#North Sydney
tcr55 · 8 months
A brief blush of dawn colour above North Sydney.
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dialogue-queered · 2 years
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Image: Front cover of ‘northsider’, Spring 2022, Sydney, Australia.
Sydney’s north-side, ie north of the harbour, is perhaps the most important home of social conservatism and economic liberalism as expressed in the “Liberal Party’. In a nutshell, for political afficionados, it is John Howard territory! There are also pockets of libertarianism.
The lower north shore is simply beautiful abutting the harbour, and more socially-fluid than further north.
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oliviasfashion · 5 months
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Elevate your winter wardrobe with BLACK & GREY WINTER SOCKS. Order in bulk and stay warm with style. Click here to secure your pairs.
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casacatering0006 · 6 months
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When in North Sydney for catering count on Casa catering!
Bring your North Sydney events to life with Casa Catering’s unparalleled culinary expertise. As North Sydney’s go to caterers, we bring an extra level of gastronomic quality to your events. Driven by passion and imagination, our team creates custom menus that reflect the spirit of your special occasion, whether it’s a corporate event, wedding or social gathering.
What sets Casa Catering apart from other North Sydney caterers is not only the quality of the dishes we create, but also the level of service we provide. From start to finish, we make sure your dining experience is seamless and delightful, leaving your guests in awe of the flavors and presentation. When in North Sydney, for catering you can count on Casa Catering to turn moments into memories.
Let us bring the culinary charm to your next event and leave an unforgettable taste in your guests’ mouths.
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months
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On November 10, 1918, the Western Union Cable Office in North Sydney, Nova Scotia, received a top-secret coded message from Europe (that would be sent to Ottawa and Washington, D.C.) that said on November 11, 1918, all fighting would cease on land, sea and in the air.     
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Best Foods in NorthSydney
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j4m3s-b4k3r · 10 months
Pyjamas in North Sydney
The suburb of North Sydney bustles with people on a workday. While not as busy as downtown Sydney on the other side of the Harbour Bridge, you don’t want to be caught there in your pyjamas at lunch hour. Which is where I found myself.
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It was one of those embarrassment dreams made real. I was lucky though to be wearing my semi-reputable pyjamas, rather than the undies I sometimes slept in on hot Sydney nights.. Thankfully too, this walk of shame was only 10-15 blocks or so.. Trying to play it casual, I entered a skyscraper and found the lift. Steadfastly avoiding eye contact with the office workers around me, I stared at my now-grimy bare feet instead..
The other occupants breathed a sigh of relief as the barefooted loon in his jammies exited the lift. I was relieved too, that the very fellow I’d rented my flat from a few months ago was in the office, and could identify me. It would have been much worse if nobody knew me in there (real estate agents don’t lend spare keys to barefooted strangers in pyjamas with no ID). Worse still, if their office had been miles away, and harder to get to, in barefeet with no cash. So this awkward situation was at least not an utter catastrophe, and I had a (somewhat) sympathetic ear as I explained my tale of woe -
I was at home, heard a delivery at the mailbox in the building entranceway just outside my flat, and went out to see if it was a cheque I’ve been waiting for. Only to hear my front door slam in a gust of wind. Leaving me stranded in my PJs with no key (AND no cheque). Although my window was ajar, it was unreachable from the ground. So, VOILA, pyjama loon.. Ha ha..
I was given a spare key and retraced the cringe-walk back to the small block of flats I lived in. It was an absolutely cracking location, just around the corner from North Sydney station, literally the last residential building on Blues Point Road before the high-rise towers of commercial North Sydney began on Miller Street. The building faced spectacular views of Sydney Harbour on one side, but my flat was on the other side, in the perpetual shadow of a looming skyscraper.
Despite world class views nearby, mine was of the alley where noisy garbage trucks came by daily to clear out multiple office tower rubbish bins. Consequently I always kept the curtains closed, and friends all joked about my dark cave. It was somewhat shabby, but it was the first place I’d ever found 100% on my own and I was stupidly happy about it. I honestly loved the place.
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My building seen from North Sydney station (when under construction).
