#ORV correct quotes
canthandlethishit · 10 months
kdj: *literally in another dimension/scenario because he died fr fr and his body is now a stitched up patches mess of stories that could fall apart at any moment* hmmm i should get a watch for yjh to give him attachments to reality to prevent him from regression depression
yjh: *literally depressed cuz kdj died*
bro you don’t need to get a watch just get yo ass back to him 😭
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thinkingnot · 10 months
kdj: *trying to sleep*
sys & lgy: *arguing about whether he’s gay or not*
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neptunespaladin · 2 years
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lialox · 30 days
ORV - Ch 379
I recalled her book tucked away within my inner pocket and raised my voice. “....Just like you said, I do not know Han Su-Yeong.”  “Indeed, you’ve finally acknowledged it.”  “That is why I definitely can’t let her go.”  “What was that??”  “You see, I haven’t heard the conclusion of this story from her yet.” . . . What would be the end of the scenario that Han Su-Yeong wanted? Han Su-Yeong didn’t tell me the correct answer. As if she was telling me to use my own imagination for something like that.
Singnsong's foreshadowing, BUT HERES THE THING.
Han Sooyoung actually tells him straight up, a few chapters after this quote. "Wtf do you mean, 'imagine your own ending', I wanted us to GET MARRIED."
In a novel written by HSY, her missing ending is supposed to be marriage.
My hypothesis is that the ending of 'Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World' and 'ORV' ends in Kim Dokja getting married. :)
In this essay, I will...
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saltyloafy · 2 months
my thoughts on 'spoilers' and 'bad media' [ORV edition]
I think it was an Northernlion bit I got this from but. refusing to finish a piece of media just bc you got spoiled for the end of it is fr throwing all the hard work that the author put into building up to that ending straight in the garbage.
it's implying that a story is only worth value if it has a meaningful conclusion. but isn't the very act of reading the story and deriving your own meaning from it where the REAL joy comes from? you don't read a book or watch a series to reach the end, you read a book or watch a series to fall face first into a world that you never would have found anywhere else. you read/watch to fall in love with a world different but comparable to our own, and to watch these characters struggle and love and LIVE. even when a story doesn't stick the landing, that doesn't make all that came before it worthless. it still made you think, it maybe made you cry, and it certainly made you FEEL. that anger you feel when you finish a story and feel unsatisfied is proof that the story effected you, which means that it has just as much of a right to exist as any other, completed, "perfect" story
writing this made me think of a specific scene from the ORV novel that I'll quote here:
"'I don't think this story is terrible enough to get this score.' [...] 'In fact, I'm not sure why there is a score on the stories. Every story has value. It is a story that is interesting to some people and a salvation to others' [...] Everyone would think like me if they had endured a story like Ways of Survival." [omniscient reader's viewpoint, chapter 245]
dokja, who read over 1000 chapters of a novel that most people would consider repetitive and boring or even just bad, understands that ANY. STORY. no matter its apparent quality, MUST have value, because just like that "shitty" novel (ways of survival) was a salvation for him, a different piece of "shitty" media could be that salvation for someone else.
so that's why, even though I think the identities of the oldest dream and author were spoiled for me through browsing the ORV tag, I will absolutely still finish the novel. just knowing an aspect of the ending doesn't mean it will impact me less, because all of the specifics as to how we get there are still unknown. and hell, even if they weren't, I'd STILL finish the novel. bc you never know, I could reach the novel's conclusion and interpret it a completely different way than kimdokjaslefteyelash.tumblr.com (a made up name, if that person is out there.... good username). there is no one correct way to interpret a novel. and there is no one correct way to FINISH a novel either.
so that's why I think all media has a right to exist. your worst book, your worst drawing, your worst poem, could be the piece of media that pulls someone out of that dark place. you could be someone's Ways of Survival. your art could be reason that someone gets up in the morning, or the reason that YOU get up in the morning. the act of creating and the act of reading are not exclusive to those that do it "right." just the act of creating, or the act of reading, is enough.
surviving is enough.
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A book rec perhaps?
I don't know...but to the ORV fandom and those who like books and media with heavy meta themes and philosophical musings, I recommend Sophie's World.
What is that you ask?
Well, my friends...it's a book by Norwegian author Jostein Gaarder (I read the translated to English version, of course) that follows a 14 yr old girl named Sophie as she randomly starts receiving letters in a philosophy course and finds herself semi-adopted as a student under an old philosopher.
