#Nightmare Werepig
radbrott · 7 months
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intrusive thoughts :3 (Nightmare Werepig x Pig King)
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sapphire-drawings · 7 months
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Trying to do @crazysnor1ax 's Starvetober but also juggling other projects and spreading content sooooooo
Day 1: Pig - Perfect excuse to do The Nightmare Werepig
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inbarfink · 4 months
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phasroy · 8 months
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pretend i posted this yesterday because technically it was finished on october third its just that i passed out after finishing it. anyway i missed the first two days of starvetober so i decided to combine the prompts. the cross is on the pinetree pioneer hat lmao
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gengarson · 10 months
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renthewerecatboi · 8 months
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day 1: pig
i was originally gonna do a regular werepig but then i remembered the nightmare werepig exist and i HAD to do that
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talesofladeda · 1 year
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this piggy got us once but not the second time~ was fun to fight the new boss. learning how to fight him and not die again always a challenge 
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applecat8 · 1 year
What if.. Wilson became the nightmare werepig
Piggsbury on a nightmarish level..
Ill call him Nightmare Piggsbury
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pizzaballsinmymouth · 9 months
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Can i say something without u guys getting mad at me,,,,
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chicka-boom · 1 year
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A casual conversation beneath the new boss. Which probably wasn’t the best location for chit-chat given the sanity drain.
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radbrott · 1 year
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"why the hell did you draw this-" shhhhhh.. shh shh... it had to be done.
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kaisaniku · 2 months
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I remember vividly the first time I met DST, there was also a scene of Wilson fighting against Nightmare Werepig at the login interface
What a coincidence! And that means I have joined the fandom about a whole year
So this is kinda an anniversary?
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aftout · 1 year
Tell us about the crazy don't starve takes then
TAKE ONE: Wagstaff actually has MANY creatures from the constant hidden away in his lab. MULTIPLE. A lot of them are dead, but the carcasses are still valuable resources. That spider who ate webber got the easy way out, if anything.
TAKE TWO: Wortox is color blind. He’s got Tritanopia, to be more specific: cannot tell the difference between purple & red, pink & yellow, and blue & green. The only reason he knows the exact color of his fur is because of his mama.
TAKE THREE: Genny ends up adopting Wickerbottom’s old cat after finding it roaming about the library’s rubble.
TAKE FOUR: The pigs are actually well-versed in necromancy, hence the reckless rushing into battle and the touchstones.
TAKE FIVE: The pig king is Wilba’s dad. He and Queen Malfalfa got a divorce waaayy back and he ran off to start his own kingdom with his own people; most of which were also affected by the werepig curse.
TAKE SIX: Excessive use of shadow magic makes Maxwell physically sick as well as lowering his sanity. Coming back to his senses after summoning multiple shadow duelists or helpers can— and often does— cause him to vomit.
TAKE SEVEN: On the topic of Maxwell using shadow magic: it’s far from pretty. Nightmare fuel seeps out from his eyes, nose, and mouth.
TAKE EIGHT: Wormwood’s speech patterns are a result in him not being fluent in English. As Alter’s kin, his mother tongue happens to be the language spoken by the ancient civilization.
TAKE NINE: One of Them happens to be everything all at once, a physical form that constantly shifts and morphs so quickly that it can barely be considered physical at all. For one second it’s nothing more than a frog, the next it’s a shadow weaver, and then for just a moment it’ll be the worst version of yourself.
TAKE TEN: The Charlie that actually sits upon the throne is barely intact. Shadows hold her rotting bones together and pure horror seeps out from her slack jaw. The more power she displays as queen, the more her human body wilts.
TAKE ELEVEN: Since Maxwell never had control over every layer of the constant, whatever the Krampii are up to has been unbeknownst to him for ages. All he knows is that their bags have wormhole properties and that unnerves him a bit.
TAKE TWELVE: Willow is Wickerbottom’s granddaughter. Becoming a mother herself at nineteen, Wicker’s relationship with her own daughter was somewhat strained, and they lost contact the second said daughter was old enough to run off on her own. Neither Willow nor Wickerbottom are aware of their shared blood until way later down the line.
TAKE THIRTEEN: If Wanda crosses her eyes, her double vision gives her a fuzzy glance into a mirroring timeline. Doing this gives her awful migraines, though.
TAKE FOURTEEN: Wheeler and Wolfgang end up becoming super good friends! Not only are they training buddies, but Wheeler also helps Wolfgang with his bravery.
TAKE FIFTEEN: Wilba and Wurt overcome their prejudices by bonding over how inaccurately Mermio and Pigliet portrayed their respective peoples. They end up rewriting the book together.
TAKE SIXTEEN: Jack, Wendy&Abigail’s mom, and Genny end up becoming close friends. They work together trying to expose Voxola as corrupt.
TAKE SEVENTEEN: Woodlegs has been in the Constant for so long that he’s forgotten he was ever on Earth to begin with.
TAKE EIGHTEEN: Wilbur actually knows a fair amount about the Constant’s history, including tidbits about the ancient civilization as well as the mythology of Them. Unfortunately, no one can understand what he’s saying, so it’s not like he can share any of it.
