#National Chianti Day
floridaboiler · 2 years
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HAPPY NATIONAL CHIANTI DAY!!! The first Friday in September each year ushers in a celebration worthy of a toast. National Chianti Day recognizes the most-recognized red wines from the Tuscany region of Italy. #ChiantiDay / #NationalChiantiDay /
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subby-sab · 9 months
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Today is 1st of September.
Today is National Chianti Day, National Lazy Mom's Day.
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nationaldaycalendar · 2 years
SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 | NATIONAL V-J DAY | NATIONAL COLLEGE COLORS DAY | NATIONAL FOOD BANK DAY | NATIONAL LAZY MOM’S DAY | NATIONAL BLUEBERRY POPSICLE DAY | NATIONAL CHIANTI DAY NATIONAL V-J DAY | SEPTEMBER 2 On September 2nd, National V-J Day (Victory over Japan Day) recognizes Allied Forces’ victory over Japan during World War II.  Officials announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies on…
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Living With Ghosts: 4. Pretty Broken
His body stands straight, but his mind betrays him. He still wears his gun around his left shoulder. It looks too heavy for him now, just like his conscience.
Relationship: Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,150
Warnings: Mentions of blood and war
As much as I like Ghost’s demeanor throughout the game, I cannot help but wonder what he would be like suffering the aftereffects of war.
Entire work on AO3
Table of Contents
It’s been days since you last talked to him.
His inattentiveness, however, was not the outcome of your petty little brawl—not the direct consequence, at least. If you had to venture a guess, it’s because he was busy with other matters at the moment—far more important ones.
The Russian Mafia appears to have increased its presence in the region over the past week, raising suspicions of a potential terrorist attack. As a result, the CIA has requested high readiness from the Special Forces operators deployed in the area.
That’s where he is, you fool. It doesn’t matter how abandoned, lonely, or insecure you feel, for he had a job to do. He was right there, at the front line, risking his life for the nation’s—and probably the world’s—safety. You were the last thing on his mind right now; if you ever were anything to him but a mild inconvenience.
Let’s not forget that you also had a part to play in this operation; to actively scan land, air, and sea for irregular traffic and report to the CIA.
Well, not actively, per se—the safe house has a well-equipped wine cellar for that specific purpose.
“Surveillance Control Center,” they call it—SCC for short.
What was once used to store ruby-red Chianti Classico Riserva bottles can now be confused with the cockpit of a spaceship. The CIA engineers have outdone themselves with this one—you give them that.
The SCC is part of a computer network connecting every CIA safe house in the Mediterranean. It incorporates CCTV monitors, cameras, radars, and motion sensors designed to detect unusual movements in the region. Live-streaming feeds are processed using highly sophisticated software, which, upon catching unusual traffic, alerts the SCC’s terminal. The wine cellar also houses an arsenal of weapons and ammunition, just in case the shit hits the fan.
Your job, for now, is to oversee the SCC’s flawless operation and inform Laswell of any findings.
Boring; that’s what your job was. Boring.
“Christmas is coming,” Laswell’s voice sounded over the telephone, “You guys should do something to celebrate.”
“Do what, exactly, Kate? Go from house to house and sing carols on behalf of the CIA?” You reply, leaning forward as if you were trying to physically get your point across.
“If you’d stop being a sarcastic shit, then perhaps you could think a little better.” Her irritation rasped in her voice. “Do something together; think of it as a team-building event.”
He said he’d fix that attitude of yours; when was that team-building event going to take place?
She was right, though—as much as you’d hate to admit it. Christmas does bring people together.
You begin to reminisce about the good times back home when your family used to celebrate every year. You used to cook together, sing along to festive songs, watch Mr. Bean on television, and exchange gifts.
You remember your mother, who refrained from buying ornaments from the shops. She used to bake them instead—yes, bake them. She used to roll out the dough, give shape to it with cookie cutters and bake the ornaments so you would all decorate the Christmas tree with them. The entire house smelled divine with these four little ingredients she used in her recipe—cinnamon, salt, flour, and water.
Ingredients you already had in your pantry.
“Laswell, when’s my shift ending?” you asked in anticipation.
“It ended thirty-seven minutes ago. Tired of me?”
“I thought of something.” You announce, sitting on the edge of your seat.
“I have to go. Over and out.” You report as you close the comms and head upstairs to the infamous pantry.
Cinnamon, salt, flour, and water.
You were determined to make it work, right here, in this safe house—with or without Ghost.
