nyamafriend · 10 months
the philever hug..... the fitever head kiss........ BAGHERA AND FOREVERS HUG
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avadaniels · 5 years
notes: build me a mountain
welcome to my kitchen
AHHH it’s finally here. I’ve been working on this for way too long; I needed to post it. So here we go.
Conception: This was inspired by don’t be shy, but I can’t officially associate them. So just don’t worry about that. The cute plot thing that I really wanted to write in don’t be shy was recreating the bit in Review with a Jew where the wildly famous Trixie Mattel calls Miz Cracker in the middle of filming. Then I was like, how did Trixie get famous? Obviously through a psychedelic fever-dream series she made with Katya. Can Katya be trans? Yes! Cool, let’s fucking do it. 
Now I have...a big story.
Jokes: I don’t know, I’m not really funny, but I wanted this to be funny. I’m trying to write a realistic story so I wanted to write realistic comedy that justifies the friendship, the subscribers, the (spoilers-not-spoilers) giant subscriber following…I have taken jokes verbatim from Trixie, Katya, their Twitters, the Haters Roast, tumblr, Christine Sydelko, and other places I’m sure.
Timeline and realism: This is set in 2012/13, mostly because I want it to be realistic for two people who meet on the internet to become friends. The model here is Dan and Phil (mostly because I think they’re the most famous example? I can’t think of another lol). I’m still gonna make references to things that happen later (songs released in 2015, that kind of thing) though, because I want to. 
Names: Following the pattern of don’t be shy, I refuse to give people ridiculous legal names. Real life drag names are incorporated as stage names mostly, and nicknames. In this story, Trixie’s legal last name is Martin, Farrah is her sister so her last name is also Martin, etc...
Fashion References
Katya’s favourite shirt Jellies Trixie’s pink shirt (but not a dress) Katya denim dress  Trixie yellow overall skirt Pink and brown dress    Yellow dress Rate my wardrobe video: Coffee bean dress Little black dress Blue blazer w/ leather sleeves Ask Plastic: Neon tank top dress Halloween: Kim black cat dress Best friend tag: Emoji shirt, red and blue shirt Holiday party: Trixie Gold dress Katya first white dress Katya second white dress Courtney silver dress  NYE: Katya Valentina
Formatting Guide
Image descriptions will look like this: [Image: A description of the image.]
Emojis are named: [party popper emoji] [sparkling heart emoji] etc...
Katya @katya_zamo This is a tweet from Katya!
Katya @katya_zamo  RT “@TrixieMattel: This is a tweet!” I am quote retweeting and adding my own part. :)
@TrixieMattel: This is a Twitter direct message from Trixie :)
Trixie: This a text message from Trixie! My name is bolded. Texting has very straightforward formatting. :)
Video previews: Chronologically, video previews appear when the video is posted. I include them when they are relevant to the plot or characterization, or just to make you smile. :)
Title of the video is bolded
The title will be followed by a description of what is happening in the video. These previews do not describe the entire video, because that would take forever to write; the rest is left to your own imaginations. :)
Italics: thoughts, song lyrics, movies and TV shows, words being said by someone in a movie/phone call/Skype call, emphasized words, words being read, and translations
Quotation marks: dialogue, song titles, and video titles
Parentheses are used for asides. They enclose additional information or dialogue that is separate but relevant.
Instagram posts:
katya_zamo [Image: A selfie being taken in a yoga studio mirrored wall. Courtney is taking it, and Katya is in the splits on the ground, posing like a gymnast and making the duck face.] Liked by trixiemattel, gingerbinge and 654 others katya_zamo Ladies who teach JANUARY 24
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