#Noelle Dupont
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andrexdupont · 1 year
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They say you lose a woman if you forget to cherish her but, thankfully, that’s never been a problem for Andre. From the moment he met Noelle, he’d known she was special – something else entirely. Throughout their more than two decades of marriage, he’s made a point to remind her how important she is to him and that, regardless of what’s going on around them, she’s still his priority. He knows she’s been especially busy of late but drops in anyway on the off chance she’s free (he never expects her to plan her day around him or a visit), and if she’s not, well then at least she’ll have some fresh flowers to brighten her office. Her secretary lets him in with a smile (he’d brought a box for her staff from Sweet Little Things) and he walks down the familiar hallway to Noelle’s office. Knocking as a courtesy, Andre pops his head in the office, a vase of flowers in hand (he’d never get a bouquet without a vase) and motions to his ear as if to ask are you a call? With Zoom these days, you never know if someone’s on the screen you can’t see. @noelledupont​ 
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lily-dupont · 1 year
@noelledupont​ at: the big dupont mansion lmao
“I don’t think it looks like blue slushie.” Lily thought out loud and she had been staring at the samples for what felt like an eternity. She was a little jealous that Harvey had been asked for his opinion first, so as soon as he told her, she was straight away texting her mother and asking to have her say. Did it even matter if neither of them lived at home anymore? “I quite like it, like it will lift everything and make it seem lighter.” she shrugged and then thought a little more. “Blue is kinda beachy though, right? Isn’t that the golden rule? It’s better if you live near the coast or something, something about the skies being similar because they reflect the ocean.”
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naomi-temel · 1 year
at: noelle’s home @noelledupont​
The good thing about being friends with the DuPonts was the fact they always had wonderful wine to hand and Naomi was never going to say no to a French red. Poor Andre realized he had lost his wife to the sauce a bottle and a half ago, and Marika had received a wobbly worded text to let her know Omi was way too sozzled to get behind the wheel. “I wonder if we’ll be in trouble.” she snickered uncontrollably as she nudged into Noelle. “I mean, maybe not. We managed to marry the sweetest people. You know, I have a theory that if Andre...” she paused, to hiccup. “If you put Andre in a wig, he’d be Marika.”
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harvey-dupont · 1 year
noelle’s home
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“Wouldn’t Lily have a better eye for this sort of thing?” Harvey asked his mom as he stood in the living room, hands on hips pretending to know a thing about interior design. His whole house was exactly what you’d expect a bachelor’s pad to be. He didn’t know the first thing about how make a house a home. “They all look like the same shade of blue to me...” he added, a little hopelessly as his mother held up the different samples. “Actually, wait. That one.” he pointed to the second one. “Looks like slushie from the gas station.”
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darkwitch1999 · 5 months
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Sara Lemieux
Online Username: 👑HeadQueenofBitches0001👑
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Cerise Leroux (Not to be confused with Cerise/Lila Rossi)
Online Username: 🐅❤️RubyTigress666❤️🐅
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Colette Lyon
Online Username: 🎭DramaEqualsLife🎭
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Lavender Leyva\
Online Username: 💜🎵LavenderMuse2000🎵💜
Hey everyone! Happy New Year 2024!!!! So I decided to share some pictures of some original characters that I plan to write in my Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction series (they won't be featured in Misdirector or Icelator, but I have other fanfics in the works that I plan to introduce them in or at the very least they will be mentioned in). I used Create-A-Sim as per usual to make these OCs since I suck at drawing as I have previously stated many times before.
So the backstory on these gals is that all four of them go to the same school my other OC Noelle Odeja and Marc Anciel went to before transferring to Collège Françoise Dupont. These girls are the meanest quartet of popular gals at their school. If the students from Collège Françoise Dupont think that Chloe is the worst, well...let's just say that Chloe is an angel compared to these bitches. Sure, they never worked for a superpowered terrorist voluntarily, but they would regularly take advantage of their school's closemindedness to harass or humiliate any student who was part of the LGBTIQA+ community, and/or anyone who was different/unique in general.
When they were harassing Noelle, the four of them would bully her for not being "feminine" and would call her a "horror freak" due to her obsession with horror genres and everything else weird and supernatural. They would also bully her about her family, but I'm saving those details for an upcoming fanfic (or you can check out her headcanons here if you are that curious:
As for Marc, however, they would team up with the male students and would bully him both physically and verbally. Most of their heinous acts would include insults, cruel pranks, tripping him in the hallway, pushing him down some stairs, and breaking his glasses (yes, I headcanon that Marc used to wear glasses and this is the reason he doesn't wear them anymore), and stealing his journals, reading them out loud in the locker rooms, mocking his writing, and breaking them (hence the reason why the poor boy is so self-conscious about letting people read his writing). There were other forms of bullying that Marc had to endure and one of them was horribly bad enough to make Marc switch schools, however, I'll save them for the fanfictions that I am writing (or maybe I'll include them in a headcanons list for Marc).
Let me know what you guys think about these OCs. If you have any questions relating to their designs, personalities, etc, ask away!
@artzychic27 @andromeda612 @username8746489 @lady0lunamoon
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sweettoothvn · 2 months
Dupont Triplets meet Young Triplets? I just find it funny that there’s just two sets of threes. 
Okay so the building is on fire and multiple people are dead
But fr though Roselynn and Noelle are throwing hands with Icran and Lorli.
Mae is chasing Braels. Poor kid has never run so fast in his life. He's used to napping as a hobby.
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
Meet my MC: Esther Noelle DuPont (TRR)
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FC: Alexandra Daddario
Book: The Royal Romance
Nicknames: Essie, Estie, Sport/Squirt (from her father).
Age: 26 during the events of TRR
Birthday: December 26th
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Hair: Dark brown, long and straight
Eyes: Blue-grey
Birth Town: New Orleans, Louisiana
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian/American with French and Italian ancestry
Love Interest: King Liam
- loves photographing sunsets. Keeps a sky diary.
- closest (and only living) relative is her mother's sister, Vivienne, who moved in and looked after Esther when her parents died.
- Favourite festival is Mardi Gras. My fic Masks goes into why.
- Loves pearls. Also loves small knickknacks.
- Her first name came from her mother's favourite swimmer, and her middle name from the month she was born. Her expected due date was at the end of January, but she was born in late December instead.
Personality: Detail Oriented - Repressed - Logical - Outwardly Calm - Slightly Avoidant in conflict.
Education: A BA in Interdisciplinary Studies/Teacher Education, and two years of teaching experience. She was preparing to enroll in a Curriculum and Instruction MS programme after a few years, when she ended up meeting Liam. She’s currently using her background in education to improve the education system in Cordonia.
Favourite Holiday Destination: Venice, where Liam and Esther spent their honeymoon
Backstory: Esther was born in New Orleans to Louis DuPont and Isabelle Blais. She is their only child; they had initially planned on having at least three children, but because Esther's birth was particularly difficult and traumatic for her mother, the couple never tried to have children again. This also resulted in Isabelle being a little distant around her daughter, even though she loved her immensely. Louis was the more interactive, hands-on parent, and as a professional photographer often took his daughter out with him. The family moved to Brooklyn during Esther's pre-teen years, and returned only once...to volunteer in the efforts to help their town during Hurricane Katrina.
Esther lived a relatively happy life though her mother's distant behaviour did disturb her, and it was only as an adult, talking to her aunt Vivienne, that she finally understood why. Both parents passed away before she completed high school, and Vivienne helped her get through college. Esther worked as a teacher for two years, and took up an extra job as a waitress (and a few other odd jobs) in hopes to pay for a degree in Curriculum and Instruction in the future. It's at this point that she meets Liam.
Children: Crown Princess Sofia, Prince Theo and Prince Phillip.
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for Meet Our MCs/OCs!
Putting this up because I'm working on a 4-chapter mini-series focusing on Esther, set in the Petals and Thornes universe! Tagging all my usual readers for the series, but if anyone would like to get tagged for Three and A Half Weeks (and if you haven't yet - for P&T), let me know!
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dasstanzy · 1 year
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So I’ve fallen (pun not intended) headfirst into Fallen London. I figured I’d do some portraits. Above: Asher Dupont, an eccentric detective not afraid to get themself in odd or dangerous situations to solve a case. They’ve died twice and gone insane thrice in the last ten days. Below: Noelle Dupont, their mother who disappeared mysteriously a decade ago.
