#Organic Fertilizer Machine etc.
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
"A new community housing development in the Bronx will feature a cool piece of kit: an on-site aerobic digester that can turn 1,100 pounds of food scraps into 220 pounds of high-quality fertilizer every single day.
Built by Harp Renewables, it’s basically a big stomach filled with bacteria that breaks down food scraps and wasted food into their component parts, and in the future could be a standard part of all apartment units as the amount of food waste in American reaches 30% of the total mass of all trash collection.
The Peninsula, organized by Gilbane Development Company, will feature 740 units of affordable housing, 50,000 square-foot light industrial space and equal sized green space, and 15,000 feet of commercial space, all of which will send their castaway comestibles right into the digester...
Fast Company reports that Christina Grace, founder of a zero-waste food management company, helped plan the design and implementation of the digester into The Peninsula, and helped organize a 40% grant from the city to pay the $50,000 upfront cost.
“The goal is for this material to work its way into the community garden network in the Bronx,” [Christina Grace, who helped plan the design] told the magazine, adding that she expects it to pay for itself over just a few years. “We see this as highly replicable in both commercial and residential venues. We know there’s a need for fertilizer.”
Producing fertilizer right there in the city reduces the need for it to be trucked in from afar, chipping away, even if just a bit, at NYC traffic.
Big problem solver
Perhaps uniquely beneficial to New York City compared to other spots in the U.S. is that the digester will have a significant impact on the Bronx’s share of the city’s rodent problem.
Those who’ve watched the Morgan Spurlock documentary Rats will understand why that’s significant—while those that haven’t will have to imagine what living in a megacity where rats outnumber people by around 8 or 10 to 1 looks like.
Another big problem the bio-digesters could potentially help is pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Fertilizer is a big emitter of all three of the most-targeted GHGs. Fertilizer, like quarry dust and ammonia is, like so many commodities, often imported from countries who specialize in its production, such as Norway, but also Russia and Ukraine, whose conflict has recently highlighted the fragility of the supply chain with sharp increases in prices...
Bio-digesters by design keep the CO2 and methane in the fertilizer produced, rather than it entering the atmosphere.
For these reasons and more, the aerobic bio-digester is slowly making its way into residential and industrial spaces around the country.
GNN reported on an enormous bio-digester at the heart of the D.C. advanced resource (sewage) recovery center outside the capital, and on the use of bio-digesters on Australian pig farms which are helping reduce the environmental and psychological impact of the effluent produced from such operations.
Harp Renewables tweeted how happy they were to have installed their bio-digester in the town of Cashel, Ireland.
Expect to see more stories like this pop up around the globe."
-via Good News Network, March 17, 2022
Note: Obviously gentrification bad and "affordable housing" is sometimes nowhere near as affordable as it should be, etc. etc. That said, this is such a fantastic use case that I felt I had to post it anyway.
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jewfrogs · 28 days
how do u organize your stardew chests im so curious
by item type!! this is my setup in my main save:
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(the labels are because i use the chests anywhere mod (it's cruel & unusual punishment to expect me to remember things). in an ideal world i would put them in alphabetical order along the rainbow but i haven't gotten around to that...)
most of them are very self-explanatory but i'll explain anyway with some notes:
animal processing (the silver chest by the door) is for eggs & milk i'm gonna make into cheese/mayo
i barely keep any animal products but i do need one of each product of each quality (for posterity). same with artisan goods (working on collecting generic jelly/juice/wine/etc. for that t)
contraptions are machines basically because i've collected a million machines as community center rewards/from crafting that i never use. i should shove my recyclers and everything in there really...
i put my fishing paraphernalia (bobbers, bait) in my fish chest which is convenient but bothers me. i should make a tackle chest but that would mean making another row of chests and an incomplete rainbow would be very bothersome (similar feelings about flowers & forage)
the fact that hay is not tagged as a resource grates at my soul and i did consider making a hay chest for only hay. but i haven't because of my restraint
seeds & such is for seeds & fertilizer, but i could see myself splitting seeds by season and making a separate fertilizer chest
tools & weapons is mostly where my bombs go but also sometimes cool swords. and a couple trinkets
i hope you enjoy. according to my brain this is the objectively correct way to do things
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honourablejester · 5 months
Numenera Setting Notes: Points of Interest Part III
Finishing up the Beyond, down in the salty weirdness near the Divided Seas and the Cold Desert of Maltheunis. There is a general theme of salt and blood and strangeness down here, which I am definitely vibing with.
