#Note Counting Machines With  Features of Auto-start
eromart · 4 years
Note Counting Machines with 100% Fake Note Detections in Tirchy Tamil Nadu
Note Counting Machines with 100% Fake Note Detections in Tirchy Tamil Nadu
Note Counting Machines With 100% Fake Note Detector Machines in Tirchy, Tamil Nadu – INDIA. EROMART One of the Leading Note Counting Machines Manufacturers, Currency Note Counting Machines Suppliers and Total Value Denomination Note Counting Machines Suppliers in Tamil Nadu, Buy Best Wholesale Currency Note Counting Machines in Tirchy, Tamil Nadu.
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arigatouiris · 5 years
Catching Feelings — Connor [02]
Pairing: Deviant! Connor x Reader
Word Count: 2899
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, clumsy!reader, timid!reader (not for long), mentions of anxiety, inappropriate boss behavior (basically Gavin being Gavin)
Author’s Note: Sorry for the late update on this! I had so much to do at work and other requests to finish sighhh. Anyway, I hope you like this new chapter, do let me know what you think so far! 
Also, those who want to be on the taglist, just send me an ask~
Summary: She tells Connor about an upgrade.
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C h a p t e r  Two: Red
Connor noticed (y/n) gather her things when it was about time for lunch. 
He immediately alerted Hank, before pointing at the intern, and Hank nodded.
    “Go invite her.” Hank said, before shutting his system down.
Connor wasted no time before rushing toward where (y/n) was, who was gathering her wallet and closing the files on her desk. Her desk was situated very close to Gavin’s, considering she was his intern. He was nowhere to be seen, a fact that Connor was pleased with. 
As soon as he was merely inches away from (y/n), he stood there, with a soft smile on his face. He remembered having realised that he found her cute, a fact that made him strangely happy.
She looked up at him and smiled back, before her eyes widened just a bit. She turned to see Hank approach them both, waving at her from a distance. This would be the first time she would be speaking to Lieutenant Anderson, something that suddenly turned the tips of her fingers into jelly. Her mind shut down and she knew she was nervous. He wasn’t like Gavin, but he was told to have a temper.
    “L-Lieutenant… Anderhank, I-I mean, Hankerson! N-No, Lieutective Anderson—” (y/n) fumbled, her face sweating.
Hank broke out laughing, while Connor stared at the girl as if she was dying.
    “Are you alright, Miss (l/n)?” Connor asked, concern streaked across his forehead. Turning to Hank, “Is she malfunctioning? Can this even happen?”
Hank continued laughing before patting the nervous girl on the shoulder a couple of times, “She’s just nervous, Connor. She’s not malfunctioning. And hey, kid, I won’t eat you. You can relax.”
Hearing him say that helped a tad bit, but she was too afraid to answer in fear of sounding like another retard. Nodding, she looked to the ground and spoke instead.
    “You don’t have to take me out for—”
    “Yeah, yeah. What food do ya like?” Hank asked, looking at her from his side.
Connor raised a finger in the air and said, “Hank loves hamburgers. The unhealthy kind.”
(y/n) looked at the android before blinking, “I think they’re all unhealthy, Connor.”
He nodded before saying, “That’s what I always tell him. He doesn’t listen. He wants to put his body under tumultuous stress and degradation.”
(y/n) and Hank both scrunched their faces up at Connor’s choice of words. Hank shook his head before leading the three of them out of the station, as (y/n) walked beside Connor, behind Hank.
    “Oh, right!” (y/n) suddenly said, as they neared the closest fast food joint. “Don’t you guys have a new system update or something?”
Connor blinked at the girl. “Software update?”
She nodded before turning to Hank, who suddenly seemed interested.
    “I think it’s got to do with one of the androids from Jericho? I think his name is Simon or something. So basically, he designed a new update and additional upgrades for androids to be able to co-live with human beings. So, they call it ‘Revival’, where androids are installed with additional sensors that allow them to taste food and enjoy it, feel pain and pleasure as well. It comes with… Well, it comes with…” She blushed as she continued, “It comes with gonads and everything.”
Connor blinked, unaware of how to react. He had heard of no such software update, but that was also because he was personally trying to figure out what he understood of himself turning deviant. Hank looked at Connor and turned aside, having a close idea as to what Connor might think of this upgrade.
    “With it, you can probably eat one of those burgers and understand why we choose to eat them despite it being unhealthy! Just like a human being—”
    “But, we are not.” Connor snapped, alerting the girl.
Her eyes widened as she stared at the android, who had suddenly paused walking. She turned around to face him, afraid she had said something to hurt his feelings, conflicted over him having feelings in the first place, and Hank stood there, quietly.
    “Yes, you’re… you’re not. But, you can co-exist—”
    “I don’t see why we need to become more like human beings to coexist. I believe it is appropriation of the lack of culture we, as androids, have. You see, human beings have existed long before us, and there is a large population even now that believes androids are not a life form worth respecting. In such a disorderly situation, when androids try to blend in using a method that involves us masking our true nature, I don’t see any change from why we wanted liberation in the first place,” Connor narrowed his eyes.
“We are a life form that cannot feel pain or pleasure, unless we are of the model to do so in the first place. I was programmed to be a detective, and I intend to learn on my own on how to become better at this profession, not intending on taking—”
    “But, have you ever wondered if you’ve wanted to be a detective at all?” (y/n) asked, narrowing her eyes a bit.
Connor frowned before saying, “I have given it thought, but I can safely say that I enjoy doing my work. It is not because I cannot refuse an order that I do not refuse an order. I do not refuse because I don’t want to—”
    “And maybe because you don’t know what pain or pleasure feels like you think you don’t need it.” (y/n) said, her voice low.
Connor’s LED turned a dark red. Hank sighed before stepping in.
    “That’s enough, Connor,” He scolded the android before turning to (y/n). “Let’s go eat.”
(y/n) nodded before clenching her fists. She could think of a person from long ago in her past who perhaps was the only reason (y/n) had learned how to live.
Once they were inside the tiny restaurant, (y/n) and Hank ordered two meals for their hamburgers, before setting to wait. Connor sat among them, quiet, lost in thought. (y/n) looked at him before looking at Hank, who offered her a sad smile, and rolled his eyes. (y/n) smiled before turning to the android again, and licked her lips.
    “Um, Connor?”
He looked up at her.
    “It’s not that I meant you have to take it. Or that androids have to blend in with people. They don’t have to. What I was trying to say was… What if there are androids who want to blend in? What if there are those who want to feel pain and pleasure and taste food? What about those androids—”
    “I don’t see why an android will be interested in even—”
    “It’s a simple reason, really.” (y/n) said, chuckling.
Connor didn’t think it was simple.
    “Simple? I don’t see how. I see an irrational decision made on the basis of imitation.”
    “It is simple, though,” she said, offering him a kind smile. Connor’s LED turned yellow when she smiled, a sign only Hank seemed to notice. “It’s love.”
    “Love?” Hank asked, confused now.
(y/n) nodded, “The android that designed the Revival feature included the option of a designated shut down,”
Both Hank and Connor looked confused. 
“It is an optional feature that includes an androids vitals being affected due to external stimuli. If they start to feel fear then it’ll affect the thirium pump, which you call a heart, and you can feel the blood, in this case, thirium, rushing to your fingers and everything similar to what a person goes through when they’re afraid. Not only that, this designated shut down also slows the android’s processing with time, and one day, they shut down.”
Connor didn’t like what he heard. Before he could say anything, however, Hank did.
    “An auto-shut down? Why would they do that?”
    “Calling it an auto-shutdown is like… it’s machine jargon, so let’s call it what it was designed to replicate. Ageing. It’s ageing. Androids now can battle for homeostasis as well, which affects their age. It’s revolutionary, and I’ve heard a lot of androids have signed up for it.”
    “Revolutionary? It’s moronic,” Connor spat, red flashing in his LED. “You said it was because of love. How?”
    “So, the first android and human wedding is in seven months,” 
Connor’s eyes widened. 
“The android behind this revolutionary upgrade is Simon, and… and his fiance is a human. His name is Reese, he’s a mechanic. Simon met him sometime before he fled to Jericho as a deviant. Turned out Reese was one of the few humans who knew where Jericho was and never revealed it. Simon and Reese started seeing each other after the android revolution and that was that. I think it’s wonderful—”
    “Android… and a human?” Connor asked, surprised.
(y/n) nodded, smiling to herself. A moment later, their hamburgers arrived. Connor watched as the girl and Hank dove into the food they were eating, and could see their stress levels reduce. Food could always induce a surge of the happy hormones to hit any human, and Connor would be lying if he said he wasn’t curious at all about it.
However, an android and a human being? He couldn’t even picture it! He turned to see (y/n), who seemed to be a firm supporter of androids upgrading themselves to fit this feature. He couldn’t understand how a human could ever return an android’s feelings. He couldn’t understand if it was even the same love in the first place. 
However, something stopped him from wanting to ask her right then. Something about her eating her meal, laughing with Hank about something silly that she had seen the other day, with Hank asking her what an asshole Gavin was, and her shyly muttering she can’t reveal too much; there was something about the entire scene that made Connor want to stay in this permanently.
He didn’t want this one meal to ever end.
As they walked back to the office, he thought about love as a concept. 
He couldn’t understand what it really meant, having never felt love as a deviant android. Some of the only emotions he had strongly felt were that of fear, a driving want to live and anger. He had no idea what love was, and if he were being honest, he had always wondered what it felt like. Ever since he came across the Traci who was in love with another, he wondered.
He wondered about love like he wondered about so many other things. However, he was certain about one thing.
    “I choose to not take the upgrade,” Connor said, firmly. Hank and (y/n) listened to the android, sure that he wasn’t done. “I choose not to, because I identify as an android and am quite proud that I do not have inefficiencies that get in the way of me achieving my tasks.”
    “Hey,” Hank scolded, “Emotions are not inefficiencies, dickwad.”
    “I think we are entitled to our own opinions on the matter, Lieutenant. This is where I disagree with you.”
    “Well, you can shove your opinion you know where.” Hank said, grumbling.
    “I actually don’t. Where?”
(y/n) giggled before grabbing the android’s hand and walking ahead. Connor stared at her with wonder, once again thinking of Sumo, and strangely, feeling secure. He could see so clearly the side of her face; the hair she had tucked behind her ear, the texture of her cheek, the curve of her lips, her eyes narrowing at the sides because she was smiling so wide, a soft streak of red on her cheeks that indicated a stronger capillary blood flow in that area.
She was cute. She was so, so cute.
Connor could feel the grip loosen at the front of his fingers and he was instantly confused. The LED at the side of his head was now flashing yellow, something Hank noticed once more, but chose not to comment on right away. 
Connor never looked away from her, his eyes were fixed at her form, as she pulled him along. However, even if Connor was so aware of noticing her and watching her and observing her, he wasn’t quite sure of how he was doing it. And as an onlooker, Hank was awed with the expression on Connor’s face.
He was looking at a human being as if he was seeing color for the first time.
Hank chuckled before shaking his head, keeping his thoughts to himself.
As soon as they returned to the station, Gavin was already yelling. 
(y/n)’s heart fell to the ground before her eyes widened, the smile was wiped off her face (a fact Connor didn’t quite like), and she immediately rushed to her seat, thinking of a thousand apologies already.
    “Oh, so Miss busy-as-fuck is back!” Gavin said, kicking her desk.
If her form could be any smaller, Connor was shocked with how small she looked right then. Gavin circled around her desk, as she stared at the top of the table, helplessly.
    “Hey, I’d taken her out. Cut her some slack, moron.” Hank said, intervening.
    “Stay out of this, Hank. This is between me and my fucking intern. I don’t say shit about that piece of plastic next to you, so fuck off.”
Hank sighed before tossing Connor an apologetic look and returning to his desk. It didn’t seem like Hank to just let things be, it wasn’t like him to allow Gavin to treat (y/n) the way he was. It didn’t seem fair, and it didn’t seem right. His LED was now flashing red, and his eyes were narrowed like slits.
    “Tell me, you useless piece of trash,” Gavin kicked the table once more, “Did you complete arranging the files?”
Perhaps, he was expecting her to say no. But, when she nodded, Gavin seemed to get angrier. He slammed his hand on her desk, sending her into a shaking fit, before he screamed.
    “You think you’re too smart for me, huh?”
Connor hadn’t realised he was merely inches away from Gavin a moment later. He also didn’t realise he had held Gavin’s hands and pulled him back harshly from the intern. Reed’s eyes were wide as he stared at Connor’s brown orbs, his LED flashing a mad red on the side of his head.
    “What the fuck are you doing?” Gavin threatened.
    “Do not lay a single finger near or on (y/n) (l/n). This is a warning.” Connor threatened back, tightening his grip on Gavin’s arm.
Detective Reed winced before pulling away harshly from Connor’s death-like grip and grabbing his collar and pulling him. Connor released himself rather easily, before setting his tie again. (y/n) stood up quickly before pulling Connor back.
    “Connor, please don’t—”
His hand fell on hers, and he gently brought them down. While their hands were connected, she felt as if it was meant to be connected all along. He held her hand as if he was used to it, he held her hand with a weird sense of familiarity she didn’t understand the origin of. 
Her heart was pounding against her chest, her eyes were as wide as saucers when she felt him entangle his fingers with hers. He took his right hand and then placed it on hers, and offered her a kind smile.
    “You’re going to be okay, Miss (l/n).”
Her eyes widened and her heart screamed. Connor noticed her capillary blood flow around her cheeks was increasing, her heart rate was increasing, but her cortisol levels were falling to normal. He felt relief flood all over him and all he could think of was Simon, for some strange reason. 
He patted her hand twice before releasing her and then turning to Gavin again.
    “There will be strict disciplinary action taken against any police officer who ill-treats their juniors. In this case, intern. So, Detective Reed, as much as I enjoy reprimanding you in front of the office like this, I’d strongly advise you to not let this happen again,” 
Connor leaned forward and smirked, “Because if it does, it won’t go too well.”
Gavin let out a string of curse words out before storming out of the station. (y/n) watched in horror as her boss exited the building, and she was unsure of what she needed to do. Luckily for her, what she didn’t know was Fowler would tell her to go home for the day, and things would strangely go back to normal the next day.
What she didn’t understand was why she felt so nervous when Connor took her hand in his. The way he comforted her, the way he smiled at her, and the way he stepped up for her, especially when no other human had done, shocked her the most. She stared at her hand, feeling Connor walk away a moment after, and thought of him.
She turned and looked at him as he sat at his desk, a second after which he turned to shoot her a knowing glance. What did he know in that glance? What was he trying to say? Her heart skipped a beat when he smiled and nodded, before turning back to his screen.
She stared at her and and could still feel the essence of his synthetic skin against hers. He had invariably left an imprint on her right then, convincing her of one very important thing.
Connor had acted so human, it scared her to her bones.
series taglist:
@ggukachuu​ @rainbowsithlord @pan-puff-pride​ @tanya-diggory​ @toocoldoutsideforyou​ @margaret-mortem​ @ohhhhhhsweetfandomofmine @pandacookieowo​ @maajikcrossing​ 
285 notes · View notes
thesevenseraphs · 5 years
Update 2.0.0
Below is a list of patch notes for Update 2.0.0! Please read them! Lots of cool changes, buffs, and some unfortunate nerfs
The Tower Annex Landing Zone is now available to all players
The Drifter has relocated to the Annex in the Tower
Daily clan bounties have been removed
Once again, clan XP in Season 6 can be earned simply by completing activities
Clan weekly bounties have been renamed to "Hawthorne's Bounties" to differentiate them from the raid challenges that are also in Hawthorne's inventory
These Hawthorne Bounties are organized into 3 fixed categories: PvE, PvP, and raid
Raid challenge bounties will continue to be available on Hawthorne for the Last Wish and Scourge of the Past raids
Some new clan perks have been added for Season 6, and some old clan perks have returned
Level 2 Perk: Increased public event rewards
Level 3 Perk: Completing a weekly Hawthorne bounty awards mod components
Level 4 Perk: Completing a clan vendor challenge awards enhancement cores
Level 5 Perk: Increases the drop rate of Crucible and strike catalysts when playing with clanmates
Level 6 Perk: Unlocks an additional weekly bounty for Hawthorne
Full Auto Trigger System rate-of-fire bonus reduced from 100% to 10%
Full Auto Trigger System no longer increases Shotgun pellet spread
All Shotguns received a damage multiplier in PvE, effectively doubling their damage (with the exception of Legend of Acrius)
Reserve ammunition for Shotguns has been reevaluated to compensate for the increased damage
Reduced base damage for Shotguns across the board to align with their new rates of fire on a per sub-archetype basis
Rate-of-fire values have been tuned
Aggressive Frame is now 55 RPM, up from 45 RPM
Precision Frame is now 65 RPM, up from 55 RPM
Lightweight Frame remains 80 RPM (tooltip erroneously stated 90 RPM previously)
Rapid-Fire Frame is 140 RPM (including intrinsic full auto), down from 200 RPM (they were previously 100 RPM, but due to the intrinsic full auto, actually had 200 RPM)
The Chaperone is now 70 RPM, up from 60 RPM
Tractor Cannon is 80 RPM (tooltip erroneously stated 84 RPM previously)
Legend of Acrius is now 55 RPM, up from 45 RPM
Submachine Guns
Base damage increased slightly
Precision damage decreased slightly
Machine Guns
Reduced the ammo bonus of Machine Gun Reserves perk by half
Damage reduced against boss and miniboss combatants by 21%
Trace Rifles
PvE damage increased by 30%
Grenade Launchers
PvE damage increased by 25%
Reserve ammo increased on most Grenade Launchers
In most cases, Grenade Launchers gained three rounds in reserves, but this amount may vary based on the perks you have (Field Prep, etc.)