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papyrusgayfont · 2 years
* all the miraculous episodes coming out are making me think about my miraculous ladybug/undertale au, so uh I’m just gonna talk about that for a bit
* I just wanted to explain the characters a bit, who’s actually in the au, who’s not, etc
* basically, all of the original Miraculous characters are in the au, but they’d mainly just be side/background characters. Some would be more involved, like Marinette, Nino, Alya, basically most of the class, but for the most part the au would focus on the Undertale/Deltarune cast
* Adrien did exist in the world of this au, but he passed away, idk when exactly that would’ve happened, but probably soon after the monsters were freed
* Unlike the show, Adrien wouldn’t be a sentibeing (assuming he is, he could not be, but there’s so much evidence that suggests he is that it’s basically confirmed), so therefore Emille would exist. She wouldn’t be around for Gabriel’s shenanigans, she’s probably staying with Amelie, idk, but, yeah
* the list I made of which UT/DR characters replace which Miraculous characters is kinda misleading, no one is really “replacing” anyone, since no one would take anyone’s personalities, just the miraculous that the character uses, who gets akumatized, and their role in a given episode (so, for example, Sans would get the snake miraculous, but he wouldn’t really act like Luke or usually take Luka’s role in an episode. He would get akumatized into Truth and Silencer, but other than that, there really wouldn’t be any similarities between Sans and Luka)
* ok now onto some more general things:
* Berdly x Jockington would be a thing, because I decided to do that. For some reason. The relationship would probably start to form in like, Dark Cupid or smth, idk
* Max’s mom and Berdly’s mom would be married, also because I decided to do that
* Susie would have been adopted by Alphys and Undyne, mostly because I like the idea of Undyne adopting Susie in Deltarune, so why not I’ll put that in here
* Frisk and Chara would be able to switch between who’s controlling Frisk’s body, the way that you can tell them apart is that Frisk would wear their blue shirt with purple stripes and brown pants, and Chara would wear their green shirt with a yellow stripe and beige pants. Kris would wear a hoodie with a darker green and a darker yellow stripe and idk brown jeans or smth I don’t know fashion
* the rabbit miraculous would still be a pocket watch, but it would have a chain so you could put it around your neck, and for Kris it would be camouflaged into Chara’s heart shaped locket
* in the show, it’s been explained that the reason a child holder has to detransfrom after using their power once is because they don’t have enough energy for the kwami to feed off of, so the kwami has to eat and recharge. For monsters, the kwami would have to feed off the magic they use to form their physical bodies, and so that’s why they would detransform after using their powers once
* the Gabriel Agreste company would also have an acting company as a part of their brand, apart from the fashion company, and that’s where Mettaton would have worked before the main events of this au
* Mettaton, at this point in time, wouldn’t want to leave acting completely, but he would want to take a break, so that’s why he would be the theatre teacher at Françoise Dupont High School. Alphys would be the second science teacher, and Undyne would be the second gym teacher.
* Dess and Noelle would live with Asgore in his house, since Asgore wants to take care of them after Rudy’s passing and their mom leaving them
* both Mettaton and Papyrus would be gay, but Mettaton would publicly be out, and Papyrus wouldn’t (I’m not saying that the world of this au would have homophobia/transphobia as a problem, like 99% of people in this world would be accepting, but ofc there would be those few)
* some of the akuma villains would probably be some of the darkners from Deltarune, since the dark worlds wouldn’t be a part of the au, and I’d just like to include them (so Markov - Queen, Bob Roth - Spamton, Burgerpants - Jevil, etc)
* I’ve got some (very basic) ideas for how certain episodes could play out: for example, Silencer. Essentially, the episode would mostly be the same, the only difference would be that the band isn’t “Kitty Section”, it would be a band that Papyrus started in his spare time, and Mettaton is their manager. Papyrus would have designed the costumes, and seeing that they were stolen, he and Sans would go and confront XY and Bob Roth about it, and Sans, upset that his brother’s work is being stolen, and also hearing that XY has blackmail on Papyrus (see Papyrus not being out), gets akumatized
* for Papyrus being a sentibeing, I don’t have it fully finalized, but I was thinking that the object that holds his amok would be a piece of his scarf that Gaster used to test and see if what he was doing would work
* for “Felix”, I was thinking he could be a shapeshifting monster that was Papyrus’ old friend from the Underground, who knows that Papyrus is a sentibeing, and wants to try and protect him from any harm that Gabriel could bring him
* for Mad Mew Mew’s “Queen Bee” arc, in the “Miracular” episode of the au, instead of Mad Mew Mew never getting to be Queen Bee again, she and Ladybug would come up with a plan where she would come up with a new costume and name for her so that she could still wear the bee miraculous, but Hawk Moth wouldn’t recognize her. This would lead into the season 3 finale, and then the “Queen Banana” episode, where we’d learn Mad Mew Mew’s new superhero name and her new outfit
* ik these are all horrible ideas, but my brain will literally not let me think about anything else, and I just had to write them down
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andrexdupont · 1 year
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full name: Andre DuPont gender & pronouns: cis man & he/him age & date of birth: 56, September 28 1967 where do they live: Northside time living in lockwood springs: 24 years Occupation: CFO of DuPont Industries, Vintner, Owner of Kinship Landing affiliation: none rank: n/a positive traits: affable, diplomatic, idealistic, perceptive, negative traits: indecisive, distracted, non-confrontational, face claim: paul rudd husband of @noelledupont , father of @harvey-dupont & @lily-dupont​
Born into a family with a vast legacy.
Noelle was the opposite of Andre in many ways but their bond grew out of mutual respect and his kind hearted nature taking her by surprise. He wasn’t trying to compete with her like most people had.
Their families joint businesses grew over the years and in their international reach. Their reputation preceded them and only the highest quality products, weapons or wine, were produced by DuPont Industries.
When they had kids, his focus changed from supporting just Noelle to helping raise their kids. Noelle was much better at her job as CEO than Andre was at most things. Though, not being a vintner. Andre was genetically predisposed to wine making and it was more of his passion than running a huge company ever was.
When they moved to the states to help Liliana pursue her dream of figure skating, he would travel back to France on business throughout the year but made it a priority to be there for every major competition Lily had or every game Harvey played in. 
When controversy overshadowed Lily’s accomplishments, his heart broke for his daughter. 
Since then, Andre has been more mindful of his kids, checking in with them more frequently to see that they’re doing well.
He acquired Kinship Landing about ten years ago and worked on renovations. It’s a bit of his pet project in town, when he’s not preoccupied with DuPont Industries, the vineyards back in France or his family.
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cfsouthernbelles · 1 year
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(—) ★ spotted!! SAVANNAH PRESTON on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 32 year old looks like SOPHIA BUSH, but i don’t really see it. while  the SINGER/ACTRESS is known for being OUTGOING my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be RESENTFUL i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song AIN’T NO DIME by TYRA MADISON  {she/her / female} - penned by SUSHI, 27, FEMALE, SHE/HER (BETTY PRESTON’S WANTED YOUNGEST DAUGHTER CONNECTION)
Name: Savannah Noelle Preston Nicknames/Alias: Sav, Savvy Face Claim: Sophia Bush Age: 32 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Date/Place of Birth: August 29, 1990 in Nashville, TN Currently: Ojai, CA (2 hour drive outside of LA) Nationality: American Occupation: Singer/Actress
Positives/Virtues/Skills: Independent: free from outside control; not depending on another’s authority. Confidence: feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured. Intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive. Endearing: inspiring love or affection. Self-Aware: having conscious knowledge of one’s own character and feelings. Outgoing:  friendly and socially confident.
Flaws/Weaknesses: Stubborn: having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. Blunt: uncompromisingly forthright. Opinionated: conceitedly assertive and dogmatic in one’s opinions. Resentful: feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly.
Archetype: Leader: Always knows the best thing to do—and people follow. Rebel/Revelutionary: Stands opposed to the status quo and fights for his cause. Survivor: Pulls through no matter what happens, doesn’t give up.
Likes Favourite colour? Green Favourite foods? Salmon, Chicken (especially fried), Chicken and Dumplings, Fried Pickles, Biscuits and Gravy, Banana Pudding (Literally her favorite thing in the world), Chicken Pot Pie, Corn Nuggets, Sweet Tea, Cornbread, Shrimp and Grits, Seafood Boil with Cajun Seasoning  Favourite music? Country, Pop, Rock Favorite books? Romance Fears: TBD
Parents: Unnamed Preston (Father, Country Music Superstar) Bethany “Betty” Preston (Mother, Queen of Country Music/Founder and Owner of Preston Records)
Siblings: Unnamed Preston (Older Sister, Singer, Wanted Connection) Unnamed Preston (Younger Brother, UTP, Wanted Connection)
Children:  Bentley Kenneth Callaway (3-year-old son) Presley Loretta Callaway (3-year-old daughter)
Other family: TBD Pets:  Gypsy- 15 year old Mustang Chief- 21-year-old Thoroughbred Ace- 4-year-old German Shepherd Harley- 1-year-old Border Collie Loki (Orange Tabby), Bucky (Grey Tabby), and Natasha (Calico)- 7-month-old cats Spouse: N/A Current Partner: N/A Ex-Partners: TBD Co-Workers: TBD Co-Stars: Athena Sinclair (Coyote Ugly), Felicity Dupont (Coyote Ugly) Friends: TBD Enemies: TBD
Build: 5'4", 121 lbs, Curvy muscular build Hair Colour: Dark brown Eye Colour: Green Distinguishing Marks: N/A
Accomplishments: 2 Emmy’s, 4 Grammy’s, 5 CMA’s, 2 AMA’s, 1 CMT Award, 5 PCA’s
Regrets: TBD
Secrets: She’s trying to break away from her family and do her own thing; Has been meeting with other record companies wanting to make the switch from Preston Records 
Nashville, TN the heart of country music and hometown of the Preston children. Savannah born into bright lights and celebrity as the second born child of Unnamed Preston, Country Superstar, an Madelyn Preston, Queen of Country Music and Dallas Dame. 
Life from the start was something of a fight, the wild spirit within Savannah never wanting to die down.
Her first televised appearance was at the age of 5 when her family signed a deal with ABC, a show called the Preston Hour that went on for 2 seasons before being cancelled.