Part III: The Beyond Part II (Numenera: Discovery)
Errid Kaloum, near the Divided Seas, because it’s a huge weird salt flat with fertile ‘islands’ sticking up through it due to geothermal activity. These islands have fresh water and natural desalinisation from the extrusive mineral structures. Among its weird features are the Floating Circle, which is a 300ft diameter circle in the middle of the salt flats that lets anything that weighs less than 300lbs to hover while within it (and anything that weighs less than 3lbs goes zooming off into space). It’s an ancient skydiver training platform or something similar, and it’s fantastic. There’s also a castle made of light on one of the islands which may or may not be trans-dimensional, as it’s full of abykos, which appear to be transdimensional ghost creatures.
Our Order of the Lady of the Salt Way, in the Sere Marica, the saltier of the two Divided Seas. And by salty, I mean extremely salty. Possibly Dead Sea levels? And this holy order worships that salt, on the word of a woman named Saint Eseld four generations ago. They have an unnamed monastery island in the Salted Marshes that produces a lot of salt byproducts for sale, and whose devotees crust themselves in salt, both in their hair and on their skin. There’s rumours that something is done with salt and their bodies after death, too. The current leader of the order is an ex-aeon priest who stabbed her own eyes out when she first saw a vision of a woman in the salt, years ago, believing it a test of her faith, and came around to her new faith when they took care of her. I just. I really really like spooky maritime things, salt and bones and visions and blood. I like it.
Salachia, also in the Sere Marica. Specifically, 1500ft down in the Sere Marica. A domed, wheel-shaped underwater city covered by a porous membrane that allows gases but not water or solids to pass through. The buildings appear to be huge nautilus shells in a ring around one vast nautilus shell that forms the city centre, with markets, schools, civic buildings, etc. The outer surface of the city is covered in tiny crystalline creatures called chiffons that make the whole thing seem to shimmer and writhe, and they feed on carbon dioxide. They’re what’s providing the oxygen exchange here in lieu of plants. They also can operate as symbiotic breaking masks. The city is hooked up to the surface by a bubble tube. But the population is currently dwindling, and this has more knock-on effects that you’d think, because it needs to maintain a certain population level to generate enough CO2 to keep the chiffon population up as well, or the whole city might cross a failure line and lose atmosphere. So they’re currently trying to get people to enter and stay in the city by, possibly, any means necessary. That’s a fascinating little moral and biological conundrum there. Also, you can never go wrong with a domed underwater shell city.
The Weal of Baz, on the shores of the freshwater Navae Marica, the other of the two Divided Seas. It’s a town hidden by holograms in a cliff face that was built by an ancient AI called Baz to provide a safe harbour for intelligent machines. Baz might be dead now, but some of the machines sheltering in his town are over a million years old. And they’re all cranky. They hate and/or are petrified of organic beings, and really don’t want them around, although occasionally they’ll trust one enough to give them a pass into the Weal. The town has a massive solar generator called the dragon that helps keep everyone powered, and it’s sometimes worshipped as a god. And, again, you can’t go wrong with a machine refuge, I’ll always take that!
The Amorphous Fields, to the south of the Divided Seas. Because it’s 200 miles of vast heaving morphing landscape that may or may not be the semi-solid crust over a vast subterranean organic soup that also may or may not be alive. Because, again, joy to the weird landscapes. It’s primarily inhabited by floating predatory soup jellyfish called ligoshi, and a few villages worth of absolute nutters of stubborn humans. There’s an organic green tower in the middle, a 1000ft spire of organic tissue, with a metal ‘halo’ floating around it (an observation platform?) full of numenera. It’s weird, and I love that it exists. (There’s also a fantastically dry little note in the ‘Weird of the Amorphous Fields’ sidebar, which just acknowledges that ‘Arguably, the whole place is pretty weird’. Fantastic!)
Vebar, near the Amorphous Fields, because it’s a hanging subterranean city that clings to the roof of a cavern. Its buildings hang downwards from the ceiling, and the streets are either above it, as tunnels, or between the buildings, as bridges and walkways. It’s lit by hanging artificial lights, and it’s people farm fungi down on the floor of the cavern, which is also lit artificially, so the farms and the city act sort of as each other’s ‘night sky’, the constellations above and below. And. Everyone knows me and functional subterranean cities/cultures. I ADORE this place.