KNOWN ISSUE: Starting ammo in PvE was reduced, this will be fixed in a future patch
Magazine perks and mods no longer affect ammo reserves
The Quick Access Sling mod can now be applied to any archetype; this change also allows it to be applied to the Mountaintop
NOTE: This change also fixes the Militia's Birthright being able to slot the Backup Mag mod; this mod did not actually increase the magazine size on this weapon and was not intended to be applied to breech loaded Grenade Launchers
Rocket Launchers
PvE damage increased by 60–65%
Cluster Bomb
Damage reduced by 80%
This lost damage was moved to the Rocket Launcher's main projectile
Linear Fusion Rifles
PvE damage increased by 10% (does not affect Sleeper Simulant)
Reduced aim assist
Removed aim assist bonus from Combat Sights scope
Fixed an issue where Queenbreaker had double the amount of aim assist
Two-Tailed Fox
PvE damage increased by 26%
One Thousand Voices
PvE damage increased by 25%
Wardcliff Coil
PvE damage increased by 115% against boss combatants and scaling up to 160% against weaker combatants
Black Talon
PvE projectile damage increased by 15%
Sleeper Simulant
Reduced ammo reserves (from max 13 to max 9 without armor perks or Masterwork)
Whisper of the Worm
Reduced ammo reserves (from max 20 to max 9 without armor perks)
Tyranny of Heaven
The Tyranny of Heaven Bow can now drop with randomized perks
General Weapon and Perk Fixes
Trinity Ghoul
Fixed an issue where Trinity Ghoul's Lightning Rod perk sometimes did not activate on precision kill
Fixed an issue where the Arc effects from the Split Electron perk on Trinity Ghoul could be seen floating in third person
Improved the resolution for the decals on Two-Tailed Fox's Cuddly Throwback ornament when seen in third person
Fixed an issue where the Last Word's Laconic ornament did not display properly in third person
Cleaned up the animation of rounds cycling in the magazine for the Dreaded Venture's Over and Done With ornament
Jotunn's Charge Shot perk description updated with instructions for what to hold to charge up the shot
Fixed an issue where Dragonfly Spec was not functioning correctly under certain latency conditions
Fixed an issue impacting Izanagi's Burden scope where FX from abilities or invading in Gambit would block visibility while aiming
Fixed an issue where the random perk warning was not displayed on the tooltips for the random roll versions of Crimil's Dagger and the Hero's Burden
Breech-load Grenade Launchers now have their own icon in the kill feed and obituary to differentiate them from drum Grenade Launchers Trench Barrel will now activate on close range Ball Lightning attacks that cause the biped to lunge
Rapid Hit
Fixed an issue where Rapid Hit would activate twice on a Sniper Rifle precision kill
Fixed an issue where the timer for Rapid Hit x5 would not extend after another precision hit
Fixed an issue where Whirlwind Blade could not reach 5 stacks with certain perk combinations
Fixed an issue where Sword impact Masterwork damage was the same at tier 7 and tier 8
Fixed an issue where certain perk, mod, and Masterwork combinations would cause Sword perks to not function on Stryker's Sure-Hand
Fixed an issue where Le Monarque would not always apply poison at longer distances
Le Monarque is now correctly on the Energy tab in the Collections screen
High Tension String perk description updated to correctly reflect that it "greatly increases accuracy"
The Long Shadow
Fixed an issue where the ATD Raptor scope did not highlight enemies
This fix caused another issue where the ATB Long Range scope will highlight enemies as well; this will be fixed in a future update
Memento Mori
Fixed an issue where the Ace of Spades perk Memento Mori did not refresh when using the Hunter's Marksman Dodge ability
Fixed an issue where Memento Mori was cancelled prematurely if the player sprinted
Note: These fixes make it so that reloading Ace of Spades no longer wipes Memento Mori on reload, but you can still refresh Memento Mori when reloading after a kill
Reduced Titan's max speed that can be achieved via use of macros on PC (aka reduced the effectiveness of "Titan Skate")
Tuned the amount of Super gained from Code of the Juggernaut so the Super could not be used indefinitely
This now has diminishing returns (100% -> 30% energy back over the course of 15 kills)
Fixed an issue where the Handheld Supernova did not properly render while invading in Gambit
Year 2 armor will now drop with a random stat package
One-Eyed Mask
Mark duration reduced from 15 seconds to 8 seconds
Health no longer restores automatically, but restores alongside overshield
Can no longer be triggered while in Super
Khepri's Horn
Increased class energy gain from Solar damage kills from 10% to 15% and reduced the cooldown from 2 to 1 second
Solar blast groundfollow now returns a second groundfollow back toward the player
Damage from groundfollow increased from 80 to 100
Damage from groundfollow is doubled in PvE
Vesper of Radius
Damage increased from 70 to 100
Damage is tripled in PvE
Sealed Ahamkara's Grasp
Now procs from smoke bomb damage
Ursa Furiosa
No longer counts self-damage to Void shield when calculating how much Super energy to give back
Anteaus Wards
Fixed an issue where improved slide was not consistently applying with Anteaus Wards
Accessories Fixes
Cloth will now correctly interact with "chopper" Sparrows (examples: Gray Hornet, Warrior's Steed)
Fixed an issue with Burnout Sparrow that would cause the Guardian's hands to not always grip the handlebars
A shader from the Curse of Osiris expansion formerly named "Metallic Sunrise" has been renamed to "Mercurian Sunrise." This was to resolve a duplicate name issue with a Forsaken shader, the name of which remains "Metallic Sunrise"
Fixed lens flare effects on several ship engines
Power cap raised to 700
Powerful bounties may give only a maximum possible Power reward from the season in which they were acquired
Powerful bounties completed in Season of the Forge may only reach a maximum Power reward of 650
Iron Banner bounties from Season of the Forge have expired and been replaced
Ethereal Keys from the Last Wish raid now have a maximum stack size of 5
All keys above the stack limit of 5 have been removed
Destination vendors no longer display a waypoint when holding enough materials for a reputation package
This was done as players now use destination materials for infusion
Updated Valor and Glory emblems to track only the current season's rank accomplishments
Previous seasons accomplishments have been added as Triumphs; all seasonal rank accomplishments will be tracked as Triumphs from here on
Reprise seeded roll weapon for players to earn via Valor rank
Players who acquired the original version will be able to earn this weapon with random rolls from engram decryption without earning the Valor rank.
New emblem for players to earn from Triumph Completion
Reprise shader for players to earn from Triumph Completion
Players who earned the original will not need to re-earn this shader
New pinnacle weapon quest
Features Triumph completion step similar to Season 5's the Mountaintop quest
New seeded roll weapon for players to earn via Infamy rank
New emblem for players to earn from Triumph Completion
New pinnacle weapon quest
Features Triumph completion step similar to Season 5's the Mountaintop quest
Reprise seeded roll weapon for players to earn from Triumph Completion
Players who acquired the original version will be able to earn this weapon with random rolls from engram decryption without completing the Triumph
New emblem for players to earn from Triumph Completion
Reprise shader for players to earn from Triumph Completion
Players who earned the original will not need to re-earn this shader
New pinnacle weapon quest
Features Triumph completion step similar to Season 5's the Mountaintop quest
Has the possibility of selling Forsaken Exotics
Fated Engram does not have a chance for Forsaken Exotics; will be updated in a future patch
Black Armory
Lore items "The Black Armory Papers" are now guaranteed to drop upon successful completion of the Gofannon and Bergusia Forges
Fixed an issue where Black Armory Obsidian Accelerator items were not showing up at the postmaster if player inventory was full
Fixed an issue where Black Armory Obsidian Accelerator items were not stacking in player's inventory; max stack size is 5
Fixed an issue where the Black Armory Key Mold quest was account bound, allowing only a single character to acquire it from Ada-1
Fixed an issue where Dreaming City chests were not providing Glimmering Amethyst for the Black Armory Key Mold quest
Fixed a bug where Spider would present an empty Lock and Key dialogue to players who've already completed it and obtained Izanagi's Burden
Fixed an issue where the Black Armory Bow "The Spiteful Fang" was not awarding Black Armory Schematics when dismantled
Fixed an issue where Black Armory Rare weapon research frames were not counting toward Master Smith Triumph progression
Fixed an issue where the Black Armory Devotee bounty was not progressing when using reforged Black Armory weapons
Fixed an issue where some daily challenges did not properly stagger, which resulted in players sometimes not having a fresh daily challenge at reset
Character Boosts
Fixed an issue where boosted characters were not getting their class-specific Swords correctly unlocked and available to pull from their Collection
Fixed an issue where boosted characters were not getting their class-specific emblems correctly unlocked and available to pull from their Collection
Fixed a bug where some players were in a bad state and blocked from obtaining Seeds of Light
Fixed a bug where player bipeds in the Tower would appear to stop loading gear ("Tron effect") if too many players had their Ghosts out
Fixed an issue where pulling shaders from the Collection took longer than intended; shaders will now take 1 second to reacquire
Updated the Sturm “Relics of the Golden Age” quest step; Exotic engrams that auto-decrypt now count toward this quest step
Collections / Triumphs
Fixed an issue where players who completed the Season 4 "Forged in Fire" badge collection were not getting the associated Triumph "Forged in Fire" unlocked
Fixed an issue where players who acquired the "Cold Wind Blowin'" Emblem from the Drifter during Season 4 couldn't reacquire the emblem from their Collection
Fixed an issue where "The Eternal Return" emblem wasn't tracking Shattered Throne completions
Fixed an issue with the requirements of the "Relic Rumble" Triumph Nightfall challenge to repair broken functionality
The new requirement is: "Complete Nightfall strike 'The Corrupted' by defeating Sedia using no more than two Relics."
Fixed an issue where the Dreaming City Triumph "Mint Condition" was not correctly unlocking for completing the Rift Generator public event with the relic never having dropped below 100%
Fixed an issue where the Exotic Ghost Star Map shell was not tracking chests in the Dreaming City
Fixed an issue where the "Senior Recruiter" Refer-a-Friend emblem was not correctly updating the number of referral completions
Fixed an issue where the Collection Badge counter was incorrectly listing the total number of badges available
Activities hosted by the Drifter have been moved to their own sub-page on the Director called "Gambit"
Added Gambit Private matches for all Forsaken owners
Expect Gambit Prime Private matches on April 2, 2019
Overhauled how invader spawn points are chosen while also significantly increasing the number of invader spawn points for each map
Chances of spawning very near or in direct line of sight of an enemy Guardian has been greatly reduced
Changed the third round of Gambit to a Primeval rush sudden death; this will speed up Gambit matches overall and add a change of pace to the final round
The Primeval is immediately summoned
Player Supers/grenades/ability/melee are immediately filled, so both teams are on an even playing field
Super/grenade/ability/melee regen are increased for the remainder of the round
The Ascendant Primeval Servitor's (meatball) spawn rate is no longer tied to the curse cycle and has been greatly increased
Idle Protection: Players who remain dormant for too long will not receive end-of-match rewards or Infamy points
Made adjustments to Blocker types by deposit tier
Small Blocker = Taken Goblin with less health than the previous Phalanx
Medium Blocker = Taken Captain with more health than the previous Knight
Large Blocker = Taken Knight with more health than the previous Ogre
Gambit Matchmaking
Teams are now always broken up when re-entering the matchmaking pool after a match
Previously, when a match ended, players who did not return to orbit would be sent back to the matchmaking pool together; this is no longer the case
This will greatly reduce the likelihood of re-matching against the same players and will give matchmaking an opportunity to find the best possible match
Players can now earn Infamy points by completing Gambit Prime matches and bounties
Increased the Infamy point rewards for Gambit matches by 25 points
Gambit HUD
The HUD status bars now animate when returning from aim-down-sights
The Invader Portal Ready icon and animation on the status bar has been updated to be more pronounced and understandable at a glance
Triumphs and Medals
“Light vs. Light” can now be progressed by killing any Guardian (not just invaders) using a Super; this makes attaining Dredgen a less daunting task
The "First to Block" medal can now trigger once per round, previously it could fire only once per match
General Fixes
Fixed an issue where post-invasion kills during Primeval phase weren't giving the invader credit for healing the Primeval
Fixed an issue where VO lines indicating the high-value target was killed and that the high-value target got away will both play if the player kills the HVT just before it is removed from the arena
Fixed an issue where players would get the "Half Banked" medal every time they deposit Motes after they reached 38 Motes deposited
Fixed an issue where the "Taking Turns" medal fires when 3 different players invade instead of 4
Fixed an issue where a graphical error could be seen on a waterfall in Legion's Folly
Fixed an issue where occasionally Drifter would tell players back-to-back that the other team has summoned their Primeval
Fixed an issue where, in a longer match after killing the Primeval, the Drifter reminded us that we needed to spawn our Primeval to win
Fixed an issue where the bounty "Block and Key" did not increment when a Large Blocker was sent that would summon the Primeval
Updated security policy and functionality so players who have been banned from competitive activities cannot access Gambit playlist
Fixed an issue where healing during Crucible matches was taking away from a player's overall damage on the PGCR screen
Last Wish
Smashed an issue where players would encounter frequent guitar errors
Bright Engram
The season 5 Etched Bright Engram has been retired; in its place players can now obtain the new season 6 Notorious Bright Engram
Prismatic Matrix
The Prismatic Matrix has been retired; additional information may be found in This Week at Bungie—2/28/2019
Added a popup dialogue when opening bundles if you have a full inventory, noting that items will go to the postmaster if you proceed through the dialogue
Fixed an issue where Masterwork objective progress bars could display 100% when not yet completed
Fixed an issue where Legendary Masterwork items were not displayed as Masterworked when inspecting other players
Fixed an issue where Masterwork UI did not scale to fill ultra-wide monitors
Fixed an issue where the progress bar under Triumphs could sometimes show as complete when the Triumph was still in progress
Fixed an issue where transferring items using the Destiny app would consistently re-trigger Triumph notifications
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serinemolecule · 6 years
How to credit card
Using a credit card is like paying with cash, except you also get free money and other benefits.
"But Serine, there's no such thing as a free lunch! [1] Where does the money come from?"
I'm glad you asked. When you buy something with cash, the seller gets 100% of what you pay. When you use a credit card, the seller gets around 97% of what you pay, and the credit card company gets the other 3%. [2] The credit card company is of course very willing to give you money and other benefits if you let them have that 3%. [3]
Sellers are willing to give up 3% because handling credit cards is so much easier than cash. You don't have to count change, and you have a computer record of who paid how much, so it's easy to figure out who's lying when the customer said they paid. Not to mention it eliminates the problem of cashiers stealing money by pocketing customers' money [4]. Also not to mention the store wants the customer to be happy (happy customers spend more) (customers hate having to pay a fee to use a credit card).
Anyway, in the general case, credit cards are basically always a good thing, and you should basically always use them. [5] So I’m going to teach you how to pick one!
When not to credit card
If you are irresponsible with money, and are afraid you will spend more money than you have, you should not use a credit card. If you have good reasons not to want a bank account, you probably don’t want a credit card for similar reasons.
Never carry a balance on a credit card (pay off less than the total amount you owe every month), it piles up and ruins your life. You should spend money on getting things you want, not on paying off interest.
“Forgetting to pay” is never a concern. All modern credit cards have an auto-pay feature to take money from a bank account. As long as you don’t spend more money than is in your bank account, you don’t have to worry about accidentally going into debt.
What benefits you get from using credit cards
Most credit cards will give you 1%-2% cash back (for each dollar you spend, you get a certain percentage back in free money).
Basically all credit cards give you the ability to chargeback. This means that if some business steals your money (charges you more than you owe, etc) and you can prove it, you can call the credit card company and tell them to take your money back. Note that this is a last resort (only to be used after you contact the business and they don't give you your money back), and will generally result in the business completely cutting off contact with you (for instance, if you chargeback Steam, you'll lose access to all your Steam games etc).
Credit cards also act as a short-term loan. If you ever need a payday loan, a credit card will give you significantly less interest than an actual payday loan. You never want a credit card as a long-term loan (the rates are horrible), but they actually give you close to the best possible rate for a loan of a few days. Just remember that debt is evil and never to fall into it.
Other benefits vary wildly and are specific to the card, but common benefits include various forms of insurance (car insurance on any rental car you rent with the credit card, warranty on anything you buy, etc).
Which card to get
It's actually really easy to choose a credit card. If you're in the US, here is Serine's One-Step Guide:
Do you spend more than $2500 per year in travel (hotels, flights, Ubers, etc) and restaurants, and do you have the free time to screw around with flyer miles?
• No ➡ Get the Citi DoubleCash
• Yes ➡ Get the Chase Sapphire Reserve
In some extremely obscure situations, you might want other cards, but I'll cover those after I cover these two cards.
The Citi DoubleCash
The Citi DoubleCash has no yearly fee, and gives you 2% cash back, effectively. This makes it better in every way than most other cards.
Some cards give 1% cash back and a rotating 5% category. They will give you a headache trying to optimize them and you will still get less money back compared to the Citi DoubleCash, in the end.
Some cards give you points that you can spend using a complicated procedure, which will be worth approximately 2% if you can spend them perfectly. Just use the Citi DoubleCash, and skip the complicated procedure.
The Chase Sapphire Reserve
The Chase Sapphire Reserve has a $550 yearly fee, and gives a huge number of benefits that are totally worth it if you spend a decent amount of money. Also it looks really cool because it's metal and black. [6]
It comes with $300 of travel credit per year, which you can blow through in, like, a single flight, or like a few days of hotel, or like a normal amount of Ubering (anyone who's even considering this card should have no problem spending that much). So the yearly fee is effectively $250.
It gives you 3 points per dollar on travel and restaurants, and 1 point per dollar on anything else. "Points" can and should be converted to frequent flyer miles, at which point they're worth 2-4 cents each if you put them towards international flights, especially international first-class flights.
It also comes with a pile of side-benefits, like free Priority Pass membership (gives access to a bunch of airport lounges), free TSA Global Entry (lets you basically skip airport security and customs), free DoorDash DashPass, free Lyft Pink, and a lot of other exclusive discounts.
Assuming you spend enough and you're willing to spend the effort optimizing flyer miles, it basically pays for itself and the other benefits are free. If you don’t want to optimize flyer miles, the other redemption options are worth 1¢/point or less, and you’d be better off with the Citi DoubleCash.
Honorable Mention: The AmEx Platinum
I know I didn’t mention the AmEx Platinum at all, but if you have lots of money and want the best benefits on a card (or you take a lot of flights), the AmEx Platinum is probably the card for you.
The AmEx Platinum costs $550 per year, and is a luxury card pretty similar to the Chase Sapphire Reserve. Its biggest advantage is that it has much better airport lounge coverage in the US.
Priority Pass (which comes with both the Chase and the AmEx) gives you lounge access for most international flights, but the AmEx Platinum also gives you lounge access for US domestic flights.
It gives 5 points/dollar for airfare and AmEx Travel hotel purchases, and 1 point/dollar for other purchases, and its points can also be turned into flyer miles.
Other advantages include Gold membership status at Hilton, Marriott, Starwood, and Ritz-Carlton hotels. Mostly this means usually-free late-checkout, and, like, free bottled water sometimes.
Instead of the $300 travel credit, though, the Platinum has a $200 airline fee credit (abusable to buy gift cards) and a $200 Uber credit (spread out across 12 months, so hard to maximize unless you use Uber all the time). It’s harder to max these out, but if you do, it’s effectively $150/year.
Overall, the main reason you’d actually want the Platinum over the Sapphire Reserve is if you fly a lot in the US and really want the additional airport lounges.
Extremely obscure situations
So the most common one is: If you have a ton of free time and spend a decent amount of money, you might be interested in churning. I don't really want anything to do with churning so you're going to have to learn how to do it from someone else (google it, I guess).
If you travel internationally, be aware that the Citi DoubleCash has a foreign transaction fee. It's still worth it (2%, which is still less than the fee you'll be charged by most money exchangers – Wells Fargo takes like 5%), but it's also not very hard to just get a credit card that doesn't have that fee. The Amazon Prime card and the Costco credit card are good options (these two are pretty good cards to have in general, honestly; they have no yearly fee and a few specific uses, just don't use them as your main card because they don't have the 2% base rate the DoubleCash has).
If you have a lot of very specific foreign transactions you need to make that isn’t just taking vacations internationally, the Capital One Quicksilver has 1.5% cash back and no foreign transaction cost (the Amazon and Costco cards are better for travel).
That's it
I haven't actually taught you how to spend money wisely (maybe that'll be a different post), but at least you can get more value out of the money you do spend now.
There aren’t links to any of these credit cards because I don’t want to get accused of earning money through affiliate links or something. You can find all of them on Google.
[1] In a way, there's no such thing as a free lunch, but in a way, there totally is. Like, think about breathing (but not too hard – I don't want you to start manually breathing – ...I'm sorry). There are some minor trade-offs (you have to use energy) and situations where you shouldn't (do not breathe while underwater unless you have special equipment) but overall, it's basically always correct to choose "breathing" over "not breathing".
[2] The 3%ish is split kind of complicatedly, in terms of who gets what. The credit card company definitely gets most of it, though.
[3] And also to get your late payment fees and interest and stuff, but honestly, credit card rewards come out of the processing fee.