TAKE NINETEEN: Walter has a younger brother named Theodore. He still sends the pine-tree pioneers letters asking if they’ve managed to find Walter.
TAKE TWENTY: Lucy is Woodie’s wife who died by getting crushed by a tree. She haunts his axe specifically since it was a gift she gave him on one of their anniversaries.
TAKE TWENTY-ONE: Speaking of, Woodie isn’t even sure where his curse originates from. It’s an age-old family tale. All he knows is that the Constant’s magic levels have made it significantly worse.
TAKE TWENTY-TWO: Wes was actually there for the whole portal building thing Maxwell and Wilson did pre-dst. Wilson freed him from that invisible box, it’s not like he had anywhere better to run off to. He didn’t necessarily help build any of it, though, he was just there for moral support.
TAKE TWENTY-THREE: The way Wendy calls upon Abigail isn’t quite as dainty as portrayed in game. She carries a little purse around with her that has all of the requirements for this to be successful; which includes a ritual knife and Abigail’s ashes. Using her own blood and the remnants of her sister, Wendy can summon Abigail out from the flower she possesses.
TAKE TWENTY-FOUR: Wanda’s ageless watch explodes when she dies. Lol. And instead of leaving behind a skeleton, she leaves behind this weird static called life essence. It’s required that you preserve it if you want to be able to resurrect her.
TAKE TWENTY-FIVE: Maxwell’s parents wanted him to be a lawyer. Jack was the only one who supported the idea of him being a magician. Tough!
TAKE TWENTY-SIX: Wormwood is half tree guard. That’s why he’s so ffffucking tall. The gem Alter sent down to the Constant’s surface took control over a dead tree guard and then suddenly the city of Hamlet had a new royal gardener. Life is so silly!
TAKE TWENTY-SEVEN: Wigfrid’s real name is Anita and is actually a child prodigy. She absorbs herself in her role for a sense of purpose because acting is all she’s ever known.
TAKE TWENTY-EIGHT: Wilson is Wagstaff’s nephew 👎
TAKE TWENTY-NINE: Klaus absolutely despises mortal beings because they took his eyes. Bwaaamp 🎺
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nebthing · 5 months
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Some Nightmare Werepig doodles of varying quality and accuracy
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sweetyart · 1 year
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The idea is rather raw, I do not have enough information to bring it to mind, but if I summarize it briefly, then: This is a madness associated with the moon and sleepwalking, because the word comes from the Latin word "lunaticus", which means "crazy". This should work in the form of a distortion of the entity in the form of a cowardly rabbit -> a scary rabbit, a pig -> a werepig, a man-> shadow. But at the same time, to manifest the truth (illumination): if someone goes into the stage of insanity while lowering his mind by one method or another, then those who are in a state of sleepwalking (we will call it that) will see this individual without distortion. Topsy-turvy, in short. In part, it was supposed to be some kind of demonstration of how 'they' and Charlie see themselves under the influence of darkness. And because a Wilson clone is technically a tinted shadow, and non-mad people are distorted in 'their' eyes - the Darkness doesn't distinguish the real Wilson from his clones. For the same reason, she could not find Maxwell for a long time.
I need this more as an explanation than anyone else. I have not figured out how the object that causes "sleepwalking" will look like, so let it be the amulet of nightmares for now.
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plushee-cant-draw · 1 year
oKAy uh Wilson rework real *Chucks all the new quotes I could find at you* I... Can't find any that are Wilson specific for some reason? Normally rework quotes are under a section titled their name or sm, but anyways have quotes for the weird shadow pillar and pig hound... thing idk, copyed and pasted directly from the code below the read more:
-- DREADSTONE = "It seems to reflect shadows instead of light.", HORRORFUEL = "It sends a terrible shiver down my spine.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Freeing him might not have been my best idea.", IMPRISONED = "I feel almost sorry for him.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "There's something glinting inside the marble.", EXPOSED = "A pillar of impossibly hard stone.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Lightweight, sturdy, and snazzy!", DREADSTONEHAT = "To keep my brilliant brain safe and sound.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Terrible and beautiful all at once.", HORRORFUEL = "It makes my teeth chatter.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "I have decided on fear!", IMPRISONED = "I don't know whether to feel fear or pity.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Perhaps I could free the poor creature?", EXPOSED = "Ah zut, that stone is far too tough for me to break.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "A fine peice of armor.", DREADSTONEHAT = "My head feels safer already.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "As off-putting as it is, it could be useful.", HORRORFUEL = "It gives me a terrible feeling...", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "I knew I shouldn't have involved myself!", IMPRISONED = "I shouldn't involve myself in these things.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "They seem breakable... but I don't think that'd be wise.", EXPOSED = "Oh botheration. I think I just remembered something...", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "It should keep me well protected, at least.", DREADSTONEHAT = "That stone turned out to be rather useful.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "It is cold... and beautiful.", HORRORFUEL = "There are always more horrors to come.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Kindness only begets more pain...", IMPRISONED = "What a pitiful creature.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "We are all tethered to this place in one way or another.", EXPOSED = "It is too strong, and I am too weak.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Let the darkness surround me.", DREADSTONEHAT = "What's the point?", },
