#Nueng x Chopper
respectthepetty · 1 year
I'd like to thank everyone for watching the ninth episode of Never Let Me Go live and posting about it, so I knew exactly what I was getting into before I even pressed play.
But I'm also going to apologize to all of you, because I am over the moon with excitement because I'm hoping Jojo is giving me a redemption for 3 Will Be Free's Shin who (spoiler) DID NOT KILL HIS FATHER WHEN HE SHOULD HAVE!
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Please, Jojo, let us have the ending Thana Kit deserves -
Shin Remixed - The Rise of Nuengdiao
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Hold on. That doesn't feel right.
Shin Rebooted - The Fall of Kit
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Why did Nueng AND Chopper take shooting lessons if they aren't going to put them to good use?!
As much as both boys have wanted to avoid the family business, the past few episodes have shown us they are actually good at it:
Nueng had no issue hitting the guy in the alleyway.
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He was very comfortable taking the money to the baddies. He mentioned if he couldn't do that, he didn't deserve to inherit the family business, something he has never wanted before.
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And he called the man's bluff by basically telling him that he didn't want this smoke.
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Nueng is a man of words, not actions, so he tried to lie to Palm about not loving him. When that didn't work, he jumped into action! He drugged Palm, left him with his credit card and necklace, and took his ass back to claim the throne. *That's growth*
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His cousin, Chopper, has looked away from violence, yet had no issue with beating up Phum and some rando to protect Ben.
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He also was fine intimidating An in the bathroom.
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Now that Ben knows what Kit has done, Ben is in danger of being Kit's next victim.
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While Kit is motivated by power, Chopper and Nueng are motivated by love. Kit has already killed two parents while one rots in prison and another is in a coma. If one more person dies due to Kit's actions (Tanya! Only because Nueng is so sure she is going to wake up), these two cousins are going to make like Mario and Luigi and fuck up an entire kingdom.
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3 Will Be Free's Shin ended up taking over the family business after his father's death (THANK YOU, MAE!), but occasionally met his girlfriend, Miw, and boyfriend, Neo, on the beach where they had a business (THROUPLE SUPREMACY!).
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Nueng already mentioned several times that he wants to see Palm on the beach and has suggested that they run a business there.
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Nueng assures Palm he WILL be alive and hopes to see Palm happy with someone else in the future.
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But he should already know that Palm is ride or die for HIM.
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Palm has already killed for him (KILL KIT DAMN IT!) and is willing to put his life on the line to protect Nueng. Palm is going to inform Nueng that they either stay together forever and meet at the beach once a year or they die together right now and see each other in heaven all the time because Palm is not going to love another.
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The only thing standing in our boys' way is the tension coming from Nueng not being able to trust Chopper.
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But, if there is one thing our boy Chopper is capable of, it's winning over a tough crowd.
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I have high hopes that they will come together to take down Kit even though this show has surprised me multiple times (Chopper not being the culprit, Chanon not being the killer, Ben knowing Chopper liked him, Palm not believing Nueng didn't love him, etc.).
However, I haven't forgotten it gave me one thing I truly desired:
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Someone pointed out the tattoo IS in Mandarin, so if Nueng gets one too, I'm going on a budget for Lent @wen-kexing-apologist!
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Sorry this episode made you scream @grapejuicegay, but...
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Kill Kit.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Palm and Chopper respond to their crushes realizing new love almost identically: with self-sacrifice and kindness and a tenderness that does nothing to hide how much they love the person even as they support their new relationship. They're both breaking into pieces inside but still hold themselves to kindness when dealing with the person they love.
There's no outburst, no anger, no jealousy sending them into a fit of rage. Just two boys in love trying to support the person they love even as they ache inside.
And then there's Nueng.
Grieving, aching Nueng.