Seshar, as a semi-collapsed kingdom built around an ancient prior-world canal system. It looks so cool on the map:
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I know, I know, the whole Martian canal thing, but you can’t go wrong with mysterious 50ft deep ancient storm drains/canal systems that allow civilisation, agriculture and trade to bloom in what is actually an extension of the nearby cold desert. Also the capital city of Nebalich is run by a king and queen who are explicitly described as ‘short, stout and unattractive by conventional standards’, but are ‘two of the most loved rulers in the Beyond’. Which is a nice touch. Love our short stout kings and queens.
The Fields of Frozen Flowers, in Maltheunis, the Cold Desert. Three salty lakes down near the massive glacial formation of the Southern Wall, they form ‘frozen flowers’ of ice and bacteria when conditions on the surface of the lakes are exactly right. And there’s a whole mythology that’s built up around these ‘flowers’ as symbols of love, each unique and perfect and so delicate that the touch of a warm hand lifting them from the water will destroy them. Also getting to them across the thin ice of the briny lakes (full of lethal bitey fish, because of course) is a quest in itself, and the lakes are full of the bodies of suitors that sought to prove their devotion by fetching a frozen flower for their love. Also dark stories of loves who sent them to get one so that they’d become a frozen corpse. But there’s this bit: “So many young lovers are lost to love’s watery garden that there is a myth of bodies building up below the surface, creating a bridge to walk on. There are other myths, too, of the dead men rising from beneath the surface, their hands now frozen enough to carry the flowers all the way to their beloveds.” It’s romantic and ghoulish and I adore it. This icy garden lake in the ass crack of the frozen beyond that is a mecca to betrayed and beautiful and extreme love. And, of course, there’s a cottage tourism industry in the area because of it. Because of course there is. Humans, you know?
The southern end of the map does seem to be generally just a little bit ghoulish, and that is perfectly fine by me! Let’s wander these strange lands of salt and ice and weird shifting bio-soup, I’m down with that! Heh.
Next time we’ll move over to the Ninth World Guidebook and head out beyond the core region of the Steadfast and the Beyond, into the Frozen South and some other areas.
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elixirvitae · 1 year
Your answers are just *chefs kiss*... soo I was wondering for a while now... Alu physiology 🤓 how does that man's body work? He drinks blood, does he need to use the toilet? Can he vomit if he feels sick? Can he sneeze? Can he cum? Is he fertile? We know he can cry a bloody substance so would all his substances be bloody? Does he expel gas? I cant grasp the way his body works at all.. he bleeds but does his body even pump blood? Is he hot or cold? If his blood is just standing still inside his body, how would he get an erection? He is meant to be unalive so what does he smell like? Also, i thought the other day, people who thirst for him.. are we necrophilliacs since he is meant to be deaded 😂? Help 😭😭😭😭
This is a fun topic! This is gonna get looonnnngggg because I've been nerding out over this subject for a long time.
So, like, I'm not a biologist? So most of these thoughts are pretty simplistic and fundamental. I'd love to hear someone more knowledgeable lend their take on these theories. "Blood is the life! Blood is the life!" We see Alucard in varying states of appearance as far as liveliness goes. He looks pretty tired sometimes, with heavy lines under his eyes and pallid skin. But sometimes he looks healthier, livelier, and I think that's in direct correlation to how much blood he has drank recently, and of what quality.
I'm better with machines than biology. Think of a body like a vehicle engine. You've got the motor, the moving parts, and the fluids (among uhhhh a bunch of other stuff?). Doesn't matter how new the engine, how sturdy the gaskets, the brand of brakes, because if you don't keep your fluids up, your car will stop carring.
So, my theory is that his body "performs" more like a living body at its prime when he's well-fed. Do you remember that part where he binged and took a nap in his chair in Ultimate? Walter observed that he was building up energy and strength for the coming battle. Now, "at its prime" doesn't mean "more human". Excreting waste, in my opinion, is a sign of inefficiency in an organism's metabolism and of course we know the health of our gut contributes to the frequency and circumstances of how we excrete waste. Illness, food allergy, presence or absence of bacteria, etc. So, I don't think he vomits, defecates, or urinates. Alucard metabolizes blood, which is, in Stoker and subsequent lore, the vehicle for life essence. He metabolizes blood entirely, and it fuels all the prime performance abilities of an organism and the extent of their abilities. In Romanian lore, male strigoi, Alucard's particular subspecies of vampire, can impregnate human women (female strigoi, in classic Olde Misogyny, have a wild libido and will exhaust a male human until his death). So, he can feed, fuck, and fight. The perfect creature. As for his blood flow, I think his heart DOES pump blood through his body, but very slowly. And by slowly, I mean like a couple times a night, give or take, depending on how physically active he is and how much blood he has been drinking. Bradycardia is not inherently a bad thing; generally speaking, as long as you feel good, a slow heart rate means your heart is pumping more efficiently. If his blood was stagnant in his body, we would see a lot of discoloration in his skin, and the blood would be pooling at whatever the lowest point of the body is as we see in deceased human bodies. And because his blood flows, it's reasonable to expect him to be a reasonable temperature. I think he probably runs pretty cool compared to a human. He probably feels like those people who are always cool to the touch when you touch their hand or cheek, but I mean realistically if you leave a steak on the counter all day it will reach room temperature. And since his body is animated and functioning on a baser level, I don't think he would smell ripe or anything. I personally think his coffin is lined with old Romanian earth beneath upholstery, so he probably smells like old, turned soil and the materials and environment he's surrounded in. I headcanon old soil, leather, and gun smoke. Now what I can't rationalize with this specific line of thinking is that in Stoker, Dracula so famously gives Harker the line "I never drink...wine." But at some point, in Alucard's canon, and I'm looking at Arthur here, he must have been granted the ability to drink spirits. He is chronically drinking wine in all formats of Hellsing. One day I'll go through all three versions, and I'll count the number of scenes in which he's drinking.