The book gives Sophie and the readers a sort of intro course into western philosophy and worldviews from Biblical mythos to Plato to the scientific eras whilst also incorporating a seriously wild metafictional plot that explores the relationship of fiction to the real world.
I can't say much without giving spoilers but the book is WILD and absurd in ways that will eventually make sense(ish). It makes you really think about the things that can be done with writing and the awareness that knowing philosophies/worldviews/etc. can bring into a "created" being.
It's been a hot while (years, I think) since I've read the book but I was suddenly reminded of it randomly (don't know how) and thought, "Huh. I think ORV fans who enjoyed the meta of the story and some of the philosophies it introduced would like this!"
In short, if you like takes on the relations of fiction to the real world and Thought(tm) that relies on Weird Twists, as well as a cleverly and easy to follow introduction to western philosophy/worldview, not to mention a pretty engaging plot with fascinating characters you will want to study under a microscope....Sophie's World does it really well.
Content warning? Like I said, it's been a few years since I read it, and nothing in particular struck younger me as problematic enough to remember. The book was written in 1991, so there could be some slight sexism (don't quote me on that). It also deals with a buuuunch of philosophies that discuss heavy themes and I recall references to sex and some slight psychological twistiness, but I think it's safe to rate it as PG-13. (If anyone who has read the book recently and knows better please feel free to add/correct any discrepancies in my recommendation)
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orv-outloud · 2 years
Foreword Transcript
Hello! I’m Meems and I will be narrating and producing a fan-made audiobook of Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint by Sing Shong. I thought I would create this foreword in order to handle some housekeeping for this project.
First and foremost, I do not own the rights to Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint. I will not be monetizing this in any way.
If you want to use my voice to make your own transformative works, like animatics or AMVs, all I ask is that you do not monetize it and send it my way, because I’d love to see it!
I am creating this audiobook to help make ORV more accessible, as some people can only listen to books, find it easier than reading visually or they just prefer it! ORV is a story I really love so I want to make more people have the option to— I wanna make more people read it! No… I mean I do. I just want more people to have to option to read it if they’re interested in it.
My plan is to release roughly hour long episodes every Saturday. Episodes will probably cover around 6 chapters. I might go shorter or longer depending on if there is a more natural stopping point in the story or if I find myself with too much free time. It’s long long so it uh, doesn’t hurt to do an extra long episode on a week where I have some extra time.
I gonna do my best to be consistent with my update schedule, but be forewarned, I am just one guy. Delays will be shared on social media.
Speaking of social media, I will be on twitter @OrvOutloud and on Tumblr @orv-outloud.
I am not a professional narrator or a Korean speaker, so if you have corrections for my pronunciation or feel confused about the way I adapted something, please reach out. I can’t say I will have time to go back and retroactively correct things, but I will apply any feedback I can going forward.
The last thing I want to talk about in this foreword is some of the nitty-gritty details of adapting ORV into an audiobook.
First, ORV is originally in Korean and was translated by two different translators, Rainbow Turtle and A_Passing_Wanderer. There were changes made in the way things were translated when the translator changed over. To avoid confusion, the document I will be reading from will be the ORV epub that standardized the style of translation to match that of Rainbow Turtle throughout the novel. I will provide a link in the description as to where you can access this epub yourself.
Translation aside, another challenge to adapting ORV to audio is that ORV employs non-traditional formatting to convey certain elements of the story, and when read aloud these visual markers are lost. To compensate I will be using a combination of minimal sound effects, audio editing and voice acting as signifiers of them.
Here are the examples I can demonstrate ahead of time with minimal spoilers:
Digital or mental communication will be preceded by this [swish]. If it’s a long conversation I will only use a swish for the first and last message, as I don’t want it to sound like your phone is blowing up.
System messages will be preceded by this [ping].
Text from the Fourth Wall and quotes from Ways of Survival will be preceded by this [page turn noise or other ping].
True voice will have a mild [echo effect.]
Censored information will sound like this [static].
There’s a significant amount of onomatopoeia in this novel. I plan on making these noises with my mouth unless someone begs me to stop.
I am trying to find the balance between clarity and not overwhelming this audiobook with sound effects, so some of this may be subject to change.
I’ll provide a transcript of this episode, as it’s just me talking, but otherwise, if you want to read along, the EPUB is your friend.
I think that is everything I want to say ahead of time. Thank you for listening! I am excited to be your reader.