Nueng who accepts Ben's confession and his kiss but can't stop thinking about Palm. Nueng who teases Ben but gets drunk watching Palm talk to his friend. Nueng who demands that Palm dance with him and breaks down when he doesn't. Nueng who handles his own pain by lashing out again and again against the one person he knows can't leave him but he doesn't think loves him the way he wants, needs, to be loved by him.
And we see Ben next episode, Ben with his face crumpled as his father accuses Nueng of planning this, of doing this on purpose, of being the one ruining his son. Ben who hides his own pain and fear behind a smile and Ben who cannot love who wants because he is not free and his love does not matter.
There is so much pain here in so many ways, from the quiet to the lonely to the desperate to the aching and all the pain is there even if the people around them don't realize it's happening.
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kittypurss · 1 year
What a lot of people don’t realize is that Neung and Chopper are in the same boat here. Opposite spectrums of course, but both are on the cusp of loosing a parent. Their ONLY parent. The only difference being Chopper’s dad is the perpetrator whilst Neung and his mom (whose in a coma) are the victims in this situation. It would be hard for anyone to turn against their parent especially knowing how dangerous they are. I can understand Ben’s frustration, but he needs to put himself in Chopper’s shoes. Although we know Chopper is going to do the right thing, his hesitation is VALID given the situation. You have to be VERY careful and stealthy, which is exactly what it seems like Chopper is trying to do.
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okiedokie2216 · 1 year
i swear this is what gmmtv is telling us after posting those promo pics of palm and nueng being all smiley
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mirabella96 · 1 year
Never Let Me Go ep11
Why on Earth I was sure today ep will be the last. Stupid me
Here comes kidnapping!
My best boy is so nice, but in such a terrible circumstances.
He is shooting wowowowowoow
This is so dramatic but also I can't take them seriously.
You propably shoud not tell him any plans.
Palms dad it ALL YOUR fault I hope you feel really guilty
Why this episode is so chopped and weirldy edited???
OHHoh I knew he was going to do something (Pretty sure you shoud not have your finger on the trigger it's dangerous) Oh nothing really happened... maybe Chopper will have eaven bigger meltdown now.
CUTE they are dancing!
Even more kidnappings yey
OMG i know what will happen next week, Chopper will be shot insted of Nueng or Palm.
It was surprisingly not really good episode, like they tried to put as much plot as they can, cutting a lot and editing it with no real flow.
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sillsif · 1 year
#like i KNOW ben will throw his boyfriend under the bus if it means he fulfills his president duties 🥰
i like ben messy
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Look it's been around a week since the Never Let Me Go x Our Skyy 2 episodes and while I've seen lots of people critiquing Nueng's choices in regards to making plans for his life that don't involve Palm and talking about how Palm response to it all is directly linked to his own trauma of being abandoned, but I need to take a moment and defend Nueng for a bit.
Like Nueng wanting them both to make their plans for their future not reliant on each other Is just as much of a trauma response as Palm struggling to exist apart from Nueng. Nueng has spent his whole life so, so lonely. His closest relationships at the start of the series are with his parents (his dad is also said to have been very busy and not home super often) and with his cousin Chopper who is supposed to be his rival. He doesn't have friends and he's bullied or avoided by his classmates, his one close connection he builds is with Ben which falls apart. His father is then murdered on his birthday in front of him, his mom later gets shot in front of him too, and then Palm's mother dies when trying to protect them from the hitmen sent specifically for Nueng. Nueng genuinely believes that people get hurt because of him (hence him trying to push away Palm after his mom dies because all he can see is him ruining Palm's life). He doesn't believe that anyone could ever really love him (he tells Palm as much before they get together.) He wants Palm to have a happy and full life and fundamentally believes that he in incapable of giving that to him.
So when he wants them both to make plans for their futures without relying on each other, I see that as less of him being selfish or something and far more of him being terrified of what may happen if Palm centers his life around Nueng. Because it seems to me at least that there is still some lingering fear for Nueng that Palm may regret his choice if he devotes himself too much to Nueng. That one day Palm will wake up and realize that he's made a mistake and wasted years of his life.