You hurried outside, scanning the area for the tree branches he trimmed a few weeks ago. If you tie them together, you could create something resembling a Christmas tree.
When was the last time he felt the Christmas spirit? Does he have a Christmas tree at his house? A family to sing together next to the fireplace? A warm, festive meal?
You moved frantically—part Christmas elf rolling out dough and baking ornaments, part Frankenstein trying to assemble a Christmas tree monstrosity.
Time flew by; hours passed like minutes as you worked hard, your creativity unleashed, putting forth your best effort to create something out of nothing.
To create festive decor out of raw ingredients.
To construct a tree out of stray branches.
To form a connection out of two peoples’ broken pieces.
“What’s that smell?”
You were so focused that you didn’t notice him standing behind you.
You turn around to see a wreck, the fragments of a man who has probably seen terrible things and done far worse.
“I—is everything all right?” You hesitate.
“Out of trouble, for now.” He replies.
His body stands straight, but his mind betrays him. He still wears his gun around his left shoulder. It looks too heavy for him now, just like his conscience.
“Yes, I know. I spoke with Laswell. I mean, are you all right?”
“Been better.”
His uniform is dusty, and his boots are covered in mud. There is a slight rip on his balaclava, teasing you with a subtle view of his jawline, like a Geisha exposing her nape.
“It’s over, for now.” you try to comfort him.
There’s blood on his left sleeve—a lot of blood. He just became aware of it as well.
“Not mine.” He announces and hides it behind his back. “What’s that smell?” He repeats, trying to avoid the conversation.
“Ya bakin’?” He seems shocked.
“Sort of; They’re ornaments for the Christmas tree,” you say, pointing in the direction of your most recent creation.
“A Christmas tree.” He stutters, glazed eyes darting left and right, assessing the new environment.
You want to tell him that there are no booby traps here, nothing dangerous to be careful of. You want to console him that there is no need to be alerted for an ambush here, for this is a safe space. No more killing, no more death, for now. Just you two, a hideous Christmas tree, and badly shaped cinnamon-baked ornaments.
“Do you like them?” You ask reluctantly, trying to divert his attention from this week’s horrors. “I couldn’t find any cookie cutters, so I shaped them with a knife instead. I tried to make them look pretty, but some came out broken.”
“Aren’t we all?” he mumbles as he walks towards the Christmas tree.
“Aren’t we all exactly what, lieutenant—pretty or broken?” you ask, attempting to lighten the mood.
“Pretty broken, kid,” he whispers as he picks up a shattered ornament. “Pretty damn broken.”
Next ->
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buttercupsfrocks · 2 years
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Greetings, tumblr. I warn you this isn't going to be much of a post for a whole raft of reasons:-
It's hotter than Satan's buttcrack outside and, consequently, inside my un-airconditioned first floor flat.
It's impossible for me to look soigné or remotely put together when I'm a sweaty, irritable mess.
There is a British Gas engineer currently boring holes in the outside walls of my flat with the aim of relocating my gas meter. The same thing is going on in my downstairs neighbours' flat. We have no say in this noisy, intrusive, cat-terrorising folderol. They've been threatening to do it for four years and we are literally the last house in the last street to be done. 'twas ever thus.
I had in fact written about two thirds of this original post and saved it as a draft. Tumblr since appears to have eaten that draft and washed it down with a nice Chianti. I have since lost the will to live.
My hair, as you can see, looked like crap when I took these pics.
The reason my hair looks like shite is because twelve days ago I had a cataract in my right eye removed and getting one's 'do done is not recommended for a couple of weeks after surgery.
Prior to surgery I had to take out my right contact lens and affect an eye-patch for a couple of weeks. I did not look piratical. Mainly because the size and positioning of my ears made the elastic intolerable after twenty minutes tops. Instead I had to make do with a Moorfields eyeshield stuffed with tissues and stuck to my face with Micropore. In 40ºC.
I'm hoping to get the left eye sorted late September/early October. A few weeks after that I'll find out whether I'll still need to wear contact lenses for distance and what prescription my new readers will be.
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So, yeah, cataracts. Only partial but rubbish genetics on my paternal grandmother's side have resulted in those and an official diagnosis of Pathological Myopia along with a squint I didn't even know I had. The cataract/next-best-thing-to-blind double whammy has been causing me double vision and a blind spot in my right eye for years and the situation was becoming critical. I'd also experienced occular migraines during lockdown, though I think they were down to stress. But, in short, my eyesight was a shitshow and I'd gotten whiplash from the conflicting advice I've received by eye specialists the length and breadth of London. I'm relieved to say Moorfields cataract department got the last word. Thus far I'm optimistic. Three weeks ago I couldn't read the numbers on buses unless I was physically boarding one. Now I could probably see them from space.
