective so needy of you, he was really making that moment magical, your body was feeling more relaxed under his.
 He pulled away the hair that covered your bare shoulder and your neck and lowered himself and glued his lips to your neck rising up to your face making you laugh and blush, grabbing your waist with his legs, your body was warm and at that moment credence was being controlled by his pleasure and happiness.
You were sweating, you felt your body warm and restless, credence was loving feeling your breath unregulated, and tried to play a little more with you, and his hand landed on your cheek with cuddles forcing you to remain with your look in his.
"thank you for helping me, you really saved me and I can never tell you how important you've become to me." he said your cheek and kiss you softly.
he comes down and lies down beside you pulling you into his lap, he strokes your hair, 
For the first time in months you felt safe next to someone, well you always felt good next to credence but seeing this protective side of him was new and captivating, lying on his chest and feeling his love, even though he wouldn't admit it in words that he loved you you knew he did it.
You still felt the pain a little, and your body manifested itself, but you felt his hand under your belly caressing slowly.
"I-if I do it like this, will it help?" he says timidly again, looking into your eyes with affection.
"Yes, thank you for helping me my love..." you paused and put your hand on his face caressing him with your thumb "you are truly special" he closed his eyes repressing his tears, he wanted to tell you what was happening he knew that if he told you, you would help him.
"That name...I like it when you call me that" he murmured and looked at your hand
"I know, you are my love, I only say it out loud, only to you" you turned your gaze away also staring at his hand that rubbed on your belly soothing the colic.
"Y/n...I need to tell you something" his voice comes out a little shaky as if he was afraid.
"Creed? what did you want to tell me?" you asked by touching his face.
“The destruction in the city that has been happening recentlyit was me, I'm a monster, Y/n and I can't control it, I'm afraid of hurting you,i'm afraid of loosing myself" he says and feels his voice fail, he starts to cry.
"You're an obscurial... I studied about it..." you said quietly looking at his messy black hair, he kept looking at your hand.
"H-how do you know?" he asked you could hear his shaking voice trying to contain the fear and tears of came out.
"I... I didn't tell you before because I was afraid of your reaction... I'm a witch..." you said nervously afraid of his reaction.
Credence felt nervous, he was afraid of what he might become, he looked up and saw your low posture, and then he hugged your body once again, pulling your head around his neck, you just grabbed him tightly. It was a relief to tell him what you really were and to know that he trusted you enough to tell you what was wrong with him.
"I don't know how to control it, I'm afraid of it, of hurting you" he with his eyes in tears again, he was hoping that you could help him and you were sure that you could help him to control it, he was a miracle, you would have to protect him with your whole being and that's what you were going to do.
"You won't hurt me... I'll help you control... i promise Creden-" You were interrupted with a kiss, credence glued your lips, you felt the salty taste of his tears, but this kiss was different... he kissed you gently but with need at the same time.
"Thank you" he whispered softly and kissed you again this time more slowly.
You looked at him blushing, you didn't know what was going on for sure but you wanted to stay in that moment forever.
You both looked at each other, credence protected and warmed your body under the sheet, and caressed your arm as you spoke:
"How long have you been a witch?" he asked curiously, he knew Graves had an important role and promised to teach him, but he was more attracted to the idea of you teaching him.
"Since I was born, my parents are pure blood, so I've been dealing with magic since I was a kid, and I went to school for seven years to learn all kinds of magic" you answered by looking into his eyes, and you saw him blush.
"and...what am I?" he asked in fear, he had to try to understand what he really was.
"an obscurial... basically you're a wizard, but you reneged on your magic and because of some trauma, your magic got trapped inside your body and whenever you get angry or scared, it explodes... "You explained as briefly as possible "But you are a miracle, usually children with an obscurus inside them live until they're 10 years old at the most, you've reached adulthood and you can still control it, you're really very special and powerful, and if you learn to use your powers I'm sure you'll be a very powerful wizard Credence" you explained by looking at him with a gentle smile.
he seemed surprised he didn't know what to say he just looked at the thoughtful ceiling, in his mind he was nervous about what he had just heard, he was a wizard but his magic was trapped inside him... and he was a miracle for living so long.
Your body manifested itself with some pain, and you moaned softly captivating the gaze of credence over you again. His attitude was immediate he looked at you and got up from bed quickly and entered the bathroom with a pill in his hand and a glass of water.
"Take this I'm sure it will help you" he handed it to you gently and lay down again at your side.
After doing what he asked you to do, you lay down on your side...you had a certain desire to kiss him again, you wanted to feel his lips on yours again.
Credence looked at you confused and you approached him slowly putting your hands one on his shoulder and one on his face, and you sealed your lips, the kiss started slowly, but in time the kiss became more fierce, credence grabbed your body and pulled you closer to his body.