Growing up, Savannah always felt she had to vie for her mother’s affection, leaning more towards her father, her wild, carefree spirit more centered with his own and feeling as though her mother pushed her way harder than her older sister and younger brother combined which only caused for resentment to grow untethered within the middle Preston child.
She started her music career at a young age, being cast as Cindy Lou Who in How A Grinch Stole Christmas and joining a local Children’s Choir after endless pleading to her parents.
From 10 to 17, Savannah enjoyed being a part of the Choir, dividing her time between that and her horses. Parents split when Sav was 15, mom got full custody, Savannah’s relationship with father becomes short to not fault of her or her father’s own, relationship with her mother continued to dwindle
Her first major career move happened at 16 when she released her self titled album Savannah Preston. Needless to say, the album was a hit and her rise to stardom was almost instantaneous and the signing on with her parents record label was to follow.
Every two years, a new album would be released and the time in between a few singles have been scattered. Music was where her heart was and while she wanted nothing more than to pull away from the shadow she was cast in behind her mother and older sister (whom she knew her mother wanted to take over the Queen of Country Music mantle) that wouldn’t come for a few years, her desire to impress her mother, prove to her that she could be the Queen of Country Music, and finally get the some affection and pride that her older sister got burning far to strong within the young star.
She had been cast in a few movies, all wholesome country movies until 2017 at the age of 27, when the realization that her mother would never give her the attention she so craved and so like the typical middle child and much like her own mother had done at one point, Savannah accepted a role in Coyote Ugly, a stunt that would only fuel her growing celebrity.
There was a pause in released albums from 24-31, focus on her roles in her various movies and her lead role in the TV show Nashville but also her return home to Nashville where she spent her time off from acting to help out her childhood best friend with their farm and even contributing to some of Aiyla’s humanitarian work, hosting fundraisers and raising money for some of the charities that she was on board with.
A series of unfortunate relationships have been left in Savannah’s wake, some ending because of her and others ending because of them but all inspiring a song or two. 
Though no albums were released while she was taking time off to focus on her acting, her friends farm, and the charities, Savannah did still write music and release a couple of singles and covers, including Jolene which was written and performed by her mother. During this break Savannah got into a whirlwind romance with one of the stable hands she worked with on her best friends farm, her pregnancy with her twins a result of this at the age of 29. She has 50/50 custody of her twins and absolutely adores them.
Age 31 and the release of Midnights (3am Edition), brought with Savannah a newfound sense of self, the realization that competing with her older sister was a losing battle and that her mother was clearly intent on the oldest taking over her mantle, saw the brunette beginning to pull away from her family, not as connected to them as she once was and secretly meeting with other record labels in attempts to get away from Preston Records.
Now at 32, Savannah has found herself becoming more in tune with herself and the things she wants and loves. Not letting the pressures of anyone’s expectations drag her down or hold her back from what she can be. The release of her latest album, Backroad Therapy, had been a longtime coming, some of the songs having been written over the years and Sav not quite ready to release them until now. This album was a recent release, end of November and ever since it’s release she has felt nothing but high as she begins filming season 3 of Sweet Magnolias where she plays leading role, Maddie Townsend.
Music Career:
Savannah Preston (Released, age 16)
Tim McGraw 3:54
Picture to Burn 2:55
Teardrops on My Guitar 3:35
A Place in This World 3:22
Cold as You 4:01
The Outside 3:29
Tied Together with a Smile 4:11
Stay Beautiful 3:58
Should've Said No 4:04
Mary's Song (Oh My My My) 3:35
Our Song 3:24
I'm Only Me When I'm with You 3:35
Invisible 3:26
A Perfectly Good Heart 3:42
Teardrops on My Guitar (Pop Version) 2:58
Fearless (Released, age 18)
Fearless 4:02 
Fifteen 4:54
Love Story 3:55
Hey Stephen 4:15
White Horse 3:54
You Belong With Me 3:51
Breathe 4:24
Tell Me Why 3:20
You’re Not Sorry 4:22
The Way I Loved You 4:05
Forever & Always 3:45
The Best Day 4:05 (For her dad)
Change 4:40
Long Live (Released, age 20)
Mine 3:51
Sparks Fly 4:21
Back To December 4:54
Speak Now 4:01
Dear John 6:44 (Inspired by Valentine Laurent)
Mean 3:58
The Story Of Us 4:26 
Never Grow Up 4:50 
Enchanted 5:52 
Better Than Revenge 3:37 (Inspired by Valentine Laurent)
Innocent 5:02 
Haunted 4:02
Last Kiss 6:07
Long Live 5:18
Red (Released, age 22)
State of Grace 4:55
Red 3:41
Treacherous 4:01
I Knew You Were Trouble 3:38
All Too Well 5:28
22 3:50
I Almost Do 4:03
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 3:12
Stay Stay Stay 3:25
The Last Time 4:58
Holy Ground 3:22
Sad Beautiful Tragic 4:44
The Lucky One 4:00
Everything Has Changed 4:04
Starlight 3:38
Begin Again 3:58 (Inspired by Valentine Laurent)
1990 (Released, age 24)
Welcome To New York 3:32
Blank Space 3:52
Style 3:51
Out Of The Woods 3:56
All You Had To Do Was Stay 3:13
Shake It Off 3:39 
I Wish You Would 3:27
Bad Blood 3:32
Wildest Dreams 3:40
How You Get The Girl 4:08
This Love 4:10
I Know Places 3:16
Clean 4:31
Midnights (3am Edition) (Released, age 31)
Lavender Haze 3:23
Maroon 3:39
Anti-Hero 3:21
Snow On The Beach 4:17
You're On Your Own, Kid 3:15
Midnight Rain 2:55
Question...? 3:31
Vigilante Shit 2:45 (Inspired by Valentine Laurent)
Bejeweled 3:15
Labyrinth 4:08
Karma 3:25 (Inspired by Valentine Laurent)
Sweet Nothing 3:09
Mastermind 3:12
The Great War 4:01
Bigger Than The Whole Sky 3:39
Paris 3:17
High Infidelity 3:52
Glitch 2:29
Would've, Could've, Should've 4:21
Dear Reader 3:46
Backroad Therapy (Released, age 32)
Better Than Goodbye 4:00
Dive Bar Dreamer 3:33
I Kinda Don’t 3:47
All The Cowboys  3:48
How Do We Go 3:28
Best Worst Ex 2:54
That’s What Love Is 4:04 (Was a wedding gift for Val & Julian lol)
Backroad Therapy 3:39 (Inspired by Louie Wiley)
Skip This Part 3:19
Tall Boys 3:23
Singles (Various Ages, All Released)
Where Are You Christmas 3:51 (age 10, performed in movie and in One Voice Children’s Choir)
Hero 3:48 (age 14, performed with One Voice Children’s Choir)
Mary, Did You Know? 3:41 (age 16, performed with One Voice Children’s Choir)
Holding Out For A Hero 4:21 (Cover, age 16)
I’ll Always Remember You 4:27 (age 17, with One Voice Children’s Choir Seniors)
She’s Mine 3:00 (age 17)
Makeup Is Expensive 3:18 (age 19)
Just Cause I Love You 3:19 (age 19)
Can’t Miss You Anymore 2:52 (age 19)
Give Into Me 3:30 (age 20, Country Strong)
Asking For A Friend 3:11 (age 21)
Waste More Time 3:08 (age 22)
Villain 2:56 (age 23) (Inspired by Louie)
What He Didn’t Do 3:18 (age 23) 
What It Means To Be A Girl 2:48 (age 23)
Damsel In This Dress 2:58 (age 25)
We Wouldn’t Be Us 3:17 (age 25)
Strawberry Wine 4:04 (Cover, age 25)
Country Boy’s Dream Girl 3:04 (age 25)
Jolene 2:38 (Cover, age 26)
Close To You 3:45 (age 26)
Lived It Twice 2:54 (age 27)
Whiskey Side Of Me 2:47 (age 27)
Ain’t No Dime 3:12 (age 27)
Don’t Take The girl 3:37 (Cover, age 27)
Right Girl Wrong Time 3:48 (age 28)
Flowers 2:37 (age 28) (Inspired by Louie Wiley)
One Of The Guys 3:11 (age 29)
Lightning 3:46 (age 30)
Battlefield 3:00 (age 30)
I Hope You’re Happy Now 3:19 (age 30, ft. Lee Brice)
I Hope 3:33 (age 31)
This Is How I Learn To Say No 2:23 (age 31)
Hard Candy Christmas 4:00 (age 32)
Damn You 3:03 (age 32) (Inspired by Louie Wiley)
Voices 3:16 (age 32)
Do It Like A Girl 2:43 (age 32)
Movie Career:
2000- How The Grinch Stole Christmas; role: Cindy Lou Who, age 10
2006- Flicka; role: Katy McLaughlin, age: 16
2006- Bring It On: All Or Nothing; role: Brittney Allen, age: 16
2008- Step Up 2; role: Andie, age: 18
2011- Country Strong; role: Chiles Stanton, age: 21
2014- Dakota’s Summer; role: Kristin, age: 24
2014- Step Up: All In; role: Andie, age: 24
2017- Coyote Ugly; role: Rachel, age: 27
2018- Forever My Girl; role: Josie, age: 28
Television Career:
1995-1996- The Preston Hour; role: Herself, age: 5-6
2012-2018- Nashville; role: Juliette Barnes, age: 22-28
2020-Present- Sweet Magnolia’s; role: Maddie Townsend, age: 30-32
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nxrthmizu · 3 years
kill em’ with kindness
fandom | miraculous ladybug 
genre | lila salt, so much salt 
summary | marinette takes the high road to a better life. 
w.c | 8.1k 
author’s note | had this idea for a few days after i wrote victory tastes bitter, which really blew up on ao3 (thanks for all the support <3). always wondered what it would be like if marinette just. played nice. so here she is, being an absolute badass. 
author’s note.2 | okay so since i did not write this in one sitting, i get that the story probably doesn’t flow as properly as it should. will edit if i ever find the will to do it. 