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But back to the main content of the post. Identically-cut Monki frock, gingham edition. Thus far they've offered this design in black, beige, light blue, orange, and lilac gingham. But there's a reason why the emerald green variation called to my heart.
Between the ages of 4 and 9 I attended a tiny private co-educational school. Admittedly this was many years ago but even then it was quaint and anachronistic. It was run by three sisters called Fowle and I had an elocution teacher who was older than God's dog and still wore long skirts and a bonnet. On Mondays we had to march, in single file, around the room we took dance classes in, in freshly whitened plimsoles to the strains of what later became the theme music to Monty Python's Flying Circus; this mysterious custom was known as Drill. We walked to the Headmistress's home for lunch every day, which was cooked by the kinder of her two sisters. That's how small the school was. It was also attended by kids of every conceivable nationality and ethnicity, and after it closed in the early 70s, the building subsequently became one of Erin Pizzey's shelters for women fleeing somestic violence.
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As a sprog my summer school uniform featured a green gingham dress, which I always rather liked. But – get this – the size of the gingham squares increased proportionally with the age and height of the wearer. So, while my dresses had teeny tiny squares on them, the "seniors" had big ones on theirs. By the time I was of high school age and attending a different institution, sixth formers were no longer required to wear uniform, but as soon as I clocked this dress the exotic allure of achieving Big Green Square Status came rushing back and I knew I had to claim it.
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Stay weird, tumblr. (And hydrated).
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jamieroxxartist · 9 months
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Today, Sept 1, 2023 is National #ChiantiDay!
A #Painting I painted a couple of years ago:
‘#Cheers’ #neoGenrePainting #PopArt 2020, acrylic and oil blend on canvas, 16"x20" by @ArtistJamieRoxx #JamieRoxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) This Sold Painting is Not Available.
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kermitjay · 9 months
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holidays-events · 9 months
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On August 28th, National Red Wine Day ushers in the flavors of fall. As the grapes ripen and signal a time for warmer sips, wine drinkers know reds mean tailgating and spicy foods.
Throughout the year, wine days afford us the opportunity to taste and learn about the differences between wines. Earlier this month National Prosecco Day gave us the last bubbly rays of summer. Now we savor the best of the season with Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot noir, Port, and Syrah.
When is National Wine Day?
Red wine varietals produce deep ruby reds as well as subtle ambers and browns. Their beautiful colors hint at the coming change in the season. With that, we can look for delicious menu changes, too. Besides, what better way to enjoy a great bottle of wine than by pairing it with excellent company and food. Restaurants around the country will be happy to oblige throughout the celebration. Be sure to check out the latest menus from appetizers to desserts.
Don’t fear the red, either. Even if you prefer a sweeter wine, there’s a red for you. Also, blends offer a way to enjoy the best of both wine worlds. And don’t fret. Red, red wine pairs well with salad, steak, dessert and so much more.
If you’re hesitant, attend a wine tasting. There you will learn more each time and find the wine that fits not only your palate but your cooking style, too.
HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalRedWineDay
Pour a glass or two of delicious red wine. Not sure what kind to try? Ask a sommelier and enjoy a wine tasting with friends. Use #NationalRedWineDay to share your favorites.
There are more ways to celebrate wine, too! Don’t miss these 9 Wine Celebrations and you’ll be the life of the party. We also provide you with available offers. Check out the Celebration Deals page for more info.
In 2014, Jace Shoemaker-Galloway created National Red Wine Day. 
Red Wine FAQ
Q. How many calories in a glass of red wine? A. One 5 ounce serving of red wine contains 125 calories.
Q. Is a rosé wine a red wine? A. Red grapes are used to make rosé wines. When making red wines, the skins remain in contact with the pulp and juice long enough to produce red wine. The production of rosé is similar. The juice and pulp remain in contact with the skins for a lesser amount of time giving the wine its rosy color.
Q. What are the names of some red wines? A. Merlot, Pinot Noir, Zinfandel, Bordeaux, Chianti, and Rioja are just a few red wines from around the world.
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dertaglichedan · 10 months
DAVID MARCUS: The insidious corporate push to keep Americans locked in their homes
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For at least the last century or so, there has been a basic, civic deal in American society and life: if you worked hard, even at modest employment, working-class luxuries were available.
Today, in our cold and all-too-empty, post-Covid lockdown age, that promise is being reneged on, and our nation is paying the price.