The kiss became hotter when credence unbuttoned your shirt a little and glued his lips to your neck and went down to your shoulder, he bit lightly and heard what was music to his ears, the first moan of pleasure caused by him, you covered your mouth when you realized what you had done.
Credence just took your lips again and kissed you with affection he was feeling warm but preferred to stop because of your condition...
"We'd better stop here..." he said his cheeks were flushed and his breathing accelerated
"yes... but it was wonderful" you agreed without bellows
"Is this the first time you've done something like this?" he asked with embarrassment, looking maliciously at you
"Y-yes... I've never had moments like this with anyone... except with you" his look rejoiced he snuggled into bed and pulled you to his chest
"I..." he wanted to say the words but he was afraid
"You don't have to say it... I know, but now let's go to sleep I'm getting tired... i-i love you Credence" you lay on his chest and almost instantly fell asleep.
"I love you Y/n" Credence said softly "good dreams" and snuggled up to you instantly falling asleep in your lap.
A week passed and you would meet a childhood friend, Newt Scamender, the two of you had met in your 4th year in hogwarts, he was called by Dumbledore to teach you a little about animals and magical creatures.
Since then Newt and you became friends almost instantly, at the beginning of the week you received a letter from him saying that he was going to New York in passing, so he decided to visit you, you were really missing him, and you obviously wanted to help him in what he needed.
You were a few hours away from going out to meet him when you heard Mary Lou talking to Credence.
"You can't hide behind her forever... you're getting too attached to her, and when you really need her support she'll deny it to you." She spat the words arrogantly in a way that seduced Credence into thinking you'd abandon him, his posture continued upside down as if he was agreeing with her,
There were tears in your eyes... you couldn't believe he was believing her, after all she did to him, he still believed the words of that liar.
You took your coat and passed them both, Credence got scared at first and when she saw your look she realized the mistake she had made, Mary Lou just looked at you with a signic smile on her face, she disgusted you, but you couldn't deny that what she saw Credence concocting with her made your heart break into a thousand little pieces.
You left home quickly and walked quickly to the place where you would meet Newt, your head was heavy, you couldn't believe what would happen.
Credence looked at Mary Lou in anger, Mary Lou had never seen that look coming from Credence.
"Don't look at me like that, she's the one to blame for all this, if I'd never taken her in, none of this would have happened, not even that disgusting little romance between you, or do you think I didn't realize she's a witch?" Mary Lou threw the words in his face, he just nodded and stared at the ground.
"I only want your good..." she put her hand on the credence shoulder "now go help your sisters it's almost time for us to go out and hand out our word" she said seducing Credence's head once again that he was confused, he didn't want to hurt you, maybe it was for the best.
Soon you'd be at the cafe where you'd meet Newt.  You walked in and saw Newt sitting next to two people.
You approached and when Newt saw you, he got up quickly to hug you.
"Hey, how you've grown!!" Newt said sitting down again.
"Hey! You hardly changed a bit, and these are?" You look at him referring to the two people who were with him, sitting in the chair next to their feet.
"Tina Goldstein, ex-Auror pleasure" you look at him with expanto, what did Newt do to walk with an ex-Auror by his side? "And this is Mr. Jacob Kowalski a No-Mag." Tina introduced them with a smile
"Nice to meet you, my name is Y/n" you smiled softly it was strange to be near wizards again. "So what are you doing here Newt?" you asked funny looking at Newt again.
"Well I've come to present my work on magical creatures, to sensitize our fellow wizards, but I ended up having some unforeseen events" he said putting his suitcase closer to you "For sloppiness some of the creatures that were here have escaped and we have to find them and Tina and Jacob are helping me, but you...well you know a lot about magical creatures and I was hoping that you could help me. "he explained in the hope that you would say yes.
"Okay, I'll help you, I need to be a little distracted," you said, looking at your hands and reminding yourself of what happened this morning.
A few hours passed and everything passed so quickly, you had spent the day helping Newt with the missing creatures, so to repay them both took you home, or rather the place where it would be, it was all destroyed in rubble your first thought was soon about Credence only he would have enough strength to destroy that whole place.
"CREDENCE!!! CREDENCEEE" you screamed running towards the rubble, where was he? was he all right? the fear of losing him went through your mind, you shouldn't have left him that morning, you walked among the destroyed stones and saw Mary Lou's body lifeless, the thought of relief went through your mind, you knew it was wrong to think that way but you couldn't deny that you were happy to see the body of that lifeless monster.
"We have to find him..." you said by taking his coat that was under some wooden boards.
"You lived here? What's your relationship with credence?" Tina asked worried, Newt and Jacob were standing behind her.