Prior to moving in, I’d had prolonged bad luck in finding somewhere to live. Every weekend I’d get the newspaper, circle ads of shared apartments, then traipse from interview to interview. Like speed dating, I’d get a moment to impress a household of strangers, keen on knowing my finances, my habits, my occupation, my vibe.. Try as I might, I simply could not display enough of the certain something wanted by each house. I was too vanilla for goth house, not financially secure enough for accountant house. Too much of a country bumpkin for posh house, and so on. For weeks, I failed each interview, and slouched slump shouldered back to the grotty Kirribilli private hotel I was living in (falling asleep to the warbling old lady two doors down - “There’ll be Bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover..”) Gawd.
Finally, I saw an ad for a 2 bedroom flat in an area convenient to work. Lo & behold, I could actually afford all the rent on my own (even though I was barely scraping by financially). No more grilling by judgy flatmates! This seemed too good to be true.. When I showed up, the real estate agent explained that the rent was so low as some construction was planned in a year or two. This didn’t bother me, as I planned to go abroad soon anyway. Though somewhat dark, my flat was paradise after sleeping on some friends’ couch, and staying in The Sad Loser Hotel.
This block of flats was one of the most sociable buildings I’ve ever lived in, and I met many neighbours immediately upon moving in. While unpacking boxes in the lounge room, my front door slammed open, and someone boomed a hearty “hello!” as she came clomping down the corridor. She did a double take at the sight of me and burst into raucous & infectious laughter. “Oh sorry, you’re clearly not (so & so)!!” I explained that the person she'd expected had moved out, & I’d just moved in. She introduced herself as Carmel, warmly welcomed me to the building, and explained the lay of the land - telling me who was who and what was what. The bloke next door was a truck driver who was barely ever there, and she introduced me to the tenant living on the far side side of my floor, Catherine, who had one of the utterly speck-tack-you-LAH views of Sydney Harbour.
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The invite I drew for Catherine’s NYE party, attended by many in the building.
It was a year when I did a lot of freelance working from home, so I got to know several residents & their various entourages, and socialized frequently with them all. My flat was near the mailboxes, and when working at my drawing table in the spare bedroom I’d hear people come & go, and they often came in for tea & a natter. Catherine two doors over had an infant boy who I sometimes babysat. Carmel worked in a bar/restaurant near Wynyard (where she played the room like a theatrical Diva). There was also a fellow whose name escapes me now (a flatmate of the ever-absent truckie? Or perhaps of Carmel?) Who’d come by and bend my ear about the merits of EST and other 1980s self-help bollox.
The fly in the feel-good community ointment was a cranky old Polish bloke living right beneath me, who’d constantly thump on his ceiling. Screaming obscenities through my floor boards, he accused me of making a horrendous din. To hear him tell it, a death metal band was practicing upstairs, though I was quiet as a mouse. Carmel claimed his 'bark was worse than his bite', & he was 'a lovely man', etc, but to me he was like an angry troll living under the bridge. Plus, he made the communal laundry unusable by making blood sausage in the wash tubs. bleurgh.
However, I was soon to get my own lessons in building acoustics. Late one night, I was woken to the sounds of someone being beaten up in the alley outside. I stuck my head out the window.. and realised the moaning and groaning was coming not from the alley below, but from the apartment above.. rhythmic groaning? Ohhhhhh.. Carmel (always up on the building scuttlebutt) soon confirmed that newlyweds had moved in upstairs. I’d be in my lounge room, when there'd be sounds of rambunctiousness on the sofa above. Giggling soon segued to moaning & groaning. I subsequently heard them shagging in every room. The bathroom, the bedroom, everywhere. Good lord. It can be difficult to get to sleep in Sydney on hot summer nights, but especially when the Sex Olympics is happening upstairs. (I participated too, in the Celibacy Marathon, scoring a gold medal for Australia). So the Pole had been right after all. Without carpet/insulation, simply walking to & fro made a hell of a racket on my ceiling (and they got up to a lot more than walking, the randy monkeys).
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Yobbos & Trendies, sketched on train to North Sydney, 1985.