They're both terrified of abandonment and being left behind, but it just manifests very differently for both of them. Palm wants to cling to Nueng as hard as he can to keep him slipping away. Nueng wants Palm to have a life that doesn't rely on him being there, because he doesn't want Palm to regret his choice in loving him.
Basically, I think both of them need some major therapy lol
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respectthepetty · 1 year
A public apology to Never Let Me Go's Chopper:
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Sir, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry that I mistook you for every other side character in a BL series who is jealous of the lead, manipulative to get what he wants, controlled by his father, and disingenuous to everyone. That's not you! You could NEVER! You're in a league with To Sir, With Love's Yang, and both of you will go into the BL Hall of Fame.
Just so you know how sincere I am about this apology, let me recount the ways I wrongly accused you of being an undercover red flag when you are actually the biggest green flag in these BL streets. Full disclosure - I misjudged you a lot.
You looked at Nueng at the conference and hesitated to follow your father when he left. 1a) You're always worried about your cousin and 1b) from the beginning have shown you don't align with your father's beliefs.
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1a. When you found out Ben, who you knew couldn't reciprocate Nueng's feelings due to his homophobic father, was speaking to Nueng, you directly asked Ben what he wanted from your cousin.
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Because you care about your cousin, and you want to actually spend time with him.
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You let him know that even though your parents are beefing, you still love him.
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You are genuinely happy to see him.
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And when he asked you about Ben and why you are no longer friends (since the 10th grade *sob*), you warned him that Ben is distant, but encouraged both him and Ben to pursue their attraction AND asked follow-up questions on separate occasions because YOU CARE ABOUT THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE even if it kills you.
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And that is why Nueng trusts only you unlike your father.
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1b. You told your father from the beginning that you didn't want what he was offering nor did you cave to his expectations.
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You also told him you weren't competing with your cousin because, once again, you actually love Nueng and don't resent him .
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You looked away when your father wanted you to watch him punish someone.
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You picked up the photo of Tanya and Nueng when your father threw it, and you directly asked him AND scolded him for ordering the hits.
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I know you know how to use a gun, and I know you can aim very well. If you kill your father, I will light every candle and pray that you only know good sex for the rest of your life, that your bed is always the perfect temperature, and that your earrings never snag your clothing. Amen.
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2. You have always been kind especially to Palm and Ben. You immediately went to Palm and made friends with him, speaking casually, and told him if he needed help, to ask you.
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When you saw Palm at Nueng's house, you were happy to see him, and spoke to him. When you realized you offended him by telling him he didn't have to act like a servant in front of you, you quickly apologized.
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You were also quick to apologize to Ben when you knew your words hurt him.
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When you found out about the incident at school, you went to Ben and comforted him. You even grabbed his hands in public, looked him in the eyes, and told him he wasn't to blame (for being the victim of a public outing).
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I truly thought YOU were behind this, but once again, you are the BEST BOY and put Kimlock Holmes to shame by solving the case. However, you stopped Ben from hurting Aun, and I think you even felt bad for Aun when you found out his reasoning for doing it.
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You have shown that you don't condone violence but are willing to do what is necessary for the people you love (*whispers* please kill your dad) and will literally kick someone's ass.
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4. You are aware you are gay.
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I know this seems wild that I misjudged you for this mostly since this is a BL series, so everyone is queer until proven otherwise, but Chopper, you KNOW who you are. You aren't holding on to a secret. You aren't pining over Ben from a distance. No! You told him in the 10th GRADE that you liked him.
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And when he rejected you, you kept your distance, but still encouraged him to find happiness with someone else because you want the people you love to be happy even if it was with each other.
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You also complimented Palm on his body because, baby, YOU ARE A GAY MAN WITH EYES!