"Yes I lived here, I was adopted by Mary Lou after my parents died in an accident" you explained, Newt's expression saddened him, he didn't know why you moved to America " Credence and I  get closed... I fell in love with him and tried to protect him, but that freak seduced the credence mind thinking I was going to abandon him, when I heard that I ran away and came to you" you felt the tears running down your face.
"don't worry we gonna find him" But some instinct of yours knew where he was, you could feel that he was frightened, he needed you, you threw yourself out of your arms and ran.
"where are you going" says Newt running after you.
"I KNOW WHERE THIS IS" you continued on your way "take it easy Credence, I'm on my way
You could feel his aura, he was scared, nervous, and that helped you to decipher where he was, you passed through the middle of the population that gathered around the subway stairs, you stopped in the middle and you turned to the three people that followed you.
"Please don't let anyone in, he's very unstable, I promise to bring him back" you said quickly running to the subway.
When you arrived there Credence was in his obscurial form, he was scared and his form kept changing.
"Credence is me..." you said calmly to calm him down, he seemed to recognize you "credence come back to me, you don't have to be afraid, I'll protect you" you came closer.
He gave in and went back to his normal shape, sitting on the rails, he was crying, you ran to him, you pulled him into your body, he let himself be tucked in your arms.
"Im here my love... Im sorry... Im sorry, i'll never let you go" Your tears fell on his face, you were so happy that he was all right, but then everything happened too fast, one moment he was in your arm and the next he was already in his obscure form ready to attack.
"PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM, HE IS SCARED!!! "Your words flowed through the tunnel as you ran to the front of the creed to protect him like the first night you were together.
In a few seconds wizards attacked Credence killing the almost immediate "NO!!" you couldn't stand on your knees with tears of anger in your eyes, you looked at people in front of you remembering the gentle smile of credence, you got up quickly and ran to Grindewall that by now had unmasked pushing his body against the wall, many tried to stop you were being controlled by anger
"Give me a reason not to kill you right now" you put your wand around his neck, the anger you felt was huge you just wanted to make someone pay for his death.
Someone grabbed your body and pulled you back it was Newt, two of MACUSA's gullible guys grabbed Grindewall's body, but not before he asked to come close to you, he looked you in the eyes and approached your ear.
"He's alive, it's just a matter of time," he said like a whisper, and then he was taken away...
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Broken and Frayed
Pairing: 40s!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: She’s in the Hydra lab when Steve comes to rescue Bucky
Requested: No
A/N: Lol so this was only meant to be a one shot but I got too excited and I’m going to write it in two instead because it got quite long haha - I’m actually really proud of how this turned out so please remember to let me know what you think - like, reblog, comment, send asks to tell me what you think! I love hearing from you guys and it really inspires me to write more!!
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The first thing Bucky knew about her were her screams.
The whole reason he knew of her existence were because of them.
The first time he heard them was his first night after being transferred into Zola’s lab. He was close to tears, worn out from the day of being experimented on and in such an extreme amount of pain that he wasn’t sure how he was even still alive.
But then he heard her screams.
He couldn’t tell what they were for.
Help, he supposed.
“Who’s there?” He called once they had quietened down. He had heard the tell-tale signs of a zipper and he hated to think of what had just happened to the poor girl in the room next over.
His voice was hoarse and scratchy, having received barely any sustenance all day.
But it was as though he could feel her loneliness, her pain seeping through the wall to reach him.
If he could make her feel even a little bit better in the personal hell that they were sharing then he was going to try.
“W-Who are you?” The words were stuttered back, barely audible if it weren’t for the thin walls.
“My name’s Bucky - Sergeant Bucky Barnes of the 107th Division,” he recited. It was a comfort, somehow to hear his title fall from his lips. It helped to ground him, to stop him from dissociating. 
“Y-You’re American,” the female voice whispered and Bucky could have sworn he heard it closer this time.
He couldn’t help himself as a wave of jealousy crashed over him - she wasn’t tied up. She was free in her cage.
“I am,” he agreed. 
“Does that - are we saved?” Bucky hated hearing the hope in her voice as he knew that he was just about to crush it.
And the more times you crush hope, the harder it is to grow back.
“Not by us, I’m afraid,” he sighed. 
“I - I’m Y/N,” she whispered after a moment of silence that hung heavily between them, each of them lost in their thoughts.
With each night that passed, another torturous day followed and Bucky’s voice was hoarse from his own screams.
And yet, what he had discovered, was that it was more painful to ensure hearing those of Y/N rather than his own.
The two of them had become close.
As close as two people can get when they’re being held captive by Nazi’s and being experimented on.
And more, in Y/N’s case.
As it turned out, being what seemed to be the only woman in the whole of HYDRA’s base was far from being a positive.