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obstinaterixatrix · 3 years
I like the idea of Kdj thinking of himself as a plot device character supporting others. Like, to Kdj, Lhs’s faith in him is just part of lhs’s personality, sth anyone can gain if put in Kdj’s position without having to be him specifically, or Sys’s being nice is just her wanting an adult figure, not necessarily cuz Kdj deserves it. Yjh starts to want to live? Nothing but mere character development, culminating from the build-up in past regressions and not at all a merit of Kdj’s being himself.
Kind of agree kind of disagree. I’m p sure there’s... SOME quote in orv with kdj worried that he’s ‘stolen’ some of yjh’s companions...?? It’s deffo one of his justifications in the beginning when he’s in his ‘I’m just using the people around me and not at all saving/encouraging/spending time with them because we like each other and if they do like me that’s just the manipulation working which proves it’s not real’ mindset—he’s doing the ‘right’ thing in terms of ‘correct actions to gain allies’ and interpreting relationships based on action makes it easier to see yourself as interchangeable. kdj is a very ‘works in a support role’ too—I’m thinking of the press conference and his ‘I have no intention of saving any of you’ as a setup for yjh’s big dramatic speech, which is a speech that resonates more than it would have alone because of the contrast kdj intensionally creates. and no matter what kdj does, yjh is firmly in his head as The Protagonist
the disagree part is admittedly nitpicky—the thing is, while kdj takes on character roles, one of the things that separates him from the characters is. well. literally the 4th wall (lmao). his identity as a reader is one of his key defining traits. it separates him from the characters of wos, and it separates from the other ‘real’ people of orv (except hsy). there’s a lot of lowkey (and highkey) anxiety over losing the 4th wall and what that would mean for his identity and personhood. so while he sees himself as doing a lot in the background to change & set off certain developments, and is like. ACTIVELY SHAPING THE PLOT. the ‘not a character’ thing is p important to him. similarly, I think either air or sona (it’s always one of them) was talking about how director is an apt title for hsy and also highlights the barrier between the others. one of the interesting parallels between hsy and kdj is that they have identities that set them outside the story—author and reader, director and audience—and have to navigate connecting with others & integrating themselves in the world they’re now a part of despite that barrier.
related to kdj and the ‘supporting character’ thing. I’m dying to talk about racher’s roleswap au. I want to talk about it so bad.
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bestodictadora · 3 years
TMI: Rex
Hey there, this isn’t an ORV quote :(
La @mawumi me retó a hacer un análisis de ciertos puntos de uno de mis personajes, y como de la mayoría de ellos ya he publicado fichas con textos larguísimos escarbando en los más mínimos detallitos de su comportamiento, esta vez decidí (con ayuda de Lau, porque yo no sé elegir) tomar un personaje de mi novela en vez de uno de juegos de rol.
Rex, el verdugo de Heras en La Ira de los Héroes.
Junto con Rea y Gun, uno de los protagonistas de la historia (& PoV).
Desde luego, es un personaje que cambia mucho a medida que la historia avanza, por lo que haré el análisis tomando en cuenta solamente su forma de ser en la etapa inicial de la novela. 
Listas las introducciones, empiezo.
Rex es un bastardo. Literalmente. Bueno, también figurativamente. 
Un muchachito ciego que creció como un plebeyo y eventualmente descubrió que su padre era el mismísimo Emperador de Heras. Una criaturita nacida del barro al que un día le dijeron que tenía un núcleo de oro. 
Sin embargo, no es esa la razón por la que él es especial. 
En un mundo donde los dioses han muerto y la magia ha desaparecido, él nació con el don de ver y utilizar la energía del universo. Sus ojos, que no disciernen los objetos que tiene en frente, distinguen el poder de la vida y el alma de las personas. Y sus manos, callosas y raspadas como las de todo plebeyo, pueden tocar ese poder.
Por tanto, él no sólo es especial. Rex se siente especial.
Desde el inicio de su existencia, ese niño creció sintiéndose diferente y, eventualmente, superior al resto de las personas. Y entonces, se llamó a sí mismo dios en un mundo sin dioses.
“Don't fuck around, you're not a god.” 
Myrellia sounded tired, and Rex smirked, narrowing one eye. 
‘Of course not. I’m alive. Thus, I’m better.’
Aquel talento, así como la falta de padres que le enseñaran las reglas básicas de la sociedad durante la infancia, hicieron de él un adulto desvergonzado con delirios de grandeza que jamás pudo adaptarse del todo a las reglas de la sociedad, moviéndose bajo sus propias leyes sin respeto alguno bajo el estandarte del poder en bruto. 