[4] It's easiest for cashiers to steal money if you're selling something hard to track, like french fries. A cashier can give a customer some french fries, pocket the customer's money, and the store owner would never know. This is why a lot of fast food places say "free food if we don't give you a receipt". The receipt makes sure the cashier gives the store owner the money.
[5] Some stores don't accept credit cards. These are very very rare in the US, and mostly restricted to, like, certain vending machines, and tiny stores that hate the 3% transaction fee. Also, a lot of service workers prefer you to tip in cash, because that makes tax evasion easier (it's up to you whether you consider this a good thing or a bad thing).
[6] People who’ve seen mine have totally thought it’s "the black card" because it’s black and metallic (it's not, it’s a lot easier to get than the actual AmEx Centurion).
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PowerColor Red Devil RX 6600 XT: Review | Hashrate | Specs | Ethereum
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PowerColor Red Devil RX 6600 XT: Review 2021 | Hashrate | Specs | Ethereum - The AMD RX 6600 XT is a video card of the intermediate segment, focused on gamers seeking a board with performance to face FullHD at full quality and high frame rate. After scaling the RDNA 2 architecture for a market focused on 1440p, it's time for owners of 1080p monitors to be given an option to replace midrange cards that are no longer up to the task, such as the still very popular GTX 1060. The AMD did not work with reference design in this product, and we only have models partner with this chip. In this review we will use the PowerColor Red Devil Radeon RX 6600 XT , a very robust design based on this Radeon chip and with a powerful power and cooling system, as well as an imposing look, typical of the Red Devil line. Radeon RX 6600 XT  GPU  graphics cards were announced with a suggested retail price starting at $379 , putting it $50 more expensive than GeForce RTX 3060 12GB and also representing a $100 increase over its predecessor Radeon RX 5600 XT . As we have warned, this is the reference prices of AMD and Nvidia, which have rarely come to reality due to the global economic context. Despite the official price of $329, the cheapest RTX 3060 we found was in the $699 range on Newegg, giving an example of how completely decoupled from reality are the values ​​suggested by GPU manufacturers. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSSexMWLmEm/embed/ IMPORTANT NOTICE: with the current market making any price comparison impossible, we are left without minimum references to recommend or not a product. Because of this, we will no longer distribute seals and recommendations for analyzed products until the situation normalizes, since cost is a fundamental guide in our interpretation of a product.  RDNA2 The RDNA2 arrives with important leaps in performance and efficiency compared to the previous generation. AMD claims that the new RDNA2-based chips can deliver a performance jump with twice the performance, and an efficiency jump with up to 54% more performance per watt consumed. AMD's new microarchitecture is still based on the same 7-nanometer lithograph used in first-generation RDNA, for example. Gains were achieved through manufacturing optimization. The result is up to 50% less energy consumption to operate at the same frequencies as the RDNA 1, or at the same consumption level to increase the operating frequency by 30%. These gains were the result of a series of optimizations, such as increased refinement in frequency variations, higher operating clocks, pipeline redesign, better geometry distribution and tessellation. However, without a doubt, one of the technology that brings the most profound changes is Infinity Cache. With the increasingly heavy duty cycles, AMD took a different approach from the faster GDDR6X memories and larger interface of the GeForce RTX 30. Bringing the expertise of the processor area with the chipsets, AMD introduced 128MB of memory acting as a cache of level 3. Bringing a concept similar to the Infinity Fabric, present in Ryzen, this technology was named Infinity Cache. This new technology is also partly responsible for the greater energy efficiency of RDNA2, while also reducing latency by 34%, on average, compared to first-generation RDNA. Another important new feature is the introduction of dedicated hardware to speed up the Ray Tracing process . For this, AMD implemented one "Ray Accelerator" per computational unit, delivering up to 10x more performance than the software implementation. These units have the objective of calculating the intersections of the tracing of light rays, a process that is completed by the traditional shaders of the computational units. This enables effects such as realistic reflections and dynamic global lighting, with more realistic shadows and lighting. In addition to Ray Tracing, RDNA2 support features such as Variable Rate Shadding , which makes it possible to devote less processing power to parts of the image; the introduction of Mesh Shaders , a much more efficient implementation of the use of shader resources; and Sampler Feedback , which uses data from the previous frame to more efficiently determine how textures will load. All these features together are essential for better use of hardware and to enable better graphics, with a good level of performance. The RX 6600 XT The RX 6700 XT is based on the Navi 23, which brings technologies and features similar to those present in the RX 6900 XT and RX 6800 XT models, but scaled down. This board brings a total of 32 computing units, far from the 80 present on the top of the line RX 6900 XT, and just below the 40 present on the RX 6700 XT. As a result, other structures were also reduced. The amount of Infinity Cache was reduced to 32MB, while Ray Acelerators, specialized in accelerating processes related to Ray Tracing, are also reduced to 32, because in RDNA 2 microarchitecture we always have one Ray Acelerator per Compute Unit. In computational units this chip is below the Compute Units count of the RX 5700 XT (40) and RX 5600 XT (36). But in contrast the evolutions of RDNA 2 compared to the first generation brings its advantages, an example is the clocks. The RX 6600 XT boosts up to 2589MHz much higher than the respective 1905MHz and 1560MHz of the RX 5700 XT and RX 5600 XT. Consumption has also scaled down, with the board operating with just an eight-pin connector and with an estimated total consumption of 160W. The memories suffered advances and setbacks compared to the one used in the predecessor RX 5600 XT, with the memory increased from 6 to 8GB GDDR6, but the memory interface was reduced from 192-bit to 128-bit, with memory bandwidth falling from 288 GB/s to 256GB/s, all this comparing how it was on the RX 5600 XT to how it was on the RX 6600 XT. Technical comparisons COMPARATIVE PowerColor RedDevil RX 6600XTAMD Radeon RX5600 XTNVIDIA GeForceRTX 3060AMD Radeon RX6700 XT PRICES Price at launch$279.00 $329.00 $479.00 Updated price$279.00 $479.00   GPU SPECIFICATIONS Manufacturing process7 nm7 nm8 nm (Samsung)7 nmPCI-Express bus4. 23 XTnavi 10Ampere GA106-300Navi 22 XTGPU clock1968 MHz1130 MHz1320 MHz2321 MHzGPU Clock (Turbo)2589 MHz1560 MHz1777 MHz2581 MHz  MEMORIES SPECIFICATIONS RAM technologyGDDR6GDDR6GDDR6GDDR6BUS Width Interface128 bit192 bit192192 bitAmount of RAM8 GB6GB12 GB12 GBmemory clock2000 MHz1500/1750 MHz1875 MHz2000 MHzeffective clock16000 MHz12000/14000 MHz15000 MHz16000 MHzBandwidth256 GB/s288/336 GB/s360 GB/s384 GB/s  GENERAL Specificatios Shading Units2048230435842560TMUs128144112160ROPs64644864Pixel Rate165.7 GPixel/s99.84 GPixel/sec85.30 GPixel/s165.2 GPixel/sTexture Rate331.4 GTexel/s224.6 GTexel/s199 GTexel/s413 GTexel/sFloating point performance21.21 TFLOPS7,188 TFLOPS12.74 TFLOPS13.21 TFLOPS  DESIGN power pins1x 8 pins1x 8 pins1x 8 pins1x 6 pins + 1x 8 pinsPlate combination supportATNOTNOTATSlot Typetwo slotsdual-slottwo slotstwo slotsboard length267 mm242 mm267 mmTDP160W150 (GPU TBP) W170W230WRecommended font450W450W450W550Wvideo connections3x DisplayPort 1.4, 1x HDMI 2.13x DisplayPort 1.4, 1x HDMI 2.0B3x DisplayPort 1.4, 1x HDMI 2.13x DisplayPort 1.4, 1x HDMI 2.1  RESOURCES DirectX12 Ultimate12.012 Ultimate12 UltimateOpenCL2.  EXTRAS ExtrasInfinity Cache 96MB Photos The Red Devil line is PowerColor's top line and always brings plates with quite imposing design. This Red Devil RX 6600 XT follows the concept of a product with high quality and care in detail. It features a double FAN cooler system, and the already traditional LED with fillets at one end, along with the Red Devil name. It also has a BIOS selector, very traditional on AMD GPU cards. The board has two power connectors, one 6-pin and one 8-pin. On the back it also has a blackplate with an LED in the form of the logo that references the line. Like most cards today, it occupies two PCI-Express slots. In the video connections part, three DisplayPort 1.4a and one HDMI 2.1. system used We made a change to our graphics card testing platform, now based on an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X processor. Several other high performance components come with this system, such as NVMe SSDs and 32GB RAM clocked at 3200MHz (CL16). Below are some pictures of the card installed on our new video card test bench: https://www.youtube.com/embed/WiSR-IHhBuc Before the tests, details of the machine, operating system, drivers and software/games used in the tests: OUR TESTING MACHINE, APPS AND GAMES WERE UPDATED IN MAY 2021 Machine used in the tests: - AMD Ryzen 9 processor 5900X- GIGABYTE X570 AORUS Xtreme motherboard- HyperX Predator RGB 32GB (2x16GB) 3200MHz CL16SSD - Kingston KC2500 250GB + 2TB SSD- Cooling system CM MasterLiquid ML360 V2 RGB- Source Power Supply CM v1300W Platinum- Custom CM MasterFrame 700 Enclosure Operating System and Drivers:- Windows 10 Pro 64 Bits- AMD Catalyst Adrenalin 21.7.x Applications/Games: - Adobe Premiere CC 2021  (GPU rendering)- Blender (GPU rendering)- SPECviewpeft 13 (Solid Works/Maya, GPU rendering)- 3DMark (Fire Strike Ultra / Port Royal)- Assassin's Creed Valhalla (DX12 )- Flight Simulator 2020 (DX11)- Forza Horizon 4 (DX12)- Grand Theft Auto 5  (DX11)- Rainbow Six Sieg and (Vulkan)- Red Dead Redemption 2  (Vulkan)- Resident Evil Village (DX12)- The Division 2 (DX12)- Watch Dogs: Legion (DX12) GPU-ZBelow the main screen  GPU-Z  showing some key features board techniques. Overclock We use AMD Radeon Software to overclock, setting the base clock at 2500MHz and the turbo at 2700MHz. It wasn't possible to raise her standard clocks that much, but otherwise the clocks are quite high. This made it possible to run the tests with stability and complete the full battery. The memories went up from 16GHz to 16.6GHz, the limit to keep the system stable. NOTE: Overclock at your own risk. Overclocking may result in loss of warranty. Energy consumption We started with power consumption tests with all the boards compared. All tests were done with the same system, which gives an exact idea of ​​what each VGA consumes. It is worth noting that the value is the total consumption of the machine and not just the video card, which gives an idea of ​​how much a complete system consumes. Comparisons with tests from other sites can yield very different results due to changes in the systems used. The tests consist of the minimum consumption of the system, when it is in idle mode after the maximum load test, in this case running 3DMark through Fire Strike Ultra mode. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15033?iframeid=15033 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15034?iframeid=15034 NOTE: In the test running the 3DMark application, we considered 5 to 10W as a margin of error, due to the variation that happens when testing the same card. Temperature Another very important test when we talk about video cards, the chip temperature. Tests consist of either the system in idle mode or in continuous use. It is important to note that some cards have a system that turns off the fans when the GPU is not being required, such as when performing simple Windows tasks or even simpler games. Therefore, there are temperatures considerably higher than some models in this situation, but in practice they do not compromise the board. According to the manufacturers, this feature increases the lifespan and consumes less energy. Therefore, there can be large differences in the idle mode temperature, which does not characterize a bad card if the temperature is high. Why did the board get a lower temperature when overclocked?This is a normal situation on current boards. The rotation of the FANs is faster and consequently they make the GPU cool down faster, in some cases with a lower temperature than in the normal situation. Why does the reference system cooler board have a lower idle temperature than a theoretically better cooler board?Because current video cards with newer cooler designs tend to turn off the FANs when the temperature drops below numbers like 40, 45 or even 50 degrees, so when the FANs are turned off the tendency is for the GPU not to lower the temperature any more than than the limit that turns off the FANs. First let's test the cards with the system in idle mode: https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15035?iframeid=15035 For the in-use board test, we measured the peak temperature during the Ultra mode tests. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15036?iframeid=15036 NOTE: Temperatures can vary greatly depending on the region of the country, system where the board is installed and test used. Below are some photos of the plate with a Flir thermal camera, showing the temperature in some parts of the plate body: Applications With the increase in applications that take advantage of the processing power of GPUs, we've updated our test battery with some of the most important software on the market. Adobe Premiere CC 2021Adobe Premiere is a world reference when it comes to video editing software, and in its latest versions it has also taken advantage of the benefit of GPUs to help speed up rendering. Below is the behavior of the compared plates: https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15037?iframeid=15037 BlenderAnother nice test to see how the video card behaves in helping with the process of rendering images and videos. Blender stands out for being open to use and also updated with the latest technologies on the market. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15038?iframeid=15038 SPECviewperf 13The professional application test suite is comprised of a comprehensive battery of hardware-intensive scenarios to render diverse uses ranging from architecture, mining, and medicine. We ran two tests, one focusing on performance in Maya and the other in SolidWorks. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15039?iframeid=15039 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15040?iframeid=15040 3DMark And if we talk about benchmarks, we couldn't leave out one of the most iconic tests in the world, especially for video card performance, 3DMark. Our battery consists of three tests, but 2 of them show technologies that only newer board models bring, Ray Tracing (Port Royal) and DLSS (DLSS Feature Test). We ran the latest version of the app from UL Benchmark (which purchased Futuremark), and all tests consider the default profile setting, with no changes. Below are the results: https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15041?iframeid=15041 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15042?iframeid=15042 Game tests Now let's get to what really matters: performance tests on some of the top games on the market. To help understand the following graphics: Above 60fps is ideal for monitors operating at this frequency. The closer to 30fps, the worse the fluidity becomes and, below 30, the game starts to become "unplayable" Assassin's Creed ValhallaOpen world game has ample scenarios and a benchmark with a good amount of characters and structures, making it a challenge for both the processor and the video card. The game uses the Ubisoft Anvil engine, an evolution of AnvilNext 2.0 present in the series since Assassi'ns Creed Unity. The version used in Valhalla on PC is based on the DirectX 12 API. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15043?iframeid=15043 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15044?iframeid=15044 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15045?iframeid=15045 Flight Simulator 2020Microsoft's new flight simulator arrived with immense hype and soon became a reference when it comes to high quality graphics, with incredible scenery bordering on reality at various times, ideal for seeing the behavior of video cards. Despite being a recent game and from Microsoft, the API used is still DX11. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15046?iframeid=15046 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15047?iframeid=15047 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15048?iframeid=15048 Forza Horizon 4Playground Games' game uses its own graphics engine and, as exclusive for Microsoft systems, is fully developed for DirectX 12. This game stands out for its excellent graphics and the ability to deliver a good level of performance on multiple hardware, including some more limited ones. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15049?iframeid=15049 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15050?iframeid=15050 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15051?iframeid=15051 Grand Theft Auto VThe game is already a classic and after years it still stands firm as one of the most played games. Based on DirectX 11, it also brings a sense of older graphics engines based on Microsoft's still popular API. It's a very demanding test on processor, and faster memories also have very noticeable impacts. For modern video stages, it's no longer a big challenge. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15052?iframeid=15052 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15053?iframeid=15053 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15054?iframeid=15054 Rainbow Six SiegeThe Ubisoft game has as high points the use of the Vulkan low level API in its most recent implementation. This Esport demands high frame rates to be played satisfactorily, and is usually one of the most efficient games in achieving this performance in multiple components. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15055?iframeid=15055 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15056?iframeid=15056 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15057?iframeid=15057 Red Dead Redepmtion 2Game by RockStar, with beautiful graphics is a good reference to measure the behavior of video cards. Our test considers the game running on the Vulkan API, which behaves very well on both AMD and NVIDIA cards. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15058?iframeid=15058 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15059?iframeid=15059 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15060?iframeid=15060 Resident Evil VillageCapcom's game uses the excellent RE Engine, a graphics engine that delivers interesting results from the PC's high-end hardware to more limited platforms like the Nintendo Switch. Resident Evil 8 highlights complex and richly detailed scenarios, using Ray Tracing to illuminate the scenarios and with features such as FidelityFX available. In tests we take a tour of Castle Dimitrescu, one of the heaviest and most detailed locations in the game. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15061?iframeid=15061 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15062?iframeid=15062 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15063?iframeid=15063 Tom Clancy's The Division 2The Division 2 uses its own graphics engine developed by Ubisoft Massive, dealing with complex scenarios and large amounts of particles on the screen. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15064?iframeid=15064 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15065?iframeid=15065 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15066?iframeid=15066 Watch Dogs:Nvidia-supported Legion Game is based on the Disrupt graphics engine and has extensive use of RTX technologies such as DLSS, and also features Ray Tracing, being accelerated by both GeForce RTX and Radeon RDNA 2 hardware. a futuristic London full of geometry and characters, which combined with the light ray tracing effects make it quite a challenge to run the game. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15067?iframeid=15067 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15068?iframeid=15068 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15069?iframeid=15069 video gameplay https://www.youtube.com/embed/jUIjuwPZj6Y Conclusion The efficiency of the RDNA 2 has scaled well in its reduction for the RX 6600 XT, and we have gains of 10 to 20% over the predecessor RX 5600 XT and a very close performance in many cases with the RX 5700 XT. In the case of Adobe Premiere the 6600 XT proved less efficient even when compared to the 5600 XT, probably due to the memory bandwidth that is now lower. But overall we didn't see this drop, on the contrary as highlighted above.The Read the full article
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moneycountersegypt · 3 years
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Free Voice Over Vst Plugins
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Free Voice Over Generator
Free Voice Over Vst Plugins Vst
Free Voice Synth Vst
This is an autotune VST plugins designed and developed by Auburnsounds. This plugin is superb in the way it handles pitch correction. It not only supports pitch correction but supports the generation of throat sounds, making octave sounds, enriching, and enhancing vocal expressiveness.
Best Free Vocoder Plugin TAL-Vocoder. If there is one thing that can be said about TAL Software is that they know there aesthetic. Whether it’s a recreation or reinvigoration, TAL has the sound of the 80s on lock, and with artists like Carly Rae Jepsen, Solange and Bruno Mars working with the model of something old, something new, TAL has the perfect addition to your plate reverb filled.
Steinberg VOICE MACHINE. STEINBERG VOICE MACHINE VST, VST-Plugin, Software-Effect, Voice Editing in Realtime. Steinberg Media Technologies AG today announced the Voice Machine, two new real-time voice effect tools for the VST PC and Mac platform. Voice Machine is the ultimate application for redesigning the voice whether by altering the pitch.
Mar 08, 2019 One of the best free VST plugins for budding EDM, hip hop and trance producers, Acoustica Nightlife comes loaded with beat–synced arpeggiated patterns and bone-rattling basses. Not to mention, it also boasts plenty of evocative preset patches for those who don’t like to fiddle around. 17) Brain Control Tunefish 4. The free VST vocal effects plugin gives you the ability to control reverb parameters (pre-delay, space, time, and width), damping (low and high), EQ (lows, mids, and highs), and output gain (both reverb and dry).
Free vst mac reddit 2020. In our How to Mix Music guide we talked about why mixing dynamic sounds is a tough egg to crack. Vocals are super dynamic so they’re trickier to mix.
But you don’t have to pull your hair out every time you hit the mixing board to get the perfect vocal.
There’s a dizzying amount of audio effects plugins out there. That’s why we did the digging so you don’t have to.