I DO know that cattle, oxen, pig, and lamb blood was used as a fining agent in wine, from ancient times up until the US started trying to bully Germany and France into stopping. If I recall correctly, Germany and France shrugged it off, but I think in the 90's around the time BSE (mad cow disease) was a huge scare, the US and the UK outlawed bovine blood as a fining agent. SO, until somebody out there is bold enough to research the subject, I headcanon that Arthur started a reserve for Alucard in which human blood is used as a fining agent in his own reserve of wine. Why not? Wine can thin blood, which means he probably has to drink a fair amount of blood before drinking wine or he'd probably get pretty fuckered up. So, in contrast to many folks' headcanons, he's probably a pretty light drinker unless he's been gorging on blood. And the only other thing I used to think he'd have trouble metabolizing was yeast but honestly it would just contribute to respiration, so he might breathe more than just when he needs to pass air through his vocal cords. Which might imply that when he's drinking, and his respiration is amped up that he might get the most rush out of smoking like we see him in WW2 and in a few chapter covers. Which supports my theory that he can party like a motherfucker if he wants to and supports my own headcanon that he likes to indulge in vices.
Aaaaand for your final question, no, I don't think we're necrophiliacs because Alucard is an animated, sentient creature capable of consent.
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1. For accurate quantification, distribution and management, avoid uneven distribution of nutrients.
2. Prevent dust from flying and adhering to the wall of the device. Dust flying, dust adhesion is serious. After granulation, environmental pollution and loss of raw materials can be prevented.
3. Prevent segregation of fertilizer components. When the particle size and density of each component in the formulation are different, segregation is prone to occur. Granulation can effectively prevent the segregation of fertilizer particles.
4. Prevent agglomeration in the production process of certain solids, such as the production of granular phosphamide, urea, etc. Generally, the particle size is larger than that of the powder, and the specific surface area of the material after granulation is greatly reduced.
5. Adjust bulk density, increase or prolong the storage time of fertilizer.
6. Easy to use, carry and transport, increase the value of commodities, etc.
Zhengzhou Huazhiqiang organic fertilizer equipment manufacturer is based on the principle of honest management, aggressive and pioneering, including organic fertilizer production line, npk production line, etc., perfect after-sales service and supporting facilities. It is a main organic fertilizer granulator (roller granulator, disc granulator machine, etc.), organic fertilizer turning and throwing machine, organic fertilizer pulverizer, organic fertilizer fermentation machine and other organic fertilizer equipment manufacturers for a complete set of organic fertilizer production lines. The technology development system has won unanimous praise from users.
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Wood Sawdust, Rice Husk, RDF, MSW, Construction Waste, Waste Rubber, Biomass Pellets Making Machine.
What are the raw materials of our pellet machine making pellets? Some light materials such as wood sawdust, rice husks, wood bark, corn cob, palm, peanut shell, stalks or hay sawdust and shells and husk etc. Some heavy materials such as corn, soybean. Then some municipal solid waste materials, such as waste clothes, waste plastics, waste rubber, waste paper, construction waste, etc. They are all can making pellets, and they are widely used for fuel plants , fertilizer plants, feed plants, wood processing plants, chemical plants, etc. It is a biomass pellet machine with small investment, quick results and high profits. We are a pellet machine manufacturer, and our key machines are biomass pellet machine, RDF pellet machine, wood pellet mill, wood chipper, wood crusher, wood hammer mill, rotary dryer, pellet cooler and the complete lines. The output is from several kgs to several tons per hour. If any interest, feel free to contact us.