Rex se reconoce a sí mismo como el ser más poderoso del mundo, alguien grandioso que sólo se halla entre meros mortales en un necesario camino para alcanzar su destino como dios. Por tanto, no respeta a nadie que no sea más fuerte que él.
“I am the rightful heir of the throne. And you, a bastard. So you are not allowed to talk to me like that.” [...]
“Gunan, is it? Ya’re wrong,” Rex continued, not giving him time to correct the name. “Crowns are trash. What really matters in this world is the power, ya see. But, well...” 
He chuckle. The Emperor frowned, but he couldn’t stop him in time. 
“Ya’re weak.”
Dicho esto, su percepción sobre sí mismo está distorsionada: cree que lo que lo hace superior a los demás es que puede hacer algo que nadie más puede, y que con eso puede vencer al resto del mundo, mas no reconoce como relevante cualquier don que diste de sus intereses. 
Puede que se encuentre con alguien con un gran talento para cantar, pero ya que a él no le interesa la música, le parecerá un talento inútil así eso ubique a dicha persona en un puesto superior al suyo en el ámbito de la música. Lo mismo sucede con la vista, o con el dinero: la ausencia de habilidades o facilidades que no le interesan ni le duelen, y hasta se mofa de ellas. En contraposición, se obsesiona con ser el mejor en todo lo que es bueno.
Porque es, efectivamente, arrogante. Pero necesita sostener esa arrogancia demostrándose una y otra vez que es grandioso. 
The greater the adversary, the more glorious his victory would be.
Es, pues, bastante autoexigente. Puede que no le importen las opiniones de los demás —pues para él sería como pedir la opinión de pulgas—, pero su propia percepción de sí mismo afecta enormemente a su comportamiento. Está acostumbrado a ser el mejor, y no quiere abandonar ni ceder el puesto. 
Lo que es más, jamás está del todo satisfecho: si alcanza la cima de una montaña, buscará escalar los cielos.
Es, a fin de cuentas, un niño de la calle. Aún con todo el poder del mundo, nunca terminará de sentirse satisfecho, ni seguro. 
Pues aún con poder, él también fue pequeño e insignificante alguna vez.
Y sabe, un dios como él jamás debería pasar por algo como eso.
h  i  s     w  e  a  k  n  e  s  s  e  s      a  n  d     s  t  r  e  n  g  t  h  s
En su cerrada arrogancia y obsesiva búsqueda del poder absoluto, Rex es una persona ignorante. No puede concebir el hecho de que no es perfecto, que no es tan grandioso como cree que es, porque en su cabeza, todo lo que no hace no vale la pena, y por tanto no es un requisito de la verdadera perfección. 
Pese a su carácter libertino y salvaje, es bastante cerrado de mente. No tiende a discutir las cosas porque en su cabeza no vale la pena esforzarse en instruir a los seres inferiores —ya que la ignorancia y percepción equivocada de la realidad es una de las cosas que los hacen inferiores—, demasiado tozudos como para entenderle. Pero al final del día, él es igual, y es porque él es así que asume que el resto lo será.
Es práctico con lo que le interesa, obstinado con lo que le importa, e indiferente con todo lo demás.
Tiende a darle mucha importancia a las primeras impresiones, y sobreestimar o subestimar a las personas dependiendo de las mismas. 
It was a disappointment: he really believed that this time he would find a worthy adversary. 
But there he was, dead, now an inert mass imperceptible to him, who could only see life. The smile slowly faded from his face, until he finally clicked his tongue and kicked the corpse. 
‘They told me ya were stronger, Yarjan Huke.’ Pathetic.
Es un maldito, demasiado metido en sí mismo como para pensar un poco de más en el resto, y aunque se le da excelentemente evaluar sus habilidades, debilidades y potencial —dentro de su ámbito, que es la batalla—, carece totalmente de habilidades para conectar emocionalmente con ellos. No le interesan como personas, sino como peldaños en su escalera hacia la gloria. No entiende los sentimientos, propios ni ajenos, y no tiene ningún aliado porque cree que no los necesita ni logra establecer lazos con ellos.
Entonces, toma decisiones estúpidas.
Todo su comportamiento depende del gran pilar que es su exageradamente inflado ego, y bien sabemos que ese no es un soporte muy estable, así deba romperse y reconstruirse si se quiere que progrese como persona. 
Sin embargo, ese ego no es infundado.