Marinette was done. They wanted her to be a model student? Fine. They wanted her to stop being mean? Fine. They wanted her to be friends with Lila? Fine.
Luckily for Hawkmoth, no akuma plagued the sky of the previous night, or she would rain hell on him. There was no more tolerance left inside her to spare, and she certainly wouldn’t go out of her way to make some for the manipulative pest problem Paris has had for way too long.
She looked up into the mirror, having exchanged her pigtails for a low ponytail, strands curled to frame her face. Bluebell eyes glistened with a fire that burned brighter than hope— Hope that her ‘friends’ would see sense. Hope that Adrien would be there for her. Hope that the good guy would always get the happy ending. No more being patient, no more being passive, no more putting up with things she didn’t have to.
If Lila Rossi wanted a battle, then fine, a battle she would get. Marinette was lowering her white flag, replacing it with a battle emblem that scorched red, redder than blood and redder than the anger her friends would feel when she was finished. No more peace negotiations. Rossi wanted a fight, Rossi wanted a challenge. Who was Marinette to deny her from what she wanted?
They didn’t know what was coming for them.
The power of makeup was truly one that reigned apex among the world. A few touches of her makeup brush was all it took to erase her dark eyes from existence, give her skin a more radiant glow (She promised that she’d take time to give it a natural glow after she was done being nice), and ease a cherry-pink blush onto her cheeks, making her freckles stand out more in contrast. Marinette Dupain-Cheng meant business, and when she meant business—
“Good morning, Marinette! You look great today!” The head of the student council, a sensible, down-to-Earth blonde by the name of Noelle smiled, speeding up slightly to catch the bluenette on the steps of Francois Dupont. “Love the new look.”
Ah yes. The new look— A royal blue blazer, detailed with golden embroidery of cherry blossoms bursting at the sleeves and the collar, accompanied by a classy-looking silk blouse tapered with a soft, black felt. The pleated black skirt (Made from heavy cloth so that it wouldn’t flap about in the wind) was lined with a beautiful scarlet at all the edges to complete the look. Knee-high black socks trailed all the way into the slight heels that Marinette had added flower adornments on, just so she could tap a little of her own touch on it.
“Thank you,” Responded the bluenette with a smile.
“Woah! Someone looks like they got a good night of rest.” Madeline, the president of the Art Club teased, flocking to the other side of the girl. “That mascara looks sharp enough to kill, girl!”
Sharp enough to kill?
Oh, that wouldn’t be necessary, Marinette mused to herself, sending out thanks to those who had complimented her on her way to class. Nothing sharp was going to be required for the liar’s downfall— No, no. That would just be too messy, and she wouldn’t even think of staining her new outfit. Of course, the ensemble was crafted from her own hands, as stated by the classic MDC that graced the inside of her blazer, the collar of her blouse, and one of the pleats of her skirt. Besides… Lila wasn’t worth getting her hands dirty.
She was going to do things the right way.
The kind way.
“Good morning, everyone.” She greeted, walking into the classroom, garnering their attention with her punctuality. Every set of eyes in the room were attracted to her, like iron fillings to magnets. Some of the gazes were malicious, hateful; Some were doubtful, wary; One was pleading, as if spelling out ‘Please keep taking the high road!’— And then there was Chloe, who was entirely uninterested.
Good, Lila was already present.
“I’d just like to take a minute of your time. Won’t be too long, I promise.” She took a deep breath, ignoring the imploring gaze that dug at her side, courtesy of a blonde that sat in the front row (And no, it wasn’t Chloe she was referring to). “I’d just like to say…”
The class watched with bated breath.
“I’m sorry.”
Alya blinked. So did everyone else in the room. Stunned faces greeted Marinette’s apologetic one, including Lila’s— She didn’t even have to fake her reaction. What on Earth was Marinette trying to pull off? What kind of stunt was this?
“I realise that I’ve not really been the best version of me lately,” She admitted sorrowfully. I haven’t been the best version of me because I was being boycotted and isolated, “It wasn’t fair to put you all through this,” It wasn’t fair that you idiots had to lose all your reputations because of the words of one liar, “And people got hurt as a consequence,” Me. I was the one who got hurt. “I realise that things haven’t been all smooth-sailing in our class lately, so I’d like to apologise to everyone.” I’d like to apologise for not being able to save you from a liar who only sees her own personal gain.
A practiced breath escaped Marinette’s throat as she waited for her cue— The school bell— And set her bag on the teacher’s desk. Good, everything was unfolding right on time. Not quite far away, there was a distinct clack-clack-clack of someone’s heels— An auburn teacher, perhaps? Marinette reached into her backpack and drew out a package she had meticulously wrapped in brown paper and tied in golden ribbon. Sitting passively on top of the package was a small note, decorated in hand-drawn flowers and a hummingbird in the corner.
“Here,” Marinette strode up the steps of the class, stopping right in front of her former seat— Now Lila’s— Internally taking pleasure in the first time she’d seen the Italian’s true expression. “For you, as a token of my apology. I understand if you don’t want to forgive me,” Marinette swallowed painfully, biting her lip, as if she was trying not to cry, “But I just want to make things right.”
Lila blinked.
What the hell was happening?
The silence was broken by a quiet sob, one that did not originate from Marinette. Instead, Mlle. Caline Bustier stood in the doorway of the class, clutching her books and notes for the day’s lesson, wiping away a tear that dropped from her eye. “Oh, Marinette,” The teacher sobbed, “I’m so proud of you.”
“That’s so sweet of you, Marinette.” Rose sniffed, wiping away a few tears of her own that had started dripping during the bluenette’s speech. Juleka patted her girlfriend’s back, trying to calm the emotional blonde before she cried out a tsunami on top of her textbooks, giving Marinette a thumbs up to show her approval.
Alya beamed, seemingly proud of her former best friend, who had (In her opinion) finally started to see sense. “I’m so proud of you, girl!”
(Adrien was too shocked to form any words.)
“Could you… Open it?” Marinette asked hopefully, ignoring the teacher for the favour of the liar who ruined her life. “I… Just want to know if you like it.”
The Italian could do nothing more than grit her teeth when Alya urged her to open it. What kind of trick was Mari-Brat up to? Never mind— She’d just spin it into something stupid and the class would take to it like starved animals. With no other choice, she tore apart the brown paper, discarding the golden ribbon on her desk. The class gasped, oohs and aahs echoing all around as the package unfolded to reveal a pretty, beige-coloured cardigan, hand-stitched with murals of foxes, jumping livelily among berry bushes.
Stitched into the inside of the cardigan in pastel blue were the words ‘Lila Rossi’, done in an exquisite cursive that could no doubt only come from Marinette’s hand.
“I made it for you myself,” Marinette sniffed humbly. “I know you’re a really great model and you’ve probably seen clothes that are much better than this one, but I poured all my feelings into it. I spent every night of last week working on it, and—” She hiccuped rather loudly, instantly covering her mouth with her hand in embarrassment. “I just hope you like it.”
“I…” Lila was at a loss for words. She had an itinerary full of the lies and stories she would spin that day (“Marinette texted me mean things last night,” she would weep tearfully to Alya, sniffing and wiping away tears on Alya’s shirt sleeve, “I just want to be friends but she just keeps… Attacking me!”) but no matter. A smirk danced along the Italian’s lips. “Did you design this yourself?” 
Judging by the smirk that Marinette could practically hear in the other girl’s tone, the liar already had a trick up her sleeve. If Marinette had to guess... 
Something along the lines of she stole this design from [random designer], who just coincidentally had the time to be Lila’s friend. Or maybe the friend of Lila’s grandmother. Whichever didn’t matter much, because Marinette was prepared. 
Marinette crossed the room in mere seconds, returning back to Lila’s seat with a sketchbook that she’d pulled from her bag. “Here!” She chirped, flipping open the page with an exercised movement, not even having to shuffle through the pages to find the correct sketch. “I brought the original sketch, just in case you wanted to see it so you could get a professional to redo it for you.” 
Lila opened and closed her mouth like a gaping fish out of water. Beside her, Alya’s eyes sparkled, envy still glowing in her eyes at the sight of the intricate foxes, coloured in hazel, gold, and orange threads. 
“Thank you, Marinette.” Lila gritted through her teeth, basically seething at the thought of having to thank the girl in front of her, who was smiling like an innocent sunshine child. 
The bluenette then turned her attention to her homeroom teacher. “Sorry for interrupting and taking up class time, Mlle. Bustier.” 
“It’s not a problem, Marinette,” Mlle. Bustier wiped at her eyes, slightly embarrassed now that the whole class was watching her cry at the sight of her ‘model student’ correcting her wrongs. “E— Excuse me.” She mumbled, clearing her throat. “Let’s pick off from where we stopped yesterday. Open your textbooks to page 63, please.” 