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spookysaladchaos · 1 month
Global Top 32 Companies Accounted for 41% of total Caustic Soda and Urea market (QYResearch, 2021)
Sodium hydroxide is also known as caustic soda, caustic, and lye. Anhydrous (100%, solid) caustic soda has a chemical formula of NaOH and a molecular weight of 40.00.
Urea, also known as carbamide, is an organic compound with chemical formula CO(NH2)2. This amide has two –NH2 groups joined by a carbonyl (C=O) functional group. Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals. It is a colorless, odorless solid, highly soluble in water, and practically non-toxic. Urea is widely used in fertilizers as a source of nitrogen and is an important raw material for the chemical industry.
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According to the new market research report “Global Caustic Soda and Urea Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Caustic Soda and Urea market size is projected to reach USD 156.31 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 5.8% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Caustic Soda and Urea Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Above data is based on report from QYResearch: Global Caustic Soda and Urea Market Report 2023-2029 (published in 2023). If you need the latest data, plaese contact QYResearch..
Figure.   Global Caustic Soda and Urea Top 32 Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2022, continually updated)
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Above data is based on report from QYResearch: Global Caustic Soda and Urea Market Report 2023-2029 (published in 2023). If you need the latest data, plaese contact QYResearch.
The global key manufacturers of Caustic Soda and Urea include Yara, OCI, CF Industries, Olin Corporation, QAFCO, EuroChem, Nutrien, KOCH, OxyChem, Westlake, etc. In 2021, the global top five players had a share approximately 17.0% in terms of revenue.
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QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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Food Waste Management Market: Initiating Efficiency Via Sustainability
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Over the years, the share of global food wastage has risen significantly, having a detrimental effect on the economy and the environment. As per the Food and Agriculture Organization, nearly one-third of the food gets wasted annually, accounting for around 1.3 billion tons. Moreover, the UN Food Waste Index Report 2021 reported that approximately 17% of the food is wasted at the retail and consumer levels. This food loss indicates the depletion of natural resources, necessitating the development of waste management systems to enhance food security and sustainability. Triton’s analysis suggests that the global food waste management market is estimated to expand with a CAGR of 5.66% from 2023 to 2030.
Additionally, the market is expected to garner revenue worth $63.31 billion by 2030. Governments globally are acknowledging the importance of food waste management solutions. For instance, in February 2023, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) invested more than $9.4 million in 45 compost and food waste reduction projects that support scalable waste management plans to decrease and deflect food waste from landfills.
Global food depletion has paved the path for innovative solutions, from organic feed production to technology-driven waste management. Let’s take a deeper look into these major trends.
Harnessing Organic Waste Power: Driving Efficiency in Animal Feed and Fertilizer Production
One of the key sustainable solutions to reduce food wastage in landfills is its use in animal feed production, particularly livestock. This waste management solution simultaneously helps address issues like food security, resource conservation, pollution, and climate change. As per Triton’s analysis, in terms of the recycling service segment, the animal feed category is estimated to advance with a CAGR of 6.29% over 2023-2030.
Moreover, this sustainable method contributes heavily to a circular economy, prompting various strategic initiatives. For instance, in January 2023, Nest Co-Founder Matt Rogers introduced a new service that enables consumers to turn household waste into chicken feed for $33 per month.
Further, foods such as fruits, vegetables, dairy, cereals, bread, etc., have emerged as key fertilizing agents, enhancing soil health, reducing erosion, and improving water quality. Likewise, organic food waste can be used for natural gas and biofuel production, lessening reliance on fossil fuels. Given these parameters, fruits and vegetables is anticipated to emerge as the fastest-growing waste type at a CAGR of 6.02% during the forecast period 2023-2030. In addition to being a good source of micro and macronutrients, food waste eliminates various plant diseases. Hence, the increasing trend of conversion of organic food waste to animal feed and fertilizer widens the global scope of food waste management.
Combating Food Wastage with Tech-Driven Management
In the waste management sector, there has been a growing inclination among the leading players to reconsider conventional methods and adopt cutting-edge solutions. In this regard, big data has enabled organizations to accurately gain data on garbage levels, increasing operational efficiency. Further, smart waste management via AI, machine learning, and IoT improves every facet of trash management, from collection to recycling.
Accordingly, easyJet Holidays, in March 2023, introduced an AI-powered hotel food waste reduction scheme in partnership with Winnow. This scheme will enable partner hotels to leverage AI to run more sustainable kitchens.