Rex es, efectivamente, grandioso. Al menos, en su ámbito. Y aunque nació bendecido con buena suerte y un poder único, también nació maldecido con enormes limitaciones físicas y sociales. Sin embargo, se las arregló para salir adelante y escalar estando solo porque el ego no es todo lo que lo define. Me atrevería a decir que esa arrogancia es una herramienta más para su objetivo inicial: la supervivencia.
Él piensa que aquellos que no se sienten ganadores jamás lo serán.
Y para sentirse ganador hay que saber las razones: él las sabe muy bien porque ha ido construyéndolas. Porque así sea talentoso, nunca deja de moverse y esforzarse, con un ansia inhumana de mejora. Es autocrítico. Se alaba cuando hace las cosas bien, pero si comete un error se obsesiona con éste hasta solucionarlo. 
Tras años de esfuerzo, ha hecho de sus debilidades parte de sus fortalezas.
Conoce perfectamente sus capacidades y sus límites, así que pese a ser un bruto y elegir impulsivamente objetivos peligrosos, es cuidadoso al elegir los caminos que utilizará. 
Pues si su mundo gira alrededor de sí mismo, entonces deberá conocer ese mundo a la perfección.
h  i  s     l  i  k  e  s
Lamentablemente a Rex no le interesan las personas, ni conecta con ellas. Es hetero, y sexualmente activo, pero para él es muy difícil desarrollar sentimientos por la gente. Ni siquiera puede establecer amistades apropiadamente, mucho menos amor. 
Él es frívolo. Y aunque hay tipos de persona que le resultan simpáticas, no les toma importancia real. Le agrada la gente sencilla y tonta. La gente chistosa, o que le tienen miedo pero tratan de disimularlo —porque eso los hace luchadores a su modo—, y en general cualquier forma de vida que considere fuerte de una manera u otra. Pero eso es sólo una impresión fugaz.
No es que sea imposible, pero sí es muy difícil, y para que algo llegue a desarrollarse primero él debe empezar a ver el mundo con otros ojos. Y evidentemente, no es algo que sucederá por conocer a alguien más que lo evangelice: él es el tipo de persona que sólo aceptará las ideas que discierna por sí mismo.
Probablemente la mejor manera de conectar con él en su estado inicial de personalidad sea la competitividad. Alguien a quien reconozca como rival bien podría, al menos, ocupar un lugar en su cabeza. Pero entonces tendrá interés en sus habilidades, no en la persona en sí ni sus sentimientos.
Por tanto, nada bueno puede salir de una relación con él hasta que crezca.
m  y     o  p  i  n  i  o  n
La verdad, le tengo mucho cariño al bebé. Es un personaje sumamente imperfecto que ni siquiera sabe que lo es, y por eso me gusta mucho escribirlo y releerlo, para comparar después cómo ha ido progresando. Porque, bueno, me gusta leer el camino de discernimiento en personajes que estaban demasiado metidos en su mundo al principio, y desde luego, escribirlo es igual de divertido.
ADEMÁS está todo meco. Es bastante divertido escribirlo, porque me encanta describir sus acciones insensatas bajo su razonamiento, así como si el narrador compartiera sus absurdas opiniones del mundo y fuera lo más lógico del universo. 
El dude va y se carga a medio mundo, le vale el orden social y todo lo que vaya más allá de la arena de batalla y sus sueños de grandeza. Entonces, aunque sea bonito verlo progresar como persona, él en sus etapas iniciales me gusta mucho, aunque sea un bastardo. Porque es un bastardo divertido.
Como un nene chiquito y un adulto genial al mismo tiempo.
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mothfishing · 4 years
do kim dokja or yu jung-hyeok for the character thing /j
favorite thing about them
i could talk about smth serious like his character or story but im gonna stay true to myself and say the best part about him is he is canonically a pro-gamer
least favorite thing about them
uhhhhh not rlly anything. i didnt like him very much when i first started reading orv but that’s not rlly stuff i still think since over the course of the novel u see that kim dok-ja has certain impressions of him that arent correct (and since kim dok-ja’s the pov character it’s super easy to get caught up in his misconceptions). but then u keep reading and see there’s certain stuff kim dok-ja thought that wasn’t true + the stuff that was true, yu jung-hyeok gets character development for...so idk
favorite line
just quotes this entire bit:
Why, though? He still had something he simply had to ask Kim Dok-Ja, that’s why.
….But what was the question?
⸢58th day of drifting.⸥
The moment he saw a wane face reflected on the ark’s window, Yu Jung-Hyeok recalled the forgotten question.
– In a world where the scenarios have come to an end, what should he do to continue living on?