Bucky hated that he had begun to tell the time through knowing it was evening by the volume of her screams.
They were louder in the evenings, when the men would pay her an unwanted visit. She would cry and sob for help and Bucky would want to help her so badly. He’d struggle at his restraints, desperate to break out to go and save her.
He wished he could save her.
But he could feel his own strength fading with every day he spent strapped to the table in Zola’s lab.
The only form of solace either of them could find was talking to each other. 
Bucky learnt of her family, her best friends, her hometown. He was desperate for any information he could get on her. He wanted to know her better. He wanted to know everything about her, to understand the only person who could ever possibly even imagine what he was going through.
In turn, he told her of his sister, Rebecca, how he used to plait her hair before she went to school. He told her of Steve, listening to her laugh for the very first time when he listed off the places he had been beaten up. It had been a quiet laugh, barely there, but it was a laugh nonetheless and it made him smile for the first time in what felt like years. 
“Do you think anyone’s going to come and save us?” Y/N sniffled one night, after a particularly long session with the shitty men who insisting upon ‘keeping her company’ every evening. Bucky could tell she was curled up against the wall.
She had told him previously that the sound of his voice calmed her and she liked to get as close to it as she could.
“We’ve gotta believe so, Doll.”
“Would you leave without me?” Her voice was small and flooded with vulnerability. 
In that moment Bucky couldn’t imagine anything worse than leaving her behind.
“Steve?” Bucky couldn’t believe his eyes.
He wondered if this was just a cruel trick played by Zola on him.
There was no way this big guy in front of him was his little friend Steve.
But then the blond guy smiled and Bucky knew he’d recognise that smile anywhere.
There was no way anyone could ever replicate that warm grin.
“Steve!” Bucky repeated.
“I thought you were dead,” Steve whispered in awe to him. Bucky looked him up and down, eyes wide.
“I thought you were smaller,” he could have sworn he heard Steve laugh a little before pulling him up by the arm.
“We gotta get out of here.” Steve insisted, pulling him towards the door.
“Wait!” Bucky almost shouted as Steve tried to take him down the hallway.
Take him the wrong way.
“Bucky what’re you...” Steve watched Bucky wrench himself from his grasp. “Bucky!”
“I made a promise,” Bucky insisted, stumbling over to the door where he knew Y/N was being kept.
Bucky’s hands scrabbled at the heavy door, feeling tears of frustration build in his eyes when he couldn’t get it to open.
Steve placed a hand on it, the other going on Bucky’s arm to stop his movements.
“I got it, Buck,” he said gently, opening the door for him. Bucky fell into the room.
“Y/N?” He asked desperately, his eyes not quite focusing enough on anything in the room.
If it weren’t for her quiet cries Bucky probably would have had to allow Steve to drag him out of there.
“Y/N!” He exclaimed, allowing his legs to follow the sound of her tears to the corner of the room where she was huddled up in a ball.
“Oh my - Bucky, who is she?” Steve asked and when Bucky turned to look at him he saw that Steve’s back was turned to them.
Bucky looked back over to Y/N and it was only then that he registered she was completely naked.
“Oh, Doll,” he whispered.
“There were some sheets in a room a few doors back,” Steve told Bucky, jogging out of the room.
“It’s me, Doll, it’s Bucky,” he said, reaching out a hand and cringing when Y/N flinched away from his touch.
“Who - Who was that?” She asked, shaking like a leaf.
“That was Steve - you remember me telling you about Steve?” He asked gently.
“You said he was - he was small?” 
“Yeah, I don’t really know what’s going on there either, Doll. But we gotta go - we’re getting out of here!” Bucky couldn’t help but laugh a little at the absurdity of it. 
He never would have thought that possible, for them to actually leave.
“You - you came for me?” She whimpered, her eyes wide with wonder as she looked up at him. Bucky gave her as much of a smile as he could manage.
“I promised I would, didn’t I?”
Y/N was terrified, that much was clear.
Bucky didn’t blame her. 
He understood why.
If he’d been through what she had then he wouldn’t want to be marching with hundreds of men either.
Y/N stuck close to him. She was wearing his old uniform. The uniform he had been wearing while in the HYDRA base. Once they had escaped into the clearing it had been determined that Y/N couldn’t just walk around in the sheets that Steve had found, especially not while she was surrounded by men.
One other man had offered her his shirt and another had a spare pair of trousers but Y/N had shrunk back, too afraid to even look at them, never mind wear their clothes.
As a result, Bucky had taken the spare clothes and given Y/N his uniform to wear, seeing as though he was the only one she trusted.
He hated to admit he thought she looked adorable in his uniform, it was all to big for her and hung down way past her ankles and wrists. He hated thinking that because he didn’t want her to think he was just like the other men.
