#One Piece Chapter 1095
missmungoe · 8 months
If Garling is confirmed as Shanks' dad, will you include him in your fics?
Oh I already have! We don't wait for canon in this house if we like a theory (see: Makino's baby), so he shows up in Andromeda Unbound, and my planned outline for Salt Vows, although I've left it vague enough to (hopefully) accommodate for any eventual corrections, since nothing has been confirmed yet, although my suspicions are strengthened now that we know what he looked like 38 years ago:
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Must be all the evil in his diet that's made him age like that, because I refuse to accept any future where Shanks doesn't turn into a stone cold silver fox.
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joy-girl · 8 months
One piece 1095 spoilers!!
If Kuma and his family knew about the warrior of liberation Nika and they talked about how they'll be set free by him..
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and he was present and then freed at God Valley, that can only hint to one thing...
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either Rocks D Xebec ate the Hito Hito no Mi model Nika... or Gol D Roger did
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kyros-tha-soldier · 8 months
one piece chapter 1095 spoilers
this chapter, more lore is revealed. We have infos about Kuma, the CDs, Garling and there revos. Let's go:
-the chapter starts with Saturn saying that Bonney's stab didn't harm him. He removes the sword out of his chest and glares at Bonney, making her and Sanji fall back (unclear if it's conquerors haki or not)
-Kizaru is laying on the ground, he seems to be injured. Saturn is VERY disappointed in him this time
-Saturn tries to stomp on Luffy but Franky extends his hand and saves him in time. so instead he goes after Bonney who yells at him that he killed her father
-okay fellas, THIS IS WHERE IT GETS REAL GOOD! We see a young Kuma and Bonney, he is talking to her about Nika and sings the rythm of them drums of liberation to her and they start dancing 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
-fast forward 47 YEAR before that, someone leaked the infos about Kuma's blood test that he belongs to a very special race called the Buccaneers, his mother ends up getting killed in the process
-So basically, the Buccaneers are a race of people who have committed a TERRIBLE CRIME by world government standards (and knowing how the world government works, we know that would be some cringe ass cope crime against the whiny CDs but we have yet to find out what it is)
-We see a child Kuma and his father, his father sings the drums of liberation rythm to him and they start dancing to it, but then some guard shoots Kuma's father because he was "too loud", killing him as well
-the tennryubito were holding a "hunger game" styled competition where they bring members of every race the deem "problematic" and force them to fight each other to the death. And surprise surprise, they force a child Kuma to partake.
-the death match takes place on an inhabited island called "god valley" that is unaffiliated with the world government and is doomed to have it's whole population wiped off along the troublesome prisoners because they had the audacity to name their island a name containing the word "god"
-the king of the island tries to defend his island but Garling Figarland (who looks like a younger shanks but with a cresent shaped hair) kills him (we see lots of tennryubito swooning over him as well)
-the news that a child buccaneer (AKA Kuma) was trying to escape and was captured spread around, and we see Kuma being dragged back. Two kids approach him who are then revealed to be Ivankov and a girl eating meat called Ginny/Jinny, they comment that his size is HUGE (which is a special trait among the Buccaneers having giants like traits) and tell him that they will work together to survive
-Saturn is present as well on god valley, he looks like a boomer just like always does
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superanimepirate · 8 months
Brook's Certain Kingdom
Spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1095
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So, Brook was the leader of a battle convoy in a certain kingdom, assumably from the West Blue.
In chapter 1095 it was revealed that God Valley was in the West Blue, and it was an island chosen by the Celestial Dragons for a Hunt-the-Poor-and-Enslaved tournament.
...Could God Valley have been the kingdom Brook is from?
Now, Brook would have no reason to keep that he was from God Valley a secret from what we know so far. He has been out of the loop for 50 years, so he probably doesn't even know about the destruction, so I'm not sure why he would have kept it a secret. Unless there is more things about that island we are about to learn in this flashback.