──────── ⋆⋅❉⋅⋆ ────────
The rest of the day went along smoothly. Marinette sat at the back of class, as usual, sighing in boredom as class was derailed off course, whisked off by another one of Lila’s tall tales. Honestly, they were already weeks off schedule— How the hell were they expected to sit for the final exam, at this rate? 
She huffed quietly to herself, watching Bustier trying (and failing) to act like she wasn’t interested in Lila’s story. The woman— An actual adult— Fell for Lila’s usual tricks like a fool, taking in every single word in drunken thirst. Did Mlle. Bustier really have nothing better to do than get absorbed in a teenage girl’s wild fantasies (in a way it was like that). At that thought, Marinette sat up straighter in her chair, an idea going off like a lightbulb above her brain. 
Was it...? 
After further thought, Marinette settled back into her chair, humming thoughtfully as she drummed her fingers against her table quietly. Yes... Yes, perhaps. 
Perhaps it was possible. 
The rest of the lesson passed in wasted time as the class took a major detour to go on a warped journey through Lila’s lies, and before Bustier knew it, the lunch bell had rung. Students chattered animatedly as everyone got up, Mlle. Bustier’s announcement of ‘please go home and study this chapter by yourselves, everyone’ was pathetically drowned out by the rest of the noise. 
Marinette collected her things quickly, needing her exit from the classroom to go off without a hitch, exactly the way she planned it. “I’ve got to go back to my parents’ bakery for lunch,” She said shyly, shrinking into herself as her classmates turned to look at her. “I... Was thinking of bringing some macarons back later. Before I go, though... Lila, is there anything you’re allergic to?” 
“What?” The girl being asked snapped back as a reply, the words leaving her mouth too fast for her to register. Before she knew it, the whole class was staring at her, mouths agape. “I... I mean.” Clearing her throat, the liar plastered on a sweet smile. “What was it, Marinette?” 
“I wanted to bring some macarons back for everyone.” Shyly, the bluenette repeated her plans. “And... Since I’ve been in class with everyone else here for a while, I know their allergies, but not yours. Is there anything you’re allergic to that could be in baked goods?” 
The Italian cursed under her breath— Mari-Brat really wasn’t letting up. The bluenette had made sure to cover any ground that the Italian could use and turn back against her. “As far as I’m concerned, I’m not allergic to anything.” 
Brightening visibly, Marinette nodded, shooting the Italian a smile. “I know things between us aren’t going to get better immediately, but I promise to do my best in fixing things! See you guys after lunch.” 
──────── ⋆⋅❉⋅⋆ ────────
Lila was getting really, really fed up. For the whole morning, she wasn’t able to come up with any reason to blame Marinette. If things kept going at the rate that they were, the class would be fully convinced that the bluenette was a changed woman, and that couldn’t happen. There was, in the end, a downside to having such a gullible bunch of classmates— Sure, they swayed easily to her side, but that meant that they swayed back to Marinette’s just as easily. 
Hissing under her breath, Lila looked up to catch Alya and Nino’s concerned looks. 
She was Lila Rossi. She was resourceful. She had Gabriel Agreste behind her back. She was powerful. She was not going to let Mari-Brat halt her plans in their tracks ever again. 
“I’m going to go use the bathroom real quick,” She said, excusing herself from the lunch table. Perfect! Now all she had to do was come back in tears, saying that Marinette confronted and mocked her in the bathroom, and the class would be all hers, once again. 
Little did she know that Dupain-Cheng was one teensy step ahead. 
As soon as Lila rounded the corner of the cafeteria, Marinette appeared, having just had a lovely chat with Rose (And Juleka, although it was Rose who did most of the talking). The two were at the front steps of Francois Dupont, having a lovely couple moment that Marinette hated to interrupt— But she needed to have at least a word with them. 
“Rose, Juleka!” Marinette greeted, box of macarons held carefully in her arms, as if it were a box of important jewelry instead of just a box of pastries. “Oh— Rose, is that a new watch? I’ve never seen you wear it before!” 
“Yep, it is!” Rose beamed, delighted that someone (Besides Juleka) had finally noticed it. “Isn’t it pretty?” Indeed it was. The watch in question was a pretty, intricate-looking thing done in rose-gold metal, with a pastel pink leather strap holding it down. The background of the watch face was a white background with a thin film of rose-gold metal, cut to resemble a wall of precious rose vines. 
“It is!” Agreeing wholeheartedly, Marinette offered her classmate a smile. “Oh by the way, what time is it?” 
Rose peered at the watchface, returning the answer with an equally-bright smile. “11.47.” 
“Thank you.” Marinette thanked, continuing her way through the school until she reached the cafeteria. Just before she fell into line of sight, though, she hid behind a wall, peering over the corner until she spotted the table she was looking for. 
Perfect— Lila just walked away. Marinette thanked the gods for all the luck that she was having— Okay, maybe she thanked one god in particular more than the others. Gently, she patted the secret pocket that was sewn into the lining of her blazer— Tikki, who had magic powers, managed to create a miniature ‘room’ inside the secret pocket, with the pocket itself acting as a portal of sorts to the room. After a few seconds, she felt the pocket tap back, managing a small smile of gratitude for her kwami’s constant love and support. 
“Hey, Alya, Nino.” Marinette greeted shyly, box of macarons propped up against her hip. “Where’s... Lila?” She hesitated slightly with her question, acting as if it was a little out-of-place to ask about the Italian girl. 
“She went to the bathroom.” Nino provided, mouth still full of unchewed food. This gifted him with a smack from his girlfriend (“Don’t talk with your mouth full!” she scolded,). 
“Oh, I see.” I definitely see. I know what she’s going to try and pull later— I have to time this properly. Timing is everything. 
Marinette continued to make small talk with the two, whom she had not talked to for a very long time. Much to her surprise, they were very warm and accepting, quite unlike the people who slung slurs and accused her baselessly a few days ago. One morning made all the difference to people who believed anything, she supposed. 
All of a sudden, something in her chest buzzed, as if it were a fire alarm, vibrating in warning— She had to go. “It was nice talking to you guys again.” She admitted, having briefly dipped into a pool of what their friendship used to be like. “But I have to go. I promised Kagami I’d meet her for a few minutes before lunch ended.”
Alya’s eyebrows jumped up comically in surprise. “I didn’t know you still talked to her. I thought you two were… Love rivals.”
“So what if we were love rivals?” Marinette shrugged with a simple smile. “Adrien is… As much as it’s odd to admit, he’s just a boy. Neither of us let him get in between us. He’s just a boy, and it’d be stupid for us to not get along just because we like the same boy. It doesn’t bother Kagami that we used to like the same boy, so why should I let it bother me? Besides,” Marinette tilted her head slightly. “It’d be stupid to give up a great friendship just because of a boy.”
With her last words still hanging in the air, Marinette turned tail and left, walking faster than usual. She had little time left— As she neared the wall that would shield her from the view of the cafeteria, she sped up her footsteps, practically half-sprinting just so she could get out of sight before Lila Rossi returned, looking like someone just killed a puppy in front of her very eyes.
“Oh my god, what’s wrong?” Alya jumped to her feet instantly, reaching out to comfort her best friend, who was moments away from having tears stream down her cheeks.
“I… I thought she’d changed.” Lila sniffled, biting her lip to appear as if she was desperately trying not to cry.
Alya frowned. “Who?”
“Marinette.” Lila stated as if it were obvious, faltering for a moment— Why had Alya bothered to ask? Shouldn’t it come pretty obvious? The liar dismissed the thoughts and continued in her performance. “She threatened me in the bathroom. She… She confronted me and mocked me, saying… Saying that all of you… All of you are idiots for believing that she’s changed. She… She said everything was an act to turn you all against me.”
Nino’s jaw dropped so far that it touched the floor. “Uh… Dudette, are you sure it was Marinette?”
“Yes!” Lila spun to look at him so fast that it was a wonder she didn’t break her neck. “Are… Are you doubting me? Oh my god, it’s working. She’s turning you guys against me. I just want to have friends, I don’t get why she hates me so—”
“You’re… Absolutely sure it was Marinette? You saw her face?” Alya repeated her boyfriend’s words, emphasising each and everyone of them as she looked Lila in the eyes.
“Alya, not you too.” Lila sniffled, tears basically dropping out of her eyes like big, fat droplets of salt water. “It was her— I saw her blazer, it had MDC stitched onto it.”
An uncomfortable silence settled in between the girl and her boyfriend, neither quite knowing what to say. “Oh. I… I see.” Alya said at last, turning back to her food. “Well… Lunch is almost over. Let’s… Let’s get back to class.”
“Marinette just threatened me in the bathroom!” Lila puffed up, clearly upset now. “She mocked me! She called you guys stupid for believing her act!”
“Dudette.” Nino shattered the ice-cold silence at their lunch table, swallowing heavily. “Marinette was with us the whole time you were in the bathroom.”
──────── ⋆⋅❉⋅⋆ ────────
The tension inside the room was so thick that Adrien could cut it with his bare hands. God, what had happened? The day had started off so well— Marinette agreed to be friends with Lila, god bless the girl— But as it turned out, one hurdle folded over only to be towered over by a taller one. 
“Alya—” Lila began tearfully, her pitiful look attracting the sympathy of those who still didn’t know what was going on. 