She clung close to him all through the hike back to camp. He knew if it had been anyone else then he would have been annoyed with the clinginess but he could never get annoyed with her, not after what they had been through together.
Through spending so much time around him it had also meant that she had been spending more time with Steve, who had also glued himself to Bucky’s side, though he was much less obvious about it.
Bucky knew Steve was scared of loosing him again, the same way he was scared of loosing Steve again.
And Bucky was glad to see Y/N beginning to form a bond of trust with Steve, who was nothing but polite and kind to her.
“Bucky? Hey, Bucky,” fingers lightly prodded into his stomach and Bucky groaned, rolling over to face the source of the noise as he woke up.
“Hey,” she whispered. Y/N normally slept away from the rest of the group as she suffered badly from nightmares and she also didn’t like sleeping in close proximity with all the other men.
“What’s going on? Is something wrong?” He asked, sitting up, worried that one of the men had snuck off to ‘visit’ her.
“Can I... can I sleep here? With you?” She asked, biting her lip shyly.
Bucky fell back on his back, smiling at her, holding out one arm as a silent invitation for her to curl up into him, once which she took happily, cuddling up into his side almost immediately.
“Sorry,” she whispered.
“You don’t need to apologise to me for anything,” Bucky promised her.
“You just make me feel safe.”
“They suit you,” Bucky said as Y/N turned to face him. He lent on the doorway of her room and she gave him a shy smile.
“Thanks, Buck,” she whispered.
“You okay, Doll?” He asked, his brow furrowing in worry for her and he stepped into the room, closing the distance between them ever so slightly.
“Yeah, I just... I’m not used to wearing dresses,” she admitted. Bucky reached out his hands to cup her face, his movements slow as they always were around her, not wanting to scare her.
Since they had reached safety Y/N had spent three days curled up in her room, still dressed in Bucky’s uniform, refusing to talk to anyone who came in who wasn’t Bucky or Steve or Peggy, who she had quickly become friends with. 
Probably on account of their genders.
“You look gorgeous, Doll,” he promised her, brushing some hair out of her face and refusing to look down, to see the cuts and bruises and hickeys that littered her skin all over from her time in Zola’s labs.
“Thanks,” she said.
“You’re sure you want to do this?” He asked, desperately trying to ensure that she wasn’t overwhelmed.
“As long as you’re with me,” she agreed and Bucky trailed his hands down to reach her arms, grabbing onto them and squeezing.
“Always, Doll, I’m not going to let anyone hurt you again, alright?” Y/N swallowed thickly and gave a hesitant nod.
“Alright,” Bucky smiled and turned, still holding onto one of her hands, ready to lead her into the conference room where Steve, Peggy, Howard and the other leaders were waiting to hear what information Y/N had to offer. “Bucky?” She suddenly burst out.
“Yeah?” He asked, going to look back at her but her body collided with his too fast for him to think, her arms looping around him as she crushed herself to him in a tight hug.
He slowly lowered his arms to hug her back, nestling his face into the crook of her neck.
Yeah. He’d keep her safe.
“You feel better now?” Bucky asked as the bartender placed two drinks on the wooden counter in front of them.
“Much,” she agreed with a small smile.
Bucky shot a glare over her shoulder at the group of soldiers who were watching her in lusty interest. Their looks trailed off upon seeing Bucky’s murderous expression.
He wasn’t about to let anyone get near her unless she was okay with it.
“Thank you for being there for me,” she added after a moment.
“Always, Doll - I’m sorry I wasn’t allowed into the room. Steve took care of you, though?” Y/N nodded, quickly putting any worries in the man’s head to rest.
“Of course he did,” she confirmed. “I... I wanted to ask you something?”
“What’s that?” His smile was soft and encouraging.
“Steve... Steve said he was thinking about putting his team together himself,” Y/N swallowed, looking down. “Is... are you going to... will you be on his team?” 
Bucky reached over and took her hand, squeezing it.
“If he asks me to go with him, Doll - I’ve gotta go with him,” he said, trying to keep his voice as reassuring as possible. “He’s my best friend,” he whispered and Y/N nodded in understanding, sniffing a slight bit.
“You’ll be safe, though, right?” 
“I’ll always come back to you, Y/N, I promised I’d look after you, remember?” He asked. Y/N looked over at him with tears shining in her eyes.
Silence fell between them for the briefest of moments before Y/N licked her lips and lent towards him. Bucky paused before doing the same, slowly so as to give her time to back out. His heart thundered in her chest and he was painfully aware of the loudness of the bar and the sweatiness of his palms.
But then their lips touched and it was as though the world breathed a sigh of relief as everything else faded away.