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I can't apologize enough for not believing in you even when you showed me exactly who you were time and time again. You may be okay that Ben rejected you, but know that Ben now realizes the sun and the moon reside in your eyes.
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The way he looked at you while you took the time to carefully go through your skincare routine when you said you weren't his type told everyone that this boy wants Nueng to come home safe, but he wants YOU to come to his home and make him feel safe.
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Chopper, I love you. I don't even care that you are into cryptocurrency. Baby, your game is so fire, that you could tell me to shut up, and I do it. That's how much I love you.
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If you pull a switcheroo in the final act, I'll forgive you. If you die in the final act, I will never speak of this show again. If you kill your father, I will never stop speaking about this show.
Stay kind. Stay sincere. Stay a confident gay.
And kill your father.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Only two episodes in and Never Let Me Go is giving me everything I came for:
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Nueng being all alone at an empty table and no matter what he does, he is isolated from everyone with only material possessions to keep him company. Even Palm is forced to serve Nueng food which hurts Nueng more than Palm calling him Young Master.
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Palm being stuck between duty and friendship as his father, standing in the entryway, swiftly cuts off Palm's dreams for the future.
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Palm wanting to help Nueng, not because of duty, but because he doesn't want to see Nueng hurt or unhappy, yet Nueng's threatening glare keeps Palm tied to their master servant dynamic, and Palm must obey this silent command.
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The small glance Nueng gives to Palm as Palm volunteers to take on someone else's punishment while Nueng gets dismissed without consequences.
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Nueng belittling Palm by telling Palm he is only good at physical activities and his hands are dirty
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Yet those are excuses for Nueng to get closer to Palm and to switch their dynamic, so Nueng can offer something to Palm and be of use to him.
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Nueng manipulating his mother to give Palm a small joy
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Because Nueng simply wants to watch Palm be happy
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While Palm is mesmerized watching Nueng when he is happy.
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Nueng is already possessive of Palm's happiness and smiles at him while he glares at others.
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And when put in danger, both forgot the lines that divide them.
*starts singing Rihanna's "This Is What You Came For" while watching Palm be the first to move out of their embrace because he already realizes the lines he is crossing while Nueng stayed in the embrace longer*
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Neither Nueng nor Chopper wanting the expectations that have been placed on them by their families
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And how those expectations are destroying their ability to trust and love others.
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This is EVERYTHING I wanted!
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Interesting Fact:
If you listen closely during these scenes,
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you can hear their hearts break.
Or maybe it was the sound of mine breaking
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Moments I'm being completely normal about from episode three of Never Let Me Go:
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That Nueng really looked at Palm with his eyes saying "Ruin My Life" and Palm had to look away even though his fingers lingered on Nueng's neck
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That Nueng's eyes say he wants Palm to ruin his life each time he looks at him, so he mustered up the courage to look at Palm with his face showing his feelings and asked him to stay with him
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When Palm worried that he scared Nueng, Nueng assured him he wasn't afraid of Palm
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He was surprised
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Because Nueng realized Palm did it because he cares deeply for Nueng
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Although Nueng can't protect Palm in the same way, he made sure to give Palm happiness and protection in the best ways he knows (and he will buy his guy those shoes!)
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Even though they are constantly being watched, they find moments to share with each other even if it's in their dreams
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Honestly, I'm still stuck in part two. The entire portion of them dancing while sneaking glances at each other was this episode's mitochondria = the Powerhouse
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But glances aren't enough for Nueng
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And those moments of honesty expose them
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The fact that Palm looked shocked and Nueng looked hurt when Phum called Palm Nueng's underling, but neither were bothered by Palm being called Nueng's boyfriend nor denied it
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And when they teased each other, Nueng remained upset that Ben referred to Palm as Nueng's servant when Nueng specifically called Palm his friend while Palm stated he didn't care because Nueng could call him whatever he wanted *being completely normal*
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Nueng's body language was distant towards Ben compared to the previous episodes, and the place Ben asked Nueng about his friendship with Palm is the same spot Cake's girlfriend questioned him about his friendship with Eiw in My Only 12%, then he broke up with her.