-- DREADSTONE = "It's evil-lookin', but tough as nails.", HORRORFUEL = "Makes the usual nightmare goop look almost pleasant by comparison.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Yeesh big guy, I was just tryin' to help you out!", IMPRISONED = "That pig's seen better days.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "That marble doesn't look structurally sound to me.", EXPOSED = "I stand corrected. That rock ain't goin' nowhere.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "That's some real high-grade protective equipment.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Lookin' sharp! Literally.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "A stone as black as night.", HORRORFUEL = "A goop most foul.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "I'm sensing the answer is foe.", IMPRISONED = "Friend or foe?", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "A terrible fate, to be locked in this state.", EXPOSED = "Why hide this stone inside?", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "All blows will be blocked by this armor of rock.", DREADSTONEHAT = "A stone fortress for my brain.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "We're not sure if we like that rock.", HORRORFUEL = "It makes our spider skin crawl.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Hey! We were just trying to help!!", IMPRISONED = "He doesn't look like a normal pig. Or even a normal werepig.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "We feel bad just leaving him like that...", EXPOSED = "We can't break through it!", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "It's kinda scary, but it keeps us safe!", DREADSTONEHAT = "A pointy helmet to match our pointy teeth!", },
-- DREADSTONE = "It's just a rock, what's so scary about a rock?", HORRORFUEL = "It can't be THAT bad... can it?", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "I thought he'd be a bit happier to be free...", IMPRISONED = "We can't just leave him like that, Woby! We've gotta help him!", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Hey, what's that stuff inside?", EXPOSED = "Oh, it's just a different kind of rock.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "It looks like an evil knight's armor. Neat!", DREADSTONEHAT = "Never forget to wear your dark helmet.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Pretty rocks!", HORRORFUEL = "I-is just goop! Not scared!", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Grrr! You just big stinky pig!", IMPRISONED = "Nyeeeeehhh!!", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Heehee, stinky pig all locked up!", EXPOSED = "Rock too hard for breaking, florp.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "So pretty... it mine!", DREADSTONEHAT = "It real good for headbutting, flort!", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Petrified nightmares.", HORRORFUEL = "That's the good stuff.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Say pal, why don't we talk this out?", IMPRISONED = "You went nosing around places you shouldn't have, didn't you?", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "I can just make out something dark within.", EXPOSED = "That stone would be useful, if only it could be broken.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Black never goes out of style.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Darkness is never far from my mind.", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Is just rock, not scary! ...Right?", HORRORFUEL = "S-scary...", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "H-how about friendly game of arm wrestle, yes?", IMPRISONED = "Angry piggie has gotten more muscles!", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Mighty Wolfgang could break pillar!", EXPOSED = "Mighty Wolfgang could... not break pillar.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Wolfgang doesn't need scary rock armor!", DREADSTONEHAT = "Ha! Wolfgang's head is already hard like a rock!", },
-- DREADSTONE = "A stone of ill omen.", HORRORFUEL = "The sight of it chills even my courageous Viking heart.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "You leave me no choice, beast! To arms!", IMPRISONED = "The beast hath been consumed by foul magic.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "The pillar is weakened... mayhaps it could be broken.", EXPOSED = "Only something of great might could crack that foul stone.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "It will serve me well, despite its origins.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Ready to bear the brunt of battle!", },
-- DREADSTONE = "There's something off aboot it.", HORRORFUEL = "That stuff can't be good for ya.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Not even so much as a \"thank you\", eh?", IMPRISONED = "Whatever he's got better not be contagious.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Looks sturdy... ish.", EXPOSED = "That's some firmly planted stone.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Luce says black ain't my colour.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Gotta protect the old noggin', eh?", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Eww, why does this rock feel so cold and clammy?", HORRORFUEL = "That must be what nightmares have nightmares about.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "You jerk! I was just trying to help!", IMPRISONED = "Looks like somebody's having a bad day.", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "How crazy would I have to be to try and break that pillar?", EXPOSED = "It won't break. I didn't try that hard, but still.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "It's fine I guess.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Do I have to wear it? On my head??", },
-- DREADSTONE = "Metamorphic, if I'm not mistaken.", HORRORFUEL = "Highly concentrated ectoplasmic residue.", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "This creature has terrible manners.", IMPRISONED = "My, how did it end up in this state?", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "How odd... the marble appears to be encasing something.", EXPOSED = "It will require much greater force than I can muster to break it.", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Extremely durable, and surprisingly lightweight.", DREADSTONEHAT = "Thankfully, the material has no adverse effects on the mind.", },
and lastly,
-- DREADSTONE = "Pretty", HORRORFUEL = "Scary...", DAYWALKER = { GENERIC = "Why so mad?", IMPRISONED = "Stuck. Poor Twirly Tail", }, DAYWALKER_PILLAR = { GENERIC = "Where you grow from?", EXPOSED = "Where you grow from?", }, ARMORDREADSTONE = "Pretty rock clothes", DREADSTONEHAT = "Rock for head", },
No clue what this means, I just saw the weird shadow pig on my dash and instantly went "Is-Is this real? not a mod, reAL?"
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