And they were just too kids, their youths stolen from them by the horrors of war. Their spirits broken and being slowly glued back together. And Bucky felt he could see the threads of their future, frayed at parts, equally broken, equally hurt, but twined together. 
Strengthening one another.
And he knew that they would be okay.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 5 years
The Night is Ours
Fandom: Marvel 
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Summary: You and Billy have this friends with benefits arrangement. He only comes to you during the night, bringing your body to the ultimate pleasure. Then once the day hits, he seems to lose interest in you. You’re starting to get tired of it.
warning: mentions/implications of sex
A/N: this ended up being nearly 2.9k words. my bad, my dudes. anyway, tagging @banditthewriter @suchatinyinfinity @thedevilwearsvibranium @dylanobrusso (my fellow billy lovers)
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You and your friends were currently at the club dancing, drinking, and having fun. It’s been a while since you’ve let loose and relaxed. And what a way to do it. The place was bumping, people everywhere, drinks flowing. It was a new place that opened in Manhattan. One of your girls was able to get you all in, despite there being a list of invitees. So here you were dancing to the music, trying not to spill the drink in your hand. 
You felt two hands go onto your hips and grinding into you, when you turned, ready to slap the suspect, your wrist was caught, “Easy there, tiger.”
“Billy,” you said in surprise. 
He let go of your wrist, Surprised?”
“Well, yeah. What’re you doing here?”
“Security. The owner is an old friend. Wanted some good back up in case things went sour since it’s opening night. Didn’t expect you to come here.”
“A girlfriend was able to get us in.”
“Jessica?” he asked and you nodded, “Yeah, she’s sleeping with the owner, my buddy, Duke.”
Your jaw dropped because Jessica had just explained earlier that day that she wasn’t seeing anyone!
Billy laughed, “I’m guessing you didn’t know.” he then made an all too obvious show of checking you out, a smirk on his lips, “Damn.”
You rolled your eyes, “You’ve seen it all before, Russo.”
“I know,” he took you by the hips and pulled you closer to him, “And I wanna see it again.”
You woke up around 7:45 in the morning in Billy’s apartment. You were naked and alone. Again. 
You should be used to this by now. You and Billy were having a friends with benefits arrangement going on for nearly a year now. At one point, it didn’t bother you. You happily let Billy take you to bed and then you’re up and ready to leave the next morning. You don’t know what changed. Oh wait. Yes, you do.
You had a particularly bad date and needed a pick me up. So you went to the nearest bar and lo and behold, you see Billy there getting friendly and cozy with some beautiful woman with brown curly locks and perfect tanned skin. 
Of course, you and Billy weren’t exclusive. You were friends-ish, but when you saw him there with that woman, there was an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
After you left, not even getting a drink and not wanting to be seen, you reflected on your reaction. On your feelings. You started to fall for Billy Russo.
“I’m not boyfriend material, Y/N. I don’t know how to do all that lovey dovey couple shit.”
You recalled Billy telling you that way before your arrangement began. And eventually, one thing led to another, you found yourself in bed with Billy Russo. And it was great. He thought it was great and that was when he proposed the arrangement. You agreed, clearly, because Billy was amazing in bed and you needed a good stress reliever. Same as he. But then things changed.
Now, whenever you sleep with him. It’s different. On your side, it’s desperate. You cling onto the thought of having Billy like this. Being the cause of bringing him to pleasure, feeling his hands and lips over his body, because you know this is the only way you could have him. 
But now you regret this. You regret agreeing to this arrangement. You regret ever going to that bar and seeing him with someone else. You regret ever meeting Billy Russo. 
You say that time was the last time. 
But it wasn’t.
You found yourself in Billy’s bed once more. It was a particularly stressful day for him and he asked you to come over. You knew what he wanted. What he was asking for you and you had the full intention of telling him you wanted out. But then he started telling you about his day and how stressed he was. He pulled you into his arms, cuddling you and kissing your head and you couldn’t say it. You couldn’t end it. 
So you two ended up in his room. Things weren’t fast and rough like they usually were. They were soft and gentle and it felt different. Did things change for him? Did he start to feel the same as you?
Once you brought each other to absolute bliss, he collapsed beside you on his bed.
You plucked up the courage to finally ask, “Billy, what are we?”
He turned his head to face you but you continued to stare at the ceiling, “What do you mean?”
“Is this still a friends with benefits arrangement...or did things change?”
“Why would things change?”
“I-I don’t know. Tonight just felt...different.”
You heard him sigh and you glanced over to see him run a hand down his face, “Y/N, just because I let my guard down with you earlier and was gentle tonight in bed, doesn’t mean things have changed. It’s still are usual arrangement.”
“I want to end things. Now. This is the last time.”
Billy sat up and stared down at you, “Why? Did things change?”