But also, before this chapter, we all thought that God Valley was some important island to the Celestial Dragons, like their vacation spot or something, but then this chapter showed that it was just a random, unaffiliated island chosen for their depraved games (Or at least, we are supposed to think so).
Even though that theory seems to have been debunked, Why is the island called God Valley? That's still a pretty interesting name for an island that apparently didn't have connection to the World Nobles who like to think they're gods, right? We also know that there was a kingdom on the island, we saw the King get slaughtered.
If anyplace were to have a devil fruit that could revive the dead and give birth to the Soul King, then God Valley sounds pretty damn fitting at least.
I really don't have a way to tie this all together right now. I just have a tinfoil hat and throwing shit at the wall to see if it sticks, but maybe we'll find out more about the island during this flashback. I just want to know more about Brook man. What was his certain kingdom? What was he like as a kid? How did he get his devil fruit, and how did he know what his devil fruit did? Did he read the encyclopedia? Was it in the encyclopedia? I have so many questions about this man's backstory, Oda I need answers!
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kenapiece-main · 8 months
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animeniacfan · 8 months
Kuma Had a Childhood Out of Hell!
I have always known that the Celestial Dragons were scumbags, but after this? This is a new low, even for them. What they did to Kuma as a kid...death penalty. That's all I'm gonna say. Oda knows how to make us hate people! 5/5 #OnePiece1095 #OnePiece
One Piece Chapter 1095 Review/Recap When Eichiro Oda cooks, he cooks, and the whole fandom eats well. In the last piece of One Piece, Oda sets off a pair of bombs in the proverbial room. Firstly, there was the sight of Luffy managing to fight Admiral Kizaru to a standstill. It’s not a total victory, but it remains a cathartic moment fans waited years to see. However, the moment that got fans…
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thisonlyguy-49 · 8 months
Jay D. Legend bout to bust once he reads the latest OP Chapter.
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kainekron · 8 months
oh ya we could get to see roger with the strawhat in this flashback i didn't even think about that
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dbphantom · 8 months
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lazarus171 · 8 months
One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers
What if the secret that Ivankov has against Crocodile has to do with God Valley. Crocodile would be around 8 and could’ve been a slave. Though he has nicer clothing than Kuma when they were kids. Maybe he was a god valley citizen?
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roydeezed · 8 months
I know it looks fucking hopeless for the Strawhats rn but yall gotta remember, there's a Blackbeard ship heading to Egghead. And we still haven't seen where Lafitte, Catarina Devon and Robin are. So we have three pretty crazy wildcards on the table. Lafitte and Devon in terms of ability and Robin in terms of the knowledge she brings. Maybe she knows what the fucks going on with Saturn. I feel like Devon and Lafitte are after Robin. So maybe she could convince them to help. Interests align in that sense. And the Robot is still coming. The Strawhats are in a dire spot but they still have the promised shock to deliver. They could straight up kill St. Saturn. But I do subscribe to that one theory about the Ursa Shock being sent to the entire world.
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spacep1ant · 8 months
Kinda spoilers to One Piece chapter 1095
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I fucking called it lol (i know I’m not the only one, but I haven’t seen this statement at all)
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demonio-fleurs · 8 months
so like… does dragon know of nika? did kuma ever tell him?
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kyros-tha-soldier · 8 months
1095 one piece SPOILERS
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This panel must be the most messed up one so far in this chapter, because as Kuma sees his Dad singing the Nika drum rythme and tries to cheer him up, a second later he gets shot right in front of him with a double barreled gun. Yep, they kill his only source of emotional support right in front of his eyes and he can't even process what happened in front of him. Why? Because the song he was singing is "too annoying"...
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gayforesttrash · 8 months
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What I look like trying to connect the dots thrown in my direction in chapter 1095
(I can't connect them, who the hell is Ginny? What is going on?!)
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myanimethought · 8 months
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