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Chopper was happy to see his cousin
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And happier to see Palm, which showed he is just as lonely as Nueng with no one to reach out to, and the one time he did try to connect with someone
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That person, Ben, tossed him aside
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Chopper talking about Ben brought forth every emotion that he thought he buried. His demeanor changed as soon as Nueng asked about Ben. He was sad. He was flustered. He was happy. *NOT normal about that that lip bite*
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And Ben took that away.
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respectthepetty · 2 years
Never Let Me Go is a baby KinnPorsche
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Plot - Rich mafia family, where the son of the main family takes over the mafia to the disdain of the minor family.
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Minor family and main family sons are pitted against each other in competition.
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Minor family's son wants revenge
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Main family gets a reluctant bodyguard from lower socio-economic status for the main son
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Main son has a loyal friend (who could always be a potential boyfriend but they are too similar)
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And minor family's son is in love with this loyal friend
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While main family's son falls in love with the bodyguard
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respectthepetty · 1 year
*drags chair to the center of the room and stands on it*
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Look at him in those nuetrals. LOOK AT HIM!
I don't care what happened this episode because my man is ALIVE! Everyone half-assed apologized to my man acting like they weren't just hella rude to him one episode ago, but you know what? It's okay because my man is a good guy who doesn't hold grudges and isn't petty like my ass, so he said "No. I'M sorry, and to prove it, let me pay this hospital bill even though your boyfriend is loaded, and let me move with this basic ass dude to England even though we are still clearly in bromance* territory."
*I noted the awkward hug in the Dangerous Romance trailer that is now staring me straight in the eyes, so these two better get rid of this just-friends vibe, quick!
Lamb Chop might not have killed his father, but he did give him a warning shot, which is better than Vegas and Shin. Patricide isn't the answer...except when it is, like here because Kit is probably planning his next move while in prison like a comic book villain, but what do I know.
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See y'all later in Our Skyy 2
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And I BETTER see my Choppina, Chopperella, Lamb Chop, Chop Shop, ChoppaStyle, Chop it like it's hot, Choppie, Choppoo, Love of my Life with the guy who doesn't deserve him.
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So much bro vibe
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respectthepetty · 1 year
I can't be normal about this show
suggested song for maximum emotional impact - "How Will I Know," the Sam Smith version
Falling in love is so bittersweet This love is strong, why do I feel weak? How will I know if you really love me?
David and Wu were EVERYTHING to me this episode! In an episode buried with foreshadowing of a separation (e.g. the fortunes) and clear signs of Palm and Nueng's differences ("this is my home like Bangkok is your home"), these two men gave Palm and Nueng hope for the future.
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The speech Wu gave to David about people not believing they should be together because they are too different, but that's what makes him love David more because every day he learns something new and he is his family, his friend, AND his soulmate are exactly the words and actions Palm and Nueng need to hear and see.
Nueng is immediately clocked as a rich kid several times in the series, and even Mam comments on the boys' social class differences, but Wu and David show them that love isn't conforming to someone else's life; it's making a new life together. Love isn't speaking each other's language; love is learning a new language together.
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Based on the trailer, I truly believe Nueng is going to push Palm away in hopes of protecting Palm from a caged life, but if anything, this episode showed that they are better, together.
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Nueng is great with words. He can sell fish just by his words. He can translate. He can directly tell Palm he wants him. Palm is a man of action. He can physically protect Nueng and always gives him little touches of support.
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This episode, we see both boys give more for the other. Nueng grabs Palm's hand several times, plays with him, and hugs him. Palm flirts with Nueng and tells him he took him to the beach to romance him. And neither of them shy away from it. After Mam interrupts them, Nueng still pushes Palm when she leaves. When Palm is unsure of Nueng's requests, he asks for clarification. These boys bring out aspects of each other that others don't even think exist within them.