You sat up and rolled off the bed, “Yes and I’m an idiot for letting it go this long.” you quickly began to collect your clothes and throwing them on.
“What happened? What changed?”
“I started wishing for different things.”
“Like what?”
You shook your head, “Forget about it, Billy. Lemme just leave.”
“No! I wanna know what changed! Why you suddenly wanna end this!”
“Because I started wishing that you’d want me during the day just as much as during the night!” you yelled, “I started wishing that it was me you were having drinks with at the bar during the day! Taking me out on dates! I started wishing I was in other women’s shoes so I can be seen with you in public! I started wishing that you’d stop calling me in the night and start calling me in the day, but only because you wanted to see me or just hear my voice!
“I started wishing that you’d have feelings for me like the ones I have for you,” you finished dressing up and shook your head, “But I know, Billy. You’re not boyfriend material. You don’t know how to do that lovey dovey couple shit. So I’m done. I can’t stand this hurt anymore. I thought I’d be okay with just having you in the hours of the night, but I can’t. It’s just too painful.” with your stuff in hand you looked at him, red and teary eyed, “Good-bye, Billy.” You marched out of his apartment, the slam of his front door letting him know that you were gone. 
Billy: can you please answer your phone?
Billy: I wanna talk to you. 
Billy: are you at least okay?
Billy: did you make it home alright? I just wanna know you’re safe.
Messages deleted.
For three days, Billy had been texting and calling you nonstop. It’s been irritating you to no end. Why couldn’t he just accept that your arrangement was over? Why did he have to be so complicated? He could easily find someone else to fill in your shoes! Until he stopped. In a way, you were relieved, but you were also disappointed. Either way, you were just hurt. 
The noise startled you from your pathetic rom-com marathon. You paused your movie and went over to your door, grabbing onto the baseball bat you had beside it as you peered through the peephole. 
“What the fuck,” you mumbled to yourself as you saw Billy, whom you haven’t seen or heard of for three weeks. His eyes looked glossy and his hair was disheveled.
“Y/N!! Open up! I know you’re hooome!” Oh God. Is he drunk?, “If you don’t open up, I’m gonna kick your door open!”
You quickly unlock your door and pull Billy in by the collar of his shirt, “Jesus Christ, Billy!” you slam the door shut, locking it, and face Billy, “What’re you doing here?!”
“I m-miss you,” he staggers over to you, trying to kiss your lips, but you dodge him, catching him as he nearly falls over, “I-I ben testing and calling you for days. But you ignore me! Why you ignore me?” he looks at you with sad eyes, “I’m sorry.”
You sigh, rubbing your forehead, “Alright. You’re gonna sleep now, Russo. C’mon.” you help walk him over to your room, plopping him onto your bed. You take off his jacket and shoes so he’s comfortable. 
Billy sobs, “I’m sorry, Y/N. I mess up,” he leans forward, head resting in your chest, “I mess up and you leave and I miss you and I love you! I’m sorry! Plese don’ ignore me again!”
“I love you.” those three words you’ve been dying to hear echoed in your mind. He’s finally said it, but he’s drunk. He doesn’t mean it. He can’t mean.
You push Billy back to lie onto your pillows, “Go to sleep, Billy. You need to rest.” you pull the covers over him and he grabs onto your wrist. 
“Please don’t leave. Stay. I-I promise I won’t hurt you again.” you simply nod, not wanting to fight him on this. So you turn off your lights and slide into bed with him. He immediately pulls you into his arm, his breathing heavy, and he reeks of alcohol, “I’m sorry. I love you.” he kisses your cheek, “I’m sorry.”
You choke down tears as you say, “Just sleep, Billy.” 
It doesn’t take long to hear his snores that you’ve gotten used to. Now, as he lays in your bed dead asleep, you pull yourself out of his grasp and replace yourself with a pillow, which he accepts. 
You then walk out of your room, softly shutting your door behind you. You make your way back to the couch. You suddenly don’t want to finish the movie anymore. So you turn off the tv, store your snacks back into the cabinet, and pour your wine down the drain. You then settle onto your couch, pulling your blanket over and you and cry yourself to sleep....again.
Billy woke up with an excruciating headache. The room he was in was dark, “What the fuck?” he mumbled to himself. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that it was 10am on Saturday. Well, at least he didn’t have work today. With his phone, he found a lamp on the bedside table. The room lit up and he realized that he was at your place, “Aw fuck.” he also noticed a glass of water and pain killers on the bedside. He happily took them, wanting his headache to disappear immediately. 
He then grabbed his jacket and slid on his shoes. He wondered how he got here or if you were even home. When he stepped out, he got his answer. 
There on the couch, you were sitting, hunched over and typing away on your laptop. Without looking at him, you pointed to your kitchen, “There’s a plate of food there for you.”