Our shopping malls, where they still exist, are too often cesspools of half empty floors filled with a stale sense of reminiscence of what once was.
In the stores that are open, like LuluLemon and Lowes, employees are fired for trying to stop criminals from ravaging the shelves in their thievery. What message does this send to the middle-class consumer if not, “You can come, but there might be a flash mob of shoplifters."
Our movie theaters, once shimmering with the glamor of Hollywood and dreams, lay in depressed doldrums of dirty destitution, where the projectors or air conditioning don't even work.
A trip to Disney World, which was traditionally a manageable extravagance for a sanitation worker with a wife and two kids, might as well be a first-class flight on the Concorde these days. Even Disney head honcho Bob Iger says it's too expensive.
In New York, the government wants to shut down wood-fire pizza joints to save the planet. These are some of the only restaurants in the city where a couple can have a tablecloth, a bottle of Chianti, and get out for under a hundred bucks.
Notice that when it comes to climate change, it’s always the working man’s gas stove, or gas car, or power generator that gets the ax. It's never, for example, John Kerry or Leonardo DiCaprio’s private jets.
Even the parks and recreation centers in most of our cities stand in stolid disrepair, many overrun by junkies, and some just abandoned by local governments completely.
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happyfirecreation · 2 years
Get High-end Rental Property In Italy
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We'll assist you discover the best coastline residence in Positano, or a high cliff top castello on the island of Capri. With infinity swimming pools, modern-day cooking areas, open strategy living and also exquisite sights of the Italian countryside and coast, this isla dolce vitaserved to you on a gold plate. San Niccolo has actually likewise created a bespoke consultatory service that is designed to help you to examine the marketplace as well as discover the optimal realty; including special, historical possessions and also other features that make a residential property attract attention. San Niccolo has a wonderful series of residential properties readily available to check out including rental properties, estates, castles, wineries, houses as well as farmhouses. Italy has a widely different heritage that consists of several distinct building designs that have evolved via the centuries. Casa & Nation runs approximately Umbria, Tuscany and Sardinia and has a superb portfolio of high-end homes that consists of stately town hall, sprawling coastal rental properties, country castles, farmhouses and also magnificently frescoed homes.
And also, having a gondola as your primary setting of public transport is rather trendy, also. The birth place of the Renaissance as well as perhaps among the most attractive agenzia immobiliare capo d'orlando nextcasa and also culturally vital cities in the world, Florence is soaked in background. We will not share your details with any 3rd parties as well as you can unsubcribe at any time.
Attractive suite on the Piedmont coastline of Lake Maggiore, built in the late XIX century and transformed by the designer Vietti in 1925 in a modern-day style rental property with big windows as well as large terraces to enjoy a beautiful lake sight.
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Its origins go back 1811 although it is stated there was a building in the late 1600.
Place Prestigious house of the 80's with behind the famous historical park of ... Picking to reside in Sicily is like picking a various style of living. The slow-moving rhythm of life, scrumptious food, cozy friendliness, old ... With captivating medieval towns, rolling hills, wineries, as well as olive groves, the enchanting landscapes of Tuscany have actually constantly mesmerized tourists. Milan has constantly been the whipping heart of the Italian economic situation, however it also draws in visitors with its vivid night life, incredible dining scene, and unmatched cultural as well as creative landscape.
It's formed of three houses, yet it could be reinstated as a solitary residence. And surrounding the art nouveau vacation home are well-planted gardens and an old swimming pool that requires remediation. These Lake Como residential or commercial properties supply a taste of waterfront living-- consisting of a 1920s neoclassical suite with wonderful woodwork and stained-glass accents and a modern-day duplex with cross-vaulted ceilings as well as minimal surfaces.
This lovely suite with vineyard and also olive grove is within the limits of Chianti Classico as well as not much from Greve in Chianti as well as Florence airport. The origins of the website of the suite, chapel and outhouses go back to the 10th century. Situated about 45 km from Milan, in a landscaped yard of 15,000 sq m, this magnificent building is composed of a 1,800 sq m suite and a separated home of 200 sq m, and also delights in a. Breathtaking farmhouse with annex in Pienza, of concerning 560 square meters in overall and bordered by regarding one hectare of fenced garden, opens up the view to 360 ° on the Val d'Orcia and ... In the heart of the Parioli district, and also exactly in Via Giuseppe Mercalli, a quiet street beside Via Bertoloni, in a classy building with concierge service, we offer a. This stunning seaside city is located in the district of Lucca, in Tuscany on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Marco Badalla utilizes his experience in real estate market to locate the most effective waterfront and deluxe residences in the picturesque region of Lake Como. Residential Property At Lake Como supplies the most effective listing of Italian residences at Lake Como offered available for sale and also lease. Run by prominent neighborhood realtor Marco Badalla, Property at Lake Como largely collaborates with the objective of helping households, musicians, business owners, and celebs from around the world discover their dream residence at Lake Como.