Furthermore, according to the US Department of Agriculture, around 30-40% of the food supply is wasted, costing approximately $218 billion. Moreover, food accounts for 24% of the solid waste in landfills. This high wastage resulted in the introduction of a federal interagency strategy between USDA, EPA, and FDA to address food waste under the Winning on Reducing Food Waste Initiative. As a result, government initiatives backed by technological advancements fuel the North America food waste management market’s expansion, spearheaded by the United States.
Increased Food Demand Necessitates Effective Management
As per United Nations, the global human population reached 8 billion in mid-November 2022. This number is expected to surge by nearly 2 billion by 2050. This will boost food consumption, simultaneously adding to food wastage levels. Additionally, the growing demand for ready-to-eat meals and flexible packaging solutions has soared retail and eCommerce food sales in recent years.
What’s more, with around 11.3% of the world’s population suffering from chronic hunger and malnutrition, effective food management has become crucial for businesses and communities. As a result, the need to create workable, sustainable solutions to escalating food waste is estimated to create opportunities for the food waste management market.
Q1) What is the size of the food waste management market?
In 2022, the global food waste management market garnered $40.55 million.
Q2) Which are the major food waste types?
Fruits & vegetables, processed food, cereal, and dairy products are major food waste types.
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thegranulator · 2 months
The important position of belt conveyor in organic fertilizer equipment
The key position of belt conveyor in organic fertilizer equipment is irreplaceable. In the organic fertilizer production process, it connects various production links, such as raw material grinding, mixing, fermentation, molding, drying, etc., to form a complete organic fertilizer production line. The stability of the belt conveyor directly affects the operating efficiency and product quality of the entire production line. Therefore, choosing a high-quality and efficient belt conveyor is the key to improving the efficiency of organic fertilizer production line.
In the production process of organic fertilizer, the efficient application of belt conveyor is reflected in all aspects. It can quickly transport the crushed raw materials to the mixing link to ensure uniform mixing; In the fermentation stage, the material is evenly distributed on the fermentation bed to improve the fermentation effect; In the molding process, the fermented material is transported to the molding machine to ensure the molding quality; In the drying process, the formed material is quickly transported to the drying equipment to improve the drying efficiency.
In order to ensure the stable operation of the belt conveyor in the organic fertilizer equipment, it is very important to carry out reasonable maintenance and management. First of all, it is necessary to check the operating status of the belt conveyor regularly and deal with problems in time; Secondly, the belt is replaced regularly to ensure its service life; In addition, the transmission parts are lubricated to prevent wear; Finally, strengthen the training of operators to improve the level of operation.
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huaqiangmachine · 2 months
Organic fertilizer fermentation compost turning machine sales good reasons
The demand for fermentation compost turning machine in the market has been growing steadily. With the acceleration of large-scale agricultural production, the increase in demand for bio-organic fertilizers has also promoted the sales of tank fermentation turnover machines to a certain extent.
One of the important reasons for the tank fermentation turnover machine to stand out in the market is its technological advancement. With the continuous progress of the production technology of organic fertilizer equipment, the trough fermentation pile turning machine has been continuously innovated and improved in the aspects of automation, fermentation speed, energy consumption control, etc., which has greatly improved its production efficiency and product quality. The advanced technology not only enhances the competitiveness of the product, but also makes it favored by more customers, which in turn promotes the growth of sales.
The equipment stability and service life of the fermentation compost turning machine are one of the key factors for customers to choose products. The excellent tank fermentation pile turning machine on the market has stable operation performance and long service life, which can adapt to the long-term and high-intensity work needs. These characteristics make users more willing to buy, and continue to recognize the quality and performance of the product, thereby increasing sales.
The excellent sales service system is also one of the key factors for the rising sales volume. The perfect pre-sale consultation and after-sales service system can make customers more trust in the product, and get a better experience after purchase, thus increasing customer loyalty and buyback rate, and laying a solid foundation for the steady growth of sales.
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zzhuaiqngmachine · 3 months
Fermentation compost turning machine to promote fermentation method
Fermentation compost turning machine is a kind of organic fertilizer equipment used to promote the fermentation of organic materials. Through the stacking process, the materials are fully in contact with the air, and the decomposition and transformation of organic matter are accelerated. There are several ways to use a fermentation tiller to promote fermentation:
1. Control turning frequency: According to the characteristics of fermentation materials and the needs of the fermentation process, set the appropriate turning frequency.