Here’s 9 plugins that will help you get your vocals and beats fitting together like peas and carrots.
1. Vladg and Tokyo Dawn Proximity
Ever recorded an entire vocal only to realize you had the mic in the wrong spot? No sweat.
The Vladg and Tokyo Dawn Proximity lets you change the mic placement AFTER you record. Pretty useful and pretty cool.
VST plug-ins are.dll files. Live can not distinguish VST.dlls from other.dlls, for example drivers. If the custom VST folder contains non-VST.dlls, Live might crash as it tries to interpret them as VSTs. If you experience this problem, please reset Live and make sure to remove all non-VST.dll files from your custom VST folder. Ableton/ Cubase / Reaper / FL Studio / Reason / Sonar / Logic Will Also Work With Pro Tools & Such DAW. A RTAS to VST Converter Is Required For Non VST DAWs. Zipped File Size: -7 GB Unzipped File Size: +17 GB – VST or Product Full Name: AMAZYNTH – Trap Synth Vst Plugin – File Name: AMAZYNTH – Trap Synth Vst Plugin.zip/rar. Ableton non-vst plugin. SOS contributor Martin Walker replies: To use a plug-in like Omnisphere without a DAW, you require a host application capable of loading VST instruments. Examples of suitable 'full-featured' hosts include Ableton Live, Cubase, GarageBand, Logic and Reaper. Developers do get occasional complaints from users if they don't provide a standalone.
2. Acon Digital Multiply Chorus
Vocals need some color. That’s where a chorus plugin comes in.
Acon Digital’s Multiply Chorus will thicken up your sound. It’s a whole bunch of tiny delays (we’re talking milliseconds) that fill out your vocals to liven them up a bit.
3. Melda MAutoPitch Auto-Tune
Auto-tune’s origins are pretty strange. But there’s no denying that it’s an invaluable tool for producers dealing with vocals.
Auto-tune is the vocal mixer’s secret weapon. MAutoPitch is one of the best auto-tune plugins around. It fixes pitch, corrects sour notes, and even gives you that iconic T-pain/Cher effect if you want it.
This one comes in a free plugin bundle with all sorts of fun mixing toys.
4. Voxengo OldSkoolVerb
Reverb for vocals is essential. Reverb takes your vocals out of the room you recorded them in, and allows you to make your own sound space.
OldSkoolVerb has got you covered no matter what your needs are. From huge halls to a tiny closet, it gives you all the options to create the perfect sonic space in your mix.
5. Klanghelm DC1A
The DC1A is a nifty little character compressor by Klanghelm. It uses sophisticated compression settings and an easy 2 knob setup that has you covered “from smooth levelling to heavy pumping.”
Be sure to check out their absolutely EPIC demo video.
6. Alex Hilton A1 Trigger Gate
If you’re wondering how far you can push your vocal track this plugin will do a great job letting you know.
Using a step-style sequencer the A1 Trigger Gate packs in a boat load of cool effects. It’s good for all sorts of stuff. So grab it and start experimenting.
7. Glitch Machines Hysteresis
Just like any other part of a mix, vocals are a great place to experiment. The effects on Hysteresis definitely deliver a whole bundle of experimentation.
This delay plugin creates “robotic artifacts and abstract music malfunctions.” Count me in.
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8. Acustica Ochre EQ
All good mixing needs a keen sense of EQ early on. Vocals are no exception.
That’s why the Ochre from Acustica is so useful. It’s perfect for sculpting out the best vocals you can.
9. Fine Cut Bodies La Petite Excite
Exciter plugins add subtle harmonics to your vocal track for some extra sonic-excitement in the high range.
The free La Petite Excite from Fine Cut Bodies (you just have to signup to get it) is a great plug to try out.
Throw it on your vocal and enhance it to your liking with some subtle harmonic distortion.
Go make that perfect vocal
Vocals are tricky to mix. But with these handy plugin tools it doesn’t have to be so tough. Grab ’em all, hit the studio and get cracking on that perfect vocal track.
Free Voice Over Generator
And don’t forget to let us know your favourite plugins for mixing and mastering vocals. We wanna know all your tips and tricks too. :)
Get all of the LANDR-approved free VST plugin collection:
Category: Gate You can see a photo of Golden Audio Gate found to the left. About: The Golden Audio Gate | GAG-1 is a versatile gate / expander & ducking plug-in made for such applications as noise-gating, gated reverb, voice-over, de-breathing and many other practical and creative purposes. The side-chain can be fed with either internal or external audio, or controlled by a MIDI key. High-cut and low-cut filters are available in the side chain to narrow the frequency range in which the gate should respond. The envelope is controlled by attack, hold and decay parameters where the hold function has a soft release behavior contributing to the unique character of this gate. Other parameters such as range, ratio and knee are used to control the audio attenuation and help make this gate sound more musical than typical “bi-state” noise gates. Three plug-in variants are available in the package; stereo, stereo with side chain, and mono with side chain. There is no latency, which makes this the ideal tool for real time performance in the studio or on stage. All parameters can be controlled from MIDI controllers.
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memfish88 · 4 years
12 Best Automatic Fish Feeders Reviews in 2020
If you maintain an aquarium and have fish to feed you on a regular basis, but do not have enough opportunities and are taking care of your pet’s feeding schedule, it is essential that you start investing in the best automatic feeder for fish. You should know that stroking a fish is an obligation; and like individuals, they also need to be fed and cared for. You do something in case you have a busy schedule.
So that you do not starve your fish, which makes them sick and finally die, the remedy is to receive the automatic feeder for them. This device would become the friend of your fish when you are not there or accessible to feed them. You won’t need to think about your pet’s overfeeding or starvation.
This report offers buying guides, tips, and automatic fish feeding alternatives that you test out before making your final buying decision. Of course, it makes sense to be educated before taking the plunge. Ultimately, the health and lifestyle of your fish could depend on this. And, to avoid feeling guilty about it, you need to find a great substitute who will do the job for you once you’re away.
The Best Automatic Fish Feeders Reviews
Eheim automatic feeding unit
Are you currently looking for automatic fish feeders that are complicated to set up and allow you to acquire the amount of food to take out? It looks like this device will meet your needs the best. This gadget avoids the potential for undernourishment in addition to reliable overeating. It focuses on the exact parts of the food.
Depending on how long the feeder is to fill as well as how often you need to feed your friends, a full may be enough for 6 months. Take note that the type of food is an important consideration here. Make sure to use only dry food and that the amount in the drum is 100 ml (3.3 fluid ounces). This unit is ideal for several types of fish tanks. You can tell if the food thermometer needs recharging because it is really transparent.
Two things you might not like about this fish feeder will be its own inability to dispense a lot of distinct types of food and it looks like it’s not designed to withstand humidity. Keep these things in mind before you become one for the aquarium.
Made with a simple installation and layout
Equipped with a ventilation system and a built-in fan that keep food dry
A piece of cake in the plane
Allows consistent feedings
Built with an easy to adjust level regulator
Not designed to combat humidity
Unable to distribute many types of food
All in all, this is really an aquarium feeder. You won’t have to worry once you have to be away for a little while as this device could constantly feed your fish in specific places. This includes a simple getting started guide which makes it much easier for novices to use and is simple to set up. This is just a great method to feed your fish even after you have an extremely busy lifestyle.
Zacro fish vending machine
This large fish feeder could become your savior if you are the kind of aquarium owner who goes on a business trip or vacation. Why should this device be considered is where it can be charged with a USB stick or batteries made with power alternatives. There is no need to buy batteries, as you can plug them in if you don’t want to.
It is possible to use fish feed in pellet form in addition to powder with some types of feed. Remember that this device works a lot on a 718 liter aquarium. It is simpler to set up this appliance and it is able to dispense feed for up to 3 days for each interval. If you prefer a fish feed dispenser that won’t overlook if you’re not around, this is a choice you can count on.
Please note that this unit is not a good idea to use if you have a small aquarium, it is considered slightly too big to get a 250 liter tank. In addition, you must ensure that the feeder slot is changed to avoid overfeeding or even underfeeding your fish. It will all be.
Built with dual power options
Includes USB charger cable
Made with huge power roller coaster
Could accommodate 6 month feeding interval on a single rate
Made with a fairly distinctive ‘set-it-forget-it’ type of layout
Slightly too large even for a 250 liter tank
Requires that the feed slot be corrected accordingly
In conclusion, the Zacro fish feeder is an option. It is mainly designed for long operating time. Depending on how much it could be used by you. It can be discharged or charged about 800 times in total, as this includes a lithium battery. The compartment is large, so it is able to hold an amount of food for your buddy.
Fish Mate F14 Aquarium Fish Feeder
This aquarium fish feeder is one device that every aquarium operator should consider investing in. It is absolutely reliable and made of construction. This will work best for aquariums that are tiny and it might be an option for aquariums without fish. It helps the food to be released at several intervals.
If you are feeling stressed, consider attaching a breathing circuit to the device to keep the fish food dry. Open the device section to access those chambers that feed and from there you shut them off as essential or could fill up. This device is affixed to the tank cover.
Some difficulties detected that go with this fish feeder would be the small feeding bubbles which make it somewhat difficult to find food in the box when loading, as well as the compartments and spaces are created from the exact same dimensions, but these are not. t well aligned with each other.
Made with an easy-to-use timer that provides you with up to four meals a day
Allows you to pre-measure unique types and amounts of food
Known for its exact and reliable quartz timer
capable of serving up to a total of four human flakes
Equipped with a battery status indicator
Compartments and spaces are equal in size but do not line up well
Small feed pockets
If you want to provide your fish with many different foods without needing to combine them, the Fish Mate f14 Aquarium Fish Feeder is the matchless bet. It is an option for fish aquariums due to the dimensions. Its identifying design which is aerodynamic would be loved by you and it doesn’t sound strange. While this is a unit, it is the kind of device that you could completely bank on the go. Best of all, it is.
Torlam Car Fish Feeder
If it becomes somewhat intimidating to consistently feed your fish due to a lifestyle, auto aquarium feeders can save the day. Whether you are on leave for days or even months, you can now put money in a fish feeder which will ensure the fish will be fed even if you don’t have the chance or time to act yourself. even.
This device is equipped, there is no need for it if you do not need it to use them all. Since it is not difficult to place to feed any length of the day, you will be amazed and can be to provide double or perhaps triple if necessary, ultimate feeding.
However, a few issues that may be encountered in case you use this fish feeder will be its complex instructions and also please note that the amount of food to be dispersed might change. See before you pay for that particular alternative to examine these variables.
Guarantees excellent percentage controls
Allows you to insert food without any problem
Built with a moisture proof hopper
Programmable for a total of 4 feedings per day
Made with a large capacity for food
Directions can be a bit confusing
The amount of food published may differ
In summary, this aquarium feeder is a worthwhile buy. It can be programmed and let work by itself, but if you need to it can be changed in some way. As you can see, this could allow you to get the job done and revel in feeding the inhabitants of your aquarium. This comes with a hopper so you can make sure the food stays dry.
Fish Mate P7000 Pond Fish Feeder
This aquarium feeder with lid was designed with capabilities, it can provide consistent and accurate portion control, is complex to read due to its LCD displays, and is suitable for many food sticks and pellets.
Yet and all, some of the downsides that you might encounter once you start using this car charger will be that it is not durable enough to withstand bad weather with other creatures and it cannot be fully invoked in case you wish. for use in lakes and massive ponds.
Includes long-lasting battery life
Can program up to a total of 3 feedings
Ideal selection for small to medium-sized lakes or water ponds
Allows editable meal sizes
Backed by a seven-year warranty
Seems less solid and more robust than high-end options
Not beneficial for lakes or massive ponds
This unit could be touted as one of the most outstanding fish feeders for aquariums because it is quite useful and comes with great features and functions. It helps users to place 3 feedings per day and it is possible to serve food manually between designed ones.
Why this is a choice is that the amount of food given in addition to the feeding intervals is easy to change. You can rest easy knowing that your fish are getting the amount of pellets they need.
API automatic fish feeder
This item is an extremely affordable fish pellet feeder. It is intended to dissolve and distribute the food after a few hours. When using it, keep in mind that you need to eliminate a volcano rather than using it in an aquarium or fishbowl.
This is because although it is affordable, it can provide your fish with the food they need for 14 days when you are away from home, plus this feeder is safer to use if it melts in water. from the tank since fish enthusiasts those who have used it have promised that it will not adversely affect their fish.
A few complaints that aquarium owners who have used this feeder understand its inclination to change the tank water or tank bottom does not do the trick. It looks like it won’t work to consistently feed fish when you are on vacation.
Contains organic ingredients to meet the nutrient needs of fish
Built with a simple layout but works efficiently and faithfully
No worries to establish
Includes sufficient food supply to feed 5-10 fish 14 times
Sold at a really cheap price
Tends to cause the water in the tank to turn dark
Don’t do the trick
If you are looking for inexpensive fish feeders, this may be one of the top choices. This can be made in the shape of a pyramid and includes granules which are distributed to feed the fish. It does its job efficiently by feeding all kinds of fish like grouse, bettas, goldfish, plecos, discus and sabers.
Decdeal automatic fish feeder
The purpose of this fish feeder inspection is to show consumers what this gadget is like. Why is this remarkable among the competitions is that consumers are allowed to schedule time to create diet programs. Its controller power function makes it easy to control the fish feeder using the program of the mobile phone.
A few issues that you might find as soon as you get this feeder will be its potential to cause noise sometimes and there is a tendency for your food to get soaked as the appliance could be exposed to moisture.
Built with a voice controller
Designed with a large capacity cartridge
Made with superb memory placement
The power plug is easy to change
Fairly easy to control using the cell phone program
Food can be soaked as the appliance can acquire moisture
gets the tilt to produce a noticeable sound every now and then
Usually this aquarium feeder looks beautiful. Its memory function which ensures consistent distribution of dependent food after the network connection has already been outside is trustworthy. And, it presents another alternative where there is an unlock button to unload the food outside the preset intervals. The plug can be immediately changed by you on the charger depending on the situation. This is exactly what makes this unit such a rewarding investment if you are constantly away from home and will never repent.
Zoo Med BettaMatic daily betta vending machine
If you would rather feed yourself for the fish that are built to help you feed your friend once, this will probably be your best partner.
This unit is supposed to feed tiny betta pellets. Please note that it would not work with kinds of fish feed, flakes etc, once purchased it includes batteries, sample fish guardrail kit and you might also find a great instrument of food.
You need to be aware of how this fish feeder is built with programming and the food pellets seem to be big so that they fit into the funnel. They are two.
Made with flexible function and 2 mounting options
Excellent value
Works with 1 AA battery
Contains a food sample once purchased
able to feed bettas once a day in an automated strategy
Comes with just one type of fixed programming
Food pellets are huge enough to fit the funnel
Overall, this aquarium is made for betta tanks. Its compact size makes it easier to place in nano and betta tanks. Likewise, it is created with sliding thighs to help change the diameter of the tank part. It is also possible to remove the tabs and adhere to the tank using Velcro on the feeder, but it must be done.
Penn-Plax Daily Dual II Battery Operated Automatic Fish Feeder
This automotive fish feeder inspection is supposed to help fish hobbyists make the best choice when it comes to purchasing the fish feeder. And, of the decent, more budget-friendly quality choices you can expect, there are none outside of this particular brand. This can be equipped with a food drum by making the necessary modifications, and the atmosphere can be successfully worked out by you.
Maybe this fish feeder is not somewhat tedious to handle because there is a need when you stop using it and there is a chance that your food is due to evaporation.
Running with a battery
Stellar to release pellet or flake food twice a day for a total of one month unattended
Can be attached to any tank or stand
Sold at a really affordable price
Renowned to use while you are on vacation
Requires the battery to be removed every time you stop using it
Food may have become moist from evaporation
This device can be among the best holiday fish feeders if your budget is limited. This makes feeding more convenient and easier once you have to be away from the animal. All you will need is to place it and allow it to rotate to feed your fish twice. This is the alternative if you are concerned about feeding your fish while on a business trip or on vacation.
Petacc automatic fish feeder
When incorporating fish food on the fish feeder section, it is not necessary to take out the food thermometer; it means that you can reduce or increase the total amount of food without sweating. This is built with a hopper which can help keep the fish food dry. Because it comes with the food capacity feature, you can choose the total amount of food to disperse at each meal, so if you’re away for days, you don’t have to worry.
On the contrary, this system seems incapable of remaining mounted on the edge of the tank and it tends to turn the water in the tank. These are the issues that you might want to deal with once you purchase this particular unit.
No problem adding food
makes it less complex to set up the preferred feeding schedule
Built with large feed capacity
Unique design helps prevent moisture
Allows two different fastening methods
The water in the tank can become muddy
could not stay mounted on the top edge of the tank
CLOSE digital automatic feeder
It’s really sailing to set up would be to adhere to these directions which are guide. Choose the feeding intervals and you can check the button which gives you the option to feed your fish when you need it and whenever you are available. Whether you are looking for a Biorb Automatic Fish Feeder or want to get different types of aquariums, it might suit your needs better.
Either way, the instructions are somewhat difficult to read and it seems inconsistent when it comes to the total amount of fish food it dispenses.
A convenient choice for aquariums and home aquariums
Manufactured with dual installation methods that consumers can choose from
Allows a simpler controller
Backed by a one year warranty
Allows up to 4 feeding occasions in total
Incompatible with the amount of food it distributes
Hard to read instructions
Overall, this finned feeder is a fantastic catch that you shouldn’t miss. It allows you to configure a total of 4 feeding intervals. This allows to consider 2 adequate feeding intervals for fish. It is proficient at feeding all kinds of fish and you can also use several kinds of fish feed.
Uniwood Automatic Fish Feeder
This Uniwood feeder is designed to be used at times of up to a total of 4 feedings per day. However, you are free to decide whether to feed the fish once or twice a day, it may depend on your needs. It does not create any irritating sound and saves you energy.
This instrument comes with a few points and these consist of the need to replace its battery and this does not seem very reliable in terms of supplying exact parts at all times.
Runs quietly and made to look fashionable
an extremely reliable automotive fish feeding tool that guarantees a precise dimension of the fish food
Eliminates moisture that makes food soaking wet
An excellent power-saving device
Perfect gift for a fish lover or aquarium owner
Requires regular battery replacement
Seems unable to provide exact parts every time
This fish feeding instrument is exceptional because its layout is intended to prevent the accumulation of moisture. This way, the food will not be more prone to blocking the mechanism over time and will remain dry. This appliance can contain various kinds of food such as legumes, crumbs in addition to flakes. Without a doubt, this automotive feeding instrument allows you to go on vacation with ease and peace of mind.
Things to look for when buying an automatic feeder
There are a lot of factors to remember when buying a reliable and functional fish feeder for you and a few of them are:
Your current lifestyle. Outside of the home and in case you have a busy schedule, getting a reliable automotive feeder that is built with a cartridge that is is essential. If you are not constantly on the move, a fish feeder can work well.
You can set it up and use it regularly, or maybe you just need it if you’re away for days. In any case, you will.
Cut. In case you have a huge aquarium and keep a lot of species of fish, choose the dimensions. As much as you can, avoid buying cans as they are difficult to fill. If you have an aquarium with fish, go for distributors. When it is empty, everything must be filled. The dimensions of this cartridge will indicate that this is happening.
Refilling is often done at frequent intervals; this could trust the aquarium fish population.
Heating system. An automotive feeder equipped with a ventilation system and an excellent fan can be a safe solution for your pet. The air flow in the food compartment is intended to ensure that the food does not spoil.