Additionally get worth added services for your vacation by selecting luxury house leasings through us. " The COVID-19 pandemic has only boosted the demand for prime residential properties in the location, so it now exceeds supply," said Lone Heron, worldwide sales supervisor at Residential property at Lake Como, Luxury Portfolio International. Italy's rich culture, vivid art scene, distinguished cooking heritage, and also jaw-dropping landscapes make it the ultimate vacation destination.
The home includes a huge exclusive yard as well as can be renovated to establish 3 separate apartment or condos. Lake Como is 45kms North of Milan in Lombardy as well as just couple of kilometres from the Switzerland border. Lake Come is one of finest destination on the planet to live luxury life. There are best option to purchase or lease property at lake Como shores.
The developer of Como's neoclassical museum Volta Holy place, designer Federico Frigerio, developed this 1920s art nouveau house, which stands majestically with an enforcing tower. The San Fermo Della Battaglia home is abundant in elaborate woodwork, most notably a coffered wood ceiling, and also has a ceiling fresco and also marble-lined wall surfaces. The suite has direct accessibility to the water with its own jetty and is surrounded by English-style gardens grown with trees, wildflowers as well as magnolias and a swimming pool. Located within the parklands of the famous Rental property da Riva, this lakefront 350 sqm Blevio property go back to the late 1800s though it's been entirely refurbished within the last decade. Diverse interiors layer industrial and minimal elements upon initial features, such as the greenhouse kitchen with steel-framed home windows as well as stainless-steel home appliances and also marble counters. This waterside hut's grand, timber-beamed roofing scoops a pitch, with umbrella-like overhanging eaves that shade its outside terraces.
The city of Verona, famously the setting for Romeo as well as Juliet, is recognized worldwide as a symbol of love. Thanks to numerous brand-new airline company paths, Sardinia has never ever been so available. Wild and at the same time internationally popular, this magnificent island ... All info supplied here has actually been acquired from resources believed trustworthy, but might go through errors, omissions, adjustment of rate, previous sale, or withdrawal without notice. Christie's International Property and its affiliates make no depiction, guarantee or guaranty as to precision of any type of info consisted of herein.
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tcteam723 · 2 years
Airbnb: In wine country, US Hosts earned more than $270 million in Q2 2022
Airbnb: In wine country, US Hosts earned more than $270 million in Q2 2022
It’s grape to be a Host in the Vineyards Category, with the US Host near a winery typically earning more than $8,000 from April to June 2022.There are more than 120,000 listings in the Vineyard Category on Airbnb around the world, as of May 2022. Whether it’s International Grenache Day, National Chianti Day, or just Wednesday, it’s probably wine o’clock somewhere. If you don’t believe us, just…
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floridaboiler · 2 years
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It’s national Chianti Day
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nobertsales · 2 years
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Happy National Chianti Day! Chianti Is the Only Place that Can Call their Wine Chianti. Like Champagne, the name ‘Chianti’ is fiercely protected. Only the wines grown and vinified in the Chianti region can call themselves Chianti. Chianti is red-fruit dominant - red cherry, strawberry, plum - with floral notes and medium plus to high tannins. It can take on leathery notes with mushroom and meatiness with age. Wines that see oak may develop a smokey tobacco quality. The wine’s naturally medium plus to high acidity makes it a complementary partner for culinary masterpieces using tomato-based sauces, a.k.a. Wednesday Spaghetti Night and abundantly food-friendly in general. 🍷 #NationalChiantiDay #Chianti #FoodSales #WeKnowFood #FoodConsultant #FoodDude #FoodService #Food #FoodServiceSolutions #FoodOfTheDay #NobertSales @NobertSales (at Germantown, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiBv96bgDpr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nationaldaycalendar · 9 months
