#Oroku Rei
spawnscout · 2 years
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Leonardo and Karai hate each other. Their younger siblings . . . Not so much :)
They’re the enemy Mikey!
But Bubblegum and I were gonna get ice cream 🥺
(From a distance) We still are!
Karai and Leo:
No you’re not!
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mothcrlost-blog · 7 years
the headcannon / cannon masterlist as of 11 - 15 - 2017
crescent-rabbit                                                     asked:                    👑
                                                   get to know the people in my muses life | accepting 
👑 …someone my muse is jealous of.
O R I T A okay this one is interesting for orita specifically , because she is so quick to adore people . she actually has a deep jealousy of splinter but doesn’t ever really address or show it . she cares about him and her boys too much to do so , she mostly is jealous because of the fact he was the one who got to raise her sons instead of her .
HIKARU hikaru is jealous of a lot of people because of his breathing and leg difficulties but out of everyone he envies it has to be donnie , he adores donnie and he is such an inspiration but the fact donnie has functioning legs but would rather sit in a lab upsets him very deeply . he is a total sweetheart and would never tell anyone but sometimes it can be noticeable .
REI rei is VERY jealous of akane , the youngest sibling . rei constantly practices , strives to be the best and never stops training or practicing , yet her sister is better at , speaking , less fearful , bigger stronger and more skilled even though she uses and fights with ‘ dishonorable ‘ tools and weapons . even though she rarely trains and barely takes being a ninja as serious business . it isn’t fair her little sister is so perfect in her eyes . it does create a hostile dynamic between the two that they struggle to overcome because they learnt how to bottle up emotions from the best .
AKANE akane is different in her siblings that she doesn’t actually envy a person but a side , she would feel more comfortable as an oroku , or a criminal . she has a lot of unchecked emotions and can be VERY soft , however due to her family’s manners she only feels safe opening up to raphael . she gets a thrill out of doing bad things , it makes her feel alive instead of paying so much attention to her depression . in a way it keeps her happy and sometimes alive . she doesn’t have the strongest morals but a robin hood or vigilante lifestyle would suit her best . life is a game to her , she’s not afraid of losing or dying but she is afraid of never having the chance to live it in as many ways as she can .
okay but on character development , weapon choices
rei is all about honor and prefers to use blades and hand to hand combat , she WILL NOT use poisons , bombs or guns in any form . it often lands her in trouble and in tight spots but she refuses to break her unspoken code of honor . she keeps a rules journal for this unspoken code and thoroughly keeps it up to date with any new rules or revisions . her original assigned weapon was a tanto
akane is the team sharp shooter , she has the eyes of a hawk and the aim of a goddess . this girl does not miss , she does strive to be like raph but her mind is very calculated like donnie . she can practically see every trajectory and angle , because of her skill with shooting she prefers more dangerous weapons , like rigged arrows , throwing blades , and her guilty pleasure , guns . she doesn’t see much use in traditional weapons and for close combat she uses her brute and dirty tricks like poison , bombs and occasionally scythe blades or sais . her original weapon was two handled scythe style blades , she did learn the sais from raphael .
hikaru due to his asthma and bad legs does not fight nearly as much as his sisters , he does act as their tactical support through a com line however . he mainly uses a wheelchair but does have specially designed leg braces and plenty of his medication on hand at all times . when he is forced to fight he uses a half bo with a fully electrical ability , & prods he always wears rubber gloves and boots . he has also been known to use his assigned weapon , a kyoketse shoge , the swiss army knife of feudal times .
when orita was mutated she was in pain and emotionally destroyed , mutating was physically painful and devastating emotionally . every moment of her life was rewritten in her mind with a new understanding and sentience . she felt every emotion in her life all at once and with an insane intensity , enough pain to put her into a short coma where she spent the first two weeks of her mutant life absorbing every emotion and memory she’d ever experienced but with a human mind . it messed her up bad . then she woke up and the first thing she saw was saki , he was nice at first tricking her into trusting him before she discovered the truth about her children . she was almost immediately abused and thrown into a cell to rot and constantly tortured for information on her kids and a turtles weaknesses . like she went through a lot to get to her kids and being questioned on her care for them sends her right back to that dark place where she bottles everything up and hides her feelings .
O R I T A  actually learns all curses from her kids and basically parrots every new word they teach her , she actually has no idea what their definitions are but she understands how they are used in a sentence and with what emotions , they are used in .
okay so when orita gets angry she huffs a lot , she can’t help it , it’s just one of her mannerisms . only because of her crooked teeth it doesn’t come out as a huff it comes out as a crazy whistle . this frustrated her but she got used to it , that’s until her kids heard it , all of the sudden their mother is pouting , trying to look angry but spewing crazy whistles . then when she gets emotional her lisp starts acting up and now she can’t even talk without whistling . normally when this happens she ends up , laughing with them , getting very embarrassed , or ends up covering her mouth to muffle the whistles while she scolds the kids . only the kids are in stitches laughing because it looks absolutely ridiculous .
she occasionally does get upset by her deformities , she doesn’t view herself as beautiful but at the end of the day because she has her family she’s just happy to be there with them .
okay but , orita trying to wear clothes and wigs and make up because she’s insecure about her sides not matching , and just generally being a mutant and not a human , if she were human she could do so much more for her boys , get a job , get them things , pay for food and supplies so they’d never run out the fact she can’t really bothers her…
samuraijacqueline               asked:                    
character development question~! ; What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out versus actually cultivate? What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why?