Therefore, it is essential to inspect the ability of the feeder to handle humidity in a proper way to acquire one, as this is one of the most essential considerations in keeping food fresh and safe to eat.
Control of amount and time. Go for an automatic feeder that is included with a timer. This will allow you to develop a clearer and more precise schedule for each feeding period.
An automotive fish feeder makes it easier to care for your fish because you can easily set the feed quantity. Choose the one that is able to dispense food of the appropriate size. Also make sure you inspect the operating instructions, be aware that every fish feeder should consist of basic manuals.
Battery indicator. Get an automotive fish feeder that has an extended battery life. Choose the one that is equipped with a transparent indicator that reveals the battery life. Remember to take your pick as they really are much easier to read.
Meanwhile, other features that would be handy for getting a battery indicator are an alert bell or built-in dock. These features help the users to make the charger as beneficial as possible.
Other Critical Elements to Consider
What is an automatic feeder and how can this function work?
An automatic fish feeder is designed to dispense the amount of food to the aquarium at a daily period. There are a few feeder choices to distribute the food further. This would help ensure that your furry friend is well fed when it’s time to allow your fish to go on vacation or to be fed.
These devices operate by means of a power cord with the help of the power supply or with a battery. The advantage of the latter is that you won’t have to worry about electrical disturbances or shocks. On the other hand, the advantage of fish feeders is that you won’t have to worry about developing battery life.
Each automotive feeder is made with a variety of boxes containing fish food. The cans would be rotated by this device on a timing mechanism to allow the food to be dispersed throughout the aquarium over a period of time. This way your fish and other inhabitants could be fed. There is no problem with underfeeding or overeating.
What are the different shapes of automatic feeders?
There are two types of fish feeders, including:
Fish feeders with portion control
It is possible to find the role of the device. These are meant to have the ability to gain great control over the total amount of food that goes into your own aquarium.
This device is built with an arrangement of trays that users will need to fill each tray with the fish food they want to distribute to the aquarium within a period of time and then the timer needs to be set. The material of a tray is emptied at the aquarium at the time.
Likewise, you can rate each meal and mix the types of food to make sure your fish are getting the amount of food they need. This is a good idea to use for tanks.
On the other hand, the downside of this type of feeder is that they are only able to carry the amount of food, which means it is not perfect. The vast majority of these versions include two weeks of food.
Rotary Barrel Fish Feeders
These versions will be the most typical types and will include all of the simpler designs. The barrel spins and distributes food to the aquarium. The amount of fish feed dispensed is indicated by the size of the hole in the barrel; all and always, users can have control over the size of the hole.
They are able to carry the majority of food, which also makes them perfect for people who would have to go on vacation for days; some variations could contain 5 months of food.
While hose feeders have a cartridge that could cause difficulties for aquariums. The barrel could fill up with several types of food that you might not be sure would be released.
For example, you would prefer to combine flakes and beans. Lots of flakes can be scattered as pellets and the fish can be undernourished. Please note that larger raw fish foods should be avoided as sticks and wafers could block the start of the cone.
Why would you want an automatic fish feeder? (Earnings)
The use of fish feeders is advantageous; This really is one of the reasons aquarium owners who are constantly on the move and have a schedule should consider purchasing fantastic quality.
Some of the Pros that you can enjoy if you have a fish feeder include:
What is preset. It suggests that you are just getting something calculable and reliable. You know your pet will be fed and that’s fine with it. If you are busy and at home doing something, you shouldn’t be feeding and enjoying watching them eat.
Even if you have to be away for a few days due to a business trip, vacation, or other reasons, you can have peace of mind knowing your fish is eating on time and not being overfed. or undernourished even when you’re not about to. work for them. It is easier to place the fish feeder to generate food from a canister and it also gives you peace and freedom.
Automatic fish feeders are reliable and flexible. The parts of the food could be checked. Really, you choose to feed the fish up to 4 times (this could depend on the design of the feeder), and meet the specific needs of the ecosystem. The models are all designed with timers that allow users to place it and you are done.
The food will not spoil the aquarium water mainly because this gadget is able to release food in small parts at regular intervals.
You can save money and time when you buy and install a fish feeder because it is designed to reduce the amount of food waste.
There is no need to ask or disturb someone to briefly look after your fish while you are away.
Each fish in your aquarium could get food because you can set different schedules for different species of fish.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the most reliable brands of automatic fish compressors?
As you may know, wise investments should be made by manufacturers around the world. In addition to the best brands that are very reliable and that you can always rely on to make automotive fish feeders, we can mention the following:
Fish mate
Please note that automotive feeders are a bit more expensive than their opponents. The main reason behind this is that their products are created with features and functionality that can never be found in alternatives.
In the long run, you will find many aquarium owners and fish enthusiasts in your home who prefer these brands over others. Their characteristics and performance make alternatives.
How to install and use?
You can incorporate automatic fish feeders into your aquarium at any time – as a matter of fact; this can be done as soon as you have installed the aquarium.
Here are the guides on how to use and the best way to install an automatic feeder:
Disable the feeder from other devices in your aquarium so that the fish food does not interfere with anything as it is dispensed.
Once you’ve figured out where to place it, you can start mounting it. Please note that the way may differ depending on the version you purchased.
Many variations have brackets in which you mount the charger on the outer part of the aquarium, there are different versions that come with suction cups that rest on the part of that aquarium.
The point is to bring in the power source – there are only two choices for doing this; it can be a power cord or a battery.
Then you can prepare the feeder and fill it with fish food. For this it is crucial to use the buttons on the screen. There must be a choice to regulate the size and feeding must be carried out.
If your feeder includes a button that says “feed today”, consider using it to check if this is working without a problem. If not, see that you are at the power interval that is preset to examine if it is currently working.
How do I feed my fish during the holidays?
If you will be away for days, fill the pockets of this feeder with the amount of food for your pet. The appliance would dispense food to the water according to your programmed schedule. Keep in mind that this strategy is acceptable for fish that consume flakes and pellets, as it would not contain live food and bloodworms. Bloodworms that are freeze-dried are available.
The best way to produce an automatic fish feeder in your home?
The procedures on the best way to make your automotive feeder are as follows:
For materials
Substances you would need to get the job done include a set of scissors or a sharp knife, 3 wooden sets, a cleaned and empty plastic jar, superglue, an old vibrating cell phone, a plastic cap, a nail or hook in which to hang the magazine.
Remove the best cap. Use the pliers or scissors to cut off the bottom part of this pot.
Place the plastic cap on a fixed spot on the desk and make sure the open end is facing up.
Glue the matches with the plastic cap. This can be completed depending on how much food you want to distribute at each meal. For a small amount of food stick a match, but if you want a small amount of food more matches are needed.
Place the mouth of the plastic jar on top of these matches and secure it in position with the adhesive. Let them dry.
Fill the plastic pot with food in the hole. Fish food could spread around the matches, which would stop.
Place the cell phone to vibrate, then place it in the jar.
Hang the feeder in addition to your aquarium. You do this by hammering a nail, using a screw in the hook or can use a hanging hook.
Call the cell phone when you prefer to feed the fish. The phone would vibrate and could shake the charger, allowing the fish food to be released through space.
How long do the cubes last to feed the fish?
Weekend Feeding Cubes can go on for up to 3 times longer to feed your pet for a quick vacation. The same, the vacation power packs a total of fourteen days, that’s long enough for you to enjoy vacation.
The best way to clean and maintain?
Automotive feeders are not difficult to wash and maintain. You should clean the device when you clean the aquarium. Replace foods frequently and make sure everything is dry to prevent this feeder from malfunctioning.
Only dried food can be placed in the appliance. If your fish love food, you are considering switching to freeze-dried fish feed choices.
What is the warranty?
When purchasing a fish feeder, it is essential to read the item description or label for a product warranty. This is just a great way to protect your investment. As you probably already know, sometimes it is inevitable to encounter problems with this purchased merchandise whether it is automatic or digital devices.
So in the event that the product you have purchased is covered by a warranty then you certainly will not have to worry because in the event that you encounter any issues such as faulty devices or anything else related to it, you can rest assured that your problem would be taken care of.
It is wonderful to choose because it is the only method to save choices that include guarantees. After all, you deserve to find the best in the trade from the purchase price tag that you paid for your item.
Automatic fish feeders can be found and marketed at local fish or pet stores. For you to enjoy choosing alternatives, it is suggested that you go fishing or pet stores to inspect the features and layouts that you think will best suit what you are looking for. The inspection of the item is beneficial.
In sum, the best automatic fish feeders may not be perfect for everyone to people who have the ability to take care of their fish. It cannot be disputed that this device can be a solution for feeding your fish if you have to go on a business trip, go on vacation or want to stay in the office for a while.
Clearly, aquarium owners might find that he tries to maintain aquarium fish in the proper manner. This involves a considerable amount of work in addition to constant daily monitoring. Nowadays, due to the development of aquarium feeders, caring for fish is becoming tedious and time consuming.
With the ten fish feeder choices reviewed in this informative article, along with buying guides and other information regarding the importance of this device, aquarium owners are able to choose the best merchandise that can meet to their needs and their fashion.
source https://memfish.net/best-automatic-fish-feeders-reviews/
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PowerColor Red Devil RX 6600 XT: Review | Hashrate | Specs | Ethereum
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PowerColor Red Devil RX 6600 XT: Review 2021 | Hashrate | Specs | Ethereum - The AMD RX 6600 XT is a video card of the intermediate segment, focused on gamers seeking a board with performance to face FullHD at full quality and high frame rate. After scaling the RDNA 2 architecture for a market focused on 1440p, it's time for owners of 1080p monitors to be given an option to replace midrange cards that are no longer up to the task, such as the still very popular GTX 1060. The AMD did not work with reference design in this product, and we only have models partner with this chip. In this review we will use the PowerColor Red Devil Radeon RX 6600 XT , a very robust design based on this Radeon chip and with a powerful power and cooling system, as well as an imposing look, typical of the Red Devil line. Radeon RX 6600 XT  GPU  graphics cards were announced with a suggested retail price starting at $379 , putting it $50 more expensive than GeForce RTX 3060 12GB and also representing a $100 increase over its predecessor Radeon RX 5600 XT . As we have warned, this is the reference prices of AMD and Nvidia, which have rarely come to reality due to the global economic context. Despite the official price of $329, the cheapest RTX 3060 we found was in the $699 range on Newegg, giving an example of how completely decoupled from reality are the values ​​suggested by GPU manufacturers. https://www.instagram.com/p/CSSexMWLmEm/embed/ IMPORTANT NOTICE: with the current market making any price comparison impossible, we are left without minimum references to recommend or not a product. Because of this, we will no longer distribute seals and recommendations for analyzed products until the situation normalizes, since cost is a fundamental guide in our interpretation of a product.  RDNA2 The RDNA2 arrives with important leaps in performance and efficiency compared to the previous generation. AMD claims that the new RDNA2-based chips can deliver a performance jump with twice the performance, and an efficiency jump with up to 54% more performance per watt consumed. AMD's new microarchitecture is still based on the same 7-nanometer lithograph used in first-generation RDNA, for example. Gains were achieved through manufacturing optimization. The result is up to 50% less energy consumption to operate at the same frequencies as the RDNA 1, or at the same consumption level to increase the operating frequency by 30%. These gains were the result of a series of optimizations, such as increased refinement in frequency variations, higher operating clocks, pipeline redesign, better geometry distribution and tessellation. However, without a doubt, one of the technology that brings the most profound changes is Infinity Cache. With the increasingly heavy duty cycles, AMD took a different approach from the faster GDDR6X memories and larger interface of the GeForce RTX 30. Bringing the expertise of the processor area with the chipsets, AMD introduced 128MB of memory acting as a cache of level 3. Bringing a concept similar to the Infinity Fabric, present in Ryzen, this technology was named Infinity Cache. This new technology is also partly responsible for the greater energy efficiency of RDNA2, while also reducing latency by 34%, on average, compared to first-generation RDNA. Another important new feature is the introduction of dedicated hardware to speed up the Ray Tracing process . For this, AMD implemented one "Ray Accelerator" per computational unit, delivering up to 10x more performance than the software implementation. These units have the objective of calculating the intersections of the tracing of light rays, a process that is completed by the traditional shaders of the computational units. This enables effects such as realistic reflections and dynamic global lighting, with more realistic shadows and lighting. In addition to Ray Tracing, RDNA2 support features such as Variable Rate Shadding , which makes it possible to devote less processing power to parts of the image; the introduction of Mesh Shaders , a much more efficient implementation of the use of shader resources; and Sampler Feedback , which uses data from the previous frame to more efficiently determine how textures will load. All these features together are essential for better use of hardware and to enable better graphics, with a good level of performance. The RX 6600 XT The RX 6700 XT is based on the Navi 23, which brings technologies and features similar to those present in the RX 6900 XT and RX 6800 XT models, but scaled down. This board brings a total of 32 computing units, far from the 80 present on the top of the line RX 6900 XT, and just below the 40 present on the RX 6700 XT. As a result, other structures were also reduced. The amount of Infinity Cache was reduced to 32MB, while Ray Acelerators, specialized in accelerating processes related to Ray Tracing, are also reduced to 32, because in RDNA 2 microarchitecture we always have one Ray Acelerator per Compute Unit. In computational units this chip is below the Compute Units count of the RX 5700 XT (40) and RX 5600 XT (36). But in contrast the evolutions of RDNA 2 compared to the first generation brings its advantages, an example is the clocks. The RX 6600 XT boosts up to 2589MHz much higher than the respective 1905MHz and 1560MHz of the RX 5700 XT and RX 5600 XT. Consumption has also scaled down, with the board operating with just an eight-pin connector and with an estimated total consumption of 160W. The memories suffered advances and setbacks compared to the one used in the predecessor RX 5600 XT, with the memory increased from 6 to 8GB GDDR6, but the memory interface was reduced from 192-bit to 128-bit, with memory bandwidth falling from 288 GB/s to 256GB/s, all this comparing how it was on the RX 5600 XT to how it was on the RX 6600 XT. Technical comparisons COMPARATIVE PowerColor RedDevil RX 6600XTAMD Radeon RX5600 XTNVIDIA GeForceRTX 3060AMD Radeon RX6700 XT PRICES Price at launch$279.00 $329.00 $479.00 Updated price$279.00 $479.00   GPU SPECIFICATIONS Manufacturing process7 nm7 nm8 nm (Samsung)7 nmPCI-Express bus4. 23 XTnavi 10Ampere GA106-300Navi 22 XTGPU clock1968 MHz1130 MHz1320 MHz2321 MHzGPU Clock (Turbo)2589 MHz1560 MHz1777 MHz2581 MHz  MEMORIES SPECIFICATIONS RAM technologyGDDR6GDDR6GDDR6GDDR6BUS Width Interface128 bit192 bit192192 bitAmount of RAM8 GB6GB12 GB12 GBmemory clock2000 MHz1500/1750 MHz1875 MHz2000 MHzeffective clock16000 MHz12000/14000 MHz15000 MHz16000 MHzBandwidth256 GB/s288/336 GB/s360 GB/s384 GB/s  GENERAL Specificatios Shading Units2048230435842560TMUs128144112160ROPs64644864Pixel Rate165.7 GPixel/s99.84 GPixel/sec85.30 GPixel/s165.2 GPixel/sTexture Rate331.4 GTexel/s224.6 GTexel/s199 GTexel/s413 GTexel/sFloating point performance21.21 TFLOPS7,188 TFLOPS12.74 TFLOPS13.21 TFLOPS  DESIGN power pins1x 8 pins1x 8 pins1x 8 pins1x 6 pins + 1x 8 pinsPlate combination supportATNOTNOTATSlot Typetwo slotsdual-slottwo slotstwo slotsboard length267 mm242 mm267 mmTDP160W150 (GPU TBP) W170W230WRecommended font450W450W450W550Wvideo connections3x DisplayPort 1.4, 1x HDMI 2.13x DisplayPort 1.4, 1x HDMI 2.0B3x DisplayPort 1.4, 1x HDMI 2.13x DisplayPort 1.4, 1x HDMI 2.1  RESOURCES DirectX12 Ultimate12.012 Ultimate12 UltimateOpenCL2.  EXTRAS ExtrasInfinity Cache 96MB Photos The Red Devil line is PowerColor's top line and always brings plates with quite imposing design. This Red Devil RX 6600 XT follows the concept of a product with high quality and care in detail. It features a double FAN cooler system, and the already traditional LED with fillets at one end, along with the Red Devil name. It also has a BIOS selector, very traditional on AMD GPU cards. The board has two power connectors, one 6-pin and one 8-pin. On the back it also has a blackplate with an LED in the form of the logo that references the line. Like most cards today, it occupies two PCI-Express slots. In the video connections part, three DisplayPort 1.4a and one HDMI 2.1. system used We made a change to our graphics card testing platform, now based on an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X processor. Several other high performance components come with this system, such as NVMe SSDs and 32GB RAM clocked at 3200MHz (CL16). Below are some pictures of the card installed on our new video card test bench: https://www.youtube.com/embed/WiSR-IHhBuc Before the tests, details of the machine, operating system, drivers and software/games used in the tests: OUR TESTING MACHINE, APPS AND GAMES WERE UPDATED IN MAY 2021 Machine used in the tests: - AMD Ryzen 9 processor 5900X- GIGABYTE X570 AORUS Xtreme motherboard- HyperX Predator RGB 32GB (2x16GB) 3200MHz CL16SSD - Kingston KC2500 250GB + 2TB SSD- Cooling system CM MasterLiquid ML360 V2 RGB- Source Power Supply CM v1300W Platinum- Custom CM MasterFrame 700 Enclosure Operating System and Drivers:- Windows 10 Pro 64 Bits- AMD Catalyst Adrenalin 21.7.x Applications/Games: - Adobe Premiere CC 2021  (GPU rendering)- Blender (GPU rendering)- SPECviewpeft 13 (Solid Works/Maya, GPU rendering)- 3DMark (Fire Strike Ultra / Port Royal)- Assassin's Creed Valhalla (DX12 )- Flight Simulator 2020 (DX11)- Forza Horizon 4 (DX12)- Grand Theft Auto 5  (DX11)- Rainbow Six Sieg and (Vulkan)- Red Dead Redemption 2  (Vulkan)- Resident Evil Village (DX12)- The Division 2 (DX12)- Watch Dogs: Legion (DX12) GPU-ZBelow the main screen  GPU-Z  showing some key features board techniques. Overclock We use AMD Radeon Software to overclock, setting the base clock at 2500MHz and the turbo at 2700MHz. It wasn't possible to raise her standard clocks that much, but otherwise the clocks are quite high. This made it possible to run the tests with stability and complete the full battery. The memories went up from 16GHz to 16.6GHz, the limit to keep the system stable. NOTE: Overclock at your own risk. Overclocking may result in loss of warranty. Energy consumption We started with power consumption tests with all the boards compared. All tests were done with the same system, which gives an exact idea of ​​what each VGA consumes. It is worth noting that the value is the total consumption of the machine and not just the video card, which gives an idea of ​​how much a complete system consumes. Comparisons with tests from other sites can yield very different results due to changes in the systems used. The tests consist of the minimum consumption of the system, when it is in idle mode after the maximum load test, in this case running 3DMark through Fire Strike Ultra mode. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15033?iframeid=15033 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15034?iframeid=15034 NOTE: In the test running the 3DMark application, we considered 5 to 10W as a margin of error, due to the variation that happens when testing the same card. Temperature Another very important test when we talk about video cards, the chip temperature. Tests consist of either the system in idle mode or in continuous use. It is important to note that some cards have a system that turns off the fans when the GPU is not being required, such as when performing simple Windows tasks or even simpler games. Therefore, there are temperatures considerably higher than some models in this situation, but in practice they do not compromise the board. According to the manufacturers, this feature increases the lifespan and consumes less energy. Therefore, there can be large differences in the idle mode temperature, which does not characterize a bad card if the temperature is high. Why did the board get a lower temperature when overclocked?This is a normal situation on current boards. The rotation of the FANs is faster and consequently they make the GPU cool down faster, in some cases with a lower temperature than in the normal situation. Why does the reference system cooler board have a lower idle temperature than a theoretically better cooler board?Because current video cards with newer cooler designs tend to turn off the FANs when the temperature drops below numbers like 40, 45 or even 50 degrees, so when the FANs are turned off the tendency is for the GPU not to lower the temperature any more than than the limit that turns off the FANs. First let's test the cards with the system in idle mode: https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15035?iframeid=15035 For the in-use board test, we measured the peak temperature during the Ultra mode tests. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15036?iframeid=15036 NOTE: Temperatures can vary greatly depending on the region of the country, system where the board is installed and test used. Below are some photos of the plate with a Flir thermal camera, showing the temperature in some parts of the plate body: Applications With the increase in applications that take advantage of the processing power of GPUs, we've updated our test battery with some of the most important software on the market. Adobe Premiere CC 2021Adobe Premiere is a world reference when it comes to video editing software, and in its latest versions it has also taken advantage of the benefit of GPUs to help speed up rendering. Below is the behavior of the compared plates: https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15037?iframeid=15037 BlenderAnother nice test to see how the video card behaves in helping with the process of rendering images and videos. Blender stands out for being open to use and also updated with the latest technologies on the market. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15038?iframeid=15038 SPECviewperf 13The professional application test suite is comprised of a comprehensive battery of hardware-intensive scenarios to render diverse uses ranging from architecture, mining, and medicine. We ran two tests, one focusing on performance in Maya and the other in SolidWorks. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15039?iframeid=15039 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15040?iframeid=15040 3DMark And if we talk about benchmarks, we couldn't leave out one of the most iconic tests in the world, especially for video card performance, 3DMark. Our battery consists of three tests, but 2 of them show technologies that only newer board models bring, Ray Tracing (Port Royal) and DLSS (DLSS Feature Test). We ran the latest version of the app from UL Benchmark (which purchased Futuremark), and all tests consider the default profile setting, with no changes. Below are the results: https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15041?iframeid=15041 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15042?iframeid=15042 Game tests Now let's get to what really matters: performance tests on some of the top games on the market. To help understand the following graphics: Above 60fps is ideal for monitors operating at this frequency. The closer to 30fps, the worse the fluidity becomes and, below 30, the game starts to become "unplayable" Assassin's Creed ValhallaOpen world game has ample scenarios and a benchmark with a good amount of characters and structures, making it a challenge for both the processor and the video card. The game uses the Ubisoft Anvil engine, an evolution of AnvilNext 2.0 present in the series since Assassi'ns Creed Unity. The version used in Valhalla on PC is based on the DirectX 12 API. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15043?iframeid=15043 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15044?iframeid=15044 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15045?iframeid=15045 Flight Simulator 2020Microsoft's new flight simulator arrived with immense hype and soon became a reference when it comes to high quality graphics, with incredible scenery bordering on reality at various times, ideal for seeing the behavior of video cards. Despite being a recent game and from Microsoft, the API used is still DX11. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15046?iframeid=15046 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15047?iframeid=15047 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15048?iframeid=15048 Forza Horizon 4Playground Games' game uses its own graphics engine and, as exclusive for Microsoft systems, is fully developed for DirectX 12. This game stands out for its excellent graphics and the ability to deliver a good level of performance on multiple hardware, including some more limited ones. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15049?iframeid=15049 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15050?iframeid=15050 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15051?iframeid=15051 Grand Theft Auto VThe game is already a classic and after years it still stands firm as one of the most played games. Based on DirectX 11, it also brings a sense of older graphics engines based on Microsoft's still popular API. It's a very demanding test on processor, and faster memories also have very noticeable impacts. For modern video stages, it's no longer a big challenge. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15052?iframeid=15052 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15053?iframeid=15053 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15054?iframeid=15054 Rainbow Six SiegeThe Ubisoft game has as high points the use of the Vulkan low level API in its most recent implementation. This Esport demands high frame rates to be played satisfactorily, and is usually one of the most efficient games in achieving this performance in multiple components. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15055?iframeid=15055 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15056?iframeid=15056 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15057?iframeid=15057 Red Dead Redepmtion 2Game by RockStar, with beautiful graphics is a good reference to measure the behavior of video cards. Our test considers the game running on the Vulkan API, which behaves very well on both AMD and NVIDIA cards. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15058?iframeid=15058 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15059?iframeid=15059 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15060?iframeid=15060 Resident Evil VillageCapcom's game uses the excellent RE Engine, a graphics engine that delivers interesting results from the PC's high-end hardware to more limited platforms like the Nintendo Switch. Resident Evil 8 highlights complex and richly detailed scenarios, using Ray Tracing to illuminate the scenarios and with features such as FidelityFX available. In tests we take a tour of Castle Dimitrescu, one of the heaviest and most detailed locations in the game. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15061?iframeid=15061 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15062?iframeid=15062 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15063?iframeid=15063 Tom Clancy's The Division 2The Division 2 uses its own graphics engine developed by Ubisoft Massive, dealing with complex scenarios and large amounts of particles on the screen. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15064?iframeid=15064 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15065?iframeid=15065 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15066?iframeid=15066 Watch Dogs:Nvidia-supported Legion Game is based on the Disrupt graphics engine and has extensive use of RTX technologies such as DLSS, and also features Ray Tracing, being accelerated by both GeForce RTX and Radeon RDNA 2 hardware. a futuristic London full of geometry and characters, which combined with the light ray tracing effects make it quite a challenge to run the game. https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15067?iframeid=15067 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15068?iframeid=15068 https://benchmarks.com.br/graficos/v/15069?iframeid=15069 video gameplay https://www.youtube.com/embed/jUIjuwPZj6Y Conclusion The efficiency of the RDNA 2 has scaled well in its reduction for the RX 6600 XT, and we have gains of 10 to 20% over the predecessor RX 5600 XT and a very close performance in many cases with the RX 5700 XT. In the case of Adobe Premiere the 6600 XT proved less efficient even when compared to the 5600 XT, probably due to the memory bandwidth that is now lower. But overall we didn't see this drop, on the contrary as highlighted above.The Read the full article
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Frederick O’Brien is a freelance journalist who conforms to most British stereotypes. His interests include American literature, graphic design, sustainable … More about Frederick …
SEO Company is an ever-changing world. Blink and you’ll miss the latest best practices, thought leaders, and tools. Feeling out of touch is natural. This guide is your way back into the groove, baby.
search engine optimization is essential to most websites. The industry is worth more than $70 billion a year, and it’s only going to grow. It has specialists, sub-specialists, thought leaders, dedicated publications, fantastically complex tools, and constant uncertainty at its heart. As Bob Dylan says, it’s just a shadow we’re all chasing.
All the more reason to stay sharp, no? Every tweak to major search engine algorithms sends shockwaves throughout the web. For those who don’t follow the SEO Company space it can be easy to lose track of the latest trends, authorities, and resources.
That’s what this page is for. It will break down SEO Company’s hot topics, common questions, and the best resources for staying up to date with that world. As such, this isn’t so much a guide to SEO Company as it is a guide to the world of SEO Company. Think of it as a cliff-notes, a primer for those looking to top up their knowledge and understand the latest trends.
For those really in a rush to get back into the groove, skip ahead to the cheat sheet rounding up all the resources included in this piece. As for the rest of you, on we go. It’s quite Google-heavy, because Google currently holds 85%+ market share, but rest assured the points apply to the likes of Baidu and DuckDuckGo as well.
And remember, this is a live document. If there’s something we’ve missed, tell us. In a world as fast-changing as SEO Company no resources can afford to sit on their hands.
Why SEO Matters
We won’t linger on this point, but it’s useful to remind ourselves what SEO Company is, why it’s important, and how it has evolved over the years. Keeping the foundational principles in mind allow you to see the woods rather than the trees.
So, in a nutshell, search engine optimisation is the means by which websites appear in search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu, and DuckDuckGo. It remains one of the best ways for websites to be found. More than 90% of web traffic comes through search engines, with Google alone processing trillions of searches a year. If you want your website to be seen, you want to be appearing in relevant search results.
Although SEO Company isn’t controversy-free, it is in principle the great equalizer. Positions can’t be bought; they’re based on relevance and quality. It is in the interest of search engines to deliver the best results possible, so SEO Company is the process by which a site becomes the best results possible.
Image by John Caldwell of The New Yorker. (Large preview)
In a word, the appeal of SEO Company is traffic. It’s getting people to drop by and hopefully stick around. More traffic means more readers, more viewers, more customers, more attention.
Whatever your motivation is, the game is fundamentally the same. From content to site design, implementing makes websites better. Design is clearer and content is more focused, with visitors’ needs always front and centre. In a sense it gives you a 3D vision of the web, seeing web experiences from both human and computer perspectives.
Despite quick-fix guides to the contrary, SEO Company is best not retrofitted. As Suzanne Scacca writes, SEO belongs at the heart of the web design process. It can’t — and shouldn’t — be pushed off to writers or SEO Company executives. It is a sitewide concern, requiring sitewide attention.
Hot Topics
If you’re not comfortable with the basics of SEO Company — meta tags, alt text, link building, etc. — this page is not for you. This piece assumes a certain amount of foundational knowledge. Don’t panic, though, we won’t leave you hanging. Here are several terrific resources for getting started from scratch:
As for the rest of you, what follows are some of the SEO Company space’s slightly more technical hot topics, complete with conventional wisdom and resources for keeping up with their evolutions.
Great Content
I had to put this first. The sheer amount of data involved in SEO Company makes it easy to lose sight of an important fact: you’re making websites for people, not search engines. As corny as it sounds, in the long term the best way to perform well in organic search is to be the best you possible.
Search engines value good content above all else. However much the intricacies of SEO Company change, this remains true. It’s a rock solid foundation for SEO Company. Optimising a brilliant website is easy; optimising a bad one is hard, and often leads to black hat behaviour. (More on that below.) Yes, there are poorly optimised websites that perform well in search, for a variety of reasons, but grumbling about will get you nowhere.
What does ‘good content’ mean in concrete terms? It’s not as arbitrary as you might think. Search engines generally keep their cards close to their chest, but where content quality is concerned they’re as transparent as you could hope.
For those out of the SEO Company loop there are few better ways of getting up to speed than reading through Google’s latest Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Why guess what search engines want when they’ve written a book’s worth of documentation on the subject? Topics covered in the latest edition include:
Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T),
Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) Pages,
The reputation of websites and creators,
Mobile user needs,
Auto-generated content,
Deceptive page design,
What low quality pages look like.
Whether you’re a designer or a copywriter, this is all valuable information.
Say what you like about Google’s more nefarious practices, but where organic search is concerned they want websites to be goodie two shoes. Write brilliant articles; build fast, practical sites; use beautiful visuals; design ethically; be transparent about who you are and what you do; and never, ever let SEO Company be the tail that wags the dog. Quality will win out in the end.
Happily, the web development space seems to be warming up to talk of accessibility. There is plenty of natural overlap between SEO Company and accessibility, though sadly there is currently little evidence that super accessible websites get a boost in search. Accessibility barely features in Google’s mammoth Search Quality Guidelines document.
There is, however, a huge amount of overlap between accessibility best practice and SEO Company best practice. These include:
Image alt text,
Descriptive title and header tags,
Video transcriptions,
Content sections,
Clear, logical sitemaps,
Colour contrast,
Almost everything worth doing for its own sake becomes SEO Company best practice eventually, so I’m inclined to endorse accessibility on both counts. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are a great place to start, especially the Four Principles of Accessibility.
WebAIM publishes annual reports on web accessibility, and Global Accessibility Awareness Day is a fantastic hub for events and campaigns. Also, to get a Smashing plug in, Steven Lambert’s piece on designing for accessibility and inclusion breaks the topic down splendidly.
The Curious Case Of JavaScript
JavaScript has grown into the third pillar of web design — joining HTML and CSS. The language allows for all manner of fancy interactive features that aren’t possible on static sites. That sophistication has brought with it some confusion where SEO Company is concerned.
Can JavaScript-heavy websites perform well in search? Yes, they can and do. When issues arise it’s almost always in the indexing process, when search engines crawl and render web pages for their databases.
Google has a finite crawl budget. If your page takes ages to load, there’s a decent chance search engines will skip over it. Render-blocking JavaScript is also frowned upon, especially for above the fold content. If possible, execute scripts after the page is loaded.
(Large preview)
In short, let search engines see pages the way people see them. Google Search Console has a URL Inspection Tool that will show you what it retrieves, what it renders, and any glaring issues.
Developers should not shy away from JavaScript for fear of angering the SEO Company gods. Yes, bloated, slow, gratuitous JavaScript will hurt your website’s search performance, but applied properly the language can also improve it. Indeed, formats like JSON are a staple of more sophisticated SEO Company markup, like Schema.
Here are some resources for getting into the weeds of JavaScript and SEO Company:
Remember also that the more solid your SEO Company foundations are, the less pressure there is on JavaScript to perform. Think of it as something that enhances the browsing experience rather than carries the water.
Structured Data
Metadata has come a long way since the early days of SEO Company. Meta titles and descriptions remain important, but there’s a whole other level becoming increasingly difficult to ignore — structured data.
Structured data, more specifically Schema, has been adopted by all the major search engines. Part of the Semantic Web push to make online data machine-readable, it allows you to label content with specificity that simply wasn’t possible before. Structured data is how search engines display rich results like recipes, reviews excerpts, event details, and more.
Schema vocabulary works alongside Microdata, RDFa, and JSON-LD formats, and there are plenty of free tools to help you learn the language and how to implement it. These include:
Search engines are ominously clever, but they’re not that clever. Structured data removes much of the guesswork from the crawling process, making it easier to understand and index content for relevant searches.
For a more in-depth introduction to the topic I humbly point you towards my article on Baking Structured Data Into the Design Process.
Site Speed
Search engines like fast websites. They’re easier to crawl, and they’re easier for users to browse. It doesn’t matter how wonderful your site is, if it takes ages to load people aren’t going to stick around to find out. Search engines are similarly impatient.
Like most things SEO Company, site speed best practice covers a spectrum all the way from common sense to highly technical tinkering. On the common sense side, don’t upload 12MB images when 200KB ones look exactly the same. If you absolutely must have massive high resolution images, link away to them instead. Images are the most popular resource type on the web, so don’t skimp on the compression. Most people will be browsing on their phones anyway.
Beyond that you get into more technical waters, though the goal remains the same: load quickly and smoothly. Streamline your code, cut out superfluous HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Most importantly, as always, test what you’ve done. Site speed isn’t a theoretical concern; it’s a practical one.
Typically, Google has a dedicated tool for that purpose:
It will tell you exactly what’s wrong with a URL’s content and what you can do to improve it. Site speed is no great mystery; more often than not it’s simply a case of trimming the fat.
Mobile First
Most web browsing now takes place on mobile devices, not desktops. It is for this reason that Google will move to mobile-first indexing for all websites in September 2020. What that means is mobile renders of a page are what will be indexed, not desktop. That’s where you need to bring your A-game.
People are understandably drawn to the broad canvas offered by desktop-first design, but it’s not where our skills are most useful. If your website is a work of art on desktop but a mess on mobile your SEO Company will suffer — and that’s to say nothing of user experience.
More Articles On Mobile Usability
Think with your mobile cap on. Are ads monopolising above the fold space? Google dedicates 20 pages of its Search Quality Guidelines to understanding mobile user needs, covering everything from search engine result pages (SERPs) to location-specific search queries. Again, what search engines want needn’t be a mystery.
The Dark Side Of SEO
It would be remiss not to address the seedier side of SEO Company. There’s a lot of money to be made from ranking well for popular search terms. One of the main reasons search engines are so secretive about how they work is they know a number of websites will try to game the system in the name of Quick Wins.
Black Hat SEO Company is quite a vibrant world in its own mustache-twirling way. From cramming keywords out of sight to purchasing backlinks from reputable websites, there’s an almost cartoonish instinct among some to avoid the hard work and self-improvement that good SEO Company entails.
Has black hat SEO Company worked in the past? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes very well indeed. However, search engines are always on the watch for bad behaviour, and they will punish it when they find it. The damage can be irreparable and besides, nobody likes a sleazeball.
There’s no substitute for quality long-term SEO Company strategies. Which brings us to…
Playing The Long Game
SEO Company is a marathon, not a sprint. Implementing best practice can produce immediate results, but long-term performance requires long-term maintenance. Besides, the journey is more important than the destination, isn’t it?
This article does not presume to give you a comprehensive guide to SEO Company. This is a resource for those who want to stay up to date with the industry as part of long-term self-improvement. In that spirit, the cheat sheet below is one of documentation, tools, journalists, thought leaders, podcasts, and other resources.
A reminder also that this is a live document, so don’t be shy about suggesting adjustments and additions as the SEO Company world continues to change.
Happy searching.
A Smashing SEO Cheat Sheet
This is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully there is enough for you to fall down the SEO Company rabbit hole. Please note that this cheat sheet will be updated occasionally, so if something/someone is missing, feel free to let us know! We’ll consider it for inclusion the next time we update the sheet.
Authorities And Journalists
Publications, Blogs, & Forums
Podcasts And Video Series
(ra, yk, il)
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/a-smashing-guide-to-the-world-of-search-engine-optimization/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/626483713569603584
0 notes
scpie · 4 years
A Smashing Guide To The World Of Search Engine Optimization
About The Author
Frederick O’Brien is a freelance journalist who conforms to most British stereotypes. His interests include American literature, graphic design, sustainable … More about Frederick …
SEO Company is an ever-changing world. Blink and you’ll miss the latest best practices, thought leaders, and tools. Feeling out of touch is natural. This guide is your way back into the groove, baby.
search engine optimization is essential to most websites. The industry is worth more than $70 billion a year, and it’s only going to grow. It has specialists, sub-specialists, thought leaders, dedicated publications, fantastically complex tools, and constant uncertainty at its heart. As Bob Dylan says, it’s just a shadow we’re all chasing.
All the more reason to stay sharp, no? Every tweak to major search engine algorithms sends shockwaves throughout the web. For those who don’t follow the SEO Company space it can be easy to lose track of the latest trends, authorities, and resources.
That’s what this page is for. It will break down SEO Company’s hot topics, common questions, and the best resources for staying up to date with that world. As such, this isn’t so much a guide to SEO Company as it is a guide to the world of SEO Company. Think of it as a cliff-notes, a primer for those looking to top up their knowledge and understand the latest trends.
For those really in a rush to get back into the groove, skip ahead to the cheat sheet rounding up all the resources included in this piece. As for the rest of you, on we go. It’s quite Google-heavy, because Google currently holds 85%+ market share, but rest assured the points apply to the likes of Baidu and DuckDuckGo as well.
And remember, this is a live document. If there’s something we’ve missed, tell us. In a world as fast-changing as SEO Company no resources can afford to sit on their hands.