From my wonderfully located flat, I could easily walk to animation studios in St. Leonards, go to Milson’s Point for a swim in the spectacular North Sydney pool, or ride my bicycle across the Sydney Harbour Bridge to meet pals in town.. As always during this era I had no phone, but had finally inherited a telly when my pal Chris left OZ. With the sound turned down it was often the visual accompaniment while playing my LP records (or the mixtapes we made & swapped in those days).
While living in this flat, there were several visits from hometown family, including Dad. The first time was soon after I moved in, and I prepared for the ridicule that my flat typically inspired.. but Dad absolutely loved it. He wandered from room to room as if awed, impressed that I’d found it all on my own. His reaction genuinely made me happy. I hadn’t yet got much furniture, so Dad slept on the bed and I took the floor, but I barely slept at all, because Dad seemed to continuously choke in his sleep. I learned later that this was his (eventually diagnosed & treated) sleep apnea. Dad’s last visit coincided with my 22nd birthday, and we went out to celebrate with one of his workmates, who I’d known for years. It was a fun evening, where I was treated to the sight of Dad giggly drunk. I only ever saw him drunk twice in my entire life, and both times he was giggly silly, not a mean drunk at all. Anyway, I had to help him to bed that night, laughing like a loon.
In that last year before I went abroad, there was a dramatic uptick in tour buses containing international tourists. I began to see them in the lower North Shore area, where I'd not noticed them before. Sydney finally was on the international travel map. Travel was on my mind too. I gave my few sticks of crummy furniture (& sold my hi-fi) to a coworker, who also took over my lease (he habitually wore army boots, so I’m sure the old Pole loved that). The general idea when I left Australia was that I’d come back and share the place. As it turned out, I’ve lived abroad for the rest of my life.. My understanding was that this block of flats would eventually be demolished, to build another high-rise tower like the one next door, but it is still there:
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211 Blues Point Road (AKA, 1 Miller Street)
The owners/property managers had been letting it go when I lived in the building, but now it is now posh, and known as ‘THE CITADEL’. (Lah-di-dah). For reasons unclear, the addressing in that block have changed. What used to be '1 Miller Street' is now '211 Blues Point Road' (which was confusing when plugging my old address into Google Maps). My rent was $55 a week, but the same flat goes for about $900 per week now.
I was very lucky to live in Sydney just before it became unaffordable for the average shmo. On spotty & low pay, I managed to live twice right by the harbour, when it was still possible to have fun in Sydney without being rich. Anywhere is fun when you have cash, but truly wonderful cities are lovely even when you’re broke. To me, that is the definition of a livable city.
from www.James-Baker.com
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cleaneroo-au · 1 year
North Sydney Commercial Cleaning | #1 Top Rated Commercial Cleaning Sydney
Cleaneroo is a leading provider of commercial cleaning services in North Sydney and the surrounding areas. We specialize in delivering exceptional cleanliness and hygiene to businesses in this vibrant and bustling region. With our expertise and commitment to excellence, Cleaneroo is your go-to choice for maintaining a pristine and inviting commercial space.
Our dedicated team of professional cleaners understands the unique cleaning needs of North Sydney businesses. Whether you have an office space, retail store, or hospitality establishment, we have the knowledge and experience to ensure every corner is thoroughly cleaned and maintained to the highest standards.
At Cleaneroo, we use state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly cleaning products to deliver outstanding results while minimizing our environmental impact. We pay meticulous attention to detail, leaving no area untouched. Our goal is to create a clean and healthy environment that impresses your clients and fosters productivity among your employees.
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What sets Cleaneroo apart is our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. We value your business and strive to build long-lasting relationships based on trust and reliability. Our team is responsive, friendly, and always ready to address any concerns or special requests you may have.
For top-notch commercial cleaning services in North Sydney, trust Cleaneroo to exceed your expectations. Visit our website at www.cleaneroo.com.au to learn more about our services and request a quote. Experience the Cleaneroo difference and enjoy a flawlessly clean and welcoming commercial space that leaves a lasting impression.