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 9.2
Badger Badger Badger Mushroom Day
Bison-Ten-Yell Day
Calendar Adjustment Day
Democracy Day (Tibet)
Dia de Ceuta (Spain)
Gaura Parba (Nepal)
Good Society Day
International Vulture Awareness Day
Mariamoba (Republic of Georgia)
Mindfulness Day
National Beheading Day
National Indoor Air Quality Day
National Live Fearless Day
National No Patrick Day (SpongeBob)
Old Timer’s Day
Onliners Day
Pierce Your Ears Day
Sedantag (Germany)
Spalding Baseball Day
Victory Over Japan Day (US)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Beer & Can Day
National Beer and Wings Day
National Blueberry Popsicle Day
World Coconut Day
1st Friday in September
Belgian Beer Weekend begins (Belgisch Bierweekend) [1st Friday thru Sunday]
Bring Your Manners To Work Day [1st Friday]
Casual Day (South Africa) [1st Friday]
Dri-jerbal (Labor Day; Marshall Islands) [1st Friday]
Freddie Mercury’s Montreux Memorial Day begins [Weekend of 1st Friday]
Labor Day Weekend (U.S. & Canada) [Begins Friday before 1st Monday in September]
Benton Neighbor Day (Benton, Missouri)
Britt Draft Horse Show (Britt, Iowa)
Bumbershoot (Seattle, Washington)
Central City Rock 'n' Roll Cruise-in & Concert (Central City, Kentucky)
Cleveland National Air Show (Cleveland, Ohio)
Clothesline Fair (Prairie Grove, Arkansas)
Colombia River Cross Channel Swim (Hood River, Oregon)
Colorado Balloon Classic (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Commonwheel Labor Day Weekend Arts and Crafts Festival (Manitou Springs, Colorado)
Daniel Boone Pioneer Days (Winchester, Kentucky)
Fort Bridger Rendezvous (Fort Bridger, Wyoming)
Great Bathtub Race (Nome, Alaska)
Great Grove Bed Race (Coconut Grove, Florida)
Harvest Wine Celebration (Livermore, California)
Hog Capital of the World Festival (Kewanee, Illinois)
Hopkinton State Fair (Contoocook, New Hampshire)
Iroquois Arts Festival (Howes Cave, New York)
Johnson City Field Days (Johnson City, New York)
Jubilee Days Festival (Zion, Illinois)
Lifelight Outdoor Music Festival (Worthing, South Dakota)
Mackinac Bridge Walk (St. Ignace, Michigan)
National Championship Chuckwagon Races (Clinton, Arkansas)
National Hard Crab Derby and Fair (Crisfield, Maryland)
National Sweetcorn Festival (Hoopeston, Illinois)
Oatmeal Festival (Bertram/Oatmeal, Texas)
Odyssey Greek Festival (Orange, Connecticut)
On the Waterfront (Rockford, Illinois)
Old Threshers Reunion (Mount Pleasant, Iowa)
Oregon Trail Rodeo (Hastings, Nebraska)
Payson Golden Onion Days (Payson, Utah)
Pennsylvania Arts & Crafts Colonial Festival (Greensburg, Pennsylvania)
Popeye Picnic (Chester, Illinois)
Santa-Cali-Gon Days Festival (Independence, Missouri)
Scandinavian Fest (Budd Lake, New Jersey)
Sta-Bil Nationals Championship Lawn Mower Race (Delaware, Ohio)
Snake River Duck Race (Nome, Alaska)
Taste of Colorado (Denver, Colorado)
Taste of Madison (Madison, Wisconsin)
Totah Festival (Farmington, New Mexico)
Waikiki Roughwater Swim (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Westfest Czech Heritage Festival (West, Texas)
West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival (Clarksburg, West Virginia)
Wisconsin State Cow-Chip Throw (Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin)
Woodstock Fair (Woodstock, Connecticut)
World Championship Barbecue Goat Cook-Off (Brady, Texas)
National Chianti Day [1st Friday]
National Food Bank Day [1st Friday]
National Lazy Mom’s Day [1st Friday]
Wear Teal Day [1st Friday]
Independence Days
Artsakh (from USSR, 1991) [unrecognized]
Nagorno-Karabakh (from Azerbaijan, 1991) [unrecognized]
Transnistria (from Moldova, 1990) [unrecognized]
Vietnam (from France & Japan, 1945)
Feast Days
Acepsimas of Hnaita and companions (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Agricola of Avignon (Christian; Saint)
Antoninus of Pamiers (Christian; Saint)
Benny Hill Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Brocard (Christian; Saint)
Castor of Apt (Christian; Saint)
Diomedes (Christian; Saint)
Eleazar (Christian; Saint)
Feast of All (Nussairis, Asia Minor)
Feast of Bishamonten (Japan)