Why SEO Matters
We won’t linger on this point, but it’s useful to remind ourselves what SEO Company is, why it’s important, and how it has evolved over the years. Keeping the foundational principles in mind allow you to see the woods rather than the trees.
So, in a nutshell, search engine optimisation is the means by which websites appear in search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu, and DuckDuckGo. It remains one of the best ways for websites to be found. More than 90% of web traffic comes through search engines, with Google alone processing trillions of searches a year. If you want your website to be seen, you want to be appearing in relevant search results.
Although SEO Company isn’t controversy-free, it is in principle the great equalizer. Positions can’t be bought; they’re based on relevance and quality. It is in the interest of search engines to deliver the best results possible, so SEO Company is the process by which a site becomes the best results possible.
Image by John Caldwell of The New Yorker. (Large preview)
In a word, the appeal of SEO Company is traffic. It’s getting people to drop by and hopefully stick around. More traffic means more readers, more viewers, more customers, more attention.
Whatever your motivation is, the game is fundamentally the same. From content to site design, implementing makes websites better. Design is clearer and content is more focused, with visitors’ needs always front and centre. In a sense it gives you a 3D vision of the web, seeing web experiences from both human and computer perspectives.
Despite quick-fix guides to the contrary, SEO Company is best not retrofitted. As Suzanne Scacca writes, SEO belongs at the heart of the web design process. It can’t — and shouldn’t — be pushed off to writers or SEO Company executives. It is a sitewide concern, requiring sitewide attention.
Hot Topics
If you’re not comfortable with the basics of SEO Company — meta tags, alt text, link building, etc. — this page is not for you. This piece assumes a certain amount of foundational knowledge. Don’t panic, though, we won’t leave you hanging. Here are several terrific resources for getting started from scratch:
As for the rest of you, what follows are some of the SEO Company space’s slightly more technical hot topics, complete with conventional wisdom and resources for keeping up with their evolutions.
Great Content
I had to put this first. The sheer amount of data involved in SEO Company makes it easy to lose sight of an important fact: you’re making websites for people, not search engines. As corny as it sounds, in the long term the best way to perform well in organic search is to be the best you possible.
Search engines value good content above all else. However much the intricacies of SEO Company change, this remains true. It’s a rock solid foundation for SEO Company. Optimising a brilliant website is easy; optimising a bad one is hard, and often leads to black hat behaviour. (More on that below.) Yes, there are poorly optimised websites that perform well in search, for a variety of reasons, but grumbling about will get you nowhere.
What does ‘good content’ mean in concrete terms? It’s not as arbitrary as you might think. Search engines generally keep their cards close to their chest, but where content quality is concerned they’re as transparent as you could hope.
For those out of the SEO Company loop there are few better ways of getting up to speed than reading through Google’s latest Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Why guess what search engines want when they’ve written a book’s worth of documentation on the subject? Topics covered in the latest edition include:
Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T),
Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) Pages,
The reputation of websites and creators,
Mobile user needs,
Auto-generated content,
Deceptive page design,
What low quality pages look like.
Whether you’re a designer or a copywriter, this is all valuable information.
Say what you like about Google’s more nefarious practices, but where organic search is concerned they want websites to be goodie two shoes. Write brilliant articles; build fast, practical sites; use beautiful visuals; design ethically; be transparent about who you are and what you do; and never, ever let SEO Company be the tail that wags the dog. Quality will win out in the end.
Happily, the web development space seems to be warming up to talk of accessibility. There is plenty of natural overlap between SEO Company and accessibility, though sadly there is currently little evidence that super accessible websites get a boost in search. Accessibility barely features in Google’s mammoth Search Quality Guidelines document.
There is, however, a huge amount of overlap between accessibility best practice and SEO Company best practice. These include:
Image alt text,
Descriptive title and header tags,
Video transcriptions,
Content sections,
Clear, logical sitemaps,
Colour contrast,
Almost everything worth doing for its own sake becomes SEO Company best practice eventually, so I’m inclined to endorse accessibility on both counts. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are a great place to start, especially the Four Principles of Accessibility.
WebAIM publishes annual reports on web accessibility, and Global Accessibility Awareness Day is a fantastic hub for events and campaigns. Also, to get a Smashing plug in, Steven Lambert’s piece on designing for accessibility and inclusion breaks the topic down splendidly.
The Curious Case Of JavaScript
JavaScript has grown into the third pillar of web design — joining HTML and CSS. The language allows for all manner of fancy interactive features that aren’t possible on static sites. That sophistication has brought with it some confusion where SEO Company is concerned.
Can JavaScript-heavy websites perform well in search? Yes, they can and do. When issues arise it’s almost always in the indexing process, when search engines crawl and render web pages for their databases.
Google has a finite crawl budget. If your page takes ages to load, there’s a decent chance search engines will skip over it. Render-blocking JavaScript is also frowned upon, especially for above the fold content. If possible, execute scripts after the page is loaded.
(Large preview)
In short, let search engines see pages the way people see them. Google Search Console has a URL Inspection Tool that will show you what it retrieves, what it renders, and any glaring issues.
Developers should not shy away from JavaScript for fear of angering the SEO Company gods. Yes, bloated, slow, gratuitous JavaScript will hurt your website’s search performance, but applied properly the language can also improve it. Indeed, formats like JSON are a staple of more sophisticated SEO Company markup, like Schema.
Here are some resources for getting into the weeds of JavaScript and SEO Company:
Remember also that the more solid your SEO Company foundations are, the less pressure there is on JavaScript to perform. Think of it as something that enhances the browsing experience rather than carries the water.
Structured Data
Metadata has come a long way since the early days of SEO Company. Meta titles and descriptions remain important, but there’s a whole other level becoming increasingly difficult to ignore — structured data.
Structured data, more specifically Schema, has been adopted by all the major search engines. Part of the Semantic Web push to make online data machine-readable, it allows you to label content with specificity that simply wasn’t possible before. Structured data is how search engines display rich results like recipes, reviews excerpts, event details, and more.
Schema vocabulary works alongside Microdata, RDFa, and JSON-LD formats, and there are plenty of free tools to help you learn the language and how to implement it. These include:
Search engines are ominously clever, but they’re not that clever. Structured data removes much of the guesswork from the crawling process, making it easier to understand and index content for relevant searches.
For a more in-depth introduction to the topic I humbly point you towards my article on Baking Structured Data Into the Design Process.
Site Speed
Search engines like fast websites. They’re easier to crawl, and they’re easier for users to browse. It doesn’t matter how wonderful your site is, if it takes ages to load people aren’t going to stick around to find out. Search engines are similarly impatient.
Like most things SEO Company, site speed best practice covers a spectrum all the way from common sense to highly technical tinkering. On the common sense side, don’t upload 12MB images when 200KB ones look exactly the same. If you absolutely must have massive high resolution images, link away to them instead. Images are the most popular resource type on the web, so don’t skimp on the compression. Most people will be browsing on their phones anyway.
Beyond that you get into more technical waters, though the goal remains the same: load quickly and smoothly. Streamline your code, cut out superfluous HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Most importantly, as always, test what you’ve done. Site speed isn’t a theoretical concern; it’s a practical one.
Typically, Google has a dedicated tool for that purpose:
It will tell you exactly what’s wrong with a URL’s content and what you can do to improve it. Site speed is no great mystery; more often than not it’s simply a case of trimming the fat.
Mobile First
Most web browsing now takes place on mobile devices, not desktops. It is for this reason that Google will move to mobile-first indexing for all websites in September 2020. What that means is mobile renders of a page are what will be indexed, not desktop. That’s where you need to bring your A-game.
People are understandably drawn to the broad canvas offered by desktop-first design, but it’s not where our skills are most useful. If your website is a work of art on desktop but a mess on mobile your SEO Company will suffer — and that’s to say nothing of user experience.
More Articles On Mobile Usability
Think with your mobile cap on. Are ads monopolising above the fold space? Google dedicates 20 pages of its Search Quality Guidelines to understanding mobile user needs, covering everything from search engine result pages (SERPs) to location-specific search queries. Again, what search engines want needn’t be a mystery.
The Dark Side Of SEO
It would be remiss not to address the seedier side of SEO Company. There’s a lot of money to be made from ranking well for popular search terms. One of the main reasons search engines are so secretive about how they work is they know a number of websites will try to game the system in the name of Quick Wins.
Black Hat SEO Company is quite a vibrant world in its own mustache-twirling way. From cramming keywords out of sight to purchasing backlinks from reputable websites, there’s an almost cartoonish instinct among some to avoid the hard work and self-improvement that good SEO Company entails.
Has black hat SEO Company worked in the past? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes very well indeed. However, search engines are always on the watch for bad behaviour, and they will punish it when they find it. The damage can be irreparable and besides, nobody likes a sleazeball.
There’s no substitute for quality long-term SEO Company strategies. Which brings us to…
Playing The Long Game
SEO Company is a marathon, not a sprint. Implementing best practice can produce immediate results, but long-term performance requires long-term maintenance. Besides, the journey is more important than the destination, isn’t it?
This article does not presume to give you a comprehensive guide to SEO Company. This is a resource for those who want to stay up to date with the industry as part of long-term self-improvement. In that spirit, the cheat sheet below is one of documentation, tools, journalists, thought leaders, podcasts, and other resources.
A reminder also that this is a live document, so don’t be shy about suggesting adjustments and additions as the SEO Company world continues to change.
Happy searching.
A Smashing SEO Cheat Sheet
This is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully there is enough for you to fall down the SEO Company rabbit hole. Please note that this cheat sheet will be updated occasionally, so if something/someone is missing, feel free to let us know! We’ll consider it for inclusion the next time we update the sheet.
Authorities And Journalists
Publications, Blogs, & Forums
Podcasts And Video Series
(ra, yk, il)
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/a-smashing-guide-to-the-world-of-search-engine-optimization/
0 notes
laurelkrugerr · 4 years
A Smashing Guide To The World Of Search Engine Optimization
About The Author
Frederick O’Brien is a freelance journalist who conforms to most British stereotypes. His interests include American literature, graphic design, sustainable … More about Frederick …
SEO Company is an ever-changing world. Blink and you’ll miss the latest best practices, thought leaders, and tools. Feeling out of touch is natural. This guide is your way back into the groove, baby.
search engine optimization is essential to most websites. The industry is worth more than $70 billion a year, and it’s only going to grow. It has specialists, sub-specialists, thought leaders, dedicated publications, fantastically complex tools, and constant uncertainty at its heart. As Bob Dylan says, it’s just a shadow we’re all chasing.
All the more reason to stay sharp, no? Every tweak to major search engine algorithms sends shockwaves throughout the web. For those who don’t follow the SEO Company space it can be easy to lose track of the latest trends, authorities, and resources.
That’s what this page is for. It will break down SEO Company’s hot topics, common questions, and the best resources for staying up to date with that world. As such, this isn’t so much a guide to SEO Company as it is a guide to the world of SEO Company. Think of it as a cliff-notes, a primer for those looking to top up their knowledge and understand the latest trends.
For those really in a rush to get back into the groove, skip ahead to the cheat sheet rounding up all the resources included in this piece. As for the rest of you, on we go. It’s quite Google-heavy, because Google currently holds 85%+ market share, but rest assured the points apply to the likes of Baidu and DuckDuckGo as well.
And remember, this is a live document. If there’s something we’ve missed, tell us. In a world as fast-changing as SEO Company no resources can afford to sit on their hands.
Why SEO Matters
We won’t linger on this point, but it’s useful to remind ourselves what SEO Company is, why it’s important, and how it has evolved over the years. Keeping the foundational principles in mind allow you to see the woods rather than the trees.
So, in a nutshell, search engine optimisation is the means by which websites appear in search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu, and DuckDuckGo. It remains one of the best ways for websites to be found. More than 90% of web traffic comes through search engines, with Google alone processing trillions of searches a year. If you want your website to be seen, you want to be appearing in relevant search results.
Although SEO Company isn’t controversy-free, it is in principle the great equalizer. Positions can’t be bought; they’re based on relevance and quality. It is in the interest of search engines to deliver the best results possible, so SEO Company is the process by which a site becomes the best results possible.
Image by John Caldwell of The New Yorker. (Large preview)
In a word, the appeal of SEO Company is traffic. It’s getting people to drop by and hopefully stick around. More traffic means more readers, more viewers, more customers, more attention.
Whatever your motivation is, the game is fundamentally the same. From content to site design, implementing makes websites better. Design is clearer and content is more focused, with visitors’ needs always front and centre. In a sense it gives you a 3D vision of the web, seeing web experiences from both human and computer perspectives.
Despite quick-fix guides to the contrary, SEO Company is best not retrofitted. As Suzanne Scacca writes, SEO belongs at the heart of the web design process. It can’t — and shouldn’t — be pushed off to writers or SEO Company executives. It is a sitewide concern, requiring sitewide attention.
Hot Topics
If you’re not comfortable with the basics of SEO Company — meta tags, alt text, link building, etc. — this page is not for you. This piece assumes a certain amount of foundational knowledge. Don’t panic, though, we won’t leave you hanging. Here are several terrific resources for getting started from scratch:
As for the rest of you, what follows are some of the SEO Company space’s slightly more technical hot topics, complete with conventional wisdom and resources for keeping up with their evolutions.
Great Content
I had to put this first. The sheer amount of data involved in SEO Company makes it easy to lose sight of an important fact: you’re making websites for people, not search engines. As corny as it sounds, in the long term the best way to perform well in organic search is to be the best you possible.
Search engines value good content above all else. However much the intricacies of SEO Company change, this remains true. It’s a rock solid foundation for SEO Company. Optimising a brilliant website is easy; optimising a bad one is hard, and often leads to black hat behaviour. (More on that below.) Yes, there are poorly optimised websites that perform well in search, for a variety of reasons, but grumbling about will get you nowhere.
What does ‘good content’ mean in concrete terms? It’s not as arbitrary as you might think. Search engines generally keep their cards close to their chest, but where content quality is concerned they’re as transparent as you could hope.
For those out of the SEO Company loop there are few better ways of getting up to speed than reading through Google’s latest Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines. Why guess what search engines want when they’ve written a book’s worth of documentation on the subject? Topics covered in the latest edition include:
Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T),
Your Money or Your Life (YMYL) Pages,
The reputation of websites and creators,
Mobile user needs,
Auto-generated content,
Deceptive page design,
What low quality pages look like.
Whether you’re a designer or a copywriter, this is all valuable information.
Say what you like about Google’s more nefarious practices, but where organic search is concerned they want websites to be goodie two shoes. Write brilliant articles; build fast, practical sites; use beautiful visuals; design ethically; be transparent about who you are and what you do; and never, ever let SEO Company be the tail that wags the dog. Quality will win out in the end.
Happily, the web development space seems to be warming up to talk of accessibility. There is plenty of natural overlap between SEO Company and accessibility, though sadly there is currently little evidence that super accessible websites get a boost in search. Accessibility barely features in Google’s mammoth Search Quality Guidelines document.
There is, however, a huge amount of overlap between accessibility best practice and SEO Company best practice. These include:
Image alt text,
Descriptive title and header tags,
Video transcriptions,
Content sections,
Clear, logical sitemaps,
Colour contrast,
Almost everything worth doing for its own sake becomes SEO Company best practice eventually, so I’m inclined to endorse accessibility on both counts. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines are a great place to start, especially the Four Principles of Accessibility.
WebAIM publishes annual reports on web accessibility, and Global Accessibility Awareness Day is a fantastic hub for events and campaigns. Also, to get a Smashing plug in, Steven Lambert’s piece on designing for accessibility and inclusion breaks the topic down splendidly.
The Curious Case Of JavaScript
JavaScript has grown into the third pillar of web design — joining HTML and CSS. The language allows for all manner of fancy interactive features that aren’t possible on static sites. That sophistication has brought with it some confusion where SEO Company is concerned.
Can JavaScript-heavy websites perform well in search? Yes, they can and do. When issues arise it’s almost always in the indexing process, when search engines crawl and render web pages for their databases.
Google has a finite crawl budget. If your page takes ages to load, there’s a decent chance search engines will skip over it. Render-blocking JavaScript is also frowned upon, especially for above the fold content. If possible, execute scripts after the page is loaded.
(Large preview)
In short, let search engines see pages the way people see them. Google Search Console has a URL Inspection Tool that will show you what it retrieves, what it renders, and any glaring issues.
Developers should not shy away from JavaScript for fear of angering the SEO Company gods. Yes, bloated, slow, gratuitous JavaScript will hurt your website’s search performance, but applied properly the language can also improve it. Indeed, formats like JSON are a staple of more sophisticated SEO Company markup, like Schema.
Here are some resources for getting into the weeds of JavaScript and SEO Company:
Remember also that the more solid your SEO Company foundations are, the less pressure there is on JavaScript to perform. Think of it as something that enhances the browsing experience rather than carries the water.
Structured Data
Metadata has come a long way since the early days of SEO Company. Meta titles and descriptions remain important, but there’s a whole other level becoming increasingly difficult to ignore — structured data.
Structured data, more specifically Schema, has been adopted by all the major search engines. Part of the Semantic Web push to make online data machine-readable, it allows you to label content with specificity that simply wasn’t possible before. Structured data is how search engines display rich results like recipes, reviews excerpts, event details, and more.
Schema vocabulary works alongside Microdata, RDFa, and JSON-LD formats, and there are plenty of free tools to help you learn the language and how to implement it. These include:
Search engines are ominously clever, but they’re not that clever. Structured data removes much of the guesswork from the crawling process, making it easier to understand and index content for relevant searches.
For a more in-depth introduction to the topic I humbly point you towards my article on Baking Structured Data Into the Design Process.
Site Speed
Search engines like fast websites. They’re easier to crawl, and they’re easier for users to browse. It doesn’t matter how wonderful your site is, if it takes ages to load people aren’t going to stick around to find out. Search engines are similarly impatient.
Like most things SEO Company, site speed best practice covers a spectrum all the way from common sense to highly technical tinkering. On the common sense side, don’t upload 12MB images when 200KB ones look exactly the same. If you absolutely must have massive high resolution images, link away to them instead. Images are the most popular resource type on the web, so don’t skimp on the compression. Most people will be browsing on their phones anyway.
Beyond that you get into more technical waters, though the goal remains the same: load quickly and smoothly. Streamline your code, cut out superfluous HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Most importantly, as always, test what you’ve done. Site speed isn’t a theoretical concern; it’s a practical one.
Typically, Google has a dedicated tool for that purpose:
It will tell you exactly what’s wrong with a URL’s content and what you can do to improve it. Site speed is no great mystery; more often than not it’s simply a case of trimming the fat.
Mobile First
Most web browsing now takes place on mobile devices, not desktops. It is for this reason that Google will move to mobile-first indexing for all websites in September 2020. What that means is mobile renders of a page are what will be indexed, not desktop. That’s where you need to bring your A-game.
People are understandably drawn to the broad canvas offered by desktop-first design, but it’s not where our skills are most useful. If your website is a work of art on desktop but a mess on mobile your SEO Company will suffer — and that’s to say nothing of user experience.
More Articles On Mobile Usability
Think with your mobile cap on. Are ads monopolising above the fold space? Google dedicates 20 pages of its Search Quality Guidelines to understanding mobile user needs, covering everything from search engine result pages (SERPs) to location-specific search queries. Again, what search engines want needn’t be a mystery.
The Dark Side Of SEO
It would be remiss not to address the seedier side of SEO Company. There’s a lot of money to be made from ranking well for popular search terms. One of the main reasons search engines are so secretive about how they work is they know a number of websites will try to game the system in the name of Quick Wins.