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in-love-with-hades · 1 year
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alanj-1496 · 1 year
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With breathtaking views of the harbor and a wealth of luxurious hotel options, your stay will be extraordinary. From charming boutique hotels to modern city escapes, we’ve handpicked the best hotels in the area to ensure your trip is as comfortable and memorable as possible.We have you covered from the elegant Park Hyatt Sydney to the sophisticated Meriton Suites North Sydney and the grand Sheraton Grand Sydney Hyde Park. Whether searching for a romantic escape or a family vacation, North Sydney has the perfect hotel for you
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tcr55 · 1 year
On a clear early morning, looking across the harbour, I inspect North Sydney.
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wonderingwendy · 1 year
Ahhh safely tucked into Sydney - first step of our second journey home from down under. Wondering if this is how the hobbits felt after Mordor?
Today (Monday) is overcast and a bit drizzly so it’s a perfect day to chill, maybe read more of my book and go for a hot tub. Grocery store around the corner so maybe think of dinner later - a normal day. The rest of the week looks brighter so we’ll be checking out some new sights on the North side of Sydney Harbour. Stay tuned - wondering what we’ll find.
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oliviasfashion · 5 months
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Make a statement this winter with BLACK & GREY WINTER SOCKS. Order in bulk for the ultimate cold-weather accessory. Click here to shop now.
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jinlin9483 · 2 years
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This greedy woman (Lin Jin Kim) will lie to you and say that if you get along well with her, you can let your children enter a sydney elite school, like a Queenwood. She is not a leading share holder in Queenwood girls school. DO NOT GIVE HER MONEY or ANYTHING !!! Your bribes will be wasted by scammer.
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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World Fisheries Day
World Fisheries Day, celebrated on November 21, is dedicated to highlighting the critical importance of healthy ocean ecosystems and to ensure sustainable stocks of fisheries in the world. Fishing communities celebrate this day through rallies, workshops, public meetings, cultural dramas, exhibitions, and music shows.  Fisher folks in India, where it is widely celebrated, also demonstrate the importance of maintaining the fisheries of the world along with highlighting the problems like overfishing and mechanization. World Fisheries Day also explores finding solutions to the increasingly interconnected problems that the world is facing to follow sustainable models of our ocean ecosystems.
History of World Fisheries Day
World Fisheries Day, which is followed in India on November 21, highlights the fact that fisheries are an important sector in the country. It provides employment to millions of people, as well as contributing to the food security of India.
The fishery resources in India are mainly composed of inland and marine. Inland fisheries are mainly composed of major rivers and their tributaries, ponds, reservoirs, lakes, canals, and so forth. World Fisheries Day is celebrated worldwide by the fishing communities to recognize the vast and sometimes underappreciated food source for millions of humans.
In 2019, Andhra Pradesh’s government launched a number of welfare schemes for fishermen on the occasion of World Fisheries Day. State Fisheries Minister Mopidevi Venkata Ramana said on the occasion, “The YSRCP government has increased compensation to fishermen, for the mandatory ban period of 45 days, from Rs 4,000 to Rs 10,000.” The state government has also increased the subsidy on diesel for mechanized or non-mechanized boats. In case of death of fisherman compensation of 10 lakh will be given within two months.
Indian fisheries and aquaculture is an important sector of food production providing nutritional security, besides livelihood support and gainful employment to more than 14 million people, and contributing to agricultural exports. With diverse resources ranging from deep seas to lakes in the mountains and more than 10 percent of the global biodiversity in terms of fish and shellfish species, the country has shown continuous and sustained increments in fish production since independence in 1947.
The total fish production during 2017-18 was estimated to be 12.60 million metric tonnes, of which nearly 65 percent is from the inland sector and about 50 percent of the total production is from culture fisheries, which constitutes about 6.3 percent of the global fish production. More than 50 different types of fish and shellfish products are being exported to 75 countries around the world. Fish and fish products have presently emerged as the largest group in agricultural exports from India. On World Fisheries Day, make sure to support fisheries and new sustainable ways to make our ocean ecosystems cleaner.
World Fisheries Day timeline
2019 Supporting Indian fisheries
Andhra Pradesh's government launches a number of welfare schemes for fishermen on the occasion of World Fisheries Day, including the death of fisherman compensation and a subsidy increase on diesel for mechanized or unmechanized boats.