Feast of Osiris (Egyptian God of Agriculture)
Hieu (Christian; Saint)
Ingrid of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Justus of Lyon (Christian; Saint)
Margaret of Louvain (Christian; Saint)
Maxima of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Nipple Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Nonnosus (Christian; Saint)
Princess Tizz (Muppetism)
Stephen, King of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Watt (Positivist; Saint)
William of Roskilde (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Unlucky Day [8 of 11]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, by The Dead Kennedys (Album; 1980)
The Iceman Cometh (Play; 1946)
I Shall Wear Midnight, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2010) [Discworld #38]
Return to Forever, by Chick Corea (Album; 1972)
The Third Man (Film; 1949)
Today’s Name Days
Ingrid, René (Austria)
Mladen, Ostoja, Oton, Višnja (Croatia)
Patricie (Czech Republic)
Maria (Denmark)
Milve, Milvi (Estonia)
Kukka-Maaria, Maaria, Maija, Maiju, Maikki, Mari, Maria, Marika, Meeri, Riia (Finland)
Martinien (France)
Franz, Ingrid, René, Salomon (Germany)
Mamas (Greece)
Ottó (Hungary)
Bernardino, Maria (Italy)
Dauma, Ilvars, Lauma, Vineta (Latvia)
Gantautė, Jotvingas, Marijonas (Lithuania)
Kjartan, Kjellfrid (Norway)
Juda, Maria, Martynian, Otto, Piotr, Urban (Poland)
Berta (Slovakia)
Bernardino, Marcia, Urbano, Vidal (Spain)
Rosa, Rosita (Sweden)
Brock, Brook, Brooke, Brooklyn, Brooklynn, Brooks, Cassidy, Cassie, Castor, Kassidy, Kassie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 245 of 2022; 120 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 35 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 7 (Wu-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 6 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 5 Ṣafar 1444
J Cal: 5 Aki; Fourday [5 of 30]
Julian: 20 August 2022
Moon: 38% Waning Crescent
Positivist: 21 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Watt]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 73 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 10 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Muin (Vine) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 9 of 13]
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 9.2
Badger Badger Badger Mushroom Day
Bison-Ten-Yell Day
Calendar Adjustment Day
Democracy Day (Tibet)
Dia de Ceuta (Spain)
Gaura Parba (Nepal)
Good Society Day
International Vulture Awareness Day
Mariamoba (Republic of Georgia)
Mindfulness Day
National Beheading Day
National Indoor Air Quality Day
National Live Fearless Day
National No Patrick Day (SpongeBob)
Old Timer’s Day
Onliners Day
Pierce Your Ears Day
Sedantag (Germany)
Spalding Baseball Day
Victory Over Japan Day (US)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Beer & Can Day
National Beer and Wings Day
National Blueberry Popsicle Day
World Coconut Day
1st Friday in September
Belgian Beer Weekend begins (Belgisch Bierweekend) [1st Friday thru Sunday]
Bring Your Manners To Work Day [1st Friday]
Casual Day (South Africa) [1st Friday]
Dri-jerbal (Labor Day; Marshall Islands) [1st Friday]
Freddie Mercury’s Montreux Memorial Day begins [Weekend of 1st Friday]
Labor Day Weekend (U.S. & Canada) [Begins Friday before 1st Monday in September]
Benton Neighbor Day (Benton, Missouri)
Britt Draft Horse Show (Britt, Iowa)
Bumbershoot (Seattle, Washington)
Central City Rock 'n' Roll Cruise-in & Concert (Central City, Kentucky)
Cleveland National Air Show (Cleveland, Ohio)
Clothesline Fair (Prairie Grove, Arkansas)
Colombia River Cross Channel Swim (Hood River, Oregon)
Colorado Balloon Classic (Colorado Springs, Colorado)
Commonwheel Labor Day Weekend Arts and Crafts Festival (Manitou Springs, Colorado)
Daniel Boone Pioneer Days (Winchester, Kentucky)
Fort Bridger Rendezvous (Fort Bridger, Wyoming)
Great Bathtub Race (Nome, Alaska)
Great Grove Bed Race (Coconut Grove, Florida)
Harvest Wine Celebration (Livermore, California)
Hog Capital of the World Festival (Kewanee, Illinois)
Hopkinton State Fair (Contoocook, New Hampshire)
Iroquois Arts Festival (Howes Cave, New York)
Johnson City Field Days (Johnson City, New York)
Jubilee Days Festival (Zion, Illinois)
Lifelight Outdoor Music Festival (Worthing, South Dakota)