Black Hat SEO Company is quite a vibrant world in its own mustache-twirling way. From cramming keywords out of sight to purchasing backlinks from reputable websites, there’s an almost cartoonish instinct among some to avoid the hard work and self-improvement that good SEO Company entails.
Has black hat SEO Company worked in the past? Sometimes, yes. Sometimes very well indeed. However, search engines are always on the watch for bad behaviour, and they will punish it when they find it. The damage can be irreparable and besides, nobody likes a sleazeball.
There’s no substitute for quality long-term SEO Company strategies. Which brings us to…
Playing The Long Game
SEO Company is a marathon, not a sprint. Implementing best practice can produce immediate results, but long-term performance requires long-term maintenance. Besides, the journey is more important than the destination, isn’t it?
This article does not presume to give you a comprehensive guide to SEO Company. This is a resource for those who want to stay up to date with the industry as part of long-term self-improvement. In that spirit, the cheat sheet below is one of documentation, tools, journalists, thought leaders, podcasts, and other resources.
A reminder also that this is a live document, so don’t be shy about suggesting adjustments and additions as the SEO Company world continues to change.
Happy searching.
A Smashing SEO Cheat Sheet
This is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully there is enough for you to fall down the SEO Company rabbit hole. Please note that this cheat sheet will be updated occasionally, so if something/someone is missing, feel free to let us know! We’ll consider it for inclusion the next time we update the sheet.
Authorities And Journalists
Publications, Blogs, & Forums
Podcasts And Video Series
(ra, yk, il)
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/a-smashing-guide-to-the-world-of-search-engine-optimization/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/08/a-smashing-guide-to-world-of-search.html
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colourmytech · 4 years
The Honor MagicBook range of laptops are available with 14 and 15-inch displays. These are great value mid-range machines with ultra lightweight design, full display, fast charging and amazing performance to boot. We take a closer look at how these two laptops compare.
Before we start, it is worth noting that the only difference between the two laptops we looked at is just the size of the display and with that the dimensions of the laptop and weight. Everything else is the same, see table below.
HONOR MAGICBOOK 14 HONOR MAGICBOOK 15 COLOR Mystic Sliver,Space Gray Space Gray DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT 15.9mm, 1.38kg 16.9mm, 1.53kg SCREEN SIZE 14 inches Full HD 15.6 inches Full HD PROCESSOR TYPE AMD Ryzen 5 3500U AMD Ryzen 5 3500U PROCESSOR SPEED Base: 2.1 GHz; Up to 3.7GHz Base: 2.1 GHz; Up to 3.7GHz PROCESSOR COUNT 4 4 RAM SIZE 8GB 8GB MEMORY TECHNOLOGY DDR4 2400MHz,Dual Channel,Chip on board DDR4 2400MHz,Dual Channel,Chip on board MAXIMUM MEMORY SUPPORTED 256GB 256GB HARD DISK TECHNOLOGY SSD SSD GRAPHICS CHIPSET BRAND Radeon™ Vega 8 Graphics Radeon™ Vega 8 Graphics GRAPHICS CARD DESCRIPTION 1200 MHz 1200 MHz GRAPHICS CARD RAM SIZE Shared system memory Shared system memory NUMBER OF USB 2.0 PORTS 1 1 NUMBER OF USB 3.0 PORTS 1 1 OPERATING SYSTEM Windows 10 Home 64bit Windows 10 Home 64bit
Essentially, picking between the two is a matter of choice, are you after a big laptop with 15.6-inch display or a small laptop with 14-inch display. To make it that big interesting, both models come with the same price tag. At the time of writing, they are also offered with a mouse, wireless Bluetooth headphones and bag or sleeve for free. You can trade all those free gifts and a bit more money for either the Honor Magic Earbuds with Active Noise Cancellation or the Honor Watch Magic.
With that out of the way, let’s look at what the MagicBook is about. Design wise, the laptops have a thin, light and durable aluminium chassis. It takes on a slightly tapered profile with a beveled edge. The 15 inch model weighs 1.53kg and measures 16.9mm thin at its thickest point. The 14 inch model weighs lighter at 1.38kg and measures 1mm less at 15.9mm thin at its thickest point.
Both models are designed to be ultra portable with an Azure blue chamfer on the lid, one with a blue sheen to match the off-center HONOR logo. While you can choose between a silver or space grey colour for the 14 inch model, there is only space grey for the 15 inch model. While the laptop gives you the impression that it has a tapered design liken to the MacBook Air, it is nearly even back to front.
HONOR MagicBook on Amazon
Arguably the most important aspect of the laptop is its display. The one thing that you will be staring at even you are not using the keyboard, watching a live stream, TV show or movie. Here is where the laptops excel. It may not be a 2K or a 4K panel but at FullHD with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution and IPS technology for wide angle viewing, the LCD display is sufficient for most applications.
Plus, it is wrapped with the smallest of bezels measuring only 4.8mm slim on the 14 inch model and 5.3mm thin on the 15 inch model. That’s ultra thin territory making the display a FullView Display. Both displays are fully laminated to reduce reflection and to better cope when working under direct sunglight. In addition to that, both displays are TUV Rheinland certified making them easy on the eye even from prolonged used.
HONOR MagicBook Space Grey on Amazon
The laptops are powered by the same AMD Ryzen 5 3500U processor, the 12nm processor is both efficient and powerful. It will take on everyday tasks, multi-tasking, streaming and even the occasional gaming without breaking a sweat. It’s the idea processor to strike a balance between performance and efficient power management.
The Radeon Vega 8 graphics processing unit is more powerful than the standard embedded graphics to give you fluid and fast performance during gaming.
For memory, it uses 8GB DDR4 dual-channel RAM memory for improved response, faster loading and switching between apps. As for storage, it uses 256GB PCIe NVMe SSD solid state drive for faster reading and writing. Together with the processor, these make for a mighty fast machine for everday tasks.
Battery Life
And if you think for a second that with all the power, you would be hard pressed to get through the day without charging, think again. Even the 14-inch laptop comes with a huge 56WH high density battery, enough to power the laptop for up to 10 hours between charge.
Very good battery life, fast windows performance, neat fingerprint sensor. It’s also got the best track-pad I have ever used on a laptop. Great build quality. Powerful, portable, thin and so lightweight.
HONOR MagicBook 14 Space Grey on Amazon
Dual Purpose Power and Fingerprint Sensor
The power button doubles as a power button and fingerprint sensor for added convenience. You wake up and log back into the machine quickly in one action. The button is on the far right corner on the base and is not part of the keyboard, a much preferred location.
HONOR MagicBook PowerButton and Fingerprint Sensor Combo
Pop-up Camera
In order to keep the top and size bezel ultra narrow for that FullView display, Honor moved the web cam to the keyboard and hidden away. When needed, you can quickly eject this and the key will pop-up at an angle with LED flash light and camera side by side. This can be a but it is great for security and privacy as the camera is physically blocked and hidden away when not in use.
However, that camera angle is not for everyone, instead of the conventional front center with view of the back during a video call, it points upward from the bottom towards the ceiling. We recommend looking down at the camera during video calls or the person at the other end will be thinking you are ignoring them.
Brilliant bit of kit. Looks nice, excellent battery life, starts up in seconds. Doesn’t come full of nasty software too which is nice.
HONOR MagicBook Pop Up Camera
The laptops are equipped with high capacity long lasting batteries for all-day usage. When that runs low, top it up quickly with supplied 65W Fast Charger via USB Type-C port. The speed of charging is amazing, putting the charge level at over half (53%) in 30 minutes.
Great product and excellent value for money for what it is. The laptop is a solid 10 when it comes to build quality and value for money. It is uncommon that a laptop with such high standard and build quality with a lightweight aluminium chassis and FullView display is available at such a price especially when supply, logistics and manufacturing is facing further pressure from the current lockdown.
An amazing laptop for the price. Starts up in seconds and the Ryzen 5 processor makes swift work of all you throw at it. Camera quality is good and I like the way it’s hidden in a button however, my wife finds the angle unflattering. Would highly recommend this laptop. Small but nippy with an excellent keyboard and speakers.
HONOR MagicBook 14 Mystic Silver on Amazon
Multi-Screen Collaboration
Finally, HONOR has another trick up its sleeve with Magic-link 2.0. The app and software when loaded on the smartphone and laptop allows for pairing of the devices. This allows you to access the smartphone directly on the laptop. You can then use the laptop’s keyboard and trackpad to control the phone, share clipboard and transfer files.
Key Features
Windows 10 Home
Full View Display with a screen-to-body ratio of 84%
Metallic body with a brushed aluminium finish available in space grey or silver
AMD Ryzen5 3500U with Radeon Vega 8 Graphics
The compact Type-C charger
Multi-Screen Collaboration
Fingerprint login
What Else Is Out There
If you are wondering, what else is out that with the same specification or around the same price points. We start with the almost identical, Huawei MateBook D14 and 15. Huawei is the parent company of HONOR with the latter being the sub-brand of Huawei, with the two brands sharing some of its products and platforms, just different badge and slightly different design.
The Huawei MateBook D 14 and 15
The identical twin to HONOR MagicBook 14 and 15, Huawei’s offering may not come with the blue accent and offset logo favouring the more conventional look with the Huawei logo taking center stage in polished finish on the lid, a contrast to the brushed aluminium finish of the entire chassis.
Both laptops share the same weight and thickness as the MagicBook; 1.53kg and 16.9mm slim for the MateBook D15 and 1.38kg and 15.9mm slim for the MateBook D14. Both laptops has hinges that open up to 180-degrees with the lid folding over the base at the hinge.
Both laptops are powered by AMD Ryzen 5 3500U processor with PCIe SSD and dual-channel DDR4 RAM. The difference here is that on review, we find the HONOR offering is limited to 256GB SSD storage on both 14 and 15 while the Huawei MateBook D14 is offered with double the storage capacity at 512GB for a bit more money. At the time of writing except of the MateBook D14, the MagicBook 14 and 15 as well as the Huawei MateBook D15 shares the same price tag.
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Honor MagicBook 14 and 15: Great value mid-range laptops with performance to boot The Honor MagicBook range of laptops are available with 14 and 15-inch displays. These are great value mid-range machines with ultra lightweight design, full display, fast charging and amazing performance to boot.
0 notes
superstartvnews · 4 years
A blender is that the only machine in your kitchen which will produce a beverage from chunks of ice and fruit in but 60 seconds. And no other blender we’ve tested since 2014 can reliably produce silky soups, spoon-thick smoothies, and stable emulsifications. Yes, it’s pricey, but we expect it’s well worth the investment for its powerful motor, nuanced controls, and long-lasting reliability. Here Are Our Picks For The Best Blenders in 2020 : NutriBullet ZNBF30500Z Blender Combo 1200 Watt, 1200W, Dark Gray NutriBullet blender combo will take your nutrition extraction to the next level with the versatility of both a multi-serving pitcher and a single serve cup. Three precision speeds, A pulse function and the extract program offer full control at the Press of a button. 1200 watts of power let you make an endless array of smoothies, soups, sauces, nut butters and beyond. Includes: (1) 1200W motor base, (1) 64 oz blender with lid and vented lid cap, (1) Tamper, (1) 32 oz cup, (1) 24 oz cup, (2) to-go lids, (1) easy-twist Extractor blade, and recipe book The easy-twist Extractor blade is made of powerful stainless steel and designed with cyclonic action. Our super-durable BPA-free pitcher and cups are made of high-performance plastic. Hassle-free cleaning - simply place pitcher and cups in the dishwasher and rinse The easy twist Extractor blades with soap and water. Unit dimensions: 8.07 L x 7.75 W x 16.97 H This item includes a 1 year Limited warranty. Power? It's got plenty. Power, extraction technology, and versatile functionality let you make an endless array of smoothies, soups, sauces, nut butters and beyond. The control you need. Unleash your inner control freak with three precision speeds, plus a pulse function, or use our Extract program and get delicious smoothies at the press of a button. A clear advantage. Our pitchers and cups are made from super-durable, high-performance plastic. It’s BPA-free and dishwasher-safe, too. What Is Nutrient Extraction? Precision Nutrient Extraction: Our signature blending process optimizes the nutritional potential of your food, transforming high-fiber fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds into silky, nutrient-dense smoothies that are easy to digest and absorb. ORDER HERE --------------------------------------------------------------------- Breville BBL620 Fresh & Furious Blender, Silver Even blending kinetics performance: combines the functionality of a powerful blender with some food processing tasks for versatility and convenience; Crush and chop to turn ice into snow, fold and aerate for creamy smoothies and soups Quiet & efficient: The blade design and high torque motor delivers quiet and efficient blending performance; Engineered surgical grade stainless steel ensures the blades stay sharp, for Longer Heavy duty blades: engineered surgical grade stainless steel ensures the blades stay sharp, longer Lcd display & timer: LCD display counts up on speed settings and down for pre programmed settings for complete control when blending 1 Touch versatility: illuminated smoothie, green smoothie and ice crush pre programmed buttons make it super simple to blend the smoothest of smoothies;Painted Plastic Base Auto clean: to easily clean around the blades Breville assist lid unique ring pull design ensures the lid is easy to remove yet sealed tight during operation The Fresh & Furious Blender by Breville With 9 task controls and timer. With Kinetix contoured blade and bowl system lumps have nowhere to hide in the Fresh and Furious. One touch programs for smoothies, green smoothies and ice crushing to make what is a rough start, a smooth finish. Even Blending Kinetix Performance Combines the functionality of a powerful blender with some food processing tasks for versatility and convenience. Crush and chop to turn ice into snow, fold and aerate for creamy smoothies and soups. Quiet and Efficient The blade design and high torque motor delivers quiet and efficient blending performance. Engineered surgical grade stainless steel ensures the blades stay sharp, for longer. 1-Touch Versatility Illuminated Smoothie, Green Smoothie and Ice Crush pre-programmed buttons make it super simple to blend the smoothest of smoothies. ORDER HERE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calphalon Auto-Speed 2-Liter Blender with Blend-N-Go Smoothie Cup, Dark Stainless Steel Dual-direction, 6-point stainless-steel blades pulverize in seconds Powerful 1100-watt motor 2-Liter capacity BPA-free Tritan jar 10 Speed Settings, including 4 Preset Programs (smoothie, dip, salsa, and milkshakes) and Pulse/Reverse Pulse functionality Includes 25-Oz. Blend-N-Go Smoothie Cup 10 Year Warranty Calphalon Auto-Speed 2-Liter Blender with Blend-N-Go Smoothie Cup, Dark Stainless Steel Precision Performance for Your Kitchen The Calphalon Auto-Speed Blender senses the mixture in the jar and automatically adjusts power to maintain blade speed for perfectly blended results. Dual-direction blades and a 1,100-watt motor easily pulverize the contents. The 2-liter Tritan jar is dishwasher safe. An All-Metal Drive delivers reliable durability and a digital interface provides intuitive control. The included Blend-N-Go smoothie cup lets you add ingredients and blend inside the 25-oz. cup, then take it with you. Dishwasher safe for easy cleanup Digital interface with countdown timer 4 presets: smoothie, dip, milkshake, and frozen drink 10-speed functionality Auto-Sensing Blade Speed Auto-sensing blade speed adjusts according to mixture's consistency for perfectly blended results Powerful 1,100-Watt Motor An All-Metal Drive along with a 1,100-watt motor easily chops, mixes, purees, and more Blend-N-Go Smoothie Cup Mix ingredients and blend right inside the 25-oz. cup for on-the-go portable convenience High-Contrast LCD Display Control 4 presets and 10 speeds, and track the countdown time with the intuitive LCD display ORDER HERE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ninja Professional Countertop Blender with 1100-Watt Base, 72oz Total Crushing Pitcher and (2) 16oz Cups for Frozen Drinks and Smoothies (BL660),Gray Ninja Professional Blender with Nutri Ninja Cups has 1100 watts of professional performance power with 3 speeds, pulse, and single serve functions 72 Ounce Total Crushing Pitcher pulverizes ice to snow in seconds for creamy frOunceen drinks and smoothies Two 16 Ounce Nutri Ninja Cups with To Go Lids are perfect for creating personalized, nutrient rich drinks to take on the go Dishwasher safe and BPA free parts Single Serve Blade Assembly Includes one 1100 watt base, 72 Ounce Total Crushing Pitcher, and two 16 Ounce Nutri Ninja Cups with To Go Lids NOTE: Refer user manual before use 1100-watt base Professional, high-powered kitchen tool with 1100 watt motor to make it easy to crush ice and pulverize tough ingredients. Total Crushing 6-blade assembly allows you to turn ice to snow in seconds. Nutrient Extraction A powerful motor combined with the Pro Extractor Blades Assembly breaks down whole fruits and veggies for refreshing, full-bodied nutrient juices. XL capacity XL 72 oz. pitcher is perfect for entertaining guests or the entire family. Single-serve blending Blend your favorite frozen fruits directly into the cup, then simply twist on a lid to enjoy delicious smoothies on-the-go. Drinks, dips, and more With your Ninja Professional Blender, you can make all your favorite drinks, dips, and dressings. ORDER HERE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vitamix Professional Series 750 Blender, Professional-Grade, 64 oz. Low-Profile Container, Black, Self-Cleaning Automated Blending: Five pre-programmed settings ensure simple cleaning, walk-away convenience, and consistent results for smoothie, frozen dessert, soup, and purée recipes. You're in Control: Variable Speed Control and Pulse feature let you manually fine-tune the texture of any recipe;Cord: 6 ft Low-Profile 64-ounce Container: Perfect for family meals and entertaining, while fitting comfortably under most kitchen cabinets. Electrical Ratings - 120 V, 50-60 Hz, 12 Amps Hardened Stainless-Steel Blades: Our aircraft-grade stainless steel blades are designed to handle the toughest ingredients, so from the first blend to the last, you get the same quality results. Self-Cleaning: With a drop of dish soap and warm water, your Vitamix machine can clean itself in 30 to 60 seconds. What's in the Box: motor base, low-profile 64 oz. container, cookbook, getting started guide, DVD, low-profile tamper.HP: 2.2-peak Blend Like a Pro Vitamix Professional Series 750 Perfect for family meals or entertaining! The Professional Series 750 lets you feed a crowd easily, with a 64-ounce container that fits under most kitchen cabinets. 5 program settings automatically handle Smoothies, Hot Soups, Frozen Desserts, Purées, and Self-Cleaning, so you can spend more time with the ones you love. Low-Profile 64-Ounce Container Our low-profile container was designed to fit easily under most overhead cabinets, so you can keep your Vitamix on the counter and ready to go. Variable Speed + Pulse You’re in control—adjust the speed during the blend to achieve a variety of textures, or use the Pulse feature to create quick bursts of power Self Cleaning Just blend warm water and a drop of dish soap at your machine's highest speed, and watch it self-clean in 60 seconds—no disassembly required. Programs Settings Make smoothies (and more) with the press of a button. Our program settings offer walk-away convenience & consistent results for your favorite blends. High-Performance Motor Blend frozen fruit, heavy powder, all the greens—our powerful motors transform tough ingredients into smooth blends, year after year. Precise Container Design Every angle of our patented container is designed to fold ingredients back to the blades for faster, smoother blends—creating the Vitamix vortex. Stainless-Steel Blades Our laser-cut blades are designed to deliver the same quality results,  from first blend to last, and are resistant to dulling or bending. Blade Friction Heating Our blades reach speeds fast enough to create friction heat,  bringing cold ingredients to steaming hot in about six minutes. ORDER HERE
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