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Mam mistakenly compares Palm's love for Nueng to Chanon's love for her. She said she lost freedom because Chanon loved her so much. Palm is not Chanon. Palm is Nueng's freedom but being Nueng's bodyguard is Palm's bondage.
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However, Mam is right that love isn't all life is about. It's about living, something neither boy has had a chance to do. Palm had no hope for the future and was told he would give his life for Nueng. Nueng has been told he will take over the family business. But here, with each other, they are experiencing lives they never imagined because they have each other. Life isn't all about love, but love has greatly enhanced their lives.
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Nueng has complete faith that Palm can fix the motorcycle, and instead of his normal bossiness, he tells Wu he will ask Palm first about the beach. Palm knows Nueng wants money for a phone, but he quickly dismisses David's suggestion of payment. Nueng is learning that money isn't all there is to life. He is learning that the only things Palm can give him are more valuable than any gifts he has acquired over the years - the warmth of the beach, the kindness in his heart, and the love in his touch.
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That's why Nueng doesn't ask Palm to tell him how he feels about him. He tells Palm to show him how he feels about him. He is asking Palm to give in, so Nueng can finally give Palm something he desires - permission to be free.
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Permission to be free of his employment. Permission to be free of the future that the fortune predicts and his father dictates. Permission to be free to love him, fully, without the constraints of respectability and duty. Nueng can give that to Palm now, and later, when he pushes him on the rocks and tells him he doesn't love him, he will attempt to do the same. He will give Palm an out. He will give Palm permission to be free of him and a life that requires him to sacrifice himself because that's all Nueng can give this boy who has given him everything. (Please don't let Chanon's arrest cause a rift between them.)
Chopper has already learned this.
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Instead of fighting for Ben, he let's Ben go and encourages him to pursue Nueng. (I'm sorry I ever doubted you. You are a good boy. THE BEST BOY!) He doesn't hide his emotions. It's clear how he feels, but he never voices them because he is giving Ben an out. He doesn't want to burden Ben with his feelings. Not yet. Not when he knows Ben can't reciprocate, even if he wanted to.
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Although both boys are being crushed under the toxicity of their fathers' expectations, Ben still has a chance to be free. Ben likes Nueng's bravery, but Chopper knows he can't be brave. Not like that. Not when he knows his father is willing to kill anyone he deems as an obstacle, even family.
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Chopper wants to protect Ben. Chopper wants to be there for Ben. Chopper wants Ben. But much like Chopper already knows and Nueng is going to learn, they won't always get what they want.
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Mostly if they don't have the courage to fight for it.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Gun and Palm both saw their mothers in danger and had to face the mortality of the person who loves and supports them and their relationship.
Chopper and Sound were both honest about their feelings that they had been trying to hide and escape from.
Ben and Win have agreed to take a chance on something they're unsure about but don't know how to react when faced with complete honesty.
Nueng and Tinn have both had to face when it means to try to protect the person they love and what they can do to support them even if it hurts them.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Ben initiated his kiss with Nueng and their relationship but when Chopper touched Ben's hands he pulled away and quickly left the table.
Ben's enigmatic personality is driving me wild. Did he care for Nueng more and is turning to Chopper because he was suspicious? Or does he care more for Chopper and that's why he's so hesitant?
Ben threw Nueng under the bus for his father but expects Chopper to turn his father into the police without a second thought. Ben kisses Nueng and asks Chopper about his feelings but never seems to actually be there for either of them when anything goes down.
Ben is the only character we have not seen outside alone or heard any parts of his future plans or inner thoughts. I just need to know more, damnit.
(What is Chopper going to do when Nueng accused him of being in his father's side after Ben did the same thing? How many people can call you something you're not before you decide you must be? Or will he throw away the father he still loves to try to appease the other people he loves and give up on protecting himself?)
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