2. Adjust the stacking depth: By adjusting the stacking depth, the fermentation materials can be fully mixed and sun-baked, which is conducive to the fermentation process.
3. Control fermentation temperature: temperature control is crucial. Too high or too low temperature will affect the fermentation speed and effect. The fermentation temperature can be controlled by adjusting the turning speed and adding insulation materials.
4. Adjust the fermentation humidity: the humidity of the fermentation material has a great impact on the fermentation effect. Suitable humidity is conducive to the growth of microorganisms and the fermentation process.
5. Adding fermentation accelerator: Adding an appropriate amount of fermentation accelerator in the fermentation material can accelerate the fermentation process and improve the fermentation effect.
6. Pretreatment of fermentation materials: pretreatment of fermentation materials, such as crushing, mixing, adjusting humidity, etc., is conducive to improving the fermentation speed and effect.
7. Regular inspection and maintenance of the fermentation pile turning machine: ensure the normal operation of the fermentation pile turning machine, which is conducive to the smooth progress of the fermentation process. Check the wear of the machine parts regularly, replace the damaged parts in time, and replenish the lubricating oil in time.
8. Combine with other fermentation auxiliary equipment, such as fermenter, fermentation room, etc., and use with fermentation pile turning machine to improve fermentation effect.
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tiancimachines · 3 months
Organic fertilizer dryer drying process of particles
1. Prepare materials: First of all, the organic fertilizer raw materials (such as chicken manure, pig manure, compost, etc.) for preliminary treatment, such as crushing, screening, etc., so that it reaches a certain granularity and uniformity.
2. Feeding: Feed the treated material into the organic fertilizer dryer through the feeding equipment. Feeding equipment can be selected according to customer needs and production scale, such as belt feeders, vibration feeders, etc.
3. Drying process: After the material enters the dryer, the hot air will blow from the bottom of the dryer and push the material forward through the spiral blade in the drum. The hot air is in full contact with the material, taking away the moisture in the material and drying the material gradually. During the drying process, the drying speed and effect can be controlled by adjusting the hot air temperature, air volume and other parameters.
4. Discharge: After a certain period of drying, the material reaches the preset moisture content requirements, and the discharge device at the exit of the dryer will discharge the dry organic fertilizer particles.
5. Collection and packaging: Collect and package the dried organic fertilizer particles for subsequent sales and transportation.
6. Recycling: the waste gas and dust generated in the drying process can be treated by dust removal equipment to meet the requirements of environmental protection. At the same time, the waste heat can be recycled through the heat recovery system to reduce energy consumption. The whole drying process can be monitored and regulated by an automated control system to ensure the drying effect and production efficiency. In addition, according to customer needs, it can also be equipped with auxiliary equipment for organic fertilizer dryers, such as crushers, screening machines, mixers, etc., to achieve one-stop production of organic fertilizer production lines.
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goldstarcoffeeworld · 3 months
Top 5 Health Benefits That Comes With Organic Certified Coffee Beans
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Do you crave your daily caffeine pick-me-up but also aim to maintain a healthy diet? The good news is organic certified coffee beans offer noteworthy benefits beyond a satisfying taste and energizing jolt. What are the wellness perks of prioritizing organically grown coffee beans for health-conscious coffee lovers?
Antioxidants Protection from Disease
Coffee naturally contains powerful antioxidants called polyphenols which help neutralize cell damage contributing to various illnesses over time, like heart disease or cancer, when consumed regularly. But coffee beans grown using chemical pesticides and fertilizers contain lower antioxidant levels while exposing drinkers to unhealthy residues.
Sourcing high-quality Arabica coffee bean varieties like Blue Mountain or Tarrazu, which are certified organic by accredited bodies. It is like the Organic Crop Improvement Association (OCIA) provides assurance your java delivers the highest concentration of antioxidants.
Lower Risk of Adverse Reaction
Beyond health-protecting compounds, certified organic coffee bean regulations also mean the beans undergo far less processing using approved agents only. No contamination with mould, fungus, or mycotoxins.
For coffee drinkers with sensitivities, this greatly lowers the chance of adverse reactions to various additives or foreign substances triggering issues like upset stomach, rashes, or headaches after indulging in their favourite morning brew.
Better Taste Profile from Careful Cultivation
Growing coffee for certified organic labelling simply produces better-tasting beans. Why? Extra care is taken to enrich volcanic soil, shelter plants in ideal shade cover, pay workers fair wages, and hand-pick perfectly ripened cherries to naturally enhance flavour complexity and quality. No rushed harvesting or machine bruising of the beans.