2016 Fish production at an all-time high
Total fish production reaches an all-time high of 171 million tonnes, of which 88 percent was utilized for direct human consumption, thanks to relatively stable capture fisheries production, reduced wastage, and continued aquaculture growth.
2014 The importance of sustainable fisheries
A report by Prince Charles' International Sustainability Unit is released, estimating global fisheries were adding $270 billion a year to global GDP, but by full implementation of sustainable fishing, that figure could rise by as much as $50 billion.
1961 Double-growth of fish consumption
Since this year, the annual global growth in fish consumption has been twice as high as population growth, furthermore, while the annual growth of aquaculture has declined in recent years, significant double-digit growth is still recorded in continents like Africa and Asia.
World Fisheries Day FAQs
Why is World Fisheries Day celebrated?
A number of traditional societies and communities rally around the occupation of fishing. World Fisheries Day celebrations serve as an important reminder that we must focus on changing the way the world manages global fisheries to ensure sustainable stocks and healthy ecosystems.
What is the largest fishery in the world?
Anchovy fishing is the largest fishery in the world.
What is another name for fishery?
There are around 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for fishery, such as spawning place, fish hatchery, fishing banks, fishtrap, weir, fish cannery, aquarium, tank, cannery, hatchery and piscary.
How To Celebrate World Fisheries Day
Attend a fishery sustainability workshop
Get involved with the fisherfolk community
Take care of your environment
Fisheries are a vital part of our ecosystem and food resources across the globe. On World Fisheries Day, consider signing up for an online workshop to learn about sustainable methods to keep our ocean ecosystems alive and productive. There are various events across the globe that celebrate this day. If you can’t find an event near you, organize a workshop with like-minded friends and family.
Fishermen contribute greatly to resourcing fish for food and should be supported in any way they can be, especially in developing nations. Consider fundraising for their charity events, whether they hold a rally or public meeting, to increase awareness of fisheries around the world and what they do every day. You are sure to learn a lot more about where your fish comes from and how it can be sustained in a better manner.
The oceans and fisheries become cleaner and more sustainable when our environment is less filled with rubbish. This includes taking care of rivers, dams, and the sea as these are important habitats for fish and aquatic organisms. Next time you go camping, hiking, or the beach, be sure to pick up any rubbish you see along the way. Try to educate people as well about the devastating impact of rubbish and to reduce the amount of plastic waste.
5 Important Fact About World Fisheries Day
Low-income work
Where your fish comes from
Fish and protein
Humans consume a lot of fish
When in Africa
65 percent of the reported catch from inland fisheries is from low-income food-deficit countries.
Estimates vary, but from around 30 million to over 60 million people in the developing world are involved in inland fisheries — it is thought that about 50 percent are women.
More than 25 percent of the world’s dietary protein is provided by fish.
The human population consumes over 100 million tons of fish annually.
Over 200 million of Africa’s 1 billion people regularly consume fish and nearly half of this comes from inland fisheries.
Why World Fisheries Day Is Important
It’s a reminder of environmental sustainability
It supports fishermen and women
It helps us learn more about the environment
A recent United Nations study reported that more than two-thirds of the world's fisheries have been overfished or are fully harvested and more than one third are in a state of decline because of factors such as the loss of essential fish habitats, pollution, and global warming. World Fisheries Day is an important reminder to inform ourselves and those around us of climate change and pollution, in order to keep our fisheries clean and productive.
Fish forms an important part of the diets of people around the world, particularly those that live near rivers, coasts, and other water bodies. A number of traditional societies and communities are rallied around the occupation of fishing, and around 50 percent of them are women. It’s time to increase awareness about low-income fishermen and women who work tirelessly in fisheries, especially in developing countries. Consider giving in charity or post information and statistics on social media.
Countries such as India contribute greatly to the sourcing of fish. Indian fisheries and aquaculture is an important sector of food production providing nutritional security, besides livelihood support and gainful employment to more than 14 million people, and contributing to agricultural exports. More than 50 different types of fish and shellfish products are being exported to 75 countries around the world. Fish and fish products have presently emerged as the largest group in agricultural exports from India. World Fisheries Day is a great time to learn more about where our fish comes from and the environment of fisheries.
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