#PLEASE play pentiment
shripscapi · 1 month
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The darkness always ends, Magdalene. We must remember that.
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astriiformes · 4 months
By the way. Friends who I have been pleading to play this game for the past year. Pentiment is also going to be out on the Switch and the PS4/PS5 starting February 22nd. You know. In case that is relevant to you or additionally enticing.
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bitronic · 11 months
youre fucking me right now youre actually fuckng me in the ass i hate everything ripping my skin off
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whaile · 2 years
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has this been done yet
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iamalivenow · 2 years
pentiment is like what if disco elysium was a night in the woods but instead of a very depressed college drop out in a small dying town or a very big disaster of a cop in a small dying town its a very miserable artist in a 16th century small dying town
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princeseerow · 4 months
does anyone have any game recs that are similar to disco elysium and/or pentiment
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bdor1995 · 2 years
pentiment liveblog
oh bro no please dont bring up martin luther up at dinner at the monastery i (the player) have social anxiety
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stiwfssr · 1 year
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Murder Among the Mormons
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nulfaga · 2 years
actually thinking abt college dropout andreas now. kind of falling into the family trade because he couldn't hack it at university. he's excited to tread down the artist's path but ofc he feels deeply obliged to his family and has been told verbatim by his father that there's no leeway for him to fuck up again, that this second chance is already more than most people ever get. and so the prescribed life (allegedly his last and best chance to live) unfolds around him, and by the time he realizes what a deeply unpleasant shape it's taking he's stuck. and THEN at long last...(without spoilers)... there's a silver lining that seems to make all that struggle and uncertainty worthwhile, to give it a purpose in retrospect. a bright light. and then that blinks out too and what's left is an unfathomable dark. "I'm lost" bestie i am not surprised </33
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coralloid · 5 months
broooo why did i never check before the definition of pentiment, this is so smart josh sawyer owns my ass
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prontaentrega · 1 year
were reaching new higher temperatures and i know this bc usually id wait til after like 9pm to turn on my pc so it doesnt overheat (its too hot during the day so it overheats right after it starts and it makes a horrible high pitched noise) but lately i cant even turn it on at 2am bc it still too hot. i havent been able to use my pc in at least a week
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astriiformes · 1 year
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I am once again informing you all that Pentiment is currently (as of 6/13/23) on sale on Steam and you should really really play it.
If you're new here: Meticulously researched historical mystery game somewhere between an RPG and a visual novel in which your choices matter a lot, set in 16th century Bavaria where you play as an artist employed by a local monestary. Incredible plot, story, and characters, made me feel every human emotion, beautifully weaves in themes about art, history, why we create, and how we're remembered after we're gone, gorgeous stylization (the whole game is made to look like a medieval manuscript and/or woodcut), and was clearly made with so much love. Also how many games come with a full historical bibliography and the option to enable long s in the game text?
It's well worth the sale price especially and it's my mission to get people to play this game.
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seismologically-silly · 11 months
Just finished another play through of Pentiment… yeahhh…
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freytful · 1 year
seeing the way some people talk about pentiment when im currently obsessed with misericorde is kinda sad though. I know theres more like this but I dont wanna be too annoying about it!! But also misericorde rules and i know people would love it if they knew about it!
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modwyr · 1 year
going to probably start death of the outsider to finish the dishonored - pathologic - disohonored - pathologic trend i’ve had going for myself. but my thoughts are still with her (pathologic classic hd)
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sansculottides · 2 months
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my full piece for the pentiment fanzine @palimpsestzine !!!!!
i wanted to paint something with the tassing women just hanging out. a tribute to the burden of work historically borne by women....at least they can do their work together. (also why the marginalia also shows animals doing work and various tools for work, heh heh)
you can download it here on itch.io! it is genuinely .... the best fanzine ive ever seen, so much love was poured into it. you can either get it for free or pay what you want, and all earnings will be donated to librarians for palestine. we'll collect donations until april 30! AND PLAY PENTIMENT IF YOU HAVENT YET PLEASE!
thank you to everyone that has shown some love for our zine so far!
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