That’s right. That’s what he wanted to ask Kim Dok-Ja. Because that guy knew everything.
Kim Dok-Ja, always thinking about the end. The man who planned for everything, and didn’t hesitate to sacrifice his own life to see the conclusion of a certain story.
A fool like that should know, he thought.
If it was Kim Dok-Ja, then he should know more about Yu Jung-Hyeok than Yu Jung-Hyeok knew about himself. That’s what the latter thought.
him and yu ming-ah. it’s sweet how much he cares abt her
him and kim dok-ja like come on. look at that passage i quoted
uhhhhhhhh i dont like him and han su-yeong much
random headcanon
they just say he’s a pro-gamer and never specify what types of games he’s good at. so that’s why he’s a pro cookie run gamer and -
unpopular opinion
i try not to learn what popular opinions there are
song i associate with them
it’s not a song but that audio of “i went under the awning, why is it still raining? that’s not fair”
favorite picture of them
there’s only ever been one good art of yu jung-hyeok and it’s when i drew him in a gamer jacket with mtn dew shirt and dorito necklace
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thinkingnot · 2 years
introducing the great thinker -> me <-
Welcome to the Great Apartment
we are now flat m8s
pronouns: he/him (giggling and twirling my hair)
super cool with any terms to be referred as king, queen, idk hoodie, beez, mister landlord anythin really im cool and love
pseudos: Hoodie/Beez/Fern
mains: Yu Wo (author), Trevor Noah, Priest (author), Rood Chrishi & Kielnode Chrishi & Lanoste & Yujeria (characters from Black Haze the manhwa) and a bit of everyone else (just a dash, a pinch)
(colored means i think about them 24/7 :))
ask, spam notis, message, pop off. i like interactions (not very good at responding might be awkward sorry)
tags list:
#nsfw <- any post/rb that contains explicit implications via wordings, imagery, etc..
#hoodie’s ask <- send asks!!! me answer!!!! :D
#tenant <- for anonymous asks!! :]
#hoodie’s real <- hoodie irl related
#hoodie’s day ratings <- also irl related but im rating it >:)
#correct watcher entertainment quotes <- watcher entertainment hyperfixitation brrrr
batfam fic rec <- yall were right i shouldve got onto the bat train a long time ago dammit (includes: copious danny phantom and spiderman crossover)
#orv correct quotes <- omniscient reader’s viewpoint quotes yoooo
#vomit <- ??? idk ive just realized i talk about vomit way too much might as well as warn ya (i do include a warning tag, the #tw vomit)
#hoodie’s doodles <- it is what it iss
#hoodie reads
#hoodie travels
#thinkingaboutmusic <- where i think abkut music and mostly fangirl over wilbur soot, nf, imagine dragons, mitski & more
#hoodie’s definitions <- i define things for fun
#banish the baddies <- self care, for when you get not nice thoughts and maybe a little bit sad or a lot. i got some little things for you to do or maybe just a distraction. you can reply/rb to these and i will see them or maybe you can do the things in private if you want!!
#fic events things <- i join fic events
#live-fic-react <- haha so im an avid fic reader
#not sponsored but promo for cool shits <- i see good stuffs, i share good stuffs :D
#confession slash jay <- usually accompanied with #or is it cuz i make them when i am in silly goofy mood /lh /hj to all of em’
#correct mcyt quotes <- quotes that are from streams vids or idk any social medias and is canon/real - i will add the source
#fics recs <- uhhhh fics recs :D (me read, they’re good, me recs, they’re probably-definitely all tommyinnit-centric)
#gender <- when i am feeling gender :)
#ranble <- when i randomly ramble
#personal <- ehhhhhh it’s like when i’m bored imma say shit that’s well personal and nobody asked 😎
#hoodie’s art <- when i doodle on the paper and decided to bring it to show and tell
#hoodie’s achievements <- i’ve done things! hooray!! no matter what those things are (ie: felonies, awards, how lonely i am, aged,.etc..)
#hoodie’s lil siblings <- self explanatory
#hoodie’s mc skins <- i made mc skins!
so back on 23rd April my account was bleh
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o7, you’ll be missed
i literally don’t even know how all my blogs just got wiped off i didn’t even do anything
ps: if u recognize me pls tell i forgot all my moots urls ;-;
thanks m8’s
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im back babyyyyy
but im too lazy to re-login rn so….. actually….
idk imma just use two accounts from now (probably one on the computer and one on the fone) <- i in fact is still too lazy
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