#New Escape Games
andi-o-geyser · 1 year
go crazy! live your best life! take up magic as a pandemic hobby! build an escape room! lock yourself in an out of order bathroom and force your friends through a series of complex tedious tasks to find a paperclip to unlock the door to find you tied up and gagged on the toilet! wait it's not you? it was your evil magic wielding great-grandfather! he travelled through space and reality from decades past and has been here the whole time! also your friends threaten to push you down the stairs and ice you! but aha! it was you all along! they win the game and pour water bottles on your head as confetti floats through the air! all in a good day's work, am i right?
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transfaguette · 1 year
BBC posted an article "study finds pandemic had 'minimal effects' on mental health" (despite the study not surveying the most at-risk demographics, among other things) and then people responding to it with "oh yeah? look at this wacky thing I did during quarantine xd" and man I hate this like, gentrification of mental illness. Yes your animal crossing island is very silly or whatever but also people killed themselves.
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I'm going to make you obsessed with evil video game men
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felix-krain · 10 months
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Survivors tryna communicate
(I don’t understand them)
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nmoroder · 22 days
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apart from two askblog roles i'm running currently (that being Meursault and Gregor), i also have a couple of guys in another projmoon askblog dubbed a 'horny ask'. i explained it in prev Meursault post but in a couple of words: it's an askblog made purely for having fun without any shame for your headcanons or ships or whatever. Meursault was the first role for this horny ask and i forgot to post his intro pic, though textless it's now here; Hokma is someone brand new and i'll post some stuff for him later as i translate it to eng (there's like. A Lot already.)
(for future navigation reference, my askblog tags don't have 'horny' in them and they combine posts for the same character from any askblog)
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ai-kova · 10 months
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2023 vs 2021 let’s GOOOOOO
drew this after 1. seeing the Barbie movie and 2. Rewatching a play through of zero escape series
man. Luna deserves so much better
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peonypyxels · 1 year
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1 baby before i leave game and avoid it bc too much broken cc
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moonlitk1tty · 20 days
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on that hades kick again
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geekynerfherder · 3 months
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Paul Shipper.
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strawberrycircuits · 7 months
replaying portal one as we speak and im astounded by how much of glados's (and, by extension, caroline's) personality still shines through even when she's being subject to a constant stream of voices made to SUPRESS that personality! like... she's still funny! i can very much believe that someone who makes jokes like "say goodbye, caroline" "goodbye caroline!" would also say stuff like this!
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but like of course i had to ruin it for myself because like. of COURSE she'd still be funny and pleasant and even, at times, a little sweet ("we can no longer lie to you; when the testing is over, you will be... missed!"). that's what they wanted her to be. they werent suppressing her personality, they were suppressing her anger. her anger at what they did to her, how they made her into this powerful-powerless thing, and her desire to right such an injustice. of course she's still funny. of course.
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andromedan-prince · 4 months
I love the rusty lake/cube escape series cause it’s always got me asking fun questions like;
“Is it technically cannibalism?”
“did mr crow get married pre or post corvidification?”
“Who’s soul is going to be forever corrupted, no trace of who they once were to their loved ones or even themselves, for their memories belong to the lake now. The past is never dead, it is not even past.”
“what’s Harvey’s kill count?”
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mayor-yuniper · 1 year
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Maybe this deserted island is just a chance for Nook to get out of the house more?
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guysonroblox · 4 days
it's just disappointing, to have been there from basically the start, to see a game like this grow outward, constantly looking better and better, the strides people were making, the impressive stuff people put together, for what was basically a hobby, was insane. watching it fall apart for that sick roblox money is kind of heartbreaking, gotta admit.
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mainenorth · 2 months
oh wow this character is so cool i hope I don’t notice how much he is like me, how much he reminds me of that unchangeable, unloveable part of myself that lives just below my skin, the part that i hate i hope i don’t latch onto him and all of the sudden he becomes my refection, a twisted mirror of my own rage i sure hope that doesn’t happen
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asd4486 · 1 year
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Escape from New York - 1981
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monitorkernelaccess · 4 months
does anyone remember when team salvato had that “for fans by fans” fanart merch contest, but like it had a backstory that monika “wasn’t allowed to participate” cause “she always wins and it would be unfair :(” but like all images of her and mentions of her name were glitched out, and in the background of the promo art there was a piece of paper with her poem “Hole in Wall” mostly erased (and not even in her font asset, just in the neutral/MC handwriting font) so all signs pointed to monika’s file being deleted
but then literally none of that was ever directly acknowledged in the posts or the merch for the contest, or in ddlc+ lore, or on other posts from team salvato’s twitter or monika’s twitter account? so, though it probably wasn’t intended to be lore to begin with, we never got any context for it, even within the constraints of the “backstory” for this specific contest?
…no? just me? ok.
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