Mackinac Bridge Walk (St. Ignace, Michigan)
National Championship Chuckwagon Races (Clinton, Arkansas)
National Hard Crab Derby and Fair (Crisfield, Maryland)
National Sweetcorn Festival (Hoopeston, Illinois)
Oatmeal Festival (Bertram/Oatmeal, Texas)
Odyssey Greek Festival (Orange, Connecticut)
On the Waterfront (Rockford, Illinois)
Old Threshers Reunion (Mount Pleasant, Iowa)
Oregon Trail Rodeo (Hastings, Nebraska)
Payson Golden Onion Days (Payson, Utah)
Pennsylvania Arts & Crafts Colonial Festival (Greensburg, Pennsylvania)
Popeye Picnic (Chester, Illinois)
Santa-Cali-Gon Days Festival (Independence, Missouri)
Scandinavian Fest (Budd Lake, New Jersey)
Sta-Bil Nationals Championship Lawn Mower Race (Delaware, Ohio)
Snake River Duck Race (Nome, Alaska)
Taste of Colorado (Denver, Colorado)
Taste of Madison (Madison, Wisconsin)
Totah Festival (Farmington, New Mexico)
Waikiki Roughwater Swim (Honolulu, Hawaii)
Westfest Czech Heritage Festival (West, Texas)
West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival (Clarksburg, West Virginia)
Wisconsin State Cow-Chip Throw (Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin)
Woodstock Fair (Woodstock, Connecticut)
World Championship Barbecue Goat Cook-Off (Brady, Texas)
National Chianti Day [1st Friday]
National Food Bank Day [1st Friday]
National Lazy Mom’s Day [1st Friday]
Wear Teal Day [1st Friday]
Independence Days
Artsakh (from USSR, 1991) [unrecognized]
Nagorno-Karabakh (from Azerbaijan, 1991) [unrecognized]
Transnistria (from Moldova, 1990) [unrecognized]
Vietnam (from France & Japan, 1945)
Feast Days
Acepsimas of Hnaita and companions (Syriac Orthodox Church)
Agricola of Avignon (Christian; Saint)
Antoninus of Pamiers (Christian; Saint)
Benny Hill Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Brocard (Christian; Saint)
Castor of Apt (Christian; Saint)
Diomedes (Christian; Saint)
Eleazar (Christian; Saint)
Feast of All (Nussairis, Asia Minor)
Feast of Bishamonten (Japan)
Feast of Osiris (Egyptian God of Agriculture)
Hieu (Christian; Saint)
Ingrid of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Justus of Lyon (Christian; Saint)
Margaret of Louvain (Christian; Saint)
Maxima of Rome (Christian; Saint)
Nipple Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Nonnosus (Christian; Saint)
Princess Tizz (Muppetism)
Stephen, King of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Watt (Positivist; Saint)
William of Roskilde (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Unlucky Day [8 of 11]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, by The Dead Kennedys (Album; 1980)
The Iceman Cometh (Play; 1946)
I Shall Wear Midnight, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 2010) [Discworld #38]
Return to Forever, by Chick Corea (Album; 1972)
The Third Man (Film; 1949)
Today’s Name Days
Ingrid, René (Austria)
Mladen, Ostoja, Oton, Višnja (Croatia)
Patricie (Czech Republic)
Maria (Denmark)
Milve, Milvi (Estonia)
Kukka-Maaria, Maaria, Maija, Maiju, Maikki, Mari, Maria, Marika, Meeri, Riia (Finland)
Martinien (France)
Franz, Ingrid, René, Salomon (Germany)
Mamas (Greece)
Ottó (Hungary)
Bernardino, Maria (Italy)
Dauma, Ilvars, Lauma, Vineta (Latvia)
Gantautė, Jotvingas, Marijonas (Lithuania)
Kjartan, Kjellfrid (Norway)
Juda, Maria, Martynian, Otto, Piotr, Urban (Poland)
Berta (Slovakia)
Bernardino, Marcia, Urbano, Vidal (Spain)
Rosa, Rosita (Sweden)
Brock, Brook, Brooke, Brooklyn, Brooklynn, Brooks, Cassidy, Cassie, Castor, Kassidy, Kassie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 245 of 2022; 120 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 35 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Coll (Hazel) [Day 28 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 7 (Wu-Wu)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 6 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 5 Ṣafar 1444
J Cal: 5 Aki; Fourday [5 of 30]
Julian: 20 August 2022
Moon: 38% Waning Crescent
Positivist: 21 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Watt]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 73 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 10 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Muin (Vine) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 9 of 13]
0 notes