And the regulated post-harvest processing keeps the true essence of the coffee intact for pronounced tasting notes.
Eco-Friendly Choice Protecting Local Environments
Making the eco-conscious decision to support organically grown coffee also benefits rural communities overseas typically depending on single crop economies. Using harmful synthetic chemicals and industrialized farming devastates local water supplies, etc.
Seeking organically and fairly traded coffee means you don’t have to give up daily caffeine while promoting healthier land use and protecting these delicate ecosystems for future generations. Thriving farms lift entire regional economies through steady organic certified coffee bean crop markets.
For most coffee lovers, taste reigns supreme over all else, guiding their bean and brew preferences. However, understanding the compounding health values and social benefits stemming from organically farmed coffee beans offers extra motivation for choosing verified eco-friendly bags of beans. Beyond minimizing pesticide intake, organic-certified coffee bean production combats climate change, preserves precious water resources, etc.
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earthytalesindia · 3 months
Organic Cooking Oil Vs. Conventional Oil: Which Is Better?
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Cooking oil can make a huge difference in your daily meals. Knowing that every cuisine or recipe requires oil to cook, it plays a significant role in enhancing your health, taste, and flavor. When it comes to conventional or processed cooking oils, they contain a lot of trans fat, preservatives, additives, and chemicals that can cause multiple health problems, such as heart disease, etc. That’s why people are shifting to organic cooking oils to enjoy multiple health benefits. The best part is that you can buy organic cooking oils, chakki fresh atta online, and many more organic food products from India’s leading online organic food store, Earthy Tales.
What is Organic Cooking Oil?
Before we jump onto the major difference between organic cooking oil and regular oil, followed by the verdict, it’s important to know what exactly organic cooking oil is.
Know the Key Differences Between Organic Cooking Oil and Conventional Oil.
Organic oils are taken from organic seeds.
The major difference between organic cooking oil and regular or conventional oils is the seeds. The organic oils are taken from organic seeds that are grown using organic farming methods. There is zero usage of fertilizers, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals making them 100% organic and harmless to your body, unlike conventional oils, where all types of seeds are used.
Organic seeds are non-GMO.
Another major difference is that organic oils are non-GMO. The organic seeds that are used to make organic oils are not genetically modified, whereas conventional oils are prepared using genetically modified seeds.
Organic oils are extracted mechanically, unlike conventional oils.
The best part is that all organic oils are extracted manually using the cold-pressed method, where the temperature is kept low to retain all the nutrients. It is usually expelled in an expeller machine, unlike conventional oils that are extracted via expeller machines where the temperature is high and kills the nutrients.
Organic oils smell and taste better.
When it comes to the aroma and taste of organic oils, they are better than conventional oils. This is because the extraction and refining are done organically without the use of high heat or chemicals.
Organic cooking oils offer a lot of health benefits.
The entire process of preparing organic cooking oils right from scratch is purely organic. It’s prepared with organic seeds via a cold-pressed method that helps to retain all its nutrients and keep them away from all types of chemicals and pesticides. Hence, they are loaded with a lot of health benefits. Organic cooking oils help to improve the digestive system, heart health, body inflammation, respiratory system, and immune system.
Organic Cooking Oil Vs. Conventional Oil: Which is Better?
Well, it’s crystal clear that organic cooking oil simply outshines conventional oil in every sense. Organic cooking oils offer a fine balance of essential nutrients and fatty acids, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and saturated fatty acids. This is because they are prepared with organic seeds and a cold-pressed method that doesn’t generate much heat. Moreover, these oils are super healthy and add a lot to your flavor, taste, and nutrition.
Where Can you Find the Purest Organic Cooking Oils?
To buy organic cooking oil, chakki fresh atta, or any other organic food product online, Earthy Tales is the best online store for you. The brand brings 100% organic food products from organic farms in India, where organic methods are used to amplify the health, nutritional value, taste, flavor, and aroma of your daily cuisine.
About Earthy Tales
Founded in 2017 by Deepak Sabharwal, an ex-TATA, GE and Pepsi alumni, Earthy Tales is NCR’s most loved community led organic food brand, which works with organic farming communities to promote natural farming and city communities to increase awareness about Clean, Chemical free food. Deepak quit his corporate life of 20 years to make our soils and food plate free of pesticides as Earthy Tales purpose. You can read his inspiring story on: theorganicmagazine.com/meet-the-plantpreneur/deepak-sabharwal-some-earthy-tales
Source URL:- https://itsbusinessbro.com/2024/02/25/organic-cooking-oil-vs-conventional-oil-which-is-better/
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