He glanced at you and then the kitchen. He silently went over to the kitchen, taking the plate of food and some utensils. He sat at your small kitchen table and ate, watching you type.
“What’re you workin’ on?” he asked, trying to kill the silence.
“Stuff,” you mumbled back.  
He gulped down his food and nodded, dejectedly. Looks like you weren’t going to talk. He tried thinking about anything you or he said or did last night. He remembers swaying a lot. Probably due to all the alcohol he’s had. He remembers crying to you, telling you he loves you. Shit. 
“I remember some stuff from last night,” he said.
“Good for you.” you mumbled as you continued to type.
“I told you I love you.” the typing stopped, “And it’s true. I do.”
You close your laptop and get up, “You’re only saying that because you miss having a fuck buddy. But I’m sure you’ll find a replacement in no time.” you rush to go to your room, but Billy is faster and he catches you.
“Y/N, please-”
“You didn’t say anything that night Billy. So what? Is this a typical case of ‘you don’t know what you have until it’s gone’?”
“No! I’ve always known I’ve loved you! It’s-”
“It’s what, Russo? What bullshit excuse do you have for me, huh?” you looked at him angry and expectedly.
“It’s complicated.” 
You shook your head, “Get out.” you push at him, “Get the fuck outta my apartment, Russo!” 
But Billy fought back, “Trust me, Y/N! You gotta believe me!”
“Why should I?! You were perfectly fine on letting me go that night! What changed?!”
“I started missing you! I started missing the sound of your voice, your laugh. I started missing your touch. Your lips. I started missing your sarcastic comments and witty comebacks! I missed you and I’ve been calling you and texting you because I wanted to see you! I just wanted to hear your voice!” You stood there, staring at him in silence, “I fucked up, I know. I should’ve spoke up that night, fought for you to stay. I should’ve told you how much I love you, but I couldn’t ‘cause I was scared!”
“Scare of what?”
He sighed, “When I was serving overseas, I got into some fucked up shit. And it followed me here due to my own selfishness and naivety. I knew-God, I knew that if I got involved with you, you’d be pulled into my shit too. And I didn’t want that. That’s why I only saw you during the night. I couldn’t let anyone see us together during the day ‘cause I knew that if they found out I was with someone, they’d use you against me. They could hurt you and I didn’t want that.
“So these past three weeks, I busted my ass off to finally end things with these people. I wanted things to end a long time ago, but what really set it into stone was you. I wanted to be with you and the nights we had together was my way of having you any way that I could. And then watching you leave that night, it tore me up inside.
“So I fought. I killed. I nearly died, honestly, and that was all for you. Because I love you and I want to be with you. Day and night. I wanna be yours and want you to be mine.”
You let out a shaky breath, “That’s some heavy shit.”
Billy couldn’t help but chuckle, “Yeah. No kidding.” he carefully took a step towards you, cautiously grabbing your hand. When you didn’t retaliate, he relaxed a bit, “So now all that bad shit is behind me. I’m here in front of you and I’ve laid out all my cards. It’s your move now, Y/N.”
“That woman I saw you with at the bar. The one with the curly hair and perfect skin.” Billy nodded, “Who was she?”
He sighed, “A homeland agent looking into the shit I did overseas. I...killed her partner on the orders of someone else. She was looking into me and I was looking into her, but she didn’t know I knew.”
“Did you sleep with her?”
Billy gulped, “Yeah, but only to keep up appearances. It didn’t mean a thing. She doesn’t mean anything to me.” he lets go of your hands and cups your face, “You, Y/N, you mean everything to me. You’re right, I don’t know how to do that lovey dovey couple shit, but I wanna learn. I wanna try. With you.”
You looked at him with watering eyes, “I’m scared.”
“I am too, sweetheart,” he softly rubs his thumbs across your cheeks, “I’ve never been in love before and already, I’ve fucked things up. But I wanna do better. ‘Cause you deserve better. You deserve the best and I’m more than willing to give it to you. We may stumble a bit ‘cause I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. But I just hope you’re there to catch and correct me.”
“Okay,” you whisper.
Billy lets out a breath of relief, “Okay? You’ll-You’re with me?”
You nodded, “Yeah, Bill. I wanna give this a shot. If you say all that bad shit is behind you and you’re ready to move forward, then okay. I wanna see where we go from here.”
He smiles at you, “Thank you,” and pulls you into a kiss. A deep, loving, passionate kiss, “Thank you, Y/N. It’s all ours. The day. The night. It’s ours for the taking. Whatever you want, baby. I’m there.” He stood there with a big smile on his face.
A weight has been lifted off your chest. You feel lighter. Free. You wouldn’t have thought that the man who caused you so much pain would be the one the relieve it in the end. 
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