“You claimed that Marinette threatened you in the bathroom.” Alya interrupted. “While she was with us the whole time in the cafeteria.” 
Faltering, the Italian struggled to find a way to squeeze herself out of the tight spot. “M— Maybe it was someone else.” Reluctantly, she backed out one trap into another one. 
“You said that you were sure! You said that she was wearing a blazer with MDC stitched on it. Marinette was wearing that blazer during lunch!” The reporter shot back, Nino at her side, trying to extinguish the conflicted fire blazing inside Alya’s heart. 
The seeds of doubt had been sewn, and Lila was going to have a tough time weeding them out. “I... I’m sorry!” She burst out into tears, sobbing pitifully in front of the class, most of which were already in attendance. “My lying disease is acting up again. I... I can’t help it. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone!” 
“Uh... Is this a bad time to ask if anyone wants macarons?” Marinette cleared her throat awkwardly, standing at the front of the room. Her royal blue blazer had been shed, and it now hung over her arm, properly folded into half. Earlier, she had asked Rose for the time to make sure that she had a witness in case Lila tried to pull another act— But as it seemed, the Italian was determined to dig her own grave and all the work had been done. 
The students of Mlle. Bustier’s class shared looks. 
“I’ll... I’ll have one.” Mylene cleared her throat, hoping that it would diffuse the situation. 
“Me too.” Kim followed, not missing the way Marinette flinched slightly at his words. Most of the words he had said to her of late had not been nice at all— But he justified that with the fact that she was being a bully to Lila, like Chloe had been to Marinette herself. 
“Great!” Marinette cleared her throat awkwardly, slapping on a strained smile. She passed the box to the front row, where Sabrina and Chloe were, gesturing for them to pass the box along until everyone got their fill. 
Internally, Lila seethed, anger burning like a wildfire that tore down every lush sign of life in her path. The girl had never felt that livid in her entire life— Who did Dupain-Cheng think she was, having a change of heart out of nowhere, pretending to play along with those oh-so-innocent eyes of hers? 
“I... I think I know why my disease acted up again,” Lila sniffled, loud enough to gather attention again. Unsure glances passed around like an object that no one wanted, carried from hand to hand forcefully as no one wanted to hold onto it for too long. “It... It must’ve been because of... Of the cardigan that Marinette made me! You must’ve known that...” The Italian squinted at the cardigan on her desk, “... Cotton triggers my lying disease!” 
The bluenette, still passing around macarons, stopped in her tracks. Inside her mind, Marinette was shaking her head, an amused smile on her cheeks. She had to give Lila credit for that one— She would’ve never anticipated that lie from her nemesis. “That’s terrible!” She sucked in a breath, putting on a dismayed look. “I’m really sorry, Lila! I know it seems like I did this on purpose, but I promise I didn’t! To make it up to you, I’ll make you another one.” 
Is she serious right now? Lila scoffed mentally. How long does she plan to keep this going? No matter— She’ll eventually drain herself out and I won’t even have to meddle in this matter. 
Marinette sniffled, collecting the cardigan pitifully from Lila’s desk. “But to prevent future incidents, Lila, I just want you to know that this isn’t made of cotton... It’s made from the highest-quality of star silk, which is incredibly difficult to produce and is rather expensive. It’s such a pity... I thought that only the best of materials would be deserving to be used to make an apology present... I guess you can’t wear it. I’ll just make another copy of the cardigan with some normal-range silk.” Sighing, the bluenette pretended to mull in sadness for a few seconds before an idea struck her. “Alya! You aren’t allergic to star silk, right?” 
The flow of conversation redirected suddenly, with the reporter snapping to attention and nodding eagerly as she realised what was about to happen. 
“Then... Since I’ve spent so long on this, I don’t want it to go to waste... Why don’t you have it, instead?” Offered Marinette with a sweet, shy smile on her face. 
Lila, still caught up in shock by the reveal of the material— Was then slammed with a wall of flaming anger as Alya squealed, coddling the soft, fluffy material that made the cardigan the exquisite product it was. 
“Marinette’s right,” Adrien chipped in with his own two cents, “Father can rarely get his hands on that material— It costs a fortune, and if hand-made... It takes forever.” 
“Oh, I wove the silk by myself,” Marinette added shyly after Adrien’s contribution, “So I apologise if it’s not up to the quality of industry-level star silk.” 
The reporter gushed, still cooing and running her hands over the gorgeous threads of fabric that made up the cloud-like base of the cardigan, eyes sparkling and the details of the embroidery. 
Marinette smiled, returning to her seat without a fuss. The rest of the class continued to pass the pastries around, the perfect description of ‘ignorance is bliss’ as they pretended as if they couldn’t see the way Lila was shaking in anger. Alya, on the other hand, could see nothing but the garment in her hands, her ‘best friend’ having become invisible for the time being. 
Just as well that it turned out this way, Marinette hummed, twirling her pen in hand, Let that be my departing gift to Rena Rouge. 
──────── ⋆⋅❉⋅⋆ ────────
Tomorrow arrived like clockwork, never late and always on time. The crowd of students clamouring by the front of Francois Dupont hushed to silence as they parted for two dark-haired women, both of which were giving off waves of confidence. Simple conversation flowed between the two, who were perfect examples of elegance and grace, their traditional-inspired attire complementing the royal-like aura they had. 
“This dress is really lovely, Marinette,” Kagami smiled gently, admiring the way the fabric flowed around her. The designer had gifted her friend with a maroon-coloured hanfu-inspired dress, complete with hand-sewn embroidery of a golden dragon curled around Kagami’s waist and neck. The dress was completed with a pleated skirt that went all the way to the heels. At first, the fencer was reluctant about the skirt due to the limited maneuverability, but then Marinette revealed that the skirt was very simple to take off as it was just tied around the waist. 
“You look gorgeous in it. It suits you.” Marinette replied, dressed in a similar looking dress. Her hanfu-inspired dress was light pink in colour, with silver threads depicting cranes flying about freely. The pleated skirt was grey in colour, lined with a soft circle of white. 
Kagami blushed slightly. “Thank you.” Briefly, the Japanese girl wondered why on Earth Marinette would go and embroider a dragon onto her dress— Was it purely a coincidence, or...? 
“I’m really glad you decided to transfer here,” Marinette smiled softly, her dark blue bangs framing her face as the rest of it was gathered into a braid that Kagami had helped weave. “It’s going to be nice! I’ll get to see you a lot more often.” 
“We’re in different classes, though.” Frowning, Kagami wondered if she should request a change of homeroom. 
“For now.” The designer winked playfully. “Oh, I have to get to class. See you during lunch?” 
Without waiting for a reply, the blue-eyed girl moved away gracefully, leaving Kagami in confusion. 
──────── ⋆⋅❉⋅⋆ ────────
“Good morning,” Marinette greeted gracefully, sweeping into the classroom with her bag over her shoulder and a package in her hands. This package was clearly not as exquisitely-wrapped as the one from the day before, as it was just brown paper and some rough string. 
Alya brightened at the sight of her friend, shrinking away slightly whenever Lila tried to say anything. Sure, the reporter did shake off the initial reaction and respond to whatever her ‘best friend’ said, but the damage had been done. 
“Here’s your new cardigan. It’s made from the same material as your shirt,” Marinette smiled warmly, placing the package on Lila’s table. “It’s a little different from the one I brought yesterday, but I still poured in all my emotions when I made it, so I hope you’ll accept it.” 
Through a gritted smile, the Italian thanked the designer, clenching her fists under the table. That was the second time in two days she had to thank Mari-brat! She swore that if she had to do it again a third time, she was going to slap someone. 
“Oh, Marinette!” Alya called out excitedly, wearing the cardigan that was originally supposed to be Lila’s. “This cardigan is so soft! It’s really amazing to wear! As expected of you, girl!” 
The bluenette stared back at the reporter, wavering for a bit. She had a feeling that Alya wanted something from her... 
“So... I was wondering...” The reporter’s expression turned sheepish, with Marinette’s internal thought-train going ah, there it comes— “Could you remove this and put my name instead?” Alya picked up the corner of the cardigan, pointing to the inside of the garment, where ‘Lila Rossi’ was embroidered on. 
“Ah...” Marinette didn’t even have to fake her nervousness. We already agreed on this, She told herself, No more doing free stuff for people. No more. “Sorry, Alya. My parents need a lot of help in the bakery recently,.. You know how it is! Family always comes first. I’ve already taken out a lot of time to make the cardigan for Lila... And I promised Kagami I’d go out with her this weekend. I’m afraid I don’t have time...” 
There was no missing the way Alya’s face fell instantly. “Couldn’t you put off Kagami for me? Aren’t we best friends?” 
“I thought Lila was your best friend,” Feigning an expression of innocence, Marinette tilted her head slightly. “You shouldn’t go around saying things like that, Alya. You might hurt Lila’s feelings. Besides, a promise is a promise. I wouldn’t want to hurt Kagami’s feelings either. Not to mention— I gave you that cardigan for free. That was two weeks’ worth of hard work. I’m afraid I don’t have the ability to take time out to alter it for free either. If you really want to get it done, you could ask an external tailor to do it for you. I know a few who can do really good embroidery.” 
Alya faltered. “But... We used to be best friends...” 
Snorting mentally, Marinette continued to hold her calm composure. “Like I said, you really shouldn’t say that, Alya. Lila might get upset and we don’t want to hurt her feelings— Right, Adrien?” 