                                                   What kind of relationships do they tend to intentionally seek out ?
O R I T A  actually seeks out relationships with tender hearted individuals , but she gravitates toward those she can nurture or protect often those who in a sense need a mother , whether they like it or not . she is also very drawn to strong individuals who can or will protect her . she has a tender and fragile heart and needs someone to look after her in a sense so she doesn’t break under emotional or physical trauma , she can be pretty clingy and quick to infatuation but seeks others like herself .
versus actually cultivate?
O R I T A  is most likely to cultivate a relationship with someone she is attracted to or has subconsciously adopted . she’ll do anything for them even to her own detriment and harm . this is part of the reason she didn’t leave shredder or fight him until her babies were put at risk , because he was kind and caring enough to get her infatuated then cruelly use it against her .
What kind of social contact do they prefer, and why?
O R I T A  prefers close and intimate interactions , she is afraid of being alone for too long and she feels lost and empty in a crowd , in small moments such as brushing up against someone , touching hands or even being close enough to hear a persons breaths makes her the most happy because she knows she’s not alone . this is a reason why she will often place her head on those she cares abouts chests , because listening to a heartbeat makes her feel safe and intimate with another person . she could listen for hours straight & it’s something she will never tire of hearing .
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twinhalvcs-blog · 7 years
get to know the people in my muses life | accepting 
👑 …someone my muse is jealous of.
O R I T Aokay this one is interesting for orita specifically , because she is so quick to adore people . she actually has a deep jealousy of splinter but doesn’t ever really address or show it . she cares about him and her boys too much to do so , she mostly is jealous because of the fact he was the one who got to raise her sons instead of her .
HIKARUhikaru is jealous of a lot of people because of his breathing and leg difficulties but out of everyone he envies it has to be donnie , he adores donnie and he is such an inspiration but the fact donnie has functioning legs but would rather sit in a lab upsets him very deeply . he is a total sweetheart and would never tell anyone but sometimes it can be noticeable .
REIrei is VERY jealous of akane , the youngest sibling . rei constantly practices , strives to be the best and never stops training or practicing , yet her sister is better at , speaking , less fearful , bigger stronger and more skilled even though she uses and fights with ‘ dishonorable ‘ tools and weapons . even though she rarely trains and barely takes being a ninja as serious business . it isn’t fair her little sister is so perfect in her eyes . it does create a hostile dynamic between the two that they struggle to overcome because they learnt how to bottle up emotions from the best .
AKANEakane is different in her siblings that she doesn’t actually envy a person but a side , she would feel more comfortable as an oroku , or a criminal . she has a lot of unchecked emotions and can be VERY soft , however due to her family’s manners she only feels safe opening up to raphael . she gets a thrill out of doing bad things , it makes her feel alive instead of paying so much attention to her depression . in a way it keeps her happy and sometimes alive . she doesn’t have the strongest morals but a robin hood or vigilante lifestyle would suit her best . life is a game to her , she’s not afraid of losing or dying but she is afraid of never having the chance to live it in as many ways as she can .
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spawnscout · 9 months
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Rei “Bubblegum” Oroku is scared. Really scared. And it takes a lot to scare Bubblegum at this point. Karai, her big sister, has been gone for 4 days. Karai leaving isn’t unusual but she always, no matter what, tells Bubblegum how long she’ll be gone. This time she just disappeared and Bubblegum has put everything on hold, her pop star shows, press conference, her dads ninja stuff. Everything until she can find Karai.
After a long night of searching and finding nothing she sends out foot soldiers to search as she rests for a few hours. She stops outside of her sisters room and cuddles into her sisters bed like she used to do when they were kids and she would get scared.
“Karai, where are you?”
This is what happens after the turtles tell Karai that she is Splinters daughter and she switches sides.
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spawnscout · 1 year
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Micky and Leo ran into trouble on the rooftops of New York, the Oroku sisters. Luckily, Leo knows how to handle Karai and Micky and Bubblegum always go soft on each other. Leo predicted his brother and him would prevail in this fight. . . At least that was until Karai said:
“Let’s trade dance partners!”
And all the sudden the annoying acrobat in ballet shoes was dancing on top of his shoulders and Micky took a punch to the face.
“What’s the matter Da Vinci? Don’t like to dance like your brother?”
“Just stay still!”
“Bubblegum! I think you’re sister just broke my nose!”
“Sorry Micky!”
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spawnscout · 2 years
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“You’re just jealous you can’t do it”
Karai might be the better fighter and ninja but nobody can bend like a dancer which is where her little sister, Bubblegum, has her beat.
I am of the opinion that if you don’t draw Karai buff your doing the world a disservice. Fight me
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spawnscout · 2 years
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Some things never change between the Oroku sisters, Karai will always hold up Bubblegum no matter how big she gets.
In my version of tmnt, Karai is about 20 while Bubblegum is 15, for reference Leonardo, the oldest of the turtles, is 17.
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spawnscout · 2 years
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Meet the Oroku sisters aka. Shredder’s daughters aka. Karai and Rei Oroku
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spawnscout · 1 year
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Mikey and Bubblegum did eventually get their ice cream
This is a small sequel to this post:
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