The blonde jumped when the conversation turned to him out of nowhere. All of a sudden, every eye in the classroom was fixed on him. “R— Right, of course.” He said, forcing out each word. 
Satisfied, Marinette nodded, still wearing her ever-so-kind smile. “Exactly.” 
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“Hey, why don’t we all go out and have a picnic outside during lunch?” Alya suggested loudly, jumping up as soon as the lunch bell rang. “Marinette, you can come along too!” Something inside the reporter’s chest was stirring, and with the events of the past few days, Alya felt like she just had to quench that unsettling feeling— And the first step to that was to mend things with Marinette, even though it was the bluenette’s fault for always having been biased to Lila. Alya smiled, proud of herself. She would be the bigger person, she would forgive Marinette, she would integrate the designer back into the class again. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Marinette replied just as quickly, “We don’t know what Lila might be allergic to— She could easily trigger a reaction if we go out, especially since it’s spring.” 
A collective choir of groans rounded the class. 
“Well, I’m going to go back to the hotel to have a first-class meal,” Chloe turned her nose up at her classmates. “... Dupain-Cheng, would you like to come?” 
Shock painted the faces of the whole classroom. Did Chloe just... Ask Marinette something... Politely? 
“I’d love to take that offer, Chloe.” Responded the bluenette, graceful and flawless as ever. “Perhaps tomorrow?” 
“Suit yourself. They’re serving lobster today.” Chloe huffed. “If you’re really that busy, then fine. We can discuss...” The Mayor’s daughter trailed off as she blushed. 
The bluenette giggled knowingly. “You’d like to commission a dress from me, right?” 
“... No.” 
“... Maybe.” 
“Alright.” Marinette nodded. “Then maybe it’ll be more convenient if I head over to the hotel after school. I’ll need to take your measurements and we can discuss the prices after.” 
“Whatever.” Chloe waved her away haughtily, a poor effort to cover up her embarrassment. “Sabrina. Let’s go.” 
“Chloe?” Alya guffawed. “Why are you commissioning something from Marinette?” 
Rolling her eyes as if Alya had just asked the stupidest question ever, Chloe answered plainly. “Because she’s one of the up-and-rising designers in the industry? Have you seen what Dupain-Cheng is wearing today? Celebrities are already fighting for spots in her commission list. Even my mother and Gabriel Agreste acknowledge her talent. I’m not dumb, Cesaire. I can recognise a future fashion queen when I see one.” 
Wow, Marinette breathed, looking at the stunned faces around the room, Chloe sure knows how to create an impression. 
“W— Well.” Stuttered the reporter after Chloe made her big exit. “Then... What about going to the bakery for lunch?” 
“Didn’t Lila say she saw a rat in the bakery the last time she visited it?” Marinette pointed out. “The health officer checked the surveillance and the claim was dismissed, of course, because my parents make sure the bakery is as hygienic as possible— But I’m sure Lila is traumatised from that incident. I wouldn’t want to force her to come along to the bakery— And we wouldn’t want to leave her out either, right?” 
This elicited another round of groans. 
Oh, I am enjoying myself way too much, Marinette chuckled mentally. 
“Then— Then...” Alya struggled visibly before she was put out of her misery. 
“It’s fine, Alya.” The designer reassured her. “I wouldn’t want to bother Lila. I’m sure she’s still upset at me. You guys go ahead. I have to go back to the bakery to help my parents out. See you guys after!” 
──────── ⋆⋅❉⋅⋆ ────────
Lila fumed, hand still pressed on her locker door. What. The. Hell. Was Mari-brat trying to do? She didn’t miss the way some of her classmates sent her unsatisfactory looks after that pre-lunch stunt that Marinette had pulled. 
And what was the thing about high-and-mighty Chloe commissioning from Marinette? 
Sure, Lila would admit that the cardigan that the designer made was indeed gorgeous, and the fabric was smooth and velvety, a quality unlike any of the clothing that Lila had ever had the privilege to touch— But surely a lowly brat like Dupain-Cheng couldn’t be that popular... Right? 
Dammit, hissed the Italian girl, Maybe I should’ve tried being friends with Mari-brat instead of Cesaire. 
──────── ⋆⋅❉⋅⋆ ────────
“Is that... Marinette and Kagami?” Nino gaped, prompting Alya to turn around. It was true— Walking up the steps of Francois Dupont together were the two blue-haired girls, a gentle smile dancing on Kagami’s lips as Marinette talked animatedly, her hands waving around quickly to further elaborate her point. 
Students lounging around the entrance for lunch couldn’t tear their eyes off the two and their matching dresses. Sure, the two girls had walked into school the same way that morning— But now that the afternoon sun was high up in the sky, the golden and silver embroidery was glinting luminously, revealing the true caliber of Marinette’s craft. 
“But... They’re rivals.” Stuttered Alya. She just couldn’t understand... Weren’t they supposed to hate each other? 
“They both like Adrien but they can still get along,” Nino remarked thoughtfully, taking a bite from his sandwich. “So Marinette wasn’t lying about going to meet Kagami yesterday.” 
Alya was silent. 
“Alya? What’s wrong?” Worried, Nino put a hand around his girlfriend’s shoulder, care and concern shining through his honest eyes. 
“If... If Marinette doesn’t get jealous or biased over someone who also likes Adrien...” Alya started quietly, eyes still fixed on the two girls, “Then why was she so against Lila?” 
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“Mlle. Bustier?” The teacher looked up at the voice of her favourite student. Fondly, she smiled. Marinette had finally seen the light and changed her ways, becoming the helpful, generous, kind Marinette that served as a great example for her peers. “May I make an announcement before class ends?” 
“Of course, dear.” Mlle. Bustier gave permission instantly— Marinette was taking up the reins of leadership again! The teacher couldn’t help but do a happy dance internally. 
“I have an announcement to make, so if everyone could listen, I’d be really thankful.” Marinette started, her clear blue eyes meeting those of her classmates. 
She took a deep breath. This is it. I’ve done what I needed to do, now it’s time to finish the job. 
“These past two days... Have been great,” Marinette started wistfully. “I really missed hanging around everyone, just like we did before,” Before you all turned your backs on me and stabbed me when I wasn’t looking, “But I can’t deny— And neither can you— That the things that have happened... They had a really deep impact. And I’ve realised that I can’t just ignore that damage that has been done.” The damage that has been done to me. “So, for the better of everyone— I’ve decided that I... Will transfer classes.” 
It was as if an explosion had gone off in Mlle. Bustier’s classroom. 
“Girl! You can’t do that!” Alya exclaimed in dismay, “We can fix things! Everything has been going well these few days, haven’t they?” 
“Dudette! Honestly, we forgive you.” Nino sighed, “Things just aren’t the same if you’re not here anymore.” 
Adrien didn’t say a word, but the imploring gaze he wore said enough. Please don’t leave me here alone. We promised we’d fight together, right? As long as both of us know... 
Marinette held her hand up to silence them, and the classroom, just as swiftly, became the deadly silence that followed post-disaster. “I understand. But once again, this is for the better,” — Of my mental health, “I’ve talked to Mlle. Mendeliev, and she’s agreed to take me in. I believe that once the changes have taken place, we can all grow more freely without restrictions.” 
In the corner, Mlle. Bustier was tearing up and dabbing at her eyes with her sleeve. 
“Mlle. Bustier,” Marinette turned to her teacher, no malice in her eyes. “I’ll be under Mlle. Mendeliev’s care now.” 
“Marinette...” The teacher sobbed quietly, with Chloe shooting her a look of disgust from the front row. 
“It’s not going to be easy for any of us,” Marinette turned back to the class, “But with time, I’m sure we will all prosper. Especially since you will now be under the care of our one and only Lila Rossi.” 
Adrien looked like someone had just killed a puppy in front of him. 
“Since I am the current class president, I thought I’d pass on the duties onto the most capable person in our class.” Marinette explained warmly, never moving her gaze away from the bewildered Lila. “Lila has the most connections in our class out of all of us, and she’s met so many CEOs and entrepreneurs that she must know a lot about organising and planning. I’m sure you can do it, Lila, but...” She paused. “You can handle it, right?” 
“Y— Yeah. Of course.” Lila stuttered. 
“You promised the class that you’d get BTS to perform for the year-end fundraiser since you were supposed to be in an arranged marriage with their youngest member, Jungkook.” Marinette continued, God I am enjoying myself too much honestly, but I ain’t going to stop now, “And you said you could convince your godfather, Bruce Wayne, to allow the class to go to Wayne Enterprises for this year’s class trip.” 
“She said she could convince Tony Hawk to give me an internship, too!” Alix chipped in. 
“And that she’d bring me along the next time Prince Ali asks for her help for a charity cause!” Rose smiled. 
“She said she’d introduce me to the CEO of Graham Films!” Nino’s eyes shone at the idea. 
The class continued to talk all over one another until Marinette silenced them once more. “Now, now. Let’s not overwhelm Lila. We wouldn’t want her to be overworked or to feel like the expectations are set too high, right?” 
The class agreed, nodding along. 
Marinette made eye contact with Lila, offering her a sweet smile as she did so. Lila, on the other hand, had no taste for such politeness. Instead, she straight-out glared at the former class president. 
This is your problem now. 
──────── ⋆⋅❉⋅⋆ ────────
“Marinette! I was hoping to catch you before you went home,” Alya panted, having been able to find the bluenette in the locker room before the designer slipped out of her reach. “You... You’re really serious about leaving?” 
“Yeah.” Smiled Marinette, organising her textbooks into her bag, dusting down her skirt. Noticing Alya’s crestfallen expression, she took the initiative to continue the conversation. “Is there anything else, Alya?” 
“Did you... Did you really hate Lila because she liked Adrien, too?” The reporter asked somewhat timidly. 
Marinette giggled. Normally, when the girl giggled, you could hear a gentle tinkling of wind chimes— But at that moment, Alya heard the freezing winds on Mount Everest instead. “Don’t be silly, Alya. All this over a boy? Besides, I’m over him.” 
“Then...” Alya swallowed difficulty. “Lila... Really was lying this whole time?” 
The gaze that swept across the reporter was stone cold, and it made Alya feel as if she was dangling over a valley of jagged rocks. “What do you think, Alya?” Even so, the bluenette maintained a sweet smile. 
“She was. She was lying the whole time.” Alya suddenly felt as if she had a shortness of air. “This whole time—” 
“Oh, good for you. You finally learned how to see further than one feet in front of you.” Marinette hummed. “I’m proud of you, really. But I’m afraid that I don’t have the time to listen to you slowly come to conclusions after I’ve tried making you see sense for the past half a year. I tried to stop you from ruining your futures, but I guess determination was always one of your good traits.” 
Alya slipped to the floor, having lost the feeling in her legs. She placed one hand against the lockers for support as she shook, weakly looking up at the girl who she was once so proud to call her ‘best friend’. 
“Marinette?” Kagami’s voice rang through the room, indicating that the girl was waiting at the doorway. “You said you were heading to Bourgeois’s hotel after school— Would you like a ride?” 
“That’d be nice, Kagami. A moment.” The designer looked down at her friend and smiled, albeit a little sadly this time— And then she lowered her voice. 
“Determination was always one of your good traits.” 
──────── ⋆⋅❉⋅⋆ ────────
“Marinette,” Adrien perked up at the sight of the bluenette leaving the school doors— Side by side with Kagami, who looked ready to draw a sword and start a duel then and there. 
“This’ll just take a minute, ‘Gami.” Marinette reassured, gently patting her friend’s arm. “Why don’t you get in the car first? It looks like it’s going to rain.” 
Reluctantly, Kagami nodded. “Alright.” Warily, the fencer stepped down the stairs and into the car— But even as she sat in the vehicle, she watched over her fellow bluenette like a hawk, ready to jump out and challenge the blonde if the situation called for it. 
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, not quite knowing what to say. Luckily for him, the designer decided to start the conversation. 
“I just wanted to say thank you.” Marinette smiled softly. A few months ago, when she looked at Adrien, she would see the kind, generous, pure-hearted boy with the finest golden hair and the brightest green eyes. Now? All she saw was a spineless, sheltered, passive child that was afraid of confrontations. 
“For what?” Adrien looked at Marinette, and no longer did he see the cute, pigtail-adorning girl that would blush fiercely everytime he tried to talk to her. Instead, he saw a beautiful, young woman, a rock that had pulled through all the odds to become a vibrant, iridescent diamond. 
Marinette was glowing with confidence, her presence diffusing into the air around her and triggering eyes to look up every time she walked by. There was something about the way she held herself that just made the woman demand awe and respect from those that crossed her path. The old ‘Clumsinette’ had been shed like an old snake skin to reveal a treasure, a better version of the bluenette that had always been waiting for her time to come. 
Bluebell eyes met green ones just as rain began to patter down onto the streets of Paris. Marinette glanced up slightly, not at all bothered as she smoothly retrieved an umbrella from her bag, holding it out for the blonde to take. A flush of deja vu burst through Adrien’s veins and through his skin as he took it with a mumbled thanks, eyes blown wide as Marinette let loose her hair from her ponytail, pulling her blazer over her head to avoid getting her head wet. 
Adrien could only gape as Marinette uttered familiar words back to him, a knowing smile dancing across her lips as she ran off into the rain as if an invisible weight had been lifted off her shoulders. The bluenette looked lighter, brighter, ready to take flight and soar towards the success that her crops of hard work had finally started to bear. Before the blonde model knew it, Marinette Dupain-Cheng had slipped out of his grip, already spreading her multi-coloured wings to land among the stars. 
“Thank you for telling me to take the high road.”  
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this was both satisfying and tiring to write... 
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powdermelonkeg · 3 years
Oh! Something else I don't know if you've said, so sorry if you have, but what sort of cast do you have for Bluesparks? Is it just OCs, just pre-existing characters but reimagined, or a mix of both? Because any of the above would be interesting
It's almost all pre-established! There are a couple of originals sprinkled in to fill niches I couldn't do with the already-canon characters (especially the humans); can you spot them?
Initial Autobots
The Top Brass:
Optimus Prime/Orion Pax
Elita One/Aerial
Ultra Magnus
Medical Team:
HQ Team:
Spy Team:
The Bluesparks:
First Aid
Initial Decepticons
The Top Brass:
Medic Team:
Hook (Also on Team Devastator)
Team Devastator:
Long Haul
Hook (Also on the Medic Team)
Flight Patrol:
Triple Changers:
Octane (Also on the HQ Team)
HQ Team:
Frenzy (Also on Team Soundwave)
Octane (Also with the Triple Changers)
Team Soundwave:
Frenzy (also on the HQ team)
Cybertronians for later entry
Raoul Dupont
Astoria Carlton-Ritz
Leo Price
Mel Price
Jaden Dotson
Summer Barrett
Noelle Marchand
Braeden Poole
Ruby Oliver
Dr. Arkeville
Leland Bishop
Robert Jensen
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darkwitch1999 · 1 month
Ronan Odeja OC Headcanons
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Ronan Odeja
Age: 40s
Ronan is the father of Michael, Noelle, and Anais Odeja.
He has been happily married to Alyssa Odeja for over 20 years.
Ronan is a photographer who owns his own photography studio. He is well known in his profession for taking pictures that reflect "absolute perfection" by revealing the truth behind each photograph.
In other words, Ronan has a talent for telling whether a picture reflects genuine emotion or fake.
He has spent his lifetime taking pictures of perfect happy families. Ironic given that his own family is nowhere near happy.
Ronan does photography work for Gabriel from time to time. He's taken every family portrait of the Agreste family since Adrian was born.
Ronan is a kinder, more loving parent who loves all his children unconditionally.
Unlike his daughter, Noelle, who has no problem with blood and gore, Ronan cannot even endure talking about such graphic details let alone the sight without becoming nauseated. He still tries to support his daughter's interests by asking her about them even if he ends up feeling sick to his stomach.
Has an amazing singing voice. He always sang lullabies to his children when they were younger and still sings to them whenever they are sad or having night terrors.
A combination of stimuli such as flashing lights and loud noises causes Ronan to have panic attacks.
Ronan is old friends with Gabriel Agreste (Gabi Grassette), André Bourgeois (Anaximandre Bourgeois), Harry Clown, and Emilie Agreste.
During his freshman year at university, he met Alyssa at a party, and they both had a drunken hook-up, which resulted in Alyssa getting pregnant with Michael.
Not wanting to abandon his child, Ronan thought that the "honorable" or "right" thing to do was to marry Alyssa, a decision that his friends were strongly against (they had only met her once at that point and they could already tell she was a huge bitch).
They tried to convince him to not go through with it and to think about if marrying Alyssa was what he truly wanted. Gabriel, of all people, even made a big speech about how Ronan should marry for love and not out of obligation.
Despite Gabriel's speech speaking volumes, Ronan had already made up his mind to go through with it, even if he would end up regretting his decision for the rest of his life, he wanted to give his child a chance at a normal childhood.
Despite being in a loveless marriage, Ronan did everything he could to make their lives "comfortable" for them, even if it meant having to put up with his wife constantly berating him.
Tensions began to rise higher in their marriage when their son, Michael, came out as a boy. Ronan was supportive of his son's gender identity, but Alyssa was beyond pissed.
He paid for Michael's hormone therapy and had his name legally changed.
Took Michael to have gender-reassignment surgery at the age of 18 behind Alyssa's back. This act led to a MAJOR fight between the married couple, resulting in Alyssa nearly blinding Ronan with a glass vase that she threw close to his eye and kicking Michael out of the house.
Ronan continues to support Michael and help him through his struggles with depression and pill and alcohol abuse.
Had an affair with a family friend on Anais's last birthday, who also happened to be the widowed father of one of Anais's friends. Noelle witnessed the affair and called for her mother without even thinking first due to the shock.
Their marriage became unbearably worse after that day. Alyssa brings up the affair at every chance she is given and torments and berates Ronan even worse than before.
The affair is still ongoing; they just think that they are doing a good job at keeping it hidden.
The word about Ronan's affair had gotten around at Noelle's old school, which led to the bullying that she was already dealing with becoming worse. This also led to the decision for Noelle to transfer to Dupont.
While Ronan likes Noelle's new friends, the only friend that he doesn't completely trust Lila Rossi. In his words, "There's just something not right about that picture".
Despite his miserable and depressing home life, Ronan has yet to become akumatized. Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch is lying in wait for the moment that Ronan reaches his "breaking point" and is at his lowest.
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